Conquering the Entire Earth with Nudity in Civilization 6

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world hunger rampant poverty global warming and giving humans rights all problems with a very simple solution complete world domination and what better way to achieve it than in Civilization 6 with the power of human wave offensives extreme authoritarianism and melee infantry only so at the start of the game we do of course have to pick a civilization and the one I'm going to go with is the GS who are essentially the very definition of Zug Zug Migo face so getting into the game this is why we chose the golfs because we start with a unique version of the warrior called the Gest these guys are essentially a slightly more expensive but better version of the warrior because they can fight against better Tech units with more bonuses they get plus five against anti-ab receive plus two for each adjacent unit but most importantly they get plus 10 versus units that are stronger than them and because we are doing the ultimate brainless strategy that is absolutely perfect first things first though we're just going to found a city and it will be called oh how do see God I can't pronounce that either as a matter of fact I'm not even sure I'm pronouncing G correctly G oh even better we have discovered a new continent Siberia so what we're doing is pretty simple we can only train the worst melee units from every era that means no ranged units no Navy No Air Force no nothing only the weakest cheapest and worst units we can possibly get okay and already looking at the area that we've spawned in I think it's just surrounded by mountain ranges what could go wrong with us sending a faction of entirely shirtless dudes into the middle of Siberia so what I was talking about with the G the Spearman of 25 base strength but because gust get another 10 plus other bonuses we actually just have more power than that meaning that despite the fact that we are an objectively worse unit we could still beat units of higher tech level so taking of the Barbarian should give us a bonus to military tradition which is great because we're going to be we're going to be using that a lot and a promotion for our barbarians or G I mean we're pretty much the barbari varians in this game let's be honest here and with the code of laws completed we can get our first combat bonuses and production bonus policies which is great and also discover a city state oh wait that's that's not a city state do I greet a fellow lover of learning no not in the slightest oh great the uh the city state gave us a quest train and Archer not like that's ever going to happen although it is a militaristic city state which is great because that gives us more production and a whole bunch of bonuses if we can get our our envoys high enough and there we go another city state down here and this one's a cultural one so we we literally don't care their Quest is to construct a campus I'm sorry I don't know what that is Migo face okay I'm now realizing the tragic of our situation and it is that we literally can only go this way to get out of our Capital coupling that with the fact that we cannot build a single Naval unit this is uh this could be rough all right well unfortunately it looks like Sweden has already formed their Pantheon which means they're going to be on their way to getting a religion which is very bad because I want to have the only religion and there we go another Civ met the Greek Empire who is located all the ways down there uh you know us fighting against Sparta as a completely militaristic faction does not seem like a good idea but hey how bad can it be all right so the first thing we're going to try to get is a holy sight because a lot of the other factions are already getting closer to getting religions and the reason is because we want a religion for the Crusade combat bonus something something purging Heretics something something Jesus look at that absolute unit just taking on the entire Barbarian horde on his own what are you a coward to avoid Bloodshed I just killed like three Barbarian camps and then she goes right back to being super happy looking you know what I have one thing to say to you you're next all right so here is our second city which is founded practically on the North Pole and come on that's an even less pronounceable name honestly I'm just going to start calling them City 1 City 2 future city 3 okay and there's something that I don't like it looks like Sweden is actually going to try and settle something right here you know it would be a shame if someone killed these almost dead Warriors and captured the settler Sweden will chastise those who threaten the world oh I'm I'm flattered Sweden is also oh my God I I feel bad for them they're just being completely sieged in the meantime we get the very first holy sight of I think the entire uh world right now and as you can see the plus4 adjacency bonus is absolutely nuts which means we're going to start racking up Faith really really quickly okay well Sparta is denouncing us for declaring a surprise war of all the people to denounce me you are the least credible okay at this rate we're literally just going to walk in and take Stockholm with no resistance I could almost take it this turn and actually it looks like I can just straight up take it this turn which means that this should be Sweden completely obliterate yep well that was easy I never loved power I do goodbye Sweden will not stand the test of time hey plus five Aros score and we get progress towards early Empire of course we're going to keep the city because it would make no sense not to oh and even better Sweden has another holy site which means we are rolling in the faith right now and we're going to be able to found our fourth city over here uh Alia see an easy to pronounce name finally okay I guess I guess Stockholm is is not particularly hard either we also get our first governor appointment and I'm probably going to go with amanii the Diplomat because she can be assigned at one of these City states to be more envoys and since volan is the most militaristic it probably makes sense that that's the one we go with all right awesome we also just got our Pantheon so now we can go and dedicate ourselves to something and more culture from our plantations is probably what we want right now so now when we get a great prophet we can start a full religion and right now you can see that Eastern Orthodoxy is really the only one that exists currently which means we need to rapidly be able to contest that oh my God we've only met one person so far and I think like three or four cves have died already I'm not sure if that bodess well or badly for us right so we've just entered the classical era which doesn't really change what we're doing all that much it does let us make a dedication and we're only in a normal age we didn't get a golden age unfortunately so I am going to go with the Exodus of the evangelicals because we hopefully are going to be able to found our own religion relatively soon and then you know bribe the great prophet to be our friend you must make an effort at building ships I I'm not going to do that I'm sorry I prefer invading you all right nice we got an Envoy so I believe if I send one to wolen yes that makes us their suarin so now they are basically our puppet and we'll declare war on anybody that we declare war on and and immediately after I don't know how to make you H well I mean I'm going to I'm going to kill you anyway I guess it doesn't matter man we're really discovering all the great continents right now first it was Siberia and then Antarctica all right for a second governor I'll probably go with Finance here because I think we're going to have a bunch of trade routs pretty soon and in the meantime we're kind of just trying to build up our military and well as soon as we hit a critical mass the thing is these Gest are no upkeep so we could just keep spamming them out and it doesn't really matter that much I mean besides the loss of human life if you care about that sort of thing I love that absolutely no one is willing to trade with us such that we can only trade within our own cities honestly I can't say I'm very surprised Aha and our third city state boosting political philosophy which is great and lenta is Rel religious which is actually very good because we are OES to the point where we're going to get our first great prophet which will found our religion and later in the game we're going to be able to just use Faith to straight up build all of our military units anyways all right nice so we discovered political philosophy which allows us to get our very first government and of course I'd be silly if I got anything but oligarchy I mean if you think about an oligarchy and democracy are practically the same thing minus the voting of course our first policy is going to be colonization I mean if I don't don't steal this land who will all right great so now we should have enough to yes recruit our very first great prophet which is amazing and because with the great prophet John the Baptist the the Gaul wait actually was he German all right just read the whole Wikipedia article on John the Baptist he's a little not German either way if we use him now that will give us the opportunity to found our religion so down here now we can choose our religion the uh the symbol will probably be something like a scorpion and for the name it requires all of the class and subtlety that our civilization has and of course out of all these bonuses it only makes sense that we get work ethic along with as I mentioned before Crusade so combat units gain 10 combat strength when within the borders of foreign cities that follow this religion basically what that means is that if we convert everyone around us we just get a permanent plus 10 combat bonus which is pretty ludicrous and now we can found the religion and make history Zug Zug is the true path to Salvation those other ones are scams I mean Eastern Orthodoxy Catholicism that word just sounds made up we're also going to found our fifth City over here and I I I I thought it could not get worse I was wrong I mean I'm sure this is actually somewhat pronounceable but it's not easy being this stupid ah good it seems like us settling in Siberia has done wonders our population is freezing to death yeah maybe you should put on some shirts the game keeps telling me to build a bunch of Wonders and against its advice I have done nothing but build infantry so interestingly we could actually research iron working and start to build Swordsmen but I'm not going to do that because guste are basically just better they don't require iron they're cheaper to produce and they have no upkeep so I am just going to build as many walls of human bodies as I physically can and just overwhelm our neighbors with them Jesus Christ okay now we get a plus five holy sight adjacency bonus Don't Mind If I Do Well you know I didn't know there was actually a volcano here I think we lost some people in it no we didn't all right well this city state over here the cultural one has been nothing but nice to us which is why I have surrounded it in pretty much an entire Army of units and now if I use our spread religion a whole bunch of times now this is part of our religion so I could just well declare war and by doing so uh it doesn't generate any grievances cuz this is a silly goofy dumb city state now we can just walk in and gain ridiculous combat bonuses you see we're already so much better than their units our State's also coming and helping in as well that that that poor single guy getting pelted with arrows so as much as all these archers are swarming out of nowhere they've got heavy chariots we could just kind of ignore all their units and because we beine for the city it doesn't matter at all and all of their units just you know dematerialized of course we're also going to keep this city and probably continue to expand down here we are getting relatively close to the Greeks which is nice all right now we research theology so I can go ahead and get holy sight adj decy bonuses which should yeah bump our holy oh my God that's a lot of faith but to boost defensive tactics I need to be the target of a declaration of war defensive Wars we don't do that here oh and now we found the Ethiopian Empire an honor to meet you we'd love to sample your hospitality which translates to in gaic where is your capital and they are extremely close which is fantastic Ethiopia said you coffee bread and our war wishes well I could send you one thing but I don't think you're going to like it oh I just realized that big problem that we're fighting with Ethiopia over here is that their capital is really really Orthodox that means that we're most likely not going to get our Crusader bonus if we try to invade them which I guess to be fair doesn't matter at all they have 40 military power uh and we have quadruple that and I am doing nothing but build infantry from all of my frontal places nonstop aha now we've discovered Vatican City which is obviously religious and that is amazing they have a pretty good bonus for their unique suarin thing in terms of of spreading our religion even further so I am probably going to try and keep them around maybe well Ethiopia I don't mean to say You're Screwed but uh I think you're pretty screwed oh my God they're also being sieged by barbarians this just gets easier and easier do you think that you could frighten me move your troops at once look they're they're just passing by okay and uh by passing by I do of course mean walking all of them directly into your city as you can see we have so many units just scattered all around the place I can probably hold off the green Empire 2 while we're fighting the Ethiopians and again what's important to remember is the fact that all of these units because they're tier one are completely free so I'm getting no gold upkeep no nothing uh and we can just keep mashing out as many of them as possible oh and now we've met the Indonesian Empire it's a bunch of missionaries that walked in I do not think they're going to be very happy to witness the current okay and and a traitor as well all right and there goes the Ethiopian Capital after I think about two turns of war that was that was pretty easy finally they've denounced us actually no wait this is the second denouncement right I'm sorry it's it's hard to keep track we're at the point where we're just one shotting almost one-shotting I guess entire groups of their units great so now we have gotten into the Medieval Era with apprenticeship and this is extremely important because it gives us access to manad ARS so manads are the improved version of geste and they also render geste obsolete that means that we can no longer build these guys so of because manat arms are about three times the cost of G cost iron and have maintenance I don't want to build them so I have done the liberty of queuing 80 g to be built originally they default to manat arms but I can just cue them all the way to the back drain myself of strategic resources and then it automatically lets me build G again nice the second announcement we're just collecting these like Infinity Stones at this point you have inflicted Grieves on others oh don't be so modest we'll we'll get to you later oh I just realized all of ethiop I's units aren't even real units they've been levied from one of the city states they're Allied to all right and with one last fight this this one dude is just going to single-handedly solo everyone I think wow that was kind of impressive Ethiopia is done you think God has abandoned Ethiopia God that's not what we call him around these parts great so now with Ethiopia dead it seems only natural that we turn our attention to our good friend the Greeks mostly because Byzantium is over here and Indonesia is over here so we can't really get to either of the empires without going through the others once again I am being denounced for avoiding Bloodshed despite the fact that I have eradicated three different civilizations what have you done lady although I am actually going to not invade Greece right now because we have a better Target uh the Vatican and husa it is kind of bad though that they've built walls around all their cities but on the bright side I I could just choose to ignore them either way let's have a go the opinium was no accident I I read that as opium at first but the opidium is our special version of the industrial district which it also acts as an encampment so not only does it produce things but it also attacks people all right so now the world is entering the Medieval Era which means um you know people are going to get mad at me for putting troops on their borders but also allow us to get into our golden age and of course another Exodus of the evangelicals is just what we want we do need to keep converting as you can see we've uh we've kind of screwed ourselves over here there's a lot of religions that we we don't like all right now we're at the World Congress and this is going to give us anything good okay well plus 10 combat strength for all units of this religion let's just uh let's just choose the right one ah that that's right I have done such horrible things that I have no diplomatic points at all something tells me that this is uh this is not going to be a very favorable World Congress I I take it back completely everybody voted for my thing plus 10 strength for all units of Zug Zug well that could not possibly have gone better you know what despite the fact that we are currently engaged in a war with these people this seems like the perfect time to declare war on Greece as well I mean I've pretty much surrounded them in not only our religion but our units well I mean I'm not sure how the Spartans are going to do in terms of warfare I I couldn't possibly imagine that's a nice flex but I think I outnumber you like by 8,000 you know something's wrong when the Greek hopl lights the unit that they are known for in all ways we have almost doubl their combat strength with our tier one basic unit that is beautiful the problem we're running into is that it is very very hard to take down walls with basic units like these I mean we do three damage to their walls and their walls have 35 Health it is not good I've also just been using our ludicrous amounts of Faith to buy as many missionaries as possible and we are just running them all down here to try and convert everything because just with all the other stuff the conversion means plus 10 combat bonus to all of our units in the territory I'm I'm sorry I I just tried to convert something and then the King of Scotland just like teleported in oh good there's a special session of the World Congress I'm going to take a wild guess and say it involves me military emergency I don't know I wouldn't call it an emergency let me use all my diplomatic power on this one boom so how many people are going to vote for this is the real question it failed what I don't think I've ever seen that before there's like no reason for them not to vote for a crisis then again I mean I really going to complain about this no I am not all right and there goes Olympia we just promoted another unit over there and Argo should be gone pretty quickly as well and another one has been converted during the war which means that we could hit them for a ton of damage for you know the following a different religion penalty all right well the war has been raging on pretty significantly I can't crack this location over here there's just too much defense but all of Greece is falling pretty slowly the city St right here is a nuisance because again with the walls we can't really do anything to it surprisingly Sparta does not have any walls and pretty much No Other location anywhere but the city states have walls either all right and there goes Argos which is the other biggest city from Greece all right and there is a third conversion in a row everybody knows what the one true faith is at this point all right after a long grind there we go we've taken roads over and so the last city is just Sparta as soon as we take Sparta we going to be looking at 10 that is that is a lot of Catholicism all right so I'm going to try and piece out with the city state here they have just been an absolute Menace but in terms of Athens or Greece we should be able to take Sparta although there are so many Catholics coming it is like the grand pilgrimage Byzantium has sent literal armies of missionaries over here a mega colossal volcanic eruption this time okay that definitely killed someone oh yeah it did well I think I've been insulted in the last two turns by every faction I can even see I shudder to think of what the ones I can't see would be saying we're actually being completely overrun over here but the AI is just choosing not to really attack my cities they don't have any infantry which makes this vastly easier and over here our entire everything is just chilling we're trying to convert everybody slowly and also solidify the rest of our oh who are these people oh okay these are our allies heart attack another one now I know I'm doing something right oh my my God finally it's been like 20 turns of a war against Catholicism so we could finally convert this place and now that it's converted we could just gorge in on all sides with our Crusader bonus finally after a bajillion turns of just throwing bodies at Sparta we have done it I think that is yep they are done anyways on to the next one look good thing about eliminating Greece is that that also pieces us out with the city state right here so we are finally not going to die to them I love how every turn I still get the same notification of rainforests regrown and the number of them it's always zero and then every five turns I get to see some rainforest burning down although on a slightly more positive note we are forcing everyone to become Zug zugs there's a lot of Catholicism around here a lot of yucky e Catholicism but we should be able to weed that out with the help of you know a little Inquisition here and there nothing too bad besides the killing everyone announcement number two from the Byzantine emperor I'm putting these on my shelf like trophies at this point all right nice so we just completed the Oracle of Delia I think we're also about to complete the Machu picu thing I'm surprised nobody else has built these at this point I've been waiting around for 147 turns for someone that just crank it out oh is that uh oh no it's just a city state God damn it I'm trying to find all the other people I have to decimate by this point so we've just res switch toine R which means we can switch our government to uh from you know somewhat Democratic oligarchy not not Democratic at all to a completely undemocratic monarchy which also gives us a couple more policy slots which is fantastic okay it seems like we've converted enough that the Byzantine Empire is pissed at the sheer number of bodies we are throwing into his capital in order to try and convert it oh Another World Congress session now and everything is totally useless as always I have done such horrible things in the world that I have zero diplomatic points so pretty much everything here is is completely up to chance all right let's see if we won the dice okay well I I guess that works everybody chose to make making military units with production 50% cheaper which means that uh I should probably get cranking all right so by this point Argus have also kind of outlived their usefulness so I am going to start training manad arms pretty much the next evolution in terms of units we can get unsurprisingly they uh they still suck against walls I'm also going to use our Apostle over here who I just recruited to evangelize which means that we can then get another belief to add to our religion and I think I'm going to go with the pilgrimage because that's going to give us plus two faith for each City following the religion so let's see how much it goes up that's pretty good especially because if we go to our city over here we are going to inevitably be able to make a grandmaster's chapel which gives us the ability to buy land units with faith so we can just stack up Faith and instead of using money we just recruit everybody with the power of the Zug Zug oh nice now we can get another great person a great scientist I didn't even have to bribe him with any money that's nice oh and another great person literally the very next turn El Sid I I have never heard of this person in my life but that's a pretty good combat strength bonus so hey I'll I'll take it you know it's only Dawning on me now how many more cities I have than everyone else I have built almost no science buildings in the entire Empire our research quite literally just consists of two cave people slamming rocks together and then dying to a volcanic explosion and yet we are somehow still doubling the research of basically any other civilization I think what makes the fact that I have so much military strength up here so dumb is that because all of these G have no upkeep whatsoever I am just rolling with a massive military that is totally free also that's pretty cursed by victory points okay another special session I haven't invaded anyone in the last like 10 years so this doesn't have to be about me right it's not about me so apparently someone was ravaged by a natural disaster and I mean here's the thing right I don't care I also just don't want to join this thing anyway so we're we're going to we're going to back out of that one real quick I don't I'm not even sure if anybody's going to vote for helper well I mean if that was of any indication okay I was literally the only person to vote now guys come on I I had good reason yeah let's focus on that climate disaster down there for just a second Let's ignore the fact that I have 800 combat power and I have been doing nothing but trade basic infantry for the past 30 turns all of you are going to die these walls have enough Health such that there is not a chance that we break through with any less than 20 casualties of entire units I'm also realizing now that because our faction gets access to a very cheap version of the industrial district in these opidium but these opans still produce great engineer points in terms of great people we make 12 great engineer points per turn which means all the famous Engineers all appear in our country of course we also don't have any scientists any writers any artists and any musicians but you know useless crap like that and speaking of which while everyone is busy dealing with a climate disaster you know sending Aid to someone who was devastated by a flood let's just declare war on the Byzantine Empire as long as we don't pull in all the other factions into this war cuz I have a feeling that you know if if we didn't have a lot of announcements now we're going to get even more I mean we only know four people we have have killed everyone else time to send in the boys oh no I didn't realize Vatican City is actually controlled by the Byzantine Empire which means that we need to run through these guys in order to get to the rest well then again I have another like 10 units on the other side of the map too not to mention that all these other units are just slowly trickling down and a lot of men-at-arms are in here too so you know real units although to be honest I prefer my naked soldiers they're they're actually really good oh no Vatican City still has Warriors I I mean we still have Warriors but now this this just feels bad I mean the fact that we are going to obliterate these guys I also just realized that Vatican City is the home of Hinduism I suppose that makes sense well this is how you know you've probably screwed up the world irreversibly we have 880 military strength of naked barbarians and I have just started seven different Wars no need to thank me world peace I'm I'm doing my part well there goes our first unit they're quite dead I'm curious how many people we going to lose by by the end of this because I have surrounded Vatican City in missionaries so that I can convert the city trying to convince them hey guys if you join our religion I get plus 10 combat strength okay see now that we're bringing in manat arms these guys are actually a little bit better at taking down the city's defenses it's I mean it's not it's not much but it it counts all right there's the first city captured all the ways up here and slow I'm hoping that our Ally just catapults down the defenses because throwing bodies is not working very well oh wow awfully assuming of you to ask for my gunpowder uh in exchange for basically $6 gee what could you want to do with gunpowder that I'm not already going to do to you finally Vatican is now the rightful Zug Zug Faith which should give us yes even better combat stats against it luckily I have so many units that it takes forever to do a single turn but even when it says ENT turn the game is like well actually you have to still move 16 more units finally gunpowder so as much as gunpowder might seem like a ranged thing it's not the musket men that we can train are actually melee units as you can see and they're also very good against buildings well they're less bad than naked men oh my God I totally forgot so I built a building that allows us to purchase military units with faith and G are only 120 faith we make 162 Faith per turn I could just immediately crap out 10 groups of infantry all all across the map and just in Mass swarm towards our enemies sure they only have 20 melee strength but you know that means they take like two ranged attacks than die it's a it's a worthwhile sacrifice oh my God they decided to walk their crossbowman outside the city walls what have you done I'm sorry what apparently a random city across the globe just willingly joined us wait I see what happened Scotland is trapped in this quarter they have 21 military power they've lost practically everything to one random free City that abandoned them oh my God people are actually being friends with me again what kind of Bizarro world have we gotten to I mean I'll say yes and then declare war on them later but still excellent I mean uh terrible there goes another group of our units all right all I have to do is attack bakan city over and over again taking massive damage on all of my infantry oh my God we somehow did it well that that took a lot of human lives but I would say it was pretty nine population okay then of course I will keep the city well with Vatican City captured uh you know wake up babe it's time for another human wave offensive okay thank God everything's returning to normal more denunciations from everyone else and the fact that I still have not met any of the other factions probably says more about the fact that they don't want to meet me and then another denunciation immediately afterwards we're on the right track oh and we've also just trained the very first musketmen I I didn't even mean to do that to be honest musketmen are the basic infantry of the Renaissance Era they're actually melee units despite the fact that they hold guns it makes sense you know I feel like we really need to reform our government to be something that's a little more modern a little more hip with the times Wars of religion it is right with all of our bonuses now our Menat arms are hitting almost twice as hard at pretty much everything it's kind of insane how effective it is now to just surround them in infantry who believe really really hard in their God and then just beat the crap out of everyone wait Frank I don't even know what a Zug Zug is but apparently these guys do so at last we enter the Renaissance Era and we are in a golden age surprisingly wiping out like three or four civilizations will do that and unsurprisingly I am going to go with Exodus of the evangelicals again because we just need to keep converting over and over and over again cuz that's pretty much our way of winning things with military I think the only World Congress session where I did not have zero diplomatic points was the first one and I still didn't have that many I mean I mean all I'm doing is just rolling Dice and hoping that they don't vote for the thing that I oh hey that I mean those all work for me Jesus Ally I I think they're dead he's just repeatedly attacking into the city that I don't think there's any military targets left oh oh he just destroyed it straight up okay and and now there's a special session that's going to be called look what you did I mean I did it but still call your special session if you wish but uh nothing can unconquerable b boom guys come on I I mean have I really done anything that bad and it failed this is the second time it failed God it's Times Like These that I just love the UN you know when I'm the one destroying the world well I didn't realize that we are now officially doubling everyone else in technology should be pretty apparent I've also gotten to the point where especially with arish I'm just running them at the city walls fully aware that they are probably not going to survive actually you know what that that's a lie I've been doing that the whole game man I hadn't even realized how much we destroyed them he has zero military power he has not a single military unit left we have destroyed everything well almost everything excellent we've liberated another city from the oppression of democracy and across the way we could just go ahead surround this city and then hit them with pretty much the mass wave assault as per usual oh finally a volcano is erupting in someone else's land you know it probably says quite a bit that five of my policies are military policies and I wish I could have six and with one last fight that should be it and Byzantium is no more well there's another plus five error score on to the next one unfortunately the thing that's bad about our Empire which I'm realizing is that our people do not know how to use this thing called money it's 1290 ad and I don't think we have a currency all right and we just industrialized which is great so now we can start exploiting coal as well as a whole bunch of other stuff we also just built the Terra Cotta Army and that pretty much means that I believe we get a level up for every single one of our units which oh that's a that's a lot ah it's so sad I can't boost diplomatic service because uh have an alliance with another civilization simply impossible we got pretty lucky that we didn't discover too many civilizations at once but I'm still wondering like where is everyone cuz there's still two more civilizations somewhere well seeing as we just got out of a pretty expensive and very long war time to declare war again I guess well it looks like she's called by Bluff in terms of standing on her border uh and by Bluff I mean surprise so of course I've started to build factories in pretty much every single Province I can so we can pump out industry even faster something I haven't checked on for the whole game though is the world climate how are we doing how look at that it's pretty much fun I mean look if I conquer the world before I destroy the world that's a win for me I am somewhat surprised that we're at the point where I have musketmen and they have only Built walls in one of their cities truly one of the AI decisions of all time all right this is getting a little silly it costs 480 Faith to recruit musketman I have 3,000 I'm just mashing out as many of these units as I possibly can I still have something like 30 gesta that are just spread all over the map giving me plus one amenities in all of my cities essentially I don't have enough amenities anywhere so I've solved that with military occupation works like a charm to be honest I've also just stopped converting people to our religion because I realize that you know when you have guns you just don't need to this really and truly does not feel very fair just going through and recruiting manat arms in every single one of my places because I mean they're practically free besides our rapidly dwindling gold income the other reason I'm doing this is because when I deplete all of our strategic resources such that we can't recruit musketmen and we can't recruit manad arms it automatically makes G available again so my military power is 957 this turn let's see what happens next turn because it usually updates every turn oh my God it went up to 1,400 and most most of that is just because I have recruited the worst units I possibly could and just threw them all around the place I think this is the first time that I have put units in the sea the entire game and the only thing I'm using them for is just to Siege down the province over here so we are getting to the point where we only need a few more capitals to just win the game with a domination Victory there's barely anybody left there we go and Indonesia is gone that was pretty much three turns of me non-stop taking every single City they had and now the only person I can see is good old Robert the Bruce here's the thing I genuinely don't know where the other factions are because I have gotten everything on this entire continent all of this is ours I don't think he has much over here which means I'm probably going to have to start going and sailing out into the sea haphazardly to try and find wherever they are and remember I can't build a Navy so if they hit my guys while they're in transport I'm just going to send more guys I've also taken over the to be the suarin of literally every city state on the continent because I just can't be bothered to Siege them I mean rest assure these these crossbowmen do not stand a chance over the fact that I can buy about seven units in a single turn but I'd rather try to get to the domination Victory just in case someone slips in with some kind of religious or any other Victory our expression of colonialism will Define Humanity's future I think we've colonized everything there is to colonize there's there's not really much oh wait hey look at that scoon I think Robert over here only has three cities and this is one of them oh my God he doesn't even have a religion yet he's still a Pantheon well looks like the great hunt begins I mean it's just a question of when I'm going to find them I'm sending out as many units as I can I mean the moment we find them UND declaring war oh that's that's cool does that look like a giant anyone else okay we have hit land I think somewhere over here is where the final factions are and there is one of the last City States and there is one of the last Empires it's you I knew it my arch nemesis is the final one why am I not surprised well it feels like there's only one thing to do at this point to uh to truly make sure that there is no chance of coming back for anybody else and I think you're already getting the idea all right this this feels like a pretty healthy Army maybe this will be enough to storm the entire continent well one turn in denounce me this guy learns quick your troops should not parade outside of Scotland's territory you know I think they should thank God I turned on quick comback cuz this makes things way easier how are there still four people alive here I have no idea they are hiding very effectively okay and for whatever reason the World Congress decided yes I need more strength on my units thanks AI you guys you guys know just what to do okay and it seems like the other guy is Caesar is that it no I'm pretty sure there's one more group of people somewhere all around in here I still have 1,400 military strength I am just running through everything I possibly can right now un turn of knowing Caesar and I think he's known everything he wants to know about us excellent excellent this progresses us right towards the uh the best government form wait there's another civilization I thought we discovered literally everybody okay this guy is 25 combat power I am going to walk into his capital and he's going to die I have one unit and I think that's enough yep just like clockwork one turn of knowing him and he wants to kill us or rather he knows that I want to kill him not terribly surprising it's nice that we've made the very first corpse of our entire Empire in 1530 and it is of g day the first circum navigation happened because we tried to conquer the world I guess that makes sense so now that we pieced out with Scotland all the ways over here and it seems like the perfect time to declare a new war on the other side of the world of course you know the invasion of China is one thing but we don't want anybody else to feel left out so we're just going to declare war on China's neighbor who who already does not look very happy yeah this is this is hardly a difference okay every time I retake over the cities we just lose pops and it rebels in another two turns so you know what you have lost your privileges to be alive I do greatly appreciate that uh the ruler of Molly decided to not build walls on his Capital with 15 Pops nice nice we're getting complimented by Julius Caesar for destabilizing the entire Globe I guess if someone was to compliment us it would probably be him and there goes their Capital the fact that we just hit the industrial era are about to get modern tier units or like World War II soldiers and I don't want to take to arms because it generates less grievances than before it's just getting completely absurd the production bonuses to infantry don't even matter as well because the only infantry I'm getting are just through faith so I'm just buying everything with the power of Jesus oh look a a free bunch of line infantry were sitting in the temple Okie doie World Congress came up the chosen player generates 100% more Grievances and I I just chose myself and everybody agreed with me I do make a pretty good argument all right researching like actual infantry thank God this is going to make my life easier I hope another one gone it has cost me every last life of all the soldiers around here at this point I'm just throwing people in fully aware that the entire Squad is just going to get wiped out their city is going to collapse before their walls will because my units are just so bad but it also means that Beijing is finally ours what this essentially means is that if we go to our domination Victory screen we have captured seven of the capitals in the world the only two capitals left right now are these two which I am I am literally about to bulldo or this one specifically and the only other rival we really have in this game that we haven't touched Julius Caesar wait that's not Julius Caesar that that guy's name is Trion I'm also illiterate so you know give give me that if we take his Capital we will pretty much win the game it is somewhere in there and I am bringing every single garbage tier unit we have to bear I've also been recording just grinding through this for many many hours because as it turns out when uh when you can't Siege down cities with anything but crappy units it takes a very long time to do anything finally the one thing that I've been needing this whole time to win it's about time well Caesar wannabe this is the final stretch all right there is Scotland dead for the most part wait did he never build walls in his City I I just took the whole city in one turn okay it's going to Rebel in two turns that that might be a problem or at least it would be a problem uh if I wasn't going to completely obliterated eight capitals captured and the only person who still has their capital is I'm just going to keep calling him teer there's definitely something a little poetic that the last faction to fall is the is Rome by barbarians seems like we've saved the world yet again oh this uh this this looks familiar I mean I've never seen this before in my life well it looks like we've saved the world uh yet again and all it took was the lives of a uh couple people some slight aggression and warmongering give and we declared almost every war globally but overall I think Earth is generally improved this was also a pretty long one so if you made it all the way is to the end I see you I recognize you and I
Channel: Anti-Kleaper
Views: 438,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the grim kleaper, anti-kleaper, the_grim_kleaper, twitch, stream highlights, stream, moments
Id: g1hkpB3USxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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