Malcom Style Ribs

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Curious if anyone here has tried this. Malcolmโ€™s a wizard, but this blew my mind.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LoveisBaconisLove ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Have some St Louis ribs on now, looking make some vinegar bbq sauce for the wrap, sounds really good.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GentleLion2Tigress ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would eat anything this man would cook me. If there are any newbies out there, this guyโ€™s channel is a great resource!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/qutius ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm going to show you how to cook ribs the I like to you I've got a couple racks the st. louis-cut ribs I'm gonna season getting the drum pit some good Hickory some good cherry smoke there's all kinds of way to do ribs I got a bunch of recipes on my channel but of all of them this is my absolute favorite way and I'm calling them Malcolm style ribs let's get to cooking so I had these st. louis-cut ribs in the freezer and I took them out yesterday put them in the fridge and just let them thaw out overnight took them out of the cryovac this morning blotted some excess moisture off now we're gonna get them prepped up ready for the pit and the first thing I'm gonna do is use a paper towel and pull this membrane off the back it's real easy to do that paper towel helps you to grip it and if it tears on you don't worry about it we're eating these real but sitting you know it isn't real serious that you get it all but you just want to get the majority of it a lot of times the ribs will be fatty they'll have a little excess fat on them that you want to take off a little bit of flat meat here I usually go ahead and knock that off if there's anything kind of hanging on the edges it's gonna cook a little bit more done than you want I'll go ahead and just square it off but you know the back of these if there's some excess fat you can take it off I'm not gonna get crazy with them huh I want some of that fat to cook I like the fat that sides pretty good well look at the top side the meat side I don't see a whole lot we've got a little bit of extra fat down in here that we can lock them knock down just a little bit it'll make it get a little bit more bark on it get a little bit that surface area exposed but like I said I like some of that fat so I'm gonna leave some of it that's about all I'm gonna do to this right pull the other one over here get a fresh pepper towel would be the same thing just go to one of the bigger ends by the wide bones pull it from the corner and just slowly work your way across the slab it's kind of thin on this end I know that's gonna overcook so I'm just gonna square it off flaps not bad on this one so I'm gonna leave that it's not much fat on this end I'm not just a little off here that's it for the trim I didn't get super aggressive these are big meaty ribs that's all I'm gonna do to them now we're ready to get some seasoning on them the first thing when I'm eating ribs I want some savoriness salt pepper garlic those are the notes that I think of all that's in my ep season think I've even just used salt pepper and garlic a little at a time I'm just gonna go nice light coat on the backside flip them over same thing on the meat side I just want that salt pepper and garlic to come through start working on that meat sweating it down and I like to let them sit about 15 minutes before I apply any other seasoning to them so I'm just gonna let them hang out here on the cutting board Pat it in a little bit time at 15 minutes we'll come back finish the seasoning that's why the ribs are over there hanging out I'm gonna go ahead and get my drum fired up I'm starting with the fire basket outside of the drum filling it up with some Royal Oak lump charcoal and I cover half of the basket up for aluminum foil I'm gonna drop in a couple tumbleweed fire starters and then put the basket down inside the drum and fire it up now you want to leave the lid all the way open open up all the vents that way air is flowing through those coals we'll get going it'll take it about 15-20 minutes then we can shut the lid and start stabilizing the drum now you can see after about 15 minutes these ribs are really starting to sweat that's the salt working on the meat pulling moisture to the surface of it it's letting those flavors for the pepper and the garlic the salt get down in the meat this is when you want to put my barbecue rub on and I'm keeping it simple man I go back to my old trusty D barbecue rub and I'm not going super heavy with it I want those flavors some of the sugars some of the peppers the peppery kick of the chili powder all that to come through in these ribs Pat it in on the back side we're not rubbing it we're just kind of patting it a little more on this one flip them over same treatment on the top side I'm not using any binders on this I'm letting the meat sweats be the binder good smooth layer on top shake them on down that's what I'm talking about that looks good we'll just lightly Pat that in so it sticks to the meat and while the drum finishes coming up the ribs are just going to sit here out in the air still working on it still pulling some moisture out of the meat they're gonna be ready for that pit just about 15 minutes all right the fire is right where I want it so I'm gonna drop a piece of cherry pizza Hickory smoker wood in also gonna drop about half a sweet onion in there I love the way it smells some of that onions gonna go to smoke you'll pick up some of that moisture from it's gonna get in those ribs really taste fantastic I'm gonna put my grate in place I'm just gonna give it a quick little spray with a little Pam cooking spray you could use whatever you like there well to get the lid shut then I'm going to adjust my Vince the top vent I'm just gonna leave it cracked a little bit and then on the intake I'm gonna close it down about quarter-inch that's gonna be perfect we're gonna run about 275 today so the grill setting it 275 that's right where I want it I'm gonna get these ribs on the rack kind of bunch them up a little bit cuz they're gonna cook just how we put them on here this one is going right over the area of the firebox where I put the aluminum fall and I did that on purpose because I want to create that safe zone every 30 minutes I'm gonna come out and spin this rack so the one slab of ribs is always over that safe zone I still get the fat dripping down giving me that authentic Pitt flavor on one side but it lets them cook even so I don't burn the bottoms up I'm telling y'all this smells fantastic you got that onion going cherry smoker wood now is what I want to rotate this right you're still at moisture coming out of them really don't need to spritz them at this point we're just going to make sure the ribs are getting even coverage over the hot spot on that firebox so get the lid back closed and keep letting them roll another thirty minutes will come out and look out and see if they need spritzing rotate them again so we've been on one hour it's time to give them another twist and you can see we're starting to dry out a little bit that's when you want to start spritz it on so rotated them around and I'm gonna spritz them just with plain water just because I want some moisture I'm not trying to add any more flavor to them just gonna try to keep the tops of them a little bit wet not hitting them hard not spraying any rub off just working on that color and I'm just letting that fat drip down on them coals we got the others other slab of ribs right over that aluminum foil got the Hickory that cherry that onion rolling that's a good entry of another 30 minutes time for a quick spritz and another rotate we're starting to get some good color on these ribs I want them to go about 30 more minutes it'll be time to get them tender looking good fires doing exactly what I wanted to do maintain it at 275 you see underneath them cooking perfect not getting too dark because we're spinning that rack all right now you can see these red the rub is really cooked on them they've got a beautiful color that's what you want them to look like when it's time to wrap up the backside of them looks great it's not all burnt up the rubs cooked on them as well we're gonna get them over to the cutting board show you how I wrap these Malcolm style ribs so I've got a double layer of foil laid here for these ribs and I just put them down meat down first and the only thing that I'm gonna put in the wrap on my ribs is some vinegar sauce I'm skipping all the sugar the butter all the extra stuff because I just really want it to have that little acidity note we've got the flavors on the Rob the savoriness from the AP seasoning the smoke from the cherry the Hickory now we've got a little bit of moisture in there and I'm gonna lay the ribs meat down in it on the back side I'm not doing anything I'm just gonna wrap them up at this point and you want to leave them to where you can get back in them so bring the foil over you want to do two layers and then just fold the ends one time over that way when it's time to check these ribs I can open them right back up real simple and check them for doneness same thing on the next slab just a little bit of vinegar sauce right down the middle and look how beautiful those ribs are already the rubs sit in on them flip them over on it super simple way to wrap ribs we're ready to put them back on the pit now for these instead of putting them over the hot side I'm gonna put both racks over the foil side and I'm just gonna stack them we're gonna rotate this out as we cook them it's gonna take about an hour hour and a half to get these ribs tender every 30 minutes I'm gonna come back and move the bottom went up top one down leave them off the fire still running 275 you don't need any more smoke at this point we've got everything we want from that smoker wood all right it's been 30 minutes it's time to rotate these ribs I'm just gonna move one slab over put it right on top and move them both by still off the heat we're getting that residual heat because we have that aluminum foil over the firebox another 30 minutes I'll check them for doneness all right our ribs of bent in the foil for about an hour now I want to check them and look for doneness and what I want to see is some disintegration I want that membrane to be cooked through just like this you can see the bones I know they're getting there but I also want to feel them with my thermapen I'm going in I want them to hit - OH - we're there - a one - OH - you could see that right there that is the perfect doneness for these ribs and I'm gonna call this first lap done but I want to wrap them back up and set them over to the cutting board just for a few minutes someone check the lower slab you can tell how they're sagging a little bit that means that ribs tender there's all kinds of tests but always best to check with that thermapen let's see what the second slab looks like same thing we've got some disintegration it's looking fantastic let's check it temperatures where I want it - OH - hey we're done cooking we can close these ribs up get them off the pit get them back over to the cutting board gonna close the lid on that drum so the temp don't spike we're going to keep it rolling we're gonna rest these ribs for just a few minutes I'll show you how I like to glaze them so I'm going to show you how I want to finish these ribs first I'm gonna make some little fall boat and this is gonna make transferring on back to the grill really easy all I've done is pulled off some aluminum foil and I'm just gonna double it over and then fold it up to where it's almost like a little tray I just kind of make an edge fold it up and then bring the corners in still keep a lip and I'll just fold it over and kind of tuck it in to where it stays up on its own same thing with this side I'm gonna fold it over and up I've got a full tray down that I could put these ribs in so now our ribs have rested just about 10 minutes that's all they need let's have cool down let's block up a little bit and I'm gonna transfer them over to our full racks well kind of let them drain off you can still pick them up they're firm enough now look how good these ribs look they're beautiful just like this but I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna make a muddy rib the sauces I'm going to use is a 50/50 blend of my vinegar and barbecue sauce I'm just gonna eyeball it prob about 3/4 a cup of each use a little basting brush to kind of stir it up and then I want to put a light coat on top of our ribs here I'm not going super heavy it's not a heavily glazed or heavily sauced rib but it's gonna have a good texture of barbecue sauce the tankiness of the vinegar and I'm gonna finish it off with a little more dry rub kind of gets the best of both worlds and for eating ribs you're not gonna beat them and now they get just a little more dry rub on top creates that muddy texture you're not going heavy popping them of flavor pop them with color the sauce is gonna blend that rub in there ready to go right back on the pit just setting them right back on the drum and at this point we just need about 15 minutes get the lid closed I'm gonna be ready to eat some ribs all right so it's been about 15 minutes I've had these muddy ribs Malcolm style on your glaze and you can see the sauce is kind of tacked up but at least some texture from the dry rub we put right on top of it I'm gonna get them out take them over to the cutting board because I've been out here all afternoon I'm ready to eat some ribs the way I like them kind of slide it right out abracadabra style hey sakes I know they're gonna be good how could they be bad look at him so let's cut some of these ribs up so I'm ready to try them what I'm gonna do is flip them over makes it easier to cut you see they are still able to pick up the bones hold together but I guarantee you they are tender just use my knife kind of go right down on easy cutting ribs nothing to it now we're just gonna flip them back over put them back together oh you want to come apart a little bit that's okay that's okay I'm still gonna eat you I see one right here with my name on it coming out let me just look at that rib that is beautiful smoke ring it's juicy packed full of flavor muddy on top not overly seasoned not overly sauce now the moment of truth melts in your mouth their fatty cooked perfect all the way through and I cook ribs for me to eat I can do the whole slab of these shell and Michael can have this one I'm gonna take these for dinner tonight oh that's a funny rib bones coming off clean and the flavor that gateway drum gives ribs it's just that's authentic pit barbecue as you can get I mean the meat drips down on the hot coals you got the hickory smoke you got the cherry gives it all that flavor to go with the rubs and the sauce and I mean it's really easy to cook cut them up and you got the best eating ribs you'll ever have you heard it from me I've done ribs a lot of ways but this Malcolm style rib is my it's it's my favorite way you just doesn't get any better hey I got to wrap this thing up today because I got to finish this records I like what we're doing subscribe to the channel you can find us on Facebook Instagram Twitter shell and I are gonna be talking about these mouthful ribs on our weekly podcast this Friday and all kinds of other delicious stuff we've got going on y'all check that podcast out we'll see you next time this is leave the man you gotta beat the man [Music]
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 1,416,517
Rating: 4.9496174 out of 5
Keywords: How To BBQ Right, Malcom Reed, Malcom Style Ribs, HowToBBQRight, HowToBBQRight Ribs, Rib Recipe, BBQ Ribs, Barbecue Rib Recipe, How to Cook Ribs, Pork Ribs, Best BBQ Rib Recipe, spare ribs recipe, cooking pork spare ribs, smoked ribs, barbecue spare ribs, bbq, barbecue, ribs, pork ribs, ugly drum smoker ribs, uds ribs, best rib recipe, smoking spare ribs, recipe
Id: kRe0WymG1Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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