I Survived 10 Years in Dwarf Fortress

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I survived for 10 years in Dwarf Fortress and it's been a real challenge this was my first proper Fortress so going from peaceful building of early Basics defending off hordes of goblins and attacks of deadly forgotten beasts I've got some amazing stories to tell so sit back crack open a cold one and join me on this adventure here's how it happened it All Began in the spring of 250. McCarron arrived and Paul gear was established with a team of Seven Dwarves ready to start building my Fortress I decided to start by digging next to the river as it would provide my dwarves with a steady source of water and also make fishing a lot easier I didn't build some basic workshops to get started on Crafting and Manufacturing like little worms my dwarves burrowed into the soft soil hiding from the scary sun on the surface slowly expanding the workshop area and I also set up a pasture from animals so they wouldn't starve in late spring the focus was in digging specifically for an inn and a kitchen so that I could have a place for a dwarves to rest and eat and finally a spring turned to Summer my blacksmith was able to extract our first iron bars from hematite a still was built so we could start producing our own drinks alcohol pretty much the most important dwaran commodity the kitchen was also completed and my dwarves were able to start cooking meals I also started digging for bedrooms and offices some dwarfs would have a place to rest and work next I assigned a manager and a bookkeeper to help keep track of our resources and finances a trade Depot was built and an inn was set up so we could start welcoming guests to our Fortress soon new migrants arrived bringing the population count to 15. it must have been the smell of fresh dorm beer brewing that brought them here and as summer was coming to an end I set my dwarves to dig out of room for a hospital which would become a very busy area in the years ahead as awesome arrived I created the first malicious Squad and atip was appointed as the militia Commander Legends say he eventually became alleged legendary fighter who led the first Squad until the very end first Caravan arrived and we assigned minkat as our broker to handle trade I also assigned Monker as a first doctor to keep my doors patched up the first trade brought in some much-needed food and letter and soon later seven new migrants followed due to the new hungry mouths I set the new hands together as much fruit outside as possible soon after a stonecrafter went into a fey mood and eventually created a hematite mug our first artifact that we promptly used for some heavy drinking in the tavern throughout the whole Autumn my blacksmiths were busy crafting iron armor and weapons for the first Squad in the late Autumn I assigned four dwarfs to serve under etep as a precaution I also started building a wall on the surface around the entrance to serve as Barracks for the militia as winter arrived tragedy struck a hunter angered a group of gray langers and our recruits had to kill a number of them but our bookkeeper pedona Steve was found dead in the hospital died from injuries from the nasty Critters so I started digging a tomb and Steve was buried first casualty in pool gear but far from the last at this point I noticed one of the injured recruits was still in the hospital recovering and was thirsty clearly Monker not taking care of him properly everyone knows Dwarven beer is the best remedy but it seemed we needed water and with the river Frozen for the winter I had to start digging deep until we found Caverns luckily there was a body of water just below so we built a well which left the hole right in the middle of my Fortress but at least the injured dwarf was saved with spring thaw the river was no longer Frozen and fishing could resume to combine with the fruits we gathered in Autumn however I was facing a new problem as Badgers started attacking my animals but luckily the floor fungus started to spread after breaking into the caves so I built a New Pasture next to the workshops inside and brought them in for safety and Ellen Karen also arrived and it was my first time actually trading with the l not just robbing them as I usually do and speaking of robbing people did you know I have a patreon page where you can support a channel the link is down below alone was also built to take advantage of the silk we could now gather from the Camerons and one of our miners went into a Fame mood and made a turn which was promptly placed into our workshop and never used again as summer arrived I focused on expanding our Fortress even more I finally started digging for farming areas so we could grow our own pump helmets and become more self-sufficient I also set up a temple assigning no specific deity to worship for now to give her dwarves a place for Spiritual reflection in the Harsh Times to come and those Harsh Times began innocently enough with their arrival of a performance group called the pure Stakes which I foolishly allowed to stay in our Fortress to provide entertainment for my dwarves little did I know how that's gonna turn out but at least for now the future seemed bright and we welcome the first Warren child born in polgier named isaku Autumn brought on another Dwarven Caravan we dreaded shell figurines and other Small Things We Made for More instruments and most importantly Steel weapons basically trash for treasure the hobo way work also began on a dungeon as I wanted to have a secure place to hold prisoners and protect pool gear it turned out my timing was impeccable for a while now we had issues with chaos interrupting my dwarves so I set up an Archer Squad to fight him off but chaos were just a distraction I found death Lord's corpse in his bedroom learned he had been drained of blood our legendary Miner was dead and this meant there was a vampire in pool gear instantly I became suspicious of the pure Stakes Performance Group and the sheriff was assigned to interrogate all the poets and the work on that dungeon became the main priority suddenly as winter arrived I was still dealing with the aftermath of the vampire in my Fortress through interrogations I learned that there had been some Goblin Espionage going on which made me even more cautious the Traders were still hanging around as well so I decided to destroy the trade Depot in order to get rid of them they finally left and we were able to take all the stuff they left behind which was pretty amazing although we got most of our trash back in late winter disaster struck again minkat another Miner was found drained of blood adding to the whole vampire mystery frantically I schedule interrogations with everyone in the Fortress to try and find a wild beast and keep my poor dwarf safe but in reality I was grasping its troughs and had no idea how to actually catch him as spring arrived we were still on a high alert for the vampire looking through all Resident dwarves I became suspicious of autumn the Dwarven poet but didn't really act on my suspicions I wish I did at this point the trade Depot was rebuilt and then Elven Karen arrived but being on edge from the secret vampire in her midst I channeled my frustrations in an attack on them killing them all and taking their goods which prompted a big migrant wave with more than 20 dwarves arriving so clearly I did something right if you want to do something right as well why don't you click that subscribe button down below a lion was among the treasures we stole from The Elves and promptly trained him for war and to beef up our defenses even more I created a new five-man militia Squad and finally started building the roof above the barracks to keep the chaos out in late spring it all went South the vampire struck again and zassid was found drained of blood this was the last straw and I promptly sent every poet from the pure Stakes into the caves so first I expelled Za the human Bard and killed him suspect him as the vampire but he wasn't the one so with the safety of pool gear at the stake I exiled the rest of the performance and fought them the fight was so vicious we actually lost our new war line but the vampire mystery still remained unsolved with six poet corpses at our feet yeah maybe I did or react a little bit but summer was quiet and the vampire did not strike new migrants arrived and that prompted the lazy company our Craft Wars Guild to request a Guild Hall so I started building it to furnish the new Guild Hall iqed some tetrahedride for smelting and soon we were making silver statues of course all the poets had to be buried so I had to excavate a series of new tombs the population boost also meant we now had a mayor a wing Flames became the one to take the mantle in late summer I finally noticed that Autumn one of the performers we killed the dwarf that seemed suspicious to me confessed to one of the vampire murders so he was the vampire that was looking for all this time I was relieved to say the least to finally solve the mystery and keep my dwarf safe the vampire was dead and gone but this was not the last one we had to deal with over the years in the Early Autumn the roof above the barracks was finally completed and I began building a drawbridge to further protect our Fortress while the war and Caravan arrived and we traded more trash for instruments still weapons ladder and meat but of course Peace could not last and nowhere raccoon appeared in our Fortress unfortunately a fisherman was killed and some other dwarves rushed the way raccoon like the smart bastards they were before the militia squads could reach it so it killed a blacksmith and a visitor as well before we were able to finally slay it luckily no one was bitten and infected winter brought a small group of goblin snatchers at our doorstep and we had to chase them away to protect the Fortress a bone carer went into a fey mood soon after and created a bone ring worth around 7 000 which was the most valuable artifact so far we also started extending the tavern and building a throne room for the mayor with Cameron's expansion I added some instruments to the place to improve the cultural life of my dwarves this is the thought things were looking up a human macement was spotted sneaking around our Fortress learning that he belonged to an enemy faction called flag of Reigns we had to kill him soon after a dwarf mercenary bomb wreck asked to join us and I added him to the first militia Squad every able Soldier dwarf was welcome after the trouble we've been through and bomrick proved a valuable fighter in the years to come in early spring I assigned empty Pockets Jack as the tavern Keeper in charge of getting everyone as drunk as possible an honorable position in any Dwarf Fortress another Elven Karen arrived and I would love to know what they thought when they saw the corpses of their previous Caravan but we attacked and killed them before I could ask them away the bad days soon after likod the armor went to a fey mood and created an iron helmet worth 6 000 which I was very excited about but completely forgot to actually assign it to any of my fighting Wars 21 migrants also arrived and with that a metal working Guild was established and I promptly went to build a Miguel Hall with the increased number I had many jobless dwarves so I bolstered my fledgling militia Squad with 8 more fighting Wars that meant a bunch of our livestock had to be butchered to create leather armor and higher demand for weapons also prompted me to build more metalsmith workshops and smelters summer brought more Goblin thieves and winged Flames the mayor got to test his new Warhammer on their skulls during this time chaos were attacking our Fortress and a visiting human Necromancer fought them and raised bones of a recently butchered livestock which aced him away but had to fight the undead bones he raised it was an absolute mess with the whole butcher shop coming alive but in the end my dwarves were victorious in the new Barracks we dug out above the caves I started building an archery range and soon 11 more migrants arrived bringing our population to over 100. summer ended with another human mazement a flag of Reigns being spotted sneaking around and when Flames the mayor put his Warhammer to good use again Autumn brought another Dwarven care into our gates and we traded for steel and latter we also gave them a gift of 1000 in Shell jewelry just to establish were not in fact the baddies to protect pool gear even more I set up cage traps at the entrance and had to build lots of new bedrooms to accommodate the growing population unfortunately an artifact was seen being stolen at the tavern and vast a human Lord concert visiting us was the one who took it the captain of the Guard beat him up into a pulp and took the item back hirohiro was assigned as a dungeon master and stag was assigned as Hammer to help deal with crime in the Fortress as Autumn turned to Winter a while force of Darkness arrived and we captured two Goblin thieves and one crossbowman killing the rest of them in a bloody battle while that was happening godan a dwarf Barren concert visiting us went on a brawling spree stag our new Hammer promptly beat him up real bad as a punishment during this time Ed and the Trapper was found dead drain of blood indicating that a new vampire was here which meant new interrogations but in the end those came to nothing Paul gear was becoming a McDonald's for vampires it seemed so I decided to build a trap dungeon for captured enemies which started bringing the captured goblins in a new dungeon and two thieves died on the traps but a goblin Croswell man killed a child who brought him in I don't know who decided the children were ideal Workforce to do with imprisoned goblins but it certainly wasn't me we mourned the child and in his memory I filled the three militia squads fully the 30 fighting dwarves perfect timing because soon after a cyclops arrived but he fell to Lloyd the wrestler and we were able to reclaim an artifact crossbow worth twelve thousand sathusa the Forgotten Beast also arrived and was attacked by our dogs Lloyd the wrestler killed that one as well and he probably would have killed the goblin that turned into a weird giraffe at our doorstep as well but the monster actually ran away good job Lloyd surprisingly spring was peaceful I started digging for a large Temple complex where I eventually built three proper temples dedicated to the gods worshiped by my dwarves soon 22 new migrants survived meaning the the whole of headers a farmer's Guild was established and we started building a hall for them as well in late spring a weaponsmith went into a Fame mood and created a pig iron maze worth 6 000 which was a decent addition to our Armory with the arrival of Summer I Got a notification that the goblin pits of hadrax were conquered a town with population of over 100 Souls was now economically linked to pool gear a great advancement for our civilization a wild force of Darkness arrived soon after in retaliation they encountered a visiting demon called obok and promptly kill him I have no idea where the demon came from but he was friendly so we had to avenge him in a bloody battle my dwarves were eventually Victorious summer was also the beginning of a short alcohol crisis in polgir we had less than 100 drinks in storage and with our bustling in and growing population I knew this to be a big problem to solve the crisis I assigned a bunch of new Brewers and built multiple new sales a craft dwarf named azum went into a Fame mood and he created Milo akath a sheep wool cold worth 17 000. that simple coat remained the most valuable artifact pool gear created for the remainder of our 10-year journey and a word must have come out because soon aware capybara named coal came but bombreg the dwaran mercenary killed it with one stab of a short sword as Autumn arrived I was still dealing with the alcohol crisis something that occupied the mind of every dwarf in the Fortress soon the first incident happened because the dwarves were too sober when digging the moat in the caverns the roof collapsed and Shogun the legendary Miner got seriously injured bringing him to the hospital reminded me we never made any soap so I stirred up that whole process the mode was successfully completed soon after and we started building a drawbridge across it feeling a bit more secure from attacks From Below now we started digging deeper in the caverns and soon after discovered a magma people by laid Autumn the alcohol crisis was finally stabilized with over 400 drinks in the storage and that brought seven new migrants bringing our population over 150 which meant Paul gear was now officially an alcohol Metropolis winter brought a new Wild Force of Darkness but we were able to kill them all the river was frozen so I had an idea to dig a moat on the surface as well but I forgot our Inn is right below so as we started digging rocks collapsed into it fortunately only hurting some of our dogs mode was put on hold as we had to roof there in again when that was done I began digging a new mode this one a lot more ambitious but built in a way it avoided the end also started building a bridge across the mode and when it was complete I placed copper statues at the bridge entrance as a reminder to any visitors they are now entering the Dwarven Metropolis of polgir with spring the last of the eyes thawed and the mode was fully flooded forgotten Beast which small arrived but we were able to kill it with ease like the pathetic little Beastie it was 25 migrants arrived bringing the population to over 180. the Hall of rain a Ranger's Guild was established and many new bedrooms were assigned to be dug some are brought another a wild force of Darkness made up of 12 crossbow-wielding goblins but once again we were able to kill them all that was the easy fight soon after a fire breeding forgotten Beast a Moog arrived a punishment for how cocky we have become I quickly raised a drawbridge but unfortunately a dog fell in the mouth and drowned the bees burned a human Monster Hunter and one of our dwarves who was collecting spider webs in the caverns so I covered the well and blocked the stairs thinking that will keep the beast from being able to fly up as the beasts continued to burn the denizens of the caverns the only appropriate response was to build more temples as Autumn rolled in I created another melee Squad with 10 dwarves and started digging new Barracks for them near the temple complex seeing how pool gear was now a proper Dwarven Metropolis the whole of headers requested it's Guild Hall to be upgraded to a grand Guild Hall instead and I agreed and set to work while Furnishing the grand hall my progress was interrupted with a forgotten Beast Lenny arrived somehow a group of dwarves and dogs jumped into the water through the stairs above and they were all caught in the deadly miasma spawned by Lenny you see I thought the stairs were properly blocked off I was wrong among the fire beasts proceeded to burn two dogs that jump below and then fought Lena in the water for firebeast that was a really stupid idea and I was excited when I saw it died of battle wound soon after actually taking Lena down as well the beasts were dead so I lowered a bridge fearing what I will find below but to my surprise the dwarves that fell down actually survived but they're all very badly injured and Lena's miasma clung to them spreading through the hospital should I have worried about the deadly vapers spreading all over to place nah I also noticed that many of the Fallen dwarves had hundreds of tiny wounds and they all lost Vision which let's just say wasn't perfect as they were all crossbow dwarves but who needs eyes to shoot a crossbow right as winter came in pool gear miasma was spreading through the whole Fortress clinging to the war dogs that fought Lenny to add to that a wild force of Darkness survived with 20 goblins in total the biggest we've seen so far it was a grand battle but my dwarves were once again Victorious during the battle in gabso the goblin poet transformed into a Ware zebra in our Tavern he killed two poets and two dogs before the dwarves returned from the battle and defeated it unfortunately our famous mayor Wing Flames fell in the battle soon after Oleg the eyes became the new mayor and I decided to use my brains for once and keep him from the front lines from now on In The Bleak mid-winter the first miasma Afflicted dog died signaling a month of almost daily dog deaths yes we had a lot of war dogs but in the next couple of months most of them were gone to finish the eventful winter a forgotten Beast diseth arrived all squads assembled in the caverns this time around and killed it with ease however a dwaran baby was found dead of unknown reasons next to his mother maybe the child was another victim of the ever-present dog miasba alas winter was not yet done another forgotten Beast azok arrived this time I raised the drawbridge to avoid its deadly dust and once again turned to religion digging even more places for temples spring did not start off any better I found bamboo the bar dead of unknown reasons another mysterious death that was never explained continuing the winter Trend another forgotten Beast arrived thou the poison breeding monstrosity funny enough Thor ran into some Ant-Man in the caverns killing them but soon after he succumbed to the wounds himself at some point in mid-spring the last me asthma Afflicted dog finally died which triggered Moses the bone Carver to go into a fey mood creating a beautiful bone scepter worth 6 000. soon after I also noticed that azak was dead in the Deep Caverns but that meant we could once again Lower the drawbridge gaining access to the caves but that was very short-lived forgotten Beast tofi arrived a fire breeding monstrosity I raised the bridge quickly but as his tradition not everyone was lucky enough to return to the Fortress a human swordsman was left behind to fight the beast but that was not all another forgotten Beast Anna arrived and toffee killed it with fire now everything that happened to this point in pool gear I actually streamed on Twitch and if you so desire you can watch all 20 and some hours of vods on my second YouTube channel the link will be in the description continuing Into Summer things were not going well a tree collapsed in a Woodcutter and he died did that do anything to provide safer your work conditions no onwards to another forgotten Beast named ungu who soon fell to the fires of tofi to make matters worse that humans had burned in the caves Rose as a ghost and started causing issues in late summer a goblin visitor turned into a Ware capybara in the middle of her Inn biting two of our dwarves but I was so focused on the fight and never noticed the bite until it was too late as Autumn began a wild force of Darkness arrived again but dwarves were victorious after a bloody battle but a great cost three dwarves that I can't call anything but morons jumped into the moat as they charged the Goblins across the drawbridge and eventually drowned a great tragedy but one that cannot compare to what happened next remember how I never noticed two dwarves were bitten by that were capybara well they both transformed and attacked my dwarves killing one and biting multiple more including one child with six more infected dwarves on my hand I had no choice but to kill them in order to contain the spread of infection it was a sad day of course I couldn't expel the child who was bitten luckily at War and Karen arrived just in time to see him transform and they took him down for us he did manage to kill the merchant and by the guard which meant no trade for me in all that chaos another forgotten Beast thepani arrived but was promptly taken down by tofi at the start of the winter I began to dig out a new pond on the inside of the river wall so we could continue fishing in relative safety another forgotten Beast arrived falling victim to toffee again the fire breeding bees who had become our first defense line in the caverns other than that winter was peaceful more tombs were built and one of the weapon Smith was taken by a fey mood creating an iron Pike which ended up being a valuable weapon as we put it to good use in the Fortress future battles with springs thaw the new pawn filled in and the fishing could continue but that was the last piece of event of the spring a wild force of Darkness came once again but we emerged Victorious with some of our dwarves injured in the battle but that victory was short-lived as a mountain Titan arrives sparking another battle and after it I realized that we had another vampire victim on our hands in Revenge I sent my squads to kill a human poet needless to say he was not the vampire as days passed two more forgotten beasts arrived but tofi our fire breeding pet took care of them with ease but in so many battles with various beasts tofu sustained many injuries and was barely able to move anymore so send down my squad and SN the hammerlord delivered the mercy blow and named his hammer in honor of the victory toffee an enormous skinless fire breeding gecko with a short horn a defensive force in our Caverns for more than a year has finally Fallen he'll be remembered as a greatest fear but also our biggest salvation may he Rest In Pieces the vampire attacked again and I still had no idea who would was so another crazy attempt to get rid of it I exiled all the visiting poets to hate drags the pits that our civilization conquered some time ago just as they were leaving a marsh Titan arrived killing one of the exiled poets as in my first spot after it and cuddled the dwarf killed the Titan with a single stab in the moment of Peace we had I focused in improving our living conditions I built a couple new clothing workshops and we started to work on a new silk clothing but a piece were short-lived as a forgotten Beast named ugosh arrived but now my dwars were ready for it and as Mel the spearmaster killed it with one stab Autumn began with another fierce battle against the wild force of Darkness despite the victory another dwarf drowned in the fight I decided to dig a ramp out of the water to hopefully prevent any future casualties it actually worked most of the time but the real shock came with another vampire murder occurred was revealed that Eden the recruiter was the vampire responsible for all the kills as a punishment he was in prison for 225 days and scheduled for a severe beating another forgotten Beast null Thug arrived soon after lead as the spear dwarf quickly killed it after another easy battle as the Autumn turned towards winter and the river began to freeze I started digging through the ice to recover the corpses of the dwarves drowned in the moat the winter was a harsh one for Paul gear for the first time we faced attacks from the cavern dwelling Ant-Man despite the danger my dwarves were victorious in both battles a weaver was also taken by a fey mood and ended up creating a pair of pants called Densmore which ended up being our second most valuable artifact during the winter months we also faced three forgotten Beast attacks but with the help of our half-naked fighter volkar see you in the spearmaster and beam the marksmen we were able to defeat the beasts unfortunately two dwarves were seriously injured in the fights and one of them ultimately succumbed to their wounds of course Spring began with another arrival of a wild force of Darkness but my dwarves were prepared as they defeated the enemy with no casualties to further protect against Goblin attacks I decided to begin building on Archer Tower just as we completed the archer tower The Fortress was once again attacked by cave dwellers but despite the daddy attack our two cave militia squads managed to defeat them in late spring a marsh Titan arrived causing plenty of chaos the Beast was killed but at a cost of three Dwarven lives in summer I decided to send out my first squad on a ray to the nearby town of tickswam it was my first time I did something like that and I was nervous to see what's going to happen but a squad returned with valuable spoils and tales of Victory this was the first Squad that was still led by etep our first ever fighting war in preparation for future battles I began building ballistas and cannibals on the rooftops but really I should have built them in the caves as two more forgotten beasts arrived but they were quickly killed by rawat the xlord and asmo the spearmaster as the summer progressed I sent out the first Squad again this time to raise the Goblin Town of trade contained the squad returned with treasure and the population of that town was now down to 20. making it a prime target for future expansion falling leaves and cold wind once again brought the threat of the wild force of Darkness the Goblins were no match for our Elite Mars Wars but the battle was knocked without its casualties as the dust settled and my dwarves tended to the wounded at War and Karen arrived the Dwarven liaison brought with him news of great significance the colony of polgir was being raised at the status of Barony and Oleg the eyes was now a baron but the Tranquility was short-lived as three forgotten beasts arrived in mid-autumn kadole the swordmaster tuned the x-lord and gashod found the beasts earning their killing blows in late Autumn three groups of cave dwellers arrived we emerge Victorious I decided it's past time I began building walls in the caves to protect ourselves from future attacks but those walls were not built in time as the bitter winter Crypt pool gear we faced yet another attack the deadly Ant-Man sprung an ambush killing multiple dwarves in response I sent two squads to hunt them down deep into the caverns but the dangers didn't stop there a goblin visitor turn into a rare lizard and started wreaking havoc in the tavern the first Squad was quick to respond killing the Beast before it could cause too much damage in late winter another forgotten Beast arrived taking down two marks dwarves who stupidly rushed into melee again spraying signaled our last year in pole gear a while force of Darkness arrived for the first time with a mix of humans and dwarves in their midst and the ensuing battle raged for a couple of days in the end pulgier was Victorious but a cost of two drowned Wars the moat continued to be deadlier than the enemy and the first Squad led by iteb was sent out on a secret raid to the goblin Fortress of old dwells they soon returned with valuable artifacts emboldenbar Victory I send them out again this time to demand tribute from the Goblins of Steel Bewitched once again they returned successful securing tribute to arrive in the Autumn and send etep and his Squad out on two more raids and they secured tributes from the nearby human settlements raring geese and nail pondered in summer a scholar named mabzuth arrived in the Fortress seeking to study here despite my initial skepticism allowed him to stay and study and I effort to secure even more tribute I sent etep and his Squad to demand tribute from the nearby human settlement of leafy rabbits and the Goblin settlement of field Bandits the squad returned successful once again in late summer another forgotten Beast threatened pole gear but which killed Warriors like Siegen the spearmaster were able to defeat it Cavern dwellers soon launched another Ambush killing a human monster hunter in the process so I had to quickly respond with a cavern defense Squad eliminating the threat the ottoman began with an attack by two Goblin snatchers but it quickly became clear they were only a distraction as The Siege began the goblin Fallen one was leading the attack raising Undead as he went The Necromancer had a lot of Undead to raise but luckily they were weak and the Fallen one was eventually killed in battle soon after a cyclops arrived causing chaos and killing a human in a dwaron child before being taken down at this point Kevin dwellers recited again that Squad was sent to deal with them most of the Ant-Man were killed but it was clear that more were hiding in the water and after the reach Autumn ended with more of the blacksmith being found dead and the hospital full but a cause of death remained unknown as the winter set in I began to dig for corpse that had been trapped in the ice again as my last major project I began to mine a passage under the Frozen River as the tunnel under the river was completed a were lizard arrived and once again my foolish Rangers rushed in to fight it a bar died in the following fight and two dwarves were injured so I had to expel them to hadrax to prevent the infection from spreading as winter progressed more and more Cavern dwellers arrived and we had to engage into a prolonged fight which we did ultimately win an unrelated several dwarves fell into the mode again as the ice was beginning to thaw adding to the mold casualties spring of 260 brought with it the last month of my journey so I decided to send etep and the first Squad to capture and hold the Goblin Town of trade contained soon after they send the good news of their successful Conquest now not content with just one Victory I sent another Squad to conquer the town of troubleshine the mission was a success and troubleshine was added to the Paul gears list of conquered towns feeling the lack of militia squads present in the Fortress the cavern dwellers attack one last time but through our determination and skill my dwars were victorious once again and the Cameron dwellers were defeated as the dust settled the Fortress of Paul gear could look back on 10 long years of battles sieges and forgotten beasts The Fortress has been through a lot but in the end it had stood the test of time and proven to be a formidable stronghold thank you for watching and following the story of pool gear [Music] foreign
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 215,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress 10 years challenge, I survived 10 years in Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress 10 years, I played dwarf fortress for 10 years, Kokoplays Dwarf Fortress, Kokoplays MB
Id: hSriwxXOH5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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