Beef Ribs with Goldees Barbecue

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i'm matt pittman ceo and pit master of meat church throughout my barbecue life i've been lucky enough to make some amazing relationships with some of the top pit masters in the world for this series i've convinced them to share with you guys some of their best kept secrets so fire up your pits it's time to meet the masters well this barbecue joint was recently named number one on the prestigious texas monthly top 50 barbecue joint list my buddy johnny's over here in the smokehouse he's gonna show you guys beef ribs today so let's go check it out [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's super cool for me johnny and i have actually cooked beef ribs together at a barbecue school we did down at mill scale yup in lockhart i've even got the bottle to prove it a little the little gift yeah so i thought this would be pretty neat because i you know we kind of know each other's process we both cook on mill scale offsets which is what we're flanked by here and we're actually going to cook these on a mill scale and you know before we go any further it's kind of come to my attention a lot of people may not know what the texas monthly top 50 barbecue joint list is it is the most prestigious list in barbecue in my opinion uh people spend their entire lives trying to get on it previous number ones have been franklin barbecue snow's bbq and johnny and his co-owners here at goldie's uh hit number one in october yep october of last year uh it's a really great place it's kind of in the middle of nowhere in kennedale texas just outside of fort worth you got to come but get here early so uh i'm super stoked yeah me too me too it's been uh it's been a great experience yeah i'm really great how's things been since hitting that list uh good good every weekend it gets a little bit easier we're figuring out how to make this place more efficient and run smoother and better every week and we're making the food better every single week too i probably saying something i if you've never been here what i always say about goldie's is nobody makes the classics better but everything is made from scratch all their sides they even make their own bread like crew of guys in their 20s making their own bread so you come here i've never heard one negative comment about goldie's not saying something so yeah absolutely let's just dive right in and i'm going to turn it over to you and you just tell us all things beef ribs all right so today i want to show you how to trim them season them put them on smoke them basically trim wise i don't do a whole lot uh just kind of cut these corners kind of round them out because i'm not going to wrap them throughout the whole process so i want to round those corners out a little bit um and then we got our trusty rub right here this is just our beefer rub that we use here at goldie's um and i got some spritz this is what we're gonna use instead of a binder basically i just spritz it's a lot more efficient than when you're doing you know 20 30 racks of beef ribs you uh and brisket or whatever you're doing you don't want to i don't like using the bottle binders i like using the sports binder so yeah um so yeah that's pretty much what we're gonna be doing throw them on the new 500 gallon mill scale and and just cranking them up beef ribs also known as plate ribs or short ribs three bone ribs these are this is a big rack this is very thick it's really really big uh these are our creekstone uh beef ribs great product we use the brisket and the beef ribs yeah they're very good very good how often do you serve beef ribs here at goldie's uh every day we do friday saturday sunday we do about 20 racks a day so that's 20 uh 20 racks a day that's about 60 bones a day and that all that that all that 500 gallon does is cooked beef ribs you have a meal scale just dedicated to smoking beef ribs it's just our that's that's what the overflow we needed for after getting number one we already had the two thousand gallon meal scales but uh we couldn't fit the beef ribs on there so um yeah it's pretty much just for cooking beef it's awesome well i'm gonna let you jump right in and talk about trimming and i think while you're getting your gloves on and getting ready one of the things i find unique i see a lot of people on social media their backyard guys and they like do like a really aggressive trend like trim all the fat all the silver skin show all the red meat i know you say you do it a little bit different yeah i'm pretty much going to leave all this so the first thing i do when i'm coming out when i'm coming out of the package is i just kind of score the back i'm not taking the membrane off i'm just scoring it so it cooks a little bit better and it you really won't notice it once you get it so why do you leave the membrane just to let people know because i do the same thing uh because i it's just too kind time-consuming and you really wouldn't notice a difference between uh they're being a membrane and they're not being abundant i feel like on a pork rib you really notice when there's a membrane but on the beef rib you don't notice and it's like the only thing holding those together yeah pretty much yeah once it once it kind of shrinks up and it's and yeah the the small bone you usually will fall out but uh it's not too bad uh no uh just friday saturday and sunday yeah yeah well thank you thank you i mean you know that's reality tv yeah right all right i'll let you jump into it we'll see them tomorrow yeah right hope so um so yeah so i'm not i really don't do anything i score the back um you can see right here this is like a a thin corner of the beef rib uh i don't really want that because that will burn up and it won't be delicious so i'm just uh i'm just kind of taking it down to where it's a more like flat like a harder surface to get crispy basically that's pretty much more even cook yeah and then uh yeah pretty much that's all i do to every corner just kind of angling it down so that they're thicker and they're not the the corners of the meat is as well basically will get crispy so you just don't really want those and we're done you're comfortable leaving at all which i love fats flavor fat is flavor we love we love the fat here we spend a lot of time uh rendering fat i mean that's our main focus every time we throw something on is is to to render the fat um the render the fat is going to make the flavor more uh more like booming it's going to be very flavorful because the fats are under if the under the fat is a lot like tallow where it'll blend out your meat yeah so the the better it is rendered the more flavorful it is like i said we don't wrap these so we have a almost 100 shot of rendering all this fat i love it i think you know especially even on brisket when i go take a bite of brisket and it's got that rendered fat on top that's the best bite and barbecue something to be all right i agree and i'm gonna spritz with a little bit of water a little a little bit of water a little bit of water and worcestershire sauce this is much more efficient in a restaurant operation instead of having a slather and do all that yeah basically you're still kind of rubbing it in but i i promise you it's it's a it is more efficient you could and especially when i when i'm usually doing this i'm usually doing almost 20 at the same time yeah so i put them all out on the table i spritz them all with water go through and rub them all in and like i said it's a lot more efficient i'm excited to talk about your seasoning um i actually love how you season and replicate some of what you do at home so yeah yeah so basically what i'm gonna do is i'm going to take this pepper i'm going to put it on first i'm good to start seasoning right like absolutely this is coarse like six probably 16 uh yeah 16 peppers that's what we use here at the restaurant uh basically i'm just going to pinch it and talk to me about why you do pepper first because i know this but i think it's i think it's a really good teaching point for people at home i think uh the pepper first if you usually um when we have our mixed rubs when we're doing a lot of uh we're doing a lot of beefers out of time when you have those mixed rubs sometimes while you're going through through and like getting lower and lower in the bottle it'll start to not mix right the pepper will start coming out last or the lowers will be stuck in the bottom or your smallest your smallest uh ingredient will be stuck at the bottom of that so basically we just we took the pepper out of the out of all of our rubs and did it first and then we did the lower second so you make sure you get it on there yeah you make sure and flavor is the most important thing for us uh and barkiness and flavor in it so it's really uh for that just yeah for your barking your bark looking right and your flavor being right well you told you taught me something at one point you know if you put another rub on first your pepper might kind of bounce off so if you want that pepper on there put it on yeah this this is so small it takes up more like surface area this is actually uh lowry's and beef bouillon mixed together i love it flowers and beet boy on and there's some other secret spices i'm joking but it's just larry's in a biboyan so i'm gonna take that and so if you had to guess for everyone at home watching what's the ratio of pepper to that lowry's beef boiled mix i want to say we we don't do a whole lot of pepper on the beef ribs because they they take on so much smoke because they're unwrapped and they shrink up so much that you're not you're not too worried about the uh the bark yeah so we don't do a lot we do more pepper on the brisket for sure than this right here you know it's pretty pretty spacious right um so i want to say it's like 60 40. okay i want to say more lowry's i want to say more lowry's a beef boy on than than pepper for sure this is what i'm really going a little bit i'm really going on the heavy yeah yeah because i can only see the meat like right here now i'm really going heavy and i'm gonna just gonna uh pat it in if you had all the time in the world you're cooking for the restaurant how long would you let the seasoning sit before you smoked them um maybe 30 30 minutes probably 30 minutes just kind of let it sit there and kind of get wet a little bit and i'll just stow down yeah cool but uh yeah for the most part yeah the restaurant we season it and then we throw right on okay well hell if that's what you do at the restaurant let's just go put them on let's do it [Music] he's a buke oh yeah this is our new 500 gallon mill scale smoker so i saw this green tank in the middle scale yard and then when i heard you were getting it i was automatically super jealous yeah yeah it is it is probably the coolest thing i've ever seen i love it yeah so uh so yeah i'm just gonna put these on uh really no trick to it uh just the the long bones facing towards the uh the fire and and this like smaller size towards smoke stack and that's really really what i'm looking for yeah that's pretty much it um i know we're cooking with post oak post stuck all post oak uh so basically uh i'm gonna do an hour an hour really smoky about 200 um with the damper clothes the door closed and then after that i'm gonna go about seven eight hours at 300. you're putting heavy smoke on it at first and then letting it ride yeah i want to hit it with a lot of smoke this is when it's going to get its most smoke flavor is right when it's raw and it's kind of you know starting to sweat and stuff like that that's when it's going to get the most smoke flavor so i hit it with a lot right then no wrap no spritz cook it right on through no wrap no spritz i'm just going to take it until it's nice and crispy the fat's super rendered the top fat that we left on and the internal fat is like super is rendered out as well i love it how long do you think it's going to take for this rack i would say about eight hours so good news for our viewers at home they don't have to wait eight hours yes because as you change your gloves what's behind door number two door number two whoa look at that yeah this is a this is a rack that i put on uh about eight hours ago uh what i'm looking for is basically the bark to be set really nicely which it is like it is yeah the bark is awesome it's beautiful very very nice and then uh basically all i do is i know i check around seven hours and then i know for sure they're usually always done at eight hours so uh all i do is kind of pick it up i just kind of give it a good feel yeah i give it a flex and i make sure that the the meat i'm feeling is tender yeah and it is nice it's good to go yeah i don't want it to like be i don't want the you know the bones to be falling out stuff like that i just want it to be a nice tender rack yeah it looks so that's pretty much it and uh basically all i do is while it's resting i hit it one time with some tallow which we'll do and that's pretty much it make it look nice and pretty and make it look nice and pretty if anything got too crispy that tallow should help a little bit and then you saw how heavy we seasoned it nutella will kind of help with that as well a little some people might thought it looked a little salty a little tallow to mellow that out yeah it'll it'll mellow out for sure let's get in uh rest these and eat these yeah let's do it all right so the beef ribs have been resting for about an hour just right here at ambient temperature in the pit room um you told me we're going to go about an hour and a half so we wanted to show everybody what we got next yeah so we rested for about an hour the last half hour uh before we let it rest i'm just going to hit it with a little bit of tallow tallow is just fat that we've cooked down from the briskets that we've trimmed so that's pretty much all we can do with it is just pour it on some stuff so i'm gonna take a little bit of this and pour it on and i think correct me if i'm wrong but with a no wrap beef rib pretty crunchy bark a lot of seasoning this is kind of i don't say counteracting that but tell us why you like to put a little tail it doesn't completely uh counteract it or it doesn't make it doesn't soften it up all the way it just uh just helps a little bit with any any parts that are too crispy or if anything you know dried out or if it looks if it's too clumpy or the bark got uh damaged in any way that the towel will help it kind of stay okay better and uh and yeah we just like uh like i said we have a ton of it so yeah so about 30 more minutes and we can finally get to eat these beauties yeah yeah 30 more minutes all right well that was the longest 30 minutes of my life yeah yeah definitely these things smell awesome yeah yeah and they're uh they're ready to go as you see the towels kind of dried up there's i mean you really can't tell that we even put tallow on it so uh basically i'm just gonna cut them okay i'm gonna cut uh right through the right in the middle of the two bones yeah all right man look at that smoke juice fat so rendered it's very very very rendered uh super juicy still for not being wrapped this is kind of the smaller bone on this side so not too bad but um let me cut this a little piece that's like epic bark yeah right it's crispy it's crispy i like it like that sand same here as you see there's not a whole whole lot of meat on this one there we go man that bark i keep saying that yeah all right here we go cheers y'all dude [Music] like i say all my friends barbecue joints i quit i can't compete ah that's good that was a good bite that was really good that was so good the crunch of that bark the seasoning i see beef ribs on instagram all the time and i kind of giggle at times because people don't render the fat properly that's a huge deal thank god that is so good that's the main focus i got to tell you thank you so much for doing this you know by the way i think you're going to win the award for most appearances on the meat church channel this past year it's a very prestigious award i don't know what the prize is but it is prestigious so thank you i know y'all are crazy busy um yeah and so i just appreciate you taking the time to have to share with our athletes absolutely anytime anytime i'm honored to be on here y'all got to check out his youtube channel before i get out of here i'll put a little link up here uh jerby has an amazing youtube channel he gives like he this dude has the knowledge trust me on that one i try i'm gonna head on down the road i appreciate you having me thanks for coming all right thanks dude thank you [Music] don't tell johnny but i went back in and got myself a little to go like you know everything's bigger in texas and why would you not take that home with you well this has been a ton of fun for me you guys have to come to goldie's if you haven't already been they're only open friday saturday sunday 11 to sold out and you've got to get here hours early but hanging out in line is half the fun you're going to get to know all these strangers in line you'll be friends by the time you get to the door plus there'll be free beer sitting in a yeti out here it'll be an awesome experience well if you guys dig this like and subscribe to the channel we've got lots of our friends that are going to be bringing you uh their knowledge of barbecue too and i'll see y'all next time [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 1,102,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef ribs, bbq beef ribs, smoked beef ribs, goldees bbq, goldees, texas bbq, beef ribs recipe, smoked beef ribs recipe, beef short ribs, short ribs, chuck ribs, tmbbq top 50, jirby bbq, tmbbq, jirby bbq jonny, mill scale metalworks, mill scale smoker, texas bbq ribs, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking
Id: gIhm4p1Zk6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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