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today my daughter is going to her first day  of middle school so of course i'm giving her a   challenge she has one hour to complete 10 morning  routine tasks if she succeeds one of you will win   the epic prize behind this mystery door salish has  a morning routine she's been doing for years but   this is the first time in two years she's had  to do it in time to get to school in one hour every part of your morning routine we gotta get a  photo and you gotta get all done in one hour and   then you get to open the mystery door okay you  jump and you sleep sideways on the bed and go she has to do everything by herself i can't help  her mom can't help her and hudson can't help her   next thing i make my bed which i don't feel like  doing there's a lot to make it's important to use   it because then when you walk into your room later  you won't feel lazy that goes with that more pink say we gotta get a photo oh kick your legs  straight up like this okay like a cabriolet   but straight okay by the way his name isn't for  me it's mr fluffers the baby talking gets me crazy   go wow that was not so good go again oh that's perfect 7 minutes and  12 seconds what would you do next   boomer you want boomer new jammies no in my robe salish school starting in 52 minutes piper rockelle  challenged salish to do a music video so sailors   did a diss track on me we are releasing that this  saturday at 8 a.m pacific 11 a.m eastern and i'm   gonna give away these apple airpod pros to one  person who is at the premiere so be there at   the premiere and comment in the comment section  that you were there one of you will get these   hurry we gotta take boomie to the park because  you have to use the bathroom we gotta hurry   we have like four minutes now let's  pretend he pooped comment below who   do you think actually picks up his poop  when salish and i walk boomer together he loves that come on eww is it done good no thanks this next part of my  learning routine is my favorite let's go boomie   seriously because i gotta get my energy  out i'm so excited to go to school   because i hope that they're strict cause i  love strict all right we gotta get our photo   next and do a thing where i split in midair  okay i actually think a flip would be fun go i'm going to give you a hint what's behind  the mystery door it's one of these things   and they're all awesome so wait around say you  got 42 minutes what's your next thing get ready   okay go go go go go am i carrying it no i don't  want to get wet on the grass i gotta shower and do   my hair i'm gonna go take a shower so bye  you're running out of time here little girl i can't get that song out of my head she sings it  all time if you guys give this video 100 000 likes   i will take salish and a surprise  guest to the biggest water park   in california now you might be wondering  why she's not going to wear the white   shirt she got in the last video she tried  to tie-dye it yeah i kind of missed that   they say we gotta go i have no idea where to  wear but we gotta hurry my clothes are organized   bathing suits dresses jean jackets like steady  thingies shirts sweaty jeans jeans sweatpants and   pants leotards and pajamas okay it's the first  day of school so i got it just pretty nice i think   put your legs straight up and stretch out i can't  stretch in these oh can you change some of the   stretches yep i actually love this outfit i'm  glad i'm changed oh i love that there it is hold   it got it that's really cute now i do my hair  no one will get a messy bathroom we'll just   throw this under here she just literally dumped it  under her bed i know salish's room looks clean but   it's hard to take care of really  wavy hair first i have to brush it   then i straighten it usually add a little  bit of hairspray because my hair is very wavy   keep protecting i think middle school is going  to be really fun i haven't actually gone to a   school in two years the first year was because  of covid the second year was because we moved so   i'm really happy that i get to go to real school  my least favorite subject is i bet you guys can   all guess i'm not a history guy i love math and  science so say say you forgot reading you love   to read my text you didn't just say i read my  text like that's an example of an educational   thing that you do yeah that's my favorite thing  to read whack your leg over and i'll take the   photos okay do you have hiccups how to get rid of  hiccups you drink water you have it in your mouth   you spin six times and you swallow it and  then they go away okay how does that work   back to the photos we gotta go nice oh  there's the shot there's the shot got it i think okay   what should i do with my room we just  moved here a couple of months ago and   i don't know what to do so comment down below what  you think next i make breakfast this is going to   be ugly pancakes i'm not even going to look up a  recipe i've made pancakes many times with hudson   baking powder milk eggs butter that should be it  let's get cooking four cups of flour i don't know   let's wing it that doesn't are you are you  measuring i don't have time for measuring we just   gotta go and yay the baking  soda whoa one large egg   here you go jack you can put that away say don't  you want to measure them no this is how you mix   right you don't use i a only imagine what this  is going to be rice did you just put rice in your   pancakes it makes them nice and crunchy beautiful  yeah you can taste that might be a little thick   see this is why you might want to measure it out  oh that nice thick plop it's ready to flip you're   gonna flip it like this with the pancake in the  air i don't wanna make a mess i'm still not ready boomer's totally waiting for you to drop it wow daddy this is your breakfast yeah  i'm not hungry i'll grab the juice   oh my god the rice flavors you got 10 minutes  you got to make your lunch you got to get your   backpack ready you got to get out of the  house i'm going to make a tomato basil and   mozzarella sandwich it's kind of hard because  i'm a vegetarian so i can't have like a normal   turkey so much i have to have a weird sandwich  i'm a vegetarian because i love animals and   one piece of tomato the cheese two pieces of basil  so this is the first half of the sandwich animal   crackers but the only good ones are from trader  joe's these chip pretzel thingies and a z bar   last thing is a juice perfect once it's all set  say say we are running out of time we got to get   a photo bring your bring the animal crackers  i'm going to let you dump that on your face   don't tell mommy mom's gonna get so mad  you get five in your mouth you get a dollar   okay ready i can't fit five of these in my mouth  you're gonna get your leg up here like this trader   joe's organic animal crackers sponsor the  next video please they're healthy this is   the new pose salish is working i think it's  working you're gonna turn and dump it sideways   just with your left hand pony pony hurry hurry  nice catch salish matter from high up open your   mouth jump one two three four one two three in  your mouth go yes did you get any in your mouth how did she miss her she didn't get a single  one in her mouth listen you've got to get them   in your mouth tell them not to talk to your mouth  talk with your mouth it will annoy your parents oh yes there we go oh she didn't win her dollar  she got two show the two okay what's your final   thing say what's in my backpack for any of you  who are wondering why she's not using the white   backpacks she got in the white back to school  challenge here's why because the little girl put   white paint to make it white then we put it into  my trunk it came out of the bag and it got all   over my trunk thanks for that by the way might be  we have to go put my backpack together my umbrella   because you never know could rain it's in la it  rains like half a day a year sailors that is such   bad luck you're not supposed to open an umbrella  inside there's two more photos to get hurt   so we'll put in two planners paper that says  green on it and a binder index cards some glue ah puppets are so satisfying put  pop it in there get my glasses salish take your time but you have like three  and a half minutes left photo of boomi i'll go   get you a photo of me no dad i don't need  that oh ben fidget cube why do you need a   fidget cube for school is it satisfying buddy  sorry they didn't have them in your old times   he's old you want to know how old he is he's  55 now we need this globe because i'm not the   best at states i mean i thought sacramento was a  country i think they actually will have a globe   at school so maybe you can leave down here okay  what state is this san francisco one more thing okay i don't actually use this but i  know it drives me crazy so let's do it   dude salish no no no no no no no that's too  much did you just be a little kid you're still   eleven's say ready we're gonna take our photo  now you're almost there we're gonna open the door   whack like you're leaving the house out  you go you're like yay big mouth yes one more photo okay what is it the classic  back to school photo i want you to draw on   salish first day of middle school she's gonna run  out of space that's great hey guys all right okay   we have one last photo okay wait pause the clock  can't you see my little girl she's going to middle   it's her first girl there's that little face  look at that little girl going to middle school   let's do a salish shot right you go  straight back you hold it like this yes got it okay that was   okay i'm so excited for this gift and by the way  this is not for me this is for a subscriber and   you're going to love it a macbook air in rose  gold it's so pretty sailors just left for school   we're gonna find out in one second how it went but  first i want to thank all of you for your support   i'm gonna give one of you this macbook air we're  gonna be doing more giveaways like this because i   just appreciate it so much 7.5 million subscribers  is more than we could have ever dreamed possible   here's all you have to do to win this macbook  air make sure you're a subscriber and turn on   post notifications and then comment below why you  need this computer i'm going to pick one person at   random but remember in future videos we're going  to do it again so thank you so much and now salish   what do you think my first day of middle school  was really good they were really nice there and i   loved the school and it was really fun i loved the  recess we also get to learn all of this stuff this   year like i love math so math was really fun i  really like strict and they were not strict at all   which was pretty good so they didn't like yell  at you anything like that so i kind of liked it
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 23,587,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, back to school, challenge, apple airpod pros, salish matter, first day of school, middle school, first day of class, applemacBook Air, apple, macbook air, what's in my backpack, morning routine, trader joes, boomer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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