BEST. RIBS. EVER. (even better than 321 ribs)

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rural Sergeant here on today's episode we are doing a Texas barbecue staple and that is smoked ribs now my biggest video on this channel when it actually comes to barbecue is ribs a few years ago I put out a video called 321 ribs if you like your ribs fall off the bone that video is definitely for you but there are are some people that actually don't like fall off the bone to them fall off the bone means they are overcooked So today we're going to try to find some common ground we're not going to overcook them but we're going to see how juicy and how tender we can get these I'll be doing it on the Pit Boss Pro Series Elite 1600 we also got some cool gadgets to play with today so with all that being said let's get started and season these ribs all right I have two rack of ribs right here this is the St Louis style and you want to check for two things one you kind of want to find one with as much meat and marbling as possible and then the second one is you're actually looking at the bones themselves and you want to get them as straight as possible up and down you don't want them going to the side they're both in the four pound ballpark so let's get these opened up whoop all right now I'm going to take a paper towel we're just going to Pat these down pretty much this is just flapping meat you can tell it's pretty much you know it's already cut right here so we actually going to square these up using this new knife Pit Boss just sent me and man this thing is crazy sharp there is some fat right on here just come through dial that back just a little bit I'm going to square up this end you have this small bone on here I'm just going to slice right down here and now we have a good shape to these ribs now on the back side here you do have a membrane Pit Boss they just sent me this rib membrane removal tool never used it before it seems pretty straightforward to use so we are going to try it out this is live folks never using it before not going to say it's uh all that to write home about what I'm going to do is I'm going to dig in here and this is pretty much sliding underneath I'm kind of just following that bone and then sliding in there and then what it says is you clamp down and you are able to pull and this clamps onto the membrane and then it pulled it off so I give the rib removal tool by Pit Boss an eight out of 10 that is pretty cool before we season this up let's go trim up the other rib so actually I'm going to start on the back side first I always try to end on the presentation side which is going to be the top side as far as rub goes I'm going to be using Uncle Steve Shake competition Pig Shake really good flavors when it comes to making pulled pork um and when it comes to ribs pretty much anything pork related this is probably one of my favorite pork rubs it is windy today so I'm trying my best to get a nice uniform and even coating and we're going to flip just a nice even coating on top now usually at this point I'd turn and fire up the smoker but what we're actually going to do is we are going to let the rub start penetrating into the ribs and really start absorbing it so we're actually going to probably come back in about 45 minutes to an hour we really want that salt to start sweating in which is also why I ended up actually using this cutting board this is the drip easy cutting board and then the cool thing is I can lift up the side just like this and then it has a top so it is covered and protected right now so we'll check on these in about 45 minutes guys it's been 45 minutes let's check on these ribs this is what we're looking for you almost want the ribs to give you a wet look you want to see moisture all around the rib on top so now let's fire up the smoker all right we have the Pit Boss Pro Series Elite 1600 the reason why I prefer using the middle rack is it pulls out so when we need to do saucing actually get to our ribs we don't actually have to be over the fir pot for fuel we're going to be using pit boss's mosqu pellets that is going to deliver a nice strong Smokey flavor all right down here on the control board I am going to hit the power button I'm going to hit the settings button and under P setting we are going to go to smoke mode and we are going to turn the smoke mode all the way to p7 and then as far as temperature goes we are going to turn it up to 275 and not even 30 seconds in we are seeing smoke that is what I love most about this Pit Boss is the rapid fire igniter now once we actually have a roaring fire in the burn pot that's when we will close down the lid but now is where I'm going to inject these ribs a lot of people say hey it's actually a game Cher so we're going to try it out because man I want some flavorful juicy ribs so let's get oh bad so let's start injecting it is pretty simple I just take a mason jar and then I'm going to put in a little bit of Elsie's butt hurt and then I'm going to put in a tablespoon of Texas oil dust this is their jacked these are phosphates and if you remember the last brisket video I did that was the juiciest brisket I've ever done and you can do this to pork chicken beef whatever you want and after that add a little water I don't really have exact measurements I kind of do it till I get the actual color that I'm looking for you can go in and do a taste test it is going to have a sodium kick to it uh but once you dial this in man injecting is so fun it is so easy and it just gives really really good barbecue hence why I inject so what we're going to do is we're pretty much going to come in here we're going to go pretty much all the way in and I'm going to squeeze and pull out at the same time and we're pretty much going to go in here and we're just going to do that to each rib you're going to see it plump up in there now I'm going to take the competition Pig Shake I'm just going to do one last very fine dusting on top on both of the ribs super super fine so let's get these on the smoker all right we're at 275 and get the first one on and when I put them on I actually kind of want to squish them and they will actually hold the shape this next one on you don't want the ribs touching that looks good all right that was pretty much the hard part so now we're going to let the ribs bathe and smoke for 2 hours at 275° it's been 1 hour let's check on these ribs o nice we're seeing a little pullback here here now you'll see that the rub now is actually binding to the rib meat that's very good uh it is dry right now the rub isn't coming off on my finger so we are going to introduce moisture you do want to Spritz down your ribs now you can use water you can use apple juice in here in this spray bottle I'm using half Sprite half pineapple juice mixed in with a little bit of water to dilute it but that's pretty much what I'm going to be using now and now we're just going to Spritz down these [Music] ribs we'll tune back in another hour all right we are two hours in let's check on these ribs nice we're getting a little bit more pullback here and so now we're going to wrap them so let me get out the supplies for that all right so you're going to need heavy Duty aluminum foil you're going to need some heavy duty barbecue gloves just because we're going to be taking the ribs off it's going to be very hot I have here some brown sugar we got some butter that is sliced up and we have some honey and then we do have our spray first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take the honey you kind of have to guesstimate the actual rack size of the rib itself then I'm going to take some butter all right now I'm going to take some of the brown sugar oh man that color beautiful absolutely beautiful what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it and I'm going to place it meat side down going to do the same exact thing we're going to take our honey and to take some butter going to take some brown sugar I'm going to Spritz it down and you kind of want to go very heavy on the Spritz just because you want this start to start steaming up a little bit fold this up just like so and when we put it back on the smoker we again we want the meat side facing down close it back up and we'll check on them in 1 hour all right it's been an hour let's check on these ribs all right let's see where we are at put these over oh man getting some really really good pullback look at all that juice in there right let's flip these around oh that color all right let's get these back on the [Music] smoker all right do not throw this liquid away so now you're going to take your favorite barbecue sauce you can use whatever you have in the pantry so I'm going to pour some little jar right here going to take some of our liquid right in here I'm going to also put this in the jar and the reason why I'm doing that is we want to dilute the barbecue sauce a little bit we don't want it really really thick and then what we are going to do now is paint some [Music] ribs [Music] [Music] all right all right this is the home stretch don't have much longer to go we're just giving it about 15 to 20 minutes we want that barbecue sauce to become tacky then we're going to pull them let them rest slice in I can't wait we're going to be eating good we got these pulled we're going to let them rest now they look awesome the color pops on these I cannot wait to slice in so we'll get slicing in a bit all right I do not know about y'all but I am ready to dig my teeth into some beautiful ribs so enough flap my gums let me carve in let me my knife oh that's right it's built into this new Pit Boss cutting board and it can store your Cutlery what will Pit Boss think of next also has the juice Groove in here so that is pretty pretty cool I mean look at that wow Bona perfect bite through you can actually see the teeth mark in here it's not fall off the bone but it is so tender and juicy Wow money all the tools gadgets rub spices I will put it all in the show notes so you can check it out if you do have any questions feel free to leave a comment Bel but other than that I'm going to bring these ribs in for the family to enjoy and I'll catch you guys in the next one all right Grill Sergeant out
Channel: Grill Sergeant
Views: 264,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 321 ribs, best bbq ribs, bbq pellet smoker ribs, how to do ribs, how to make bbq ribs, competition ribs, how to make the best ribs, bbq ribs tips and tricks, how to smoke ribs, pork ribs, smoked ribs, how to cook ribs, 3-2-1 ribs, st louis ribs, franklin bbq, ribs recipe, meat church, pork ribs recipe, uncle steves shake seasoning
Id: HrMJtzYcq5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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