Making Medieval Peasants into Monarchs | Going Medieval

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Abel wants to run the finest Menagerie in the world Sable wants to manage a splendid Orchard and park her friends relax in after a long day's work Babel wants to be a Warriors scholar equally renowned for his prowess in combat and with a pen but the world is cruel and those yet unrealized dreams are obscured by a plethora of obstacles right now we have one initial goal survive the bandits that are going to be attacking us in about a week and after that well I've got a lot in mind I condensed over 30 hours of my quest to make a grand city filled to the seams with Rich stories into one video that entertains introduces new players to the game and helps more experienced players get a better understanding of going medieval's amazing intricacies we start with nothing but snacks for a day some basic weapons a cat named dog and cat the dog to help a few fantastic villagers match up against a brutal custom difficulty where every option but one is set to its hardest setting attacks are twice as brutal The Savage land rots food and wears items down five times as fast everyone works half as fast as normal and a whole lot more than I'm referring to when I mention this scenario Sable might dream of planting trees to fill out a beautiful and Serene Grove but right now we need wood to start building so she's going to do the opposite and chop a bunch down every Villager has different skills they're good at and her High botany skill means she chops wood faster and gets more per tree if you want to change what jobs a villager is doing you go to the job tap up in the top left what opens up might seem intimidating but it's not too bad each villager is a row and they do tasks with the lowest number in their row Sable skill of 2 and plant cutting means that she's going to prioritize chopping any trees I Mark for it I put a stockpile in which by default accepts all kinds of goods now Babel will know he should be hauling the wood that stable chops down here so that Abel can start using it to build in this scenario stuff on the ground decomposes really quickly so I'm going to put down floors made of wooden sticks to help prevent that unlike most games where you have a specific research Building kitchen house and so on going medieval has you building free-form rooms from walls then Define what villagers do inside them by putting in furniture and production stations I go to the production Tab and choose a basic research table place down the schematic and then start building walls around it to make a room although he dreams of much more Abel can start working on a large but ultimately simple building he's not too happy that the most he works with animals now is feeding cats and dogs but everyone starts somewhere making one big building like this is a lot more resource efficient although we are gonna move away from it over time because it just doesn't look as nice Abel finishes building the basic research table before we get to those though villagers do research and going medieval by writing various tomes including the Chronicles I'm gonna set to make forever right here you choose to dedicate these towards unlocking certain Technologies in the research tab now they let you do things like smelting agriculture brewing and a lot more there are a ton of options to choose and we kind of need everything right now fortunately Babel's really good at this this is something you almost certainly want someone working at full time for at least a couple of years so instead of villager's intellectual priority to one then leave them at it the Sun starts to set and after rushing in a few hey sleeping spots everyone can rest in beneath the stars the sun rises again the next day that's one of many many new days but this one brings new priority we need to secure some way to actually get food The Villages brought enough packaged meals for that first day but their stomachs are rumbling and their prospects are stumbling we need a campfire to cook meals and we need is able to stop chopping trees long enough to gather some red currants these berry bushes are naturally scattered around the map and there are great early game food source although do make sure you let them ripen for their full yield that'll take an extra few days but the bush will be extra red when it's ready and it'll say ripe in the bottom right when you select it the custom scenario means that these red currants won't even take a full day to ride if we leave them out so Sable's only going to harvest a few bushes Worth to make meals for a day at a time instead of stockpiling a bunch like we'll eventually do cooking them is done by making a production order at the campfire I'm going to set it to cook until I have four meaning that a chef who is able for us will want to make some whatever we have three or fewer simple meals most work orders let you click the nearby edit button to determine what ingredients or reagents get used which is useful if you want to save a particular kind of resource to something else for example I'll eventually be sieving grains for Brewing instead of bread food isn't much of an issue for most Villages but this scenario means that it will be one for us for a long long time and our problems don't just end there villages are starting to suffer from a perpetually bad mood though again only because of that custom scenario when this mood bar gets high enough they're inspired and become better Crafters if it gets low enough as will be the case in our village for a while they'll Rebel and refuse to do any work for about a day that can be disastrous if it happens when a raid arrives so you want to avoid this as much as possible you improve their Mood by giving them amenities like a great hall to eat and socialize in private bedrooms and nicer clothes that means separating their sleeping space with walls and a door for now which is going to make it a shared bedroom although we are going to be doing a lot more later on rebellions are bad but starving is a much more pressing issue and we're going to start addressing that with some mining right now the biggest obstacle is food rotting Sable currently has to harvest a few red currant bushes every day because any more would just turn into mush before our eyes not being able to keep a stockpile of stored food is gonna be a huge issue when we get to Winter and could even be bad before then if we're tied up with raids or other threats okay I know Abel's not a genius like Babel but I don't think he's dumb enough to actually mine the space he's standing on right he's not gonna make himself fall down and need to be rescued right actually right stairs down will let our villagers descend so they can mine on another level and this is where going medieval starts to really set itself apart from other similar Colony Sim games this game emphasizes verticality in a beautiful way you can build big walls up to defend against Raiders from or dig down into the Earth for safety and resources in this case we're gonna build down a few levels and use that to make a seller that's cool enough to stop food from with the start of the seller underway I'm happy to start putting in a couple of amenities that should help with their moods a shrine handles their religious needs while backhand table keeps them all entertained like kings villagers come here for a couple hours every other day to unwind and we continue making kingly gains by unlocking the First Technology architecture although I'm not going to explain what it does until I actually start using it on the research tab the number of available books indicates how many aren't being used for current Technologies and are what we can put forward to Future ones but Babel is going to keep writing more and more Chronicles to unlock every technology we enable somehow senses the animals are starving it's as if they're telling him directly like their message is just hovering there in the air he must just be a great animal Handler the man hunts a wild animal to feed dog the cat and cats at all you can Mark various animals for hunting in the animal Wildlife Tab and I choose a deer since they give lots of food and are easy to kill Abel switches to prioritize hunting in the jobs list and equips a bow from a stockpile now he's off to kill that animal and bring the carcass back so we can butcher it into meat for her own sweet animals with our basic needs taken care of it's time to tackle the biggest building project yet defenses I haven't mentioned that raid I know is coming before long while getting the basics taken care of but those blades will Feast on able Babel and Sable's blood without solid preparations a large wall will help funnel enemy Raiders and for us to have a fair chance of beating them back because we're going to be outnumbered and out geared note the little stockpile of wood I put in nearby then Marcus high priority to make sure it's filled this helps table a lot by reducing how far he has to run for all the wood which is a good thing because he's decided to mine himself into a hole this time fortunately wooden staircases don't care what they're being built on top of which is great for building down to get trapped resources or villagers out we build a butchering table to handle the deer carcass we hunted earlier today because it's already almost rotted but somehow cutting it up resets that although Butchery is a culinary job the yield from it is determined by animal husbandry skill so you want to have someone good with animals handle it Abel's good at both which works out nicely we are masters of More Than Just Animals though Babel finishes writing a few more Chronicles which let us unlock the next technology so we can plant Fields this is almost always going to be the technology you want to go for next although your choices get a lot harder after this you can choose what you're actually telling your villagers to plant in the variants tab down here although you can only see the options for what the abilities have seen before right now that means I can only put cabbages and some trees note that botany skill only affects how quickly villagers plant them and not the plant's health or anything else else so planting is a good job for idle villagers that need a little bit more work to do when I have some down time soon I'll put in a small tree farm as well which will help us Harvest wood going into the future and be a little bit more sustainable those cabbages are eventually going to need to be stored so it's good that the first part of the cellar is ready three levels down beneath the surface rooms that are underground are significantly cooler which you can see by mousing over a room and looking at the top right anything below 41 degrees Fahrenheit or 5 degrees Celsius will keep food fresh indefinitely food will still decompose if you don't store it on a floor which is going at now or a shelf which you have to unlock via research floors slightly increase the temperature so I'm only going to Mark a few for building similarly you want to use natural dirt walls and roofs try not to build a cellar out of other materials since it'll make it warmer we're gonna have to move food outside for our animals until we finish training them in the pets since they don't have opposable thumbs to open the doors we are working on training them into proper pets though training and taming are an animal handler job someone can only try once per day per animal a success makes them more tame although this percentage decreases over time skill matters a ton for this job so it's a good thing that Abel is so good with animals after getting cat and dog a quick meal I get rid of the above ground stockpile and put one in the cellar to try and preserve what's left of the meat but we don't finish doing that before foxes move in to steal some moments before it rots the seller finishes which means that Abel is now free and he can get to work expanding the wall I'm trying to secure way too much space I'll be the first one to say that I'm being greedy the ledge we're building against helps a lot since it's basically half the wall the base is gonna get without requiring any labor a Trader arrives and while these are normally great ways to grab barley or seeds to plant one of the scenario settings makes trading absolutely brutal one of our meals sells for half a goal while one of theirs costs 164. I need to buy Apple saplings from Traders like this eventually but that's going to be years down the line at these prices speaking of long-term goals there's a lot of Technologies I want but just can't use yet tailoring so the villagers aren't naked fermenting to start crafting booze and put a smile on everyone's face preservation to let us just build shelves for the seller in the end I go with Furniture so that I can put wall bookshelves in this enclosed room they store Chronicles so we don't have to store them on the floor and Mark it in closed space as an official Library which will boost how quickly Babel produces new books going forward the farm gets a huge expansion of red current bushes these are great for early food but having Sable run off to harvest them then having to haul the berries back before they rot waste a lot of time we'll also be using red currants for Booze once I unlock fermentation since they're really good for that too the last of the walls surrounding and protecting our aspiring village is all planned out just in time for a villager fleeing Raiders to arrive events like this are the only way to get new villagers although not all of them will be followed by a raid like he is we accept not Pentecost who had a weird ridiculous name we allow him to seek safety with us if he changes his name to a real one like cable he came from a small Monastery that was destroyed by a Siege and keeps going on about how being stuck to just 50 tiles meant they were easy to starve out I don't really get it either although he wants to run an Exquisite Boutique full of beautiful outfits we don't give him a tailoring job just yet mostly because we just literally don't know what he's talking about Babel hasn't written any books on it yet we're just running around naked in the interim cable is really good at building he's going to help Abel rush in all those walls we need to stop his pursuiters I also prepare by mining out all the natural dirt Gramps to the area so that we're on an isolated Plateau the front gets the door to make it an actual entrance and then I fortify it with the strongest defensive setup in the game two pillars out front stand nice and strong wooden beams which are unlocked by architecture are a huge help here buildings have what's called a stability value it starts at 4 for anything built on Solid Ground then goes down by one for every tile away something is from solid support if you put a floor directly on a wall it'll have the same stability if you move it two tiles away now it goes down by two anything that would have a stability of zero can't be built the floors I'm highlighting now benefit from the beams because without them they'd have a stability of zero and we couldn't go there but because beams inherit the stability of whatever they're attached to in this case four the floors go out much further I'll add more Lawns to the side these give the best cover in the game meaning that enemy arrows fired up at us one to hit as much while our arrows aren't going to be impeded at all then I put in a small walled area for our little Health archeries we've taken a few too many hits regardless to retreat to they'll be safe from enemy fire but can keep attacking enemies near the front door cable enable work together on the wall and have plenty of time to talk about the newcomers dreams of running a fantastic Boutique and building Fairgrounds that showcase off his Town's Goods Abel mentions that he wants to oversee an Exquisite Menagerie and the pair bond over plans to make a fantastic Fairgrounds under the Envy of everyone Farah and why even if cable forgets to respond to his new name a couple of times the Raiders arrive just before we finish all the walls but they don't actually get to us before their path is blocked by hardwood and harder resolve though these Raiders might also be witches I mean how else are they gonna know Cable's real name the management tab is great for having villagers find the appropriate weapon or armor on their own although I'll go into it a little bit more when we have both more villagers and more equipment while Villages are normally autonomous and handle their own needs and work you can use drafting to manually control them for combat Abel and Sable climb into the archers Nest while Babel and cable hold their Spears and sweaty Palms enemies look for the shortest path in through open tiles and doors and because one's in the way they come and try to batter this wooden obstruction down archers are more accurate and do way more damage when they shoot at someone on the low ground although it's hard to call what they're doing with the extra sturdy enemies this scenario throws at us any real damage these Raiders loner to the Isis comrades start chopping down the door cable steps up to start jabbing enemies with the spear while Babel just looks really really really good looking behind him everyone endows equally and eventually enough enemies end up affected by ebbing Will until the last survivors flee those departed leave us with Goods to pick through although it's really only worth taking the helmets for ourselves while the corpses get left for wolves and other beasts raids are only going to get a lot harder from here though we'll be outnumbered more and more while Raiders being a stronger year to our walls every time still the threat is sent off and that means our growing Village has accomplished its first major goal the second is securing a stockpile of food and booze to keep us safe through harsher times going forward there's gonna be a little bit less Variety in the footage so I'm going to cut out more between clips and times was going to pass a little bit more quickly as a result harvested wild red currants are replanted in our farm and then in a surprise even me while I was playing I go ahead and unlock clay brick making the Kilns we now have access to will fire bricks from the yellow clay We mined from nearby deposits this takes a lot of time and labor for what's strictly an aesthetic thing and 99 of circumstances we could just use wood but instead we're gonna use almost nothing but bricks for future buildings it just looks better to me that seems more important than little things like not being naked or stating the villagers crippling alcoholism we quickly unlock the next technology decorative structures the decorations this unlocks will help with mood issues and improve production speed in any future workshops while also helping me decorate the town a little bit most decorative structures have variants in the bottom left they'll let you change the material for walls or in this case opt to put in Chapel decorations instead of a different kind of wall shelf two of these on the wall means the shrine moved inside is now in a proper Chapel instead of just some random room the way I'm setting things up here only works if your villagers are of one religion which I has shared in the scenario but since they are now everyone visits the church on their way to work after waking up which gives them a little mood bonus if not everyone was a restitutionist which is one of the religious factions I'd use separate chapels off the main path and Villages would go to pray to these for the same effect Sable expands the farm cable mines up Clay for bricks and Abel builds with them Babel continues making good progress on Research he unlocks the second tier of research bench which I put in in the cramps Library this lets us make textbooks which are sort of like more advanced Chronicles and unlock more Advanced Technologies we won't be making too many textbooks in the near future but there is one technology I've got my eye on building is a little bit slow and labor and time are pretty big constraints for us at the moment kind of like it's I don't know a bad idea to start making everything from a labor-intensive material so early a beautiful path made of clay breaks it gives our villagers a sense of Pride as they walk I'm leaving plenty of room on either side for future decorations although you really don't have to we should really have an actual building before I work on that too much though stairs go in that lead up to a nice wood paneled floor then I put in walls and beams to actually support it it doesn't get used for a while because I mess up the rooms size and have to deconstruct and reconstruct and uh get used to me doing that I build with an idea of what I want to see in mine but I don't plan things out meticulously which is why I'm making another mistake on screen right now honestly though re-planning and redoing things to look even better is just part of the fun of going with evil speaking of tearing things down we unlock preservation as our next technology that means I get rid of the floors in the cellar and put in some shelves which increase how much we can store per tile and make the room a little bit colder to preserve everything even better it's a lot easier to edit it once and then copy the building with a button down in the bottom right which carries the settings over to new constructions although we don't preserve everything the dog died it looks like they got hunted down by a wolf outside the safety of our walls which means I must have missed some slipping out they didn't actually functionally help the village but I'm still going to miss watching that cat wander about all the same even though it wasn't that much of a fan of just feeding animals Abel's still pretty beaten up about his little fluffy friend life moves on though and times passing brings another new villager they make for a great researcher doctor and Marksman as they try to come through the front door Abel asks the man for his name what he dreams of doing in the village the newcomer replies Dave I guess to be the best archer in the world but Abel hears Deva which is a ridiculous name and so Abel introduces him to everyone as day Bowl this would be Robin Hood is too polite to correct him Dabo needs a bed so it's a good thing that bedrooms are already getting sectioned off in the new building everyone's going to get their own house eventually but for right now this brutally minimalistic apartment complex filled with tiny quote-unquote private bedrooms is just too efficient I'm maybe a little bit too selective about which Aesthetics I indulge in advanced research also gives us a few other things that are just too good to pass up like beekeeping Fable swaps back to making the lower tier Chronicles unlock more early Technologies but I needed to rush skips these make a ton of food and perhaps more importantly let Abel begin training his animal handling skill he's good but he's gonna need to be a master to make the Menagerie he still wants it takes him a few hours to get bees going at which point they take a few days to actually make honey on their own while they work Babel teaches everyone about fermenting and able and cable put in a little Brewing Hut over near a small barley field I'll fully explain fermenting and why we need a new seller for it eventually but for now I put in a work order for some fruit juice made from Red occurrence that we Source from the first harvest in our new Fields everything's coming together nicely but booze has best enjoyed summer Pleasant to drink in which means the start of a dining hall it's also best enjoyed with weapons in hand so we unlock wooden weaponry and put in a Bowers table we have Bo's now but we want to upgrade those and replace them when they wear out I throw in some tool shelves which turn it into an official Workshop that'll boost production speed for crafting stations inside if you ever aren't sure of what you need for a specific room you check by opening up the room overlay on the top left then hovering over whichever one you actually need another cat arrived it would have been great to have a pair of kitties but at least we're gonna get to take very very good care of doggo it'll take a while to train them into a pet but they wander over despite that they aren't hungry enough to come for food yet which means it's fate bringing them to our doors or Abel's chin scripties the wolf yeah they're just here for food although we are going to kill them before they steal too much we move the shrine over to this little Central Nook in the new big building now they sleep upstairs and run through that Chapel on their way out giving them a mood buff while also just looking a whole lot better oh so wild goats are wandering up these random events are the main way you get a lot of this game's animals and goats are amazing for helping around the village I put in an enclosure offenses that include a pen marker and a couple traps to hold food that pen marker is going to tell Abel to rip the goods over as soon as he finishes domesticating them but that should only take a few days or he could get stuck how did he even get here there's no path after a little rescue that's a little bit too late Abel sweeps the night away outside in a bed of the rot from a meal he'd been holding that's gonna mess with this mood tomorrow everyone else keeps at it though and we unlock one of the update's newest features terraforming when you land out soil we get dirt back and this technology lets us repurpose that for a more natural finish to what we're building I'm going to replace what was a clay deposit there and then eventually put a full brick path over it to cover it up nicely stable's a big help with Mining and we need a lot of clay and soil for the ambitious building projects even if he'd rather be firing bows we aren't quite ready to start making our far off futuristic ability to move dirt somewhere else attracts a vicious rate of jealous brutes these guys don't have any archers which made them easy pickings in previous updates but this scenario gives them a ton of Health that we have to slowly Whittle down Mabel's happy he finally has a chance to slap some people around with the staff while The Archers rain down fire for literal hours Fable eventually grows bored of being so safe and tries to spice things up by running out into the middle of them but Retreats after cable yells after him that he at least needs to convince a few Noble maidens to weep over his casket first the Raiders do beat the door down a moment later though so Babel might not have a say in the matter cable stands at his back while tired arms fire away from above to protect their now endangered friends eventually the Raiders numbers are cut to just a few stragglers who try to retreat well everyone could take a break from their usual work to have people prioritize hauling for a little while it's the only way we're ever going to manage to get all this gear somewhere it won't decompose and the freshly harvested red curve somewhere safe before they crumble I don't need more decorations right now which you might not really get from the way I absent-mindedly unlock banners that do nothing but decorate in better news Kat has finally trained up into a pet pets can open doors and wander out of their pins to eat your planted crops or meals but they're an amazing help around the village is haulers they could help in combat but they have a penchant for dying and don't do that much so we're avoiding that another Merchant arrives and since I eventually need to buy Apple saplings for decoration and for Sables once I decided to see if I could afford one single saplan even if I sell them everything I own hundreds of food bricks books leather thousands of wood and six no I'm only eighty percent of the way there too Sable's the most beat up about it but make no mistake we are eventually gonna afford one of these boost sells well and I do need it eventually anyways so I prioritize getting that ready by digging out a seller booze has to be fermented someplace cool between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit and this seller's perfect for it right now roping a freshly domesticated goat over to a pan is a high priority job for animal husbandry although Abel has so many perks that increases move speed that he gets too far ahead and it looks downright silly cat does not look silly when he's being a good boy by hauling Goods to help around the village he knows just where everything's supposed to go somehow there is a lot to all here honey hunting and red currants are filling up our Cellar and giving us an actual food surplus for the first time hey just just in time another colonist that can help eat all that I know what you're thinking and yes his name is eBay eBay is followed by a raid that'll attack us in a few days which means it's time to unlock the ability to make stronger longbows then forget I have it for literal years still dable's delighted about that we also finished the front defenses with some windows that'll let our melee Fighters attack through them with their long range two-handed melee weapons before they come the Town Center's walls are almost done and since you can't open a town center without a bottle of wine to break across the floor I go ahead and fix up the cellar it was fine in the middle of summer but it's a little bit too cold now that it's early Autumn I can turn on and off a few torches in here to make sure it's always the right temperature if we survive the raid at least everyone grabs their weapon and heads of the walls to start showing off those new defenses let's kick somewhere cable and eBay they ignore my Flawless commands and are now trapped inside a building a hole in the wall forces the cowards back to the front lines as the first Cropper raid hits us they have a ton of archers that fire back at us and even more Marauders to try and beat the doors down so this is not working out like I've done cable spear hits through the window properly but Babel refuses to use his staff to do the the same thing every other two-handed melee weapon can hit through this but I've never specifically tested it with a staff so maybe it's that this setup is still giving us way better damage but the door eventually goes down her safety is in danger and everyone knows it blood runs quick Panic starts to mount Fable's a hell of a man but he's not too proud to retreat cable sees him coming in and runs off to avoid getting cornered in what's essentially a back alley he's about to get jumped on before a barrage of arrows hamstring his pursuers Unfortunately they turn their attention to the injured Babel and start to fight him he battles back as best he can but wounds are adding up his vision blurs but even then he can see the enemy's turning tail and heading for the hills those slashes are gonna be some nasty scars in the future but Babel Stands Tall and smiles despite that dable could finally start working as carpentry Magic by breaking down the wooden bows and Shields and while this isn't firing above like he'd like it's at least something to break up the monotony of mine there's a lot of work to do to get the entire town center right but it's good honest work walls go in beds are moved over and construction continues on the other half of that second story that hole in the ground at front is going to be patched up with soil but that takes a lot of dirt and it'll be a slow and steady vanity project I could do this with wood or something like that but cutting Corners around the foundation isn't how you start a great city with the first wine ready everyone takes a much needed break to have a well-deserved drink that rough wine doesn't taste great but it at least handles their needs for alcohol for now we actually could ferment this a second time to make it into better wine but that takes like half a year and I'm aiming to have other high quality booze by then anyways with the seller looking better and better I think it's safe to say we've accomplished that second goal now it's time for the third finishing a town center everyone can be proud of it's an aesthetic goal and honestly I thought the Town Center would already be ready by now but it's taking far far longer than expected thanks to just how many bricks are needed however we are close enough that I'm not gonna stop now able and cable keep making steady progress towards the third story while the majority of our labor goes towards it unrelated but everyone's naked in the middle of autumn because our closed disintegrated minutes cable actually stops focusing solely on building to switch over and make everyone winter outfits though I'm only letting them make one of these per day villagers gain less experience if they do too much work in one skill each day tailoring skill matters a lot because it directly affects the quality of the outfits he makes so I'm spreading this work out it'll mean happier villagers and sturdier outfits they believe he used to work on his archery by hunting deer that we butcher for leather since I never found flax plants to grow for textiles the Raiders we're killing might give us outfits if they didn't get nearly destroyed by the fighting everyone gets on the walls to create another band of Bandits and the fighting starts again some shots get Sable low enough that I pull her back soon after though cable and Babel stab at over aggressive Raiders through their open Windows until the friends decide they'd rather run out into the middle like a pair of walking death wishes despite her being behind a door and a wall an enemy Archer gets a shot off on the injured Sable and puts her a moment away from Death fortunately that Archer gets killed off before they can visit such a Fate on her the reinforced door at the front of the base has a lot of extra health so the aspiring Dr E blade takes an unconscious stable way to get bandage up unfortunately I misjudged how much damage the enemy is doing only having half of our arches there means even this reinforced door can't hold forever and enemies eventually break through fortunately they only do it moments before enough dad is on the straggler's fling that was way too close though cruel as it would have been I think I needed to let Sable bleed for a little bit longer their wounds might not kill them but both Sable and Babel are so injured that they're hobbling about since hit points only come back at 10 of the regular speed in the scenario it'll be a while until they're all better unless we let them convalesce for a few days which would mean they're not doing any work I mean I'm not a slave driver I believe in workers rights but the Town Center versus so important it's just an awkward gate more decorations go into turn the first floor into an official Great Hall which gives anyone who eats a meal inside there a small bonus to their mood oh that's rough another villager wants to join but they're followed by a raid and we just barely fought off the last one less than a day ago Sable and Babel are both tuned to fight more and I haven't even rebuilt the doors at the front it hurts to say no but we just have to turn them away this is the unfortunate reality of playing on harder settings or you know prioritizing Aesthetics and a grand 10 center before we get basic things like metal working armor crafting or bow making but it's almost done now and I never learned what a sunk cost fallacy is so we just have to keep going we will only shift some attention towards fixing that shortcoming Dabo might prefer shooting bows to making them but any Master Archer has some understanding of how to whittle a fine weapon and he can work on steadily improving his Carpentry By making a couple of bows a day a small Armory goes in near the front to house weapons so we're a little bit quicker and getting to the Walls and More Lawns go in nearby to service a makeshift training ground that I don't really want to be using until we have more arms a blade hits the crops and those stable does their best to stop it from spreading by aggressively calling the sick plans it destroys the barley crop just before it finished despite that we unlock cooking not for the stove and fancier meals it gives us but because the technology itself is a prerequisite for better Brewing techniques the Armory needs a stockpile to store armor until we can make some armor racks for it as well as weapon racks for bows and Spears while heavier armor offers more protection it slows villagers down so you want to change them out after a fight using the manager tab to set them all to a custom armor setup like this then either allowing nothing or allowing armor in that custom setting makes it easy to quickly get them in and out of it the next Tier Brewing gets unlocked and a more sophisticated fermenting station gets built near the fermenting Cellar that'll let us turn barley into ale and more importantly for us after the recent blight honey in the meat both are prepared and fermented similarly to the rough way in our Villages currently imbibe but the superior Taste of a good meat will give a further mood buff and speaking of better pets really just are the best cat is happy to haul off some cabbages to our animal pins to keep them from starving more than I let them starve at least I'm not used to the hand their traps rotting like this a little lean too with a roof will hopefully alleviate that the front of the Town Center finally finishes it's officially a great haul although the Second Story still has a few holes in the wall that made its brutally chilly during a cold snap but the cold snap ends the holes in the wall get fixed and winner Ticks by I'm going to build upwards the finish of town center but this is going to be slow because we need to build each one one level at a time and because able and cable need wooded scaffolding to reach each new level as that happens we make progress elsewhere the seller simultaneously gets an expansion to both increase how much food we can store and to give us some more dirt for that hole in front of the Town Center you can only safely mine out six tiles wide without support so I'm Gonna Keep bit here until I'm ready to use beams in the future the fermenting seller also gets an expansion because it's looking a little too full better gear and defenses are both going to require metal and while I want to start making a lot of metal bars we don't actually have anyone with a passion in smithing or a high skill in it it's a hard skill to train so I might wait for one or two more people to arrive to try and get lucky there after a couple more levels up the town center finally gets its tapered final story if there were more decorations I'd put like a clock tower or something like that here but instead after a bit of playing around with the variation of brick roofs I find something I like the look of and cue it up the little 4x4 Square will get something similar although I tried more Lawns and I didn't really like the look of them all this cost a lot of bricks and the nearby clay deposit is finally tapped we need to start harvesting from another clay deposit just beyond the northeastern wall so I put a door in there to make it faster and I'm just gonna wall it off whenever a raid hits once we have the bricks able and capable the final part of the Town Center's Tower Center everything's just going great in our town oh it was old age and not wolves this time but still Taco dies we have the worst luck with kitties don't we table rushes a gray van but you apparently can't bury animals in them yet okay new plan we're gonna unlock and then use Taxidermy to make a trophy we can hang somewhere nice all right hurry up Abel Hurry Up Wait me that's that's all right um okay the game obviously glitch I did not have able butcher doggo I'm fundamentally against safe scumming but I'm gonna make an exception here dog goes back although only for a little bit that sort of death event is determined at the start of the day and I'm not gonna reload something even earlier to save them it takes a few hours for him to die but Abel makes a proper Trophy this time just so that this doesn't happen to you higher priority things are higher up on the list able does the right thing cable can put a trophy stand in near the entrance of the Town Center to mount doggo and he can be with us for a long long time now it's twice as important to finish the Town Center first though another villager wants some safety from a raid following her Behind the Walls she's good at smithing even if she doesn't like it while dable is an accomplished Marksman for us to make some bows Rabel here is interested in bows themselves and only likes firing them off to test your newest products unfortunately for her we need a Smith way more than we need a carpenter she can hunt and learn some carpentry from dabel but most of her time is going to be spent at a furnace she resents we've got an issue though I could put a decorative Banner above a roof tile Atop The Town Center but I can't put a roof in where there's already a banner for some reason now some idiots might say that my Lawns don't look as good here but you shouldn't listen to any idiot who actually thinks this is not the perfect look or who uses something like this as their second choice that kind of idiot would probably do something like spend the last year mining out regular dirt when they wanted soil instead of going after rocky soil which gives four times as much dirt and some Limestone the raid's here to try and take a rainbow back so everyone gears up in the new Armory before heading to the walls some idiot forgot to put in a reinforced door so while Babel arrives to the grated door he can attack through with his weapon a little bit late cable instead Rush is in a second line of defense after killing their Archers first we switch to slaughtering the rest from high ground and through Windows dable even slows down a bit to give Rabel some tips as they shoot and the two quickly begin bonding over it it is pretty funny to see our animals hauling around in the middle of all that combat though the Raiders were even nice enough to not attack them we eventually beat them back and sent everyone to the Armory to drop their gear until next time space is getting a little bit tight there though so let's put in a second Armory on the opposite side of the training grounds that we still haven't used the top of the Town Center Tower is finally tackled so it's time to carefully start taking down the wooden scaffolding all around it and then put in bricks in the remaining walls I start putting in the final sections all around the sides and then put an actual path into the entrance so we don't have to use that hole in the wall it's also time to start the next new building a crafting Workshop is nestled up against the northern wall this is eventually going to hold our metal working so Rebels get to spend too much time here for her liking instead of at the buyers table with tables so I just learned that trophies apparently need to be roofed in to stop them from decaying an awning will hopefully stop that from happening again with any future pets but still doggo's irreversibly gone let's at least decorate the Town Center so it looks as good without him as it did with him while it's not quite there yet I'm ready to start working on the fourth major goal we're finishing the town Essentials and unlocking everything we'll need to stay safe from the growing threat of Raiders that mostly applies to gear but I'm actually going to start by putting in more pads these cover the entire Village helping everyone travel a little bit more quickly but they also let me visualize where everything will fit in and I need that to start putting in the other workshops I'm imagining the road into town will have a nice curve and while we have to build it with square tiles I can taper them to actually allow for what approaches an ice curb at least before that goes in though we're gonna have to curve another raid okay yeah I'm not I'm not proud of that transition but I am proud that I at least remember to have cable rush in a wall to hide our rear engines we needed to do this outside any door we have in the back entrances from now on everyone gets the walls and though Babel and cable get into a brief spat because cable was doing so well in the fight that Babel got jealous or because I misclicked we heal off Raider after Raider Rabel and dabel again outperform their skilled counterparts and actually have a little competition where they see who can Notch up the most kills that leaves us a ton of gear to break down and start training our crafter I've noticed enemy archers hitting people in what I thought was going to be a safe Zone in the middle so I expand the shooting platform to make that Safe Sun bigger and actually safe let's fill out the new workshop to complement the new defenses and our various table gets queued up and a wall gets knocked out so a limestone one can go in in its place this is eventually going to be the proper exterior wall so it should be made of something sturdier than wood even if that doesn't really matter and speaking of let's grab a bit more territory by mining out one side and then Walling off the other even though there's a clear shot in with a bow No One's Gonna Be in range for enemies to start raining fire through this area so they'll run around to the protective front that lets me knock down the current wall so the smelting area has even more room the main space gets a second story with a few Windows to let all that hot air from the forge out which again doesn't matter but it's just for visual design Aesthetics and feeling matter a lot more than facts another raids here to kick everyone's ass into gear though and okay look I know the new defenses are quite done but you can't just throw a temper tantrum by standing on the ground in front of them even outnumbered almost 4-1 by Raiders this defensive setup with high ground cover and an arc though it's melee Fighters attack an enemy who can't really hit them back is incredibly strong it gives ramble and Dabo plenty of time to keep bonding even if work keeps them apart most of the time back to building the smithing Workshop gets a roof and while hay won't really match what's in the rest of the village I think that they should be made of something more breed available than the bricks that adorned most of our roofs the front of the workshop is adorned with Windows to let people pure in a couple decorative racks to showcase the finest Goods we've got and a final awning to stop everything from decaying with the smithing Workshop almost ready to start production and all this armor in the back pocket I think it's finally time we start training our melee Fighters cable and Babel have a fairly friendly brawl punching like this is a great way to trade and while arches would do something similar it's much slower for them and a lot more dangerous because they have to use actual weapons I'm gonna wait until we have a little bit better defensive gear before I start training our archers like this fine tunic stockpiles helps make workers a lot more efficient and will land us at Superior armor sooner I don't normally show this kind of organization just for the sake of brevity but I will do it once as an example the leftmost furnaces make iron bars so the stockpiles there keep iron nuggets and sticks respectively to fuel that production the other furnaces turn those iron bars into steel ingots which requires coal so I store that nearby in its own stockpile which means that Rabel never has to run far for the next set of reagents another trade is here but those apple saplings are just as expensive I actually have the good I would need to buy them but this weak little traveling Merchant can't carry nearly a literal ton of beeswax off and won't buy it from us because of that since they can't I guess I'm just gonna have to wait for the next Merchant Caravan which has more people and animals so they can haul more Goods at least we unlock and finish the first steel great helmet this gives more than three times as much protection as the next best helmet we had which should help our villagers avoid an untimely death I'll leave rainbow to her suffering and instead Focus my attention on putting in a new workshop for tailoring this actually doesn't need to be that big at all but I'm gonna make it large enough to act as the boutique that cable wants he's gonna fill this out with fine outfits villagers can come pick through in between the winter and summer seasons I finished choosing what decorations ago where in the Smith Ray while Abel and cable work on the tailoring shop the latter is so excited to build a couple wall tool shelves give a production speed bonus Inside by making it a workshop while armor stands banners candles and a sign just provide some decoration that doesn't really do much Beyond looking great the sewing station is set to move over but the builders also install shelves that'll hold a lot of textiles for cable to use the building gets a little flax Garden out on one side which which is going to require breaking up the rocks and some of the soil but that's not a problem now that we have terraforming we do get the next villager before they finish that though cable isn't even followed by a raid so she can definitely join the village she's a great Carpenter putting Rabel even further from her goal of working wood and her passion there means that she kicks dable off of it but he's not too fussed about that she also works as a backup cook and a minor back in the boutique the one armor station gets set to only take winter clothes in the edit options and then I copy it over to keep the options then realize afterwards that I forgot to change the quality to be what I want so now I have to go through and change them all manually anyways we'll still show off the finest winter outfits anyone's ever seen after cable actually makes some with some armor racks done to save space and this space needed for other building projects I actually knocked down the second Armory able and cable start building another sort of curved road with a little small City space in the middle say less everyone to keep it clear so that she can plant trees there and renovate it another slightly curved Road and good God am I addicted to what's essentially just blocky pixel art joins the main path of the smoothing workshop and keeps everything nicely connected uh you can beat Raiders with things that are nicely connected right we've done well so far but Raiders are continuing to get stronger and stronger and we're really not we don't yet have a full set of armor for everyone and I don't even have a third melee weapon for cable I want to give her a chance to prove she belongs here but she's still pretty low on health so Babel and cable hold the front line down while she's just nearby it I grab a fallen enemy's weapon as a backup everything goes well until able takes a couple nasty hits he's forced back although the better protection afforded by this new setup keeps him safe and the other archers take out as would be assailants Fable once again succumbs to his bloodlust the man charges out has attempted to retreat his hamstrung by a few blows a few rough slashes almost kill him and though he barely stumbles back in with his life scars on the back aren't quite gonna get him the kind of attention he wants we do finally win the battle though and get back to the important things in life decorated oh a merchant Caravan it's time to finally buy an Apple sapling okay game screw you even the entire Caravan can't hurt off all the beeswax we need to sell for one sapling I will eventually buy one just for stable's sake I'll just have to sell something with a better value to weight ratio like research books I'm almost done unlocking the Technologies I want anyway so that's not too too far off but that does mean that this is going to be slow progress beeswax was nice because it was something we automatically got while making honey we used Babel well actually he's okay with this he's gonna spend more time in the library I unlocked chemistry to build an apothecary's bench and build some healing kits these require herbs which are pretty low on now but we can still get a few going and we'll plant more herbs later on these let doctors like table patch people up for longer with other bandages needing to be changed which means less downtime and faster healing it's a good time for that too since Villages have begun taking more and more damage in these fights as enemies get stronger we're still gonna keep decorating though the side of the tailoring shop gets a path fence and right away from it that leaves a nice gap between this and the main road so let's start putting in the first private bedrooms everyone's eventually gonna have one of these so they don't have to live in a cramped dorm room but that is going to be a little bit slow the eastern part of the town is perfect for a third bedroom and for a slightly larger building that'll be our future Library each bedroom only really needs a single bed their tiny rooms have right now but we're gonna decorate them with a Brazier some candles near the bed a chest a table and a chair these Villages deserve the Finer Things in life a proper home instead of just a bedroom though I might have made a mistake when it actually comes to outfits when it's close and we don't have nearly enough I didn't do enough hunting to actually give cable delivery needs and we didn't get to reflect sometime well at least dabble's gonna enjoy this hunting spree Rebel would love to go but it's important that everyone has armor soon we're not done securing the town yet but I do want to at least put in the basics for the next long term project just so I can see where it's gonna go that means Abel and Cable's dream of a menagerie is starting although the fairgrounds themselves are a long way off this impending winter should at least be good for Banning some animals over even if Abel isn't quite ready to train them all just yet another new villager arrives and we're gonna take them despite the Raiders following after them habel here didn't have many passions but he heard of the master animal Handler able and the wonderful goal of that Menagerie and thought it was so admirable that he came to help that raid is going to be tough though three of the four melee Fighters quable cable and now cable don't have the skill they need to wield powerful long swords like Babel the enemy's armor is getting Mighty scary for people stuck with wooden Spears while we wait for their is ready to arrive let's start working on that better library in the Northeast maybe Babel could run some experiments there to figure out why we're still using crappy Spears in the middle of the second year instead we have 30 enemies approaching the walls now I bravely chose to forgo the first grade adore and by that I mean I forgot to replace it and a couple of villages are still injured from the last raid tension hangs heavy in the air even Babel's afraid Abel takes some early hits Atop The Wall but dables prowess as an Archer makes him an obvious Target for the enemy he is some of the best armor and not everyone's lucky enough to have but they're hitting him hard and repeatedly he's forced to leave the others behind and Retreat back to the safer interior Rabel and Friends focused on the enemy archers but not all of them one sneaks pass following damage that interior so he can keep shooting at the man until with one last Arrow the bastard Bjorn shoots almost straight up through the Merlin to finish stable off it's our first loss and that's our own Master Archer at the hand of one of theirs but he might not be the only villager that dies today the fully armored cable and hable who are healthiest melee Fighters do their best to protect the only door in while Babel and quavo attack Through the Windows the art just shoot back to try and help but there's still a lot of enemies and they've got stronger weapons than our Spears that door is not gonna hold for long snow starts to fall ensuring blood's spilled by either side doesn't just sink into the dirt the door crumbles and there's still a lot left sanding when this has happened before it was just one or two left but now this is a fair fight and that's bad everyone fights against terrifying odds with heartwarming Valor they plug up the hole with their bodies forcing enemies to come through them cable even charges in to attack a few so the more injured cable can pull back that newcomer is a hero Sable steps up to the choke point to clog it up and take a few hits but this can't last one is dead six are little hell the last half dozen enemies group up outside as they plan their attack bloodthirsty monsters know they can't stand against our archers forever and they charge we plug up the entrance again cable takes another hand he's almost dead he has to stumble away hable tries to stop tries to help him but another brutal blood knocks the new cover out people let's lose a terrifying Battleground charges in the man's fully accepted his death and he even goes down for it but finally finally we kill the last one a few more Retreat from our nearly shattered Village honestly it's a good thing if they had stayed they'd be staying in this Village permanently what a purific victory though I never planned a graveyard out before it's needed but now that it is I guess this according to do the boutique will do I hope we don't grow The Limited space everyone gets bandaged up although not by their favorite doctor they sleep for a little while to recover but eventually rainbow brings the body over she partially blames herself for not shooting the bastard who killed him down for not making a better armor it's just so easy to fall into that hole she might not have known dable for long but they never got to make bows together they'd off talk about Woodworking and Marksmanship while she was tired from long days in the Forge this is an unfortunate sacrifice but as close as that fight was it's still plain to everyone including her that her armor kept more people from joining dable in the new graveyard everyone takes a turn saying something at the sarcophagus before they head back to work the timer until the next raid is always ticking down loss changes whatever is left lesser for having to experience it we lost someone because we hadn't yet embraced meta working and didn't have everyone training rigorously in full plate armor there's still a place for beauty in this world but Society can't exist without safety in such a dangerous place we need more armor enough for everyone we almost have enough steel great helmets but rainbow heads is a forge to make more steel plate armor quavo the carpenter will also start working through stockpiled Woods she eventually has a skill needed to make powerful heavy crossbows short bows are better training than the more powerful longbows but will swap to making longbows just to have a few at some point I'd like to start training combat stats now but we're too injured to really do too much of it it'll take some time to heal and while Crafters work hard to upgrade everyone's gear our Builders instead extend the Menagerie with a seemingly strange little space on this lower level we need this because foxes jump fences meaning that pins will use for other animals wouldn't work on them but pins need animals I technically could Send Abel out to try and tame animals in the wild but it takes a lot longer to do it that way thanks to just how much time is wasted running to them every day when working with hard to tame animals like wolves or boars which could easily take a year not only is that labor time we could be spending on something else but their 10 percentages degrading the entire time instead we have food stockpiles here which will bait some over through doors ability sets to stay open a nearby villager can close the door trap the animal and boom we've got a menagerie it doesn't take long to trap two female wolves Abel can start domesticating them although this is going to take a really long time and it also will keep him pretty injured since animals like this can retaliate when you fail to train them that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make able make I will at least generously let him keep some of the armor on instead of taking it off so he moves a little bit faster the pin above him eventually attracts a male wolf and fun fact mature male and female animals only need to be within 10 tiles not blocked by a wall to have a chance of having a kid the fence might stop them from mingling but it's not going to stop them from mingling I intend to use one pin to capture boars or deer but there are too many plants around for those to come closer and eat the red currants I'm offering just yet some might come later in winter when plants are scarce there but I think I'm gonna have Abel go out and train some deer at his impressive skill of almost 40 it's only going to take a season to train most of them and then we can rope them back into a pin the fox pin even gets his first visitor I build a sort of airlock to attract another Fox we need a male and a female box pair so they have kids that'll keep them in Azure stocks for years to come boars are going to be the hardest to get though they're very difficult to tame even at a high level and they retaliate often so taming them in the wild like we're doing with deer just won't work but they also barely need to eat and it's hard to draw them over into our pins like we've done with other animals I'll have to hope to get lucky later in winter or in future Seasons while all these animal Shenanigans happen we continue building up buildings making clay bricks and training Crafters everyone is still too interested to do much combat training but the Menagerie might actually help with that too the fox airlock captures the mail so it's time to lure them in and reset the airlock again these two will have Offspring but having another female fox to make it a lot faster it doesn't take too long for the Wolves to have their own offspring although these came so quickly that I'm pretty sure these females were pregnant before we trapped them despite being born in a pan these are still wild beasts although now that we have two young wolves we really don't need the older ones younger wolves won't only last longer they're easier to trade and tame until they're mature although it's still going to take a long long time run able run away this is what happens when animals retaliate they knock him out but leave leave them alive to further assert dominance foxes have such a high retaliation chance and I'm gonna stop Abel's attempts to domesticate them until he's a lot healthier which will unfortunately reset all the progress he's made so far Winter's passing pretty quickly while able trans animals Rebel and quavo craft gear and everyone else Minds clay to fire into bricks well Raiders are one way to break up the monotony of sunrises and sunsets we don't yet have heavy crossbows but a few longwoods in our Archer's hands put it a lot more damage Abel is 200 to fight their bowmen and with Dabo dead our walls are poorly man despite that improving gear means the enemies get slaughtered at the Gage without even coming close to reaching the defenses winter comes to a close and with Rising temperatures comes more honey that Abel's happy to prepare the library is looking good too I really don't need the remaining Technologies like other weapons or the ability to make things like ice but Babel continues writing textbooks to sell for our Sable's dreams we even finished taming the first year shortly after spring arrives which Abel rips back to base deer make really good holidays after turning them into pets although their high school requirement to actually get there means that you're almost certainly gonna have other pets hauling before you you can actually have deer doing it I do have some combat related ideas in mind for them though in related news quable and cable are actually healthy enough to train their combat skills against each other now I want them to have at least a skill of 15 which lets them wield the most powerful weapon in the game a steal long sword why is evil trading waylay oh run I'll run retaliation has him constantly injured so we're fighting raids down another man for the foreseeable future that'll be half offset by having stronger weapons like heavy crossbows which pack more of a punch but it's also half offset by just packing more punch when we do punch cable hits 15 while quable is only at 13. lastly we pack more food by expanding the Cabbage Fields this food actually isn't for us though since honey provides both sustenance and Indulgence while not getting killed by a blind every year instead this is all for the animals further progress on the Town Center has been slow mostly because I keep adding little details or changing things but I think I'm comfortable saying that it's finally done that's goal 3 accomplished while the Armory isn't quite soft enough to say that goal 4 is done steady progress there means it's time to unveil the fifth and final goal we're gonna decorate the village and fulfill all of our villagers dreams we're like Make-a-Wish except we only help adults with no eyes and no mouth it isn't quite a remarkable Menagerie yet but after using the longest rope ever made to move more animals over our main animal pen is packing some decent diversity the deer there will get a special role once I have more of them while the others are just filling out the village while not providing too too much for us unfortunately animals are a little bit harder to keep fed when it isn't winter the food we leave at for them will start rotting now and since you can only keep 25 in a stockpile I'll be throwing 25 meat out there to rot at a time every day until those cabbage is finished growing in a couple and speaking of the garden the next private home goes in nearby the road in front picks up some extra lanes that the entire Road into town will also get this doesn't actually make things faster or better but it will make it prettier I even include a little front porch that fits in out front you can't decide houses to particular villagers but this is definitely Sable's place the fields are on one side and the town ring she's starting to finally decorate with a few maple trees is on the other things are finally starting to look nice and peaceful I just had to say something as we Slaughter these attackers years you might be thinking hey just don't die you're so hot funny and cool but why are your melee villagers all using Spears aren't two of your villagers able to handle log swords isn't it super late game great comment at the start not as big of a fan of those questions I was in the middle of smelting all those crappy iron long swords we've looted from enemies down so that rainbow could get some practice before making some good steel ones of her own that would make smelting other items down a lot easier the Raiders saw that weakness would last literally one day and attacked literally the only day that I don't have any swords at the ready our arches carry today despite that and we don't even take too much damage you apparently can't build floors beneath the fence so I get rid of that patio to put in an accent Stone down beside the path then rebuild the fence the cabbage is done growing and Abel makes the first animal feed from vegetables and straw this won't rot so I get rid of the meat stockpiles on the Wolf Pen and replace it with a trout then I do the same thing for The Foxes right it's time for the biggest home yet this goes in in the center of town although they are gonna have an upstairs neighbor to offset the cost they get their own pass to the home through this little staircase in the back alley bricks go to that while the builders spend their free time decorating the main road with gaming tables signs posts benches stalls shelves and racks it's shaping up nicely although I do think it's still missing something Abel's blood is missing as well and it keeps adding character to the wolf pins although he's at least making steady but slow progress The Village improves so my single story houses and wide roads are making things feel a little bit more claustrophobic than I want I think I'm going to extend the roads and open up more space while waiting for bricks I decorate the houses with this lovely little Limestone lined front porch I stopped mining the nearby clay deposit and switched the mining up the rocky ground and Claire around the village so I can replace it all with grassier dirt I also start looking for foxes since the two we originally had our we had a farm upstate and no you can't call them in the meantime cable begins deconstructing low quality summer outfits to make room for an expansion in the boutique I haven't mentioned it yet but breaking down gear like this is one of the best ways to train any crafting skill you don't get too many resources back but it gives a lot of experience the spare space will eventually be the summer clothes section of the boutique although we need way more textile production to actually keep everyone in clothes that don't even last in season speaking of more blood arrives to unfortunately destroy everything right before it's harvested despite Sable's best efforts all night you know what Blake can't affect our one Lord and Savior honey in way better news the Armory is looking great a couple Superior and fine still long swords heavy crossbows and 12 full sets of steel plate armor and helmets I'm counting that as goal number four all done now it could technically be better this gear is not Flawless Rebel could keep training to make higher and higher quality items but after all that she more than deserves a chance to do what she's wanted since the beginning let's get her going on carpentry man just look how fast she runs over to get started the smell of sawdust a huge surplus of wood in the other room ready for her to work she is not the only one with a huge smile on her face am I the only one that gets way too invested in at least some of their pawns get back to more cable I went to check in what Abel was taming only to notice a particularly fast Fox coming for US Cable gets in position and there we have it summer outfits might be off the table since they're a little bit lower on priority while everyone can just run around naked but we do get hats for winter going these will mitigate the cold and make it so that villagers never get chilly unless there's a cult I guess it's time to test that new fully socked Armory we're gonna take a little bit of extra time so that everyone can stand out front so they can pose with their shiny new equipment for some picture oh God oh God one is almost okay no posing everyone gets a positions we don't have a graded door to help our melee Fighters I forgot again and Rebels been turning every last ironing into a steel one which means we can't rush one in but those heavy crossbows hit so hard they hit for almost as much as three long wheel hits although it does fire much more slow the Hatfield able still has a few wounds from wolves but he takes fire that forces him to retreat a bit there's no way we're letting what happened to dabel happen again able pulls all the way back and gets you through the window that cuevos at unless their Archer continue chasing him down to try and shoot through the window Fable has a better idea with their last archers dead Abel climbs the stairs once again and starts firing away cable takes a few too many hits and gets knocked out but hable stops up to take his place and we eventually put the enemies down it was a little too close without the granite door but the better equipment saw us through this is what will happen to every Raider who comes seeking to make our Treasures their own now they don't even get a shallow grave or a ditch let's expand a little bit to celebrate that success the space of the southeast is nearly a plateau so it's easy to defend and it's close enough to Our Town Center that it's gonna be good land I think it's time to start building bridges both brick ones of the new land and metaphorical ones with other factions a Trader's here and this one's incredibly important we can finally actually afford a single sapling I would sell them enough Theses and Beeswax by a second but they can't handle the weight of enough written research to unlock every medieval technology in the world and 1200 pounds of pure beeswax as crazy as this world is we deal with that by huddling about the single apple tree growing near the little town ring at the front you know maybe we're part of the crazy world this will eventually have buds running around it that we can Harvest and replant where we want them in the future and other Merchants will also sell us an extra Apple sapling or two but this is still going to take a while before we've got a mini Orchard like we won the physical Bridge isn't in the right spot I'm one tie a lot nope nope we just have a slaloming road now just like I planned from the beginning the Milan's on the side hopefully won't be providing actual cover and will instead just be stopping villagers who've had a little bit too much Mead from stumbling off the Menagerie is even coming along well too the deer pin has both male and female animals in it now and the Wolfman has ignore the dead animal and the fear in their eyes as we call a few we don't need to save on food a female wolf that's almost domesticated a couple of young males are getting trained but only whichever one takes a Domesticity gets to stay and since we're committing more acts of animal cruelty I cannot but notice that the main animal pin is getting pretty full on sheep I was planning to use deer for something special but the far more plentiful sheep are almost as good for it so I'm gonna start a little shop near the other workshops that pairs up nicely with a plateau equipped with stairs up a pen marker and summer Lawns I just want the Sheep to be extra safe you never know what might hurt them there's Falls there's even a radar threat that arrives conveniently to drive my point home at least we have time to pose and look cool before these arrive this group of Bandits don't have any archers again but lately it rains has so many foes with so much armor that it's still a bit of a tense fight the combination of heavy crossword bolts striking from the back and long swords from every side turns us into a veritable meat grinder they each only get a swing in but one hits Babel with a crit that takes a third of his health off cable takes his place and holds steady as enemy after enemy throw themselves at him cable pulls cable back to take his place despite only having a paltry spear but the man still does an excellent job of stabbing at the joints of the armor while keeping everyone else safe when a few blows start to threaten his armor and his life quavo steps up to do her part holding the front line and really a joint effort want us to stay this is a good story about the power of friendship empathy and heavy Weaponry it hasn't even been a day since that raid but a slave fleeing his captors begs for Mercy we're going to grant them for a slight cost welcome to the Village evil yeah you were wondering why I named ebllay that the entire time weren't you this man was actually kidnapped on his way to join us he wants to learn botany from the renowned Master Sable fighting and intellectual skills from The Scholar Babel and Marksmanship and carpentry from the unfortunately departed dable Rabel has to make the news to him but offered to tutor him despite that and the man still seemed happy to join pins on the Second Story are a little bit finicky this one thinks the entire Walden base is one big pin but no we're not that nice the stairs are moved out of space and a proper door goes in to actually mark this little Plateau as their technically free range home but first Deja Vu even a mass of adept and master enemy archers isn't a match for our little corpse of them high ground cover and Superior gear is an absolute requirement embell joins in on the melee lines meaning that we actually have more people fighting in melee combat than on the walls despite a few injuries still putting people at risk the doors hold and enemies eventually flee over their dead Brethren after two long raids and three cold nights everyone gets a few days to just sleep in the next building project needs more Limestone than we passively get by mining up rocky soil there's actually some gold in these veins though interesting if trade values weren't so unfair this might actually be more useful but I'm still gonna have rainbows smelt them into English just in case the Menagerie isn't done yet but it is close and that means there need to be some Fairgrounds and sitting areas to appreciate it all late Autumn means winter outfits and winter caps a feat only such a magnanimous Village could ever hope to achieve what's that most Villages don't have people running around naked and freezing their butts off the entire year I don't believe you the Workshop near the new sheep's pin gets a woodworking table and a Bowers bench although it is all looking cramped Abel eventually manages to domesticate a second Wolf the other male is just one timing away too but no matter what we've got a domestic male and a female an Adam and Eve if you will and batam apparently all their kids will be domestic now though that doesn't actually do that much Beyond letting Abel rope them over into a pen closer to that new sitting area that does mean we can now use this pen for something else like capturing bores hopefully and speaking of animals let's start making some short bows but instead of letting Rabel make some fine weapons as she'd like to we're gonna let Isabel do it Rabel is gonna watch over his shoulder but we're actually hoping that ibel does a bad job and he does yay mediocrity he might be more beat up about it if Rabel weren't telling him to hang those on the nearby rack and instead deconstruct the decentish ones he managed to make Rabel and iblade each grab one of these weak bows come over here inside of the sheep and well don't call me a monster down in the comments this is just the easiest and safest way to train range combat melee train is really quickly but Marksmanship just doesn't it would take our archers too long to heal off the wounds they got from training on each other if we weren't firing at something else besides I set this up to be as Humane as possible our archers fire pass cover from low ground meaning they miss almost every shot and cap experience without even hurting a sheep this time on the off chance they do get a kill in the future well there's enough sheep here to have plenty of Offspring to replace every one of them let's finish the viewing stands for our not hellacious village where nothing bad ever happens and animals are treated perfectly the Second Story gets some chairs for viewers to relax in some Merchant Souls behind to sell them snacks a caravan halt for decoration and then a limestone stove to actually cook meals for people here to indulge in welcome to the first corporate zoo in the world this place is getting a stove before our actual kitchen does it's like we care more about would-be visitors spending money here than the lives of our actual people think we can host the World Cup we do at least fix the kitchen afterwards without a woodworking table in they get sawdust on all the food the cheap flooring gets taken up from the first building we ever made and the whole room gets expanded and redone winter drives which means that it's time to try and bait a bore over yet again and foxes after a few days of peering through the snow I spot one running suspiciously towards us Sable gets close closes the door behind them and we have our male and female fox pair the pen gets closed and that little airlock gets deconstructed I'm not gonna bother with a second female fox the viewing area gets a final level for the VIP seats though we're still hunting for some bores though maybe that's a good thing right now blighted crops for yet another year means that we're a little bit low on vegetables to feed bores even if honey and meat will keep us going the defenses get overhauled with two more graded doors and some windows that let us double up on the meat grinder potential now that we have more melee Fighters a ninth private home goes in behind the fairgrounds but boar still elude us not even Abel's near perfect animal handling can coax them to our food Stone spaces beside the path really make this look like a blossoming City instead of just a crummy Village we do still need Farmland though and there's no way it gets blighted and dies out this year right fields near the cellar minimize hauling though it's not really an issue thanks to our army of pet haulers like it is early on when people have to do all of it we end with a few fenced off spaces one for barley one for cabbage one for cabbage set to go to seed and then one for herbs the Badland in the South has to be mined out so we can replace it with good arable dirt but we don't need too much space since all this is really only to feed the animals hey so Merchant arrives and are here seeing them in Azure I mean they're actually here to sell us stuff but I'm gonna role play they brought Apple saplings and they have enough free weight to sell us two if we give them more Theses than most colleges have ever published and almost a thousand pounds of beeswax better still is the two offspring that the Apple saplings we planted last year have had nearby Sable digs those up to replant in the proper place the park gets some decorations alongside them to really fill it out and Sable's loving it the other villagers are more than happy to spend their time Milling about here too that's the fifth goal for the village done but before I check them all off I can't help but feel like my personal dream never got fulfilled sure I fulfilled all my villagers dreams and I've kept them safe but let's add a six goal not really fit for a mere Village let's become a proper Mega City let's go with two final building projects the first is an actual Chapel that goes in between a town center and Fairgrounds and it gets all the works a half circle rear an elevated platform for one of the two shrines candles chairs a side room for quiet contemplation the other main project is the grand Amphitheater fit for musical performances and for other important ceremonies it takes a lot of mining for the Limestone and dirt for all this but as it plays out before I go over the villagers accomplishments let me just say that I hope you've enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like if you did it took over 100 hours to make this and it helps a lot with the algorithm let me know in the comments what your favorite construction or part of the soon to be Mega Village is I have a ton of going medieval guides and tutorials on the channel you should check out if you want to know more about animals combat training or anything else if you like this contents playthrough make sure to sub I'm loving these and I'll definitely be doing more for other games if you want to be more connected to the channel I link the fan made Discord in the description I sometimes share up to dates on how things are going and there's always people talking about their builds and what other games they're playing too Abel's Menagerie might be lacking bores but he's got other exotic animals like wolves and deer traps and he's got his eyes on those big beasts cable hasn't had much of a chance to integrate yet but he can start feeding and working with the animals now that Abel's perfected the art Babel's got a 50 in intellectual a fine steel sword at his back and he's led the other melee Fighters against hundreds of enemies at this point Cable's Fairgrounds are magnificent and drawing traders to rip us off over Apple saplings Sable's happy we buy regardless her Park might be small but it's growing into a beautiful little place to relax all the same dable's no longer with us but his Apprentice Rabel is able to spend most of her time working on carpentry in a workshop the sound of bows firing away almost drams out the Sheep buying for Mercy e blade took up the role of being a doctor after dable died and he's had plenty of experience with it when he isn't mining everything needed for the next stone or brick project cueble shifted jobs more than a handful of times from Carpenter to cook the soldier but she's brightened everyone's day every time Ebel is also pretty new but is getting to work with his idols Abel Babel and now Rabel what more could he ask for and if your answer to that is a real goal well he should have come earlier into the village it's his fault not mine
Channel: Just Don't Die
Views: 81,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, going medieval challenge, going medieval episode 1, going medieval part 1
Id: d7pGXfVTSMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 13sec (3853 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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