Pork Ribs

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hey guys it's matt with meat church and welcome back to our outdoor kitchen today i'm going to show you guys how to make pork spare ribs we're going to be using a mill scale 94 gallon offset smoker but i'm teaching you time and temperature so you can replicate this on any type of cooker you have at home [Music] let's get into making these ribs we've got some prairie fresh st louis cut spare ribs beautifully marbled great looking rib first thing we're going to do is peel the membrane off the back easily done with a paper towel you want to get this membrane off here uh so that the seasoning can penetrate into the meat and also if you leave the membrane on it leaves it gives you really unpleasant bite when you eat the ribs so just kind of grab the membrane and if you get lucky while shooting a video you get in one pull how about that never happens i've actually already pulled it on these other racks and fire up the smoker we're gonna make it worthwhile we're gonna make four racks these look at these ribs look how thick those are amazing gorgeous looking prey fresh ribs these are cut down to a st louis cut which is what a competition guy would do in competition so that's what i'm most familiar with we're going to show you kind of a take on a competition recipe but this isn't going to be too crazy this is a great backyard recipe all right i'm going to start with just a touch of our fajita this is optional this is a little trick of mine so real nice and light it's kind of salty so don't go too heavy really really light we'll do the same thing on the other side in a minute all right but the star of the show here is going to be our honey hog hot which is our honey hog jalapeno it's not too hot don't be worried it cooks down this is a really fine rub and we're going to apply this one pretty heavily now you want to allow yourself about 15 minutes for this to adhere up to about 30. people always ask me can i prep in advance yeah you can but don't season these the night before the seasoning will pull the moisture out of meat and i can tell you the best rib cooks in the world will season within the hour before they cook it's a little windy here so we got to play the slice this might look like a lot but trust me it's not [Music] like i said give yourself about 15 minutes let this adhere since we're making a video i'm going to kind of cheat it i'm going to pat this in we're going to flip and go to the other side and we are going to allow that to sit you can use a binder if you want so what's a binder maybe squirt some yellow mustard on here to help the seasoning adhere if you like i don't think it's necessary though because this is just a two-sided piece of meat and as long as i had 20-30 minutes i wouldn't need a binder all right let's flip these over i'm not going to lose too much over to the meat side all right one more time with my light application and yeah i'm doing this bare-handed we're making a cooking video we don't need these bottles after we're done light application again this is optional and you can make this your own use your favorite your favorite seasonings make your own seasoning i make my own seasoning too but now i'll put them in a bottle and offer them to you now it's time for holy gospel this is what landed us a final in a world championship memphis in may on baby back ribs two years ago it's a proven winner on ribs that's what we're putting on the meat side and we're going liberal on it just like we did on the bone side and we are going to let this adhere for 15-20 minutes and these things are going to be nice and wet when it's adhered and when that happens it's going to be time to put them on the offset all right that looks pretty even i'm going to call that good i'm gonna let these sit we're gonna come back like i said about 15 20 minutes these should be nice and wet and it's gonna be time to get to cooking all right it's been about 15 minutes or so and as you can see these are wet the seasoning is nice and adhered so it's time to cook so i've got a 250 degree fire running here on the mill scale and i'm gonna put a water pan in this is optional this is actually apple juice i'm going to put it right here on top of the diffuser so that adds some moisture in your cooked chamber if you want we're running a post-oak fire because we're in texas i also love hickory or pecan maybe even a little cherry for a rib cook and you can run this cook 250 to 275 degrees my recipes on meatchurch.com or 275. you get a great rib that way so don't be too hung up in 252.75 the lower you cook the more time you're going to need clearly the hotter you cook you got to pay a little more attention to it because things can get away from you but you can make a great rib at either of those temperatures so go with whatever temp you like now this first stage of the cook is going to take about two and a half hours we're trying to build a beautiful color before we wrap these so we'll come back and check on these here in a little while and see how they're doing while these ribs are cooking i want to show you all something this pit is running right at 250 degrees but i want you to take a look at the stack and the smoke thin blue smoke nothing thick and white that is a clean fire and that's a key to good barbecue [Music] all right guys these ribs been cooking for about two hours let's check in on them look at that beautiful mahogany color i'm gonna hit these with apple cider vinegar spritz keep them nice and moist and this is a hog sprayer for those of you that are gonna ask me because well we're cooking hog these are probably another 30 minutes and it's gonna be time to wrap so i'll see you on a few minutes okay it's been about two and a half hours these ribs are looking perfect it's time to wrap these look great all right you wrap for two reasons you've achieved this perfect beautiful mahogany color you know cooking's about visual cues that's what you're looking for i don't care about the temperature i want them to look beautiful and we're going to wrap in two pieces of heavy duty aluminum foil now again this recipe is going to be kind of a take on a comp recipe i'm looking for a sweet heat we're going to put some pats of a really good butter i'm gonna go with about five pats of butter on here and just a small handful of brown sugar now if this competition we'd put a ton in here we're not doing that we're just trying to accent these and this is a big hit i promise now we're going to add a bead of apple cherry habanero texas pepper jelly we're also going to put this in our sauce at the end now if you don't have this that's fine don't sweat it you don't have to do this i often will put in an actual pepper jelly in mine some people put a hot sauce you know you probably see lots of mixtures like this some people use honey this is what i do i'm going to take these pretty ribs and i'm going to lay them straight down in that again if this were comp we do a lot more we'd probably put all that on top of this we don't need that much i'm just trying to go with a little subtle sweet heat here [Music] so two pieces foil this is heavy duty because you don't want that grate to rip it open get them wrapped up real nice and tight and i'm gonna put these back on the offset neat down so they're swimming in that goodness and i'm gonna do that for all these and then we're gonna cook these until the bones start poking out so it's probably you know another two two and a half hours or so depending on the size of your ribs so i'm going to finish these get them on the pit and we'll see you on a little bit all right guys these ribs have been cooking wrapped in the foil for just over two hours i've been running this fire consistent 275 degrees so if you're running anything lower it might take a little bit longer but again we're looking for visual cues [Music] how do we know these ribs are done well you're looking for the bones to be popping out about a quarter inch just like that those are perfect look at that pretty pretty so any chance i get to keep my pit clean i'm going to take it so i'm going to sauce these ribs but i'm gonna make myself a little foil boat here so i can put this boat back in the offset uh with the sauce on the ribs and not make a huge mess my dog's out here because she knows what's up so i've got a barbecue sauce sitting on the diffuser plate that i made i'm actually using a friend's sauce meat mitch's womp sauce which i've cut two to one two parts womp to one part of the same apple cherry hob that we put in the wrap so it thins the sauce out just a little bit but use your favorite sauce if you choose to sauce i'm going to use this big fancy thermal works silicone brush here to paint these i want these ribs to look like a show car and then we're going to put this boat back in the offset for about 10 minutes just to tack up this sauce because i don't want somebody to take a bite of these ribs and sauce just run down their face [Music] you see this this sauce the consistency of it it's nice and thin so it's going to kind of run down make a beautiful sheen and we're going to put these right back in i'm going to do that for all four racks 10 minutes later we're going to pull them out show you what they look like look out dolly all right y'all these ribs were on the pit for about 10 minutes to let the sauce tack up and look at them like i said sexy as a show car i can't wait any longer i've been wanting to use this knife for a really really long time here we go bam look at that look at that smoke sexy sexy all right [Music] here we go looks like the meatier side [Music] okay that's perfect that's what you want you want to see the bite through i don't like them fall off the bone that's overcooked to me this is perfect where you can see the teeth marks man that's good that sweet heat the holy gospel amazing rib rub um but i love how it's accented by the womp sauce with a little um of the pepper jelly here that we use got a nice little it's not too hot or anything you just take a couple chews and you can kind of feel the sizzle and it's awesome man these are great i couldn't be more pleased with the performance of the meal scale today hope you guys try this recipe we're just trying to inspire you to get outside and cook something if you like this video please subscribe to our channel thank you guys for watching see y'all next week you
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 37,463
Rating: 4.9800997 out of 5
Keywords: meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, ribs, pork ribs, spare ribs, st louis ribs, baby back ribs, prairie fresh, mill scale
Id: C76PIwTxkyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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