24 Hours in the Most HAUNTED SCHOOL in America with Real Ghost Hunters *Scary*

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[Music] the events in this video are 100 real we didn't fake anything hello everyone i am at the mid-orange correctional facility in warwick new york before this place was a prison it was a boys reformatory from what i understand some seriously creepy stuff has happened right here and as you're about to find out this place is haunted i have four ballerinas with me we are going to attempt to spend 24 hours inside that creepy prison the last one to leave wins whatever is in a mystery box which we have hidden somewhere in the prison now i know what you're thinking this is another scary youtube haunted house video that's totally bogus no this is real i want to know if ghosts actually exist so i brought ghost hunts usa they are paranormal investigators these guys are going to see if they can help us talk to the dead hey guys are you ready for this nope no so back in 1933 this used to be a reformatory one of the stories was about the underground tunnels that you guys are going to go into where they used to take the children down and you should do terrible terrible things to them there's a serial killer here that was born here and went to school here he burned danny's parents house at five years old like he was a troubled person and he ended up coming back and murdering many people in new jersey he passed elsewhere he comes back and haunts this place this isn't a haunted house this is a real ghost hunt am i allowed to drop out before we start i'm not helping whoa what is that i hate you so much oh i don't feel comfortable uh-uh bad vibes no i don't know if i believe in ghosts to be completely honest about it but uh this is my first time in a like haunted place so we'll see what happens spirits i've brought some friends to see you could you knock you heard that yeah i reckon stop this place i is haunted like oh i believe you we all just heard that tingly you might feel the hair on your neck standing up you might get goosebumps some people get very very nauseous your body's going to tell you when something's going on around it's a little cold in here by the way two of them are going to go down that way and two of them are going to go down this way and whoever has to come out of the rooms or they scream first that's who loses i brought my son hudson along to for emotional support for me he can go with you guys i'm going with them what like like this i swear to god i'm not even kidding i don't think you're kidding listen i want to just say something we have all sworn to pack that we are not going to fake this so if we don't get any reactions we don't get any reactions and then that's the video you see so i believe that you just had that no it's like 100 it was a man he just was like like this and his face he was hanging from the railing looking at you could you please do me a favor come stand behind one of these two and touch them on the shoulder or touch their hair but you have to let them know you're here please oh i think i fell on my elbow on your elbow like a little tingle yeah and then like one of them sometimes spirits appear in photos apparently but not in real life so i'm going to take a bunch of photos to see if we can discover a spirit in the photo so why don't you go up there eliana take off that jacket let's do a pretty pose of you right there we'll light it with the flashlights is that okay you two creeped out to be over there [Music] it just started zipping to red right after she said that she saw this spirit are you okay eliana oh oh it's doing it again look look look look it's going to make it keeps going yellow and red okay what was that there were three knocks copy what you saw him doing okay okay okay now can we move the chair i was trying to capture a spirit in a photo this blue light showed up in only one image i have no idea what it is okay i'm not joking i felt something like here like a point try that just stop touching my lips please touch my friend hudson again this is the room where several people have run out and they wouldn't come back listen to what everyone is about to hear they thought that was me but i never screamed all of a sudden we hear i thought jordan screamed you guys haven't eaten something no so we're that's why we all thought we won the mini challenge because we thought he screamed are you guys messing up this is a joke it's really because i remember sometimes in the paranormal world they will mimic our voices and they will scream really loud since we would get our attention and pull one of us away it's the way to get you separated from everyone else well my name is here but i super glad i did not fake it now okay this is legitimately weird eliana saw something a person's face she freaked out that's legit i just asked her she told me she's not making it at all they think they heard me scream i didn't scream this thing was bouncing to red we're just like minutes into this thing and i'm already freaked out he's in that doorway where jordan's going now there's a man we only heard these clicks when we were analyzing the footage we have no idea what that sound is nice oh my god what happened wait no no no something yourself now where everybody stop talking something touched her back twice something touched the back of my head and i literally i was like are you joking okay i'm not i'm not kidding you just got touched by a ghost the idea is whenever we sense a presence i'll take a bunch of photos in a quick succession and maybe an orb or a spirit or something will show up in the photo look and turn your face a little more dead okay now let's see if an orb appears everybody's hungry somebody brought us some pizzas we're going to eat in this creepy old mess hall we are also going to be using a spirit box type piece of equipment that will cycle through radio frequencies and through these frequencies the spirits are known to communicate to us what we're looking for is intelligent responses something that will acknowledge what we say and something that will come back with an answer to our questions just come over here oh my god something just makes you smile my foot did not move and it was like wait just look at this there was there's orbs i don't know that's on what is going on what is that what's that stuff we're gonna turn on this little piece of equipment we call it the phasma box so this is your chance to talk to the dead and hopefully get some answers back we are asking them to come forward same thing with the ouija board same thing with this same thing with everything that we do how many people are in the room right now oh god this is creepy mosley walmsley oh no they said walmsley do you want her to leave [Music] photos you want photos of her should we take a photo and see what happens spirits do you like us or do you not like us how long have you been not alive [Music] a few months it sounded like a few months dude it's not cool jordan can i come back in here is that you dad it's not funny jordan please dad it's not funny where were no i was outside talking to these guys there were sounds there when we were all freaked out because we thought originally you were playing nothing like boom ah all right whole funny thing i thought we needed some clarification on what we were hearing i was outside i came back in you guys are all looking sketchy that's all i know i didn't do anything i wasn't i wasn't inside for any of that because i would have heard my name did you hear something yes did you hear something did you hear something i did because i kept calling your name i'm like jordan please come here yeah we all kept calling you i wanted sandy did you hear something i did hear something yeah for real i never pranked them and we have no idea where that sound came from i'm gonna photograph each one of them and see if i see an orb in any of them okay eliana you're first okay ready you can do a pretty arabesque let's see what happens go let's see what happens okay go when you're ready now i've got my shot i'm gonna see if there's an orb in there oh my god you've heard that jesus it sounded like what it was like come on in okay what the heck was that what's that [Music] listen did you hear it though yes what was that sound you were saying there's somebody over there over by the door i keep feeling a man with a very negative energy coming back and forth and in my opinion he did some terrible things doctors and nurses used to use these for dictation and then they realized that they were hearing other things on these recordings this device picks up voices for of the dead we leave it enough time for the spirits to respond if we play back on the hero my question that we hear something in between that that is a response so we're gonna go in this hallway where some really scary stuff happened right this part is me the chills is this a space where we would talk to spirits yes they all want the mystery box enough that they're still here which it's after midnight now guys all right we're going to use the voice recorder i'm going to turn it on and hand it to you guys who's holding your recorder what was that i think it says yes oh no that's a voice and that's somebody asking for help sometimes people die and they don't go up it's anywhere near the gate they they don't go that far for me that's clear they haven't crossed a3 is where it's really going to go what's a3 that's the next building a3 is where you're scared and i won't go i refuse to go upstairs i will never ever go upstairs something grab my arm really really hard okay the next thing is to go to a3 is everybody in yes yes i'm not i'm not going you're not going no so you're out yeah i guess rachel's out yay okay she wants to get the heck out of here there are parents here there and the main space away from everything so rachel she's now out she's going to go back there stay safe [Music] it is 1 45 in the morning we are going to a three no no it's so scary mystery box they're going through and all of us are gonna get well hudson is a great idea he thinks we should do hide and seek in this haunted prison thumbs up if you want to see that video oh no no no okay guys welcome to a3 this is by far the scariest building on the whole complex goes back to 1963 there was a young boy charles mcbride he ended up taking his own life i had my arm grabbed i had marks on my arm an amazing photo of a full-bodied apparition standing in the doorway this place is really scary you're going to feel it when we walk in no i don't know if i want it please don't run if you get scared tell us we'll get you out of here and you'll be fine as we get outside but do not run deal one thing we have that you may notice is infrared cameras so the cameraman can see in the pitch black but we can't so even though it looks bright we can't see a thing and they say it's way better if it's pitch black in there not only are we going into the creepiest building it's completely dark but it's completely dark i don't see anything okay i'm actually being serious this is going to be intense oh this is creepy please can we please you just want to go if you want to leave you can leave you can quit right now is there something here that doesn't want us here do you mean us calm [Music] a few days ago the energy in here went pure dark if i'm upstairs i know for a fact i'm going to be poured to the back there's no possible way i can get out quick enough richard is that you are you following us again which room are you in can you knock in the room you're in the spirit doesn't want to talk to us down here so we need to go upstairs who wants to come i'll go on no no way i'm not going i can't okay then i guess i'll go out and ellie will just hold on to each other so caroline you're done i guess so i'm not going upstairs okay you'll get caroline back to her mom absolutely okay can't wait you feel good going back yes you did great okay we'll come we'll come see you when it's all over so we're gonna go upstairs we'll also see if we can reach richard biegenwald who was the serial killer that was here before he went out and did his dirty deeds richard are you here [Music] spirits i'm going to count and i'm going to skip some numbers i need you to fill them in 8 9 10. it's your last chance to tell me who you are all right check it back oh my god did you hear that oh my god there was something that just like walked behind our backs when we were listening to that they both went back and like i like just stepped back at the same time and i looked at ellie and i was like what something just like i had to pull the [ __ ] out not even kidding there's this pain literally going down my back right now it feels like something's literally taking like a sharp stick and going from scratching it down my back i'm not even kidding i'm serious i believe you i believe you okay okay all right let's go all right everybody it's now 3 17 in the morning we have one last challenge the mystery box is at the end of the tunnel if one of you is willing to crawl through that tunnel to get the box you get to keep whatever's inside of it one of the reasons why eleanor roosevelt came here for was because of the tunnels and the rumors that they heard of the naughty boy is being taken down there and this goes on for miles and somewhere in there there's a mystery box i'm not doing it [Music] eliana what do you think can you guys please be right here please oh my god you got this it it smells like sewage and you're pretty sure because it actually is sewage first of all this is actually the most terrifying thing i've ever seen this is terrifying what do you think is all this stuff oh my god it's freezing in here too whenever it's cold you know that means there are ghosts oh god is this it oh my god why is that like i feel a presence here like i can sense something it's here you did it please get me out of here please we'll go somewhere safe to open this and now the moment you've all been waiting for eliana you have a mystery box open your mystery box oh no i did all of this for freaking skull i mean i'm pretty sure great there's a snake it's pretty sure it's just dark wait is this actually a thousand dollars it is actually a thousand dollars i can't accept no yolanda will you let her keep the thousand dollars if you say it's okay it's okay she won a thousand dollars let's give it up for ghost hunt usa you guys are awesome we had an adventure for seven hours we made it out alive [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 15,201,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, dance photography, challenge, abandoned, halloween, ghost, horror stories, scary videos, horror, spirits, scary stories, true crime, supernatural, scary, paranormal, horror movies, halloween 2020, haunted house, spooky, ghost stories, mystery, 24 hours, ghost hunting, creepy, paranormal activity, spirit box, horror story, ghost caught on camera, dance moms, elliana walmsley, isabella fonte, quiner sisters, hudson matter, ghost hunt
Id: vhMIS3K5eUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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