Can I 'beat' Dwarf Fortress in just 6 years?

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wealth and Prestige are power they're sweat for sought after and fought over the game gives you a rank according to your wealth which is one of the few tangible ways Dwarf Fortress evaluates you earning the highest one involves crazy risks that can kill even the most well-defended of fortresses each requires more wealth than the last and while taals of dwarfen riches bring Prestige and migrants the game scales threats it sends after you to that well the wiki even has advice on how to limit how quickly you grow to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention too early but I don't have time for any of that only one of my previous forts became millionaires and that took 6 years but I want to become a multi-millionaire in just 3 years to prepare for earning the highest rank that of a true Dwarven Mountain Home in just six will the aspiring Fortress of orbs women be Legends or will their legendary Ambitions attract invasions that ensures no one even hears their tale it starts a little differently than most of my fortresses in addition to the usual Miner leader militia captain and so on I almost always bring I have the ever capable Carpenter Kell and Eton who thinks they're a farmer but is actually a magnificent cook they don't know it yet but these two are going to be renowned amongst all dwarf kind before long the surrounding trees and plants are immediately marked for harvesting to start the two main industries Woodworking and cooking the latter will be helped Along by the explosion of feathers near the starting wagon I have no idea how they managed to fit 60 geese on it but I know that they'll need nest boxes as soon as possible once made at a Carpenters shop and placed down it only takes a few weeks for these to start laying eggs that will quite metaphorically be the foundation the treasury is built on while geese blade eggs miners work down below to start tidying things up there's a ton of flux Stone around here that will eventually be used to forge steel while metal working isn't an immediate Focus well-geared soldiers are eventually going to be needed to protect the treasury the more important part for now is the start of some small spaces for industry carved out near essential staircase ston workking for basic Furniture is on one side while the other side is prepared for the all important kitchen a separated butcher those geese will eventually be brought to goes near the kitchen and still but I brought plenty of ingredients to start things off without sacrificing the cute animals Eon takes their place in the kitchen grabs a bunch of Raven meat and Cooks it into a stack of lavish meals the Expedition leader and greediest dwarf of all ryen becomes a broker who can safely say that the 40 bucks worth of Raven meat has become a meal worth thousands it's not unique either Eon does this again and again because food is among the best money makers in this game especially early on it's how the early wealth will flow in until there's enough people to get bigger Industries roaring the geese above well they're more there to get the early nest boxes filled up and once they have kids most of them are going to be headed to the butcher since enough nest boxes have been placed Kell gets to work turning the plentiful logs into beautiful figurines each worth a solid amount that can be mass produced pretty easily it's already been a couple of months since they started in early spring but the dwarves continue to Deforest the local area to impress the Dwarven Merchants that are set to arrive in the fall the ingredients the wagons brought run out well before then but fortunately one of the pack animals was an elephant and while I do love turning these into beasts of War I also love hundreds of meat that will be worth tens of thousands once made into meals plus tons of Bones and and expensive pelts despite that opulence the plan for now is for dwarves to share a single dorm room so the miner can focus on dwelling down into the rocky core to jump start metalworking ryen gets a similarly simple office to handle their still important tasks of setting up work orders and they tell themselves that this skimpy place is okay soon enough they'll go down as a queen of opulence even if their for Focus did Doom their last adventure the minor finds the caverns that they were looking for these large Subterranean expanses have valuable resources but this one is full of water and not suitable for settling Cavern mud makes for the best Farms which will mean bigger stacks of expensive food so the miner makes plans to dive deeper and to do a little bit of exploratory mining higher up in search of another Cavern while that happens Eton continues to make food worth thousands and even if risen's estimates of how much it's worth is fairly off prepared meals still make up the bulk of the 13,000 The Fortress is worth right now it's enough to draw a few visiting Warriors looking to fight in the caverns we breached and they soon asked to stay so that they can Venture forth and slay evil beasts we'll definitely accept that invite to protect this place since it's mostly defenseless right now and there are snake people eyeing the entrance from a ston thr away that's definitely getting fixed up and sealed off until I have a military that can actually put up a fight as that happens the first migrants come this wave isn't influenced by wealth but we're still lucky enough to get a legendary engraver and even better a legendary weapon Smith They'll help make even more migrants come in time though I doubt metal working will be here before this first pivotal Autumn arrives that's when the first Caravan comes and the tales they spread about our wealth will determine how many migrants come the following year no it's eton's work in the kitchen that'll carry the weight this first trip and that means that some of the geese are already going to get butchered as we run out of other food to prepair the value they create will be helped Along by a jeweler and leather worker who get started in a much nicer facility because despite this being a challenge run I'm addicted to Aesthetics and what's the point in having extravagant wealth if you don't live in at least some of it the muddy floors on the second Cavern aren't nearly as nice but they're far more important we're going to going to wall this off from the exterior though not before cundles which are little impl creatures sneak in fortunately these are small weak and easily handled by the wandering adventurers making their way down to the second Caverns there are some other creatures here like this sloth-like but peaceful ruer but there aren't any other threats yet so the cundles do little more than to lay the Walls by scaring off civilians then fertilizing the ground with their corpses the few threats that do show up afterwards like trolls are both easily handled by the monster Slayers that petitioned orbs women to join and stopped by walls that keep those same monster Slayers from ever coming back they chose to go down there even after the plans for the walls were all drafted up this is on them we'll start planting down in the cavernous depths just 5 months after arriving here further below we even find the warmth that must come from magma miners will slowly and safely tap into to fuel metal working a trade Depot is built back up on the surface this is the first Milestone and all the prepared meals have been made for this the number of migrants you get in the next year are determined by the wealth when the imminent Dwarven Caravan leaves more wealth means more people which will make more wealth in turn for next year's Caravan the Traders will see a plethora of wooden figurines and exquisite meals though it'll take a bit to actually get everything in front of them I definitely should have stored these in wooden bins to make for faster transport even before most of it's here though a few figurines and one barrel of food are enough to buy out all of the caravan's useful gear including their food instruments seeds and a few other miscellaneous Goods that leaves tens of thousands of orbs women's wealth to wow the merchants and tempt them back next year with even more in their wagon the total wealth of this Fortress is already valued at at least 21,000 which is twice as much as most of my fortresses by by this point and it'll be even higher before the Caravan leaves I should note that the value shown here is the minimum value which the broker will estimate risen's appraisal skill is still pretty low each meal that's actually worth a thousand might be appraised at only three or 400 by her for now but the trading Caravan knows their real value and will spread Tales according to the actual wealth that's enough figurines for now though so Kell the carpenter switches to making bins and barrels they aren't worth as much much but they'll help the rest of The Fortress in storage areas like what's going to be in the metal working area near the newly accessed magma sea there's even some adamantine and fancy gems that I won't be going for anytime soon and if you've seen my latest video on Conquering the world in 10 years you'll know why another set of migrants arrive including a second legendary weapon Smith and a legendary bone Carver we have a ton of Bones and with over 300 goose eggs ready to hatch well we have far far more next year we'd have even more bones if we went out into the caverns to look for people we may be left to starve there just don't tell the merchants about that instead tell them about the newly planned metal smelters that go in before they leave which will surely draw even more wealth to The Fortress before they arrive again next Autumn they aren't there to see the gold all around this place get smelted into bars while miners hunt for more precious metals and the long staircase they've already cut out the first gold bars are turned into wonderful altars that will decorate and used to make Exquisite temples though there will only be a few of those before they start to smel tetrahedrite and sparite down together into brass brass is simultaneously fairly valuable and readily available here which makes it both amazing for training the currently mediocre enth and for amassing a good amount of wealth making a ton of goblets is going to make make her a better crafter Winter's chill is just starting to arrive when the first goose eggs hatch which is about 8 months since they were laate the little babies take a year to grow into mature geese but we should have literally hundreds and hundreds of them to make meals out of before the third Year's Caravan the legendary engraver is hard at work slowly improving smooth walls which does add to their value even if we can't see it like we can with other items perhaps more importantly it helps carry on important histories like elves being crushed eth's Journey towards being a legendary metal crafter who makes all kinds of artial goods down at the forges has started they turned one Brass Bar worth 35 bucks into three goblets each worth around 80 which will only go up more as enith gets better and makes higher quality Goods printing that much wealth somehow still isn't enough for irod and monum who try to use the same smithery at the same time I do appreciate the hustle you two but chill out we still have more than 2 years to hit our multi-million goal the golden altars from earlier are decorated with bone which increase their value slightly though not by enough to actually be noticeable while Risin just guesstimated the expanded kitchen pantry has way too much for 16 dwarves to eat but fortunately the traitor's tales have finally drawn migrants to help lots of migrants L has to apparently doesn't like the idea of having to learn over 30 new names and is possessed to make something down in the metal working area my last Fort got a similarly large migrant wave at the start of the third year not the second which means that this fourth is already doubling that one's Pace these extra hands are going to be used to jump start metal working while Hunters help the kitchen by bringing back some fairly peaceful chimpanzees that still totally deserved it because they kept going around spooking the latast finishes their artifact octahedral octahedron to add some 5,000 in value to the Fort it's their attempt to take the role of Chief metal crafter away from enth but the hardworking enes pensent for making brass goblets has already made them into an expert metal crafter so latast isn't going to get that rooll anytime soon the new smelters start to produce Steel by smelting hematite and magnetite down into iron mixing that iron with flux Stone and and Coke to make pig iron then mixing iron pig iron and flux Stone to finally make steel ingots it's too labor intensive to be nearly as profitable as the similarly valued brass and gold but Steel weapons and armor are amongst the best that dwarves can make and this will help the military start training in preparation for when raids start to arrive as early as next year as long as we keep up this pace four Swords dwarves volunteer for the squad but they don't even have armor yet so it'll be at least a short while before they're an effective fighting force they'll train at the most rudimentary ho in the wall of a beax near the front of the fort um make that three swords DS I don't even know what happened to the one of them maybe they died to Something in the cavern while running there to get gear from a dead monster Slayer well that's all the proof I need to know that they need to start training now since all of that is going mostly well it's time to start building out the best Cavern I've ever made it'll be located down a ramp from the front of the base progress on it will be a little bit slow since I'm currently hyper fixating on creating wealth to jump start the economy but I really do plan to make this fort look a lot nicer than my often simpler Affairs as long as someone is working to impress Dwarven Merchants I'm happy though I won't say no to impressing these human ones too their Tales of wealth won't draw migrants but we can still show off figurines goblets and well prepared meals make the Traders agree that what we've got is already worth over a 100,000 just some 15 months in we're almost halfway to the 3-year Mark and the 2 million goal which makes me simultaneously feel like I've come so far and still have so so far to go I'll buy all of their leather cloth and food in exchange for a couple of meals the newly bought plants will make for some fancy wine and the other Goods will be turned into meals and clothes to sell back to Dwarven merchants in half a year though maybe calling this fancy wine was being overly generous some of it is apparently called the oso appetizing sewer Brew back down below enith has made so many brass goblets that they're already a high Master metal crafter after less than half a year on the job that means they'll work faster and make higher quality Goods which is very useful because a masterfully made item sells for 12 times what a normally made one goes for Ena skill also means that they can transition to working on Platinum instead of brass despite ena's growing skill the bedrooms are going to get cheap Rock furniture at least the common areas will get some nicer brass and silver furniture since a few nice pieces there will go a long way goblets are much better for Value though one bar gets turned into three goblets versus three bars for one Throne worth less than a single goblet still the happiness from seeing nice things will help them avoid issues with lunatics and depression down the line when dwarves are depressed they do things like join Colts called the Creed of Ash which ask for a temple I'll promise for now but wait to actually plan out until after I get to work on the first set of steel armor a fully Dugout Tavern and then still a while longer because I kind of maybe forgot about their request in my defense it's very easy to forget when there's a half blind troll wandering through the Fortress to grab some food and crundle crunching about near the metal working these little pests are getting in through the caverns which really should have been monitored much more closely and not just because some people are dying out there in gruesome pools of blood wait there are two corpses here and Logan The Miner thinks that he has a part in this up above the wealth draws thieves who try to break in but are promptly murdered by that small Squad of Swords dwarfs that have been training diligently the entrance to the cavern is cut off with a bridge that's pulled up allowing access in and out when we want that we'll definitely make sure is off limits for now I sure hope no one important is out side if it was basically Anyone But Ken the legendary Carpenter who's made more wealth than all but perhaps enth and Eton they'd be staying out there his role in impressing Merchants is basically done now that metal working is going but he's done a good enough job that he deserves to retire Autumn arrives and the Caravan comes soon after but in actually been slacking on the production order to make platinum goblets a firm reminder that their only priority is toiling in a Subterranean sweatsh shop kicks his butt into gear and he heads back down Into the Depths to work on it after his little break for sleep and to take time off the Traders unpack while the official created wealth is just about 100,000 but ryen is still underestimating that which you can see from that little question mark when she shows the food figurines and goblets to the Traders they agree that what's here alone is worth over 200,000 we're at about halfway through the time point though and while that is nearly double what we had for the human Traders when they arrived last season it still means that we have to increase the wealth nearly tenfold when we're already halfway through that first challenge for now we buy all of their instruments for the tavern then all of their cloth and food to make in the finished goods will show off next year with the showing off done it's time to work on improving the happiness that's got everyone depressed except for one randomly super happy dwarf that just loves it here a long-term project for that starts with the preparation for a pump stack that will draw water up for a m generator which is basically a huge waterfall of happiness that maybe sometimes drowns people don't worry about it though that can't possibly happen this time I'll also start on places for some rather fancy bedrooms you don't get a time lapse because it took almost a half hour I wanted to try not just nestling these up against the caverns like I always do so I made this artificial wandering tunnel system that I'll instead build through there were also ramps up and down for five total levels of bedrooms though it's going to take a long long time to actually carve all of it out a more short-term project is the actual Tavern being designated which is manned by the mayor and helped make special by a variety of performers more migrants arrive though these haven't yet been booed by tales of the impressive wealth Dwarven Merchants left with they'll help smooth out space to ultimately make a temple for the religion I promise one to a while back the blind ogre that distracted me then still just wanders about but they're being peaceful so let them they seem to like the serenity of the religious space though this is just a generic Temple for now still with how many dwarves Rush here to pre it's clearly still needed While others dedicated to specific deities or groups will go in all around this while all of that was taken care of the first bouts of mining for bedrooms is almost done and it's shaping up to look really cool even if it's still very messy it's good enough that the Homeland is willing to make this a proper Barony already rizen who started this Venture and has appraised every last good that made the Homeland choose orbs wom in the first place is the obvious choice as a baroness she wants some official rooms that work close to providing the extra space above and below the main hallways for bedrooms are carved out in one area to see what it looks like and then the rest of the area will be planned out this is already a lot busier and mess iier than I'd imagined but I think it'll look better once everything's actually in as a Barony other forts are established nearby and economically linked to us which means that I can expel people there and also ask for specific visitors back though I'm not sure how much I'll actually use that feature harvesting all of the natural Flora at the mouth of the Fortress has afforded the dwarves some fancy boozes that they resume cooking with though there still isn't enough of an influx of solid food items items to constantly make lavish meals like I'd hoped the geese just aren't quite productive enough I'm not sure if there's just some sort of limit to how many animals you can have at a time still wealth is created elsewhere even if enith is too busy making more brass furniture for the tavern to pump out Platinum goblets at just This Moment The Woodworking business for barrels and bins is so expansive that elves don't even give us a limit to chop like normal they just outright leave a for voting message because of our deforestation though that doesn't stop them from immediately sending a caravan asking to trade it seems like not even their pride will stop them from trying to slurp up the scraps that Dwarven cooks and forges make monom the mayor directs them to bring their wagon directly over the huge wood stockpile they were just grumbling about before they get to the actual trading Depot though even if we did want to trade with them we couldn't all of the nice things this Fortress has is stored in wooden barrels and bins so the elves would be pissed if we tried to offer these up if War were more profitable I'd do it just to prove a point to them but there's no reason to so we'll just tell them that rizen is really really busy then ghost them out here at the trading Depot a forgotten Beast tries to attack before the elves can but it took a wrong turn and ended up in the water logged Cavern with no entrance into the base so it eventually turns back those normally preempt even more worrying attacks in better news the original Goose Lings that hatched late last year have finally grown into adults which means the parents aren't much longer for This World perhaps fittingly a human death butcher which seems to be an elf that loves killing humans visits the tavern despite the issues with happiness that the current measures haven't really fixed a new migrant wave takes the fort from 66 to 91 in Just 2 years or women Grew From just seven to almost 100 though they'll have to do a lot of work this last year to hit that first goal of having 2 million dwarf bucks of created value this new wave is mostly less useful laborers like cheese makers and shearers but we need a lot of hauling forging and smoothing done anyways so it's mostly fine as much as the elves love to claim that Nature's on their side some birds steal from the Caravan as they try to leave after not getting any Dwarven Goods without trading with them I couldn't get a measure of the goods we have and that little question mark still means that ryen is underestimating the fortress's value but enth is about to start making fancier crafts and as the kitchen gets back into the swing of things with frenchly buered Geese the wealth should increase pretty quickly now Engravings will also help an otherwise empty temple with just a gold alter worth 500 is altogether worth almost 5,000 because of some nice Engravings the legendary artist is going at it fulltime further increasing the value of everything they touch the steel armor industry also starts to kick up and though these are worth less than crafts it's still good value and more importantly very useful Guild Halls are laid out to appease the farmers and Hunters helping stock the kitchen and the tavern is finally almost fully decked out with brass furniture with that enth switches to making Platinum goblets fulltime One Platinum bar worth 200 is turned into three goblets worth at least 600 each so this alone will bump the wealth up some 200,000 by the end of the year as they work the 100 platinum bars we have of course the smelters are always making more which will further increase that the better Tavern is at least starting to make moods Trend upwards though it's still fairly split and leans negative for now that should improve a a lot when everyone has bedrooms which are still being placed at least that work keeps them busy when they aren't working in smiies though they are so productive there that latast the wannabe metal crafter who vied for eth's position by offering up an artifact can start making brass goblets they can train beside their Mentor since we have more than enough brass bars that enith will never have time for even if they would make slightly nicer goblets out of them really we already have almost too many goblets there's hundreds and hundreds of thousands worth of them for human Traders but we don't even need two full binorth to buy all of their food cloth and other useful Goods the fortress's apparent wealth has gone up by a 100,000 in less than a season and the riches are in more than just stockpiles BS as to join because the tavern is shaping up so wonderfully with beautiful art everywhere you look and a nice if sparsely placed furniture all about Tales of such wealth are sure to draw attacks but the soldiers that have been dutifully training up are already high Masters at their craft because the squad only has people of similar skill they're able to frequently Spar which gives better experience than other forms of training a second Squad composed of a few Hammer dwarves Adept at bashing through armor will start to train up alongside the current soldiers using gear GE made in almost constantly active forges since war will mean injured a simple Hospital goes in close to the entrance manned by some doctors who aren't looking forward to putting their somewhat Rusty skills to use in less Grim news smoothing out the main floor of bedrooms is finally almost done this has taken months and months but this should be some 80 bedrooms already at one time in more Grim news the blind ogre that peacefully wandered around the Fortress for a year is senselessly murdered by a visiting human Adventurer you know how the saying goes if you can reach the top shelf you're a horrible person and a blight upon the world ignore the horrible miasma rotting all of the food because I messed up my stockpiles and instead focus on how the fort has over a hundred dwarves after the latest migrant wave barely two years in that's double the number I had at this point in my last run and that Gulf will only continue to grow over time as our wealth exponentially increases let's house those migrants the complete rooms get a round of doors and building like this means I have lots to place before hold on goblins I'll get to you in a second before I can even move on to placing beds oh it's actually humans not goblins that came to attack half a dozen cowardly archers come to bring their brand of human evil to the doors fortunately the swords dwarves that have ceaselessly trained rally out and though outnumbered easily cut through their foes without incurring any loss or injury with attacks apparently imminent though a squad of newbie spear dwarves starts to train up alongside the other soldiers Autumn arrives and the fortress's created wealth continues to quickly grow they're up to over 3,000 and created wealth to show off to this year's Caravan which is helped in part by kulet the legendary weapon Smith also starting to make brass goblets now despite having no experience with metal crafting we have brass bars to spare to train them while enth focuses on making a plentiful plethora of platinum cups despite that only some of the bedrooms have the full set of furniture that that is slowly remedied over time as ston workers make it up above the Fortress boasts 110 people shortly before the liaison arrives which is the exact number they're going to to see to upgrade us from a village into a proper City since rizen is slowly getting better at appraising she's much better at estimating the value of items worth even thousands though our bins are worth enough that she still can't get a proper idea of them the Traders tell us this stuff is worth tens of thousands to risen's few thousand and in total we bring them 79 of these bins that's even only food and goblets not other valuables like gems and armor and it's still more than enough to impress the diplomats officially earning orbs women the fourth highest title more economically linked sites are added to the Holdings from which we could request a good administrator and a good soldier if we needed but won't ask anything of for now between that wealth the other bins we didn't show off and the roughly 200,000 the dwarves boast in architecture and War and wealth they can't show The Fortress is at around 1 million dwarf Bock created with Just 2 months left it sounds like that first goal is impossible but we have added 700,000 in the last 6 months so it might just be doable but it's time to actually give people their first bedrooms orbs women's priorities might be a little bit out of whack since we're millionaires just now giving people their first bedrooms but this isn't enough for everyone so I add more rooms above and below the main floor there's space for literally hundreds of dwarves so everyone can be housed without problems once this is all done at least the current homeless drink from gold goblets made by metalsmiths who rightfully request a guild but given the state of Happiness here I'm going to instead focus on the Mist generator now that the pieces for the pump stack which will lift water up to where it's needed are finally almost ready after so so long miners carve a small drainage ditch near the cavernous water which feeds to this alternating tea column all the way up to the top from which it will drip down a channel and towards a few places over the tavern The Tavern itself will have some Dugout spaces with grates that act as drainage feeding a long vertical shaft in the left that runs all the way to drain out back into the cavern from which we got the liquid in the first place before it's complete the draining in the legendary dining room to be still has those slightly hazardous holes which need grates but before putting them in it's time to decorate the grates with gems now everyone can drink easy knowing that every step they take is dirtying something precious the next step in the M generator's pump stack which lifts water up to where it's needed is to alternate channeling out the floor at specific places this lets a screw pump suck water up one level into the three by one area from which it can be sucked up by the next screw pump rinse and repeat up as far as needed adults will build that while the rest of the labor is kept going by the veritable child labor Factory we've got going on to help out the metal workers sorry kids but money does not print itself the third year begins with an attack by some filthy goblins but they aren't nearly as important as looking at the wealth risen can still only appraise about 300,000 in created wealth apart from the finished good she still underestimates but by using a utility in DF hack to temporarily make her a perfect appraiser we can see the true wealth of the Fortress and we just barely squeaked out the 2 million goal the meals bins and quite literally thousands of goblets add up to a total value of over 1.6 million now we just have to defend that wealth from amped up raids scaling to it while achieving the second goal earning the game's highest rank we're currently a mere Barony not bad but not great either the first step to becoming a Mountain Home is to become the Empire's Capital by attracting the King which we do by being the richest and nicest Fortress in the world the explosion of wealth we've had is going to slow down now since we're almost out of the precious medals that enith turned into goblets but those remnants and the other more sustainable items like meals should do the job there's still plenty more story to come but before we get to that I want to talk about the stories in this video's sponsor Audible has the largest collection of audiobooks with fantastic Tales of their own the format is perfect for throwing on before settling into a good game like d Fortress I started getting into disc World while recording footage for this video and I'm brushing up on Spanish for a trip soon while it worked Klo use my affiliate Link in the description to sign stand up for a free 30-day trial and get one free audio book of your choice if you don't like it cancel any time at no cost back to my story this New Wealth attracts a group of Raiders that aren't nearly as greedy as I expected they want to Parlay which is a solid no so our solders stop sparring for well rigth this is a kind of striking demonstration the fight is fast enough but the dwarves get the Eerie feeling that someone else is there and that the siege is still on even though not one of them see other enemies about after claiming their Victory one of our soldiers just suddenly drops dead from what must have been a bad injury that took them down before they could get rushed to the hospital not even going out to kill a forgotten beast in the caverns helps ease the worry that they're being besieged by something a swamp Titan comes from above ground to add to that threat kills a Bard but dies to two swings from the legendary swords DWF Rigo That's The Power of good training that a wouldbe thief also learns soon after I knew that Tales of wealth would draw more attacks but that's four in less than 2 months they haven't been too strong just yet but they'll continue to grow more fearsome as Tales of this wealth spread wider still in better news the brass grates for the tavern have a lot of gems on them I don't think there's a limit to this but we've used nearly all of the gemstones the fortresses found in three years and added thousands to the value of each of the six greats uh why is the tavern covered in vomit no seriously everyone's just socializing like nothing's wrong while the place is covered in this sickly green not even all of armal can possibly overpower that smell ah they still think there's a Siege here even though I swear there isn't and people apparently don't clean during those by default well let's wash it away with a Mis generator I finished the pump stack off screen by placing screw pumps up level by level each built upon the last and they'll get power from a vertical axle that goes from the highest screw pump up to the surface before being connected to a bunch of windmills there really isn't much wind here so the 60-ish pumps draw a lot of power these windmills will have to provide once they're built the entire pump stack transmits power all the way through and starts drawing up water which the next pump up immediately sucks it travels up the stack level by level then down the shaft at the top and towards the tavern until why do enemies always attack when I'm trying to get cool shots or plan things out the soldiers go handle that while I notice that the water which should be draining Away really isn't I can fix that but I can't fix two soldiers who just Dro dead for no apparent reason in their Barracks the taverns grates are moved to be directly beneath the holes above which helps the room drain but even with some standing pools soaking everyone's socks the dining room itself is already legendary thanks to the art beautiful sights and copious amounts of booze here though the elves avoided us this year thanks to our taste for wood human Merchants arrive near the start of summer and we have so so much to trade all of this is only for one type of wood too we have a total of 122 bins each worth a couple of thousand throwing everything up here puts up nearly 2 million in the trade window with the almost 400,000 in architecture equipment clothes and placed Furniture we're about halfway to adding another million to the coffers already but such a rich Fortress should be fixed up to beit it the M generator is working but a mistake with the planning means that it's draining towards the bedrooms and not the intended ditch that can be fixed with a bit of civil engineering though and at least people are relieved and happy to be near it now between that and other improvements like temples bedrooms and the amazing dining room full of gem and crusted floor grades people just love to look at happiness is really starting to Trend upwards though the mayor is admittedly embarrassed because they're lacking pretty much all of the accommodations they would want for their work some of the space that had already been cleared out in pursuit of flux stone is going to be repurposed into their office and dining room more sets of steel armor are queued up up to add to the 20 the dwarves already boast which should help as the military is further expanded though actually having gear to use doesn't stop as from acting like wearing a helmet makes you soft bedrooms are filled out on more of the levels and even though only half the space is actually being used that's already enough for nearly 80 dwarves on each floor which is more than enough for basically ever I think this whole design was overkilled it should sleep somewhere around 7 00 dwarves and my computer cannot handle that with more armor underway a few of the less experienced soldiers take up the axe they're good allaround weapons that will complement the spears Hammers and swords that soldiers currently wield the other squads are woefully undermanned at this point but there aren't any good soldiers using the weapons they specialize in and adding a few newbies would just have more experienced soldiers giving them lessons instead of the more useful sparring amongst themselves I'll also go ahead and add a crossbow Squad with a few of the experienced hunters and other random shooters then carve out an archery range for them to train at Rangers will definitely help some of my future goals monom the mayor gets her private rooms and though their sterile dining room is especially worse than the public alternative The Prestige of having a private dining room is at least worth something to them in Grimmer news tombs are carved out amongst the stone left from strip m or veins to both bury those that have already died and to prepare for the future the bulk of the Fortress meanwhile is going to start working on an ambitious project in the main bedroom floor I really wanted this design to look nice but it's just kind of a huge mess and I don't just mean the flooding that's there because P me fixed it improperly three separate times I think I have a solution for just how visually messy it is but it involves laying brick work on the path for everything which will both take thousands of stone bricks and has to be manually set up The Rustic box site goes on the right and the lovely blue hues of microcin is there on the left Autumn arrives which means that it's time for the annual Scurry of dwarves bringing all the finished good bins to the trade Depot for the semiannual show of wealth the millions we have to offer is why orbs woman leads a bunch of small hillocks around their central fort to serve as a counter bance to the elves in the ongoing War if the tall folk push to the west to try and sandwich dwarves against the mountains we'll ride in from the North or we would if we could be bothered war is expensive and timec consuming even though we're already well equipped for it the swords dwarves are legendary Fighters and the hammer dwarves aren't too far behind those wielding Spears are newer but are still training up well in fact the swords dwarves keep their gear on but but take well-deserved time off to pursue more civilian desires as long as they train every once in a while to stop from being Rusty there's nothing they can get from constantly being on alert if War comes to ardor however the chief medical dwarf olon will need soap for the hospital which currently can't really clean wounds that starts on the surface with a soap maker shop an ashery and a wood furnace to make soap from logs burn to Ash and press Quarry bush Farm down in the caverns in Grimmer news we're finally out of platinum nuggets to turn into bars we have some 100 Ingot left plus the nearly 300 worth we've turned into goblets but the single largest contributor to wealth more than 600,000 in total is almost dried up killing some Elves sounds like a good way to wipe away the tears they're here from the war though there are only a dozen of them and since they love to use wooden and gear this might not have been their best decision Rigo the militia Commander doesn't even make it all the way out to them before the other soldiers training near the entrance cut them down without injury it's good practice for the less experienced a dwars and every good dwarf should know how to cut down an elf it's about time that such a magnanimous City gets a throne room to call its own and the reason is growingly apparent before the first wall even goes in as the seventh holding nearby pops up well let's get ready to welcome their diplomats in a throne room full of brass seats and tables with room for visitors and Engravings that Mark the path in to appease my symmetry obsessed Brain before everything's even carved in placed the room is already considered opulent because of how expansive it is and the few Engravings that are already there there's still a little more to add and as if on Q VOD makes a wonderful artifact brass door that will serve as the entrance to the nearby special tomb for The Duchess risen she also gets a dining hall that's spacious but frankly fairly uninspired next to the tavern with that Riven only needs her bedroom to be spruced up to be happy with her lot the rest of the bedroom floors are still being worked on though cutting and placing all the blocks has been an even more long-term project than I expected The Tavern meanwhile is already nice enough to occasionally draw Undead creatures who come for a casual little visit though while it's getting some new flooring to cover up the mud now that plumbing is finally fixed the world officially enters the age of Legends I'm not going to take full responsibility for it but only because I know my viewers are naturally smart enough to come to that obvious conclusion the fourth year comes to an end but Winter's bitter chill doesn't even have time to fully leave before orbs woman gets the honor of hosting the king he chose to live here over every other site he could reside in and promptly announces that orsom is now the capital rizen isn't exactly pleased that she isn't the head honcho here anymore but this is the start of orbs woman going down in Dwarven history as a true Mountain Home the greatest amongst all Dwarven civilizations it's just a little bit awkward that this step happens while we're planning out tombs and while a rotting Goblin corpse in the entrance spews me Asma the king is willing to overlook those but demands rooms even nicer than what risen has and while we start sorting those out now he can have some of the legendary jewelry we've made to appease him in the meantime maybe don't tell the king that the friendly demon Adventurer is back to get his punch card stamped yet again though instead tell him that a a wonderfully expansive throne room is carved out complete with a nearby dining room bedroom and a tomb for when his long life naturally comes to an end everyone floods in to get to work smoothing the stone enth the legendary metal crafter that's led the blossoming economy since orbs women's founding uses some of the last platinum bars to make Thrones and tables for the king's rooms least who's a legendary crafter by now thans to the Dozen crates full of brass goblets they've made focuses on brass furniture for the rest of the fortress's common areas kubic the master engraver eagerly Works to add intricate art to the king spaces while some of the nicest furniture yet is given to the king to store everything he might have work progresses and the king is gradually satiated until finally he's happy with his accommodations but greed runs deep in a dwarf's blood and he wants more this is the final and hardest step of becoming a Mountain Home giving the king what he wants and finding unearthly Metals deep beneath the ground to appease them in addition to seven of those I'll have to make a throne from adamantine and accomplishing both of those will involve a lot of exploring in the heated depths are we sure that bedrooms aren't good enough for him because these are looking pretty good no no okay okay fine the bottom of the fort gets a kind of checkpoint Dugout which has a line of fortifications on one side of a bridge that will hopefully keep everyone safe if slash when things go wrong a second way into a further bunker is dug out above and then a second line of fortifications go in archers can shoot through these safely from the left side and any unsavory enemies where the bridges might not be able to hit back while that's all built and that bridge takes a a good amount of time migrants arrive but though the Fortress only draws some six migrants it also only draws half a dozen Goblin Raiders maybe Tales of wealth need more time to spread as is asked the militia Captain is essentially able to handle this entirely on his own now the bigger threat to orbs woman is that the brass has finally been all smelted down after nearly 4 years of having two smelters going fulltime over a thousand brass Bars were made of which some 800 have been turned into goblets fortunately there are still plenty of steel and iron to make bolts for crossw that head down to the bunker to watch over a miner digging towards a Spire of obsidian and adamantine that will have the Divine medals the king seeks there are big dangers here but the archers lining up are incredibly skilled from years of hunting and some practice in the archery range the first obst iicle is a small underground Lake the miners open up easily enough which shows a more dangerous pocket of lava hidden by warmstone the miners will have to carefully navigate around these or just clear them out and let it flood and run off it will evaporate and burn off in time that's a good break for soldiers who have been perched at the bridge since but time passes they've had a drink and a good nap and they were turned down so that miners can resume work on other floors when the ones they're currently on have been flooded the Divine metals that the king miss them once are interspersed here in the obsidian and Gem studded pillars which means I'll be digging into them on every level I can find unfortunately magma pits are still common and while miners are able to run almost every time it slows down work pretty consistently the most recent spill is huge enough that soldiers go on break as mining has to come to a halt or most of of one I must have forgotten to cancel some orders because an ancient horror that was sealed away is Unleashed by a minor that dies to its claws mere moments later the serpentine creature floods out though the military rushes back down from their post to handle it they can't get there before it runs up the staircase and murders exactly one more dwarf the former king's tomb is going to be used sooner than later orsom Remains the capital and we can continue doing what the late mdom wanted by digging back down into the obsidian and gems to appease the new king vok he doesn't care about anything rizen doesn't care about anything the Old King didn't care why do all of my leaders just give up on the world hopefully vok is at least a little bit roused by Adam mentine which is an incredibly valuable n impervious but difficult to work metal the miners unleash it isn't the focus though since we all only need one Throne made out of it and miners only slowly chip away at it while craft or shops are put in near the forges to process this into strands that can ultimately be made into adamantine ingots we only get what's incidentally mined out in search of the ancient artifacts that will Elevate orbs women to a proper Dwarven Mountain home now what happens next actually involves some pretty heavy spoilers for the game so if you're a newer Dwarf Fortress player who doesn't know what the circus is I'd really recommend you stop watching even though the YouTube algorithm probably hates me for saying that you've got about 10 seconds before spoilers hit for the rest of you miners searching for little pockets with an unearthly artifact tucked away instead find a long tunnel down down and down and down so far down that they don't hear but Echoes of the horrendous screeches that fill the whole Fortress with an eerie cacophony a minor peering over the edge just barely makes out the red and black glow of these terrifying monstrosities we have just Unleashed literal hell upon ourselves they start charging up the tunnels and there are hundreds of them some spit webs While others use claws to tear through everyone there but before being able to pour into the Fortress they find a raised bridge that they just respect enough to not break down crossbowmen Pelt them through the fortifications it's slow work since these are the toughest enemies in the game but their ior is spilled as skilled dwarves fire again and again and again the bridge would break if I tried to use it to atam smash them and even legendary soldiers in great gear would be torn to Ribbons if they didn't heavily outnumber these foes so what amounts to carefully engineered cheese is all that will keep the dwarves alive since that involves at least hundreds of bolts the legendary armor Smith is kicked from their station so that a second legendary weapon Smith can start making steel ammo full time this is very expensive but we do have the resources for it and I shudder to think how long this would take with mere iron or Worse bone it's already been long enough that some of the crossbow dwarves nap on the floor in between bouts of shooting after exhaustion sets in that's good enough reason to cancel the orders for now so they can rest up and recover in their bedrooms even that brief span of shooting was enough to cover the floor in Blood and leave some of them seriously injured this is a marathon not a Sprint and it's one we have to take carefully the captain mum literally falls asleep on the stairs up to his bedroom after all of the adrenaline wears off I actually take the time to add bedrooms down near the conflict just for the crossbow dwarves to have a shorter commute the security concerns understandably delayed vabo coronation but it's time for him to get his Royal dues he's a strong calm and pessimistic alcoholic who hasn't been able to recover from trauma he underwent years prior his inability to find things to care about is even rubbing off on some kids who also don't seem to mind that they're playing just a Stones Throw from literal hellbeast let's get back to cleaning those up now some archers hate to pick up bolts and fill their Quivers others go drink water from a pond on the surface even though we have tons of booze fortunately resetting their squad at least makes them refill their Quivers though they go for bone bolts even though I explicitly forbade all of those already I really feel like I have to be missing something with how archers are supposed to work but after a few weeks delays most eventually return to shoot shooting off bolts and even Mark a few kills that leave ashy corpses Marx dwarves are kind of stupid but they're also incredibly effective and the only way to deal with something like this a nearby ammo stockpile partially alleviates their bad decision making and they start to spit out more and more steel bolts into the ever growing rotting pile of hellacious corpses eventually they kill everything at the opening though there are plenty more still hiding away there are also a ton of visiting Nobles here eager to meet the new king I would have chosen to wait until the hell Rift is closed to visit but dwarves are just Brave like that there's still some 20 of the creatures here which is still way too many for a fair fight but to clear them out I'm going to have to lure them in which involves digging beneath the bridge currently blocking their path then building another Bridge down there I unassign The Talented miners including our King then get a bunch of less important newbies assigned to the job after giving one a single file line to mine out to draw exactly them here I pull the lever behind to lock them in don't panic oole you're going to scare the child playing Make Believe on the other side of the bridge focus on mining some totally random stairs got to have those stairs up for oh no who could have seen this coming I made a huge mistake and she dug up into the Beast who charge into Archer fire to kill her oh what a horrible tragedy that no one could have predicted at least it'll never happen again oh no oh the second time what a silly a oh and a third oh no he hey hey you weren't supposed to run away and drag monsters out of Archer fire die with some dignity but with hell's forces thinned out it's time for the mass of legendary soldiers at the gate to lower the bridge they gang up on the first hell Beach beast and Slaughter it with a single punch the other beasts are just content to sit back and wait there are still more waiting in the Spire too but they're all equally chill even the attacking Goblin force is calm enough to attempt parlay though after we reject that it's a quick and brutal Affair back below miners are once again sacrificed to bait the creatures out for the viewer sensitivity I'm just going to hide what happens behind this menu no actually they live though the Beast dead definitely took out a chunk of them before the military got there the other hell Beast are baited out with stairs up to them which leads miners to them and though a few die the soldiers are so fearsome that the enemy flees as fast as they can the threat isn't quite gone before the official fifth anniversary of orsom passes with the fort valued at just over 3 million I've really slacked off on making food since hitting the mark 2 years ago and we're out of of precious metal to turn into goblets but the armor bolts and other Goods have carried us over this Mark we just need to finish beating hell explore around the spire and become a true Mountain Home a Divine spider interrupts progress on that front to come down into the midst of soldiers but it continues to flee downwards towards hell soldiers pursue it there but it's a treacherous descent and the spider is more suited to these narrow tunnels it scores kills after kill but the soldiers eventually managed to take it down albeit at a heavy cost half of the hammer dwarves and all but one of the spear dwarves died to the beast but with that the map is officially clear of hellacious creatures orbs woman has literally defeated the demon underworld just after 5 years after coming here it's more than anyone could have hoped or expected miners can return to looking for unearthly medals here there's still some potential risk to other Divine beings locked here but it doesn't take long for them to find the first artifact a metal Mitten which frankly just sounds plain uncomfortable but the king wants it it is mildly valuable though the miners find a second third and fourth which are all assigned to the Monarch barring the occasional lava flood which traps unfortunate miners a kid pushing over a wagon which is not a notification I've ever seen in a thousand hours of this game and ghostly miners returning to haunt The Fortress for reasons I can't imagine work is pretty productive they find a fifth sixth and seventh such artifacts and they're all assigned to the king all that's left to do is make an adamen timee Throne from bars each processed by careful craft stores and smelters every one is worth 1,500 and we need nine but once we do the legendary enth who's more fit than anyone else in the the world gets to work making this it's kind of disappointing 13,000 worth of materials for an expertly made loss of nearly 9,000 but it's still placed in his throne room and as the King meditates on Jewels he immediately realizes what's been done orsom is finally an official Mountain Home the most prestigious Rank and a literal Legend amongst Dwarven kind better still it took just over 5 years to reach this point it's tremendous growth made possible by a splendid set of dwarves I thought wealth would draw worse threats than what came but I think I'm just spoiled by constantly being at War and settling more dangerous lands in most of my playthroughs my next couple of videos are going to feature suitably brutal challenges so I remember just how fun it is to lose like a tile locked Fortress I've been testing out still becoming a Mountain Home was something I've never done before and I hope you you enjoyed it too if so drop the video a like to help me out with YouTube's algorithm then subscribe so you don't miss what comes next
Channel: Just Don't Die
Views: 105,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress
Id: CN6fsmq0pgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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