Adorable Baby Bullsnakes Hatching!

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all right Monroe eggs checking you oh wrong bin those are albinos those are Priscilla's babies these are Monroe's eggs back here anyway you're due to hatch any day there's one with mold on it but I see humidity above that egg right there so I wonder if you have pimped have you pipped you have oh wow I think that mifo [Music] that one just keeps molding for some reason but we have Monroe's eggs oh these are the ones that are due yeah these are these were due before everything else and they are just now what are you there's I see pink in there that could be an albino it could be a hypo it could be a high bino oh we'll have to see we're gonna put these back and this is only half of the clutch so let's see if the other hat has started pipping all right this is the other half of Monroe's eggs they were about eight inches lower though than the others so it's a teeny bit cooler on the lowest shelf which means they might take another day or two to start hatching and they have not started pipping yet okay well we will wait till tomorrow and we will cut those eggs that started pipping and then we'll see if these have started by then [Music] all right it's been about 24 hours and today we are going to cut that clutch open or cut the eggs to see what's inside but to kind of catch everybody up since there's a lot of clutches this year we want you to kind of know what we're looking for so we're going to introduce you to the parents so that you know what all the options are with this babies and why it's very exciting so the mom obviously we know is Monroe who is a what we call false ghost morphable snake she is a hypo white-sided uh Bull and we it turns out she's also albino we learned that a couple years ago when we paired her with um another ghost who also was at albino so that was a surprise so we paired her you can go in here yeah she's also really uh food motivated yes like use my notebook we paired her with circus who is over here I think sorry here he is Circus is a white-sided male that's pet albino and hit hypo he's also uh very food attitude oh geez why well hey dude how are you doing I tell you it's a it's a circus every time you open it let's go back in here he's like give me food though yeah no we're not feeding at least uh Monroe isn't like that yeah Monroe is not as bad as circus we also paired her with another male it was Carnival Mike he was a normal just hit albino male he was kind of a spare male though and we have better genetics with other males here already so we actually re-homed him so I don't have him to show to you but basically because of these pairings if any of them are hypo uh that means that circus was the dad because he is hit hypo and Mom is a hypo uh if uh none of them are hypo then we'll just assume pretty strongly that Carnival Mike was the dead so really just the present of hypo which is a more a brighter all the black pigmentation is taken out make them Brown makes them more Brown and yellowy yeah if any of them are hypo we know that circus is the dead so let's cut open these eggs oh my gosh I think I already know a hypo right that's a hypo right there okay let's open this up who all is out oh my goodness one two three four well this is a perfect example of the different colors that we uh and more actually that we're expecting from this clutch so we have normal wild type here and here this is a hypo hence the brighter colors are they have good looking hypers beautiful hypo actually they get that black in them oh you're a shark wow you're extra angry sassy so mad they're black near the Tail still yeah this is like all brown yeah this one has a lot of a lot of brown near the Tail now both parents actually came from a breeding group where the previous owner was a professor and he was studying the hyper melanism Gene specifically so he was lime breeding really good quality hypos which is why I think he is such a nice iPhone I think the albino is getting more mad at the hypo than you dude how are you angry you're still a little angry so yeah this is an albino hence the uh yep red eyes pink tongue uh nice bright Reds and yellows dude just calm down you're okay are you a male or a female uh no it's probably a male yeah yeah that's a pretty thick tail before it starts tapering are you gonna waggle your tail in my fingers wow that is a beautiful hypo my goodness this would be kind of a cool photo if we did you and you normal on the left hypo in the middle and albino on the right okay babies let's put you in a separate container while we cut the rest of the eggs that's what I was running to go and grab okay babies we're gonna move you over here I have the one that climbed up to me okay here's albino here's our gorgeous hypo now what we're really open for is a combination of hypo and albino or some white side influence because that would make a white bull snake that would be a snow so oh well yeah yeah it would be a false false ghost false ghost well if it's albino that'd be uh yeah it's a snow snow Yeah okay so the Holy Grail in any of these eggs if it's a white snake then we have a snow so that's what we're hoping for here we could also get ghosts just like Mom and I hypoall binos and but the snow would be really cool is this one empty yes okay that's cool he's left a lot of fluid in there ow weird okay oh weird yeah it's just full of the goop yeah okay left all that in he was an overachiever too look at all the slices I actually have two that are pipped already those are oh yeah they are pimped this one must be empty Yep this is empty this is empty that's empty The Moldy one is still full yeah that one looks good this one I'll talk about that one later oh this one's empty too do we have the oh yeah we do have four babies okay grapes I think I can already kind of see see I think you're a hypo oh look at the Browns there they're pretty light colored my nose just popped out up here yeah oh there you are okay let's take a let's take a look no yes that's definitely a hypo cool okay hypo's good yeah we don't even need to cut a slit in that one nope we know exactly what that is now Apple I'm gonna guess a normal in this one yeah make a normal okay we're gonna just connect a couple of these slits here make it really easy we'll open up a flap and three two one looks pretty normal it looks pretty normal yep that's definitely a normal responding I mean I missed sure yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah he cut his egg so I'm sure he's good that's right we don't like to do the Poke test where we just reach in with the tweezers and just gently touch them to see if they respond to touch which tells us that they're alive and doing well so which one should we do next tomato yeah let's do tomato okay we're gonna take tomato out I'm gonna guess an albino I'm gonna guess a snow ooh okay let's see put a lot of faith in your tomato ah first test goop yeah looks good nice and clear gonna cut right through the Tomato sorry I have to relearn my technique of cutting open a nice window it's the first year you haven't used an X-Acto Knife too that's true this is a different blade than usual all right tomato in three two one normal not even close okay that's a lot of black pigmentation that isn't normal okay how about other mysterious generic fruit circle circle with a DOT okay I'm gonna guess I'm gonna guess ghost on this one albino okay cut open the slit okay goop looks good like deflating in my hand these are easier to cut than the Hognose eggs these are so much easier I love the thicker shelled eggs okay well I think I saw it for a second really yeah okay mysterious uh fruit in three two one albino oh look at your Louise what in the world oh you're tongue flicking oh those are probably your first tongue flicks well not probably that is your first tongue flick outside of the egg oh hi we don't even have to do a poke test on you yeah you're responding yeah that's gonna be a really pretty albino oh look at your face oh my gosh no I don't like the world you're so cute okay I'll close the flap there you go come on when you're ready and then last but not least this banana egg which has been giving me troubles the entire time during uh incubation this particular shape of mold comes back over and over and over no matter how many times I wipe it and tap Lotrimin powder on it it kept coming back but the egg still looked good so we're gonna see what's inside I found it concerning because usually the breathing of the egg is what keeps the mold away so yeah it might not be a good baby but it looks good-ish yeah it looks great look at that cutting right alongside the banana shape first will it be alive second gonna be the what morph will it be three two one oh it's like dark and oh I don't think he's alive oh I don't think so oh bummer head yeah I see a head down there too I'm gonna poke them just to see if there's any other response no it's really cloudy goop hi bud can I I can't even see him he's so far down and there's like yolk here yeah are you oh he responded oh he just tucked back all right well okay I'll leave you alone all right it isn't normal I can tell that for sure oh you can see anything on the camera here you go you can see him there a little bit yeah a little bit Yeah normal yeah I think at least it's not a ghost are you sure that might be white-sided that well I think that's just like phlegm or something in there no no the skin looks white oh I guess we'll see on the camera but off camera it does huh yeah I guess we'll see though we'll see you can see his face down in there there he's definitely moving around yeah okay so he's alive that's pretty cool and those are our eggs and this is actually only half of the clutch the other half of this clutch was on a lower shelf in the incubator so since it's on the lower shelf heat rises so they were a little bit chillier maybe by like a degree or two and we just checked they haven't even started pipping yet yep so we're gonna leave them alone let them pip themselves yep and then we will continue this video when they start pipping yeah so you get to see a whole nother egg hatching video inside of this egg hatching double egg hatching video and there's still so much we can get yeah and yeah we haven't even seen those come out maybe we'll come out tomorrow when those babies are out and then we'll see when they start pipping and we'll just play it by ear yeah exciting [Music] okay magical incubator what surprises do you have today oh my goodness there's a lot of albino babies down there okay those are for a different video we're looking at Monroe's second half of her clutch which is way down here and in the back just checking to see if they've started pipping it and those aren't even Monroe's eggs those are om Noms eggs okay never mind wrong Shelf let me just put all these back oh oh they're there oh that's yours oh my gosh okay they're already out okay well let's check out the other half of this clutch hey no cheating I want to see the babies well you have to wait till you open them up okay okay second half of Monroe's clutch let's see if we got any snows I really hope we got snows fingers are crossed on all of our hands and toes and our toes so cross your fingers with us we're going to our nose we're going to take a peek inside of these beautiful eggs and cut open the remaining ones that haven't pipped yet because of course they had to pip yesterday the day we were gone don't mind my hands we were fixing the cave yeah cave decided to fall down it's been a wonderful day yes so my hands are brown it's like we're building the zoo all over again okay let's take a look at the babies so we have a nice albino to normals and have we done by now that's gotta be an albino yup so this is Circus is white-sided hit albino and Monroe is and hit hypo apparently Monroe is hyper white side conversation yep they were like looking at each other yeah oh now they're looking at you oh okay how dare you put your finger near me sir okay I just remembered we need tweezers normal baby girl baby albino baby there you go enjoy Doug's shed yep perfect okay what's inside of these eggs we know what's in here I'm going to just help this one along though a little bit kind of connect a couple of these slits connect you and to you this is our grapes or raspberry egg I think it's the raspberry egg I'm gonna go with cherry tomato oh look at this it's our baby that's a beautiful like dark pink albino that's really pretty so which one's hatch this one hatched oh and this one hatched this is the this one hatch butternut squash this one is okay that's right there's three let's take a look at this one next what fruit is this uh I think that was supposed to be an apple maybe a pepper I don't know let's see what the baby is in three two one we have oh I think that's a height that looks like a hypo to me yeah there's a lot of light brown coloration there so yeah so at the very least we could get a high Mino yeah we could get a high vinyl that'd be really pretty yeah okay it's a nice hypo there beautiful about this one yeah this one is I don't know what fruit that one was but let's take a look in an easy clutch when they already cut themselves yeah it is three two one oh oh a white side oh there's that white side okay good nice okay we do have some white side influence in here perfect I thought that was like that white yolk and I was like oh no oh no no just a white dog inside baby oh man okay so we have hit hypo albino white side we have no combinations of the above though yes so hopefully one of these eggs star fruit is gonna be it that's a combo yeah I think this giant one this pumpkin pumpkin or butt fruit whatever we decided to call it okay let's uh and I'm curious what's in this oh wait this is a moldy one this one picked on its own let's hold off on that one that one's still alive then I did not think that one was gonna make it I was like we could throw that egg away yeah but it was connected to the others and also I was like well it kind of looks okay so I'll leave it in there and it's slit the egg open okay good job little dude we'll see what's in there in a second let's take a look at the big egg because usually big eggs aren't good unfortunately look at the dandelion of flowers I will survive in anything okay pump again baby I'm gonna see if I can get a good angle on this this one kind of grew funny so it wouldn't surprise me if this one good yeah yeah it kind of expanded below which both snakes tend to do they kind of balloon out from underneath but I mean goop looks good goop looks good what is the official term for goop amniotic fluid oh is it yep you should probably call it amniotic kind of like goop we're professionals okay three two one oh a normal baby yep nice little normal hopefully you can see that on camera okay and normal is in pumpkin so it leaves us with three more babies which one should we do next uh let's do this one then this one then moldy egg okay sounds good so here is first moldy egg which I'm gonna actually turn so I can get a better angle on it so first what fruit I can't even tell what fruit that was somebody comment what fruit this is I don't remember what that was huh okay well mystery that could be pepper I don't know if that was pepper oh it's got a really thick shell right here is it squishy oh oh there we go that looks good it is squishy I mean it feels balloonish which makes me think it's okay looks good if I can cut all the way through the shell I think with that goop it's gonna be fine yeah I think so too all right let's see what it is I'm gonna open the flap towards the camera okay three two one come on snout not a snow I see brown looks normal didn't cut through the entire shell there yeah I think that's normal right though I like it either no similar hypo I think you're right okay that one it looks weight poke test are you alive are you okay oh yep it's moving sweet okay cool looks good sweet and then next we'll do the star fruit star fruit okay I have a good feeling about the star we could have star on it that means good things that's like snow snow it's like they got an A on the paper before they give grades that's right come on come on I didn't see many of those A's just Stars yeah he didn't see many at all Emily got nothing but A's kind of explains our Personality yeah it does okay star baby via snow three one two one that could be a high by now it might it might be you're really you're really white are you okay yeah we're responding looks like a good albino all right last skunked on snows I think we might get skunked on snows yeah we might not get any this year and this pair should have had some that's okay yeah I'm going to connect the two slits right here give us a little bit of a window last egg come on that's gross egg yeah well first I'm just curious to see if it's alive and okay well it did slice out so oh that's true yeah it's got to be alive okay three two one we can't tell can't really oh normal yeah normal with some weird red stuff to the left of it are you okay yep all right we're responding yeah just let them keep going then I don't know what that is but we're gonna see if he's okay when he comes out he might make it he might not yeah all right well we are going to set this back and oh we've got a hypo nose dude welcome to the world welcome to the world little dude oh you're so cute and we have a white sided in here that's so cool siblings back okay there's one with some shed there's two okay I'll hold them in stay in here there's three okay three babies encourage your siblings to come out there we go all right and back into the incubator [Music] okay guys all of the babies are now out of their eggs and today is the exciting day where we get to see all the babies and set them up in their baby bins so this is the first half of Monroe's clutch and we decided to leave them in the incubator a bit longer than normal because we were just waiting for the second half to hatch and now they have officially hatched we cut them and uh let's see what babies we got here's first half here is the second half of the clutch and what's so interesting is this half of the clutch okay so all these eggs were laid on the same day but these were about what would you say 10 inches higher in the incubator I think so they were on a higher shelf in the incubator and that was enough to cause these to hatch about six or seven days before the other half of the clutch which is still weird because it's a four stair incubator so it should all be the same temperature yeah but it was chicken incubators so they should be definitely the same temperature yeah you would think but these still hatched a little bit later so these are fresh out of the egg these have been out of the egg for a few days we left them in the incubator yeah they already should because they're about seven days old ish now and uh yeah we left them in because they're fine in the incubator and now we're just gonna set them all up in baby bins at the same time so let's take a look at this first half first half babies we'll take a look at everybody now that they're ah yeah we have sheds oh wow very feisty babies so we have a normal here we've got a feisty normal here got another normal oh that's a hypo that's a better looking hype that's a really nice hypo oh my gosh you can just see the difference go away is that oh my gosh that's is that an example I don't I can't I think it is because okay well here's a normal oh yeah that's definitely an example sweet I did not think we were gonna get exanthics in this clutch we even cut these eggs and it didn't look worse remember there was one that we were like is that that's darker than but they have such a weird like some are very dark summer yeah there's a lot of variation but that definitely looks okay so it turns out Carnival Mike is in fact well Monroe what is Monroe she's not a head exam thick she's just white side well maybe she's maybe maybe she's head exanthic too yeah this definitely looks like xanthic to me so very gray scale anyway let me tell that one sheds then we'll know for sure keep we're going to keep going we have this beautiful hypo this amazing hypo look at that so hypo melanism removes the black pigmentation and it instead turns blacks Browns and Browns yellow so that's why they have such lighter colors overall in contrast a xanthic which takes away the Browns uh does xanthic oh it removes Brown yeah that makes sense so you have more of the grayscale instead so then we have over here an albino oh my gosh can we get them oh okay so we'll hit all pigment yeah it takes away all the black pigmentation hypo doesn't remove I'm sorry I misspoke hypo doesn't remove black pigmentation it just reduces it and then the albino removes the black pigmentation altogether so that's why you're left with that definitely doesn't take the hypo doesn't take away feistiness no it I think it adds feistiness I don't know oh geez you stuck that time yeah and there's even variation in hypos I mean look at these two this one is gorgeous this isn't a this is an amazing hypo yeah and then it's like a red hypo or something I don't know I I think it's just variations have black eyes right you have black eyes yeah guys yep we have black eyes here we're just a hypo and then also look at these two albinos they also have some variation in them we've got one that has a little bit more darker Reds almost than the other here we go oh yeah so you can kind of see the one on top has more yellow and the one on the bottom is more whiteish cream don't mind the extra noise in the background there are some fans in the zoo watching us film yes there are some very excited people watching us film right now that's okay here we go put all these babies back okay cool the whites in this one yeah that is one of those things that has always oh the whites and the tail oh it's always infatuated me with the bull snakes when I get those whites and the babies yeah that is really pretty you guys are so sassy oh my goodness she looks extra yeah look at you you are so man Monroe or circus sassy feel like circus and Carnival Mike are both very sassy Monroe isn't that bad okay yeah so you guys just take after your dad so here is the second half of clutch and in this test how did we not get any double jeans no snows well take a look we did get a white side A beautiful white side yes look at this and there's still one in the egg yeah why why can't you go back into the egg are you okay are you dead no oh you're just scared because of all your siblings being mean I can understand that I don't blame you at all okay so we have a nice beautiful white side which if you mix white side with albino that's when you get snow so we were hoping for a combination of these two for an all-white bull snake but looks like we didn't hit it this year and that's okay so we have a a hypo got an albino here look at the odds without butter and the white side yeah we definitely have a lot of albinos this makes me think that both dads had a play uh well they were both just had albino so that would give us oh they weren't were they not they couldn't make uh they could make hypo and they couldn't make white side if they were just pet albino no no they weren't actually albino they were both albino I don't even know we're gonna have to look at jeans yeah we'll look at jeans later yeah but regardless we have some beautiful baby bull snakes here so I think we're gonna set them up for or in their baby bins okay we were talking we've been talking about genetics to figure out what happened with this clutch and why we generally happens once we turn the camera off that we look at each other and go how did we make this how did this happen this is what we've determined Monroe the mom is a hypo Whiteside pet albino these two Carnival Mike is a normal and he we were told he's just hit albino circus is a white side that is hit hypo and Het albino so with these babies circus probably wasn't because there's only one pet white side oh there's only one oh wait yeah there he was white-sided if he was the dad Monroe's white side they should all be white-sided yeah so that makes me think Carnival Mike is the dad uh and then he must well but then Carnival Mike has no hypo in him but these two are both hit hypo so either Carnival Mike is hit hypo and we just didn't know it or these are both dads well I'm still gonna guess that they're all his babies because if they were circuses babies all of them would be hypo so we get hypo white sides or they'd all be white sides yeah they'd all be white side if he was the dad hypo white sides so we would get ghosts and we didn't and we didn't get any ghosts that's true Carnival Mike is our dad here I bet he's the dad he's just also hit uh hypo and hit Whiteside and we just didn't know yeah either that or we just didn't get good odds and they're both dads yeah I don't know it's hard to tell but this would be the only one that he's a dad of is this white side oh that's true yeah he was the dad this would be his only Offspring that's true if he's the Dead all of circuses babies are gonna be white side yep we're gonna set these guys up for baby bins I actually know all right for our baby bins we're gonna mock up one for everybody to see and then we're gonna just speed through the rest because you know what I didn't even count the babies but we need a lot of baby bins for this clutch so we're gonna line the bottom with a paper towel and then Mist the paper towel to kind of help them with even though a lot of them are done with their first shed it helps keep them hydrated and then as soon assuming the this is the back of the bin this is going to be the heated end so we're going to give them all a hide in the back so they can be warm and hidden and then in the front we're going to give them all a water dish which I will fill up with water later and then we're gonna give them some foliage some enrichment just things to kind of climb around and explore and then we're also going to give them each a couple of rocks slash maybe some pieces of bark just to kind of rub up against to help them shed and it'll actually help hold this paper towel down too we've found that you want to evenly disperse heavy things on top of the paper towel otherwise if you just have like this they're just gonna Bunch it all up against the back yeah so the heavy things have multi-purposes in that they offer enrichment they offer something rough to rub up against and they hold the paper towel down so that's what we're gonna do for all of these bins what are the odds that we can put a baby in each one of these 19 bins apparently that we need for this entire clutch a huge clutch of babies what are the odds we can put a baby in each one and then carry them all to the baby wreck without them getting out no yeah I don't think that's gonna happen so let's instead stack them and bring them over and then slide them in yeah let's like put a baby in right before it slides into the baby wreck okay you can do that okay [Music] all right here is our baby rack the left hand side is currently not heated because we use it for like Pac-Man frogs for our store I have this feeling though these guys are gonna have to get moved if just this clutch alone is filling up all of these bins yes I think we're gonna need both halves of this baby Wreck This is the first clutchable snakes of the Year we're not putting hog noses in here because there's just a big enough Gap but I think a hog knows if it tried really hard might be able to get out it kind of like Flex up yeah I don't think a bull snake we've used this in the past it's full snake proof it turns out but I just don't know if I trust really fancy hognose snakes like lavenders really really small yeah I don't trust that so we're gonna put all of the babies in their bins one at a time and kind of go through them together oh sure now you're all yeah we are perfectly good children we do not cause any problems no we're not hissy at all No actually they're not no why are you behaving they're like are you a different person are you not Mom and Dad yeah what's what's going on yeah all right all right well first one to go in it should we like color code them or should it just be random no that's color color code them okay so I go next to hypo here all right you get that hypo I'll give this hypo okay typos in here I'll drop mine in there perfect typos okay how about this little exactly widows [Applause] how many more albinos do we have oh we have more hypos too they're all gonna be mismatched oh yeah this will just be the first clutch so I'll get the normals and then we'll go down from there okay yeah Norm then we'll know like hatch dates when we make all their cards yeah okay it's the normal is this the first Set uh yes because the second half had the white size oh that's right so there's a normal here's a really well but you're so nice oh well if somebody wants a really good pet quality bull snake right off the bat oh never mind there it is okay you were just uh sleeping or something okay normal it was a delayed views yeah that's what it was yes and another normal there we go that's everyone now for the other half and we are saving all of these to make sure that at the end once everything's hatched out we can see how much the magical incubator can fit yes we're saving all the containers because people have asked us to and then yeah we'll show how magical of it how much it actually fit okay second half of babies thank you oh I think we have to do the white side first yeah let's do our favorites yes we're definitely gonna show off who our favorites are in this video just normal nope just albino nope I can't tell where your camera's poking the hypo yes oh okay come here here's your baby goodbye enjoy your birthday calm down sorry you have a rude upstairs neighbor ow okay fine you're going in next that's the neighbor that's just like pumps are out yeah if you go in there calm down geez going with sassiest first oh there we go this guy he tried to strike oh he's a little normal there you go really sassy are you sassy I don't believe oh yes I do believe it that one is oh angry oh so angry that one wins next all right here you go you get to go now wait isn't this rewarding them I suppose it is isn't it yeah there we go and we've got you and then we have this normal and we have one bin left for this baby when he decides leave him in the egg yeah no we're gonna pull him out of here I wasn't sure he could have like come out went back into the egg and he's just hiding yeah I think we'll leave this train out for the day pop this I would have helped him out a little bit just so he know oh it already it is okay he just doesn't want to come out why don't you want to come out hi cutie you should come out and say hi come out and visit the world you should have hatched my yeah come on yeah you can do it right there come on keep hatching we're encouraging we're not taking him out yeah oh my gosh we're watching a snake hatch yep come on come here take okay you're perfect he's like all my mean siblings are gone this is amazing right you don't have to deal with your siblings at all because you're gonna go wow I've never liked that baby smell that is a strong baby smell cool this is that is fresh baby right there [Laughter] you're a chick just like your siblings yeah oh you haven't been hatched for a minute and you're already striking at faces okay we're gonna set him back in here there you go now the last one is it okay wow so off camera I'm gonna make little ID cards for all of them so we can keep track of their meals and after they eat their first couple meals successfully then they will be ready for their new home so we'll start going through our waiting list awesome oh my goodness he's ready for the waiting list yeah you can go first yeah you're angry so angry well here is Monroe the proud mama mama look at all look at all these babies you made you made all of those babies there's hypos and albinos and a white side and maybe an example right there which we didn't even know you were head exanthic but we're gonna wait till it sheds and then determine it in a bunch of normals you are gorgeous and they are taking after you I think yes you are except first dude you're pretty chill yeah she is actually so their personality is taking after their dad yeah they're beautiful looks I think are taking after Mom for sure except no snows or fall scouts or no double Jean things yeah how do we not get any two Gene combos with all of these single Gene did not hit the odds did not hit the odds but that's okay we have some beautiful babies maybe we'll get snows next year from her that's all right uh thank you guys for watching we have a great start to this breeding season with wolf snakes and you've already seen some of the hog noses that have come out just wait we have even more surprises with bull snake clutches coming out really soon surprises we have things we didn't think would breed we got all these yes there are a lot of surprises still for this breeding season that we have started filming or have already filmed but the videos just aren't due to come out yet for a couple of weeks so stay so far ahead guys oh my gosh yeah there's people in the zoo watching us they're not gonna see this video for like a month yeah probably not thank you guys for watching thank you patreon backers for your very generous generous contributions to our channel here and uh Happy yeah both take reading hey good job Monroe look at your baby he looks so happy so mad oh we're such a happy boy yeah that's a smile for sure [Music]
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 5,831,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bullsnakes, baby snakes, baby bullsnakes, breeding bullsnakes, snake discovery, snake discovery baby snakes, snake eggs, egg cutting, snakes hatching, baby snakes hatching, albino snake, albino bullsnake, white sided, bullsnake, pet snakes, animals, reptiles, pets, hypo, axanthic
Id: MWOnty5koA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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