Break Wyll's contract and save Duke Ulder | Mizora reaction - Baldur's Gate 3

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what did I tell you a momentous occasion I'm sure you agree I've had enough mazura what do you want for your attention little pup nothing more and you'll be glad to give it what Ash has had your father relocated to the slaughter the way I hear it [ __ ] your dad's good as dead pop and to think there's no way to save him oh is there you know something I know enough I'll be in your Camp if you want to work something out of course she'd stick her infernal nose where it doesn't belong of course she's dreamed up some risible scheme by all the hounds of the hells what is she planning a little too eager for my liking well we'll have answers soon enough let's talk to mazura until then may my father keep safe whatever Coop he's been flown to roaring back come sisters be my Testament no tomb sit in Bear talk [Music] heard of such Devils sisters of justice adjudicators of diabolical contracts and Bargains Holy House Fina serious Arbiters for the hells exemplars of Justice enough mazora where is my father how do I save him how else we bargain sisters In fairness contractors infernos contractors [Music] forged in fire Bound in bone but not Unbreakable [Music] a life for a life no contract has ended without sacrifice the cost must be paid will will ravengard a choice is before you option one I show you the way to your father I guarantee him no harm except that from you and your allies and you pled your soul to me and the archdevils are real in a pact eternal option two I break your part and you are freed from your duty your father dies by his enemy's hand and Baldur's Gate loses its greatest champion name your sacrifice bloody zariel I won't let her take will silence carlak Missouri you [ __ ] choose you damned wretch father do it Break The Pact eater didn't think you had it in you seems my boys all grown up and don't go fussing about your father you made your choice you knew the terms you know what I think I'll stick around not for the greater good you understand just for the entertainment Gods I spent seven years choked by Missouri's leash and I spent seven years hoping to break free and ever knew Freedom could taste so bittersweet [Music] the father will die his blood will pay for my freedom what sort of man would I be if I had no remorse but I won't miss Missouri's least squeezing my neck tomorrow I celebrate my gain but today I mourn my loss a moment passes Stillness find a low quality The Raven God name now lives solely with me I will make it count for something [Music] I signed his life away before the hell's Witnesses you're to drink the sticks down to the last drop than to alter his fate I'd be a fool to wish otherwise [Music] [Music] little Wills all grown up I can't wait to see what trouble he gets into [Music] impossible my bargain was uncommonly reasonable a single soul for the return of Boulders Gates most beloved Duke a real bargain I should think I never thought the Legendary Blade of Frontiers would surrender his father for Freedom not very valorous if you ask me but what does it mean Old Devil like me know about heroes just because he's not my pet doesn't mean he's not useful the absolutists worked a number on me at Moonrise and you're the best hope I've got at Payback no one crosses the hell's children without getting scorched [Music] I'm afraid that's not an option and quite stubborn you see take a swing or a stab if you want but I'll just slip away for a breather one of the perks of being a half devil of course foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's this you ain't supposed to be down here mate you spot a curious metal Contraption in the water a submersible no news is good news right especially with the rough water between here and the iron throne no prisoners lost in the last batch of runs either though then Servants of humbly are making the trip damn near deadly bloody salt is always flopping around in the water I've almost hit one or two now might have been nicked one of the poor bow the other day maybe they'll teach them to keep out of the way [Music] it's an underwater prison most secure in the Realms myself and cap are the only ones who can make it there in one piece Lord gortash keeps some gondians there collateral to keep those working in the steel watch Foundry under control all the Raven guard is here he must be if he is that's Lord gortash's Business I don't ask questions boss never sends anyone that away but prisoners huh not like him to surprise me but mad times I'll take you in but look there's some bad [ __ ] going down in there you don't want to get involved neither did I but it was them or me I'll get cat warmed up get in when you're ready aren't you the Intrepid into Adventurer digging and Diving where you don't belong the Iron Throne a ruin from the city's dark past that could become a template for a brighter future it is the most useful tool for motivating my gandhian Workforce key to the construction of the steel watch that keep the city safe but like all tools the moment it ceases to be useful I will break thanks to your trespassing that moment may have come return to the docks or the deaths of everyone inside will be on your conscience to them how many lives will be lost that was a mistake when the corpses start to wash up on the shore you could have prevented all of this [Music] thank you well my pet I was hoping you'd bound along a bargain's a bargain and I've come to see it through Mia fiorea Neil for me no do wipe that frown off your face this is what you wanted after all now stand back and enjoy the show [Music] thank you omnis greets you as the submersible slows to a halt unlike the Iron Throne you remain intact the same cannot be said for most of gortash's hostages to gravengard approaches you looking confused used he's tadpoled but under my protection now just like you his mind is his own again I'm free in my own mind again holy I will not take it for granted you have my gratitude friend you acted quickly decisively no soul who fell here did so in vain I will honor their sacrifice absolute its voice was clear as Crystal beautiful as a nymph smile it showed me the darkest lies and convinced me of their truth to be free it's like knowing the sun's warmth on my face for the first time thoughts of my own now and my purpose certain I will wait at your camp we can speak more there thoughts all right we're good to go first you cleave my heart in Twain now you shut it to Pieces my son a monster twist it beyond recognition to think my blood flows through those veins is this my fate to be freed from gortash's Hell only to be trapped in yours it isn't what you think it never was you turned your back on me on your city to chase the she devil and her power stinks up the place even now it is exactly what I think [Music] Raven God's tadpole clenches as your memories and wills flow into him rules I'm in your mind the Grand Duke sees mizora and her infernal sisters he sees the agony in Will's face as an impossible choice is set before him no son past becomes present and Will's thoughts are laid bare ravengard sees will partnering with mazora to defeat tiamat's cultists before they could lay Siege to Baldur's Gate and he sees everything Beyond the nautiloid journey the perilous path to moonrise the astral prison and the emperor within will everything I did I did for Baldur's Gate I did for you son sold your soul to save Baldur's Gate and I cast you out for it you gave yourself to the hell's Eternal fire so I might walk free by the Gods [Music] can you ever forgive me there's nothing to forgive you wanted to protect the city I only ever wanted the same you are a better man than most and a better son than I deserve Elliot make amends but my duty is first and foremost to the city and its people there's something I must ask of you before I was captured I was on a mission returning from outerail I discovered the plans of the absolutists I immediately realized that City couldn't defend itself against such an army I didn't despair because the city has a secret Guardian a worm that sleeps beneath he can be called upon in times of great need this is such a Time you've been trained in the ways of the great Champions and proven to be one of them the worm will answer your call must seek him out a bronze dragon yes he sleeps beneath us even now awaiting a hero to Rouse him the worm goes by many names answer The Waiting storm the heart of the gate he promised Boulder and he'd protect the city if ever its existence was threatened but just the once since then the city has faced countless threats but we always overcame there was never a need to call on the worm until now the absolute is the greatest threat Boulder's Gate ever faced the world must be awakened and the task Falls to you take this the legend of anser an ancient Epic ill remembered dismissed as a mere tale let it set the path before you thank you thank you and may the city know the truth of my only son pride of Raven God pride of Boulder's Gate we'll finish what my father couldn't we an awaken answer the heart of the gate I disappointed him once I won't do it again Daddy just gave us the key to a living weapon that could melt that brain into goo go on read the legend of ansul unless you're too busy dreaming up new insults in which case let me save you some time soldier's pet Papa's Prince juke's Little Rich Boy the babe of Frontiers hmm that should cover it it's complicated there's the joy of reconciliation the relief of forgiveness and the anxiety of new expectation it's a flurry of emotion I'm not sure how to make sense of it relief my last seven years have been defined by the secrets I carried I feel light is a feather now that I've shed them when I left the city my father saw only a boy carrying the stench of the hells now he sees the man I made of myself once all this has ended once we've crushed the brain and freed the people I could once more call Baldur's Gate home whether I returned there well only time will tell saving Raven guard and making a fool out of me in a single swoop go on do your gloating you've earned it yes celebrate your fortunes but they are lost as quickly as they are gained for now you've tipped the scales in your favor tanks is a whisper for me to tip them back why look for hidden meaning when the words are laid sober sides now is a time of Celebration I am sure you and Duke ravengard have plenty to talk about yes let's talk the absolute's voice is gone but I still hear its echoes reflections of reflections my own family was never so true she deserved a better fate than death dearest Floyd may your journey to the fuel plain be a peaceful one [Music] I was returning from El Toro my traveling party stopped at an inn joaquin's rest to lay our heads it wasn't the heat that woke me it was the scent cultists had set fire to the place I don't remember being taken just the smoke burning my throat before I fell I awoken moonrise Towers inside one of those damnable pods [Music] the rest well the rest goes without saying a complicated one I went to greet alterelle's high of aseer only for the archdevil Zario to drag the city into the house I've been touched by a Venice being a play thing for demons a tale for other places other days [Music]
Channel: Northalix
Views: 99,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, save the duke baldurs gate 3, save wylls father, baldurs gate 3 wylls save the duke, baldur's gate 3 wyll contract, wyll breaks the contract, wyll breaks the contract outcome, baldur's gate 3 wyll breaks contract, baldru's gate 3 wyll contract choices, baldurs gate 3 save the duke, how to save the duke baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 wyll mizora, mizora wyll contract, mizora wyll, wyll mizora
Id: GVI2p2-_Mho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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