Braving Terrifying Undead-Infested Lands in Dwarf Fortress

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this swap doesn't yet seem that bad but it only takes three seconds for the first of many many Savage Undead monstrosities to encroach everyone scrambles with a freshly mined up cave for some semblance of safety in this terrifying land here dwarf fortress's complexities and challenge are compounded by the evil Aura and best in this place reanimating the dead and attracting the worst beasts ever recorded in Dwarven history it's a deadly combination but the site is critically important for establishing a foothold on the continent and for stopping the ever-expanding goblin threat to the north only time will tell if the Outpost of grasshorse can stand strong or if it's doomed to crumble the uncertainty of monsters above and limited foodstuffs below both demand immediate growth a stoneworker's shop is among the most basic of them but a craft dwarf here will turn Stone into all kinds of furniture it's not even in before an evil fog rolls across the surface no one knows what it does no one wants to find out they wall off the entrance to stop any fog that reaches it from sinking in that crude wall will eventually be replaced by a rock hatch but someone has to make one at the stonework shot before a builder will be able to install it at the entrance a craft doors workshop and a mechanic station going nearby to start off a stone working quarter a woodworking quarter gets started on the floor below with a carpenter station to make wood furniture and goods with what was stashed away before the front was walled off and only with that for now those Undead dingaman have wandered close anybody leaving the compound would probably draw their eye or slit wall is staying in place fortunately dwarves are experts at feeding themselves without ever seeing the Sun dobar and kubik start mining out a section closer to the surface for a kitchen and some Farm plots on that clay heavy soil the wagon did bring some food and drink but it's gonna run out before long probably at least without anyone dedicated to checking the socks everyone only has a rough estimate Olin the Expedition leader sets up and carves out a small space to be in office then designates himself as a manager broker and bookkeeper he's more fit for this than other physical labors and no one complains even when he starts issuing work orders some of these are one-time demands but others are recurring goals he tells dobar to make meals and drinks but only when there aren't enough stored away with the dingoes leaving the nearby area the dwarves unseal the entrance and wander out to secure more wood Wood's always going to be highly sought after for both furniture and eventually for metalworking The Rock hatch gets installed atop the staircase and a lever goes in closer to the entrance before more Undead can near Undead Drake swoop in before the last dingo beastman leaves they're surely terrifying ducks a drake isn't a dragon it's actually just a male duck and the dwarves all breathe a sigh of relief but they understandably need more than just temporary reprieve Olin tells everyone that he's gonna start them working on a couple of projects for fun and not just function everyone's had to sleep on the ground for the month it's been since getting here though with kubuk busy cooking doughborough alone has to mine out bedrooms they also start to establish a dining hall near the kitchen keeping production chains in this case from Farm to storage to Kitchen to storage to dining Halls all close to each other is a really good way to reduce hauling time and keep everything working efficiently keeping bedrooms nearby to each other isn't quite efficient but big apartment are easiest to plan everyone but all in gets one he's gonna have a bedroom near his office but it'll be the last bedroom installed this is his Outpost and he's not gonna have anyone else bearing hardships that he won't shoulder if he can it doesn't take long for another evil fog to roll in it might be chance bringing it to the doors but rumors about what kind of necromancer or witch might be responsible start swirling about brass Wars the Hat should keep it out but it also keeps everyone huddled inside for now an ashery goes in near the Woodstock pile to start making soap and a trade Depot goes in near the entrance a wood burning furnace also goes in to start making charcoal which will be used for smelters to eventually quit brave Soldiers with metal armor and weapons unfortunately the miners tunneling down have found neither iron nor coal to make that any better despite that a forge and a smelter going on the level below for when they do with the start of a functioning economy that's able to equip soldiers in it's time to turn to other problems food's getting low for both the dwarves and the horses that originally pulled the wagon here the undead outside means it's dangerous to pasture them out there and there's only really one way to fix both problems it involves Butchery and inviting that evil Aura a little closer to home to combat that kubik steps up as the militia commander bomrick and risen step up to join him as the first Squad of soldiers another dwarf leads the horse over and Slaughters him into Parts meat fat bones the undead hair brought back to life by disgusting black magic desperate to enact revenge and skin kubick quickly dispatches it this is what combat looks like although it's usually more than just a single brief haircut the hair will keep reanimating until it's dealt with more permanently which means that a farmer's Workshop goes in to turn it into threat the alternative is letting these two chill near the entrance forever olin's the only one brave enough to grab the hair liable to come back in his hands drag it to the farmer's workshop and spin it down into thread it'll eventually be used for clothes or for suturing wounds but maybe don't tell whoever's getting stitched up that the thread is haunted all the meat from the horses and the first harvest from the Farms above has the pantry looking a lot better everyone can use some help with their mood especially risen maybe a fancy outfit a loom and a Clothier goes in well Placer leather working starts across the hall maybe she also just needs better armor she is a soul Soldier forced to fight Undead monstrosities with nothing but a dress to protect her the dwarves still only have access to Copper but dubar Minds that more of the tetrahedrite that'll be smelted down and reforge into the armor coppers among the worst medals for it but it's better than nothing hopefully they find iron soon with armor coming in on the horizon it's time to start digging out of Barracks above the entrance and to carve out a Tavern for more relaxation and socialization it wouldn't do to have an unhinged Soldier get depressed and start killing everyone who knows a visiting Bard might even improve some of their moods especially now that some kids are here it's been close to half a year since the original Seven founded brass Wars somehow and for some ungodly reason a few migrants wander in its two competent soldiers married to each other plus two of their children sweet maybe but Undead storks arrive moments after the kids do it's kind of funny but it might be a little bit funnier if they didn't want to take the kids away everyone gets underground then yeah they're going to stay that way for now colonizing the surface will happen eventually but without a Litany of wall-equipped soldiers it's just asking for way too much trouble even the thought of surviving on the surface is Dubai are staring at a corner how to press oh actually he's pretty happy he's just enjoying himself this place supposed to be a lot more thrilling than the graphical update shows oh Bard wand is over and while accepting random people is a good way to have spies or other threats infiltrate no one's attacking brass toys just yet though and he plays good enough for a Bard ought to be making its own instruments unfortunately each one needs parts of various components and Brass Wars can only make one the rest need unavailable bone leather clay and or glass but all that is going to take a backseat to metal working which still needs a ton of Labor olin's caught in a fight with some of the undead storks but despite being unarmed he's able to easily handle himself and punch a few to death before actual soldiers arrive to slaughter the rest the corpses are too mangled to be butchered into useful part and the lack of any nearby Undead means that worse ones can show up giant Undead blackbirds soar through the skies any kind of giant creatures terrifying in combat even when not Undead which means that it's time to burrow and stay safe yet again storing more wood should have been a higher priority while it was safe to go out since metalworking takes so much charcoal but that I'll just have to slow down for now there's still no iron but it's nearing when Traders will arrive and they may have some to sell brass toys can make plenty of gem encrusted silver crafts to hopefully afford some there's no way that any Caravan is gonna have enough ore for everything that Brass Horse needs so it's time to start exploratory mining with long lines spaced apart to maximize the chances that they hit a vein of the stuff there's always more mining to do above though a hospital goes near the entrance it's close to where batam will be and near the kitchen which will be good for sharing a singular well-supporting boat no one has any experience or skill as a doctor but Olin at least has some skull as a liar which will be good for when he's ineptly treating a terminal patient who doesn't know that he has no doctor skill don't tell the Traders or visiting officials so that's how Brass Horse operates they bring news about the world and let Olin ask them to bring a couple of goods next year more wood since venturing out is starting to get dangerous some hematite to smelt into iron bars hold a save on wood and clay for an eventual kill the Traders Here Sell seeds a few bits of equipment an iron anvil a couple animals for Slaughter and a couple other Goods in exchange for some silver crafts making more of these is going to be absolutely required to maintain needed trades since they're most of what browsers can actually export such impressive wealth draws another couple soldiers a legendary leather worker and more kids that brass Wars can greet by actually digging out the well a channel goes in from where it'll be to the nearby aquifer and the stone there will leak water constantly and infinitely so that dwarves can use it for both medical work and for Brewing the miners actually hit a native Goldman which means that brass Wars now has more gold than actually useful iron gold can at least be turned into expensive crafts but that's not really going to help until the next Trader arrives that won't be for at least half a year and who knows what's gonna attack before though if the soldiers can't be better equipped it'll pay to be better prepared the full Army consists of eight soldiers vucar and licket will be Mark storms while the others fight with an assortment of melee weapons a second smithery can start forging they'll all get a full set of the finest copper armor that browse Wars can make alongside orders to start training every other month not having them in the labor pool during that time is going to be a hit to the economy but an untrained dwarf is a dead one in these trying lands oh that's finally magnetite that's one of the ores that can be smelted down into the iron hopefully the veins big an Entertainer yes you're getting here okay it's not a huge vein but at least this is something it's actually enough to attract one of the king's consorts who's convincing everyone to venture all the way out here the land's important sure but it's a dangerous Trek but Castle right isn't iron but any dwarf worth their salt or anyone who ever played RuneScape knows it's a tin within it and the copious amounts of copper on the higher levels will make powerful bronze that's much better than the Copper gear soldiers currently use hopefully that Tides everyone over until steals a little bit more abundant at the same time The Outpost clearly needs to be a bit less generally terrible miners work on expanding The Tavern and carving out a space for a temple near the bedrooms the tavern's empty spaces technically a dance floor but dancing on black sand just sounds like pain the front also gets some actual defenses a bridge is built out over a channeled out hole the nearby lever turns us into a drawbridge pulling it will raise the bridge leaving enemies without a good way to attack while pulling it again will lower it letting dwarves out and Merchants in all the exploratory mining reveals little iron so raw begins crafting fine bronze armor while the front gets more fortifications in the form of a second story cutout which lets archers shoot from near the barracks defensive fortifications ring the area to keep Mark's door safe from enemy Fire And since everyone's safe on the giant Undead birds are in the corner of the map it's time to venture out and restock on wood even the children especially the children there's not nearly enough iron to actually make enough steel for everything but there has been some the pig iron they're smelting is the first step towards Steel weapons the evil fog still comes around once or twice a season everyone still hides from it but it's barely a spectacle now it's a little hard to focus on what might be causing it when the Dance Floor starts going in a Lunette has a lovely pink color which is perfect for something attention grab it the temple is smoothed out and some stunt altars go in to let people worship honestly it should have happened a while ago they have been waiting for a place to pray another Bard arrives and another is this a way to sneak an entire band in worries that some of them might be spies start mounting but an entire human Caravan once in two maybe people are actually proud of brass horses surviving this evil land and attempting to put a stop to the goblin thread and not knowing too shabby a job of it either the migrants have even helped amass a decent number of animals the undead threatening the outposts oh actually it's a hamlet now are pretty weak so the grazing animals can actually pasture above ground to hopefully fatten them up some before it's time for slaughter a human version arrives to sell some cheap leather a scroll out of codex that probably do something and a couple instruments it costs a lot for what's almost entirely fluff pieces but silver is pretty accessible for the craft stores down below and their Goods sell really well the feeding everyone might start getting iffy between wandering bards and migrant children there are a lot of mouths to feed and not much extra food production to actually do it zoban's been taken over by the first strange mood that brass horses feature they monopolize a workshop and shoot everyone away so they can focus more migrants arrive but it's one soldier in her four kids the highly River lovers made it on the trip to this forsaken land it's little wonder where she picked up that Marshall skill at least so Bond finishes and he made a beautiful Ashen amulet it's only made of wind sure but it's a impeccable craftsmanship and quality is obvious and it's going to be a treasured heirloom for years to come with food being an issue and starvation potentially on the horizon grass Force turns away an Entertainer for the first time others are going to get a similar answer at least in the near future that Woodstock pile might seem great but the much-ended metal working going on without any coal means that this is all going to get burned up very very quickly at least the armor sets are almost done soon everyone's gonna be rocking full bronze no chopping all that wood has unintended consequences the local Wildlife is angry these agitated beasts are more aggressive than normal though it's unclear how much of an effect it has on already Undead monsters who are too blind to attack on sight the Army doesn't give them a chance to show what they'll do before putting them down although the corpses are still mangled well beyond being able to be butchered at least those weren't agitated giant birds that would put up more of a fight but the dance floor is finished and the tavern gets some extra walls along the sides that make the place a bit nicer than it did with terrifying walls of pure sand that could cave in at any time then a child punches a reanimated skull's headed that's either really reassuring or downright terrifying another Autumn another request for iron and coal from the city the Caravans generally bring the food that Brass Horse still needs but it'll be interesting to see how much iron and coal they brought after the request from last year the Traders take a while to set up while Olin counts how much food is left and how much more will be needed to survive the winter as if the screw his calculations up seven more migrants show up to finish decimating worryingly empty food stores at least the outside is safe enough to harvest wild plants and there are still animals to butcher if absolutely needed why are the merchants saying they're leaving soon if they haven't even finished setting up these are fellow dwarves who have had a clear path in from the start but they leave without ever trading a single thing those Goblin lovers hold a bunch of needed supplies out here to flaunt them then rent off what do they serve some sort of local evil desperate to awaken brass Wars young as he is the three-year-old English who lets spite push him into a strange mood is this normal for dwarves he's tiny those rocks are as big as he is in the end he cuts them into a gem encrusted cup with a carved picture of Riff swallow gear worth thousands rith is a baroness from a civilization that founded brass Wars which means that English remembered someone he saw when he was one walked in the evil lands with his mother then made a masterpiece cup with a baroness's stunning image on it in 15 or so years this dwarf is going to be a renowned crafter silver altars and statues will give him the kind of environment and inspiration he needs so these will eventually go in the temple and Tavern and not his bedroom next is grabbing the walls while blocks are cut after the floor the first dealing goods go into powerful melee weapons that soldiers will use according to all of their preferences it'd be ideal if more preferred using maces since those are great for caving Undead skulls and actually destroying the Abominations but it is what it is there should even be a few bars left over to start making some steel armor although not much for now future iron ore will go towards making more steel bars down fit every soldier in a full set of good armor the taverns kind of popping though visiting bards mingle with the local ones and relaxing citizens well over half the population's in a good mood too the bedroom layer is looking pretty packed though it's probably better to spread these out and have people sleep near their work but that's not really too important until the city is taller instead a wall gets knocked out in the tavern to make room for some beds that'll be rented out to of visitors well let's go through those notifications some animals matured soldiers start training a giant raven is murdering people oh no there's three of these and one's even fearsome enough to earn a name the soldiers try to assemble on the Halls that venture out but the Beast is sending a brass Wars proper before everyone's there let's hope the year in training is enough previous little birds died in a hit or two but the undead only die when a major body part is hacked off it makes these giant ones hard to actually injure armor and dodging keep soldiers safe but not everyone is a soldier English the genius crafter child is the first victim he was out hauling like a good boy and got caught on the way back into the city vengeance is a good motivator and after what had largely been ineffectual combat dwarf's a lot three quick kills practically back to back that combat was brutal and the Ravens he shook dozens of attacks to go down but the soldiers did fairly well a few are injured but none of it's too serious and the threat is no more man what cause there's only one thing that can be done in a hamlet named brass Shores the miners go after his failing right that they'd largely been ignoring that Zing plus the plentiful copper already used for bronze can be smelted in a brass which will be made into a sarcophagus planted a few levels down below it gets turned into a proper tomb and eventually angish is buried here he was an orphan that came with another family but he fit right in with the other kids despite that perhaps it was the hardships of this evil land that inspired him to craft a legendary artifact shortly before his untimely death but life has to move on the Army's outfitted in steel male shirts so it's time to start working on steel helmets to go along with them the hospital also picks up an expansion The Raven attack didn't quite overfill the hospital but it was close and future attacks will definitely injure more dwarves hearing that the Army is strong enough to repel Undead attacks draws more migrants a lot of migrants one wanders up the wrong way and attracted another horde of giant Undead Birds but the Army's not in any rush to avenge him while the other migrants pick a better path 30 arrive at once almost doubling the number of people here in brass Wars there were a few bedrooms ready but not nearly enough to give everyone their own apartment yet good news first after a lot of reorganization everyone with any kind of combat experiences in one of three squads bringing brass Wars up to 23 soldiers Logan the weaponsmith is gonna be busy that's a large upgrade from the 13 soldiers before although that will mean that they're rocking a mix of Steel and bronze armor for a long time in more mixed news there's a few new positions zon is elected mayor though I'm not quite sure why it wasn't Olin or someone else zon and kubik who himself got a promotion from militia Commando to captain of the Guard now wants some extra amenities a personal study and dining hall some furniture and a nice room than the modest ones everyone else has olin's original room and study are torn out and expanded to make room for all of this though it will take a while to finish building and Engraving everything and now for the bad news food and booze are going to be even more difficult to manage going forward that's double The Hungry Mouse to feed and twice the livers to destroy but they didn't bring any more seeds or anything that will help feed everyone the animals that Brazos has managed to amass can be butchered as a temporary stop Gap but a long-term solution is in order there are plants on the surface that could be harvested but doing that is what drew the agitated base that killed no Dwarven salvation lies further beneath the surface though there are more preparations to make before delving down at least the offices look good although they still aren't quite fancy enough to meet the desires of the mayor's on and Guard Captain kubik the soldiers look good too which is going to be important when delving deeper into the ground they brutalize half a dozen giant Undead blackbirds with only a couple minor injuries the more steel armor will never hurt but it might not be enough without knowing what's further down on the ground it's best to prepare with a walled off section in case it's just a little too much it won't stop everything but it might give soldiers something to retreat behind if dumb beasts are all that's there it'll also be sealed off when there are threats above say more agitated giant Ravens circling just inside of the entrance into brass Roars the Army even gathers to intercept them when they swing close by although the beasts back off until dodock picks a fight by shooting a bolt anyways these are actually close to useless against the undead so he just wanted to flip that bird a bronze tipped metaphorical bird overconfidence is a Surefire way to fall but it's hard not to feel some kind of confidence and pride when the Army handles these brutal Beast without more than a minor injury unarmored civilians would easily fall before their claws and even one getting in would kill dozens of civilians another human traitor arrives that means there's no shipment of iron or coal but they do sell needed food and clothes in exchange for more silver crafts the more expensive golden ones are safe for Dwarven Merchants who will hopefully be tempted into actually trading this year it's time to finally dig down instead of outwards although it's impossible to turn down a vein of iron they stumble across eventually though they do hit a cavern this is a huge expanse written gems Fertile Mud and dangerous creatures a miner opens up an inch into the cavern and someone starts bringing a door down to block it off while kubik leads some soldiers in he was one of the original Seven that founded brass Wars and now he Braves The Depths to see what's there that could help the growing city above they map out the tunnels while sneaking around hoping not to find the more terrifying creatures that could be here they stumble across trog Delights these aren't much of a threat but there's also no reason to attack them okay the soldiers murdered two In Cold Blood another fleas in Terror because a bunch of shock troopers just ran up and murdered friends maybe not the best introduction honestly these cabins are expansive but there's not much here Beyond silver copper 10 and gems certainly nothing worth risking too much for the soil would be good to grow in but it's so far from everything else if there were trees down here it might be worth migrating downwards but without coal The Villages need access to the wood on the surface for charcoal food will continue being an issue for now because of that and the farmers are unionizing or at least forming a yield that wants an official haul there's good space near the farms for it so it goes there and while that's underway a few Villages decide that the cavern can't possibly be that dangerous and wandered had to gather the webs to turn them into silk instead they made a trog Delight that wants revenge although they are able to retreat before it's too bad one of those Dead troglass comes back to life forcing their grieving friend to beat them to death with their bare hands the undead continue to assail Dwarven spirits too another child dies after being assaulted by one there's even a ghost hunting the fort because his Undead corpse couldn't be buried in time this is gonna be an ongoing and growing issue more birds and beasts attack above and soon also attack attack from the cavern with so many dwarves about it's easy for individuals to get picked off any that dude will come back as the undead and attack the others a city-ending chain reaction is just one mistake away in better news the golden crafts are moved up in preparation for a traitor and wow that's 19 Grand worth of the finest jewelry in one crate grass Wars is gonna have all the iron and cold I want the soldiers dream of full steel armor the Traders sit down and actually agree to trade all four iron and four cold I brought there's some food too but buying everything the Dwarven Caravan brought except for some plump helmets that already lit in the pantry only cost a couple thousand dwarf bucks steel helmets and male shirts we'll have to placate the soldiers crushed dreams for now there are at least more than enough for threats like giant Cardinals these actually aren't Undead though which means that they can be butchered after Mark storms kill them good God dumbass why are you bringing a baby oh God the baby's even injured from prior fights why are you doing this to your child in later news it's time to finally finish that Tavern more floors move tables and the new wall to obscure the natural it'll get a fully finished floor eventually but before that happens there's darker news another dead kid and more to come Undead Ravens descend on a bunch of them soldiers Rush from the nearby barracks and kill all five of the beasts but not before they each kill civilian in turn it makes finishing with having a low note another Triumph it should have been hard times are liable to make some turn to religion and The Godly Doctrine asks for a full Temple of their own instead of the shared worship space they're currently restricted to it's easy enough to provide you the current altar in bedrooms although it is a little harder to start Mass producing brass sarcophagi and put them all in there's no time for small but personal tombs too many dwarves are just starting to drop Undead here agitated animals there renewed attacks against the surface caused by a necessary presence there to secure wood to fuel smelches and furnaces without them flimsy leather armor would fall before the first real attack with them there are always more dangerous attacks to follow not even a legendary gem-studded Floodgate worth 19 Grand can change the course of that every other artifact only goes for a few thousand but this is fun far too precious to sell or use it's not really clear where this would go problems continue to arise another child drops dead from dehydration near the booze and a proper well down the hall how steel grief production finally starts after miners find enough iron in the Deep floors near the caverns the first pairs don't finish before another set of giant Ravens attack but no sooner do those go down before another set of agitated Undead are here safety ought to be found underground but the resources just aren't there there should have been trees planted in the mud and indoor fields from spores loose from this place instead the cabins are lifeless safer creatures that flee before Dwarven might but offer nothing in return as if to emphasize the point the most terrifying looking monsters to attack yet arrive big dogs are the things of children's nightmares but no one sure how Savage they are until a couple children demonstrate what the scientific method entails soldiers arrive much too late to save them but at least the beat dogs go down easily enough the recent deaths mean that the nightmares will continue the Citizens need something to distract them something to show that they're safe a throne room Fit For A royalism maybe not that but some might feel safer with something that grand it's a monument to what they've done and it's not like the average citizen can do much to help the soldiers metalworking is limited by finding iron and soldiering and nearly a third of able-bodied adults in the city spend half their time training that suddenly seems like it might not be enough though the goblin threat to the north was known for years but those wretched goblins have finally expanded their territory South just like the founding Society the Avalanche of wilts fear initial scouting reports suggested it's just a small place with a population of maybe 50 but it's a dangerous stage you ground at which raids from the green Menace could gather and resupply it also represents their first attempt at encroaching and suggest that they'll continue to try and expand that means it's time for more soldiers cubic the Guard Captain loses his Squad of strong and experienced ones they take his teachings as they form their own Squad to continue being an effective fighting force kubick takes a SWAT of complete novices under his belt they aren't needed for the city's economy so they can begin undergoing constant training The Archers also pick up a few more brand new recruits for a total of 40 it's a good thing that risen isn't among them it took her a lot longer than expected and plenty more unhappy with the losses and constant Undead attacks but reason there's a tantrum that ends in blood being spilled mostly hers she did it in front of her crowd that fight back and sent her to the hospital not everyone gets to visit there though one of the recruits fought kubik presumably during some sort of sparring match or a spat between the two of them unfortunately his captain doesn't yet know how to train with newbies and kubick punched the recruit's throat out at least it's here didn't find not having a neck to annoying moments before he bled out from not having a neck risen bleeds out in the hospital moments later good God dwarves are dropping left and right it's not even the undead doing this it's dwarves killing dwarves to prepare for what are supposed to be greater threats it's no wonder that more religions start petitioning for temple space with some already ready it won't take long for the artwork to arrive and the Earthen Faith to be pleased a third Temple well that'll take a bit longer still they deserve it when the main Temple area is so crowded all the time and that's saying nothing of the happiness that plenty need the throne room deserves is not the most expensive material but the far more precious brass between blue and pink stone that just looks too good to pass up someone's been missing for a week and it's impossible to tell why Goblin kidnappers that snuck in and stole them away maybe they died to Undead attacks in some corner of a cave that no one else has been to maybe they just had a mental breakdown and ran off paranoia starts to set in this Goblin apparently came looking to work as an Entertainer but they have no experience performing and are literally a legendary bone card this has to be a scout right hopefully they don't notice how Reliant brass Wars is on Foreign imports of food and cloth at least it's easy to afford for now though long-term growth will require more self-reliance or digging ever deeper for more precious metals iron in particular has been strip mined out from easily accessible places so getting that in the future is going to require digging the more dangerous steps or using Minecarts to reach wider right now the soldiers are only halfway to actually having a full set of steel armor the growing population affords substance of confidence and the mood is even slowly improving on average but plenty more doors are still angry occasionally a lundorf breaks lashes out then gets put down by the crowd around him at least it's not a constant threat hopefully adding a few performers to the tavern will help Hey where's that Goblin bone Carver that definitely wasn't a scout I'm sure they'd love the chance where are goblins at at all actually mayor encroachment made everyone ready for a Siege but summer starts to wane without signs of the brutes maybe that bone Carver saw the Armory and ran off to tell his friends not to come patrols still start going out to roam the nearby land to look for brutes on their approach so that brass Wars isn't surprised Autumn arrives which means The Outpost liaison is close they'll likely be surprised by just how far brass horses come or buy a bunch of corpses Ravens descend on villagers who again are out here in this random corner for seemingly no reason why do more keep running in to join the pile of corpses oh almost 20 villagers dropped the biggest hit yet by far before soldiers arrived to clean up there's any Bleak consolation to be taken here it's set the Army handles them without loss but that's a very thin Silver Lining the bodies are cleaned up before the liaison arrives he's impressed by both the size and wealth with the Goblin's encroachment looming and the obvious excessive brass Wars he offers to make this place a proper Barony there's only one choice for the new Royal zhan might be the mayor but Olin founded this town and has continued working as a doctor Trader manager and bookkeeper to keep it all running now he's royalty while leaving the liaison comes under attack by a bunch of Undead dingoes soldiers rushed to his Aid and save him just in time oh no it's not a goblin Siege threatening brass Wars but an ancient Beast named rathona frothbius these forgotten beasts can single-handedly kill larger fortresses and this little entrance suddenly seems pathetic before that all 40 soldiers descend into the breach if it gets through them the great Barony of brass Wars will fall they breathe poison but it's too late to dig out more space to fight at it the gas may be a problem but with so many dwarves they should only each inhale a little bit of the stuff because that's how poison Works bolts and more strike true but most just bounce off that doesn't stop Resolute dwarves from striking again and again and again will they fall will it be enough barely a cloud of crashing dust fills the room the Beast is dead at Dwarven hands blood covers it but no one even dies That's The Power of training everyone so much to make them good at dodging and equipping them with Steel weapons and some pretty good armor to give them that last Edge they needed at least a relatively weak forgotten B shows this mine shaft's flaws it's time to add a better way to defend from attacks from the caverns a long hallway should help Marx dwarves and while cutting the stairs off will add a lot of extra travel time down here in the future that's a small price to pay for more safety from any of the beast's compatriots back above it's little wonder why brass Wars is a Barony now the trade Caravans will have more in the future but it's easy to buy them out with a few cheap gold crafts they don't even get the good stuff between that and the earlier human Caravan the Food Supplies actually look pretty good for the first time it may be possible to import enough even to support a large Metropolis like this Olin won some finer amenities for himself but really he's been fine with modesty for so long including the cheapest lodging while zon and kubik had more that he deserves this he gets the throne room some nice artwork and anything else he wants it is an Indulgence but after leading them all through so much hardship everyone knows that he deserves it everyone else they deserve safety the nearby goblins haven't attacked but their forward staging base is still there forget just staying safe and warding off their attacks like the motherland once brass Wars is going on the offensive that only leaves 10 strong soldiers to defend from the undead but that should be for brass Wars for a little bit Olin gets his last Royal need taken care of with an impressive tomb and although it is a little bit morbid to walk past the other more crowded ones missiles still suit him well oh another artifact and it's even a brass breastplate it doesn't make for good armor but it's the perfect fit for brass Wars the venturing soldiers return from their Sage mere moments later they were successful and with only a single loss to raise the goblin settlement the throne room gets two final display cases to Showcase some artifacts one for the brass breastplate to represent the great Barony and where it's at now no there is a second artifact made by the three-year-old English shortly before he was the first loss of the undead Scourge to where it came from grasshorse has more years ahead of it the Goblins will continue trying to come and in greater numbers after their first encroachment burn more brutal forgotten beasts can Rise Up from the caverns and who knows what else is laying there lurking but brass horses established now and it's strong there's more to tell but I think I want to play a harsher challenge this was a welcome back to the game that got me into what's now my favorite genre 10 years ago I think it's time for a real challenge subscribe if you're interested in seeing that and while you're at it if you like this video check out some of my ongoing medieval it's not as deep for a colony Sim but the visuals are all in 3D which makes it a lot more fun to build big forts castles and mega buildings
Channel: Just Don't Die
Views: 141,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress story, dwarf fortress stories, dwarf fortress terrifying, dwarf fortress challenge, dwarf fortress hard mode, dwarf fortress storytelling
Id: GYgpghoPn2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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