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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
any peens three peens in a pod is that what they're talking about hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to pogo stuck there was a whole new map made an entire new map i didn't even beat the first map mostly because i didn't want to and it's not that i want to do the second map but it's like i feel that character on the right makes me itchy the one that's all dots i don't like that i didn't finish the first map and i don't necessarily want to do this because i don't think i'm going to enjoy the experience but i like a challenge i like a challenge i do i do like a challenge so i'm going to try it oh the last thing i want is other people in here god get me out of here i don't want anyone else possibly i just don't even get near me don't look at me knuckles how do i turn off everything is there a way to turn off everything is their way to not do this with people how do i not do this with anybody i don't want to do with anybody okay sure i forget how to make it not anybody be well interesting welcome to matt 2. you have a 1 000 meter vertical climb ahead of you while the difficulty may be off the charts i encourage you to try and get as far as you can the bigger the risk the bigger the payoff will be when you finally pull it off you can play on your own or with friends or strangers in the rubber band co-op mode in the if the difficulty is too much you can try a more accessible double jump or 720 boost modes no i would never do such a thing thank you for playing my game believe in yourself and remember perseverance is key super cool developer i don't know what i'm doing here why am i here why have i done this to myself oh that's a hill i thought it was the background oh no oh why wasn't that a super boost no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god nope i'm fine no i'm not fine so it's been a while since i played this game i generally remember the the pretty much basic ways of the way it goes oh god here we go oh no i remember the basic ways of playing the kind of like the angular momentum and yadda yadda if i say angler angler momentum that makes me sound smart maybe i'm more zen than i've been in the past why is it doing that stupid music i don't like that music can it not do that music is there a setting to not have that music play every time i really wish there was uh well i'm able to get there consistently can the music stop thank you i don't want any of that i don't need any of that let's turn the other players down too i don't see a way to do it solo so i guess i'm just gonna have to keep up with everybody here so i'm pretty good at the game in case you guys didn't know i know may i know my way around a pogo so if anyone thinks that i'm not gonna be able to perform it oh god there we go yes yes yes yes easy peasy so what is the goo is the goo good i'm gonna guess the goo's good i can't touch the goo that's not a that's a cat purring and that's clearly an um armadillo okay is this goo good nope it's the bad gu okay i should have known okay so it's a bouncy pad basically oh boy i have no idea how that's possible no that's not how yes yes no i'm fine cuz i'm fine that's all i do no i'm fine cause i'm fine that's how i do and this is nope that's the wrong but that's the right one okay so i just gotta get through this maggot i think it's a maggot it looks like a maggot i'm fine i'm so good look at how good i am oh boy no wait no i'm fine i'm gonna be okay okay i'm gonna be fine i keep can i not do straight up and down that'd be so good if i could not no no well that was uh unfortunate the per the the purpose the purpose the purpose blurpus is perseverance it's persevering in the face of adversity okay so i don't need a boost for this i know ah titty sprinkles that's you know there's also a nuance that i i never really picked up in the in the last time i played this which was the nuance of not always holding down the shooty button it's just uh you know it's it's a it's an unfortunate side effect of my need to hold the sh what was i trying to accomplish i am never going to make it back up no this is a fool's errand i've made it back up no a fool oh a fool why do i always have to holding down the shooty button it's like how i learned to play oh what was that what did i do what even was that possible thing that it did to me don't think that you're gonna [Music] i am hippity-hoppity all the way i'm fine i'm not fine the main problem with this is joy is just my inability to be consistent when i'm frazzled and when i get frazzled things like hitting the ceiling and then pogoing like that i don't know what that would no i knew that i couldn't do that hey stop stop start start oh yeah baby yeah baby that's what i'm talking about i'm flipping for no reason okay not hold it down all the time maybe what if it's what if it's enough what if you know [Music] no that'll never work maybe it will my chance to be the very best oh crap i'm up i'm not up i'm so un-up here we go watch this amazingness watch this amazingness my amazingness has come back i can feel it flowing through my veins and my butt no i'm fine see this part isn't that hard even though it seems like it's that hard based on my screaming but it really i don't think do you need oh yeah you do oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yeah i hate everything i hate i hate all of it i hate all of this and this where'd you come from exploding out of the dark look you think you're fancy-footed watch my fancy what's with the bees who knocked down bees where were bees they're bees in this game 10 out of 10. i love the bees oh well nailed it no i didn't no okay hey buddy yes yes yes so i think you do need an explodey to be able to get up there to be able to get up there oh crap that's what i really don't want to do okay so it's it's about you know you really gotta you really gotta fine tune it sometimes oh my god i'm doomed this is how i get doomed this is how doom comes to me i'm doomed but that they all that was progress it wasn't really progress because i didn't get any farther but in my heart i feel like there was problem gross yes i'm so good at this game i am so unbelievably good and big bald try this again all right why the b oh that's your stupid ability i thought that was cool i hate that and i hate you and i hate myself most of all but shut up about me this is about you why did b-man have to get over here why does anybody customize anything customizing is for babies i'm a real man default skin for life okay so i just need to find the right amount and oh that was that was pretty good though okay they're they're starting from over here let me watch what knuckles does okay knuckles is screwing it up knuckles is a big loser knuckles is big dumb me big smart big brain oh knuckles didn't do it but they're doing it from up here so it is kind of a oh no i'm going back baby here i come i'm coming back nailed it look guys we all knew what we were getting into there's a whole lot of me being egotistical about abilities that i don't actually have and a whole lot of these guys making me look bad yes i am the best oh no got it nailed it i'm the best officially reclaimed title of the last ever best ever best ever no one's ever been better no one ever could be better oh my god i'm so good literally no one's ever been nearly as goodly as i ever have been in my life i'm so goddamn amazing at this game jesus christmas look at me go yes yes no fine there's definitely something to be said about trying to do a complex physical task while talking talking takes up a big portion of the brain and as big as my brain is hi how you doing as big as my brain is i'm i'm only so much of a genius you know i would never claim to be the biggest genius in the world i i just uh you know i'm my genius is huge and all we all know this but if i were to oh okay hey buddy if i were to have to quantify anything it would be the oh oh my god please i want to live yes among the stars i'm gonna make this oh my god i made it oh my god i made it oh my god i made it where am i going where am i going after this which way do i flip i'm gonna flip you now i'm making it back up yes i'm the greatest that ever lived and oh my god i almost screwed that up you know what i didn't because i didn't need full power and i subconsciously knew that i'm gonna make this back up here oh no i didn't make it nope can i please go right there we go what was that is that one of the accessibility modes they didn't tell me accessibility gave you superpowers anyway i'm mad this let's see this laser crap you know that's that's really what ruins oh ruins the experience for everyone trying to actually be cool just on their own you think you can supplement your coolness with effects and you cannot there we go perfect easy easy i know how this works okay nope that's not good go back go back no please i just wanna not be no my god where's this taking me i don't understand the physics of this game sometimes i mean at least it's consistent kind of kind of anyway guys listen listen listen guys you're not listening to me when you need to listen you need to listen you're not listening you're not listening at home i i can i can hear you typing if you just get good man it wouldn't be that bad oh my god i'm up like a bird oh here i am apparently he nailed it i'm the best ever in the history of forever i'm the best i'm the best yes no yes no no no oh god no why would you stick to the ceiling when i'm clearly trying to thump it with my rump all i'm trying to do is thump it with my rump so that it bounce off harmlessly and then i can recreate my pogo that i previously did no go on and then i'd be able to go go on my pogo see why would you stick to the ceiling why you know it's probably my fault but i'm not willing to take the blame i made it oh you wouldn't stick then really you wouldn't stick then oh gosh yes easy nailed it nailed it nailed this nail oh my god yes please i'm the greatest oh no i'm not the greatest i'm the greatest yes this is how winning is done baby this is how winning is done okay this is how winning is done winning no yes still possible yes more than possible doing oh not doing not possible more than possible yes yes no yes okay calmly down and whoa yes that's how you do it that's how you don't hold down on the bang button and then oh no okay i'm going to go off of this wall here yes easy oh my god no oh my god oh my god life flashed before my eyes what is this oh oh what what is that no what no hey wait a minute hey wait a minute that's not cool what were you doing there what are you thinking you were doing because it wasn't cool whatever it was i hate everything i don't know what all that was all about because that that seems like it might be crap i have a limited tolerance for crap and it seems as though may oh okay no no what no my goodness get me off this maggot no why was that not a super why was that not a super why would that not evolve why would that not have been a super jump that was such a complete 360. which is the only oh my god why would you stick to that do you hate me is that what you do game is that is that what you are you you're you're you you hate me oh my god after everything i've done for you oh my god that's entirely my fault you heard it everybody it was entirely my fault i am the only one to be blamed oh my god i hate you your stupid rockets why would they even put that in the game that's the worst thing oh my god i looked away for one second and i almost rocketed myself off back into the beginning because my nose is i'm very red in the face oh cause my light isn't even pointed at me i'm not even illuminated properly that's better ain't it guys that's the good lear oh my god this is not okay this is what you called not okay oh my god not okay okay officially okay boingus okay sprongus yes i will not accept whatever the hell that what what did that just do what just happened to me why didn't what i don't like you guys i don't like any of you i don't like any of you oh my god oh my god good thing i've got style and pizzazz yes who's that no what is that about the achievement distracted me i didn't know what the blue blue blub was about and i hate it and i oh god i just want to make it back up to the upper place where oh okay then great good freaking great that's not a cat i refuse to believe that's a cat yes perfect as i always am okay and then just like that no can i oh no god damn it that's tough it's really tough guys it actually you know it's kind of tough oh no i'm going to be following this guy and i'm going to get confused this is where i am they are and all that crap oh my god every time you cannot oh explain wait lexie and go back on that angle that i was on that wall there and explain that one to me explain that angle to me that was 89 degrees upside down against the wall it's like you're stickier upside down than you are right side up no i just i fundamentally disagree with whatever that was i fundamentally disagree with that i don't understand you'll you'll you'll grab at impossible angles and then the slightest off of normal and it's like oh okay it's so slippery up here on this mountain it's just too slippery okay that's kind i kind of wanted to let go there but i didn't really want it to do that when i let go so that's really i'll be filing a complaint with the pogo stuck department and you are going to get your ass handed to you handed to you no that ain't right that's what you call not right nope that's also what you call why was i charged there i hit the ceiling why would i have been charged oh my god please don't leave me like this oh my god no stupid dumb stupid dumb dumb and stupid so we're up here now same old place here i love it oh no i didn't charge on ah crap oh no just by an inch my headphones came off that's always a good sign i can't put him back on yet though cause i could still get back there's still a chance no the gaming's too intense right now i don't care if i'm back at the beginning no no no there's still a chance nah i couldn't possibly take a second to put my headphones back on of which it's very uncomfortable i have i have a chance i could stick the landing still it's just a matter there we go oh my god not like this oh my god oh my god why is it not flippity-flooping when i'm jumping off of the maggot no why was that not a boost what what i thought i knew this game i really did i really thought i knew it no oh i thought that was gonna happen again oh that should have been a boost here we go this is it is it is it is it yes yes okay here we go yes yes oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay all right okay nope oh my god please yes i'm the best that ever existed in the history of forever i know this i love this about myself okay oh my god stop so there's something going on here i don't know what this is i don't know how you deal with that that's doesn't make any sense what are you supposed to do here okay it doesn't make sense either way i'm gonna end this here because i made some progress i'm gonna pick it back up but i can't promise that i'll be any sort of sane after this for every video that i make of this i lose a little bit of my life and i'll never get it back but in exchange for that you have to like this video you have to you are obligated to if you don't then all of the life that i'm losing is for naught if you haven't subscribed to see more then you're just watching me waste away and why would you do that [Music] how could you do that to me and not subscribe and not ring the bell yeah well i don't even understand i try to make good content i just try thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,164,167
Rating: 4.9658551 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, pogostuck, getting over it, hard game, challenge game, hardest game ever, impossible game, funny, funny moments, rage, rage game, markiplier rage, markiplier rage funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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