KIDS TURN 21 YEARS OLD (bad idea!) ft/ Royalty Family

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today my daughter salish and ferron from the  royalty family get to be 21 years old and do   whatever they want let's get a drink up in here if  they're able to stay within their budget all day i   will have to get my ear actually pierced oh my god  you gotta look like 21 can we get ali in the house   how old are you today 21. how old are you today  that's what i want to hear are you guys ready yeah i'm gonna get all the girls like this when  you're 21 you at least have a girlfriend if   not you're married so we'll put this on  your left wait but i'm not married yet   we need salish looking like 21 year old  we're gonna get andre in here to do that   all right mama are you ready yes you're gonna  look so beautiful today okay in three two one oh   yeah whoa you grew nine years within two seconds  basically no no no no that's so big what the   stomach no don't even look stop looking this is  adult too this is a beautiful dress look watch   watch watch no why didn't it work andrea could  you please help me out here all right i like it how does anybody walk in these i've always  wanted to drink black coffee but now   that i'm 21 we can have some i don't think this is  a good idea guys but hey you're 21. three two one cheers what   the heck it tastes like dark bitter chocolate-ness  oh no my breath is going to smell like dad's very important lesson part of being an adult is  managing your money so i have a challenge for you   this money is 1 000 you have three hours to spend  it if you go over budget you have to give me back   everything and you get slimed if however you stay  under one thousand dollars i will get a piercing   this challenge starts in three two one go  oh wait let's drive to the mall i have my   dad's car keys let's go let's go let's go  that's a bad idea i gotta go drive let's go   you're gonna press the pedal uh-huh yeah wow yeah if you want to get to the mall you're  going to have to find another way to get   there i got one i got one wait i'm gonna  call a limo hello do you think i can rent   a limo sure you need a limo for what date uh  right now and we're just going to the mall   okay we do have a four hour minimum so  we can do that for six hundred dollars   what do you say i take the limousine for two hours  and i pay you 300. that's too much and we can work   with the 300 cash that's right be a problem thank  you can you tell me how old you are 21 yeah i'm   21. okay yes we'll be able to do that i just need  the address so we can pick you up my address is i'll send the driver out to you and  have a great time i'm the master   of negotiation and only 300 away did you just spend all of your  money on the limo all your money wow this is i would never do this  for myself and they just did it   so much i can run i can do a bridge i'm not sure i'm ready for her to turn 21. let's  get a drink up in here do you want some champagne   it's just sparkling cider but they'll never know  the difference here i'll give you some champagne   yeah we're 21 let's go whoa wow this is great to  be 21. all right so what are we gonna do with our   money i think maybe we should go to like boa no  no no i'm first of all i'm vegetarian we can't be   wasting our money like that as responsible  adults i think we should go to the mall   and buy bath and body works but i'm okay you  smell good you're hungry yay whoop-dee-doo   okay you can get some chips can i at least  go to best buy get a new mic maybe some   other keyboard fancy stuff as much as i need  to spend you can get the leftovers sounds good sounds good as you know i am racing ben azelart what are you doing makeup i'm 21.   i am racing ben azlart to 10 million subscribers  and he is beating me he's even using my own   daughter to help him get subscribers but ben made  a big mistake if i get there first he's gonna be   my personal assistant for one whole day 24 hours  and that means for 24 hours i get to tell him to   do whatever i want and i will let you prank  him non-stop you better subscribe right now   and comment below what prank you want me to play  on ben azlart now that i'm 21 i'm amazing at makeup   do you want some lipstick oh no no no i'm  okay you think you can take us to the mall   thank you very much did you say thank you very  much no i didn't miss it i was so good at makeup   do you want more i've been working out doug  george bob and racer okay my names are those   this is not a black guy i accidentally  used the wrong eye shadow man all right thank you so much man have a good one   stop stop stop you guys have to tip him how much  like five bucks you gotta give him a hundred bucks   what yes a hundred bucks you gotta  get him at most i'll give him a smile i'm really hoping to go over budget because  hey i want my money back and b i don't want to   get pierced here we are in a mall you guys get to  spend your money how much money do you have left   100 to spend however you want guys get going  the mall closes soon remember if you go one   dollar over you get slimed and you got to give it  all back oh my god you love gaming so basically   we're gonna get two airpods just the regular  ones i'm gonna get an alexa kind of thing but   he gets 200 and i get 100. she's sacrificing her  money to get what i want really thank you so much   oh my god you let me borrow your jacket i think  they're forgetting all about tax no we know tax   means all right you're old we know things oh  they heard that 280 252. two three thank you 282 52. oh don't add the 50 wait 600. wait i  need to think so eight plus 10 18. let's just   get a calculator 318. yes i did the calculations  i thought they would totally go over budget but it   looks like they're actually aware of how they're  spending their money bad sign for me good sign   for parents everywhere i want you guys to comment  below which ear should i get a piercing why do i   agree with these things you have the exact same  personality as nidal nidal and you would get   along so well oh i really want this but it's one  thousand dollars a thousand dollars we only have   600. if you want one of these iphone 13s all you  have to do is subscribe to me and the royalty fam   we're each giving away one phone for a subscriber  comment below when you did it last week's winner   was molly who won a macbook air you could be next  thank you i really want an iphone 13 hey wait what   if we get a job that's what adults do oh my god  let's go let's go in let's go without our resume   i think i have an idea for yours stretchy person  i'm good at farting that that's a talent right   are you guys going to try to get jobs right now  yeah that's your resume uh-huh looks pretty good   to me let's go get a job how hard could this be  oh this is my favorite store all right let's go   let's go i'm too embarrassed i'm gonna let him do  this do you think you guys want to hire us this   is my resume if you want to check it we're really  cool we're actually 21 with 21 yeah wow you look   really young for your age your special talent is  farting yeah i think it would make a great scent   for our store maybe i'm insane at 14. yeah you  think you can hire us i'm sorry if it were up to   me i would definitely give you the job and hire  you why don't you try the candy store that hurts so we heard that you guys are hiring  do you want to see your resume   yeah you have to go to uh rejected  she didn't even do anything i was the only   one that's going to get the job because even  if we were to get the job we wouldn't make   a thousand dollars in one day so let's go  to target because they have cheaper stuff reminds me of when i was 21. i'm so hungry wait  look california kitchen is right there way too   expensive way out of our budget you have  two hundred dollars by 118. that's way too   expensive i've got an idea way cheaper wait where  they're really having actual adult conversations   about how much to eat how much money to spend on  dinner and whether or not the user for shopping   this is awesome why spend money when you can get  food like this i know right so good yeah pizza   would have been like a hundred dollars it's 20  minutes of nine at nine o'clock this mall closes   and the day is over and you're no longer 21 you  have 20 minutes to spend the rest of your money   go okay all right i'm gonna get legos actually i  might just buy christmas presents for my family   should i get this yeah this looks cool you  can't spend all the money though because   we have a limited amount which is a lot but still  i want an alexa or something take it and let's go   i think i mean this one actually because it's on  sale can you talk to it yes you can you can ask   your questions and everything what are you gonna  do a couple of board games for me and my family   i got like a sponge roll that's so cool  we have to go to the front i really wanted   people four dollars wait candles run i have  a question what never mind i'll ask you later this for my family nope too much money you  just go we love uno go i always go upstairs   wasting your money we don't  have time for it turn right here   wait oh nail polish i also know i'm  driving him crazy so i'm kind of just   doing this on purpose but i also do need some  salish wait i have more money to spend just   need a couple more you can't go over i can borrow  yours what i've been following you around the   whole mommy i have cute nails no i don't care  hurry up you're stressing me out i need to get   glitter i'm following you around the whole one oh  you guys are acting like adults for real okay wait   one more thing can i spend 33 of your dollars  no we have to hurry up i'm going to spend 33 of   your dollars and i'll hurry up she just borrowed  my money hey i let you use 200 i should get 33   boys these days none of these things people  these days they're bickering they're arguing   they're not even paying attention how much money  they're spending they're probably gonna overspend   lose everything and get slimed oh my god finally  i get to ah i need to buy two no you don't need   to buy two this is a pink fidget cube um i need  this sounds like they went over to me this is 40.   this is like 20. so 60 and then 30 90. and then  we still have like 110 i bet you have cards   i really need this i really need this this is for  my gymnastics bag so i don't have to have like a   really big hairbrush there's nothing coming out  of this cart wait what what's in the cart is in   the car now we find out did you go over and if you  went over you put it all back and you get slimed   this is the moment of truth everybody do they get  slimed or does this ear get an earring salish what   do you think i'll look like with an earring  bad you're really willing to risk everything   for this yeah they have 314 left and they had  to pay for the echo over there and that was 65   you forgot about the tax you now have 249  left i want to remind you if this number   goes above 249 they lose everything and they get  slimed oh here i scan you pass kind of get the   boring job but okay oh you're already at 90  dollars what what you have 158 dollars left   oh wow shoot i got too much nowhere 170 getting  really close why'd you get too much nail polish   know where i wanted it oh this was  like 40 dollars you know oh my god can you imagine if this is the one that throws  you over oh i told you it's four dollars okay there's only two more things why  did i get doritos i'm shaking bro   okay doritos let's see what it  takes you to 249 is the number last thing every nail polish is ten dollars  that you were never gonna make it okay   three two let's get it let's get one oh my god even worse i'm gonna let salish  pick the earring i like the heart oh it didn't hurt did it no that's not true it  did hurt and now i know the first thing i'm   going to tell ben azlart to do if i beat him to  10 million to subscribe right now let's prank   him for 24 hours i am in ferran's room but what you  wouldn't expect to see here is a makeup table and   my daughter they adopted my daughter for the day  and this is what she did to my room i'm so kind of   mad about that but it was kind of funny so go  ahead and check it out right after this video
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 70,063,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, dance photography, challenge, royalty family, ferran, ali, andrea royalty, turning 21, apple airpods, iphone, mall, limo, 21 for the day, 21 for 24 hours, salish matter, nidal wnder, nidal wonder, shopping spree, $1000, gaming, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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