Becoming a Medieval Despot in Just 3 Weeks | Lords and Villeins

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Lords and villains is a colony Sim with a really interesting and well-executed intricacy that makes it unique amongst a crowded field to demonstrate let's watch what happens when I tell Mr Butler to build something that needs wood he's not going to a warehouse to grab some from a town stockpile but to a shopkeeper to buy some that their family is gathered and process and that's not just done with lit food clothing tools weapons Commodities and more are made and sold between your villages in an organic economy driven by them you collect a small percent of what all of them make for your own projects but you're not some deity overseeing a collective of Pawns who only live to serve you you're merely a Lord and these your villains it's like a medieval peasant I've looked it up but we don't begin with anything like that you're liege the local king or queen gives you land some Goods to help settle it and a few families with nothing but coins is their name even though they each have their own needs and goods we still Lord over these families which means they aren't allowed to do much on their own instead we have to give them land to work we have a family of fishermen so I'll mark part of this River for fishing and then assign it to them they'll give me ten percent of the fish they catch is hacks right now they have money but no goods and no desire to buy any Goods so let's change that I'll give them a homestead and assign it to them then charge them a flat amount of tax to the land I'll tell them their Homestead should have some straw walls and enough planks and straw beds for their entire family to sleep now when I look at what they want to buy in the market index there's enough strong planks for all those buildings I told them they should have let's add to that with some rods and Nets made of yarn and wooden rods now those goods get added to the list of their Market once but they don't have any place to buy those goods yet I haven't set the other villagers families up but I have everything that they need myself now I could just give them the resources to get them started but I'm only half that generous villagers will also buy what they need off of you if they have the money and you decide to sell it I will give them a good discount on the straw and other Goods they need to get our relationship off on a good note though our warehouse gets a store Front up another Fisheries family can go to buy some Goods grab them from the warehouse itself then take them back to their house and start building everything they need if I check the list of things they want to buy now they only need wooden rods that I didn't have fortunately the other villagers can eventually provide those so let's start getting them set up as well one family excels at forestry so I'll assign them to a Royal Forest to chop trees cut planks pick apples and keep pigs the third family are farmers by trade so I'm gonna assign them some land to work and tell them to till most of the soil there to eventually grow crops they'll also process crops there and keep animals both of those families also get houses with enough beds for everyone larger families means more work gets done but they're also going to need bigger homes for everyone more food and so on and with that we've got an early game economy ready the Foresters are going to sell the fishes and wooden rods at this Central Marketplace then they'll buy food back in turn but in addition to many many more jobs and Facilities even what's already here has a ton of depth I can tell the farmers what they should be growing as well as how much of the soil should be rested to make sure it maintains high fertility I can also tell them to put in other farming equipment like a thrashing spot to separate wheat and destroyed grain and eventually animal feeding facilities instead now I'm gonna tell them to put in some equipment in their own homes stuff like cooking tables cauldrons wood chopping blocks and so on to make meals from the food they trade each other or chop firewood for winter I need to be a bit bigger to naturally attract more families so instead I'm going to use favor points with the queen to request a couple for now a hunter seems like a good idea but is it for reasons I'll get into in a bit a carpenter is a much better choice after that the latter gets their own house plot and a carpentry spot to make some repair kits as well as sell their services Carpenters don't actually make Goods instead higher level furniture and constructions need more skilled Builders families provide the resources and pay Carpenters some money to actually make what they need the hunter will get a place to work here but this game's economy inherently requires cooperation that I'm just not ready for once they get some bows they can hunt but they're gonna need a butcher to actually cut the carcasses in the meat so now we have to wait for one before these people can actually do much around town at least as Hunters but it isn't just the villages families here while The Villages buy goods and build what I've told them to let's have a look at the character you play as they're here on this map and we've been providing nothing for them to this entire time so let's put in the start of a grand manner with some nicer bends since these are my constructions they'll be built with goods from the warehouse we'll also prepare for some Caravans which will bring us Goods that we don't have the means to make they charge a higher price and the money leaves our lands instead of being circulated amongst the civilians so I do want to move towards being able to provide everything here as soon as possible you know this game's got a certain charm to it when you're not placing new facilities you've got time to watch families fish or forage beside each other it's honestly heartwarming let's ruin them what you think I'm gonna be a medieval Lord and not abuse my powers to be a proper villain my word is law around these parts and little things like family bonds can't possibly stack up I'll give my workers a cottage but that's pretty much the only amenity they're getting I started with two servants and honestly it's a huge honor even if it doesn't pay well and if their house is Tiny and if I press villagers into service at the drop of a hat peskier is strong and dexterous and yeah villagers have stats that affect their performance in this game and now she's my servant that doesn't mean she'll work on my house since since what I put in requires a carpenter but she's gonna join the two servants I started with and staying in my Cottage they'll work on Town building projects cook meals for my soldiers and so on I did start with a couple soldiers as well so let's get those servants started building them a barracks and a couple of beds and training dummies to hone their skills on I want more villagers to come but those favorite points I originally used only come back when we do good things for the queen and it's too early for her to give us tasks instead we're gonna put in an ant and we're gonna give it a ton of furniture too it gets a really nice kitchen with plenty of storage a bar to Surf patrons a bunch of beds to sleep at some tables and chairs to encourage relaxation this is going to attract wandering families to spend a couple nights in the village if they like it because of the quality of the end and they see a good relationship between the peasants and their lord which I still have then they'll offer to stay I'll give the end to the hunters the Patterson family since they can't Hunt without bows and we don't have a bushy to actually use the carcasses yet anyways now personally if I was visiting a village I'd want to see cute little chickens rubbing around so I'll tell the farmers to install some trowels and allow them to buy chickens from those traveling Caravans alright look I get that you want to hunt but building yourself into a corner is not the proper way to air your grievances it's just a tantrum skip ahead to the next day and a family already wants to join us the Nicholsons are Bakers by trade which will hopefully help with some of the grain our farmers are making but it actually won't because we don't have a mill or anything else yet the Town Bakery ought to go near the center of any good medieval Town they'll get some basic amenities there but they can't actually make bread yet in addition to flour they need an oven which requires an architect and is built from stone blocks which require masonry we're gonna have to get at least a few more families before they're working their Bakery but they can at least have a house and start getting both places set up but with such a Charming in if you ignore the unconstricted walls thanks to a local straw shortage it's no surprise that the villagers are bustling about it at night hopefully more villagers join soon honestly seeing the family socialize like this is a huge strong point for the game they really feel like people instead of just work drones you order around another couple days pass before a family of fishers arrives and while we don't really need more fish we do need a family to work the Inn once our Bakers and Hunters are doing what they're meant to handle I'll build a coot family a little outcrop behind the end of sayat and welcome them to town the village is already shaping up nicely but we don't even have close to a third of the peasant jobs filled and there's a lot to do beyond that still a family of breweries joins to make our Tavern some actual booze they grow hops on trellises then use some facilities to ferment cheap beer though alcohol is not what's made one of our villagers start fighting a guard I don't exactly know what did since they're happy and we've got a good relationship but either way we need a jail we're pretty small now so it's just going to be a singular tiny cell hmm walls are going to cost a lot of resources you know I could buy them but as being nice to my peasants actually done anything for me so far this horrible indictment of my rule has me feeling cruel let's seize those resources instead of paying for them it's time to share these little villains what a horrible Lord actually looks like a real villain this is gonna temporarily hurt a relationship but the bigger cost is that the families is now going to be poor poor and angry families are more likely to turn to crime or Rebel but I'm sure it'll be fine I mean if they do get feisty we have a proper jail now so it's treason then it's time for those ungrateful Foresters to figure out the wrath of a scoring Lord wait it's not them the people I stole I I mean acquired goods from aren't mad but the second family of fishes are I gave them land to fish from the noise from The Tavern they're attached to can't be that bad at night well let them grow angry we've got soldiers see right on cue other villagers line up to beg to be allowed to join all peasants should grovel for the chance to serve me all right moving past my clear descent into being an iron fisted Tyrant I just live with a sheer number of households in busy terrain promote building oddly shaped constructions against natural features and paths the tailors themselves need wool from a farmer's sheep to actually make Goods but we're working on buying those and hopefully they'll be giving everyone yarn and then outfits before long all right back to being a tyrant the coot family thinks they can Rebel just because I didn't let them build a cooking table or any a way to actually make meals they should starve before they think of not liking me and you viewer should actually Please Don't Starve go cook yourself a good meal but also like this video but though these villains are lucky enough to call me their lord I owe my allegiance to the queen and she expects me to pay taxes of my own next Autumn and every Autumn after that I'm obligated to provide her with a long list of goods I can tax buy or seize them from my Villages but I need to provide this or I'll be the one inadvertently fermenting Rebellion as I build out this house can I just say I love the UI change the goods I own on the left get updated with the amount I need to give for taxes green means I've got it in stock and yellow means I still need more beautiful design well done all right time to steal if I still gets early my relationship with the peasants will build back up enough for me to steal again before my taxes are due and really it barely affected our relationship I could be a lot crueler and not have it affect anything see even more villagers want to join my town these ones are leather workers although we don't actually have a Tanner to give them leather just yet I try to have them build the Tannery up either way but it seems like villagers won't do jobs they aren't meant to do at least now a Tanner will have a workshop ready to move into we've got a long list of families here but even that's not enough for every job a proper butcher joins in to harvest animal carcasses for meat and for hide an architect joins in for more advanced constructions like ovens and Kilns although they are going to need a Mason to do most of that might as well sell Stone to Masons once I have one and they'll cut them into blocks before selling them to families who also pay the Architects to install them this game's just got a lovely economy and every single villager fills their own niche in it something like this is an ambitious goal but it feels remarkably well done not being self-sufficient is rough in the early game but Caravans help bridge that Gap while encouraging you to keep growing towards having peasants that can make everything I definitely feel like I spent my favor a little too early though I may have wanted to save it to grab a specific family now I still don't have every peasant job filled out but it's about time we started moving past just being a town for peasants let's get some clergy members here like with servants I can press villagers to become members of the clergy these are a special class of more than nice and villagers that handle religion and special rights like burials I can have my abilities pay tax to the clergy instead of me although since I haven't set up anyone's contracts to handle that yet I'll go ahead and give them what they need directly instead I'll also start working on a proper church although we won't be able to use it until at least one clergy member learns how to read to give them a twice a season sermon they'll learn how to do that at a library using manuscripts I started with but gave the clergy it's still going to take about a full season for that but it's probably better to have the church and not use it than to let the clergy soapbox about how much I restrict them in the middle of town once they can but once I got bigger and my clergy grew with them they could do a lot more I could build them a seller for wine making a paper mill and scrubbery to make our own manuscripts an apothecary and hospital to heal injured villagers and so on the town is shaping up I haven't been showing a lot of the villagers joining in like Smiths glass makers or forgers but this is one of the larger maps and it's already almost full I haven't done much for the clergy yet and I don't even have Nobles yet they're the final class that handles some more Artisan jobs like making art Jewel crafting working a theater and more but I need a high quality Tavern to attract Nobles and that requires better booze and high quality meals we aren't even close to having it that would unlock a council I could appoint family members or notable Nobles too assassinations I could use to get rid of troublemakers I can't force out of town and a lot more there's so much depth to this game hopefully knowing more about how it works makes that clip I showed you in the intro with Mr Butler going to buy a single piece of wood for a chopping block I mean just a little bit more but I'm getting far enough and that the urge to start over and do it all better is kicking in I mean seriously not spending my favor or better understanding the economy earlier clergy members there's so much I could do well I think that's enough for now I may start over for a mega Village in this game we'll have to see either way this is a really interesting Colony Sim game worth checking out if you like the idea of a more free-form and organic economy linking Villages that feel like villagers it just came out of Early Access and the link is in the description below
Channel: Just Don't Die
Views: 9,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords and villeins, colony sim, colony sim new releases, colony sim 2022, lords and villeins gameplay, lords and villeins review, Lord and villains
Id: 4n4x0INp0y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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