I Made Farthest Frontier's Hardest Challenge Even Harder

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the hardest challenge farthest Frontier offers is a vanquisher difficulty played on a small arid Highlands map predators and raids like a rampant unfair to diseases strike both your people and your farm and you start with a bare minimum while the land around you tries to give you as little as it can you're supposed to survive that by slowing down time to deftly tune supply lines maximize your villagers efficiencies and carefully manage your resources instead I'm topping that challenge off I'm locking the speed of two times and I'm never pausing to make this a frantic foray at fending off a fatal Fade to Black let's speed through this early game a pair of hunting cabins is going to allow selenia and nania to hunt down nearby deer for sustenance which is gonna have to do for a while since the map isn't giving us anything to forage or any water to fish from this is what vanquisher gets you it's been literally 20 seconds since I started and the first Predators already shown up this wolf goes down easily enough but there are always more lurking in the shadows looking for lone villagers to kill anytime they wander off a little too far at least our Hunters can put their carcasses to good use Wells don't need a nearby lake to give us some water oh look another Predator less than a minute later I'm not going to bring up every wool for a bear that attacks because this video would be an hour long but Mother Nature constantly tries us this entire time as if limited resources weren't hard enough this map's hilly terrain makes even placing a place to chop firewood kind of hard that flat land we have to the West is getting saved for a neighborhood all this is still going way too smoothly I want this being way more hectic so I'm gonna kick the speed up to its maximum setting and lock it there then let's start a farm this land's horrible for it bad fertility sandiest can be Rocky and with lots of weeds but you can't feed more than a small settlement on deer and wolves alone and speaking of you know how I said I'd stop showing you wolves this one gave someone her abuse five minutes in our first villager is already dead just like that well not just like that it's gonna take selenia a few days to actually die the rest of the villagers work hard to assure her that her family is gonna be safe empty houses and lots of food attract new villagers to handle her work and to keep the village both going and growing Rhodes joined the neighborhood industry and a saw pit goes in to cut Plex more complicated buildings in the future there's selenia dead half a year in the rest of the village is fairly content with their Lots despite that but hopefully a graveyard brings them some sort of Peace as winter mirrors and honestly ants with that much fanfare we had enough food stock to survive and they can't work through the cold with that thick High jackets we unlock by finishing a Stockyard once we do a Tannery will help us turn those pelts into coats to work deeper into the winter uh Fletcher will outfit our Hunters with bows and arrows and a cobbler will make shoes to keep everyone healthy and effective with survival needs addressed it's time to handle their growing appetites the first Farm is finished but it's horrible that can be improved but it's gonna take a few years of work in the fields instead of growing food which starts next year because we really need food now more Farms are already underway to supply food a market will eventually distribute the houses we're really riding the line between starving and surviving but I still want to put more and more houses in to grow the population as quickly as we can manage despite shoddy Fields Farmers Harvest hundreds of beans neat without anything else to do in their own Fields this late end of the year all six farmers are working the next one into shape instead of just lazing about it really does take a village the following spring six Farmers instead head to their own plots to plant more beans yeah I was still too worried they'd all starved to actually work the land like I'd wanted to that should hopefully change soon once we've got our footing and are a little bit more established and speaking of communal work a fire goes up at the storehouse they grab water from a nearby well and put the fire out this time in better news I made the right call in growing beans constantly teetering between starving and being completely fine is just what happens when you recklessly grow without the time to plan out how much food you actually need but this is also what happened the Town Center gets its first upgrade only two and a half years in that's gonna unlock a ton of buildings the first is gonna be well it's not the healer's Hut Yulie is hoping for that would give her a chance fighting against rabies but we need clay to build that and there's none on this map no the first building we get is a trading post to actually import the clay we'll be using for that and for other buildings as well I'll sell extra shoes and stone for cash but unfortunately the Traders you get each year are random and these two aren't selling what we need maybe next year in better news the fields are making really good progress the first three have now been work to be half decent and the fourth is just a few years off from that ooh although one of those fields is disease this higher difficulty also UPS the frequency of this which is going to kill a lot of beans until we grab something else that isn't vulnerable to mildew for a while and it can also move to other nearby fields that are growing beans and it's not the only disease that's ravaging us right now Predators have killed almost 10 of my entire population with rabies and there aren't any immediate plans to remedy that either we need so much labor going into food that I can't afford walls to actually make us safe sure we're able to sustain ourselves now but one bad Harvest or one bad raid would mean starvation and I want Farms to grow more than just food in the near future anyways next year we're going to start growing flax to give our Villages something to wear besides just their coats another closer winter leads to another hope-filled spring almost one third of our population is going to be Farmers but I think that's the only way we'll realistically be able to keep growing like this we need to not only get enough food for now we need to prepare the land for later a more useful set of Traders arrive letting me exchange the plentiful Stone around us for our first shipment of clay unfortunately Raiders know I'm distracted and can't pause so they launched their first attack fortunately there's only a few of them and they die off just as quickly as they came that one wasn't much but future raids are going to be a lot scarier but we've got clay so let's put in some of the useful buildings that that unlocks for us instead of worrying about our defenses first up is the school in a healer's hut they'll help the villagers survive diseases and make future Generations smarter which will make them better workers in turn clay also lends itself to a candle shop to give the villagers their first luxury which makes them happy and encourages more immigration the last building that I'm going to put in with Clay right now is an arborist this game actually models a villager's diet so the lack of fruit right now makes them vulnerable to scurvy or other similar ailments they'll be a lot healthier once they've got something to eat from the fruit trees that this is gonna grow eventually trees unsurprisingly take a long time to get there we're using almost every last villager for the economy either in food or in resource production that's slowing down Gathering and flattening a lot but that's super worth it Traders continue to arrive to take the clothes we we make from leather pelts and give us clay and herbs I haven't shown it in a while but wolves have continued attacking every minute or so this entire time fortunately we are gonna put a stop to that at some point an Explorer found the wolves den to the South these spawn the beasts so I'm gonna try to destroy these eventually although I do want a wall to retreat to you first the Explorer Jewel gets hunted and killed for finding them but her sacrifice is gonna be remembered assuming we could actually get her body back to bury it this is what seven ish minutes into the video and we're in year seven 50 people good food stores and decent Supply chains going not bad but things are only going to get a lot more complicated from here as we get bigger and there's more to manage the next major goal is a tier 3 Town Center which requires 150 people in town and 25 homes with a desirability over 30 that we're just not quite ready to meet the healy's house and school are both in the neither Bay nor the first soap shop does the job another weak attacked by Raiders does nothing but mean that we need to start putting in walls a different pack of wolves attack moments later hurting Carlos Carlos I'm going with Carlos he's close enough to death that only a Healer can save them but we've actually got one now progress sure does feel good when you claw it for Mother Nature's uncaring grasp especially for Carlos though the healer's Hut can't save everyone apparently the game's trying to tell me to build a school like I don't already have one let's vote on why that popped up if you think it's because I'm ahead of the curve subscribe if you think it's something else call me an idiot in the comments we still need to work on desirability to upgrade homes which means the first decorations go in these buildings like shrines give a good buff in an area around them shrines don't cost much and affect a large area so they're going to be our first choice yeah that's two wolf attacks from the West in less than a minute I think there's definitely more dense out there I guess that's two hunting trips in the future the School's First Class graduates they know how important it is that we finally have fruit they can eat while walking in a huge Park well relatively huge anyways it's like two Shacks worth doesn't actually seem that large but it does give a large desirability buff and a huge area around it placing it here hits every home we already have and should cover the area I want to use for the next neighborhood although I can't actually put them to use yet I want to start mining things so that we can start working as soon as possible I'm gonna go for coal sand and iron gold sounds nice but feels like more of a luxury besides we're limited more by Traders not having what we want to buy and they buy money at this point what we do mine is only possible because of our Farmers hard work though we were barely surviving when half of our villagers were gathering food before but the fields are now good enough that we need less than a third of them on it to actually keep the root Cellars full all the population they support fit nicely in a growing neighborhood it's already desirable enough for the houses to get upgraded now we only need to fit a few more and then fill them up to upgrade the town center but things can't go well for long a building lights up despite the rain that wouldn't be too much of an issue on its own but Raiders treat it like a signal fire and show up at our doorstep the lone lookout tower gives Villages nearby plenty of time to Garrison but eventually goes down beneath a barrage of blows a wolf the Raiders walk through on the way and actually joins the fight and attacks some of them too the Garrison Town Center is out of range of the ones destroying the neighborhood so it's time for some militia Justice and for me frantically trying to click the enemies a couple buildings eventually go down but we do chase them all off with only a single loss if only these guys dropped weapons or herbs I'd honestly take those over weapons I definitely need more Lookout towers and defenses if raids are going to keep growing like this another Fire Hits the soap shop but that's okay there's a well literally right there they'll just take care of they'll just take care they'll okay sure why not more Predators more diseases more issues I just want to take my time managing farms and putting in a few more but they're all making this way too difficult let's at least take care of that wolf problem a little bit more permanently they keep attacking because wolf dense to the South into the West spawn them in I can't give every one of my villagers bows but we don't need weapons when we outnumber the Wolves 30 to 1. someone does die and another villager gets rabies but we take out both wolfden's of the West the South has another three dens another couple living I mean villagers die for the cause but we were losing one a year to Predators anyways and this should alleviate that by a lot so I'm happy to have them make this sacrifice though uh future me talking Bears make up the difference and keep attacking us anyways without all those cleared out I'm thinking that expanding to the South for more of that fertilish ground is actually a really good idea a barn can also go in for when Traders finally feel like giving us some cattle this is a good way to scale meat and Pelt production up as we grow too big for the wandering deer populations to sustain I also want to start flattening the hills around the village so that I can actually put new buildings down fortunately we've got tons of workers to handle it unfortunately it's kind of finicky and takes a lot of tries to get the land flat enough to actually be used I wonder when Merchants are going to pick up on the fact that we're loaded and need a ton of herbs unfortunately larger well starts to attract bigger and bigger raids they hit from the north where our defenses are the weakest wait and the West why is this message popping up that normally means the raid's over but they're still here in the north and soon in the middle of the village after breaching there this Northern section doesn't have any Lookout Towers so Villages Rove out and fight them off directly until the Raiders eventually retreat they didn't do too much damage but that is a little bit worried food's starting to get low thanks in part to Deer nibbling at our farms and the growing population after we upgrade the Town Center I'm gonna let the population Plateau for a little while and with that magic of editing the last immigrant arrives and we can upgrade oh wait we need more gold man I just spent a bunch of herbs I do have stuff to sell but the Traders have already left for this year well I did need to stockpile more planks anyways thank God that five flat Innings isn't nearly enough to let me put the market in here that would use some of the precious planks we have a merchant we can sell something to finally arrives and we have just barely enough shoes to shove at them for the 1200 gold we need although some other upgrades I've been taking care of mean that we are out of planks I'll at least build with raw Lumber while I wait that means that the South finally gets an expansion to secure more Farmland we've already been working on turning into good workable Fields the north meanwhile just needs reinforcements a death and then another attack 30 seconds later is all the proof I need I sat here waiting for the last plank for a full 20 seconds oh well that finished product is beautiful although lesson learned don't try to do a rotating shot when you can't rotate with a keyboard look this still looks great alright game all right let me at least build some metal working before you tell me what I should actually be doing the upgrade also unlocks a bunch of new Advanced resource buildings some expensive decorate a couple ways to preserve food that'll only help once I've got enough stock that it's an issue a place to make barrels to store food and a couple milestones for entertainment but we're way too blank before to even start addressing the new problems so let's give that a little while with wood still being a little hard to get but Stone being everywhere I'm also going to start making Stone roads and stone walls I guess that means it's time to tear down the children's favorite climbing rock that's not a playground it's 400 walls the resource buildings we want all need heavy tools but fortuitously times a merchant arrives with some just as planks start to stack up the first is going to be a Foundry to spawn iron and gold ingots right here hold on oh actually it can fit here it's not where I want it to be eventually but I'll just move it that's gonna make iron wait five iron oil makes five iron ingots but five goldor makes a hundred ingots am I gonna be rich I still want to prioritize iron for now but I do think that we're going to be able to buy lots of herbs and Clay going forward they even pumped out 300 gold ingots worth before I could change the settings the great limiter going forward for buildings is going to be clay bricks I need to keep importing lots of clay for those buildings pottery and more they say you can tell what's most important to People by what's at the heart of their City unrelated but a brewery fits really nicely here near the Town Center don't you think a blacksmith's Forge goes in they're gonna make tools and weapons from Iron Ingots there ooh I'd hope the brewery would be able to make mead from honey but beer still needs wheat let's start growing some wheat and while we're at it let's throw on a windmill grain's supposed to give more food per plot but does require a lot of extra work and seems to rot faster in my limited experience hopefully a large enough population can eat all that bread before it rots increasing the production density would be a nice way to address the impending shortage of good Farmland the bricks we've got mean that we can upgrade some of our buildings like The Root Cellar I'm not going to yet since we've made the Big Brand play of just not having enough food to run into storage issues but I do want to do that eventually right now I want to save up for a market upgrade we're having a lot of issues stalking the homes and an upgraded Market gets a second worker which means it does twice the work upgrading a hunter's Lodge takes no breaks so I'll go ahead and do that although it only seems to let the workers set small game traps that focus on pelts but I'm still doing fine for those so this going to be a priority until after the Armory goes in and we start chewing through our pelts the grain for Booze finally arrives and bread starts to fill everyone's stomachs and their hearts the new buildings mean that we finally stock an excess of tools barrels and beer we're really advancing here our Farms take a lot of land but the fields are steadily becoming more and more fertile thanks to peas and clovers still the lack of stored food has me hesitant to grow our population you notice we've been right around this 180 people for a really long time now I need better infrastructure like cattle and higher field fertility to sustain the much larger population I want really I'm still waiting for a Trader to bring me cows the start of our bread production has me feeling a little bit more hopeful though so I am going to start building another neighborhood the original is still going to be a lot nicer thanks to a pub in the center and more decorations with this new one still going to host enough villages to maybe get us working towards our next major goal the pub helps every villager be happy but unhappier ones that have a little bit too much to drink and start brawls so this makes maintaining a happy population even more important oh cows are finally here let's go although I can only afford two at the moment thanks to some recent Imports it'll take a while to get the larger population I want to give us tons of food but this is still enough that I'm happy to start working in more homes so it turns out I've been making a pretty big mistake that's partially responsible for all the food issues farming in this game isn't as simple as just grain equals wheat there are different types of each food and grain itself has three options wheat needs more clay in the soil and better fertility to get a good yield but grows the most when it does rye would work in the soil but still needs better fertility than we've got buckwheat however it doesn't require that that means that it makes just as much food while it depletes the soil less and grows more quickly compared to the other two options once harvested all three are the same so I'm going to switch everything we have over to Buckwheat it's been a while since I mentioned putting these in since it takes Builders a while to get that far south but the stone wall is finally done that means I can finally tear down this wall wait not like that hold on I don't wait I don't want that trailer leaving wait you know locking the game to three times base speed is getting kind of stressful the Western Front takes a huge hit from Raiders I'm gonna need stone walls and Gates really soon Although our Litany of Archer Towers deal with the issue without too much difficulty for now we even win the coin flip to see if our villages will put out a fire the wall grades are finally about done meaning that it's time to upgrade the roads next oh did I mention that we're loaded 5 000 gold in the trading post and another 2 000 in our bank all without selling anything now we're just raking in the cash from smelting ingots I'm gonna go ahead and use some of that to put in expensive decorations to boost desirability these have different shapes so you can Nestle away smaller decorations into nooks and crannies while larger spaces get huge statues if you've got a Keen Eye you might have seen this place getting flattened over and over and over in recent Clips it's taken 18 attempts for this theater to go in this is going to entertain villagers and boost desirability by a ton what do you mean they don't care about entertainment do they not know how much that costs bloody peasants don't appreciate the Finer Things in life there's still a lot to do here but the villages shaping up nicely better buildings made from bricks Stone roads and better decorations all do a lot to London Village and advancing look we're no longer just wooden shacks and buildings I think it's time to start expanding on the way to the final Town Center upgrade at 300 people I do still want to give my ungrateful villagers nice things so glassblowing and furniture making gets underway after that they're gonna have every luxury available but spices which I think you have to import and are presumably really expensive and rare a Barracks to train better soldiers goes in on the west then some walls surrounded to make it a courtyard to enter through I'm starting to have enough weapons to suck a strong fighting force meaning that soldiers here should start tearing through enemies it's so nice to see that the efforts to improve the village are going well and just look at the snow thaw around buildings and paths alike I do wish I'd use more curved roads but all the hills and time constraints make it hard to make things look pretty ooh a new calf the two cattle gave birth to our first new Offspring although I am going to continue buying more to fill out the herd when I get the chance oh God save the theater don't let it burn oh thank God ah speak of the devil my new favorite Trader arrives they've got cows and soap itself and we've got more than enough money to buy lots of boats and to attract the next big raid 41 Savages mob the gate reach it in moments and stream into the village is the town center and Lookout Tower's return fire a couple buildings fall but the rest of the Raiders are eventually forced to flee I don't like letting them Reese's walls though we definitely need better defenses soon add another list of big mistakes I've been making with crops specifically all these peas they have an appalling heat resistance but I've been growing them in the middle of summer let's swap peas to early spring and move beans which are heat resistant to that Peak instead by the time I fix that issue for every field half a year passes in game still hopefully that's going to alleviate our slowly growing issues with food we're also starting to not make enough shoes and clothes for our larger population so I'll start fixing those as well between that and making armor in the near future we're going to need a lot more pelts than we can get ourselves the cattle we're raising will help with that but the hernias will grow for a while first and that still probably won't be enough thankfully we're loaded enough to start importing those alongside clay and herbs the herd of laborers start clearing rocks and good Lord we have a lot of them ignoring our lumber shortage while a root cellar starts going in to sort all the food harvested in the southern fields and it's so far from our current storage a granary and Root Cellar go up in the north to up our storage there with that I can start putting in new Fields this land is unfortunately even worse than the other land we've been using so they are gonna have to go in well before we need them to actually start making food in better news we're getting an Armory going for the same reason fights are okay now but I do suspect they're gonna get a lot harder going forward some of the text talks about battering rams and heavily armored enemies that I don't think we've met yet speaking of the very meager devil another raid hits the north where our Tower coverage is lacking did they choose that spot specifically because we only have one Tower in the area that'll hit them that'd be pretty neat AI if so regardless the enemies beat down a wall and stream it yet again where more of our shots start to land there's a lot of them though and we do eventually fight them off but the first villager in a while dies to them it would have gone better if I'd use my Barracks but I kind of forgot about it let's move on and add another arborist and a horde of fruit trees to celebrate the victory instead well being loaded is so nice clay we haven't had in a while helps we now Neen and some Willows make their way to our coffers that last one is a basic resource we haven't had access to until now putting baskets on our colonist hands should help with hauling being loaded also means that we can put in a large statue in the Northeast while fixing the crop rotation hasn't quite fixed our food issues it's not as bad as it seems grain and milled flour which we have a lot of don't count towards those months remaining until we actually turn them into bread if it does get close I can always slaughter a few of our cows to get an emergency plow to survive through the winter an upgraded Trading Post might indirectly help with these food Problems by increasing the number of traders that arrive with foodstuffs or other useful Goods it's also going to be needed for the last Town Center upgrade once we get a few more people and uh guess which one I care about more I'm still gonna work to improve the food situation by swapping our first fields to full-time production now that their fertility is finally doing better beans and peas will continue to improve fertility although they're vulnerable to the same diseases which could be an issue another raid hits the front oh man I put in low walls they just walk over there huh at least the barracks is putting in work six Arch you're shooting at one so the lookout Towers behind put down more fire I don't even need to have the soldiers leave the safety of their Garrison to fight in melee combat the last raid briefs the village and killed someone but this one fails to even get inside I'm still going to change that and put some actual walls in the food situation is also improving but we can still make it a lot better Rye is sensitive to fertility and gave less than buckwheat because of that at first but our ever improving Fields can actually grow it now that's gonna almost double the grain production we have in some of our older Fields the new Fields can't quite swap but they will eventually oh you know it's not often that a death makes me happy but our first Villager has died of old age that's a life well lived in a prosperous Town affording hundreds with almost every luxury imaginable what more could you ask for let's go with labor camps these employ people to harvest nearby trees while a wagon shop ships it all back along a nice Road another one of these camps goes into the Northwest and then a third goes in in the southwest I might add more if I still need more lumber after all of this ah The Granary is actually full I guess it's a good problem to have another raids a significantly worse one especially when they breach that Northern wall again I need to up my defenses going forward because raids are taking too long to kill and a single wall can't hold all of them back for long that's going to include a second archer in every Tower and a couple of upgrades to those Towers We're not gonna need any bricks to upgrade these but we do just in general each yard only makes about 50 per year which is an enough for like one or one and a half upgrades and there's a lot that I want to make I'll even buy well actually not much I can't afford it I need to stock more gold in the training center but what we do buy is enough to supplement our natural production and upgrade the temp Center to the fourth and final level and then I catch it brilliantly like the pro YouTuber I am that's gonna unlock every building upgrade for us there are still a couple more goals we have but first let's upgrade those defenses that's gonna include crossbows and an upgraded fluttery as well as a Barracks at each of the gates in like the Western Front all those are going to get a second set of walls around them to sort of create a fortified Courtyard the next raid comes quickly enough to demonstrate why we need them those walls aren't all in yet but those that are keep our Barracks working nicely and thin enemies out before they actually hit the main walls a couple of villagers outside the walls died and the Raiders do eventually breach our walls but far fewer get in than before and more crossbows should handle that Gap nicely nothing's gonna handle fires nicely though the worst one yet destroys manners and the school alike while our Villages fail to put a single one out they might be having AI issues with this many people and this much stuff going on on the map still The Villages great now just look at everyone going about their days it's smooth enough that I can take time to just watch while I wait for bricks to upgrade our metalworking and the theater the former is going to help with defenses while the latter will get at least one house to 100 desirability which is my last goal I think that's as close to beating the game as I'm gonna get here at least while my computer starts lagging like this you may have noticed I'm not sure how YouTube will handle it I want to expand the neighborhood a bit so a wall gets knocked down to you know I hope no raids attack until that's in I really should have built a new wall first huh well having free time means I can also start decorating with some trees and a garden around these unused Corners near the center of town that's not going to affect desirability but it should just look nice to you and I know it does to me eventually though it's time to upgrade the theater even before that's in the village is just so pretty now the bustling look of everyone leaving their homes to work is just Divine and the fully finished theater just adds to that of course it's 99 desirability well a small garden can fix that and give us two amazing houses and everyone else is at least a little jealous of and with that I think the town of malmoth is complete I've had so much fun doing this and I hope you've enjoyed watching it I'm not really sure how much variety there is and farthest Frontier yet but I'm gonna do at least a couple more videos on this game got any fun ideas for a challenge leave them in the comments below
Channel: Just Don't Die
Views: 40,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier challenge, city builder, city builder 2022, city builder challenge, village sim, village sim challenge, challenge run, farthest frontier full playthrough
Id: nkrMeiNCQfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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