Peach Habanero Ribs

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hey guys it's matt with meat church well we're here at my lake house it's 4th of july this weekend so let's make some ribs [Music] well we did a brisket memorial day week and you guys blew that up on our youtube channel we know tons of you going to be making ribs this weekend so we're going to go with a pretty simple cook we're going to change up some flavors we're starting out here with just a simple rack of st louis cut ribs so a full spare cut down into st louis very common especially coming out of the competition world this is what you see a lot of videos on these are prairie fresh got them at my local grocery store but when i pick out racks i look for thickness and i look for marbling and so these are pretty good looking also try to find straight bones on the back because when you go to cut your ribs they're just a lot easier to slice and nice and uniform first thing we're going to do is we're going to peel the membrane i just get a paper towel it's dry to grab hold of that membrane peel it up and peel her off all right so now let's trim them up these don't need a whole lot you could season these and just put them right on if you want i like mine to cook even so i'm going to cut the ends off again it's optional get rid of any excess fat just kind of square them up here just a little bit so i've got my mison chef knife here i usually go down to this last rib because this is really thin meat and i usually will cut that off if you can't see it very well then come over here to the bone side and a lot of you might say hey that's that's wasted meat you certainly don't have to cut that off while i'm on this side i'm gonna go ahead and cut away this flap anything you cut away you can certainly cook and use so it's always like i say your choice how much you want to cut off there pick up this uh excess fat here and just kind of fillet that away that way you can build better bark and then i like to square mine up so i'm just going to take just a little piece here off the end and i'm gonna take this last bone off right here it's a little more even and then i don't like corners i'll kind of round it out here just trim away anything hanging off because that's not gonna cook right there we go nice beautiful rack of ribs gonna cook super even get rid of all that so let's talk about seasoning lots of options in the meat church arsenal we're going to do something we've not done on a video before we're going to use our holy voodoo go to go nice and simple not using a binder honestly because i'm at my lake house and i'm out of mustard otherwise i'd put a little mustard on here i'm gonna season on the bone side first season with whatever you like but i go pretty liberal with this seasoning i want to cover the meat really well pat it on and i talk about this a lot in my rib cooks i will season no more than one hour before i cook because the salt in here will pull the moisture out of the meat so i don't like to do this the night before like i like to do with some of my bigger cuts we're going super simple with this could have done a lot of things if you're a meat church guy you could use honey hog holy gospel the gospel honey bacon or maybe you make something you like i'm just going to pat that in i love the flavor profile of holy voodoo it's a little sweet heat it's got just a slight kick we're definitely going sweet heat today we're going to make a peach habanero rib we're going to use some pepper jelly later today that we got at first monday here in canton recently and you guys know i love womp sauce i'm going to show you all how we combine that but we're going to let these sweat out i've got three more racks i'm going to prepare so i'm going to get on to working on those let these sweat out and be back and we'll start cooking all right guys we got all the ribs prepped we've let them sweat out for about 30 minutes as you can see how nice and wet these are so it's time to start cooking them so today we're cooking on a trigger timberline xl you could obviously use any type of smoker you like in fact i got a mill scale outside but the great thing about the traeger is i'm here at the lake and i can monitor this from my phone while we're doing all sorts of stuff for the kids so i'm cooking at 275 degrees i'm gonna start loading these up while we talk 275 degrees with meat church pellets you know if you're using wood hardwood i would go hickory pecan are my favorites the meat church pellet is a blend of oak uh and hickory a little more room here all right let's talk about the cook process so i usually do about a four and a half hour rib at this temperature again i'm at 275 you could go a little lower if you want you go hotter if you want it's really no big deal it's just kind of whatever you want to do but at 275 i'm gonna cook for about two hours like this and then i'm gonna wrap probably about two and a half hours actually we're gonna be looking for color when we get that beautiful bright color that we want before it starts to turn dark we're going to wrap them in foil we're going to put a little bit of stuff in the foil and go another two hours after that so we're going to let these roll i'll see y'all back i'm not going to do a thing i'm going to spritz them i'm going on the lake we'll see y'all two two and a half hours all right guys while these ribs are cooking let's talk about this mise and chef knife you guys ask me all the time what types of knives do you use well the thing i love about this mason chef knife it's made from super high quality materials like high grade stainless steel so it holds an edge for a long time and you get the knife for a fraction of the price of other premium knives that are out there it's super versatile too this is meant to replace a whole set of knives you guys have seen what we've done today we've trimmed our ribs with it we've prepared the stuff to go in the wrap you're going to see me slice the ribs with it later in fact it's pretty much the only knife i use out here at the lake house i've used it from all sorts of things like thinly sliced onions for smash burgers diced up all my vegetables real small for pico de gallo that we make i've sliced tons of steaks with it and barbecue again like you're going to see here in just a little bit if you guys hit the link in the description below this video and use promo code meat church you'll get 20 percent off your first order with me again link in the description all capital letters meet church for 20 off your first order all right guys these ribs have been cooking for about two and a half hours and we're kind of cooking them to color so i'm going to show you that here in just a second but we're going to get them in a wrap now so you wrap for a couple reasons one protect that color and two if you want to put stuff in the wrap and this is all up to you so what we're going to do is we're going to put a little brown sugar in i'm going to put some habanero sauce in a little hot sauce you can use whatever you like but this yellow bird habanero is really good and we have it in our fridge out here and i'm gonna put a little butter for richness this is uh get yourself a good butter this is a salted butter from costco i just like to put four or five pats per rack so we get the mizin chef knife out again so i go with two heavy-duty pieces of foil let's get these ribs looking pretty look at those they're puffing up really pretty color so again i'm ready to go uh into the wrap all right so let's let's get our butter here looking like a pancake that looks good to a me brown sugar i don't do too much just a little got to be careful when people send me pictures of their ribs and they've turned really dark you've used too much sugar maybe too much honey or agave or you've cooked them too long or too hot just a little bit of this habanero because i'm going for that sweet heat and it's that simple i'm gonna wrap them up so you could go meet up or bone up in here this is a preference thing so if we put i'm going to put this bin just like this and you'll see obviously this stuff will kind of melt down over the ribs if you go meat down it's kind of swimming in it it's kind of whatever your preference is but back in we go and i'm gonna do these other three racks these are probably gonna cook about two hours we're gonna be opening the foil at an hour and a half and looking for the bones to be popping out about a quarter inch then we'll start probing them with our instant root thermometer to check for doneness and we'll be on to the last stage which is going to be glazing so we'll see y'all back here in a little bit let's make a glaze for these ribs so instead of just putting straight barbecue sauce on i like to kick it up a little bit i'm gonna start with my favorite meat bench womp sauce and i don't measure but i'm just putting enough in here for four racks and since i'm making more of a glaze i'm gonna put a little bit of my local burleson's honey in here honey will thin it out add a little natural sweetness so it's probably like i don't know three to one or so and then start the show here this is some just peachy habanero jam that i got at first monday in canton uh this year from a nice little lady granny's gourmet and gifts uh 6112 bird show road in watauga texas but i got it at first monday she had a couple of pepper jelly she had a strawberry and she had a peach habanero you guys know i like texas pepper jelly rib candy but i thought i'd show you something that you can get at the store or this would be an even better story so i'm gonna go a couple of these look at all those seeds i'm just gonna give it a little stir here now you could heat this up on a stove top or whatever you wanna do because i want this to come together i want these flavors to meld together it's already nice and combined so it's obviously a little thick but i'm gonna set it in the traeger and warm it up and then i like to apply my glaze like the last 10 minutes of the cook so my ribs are they're pretty well done at this point and i'm just going to glaze them and let the sauce lock in so let me put this on the traeger for 10 minutes and then we will sauce okay guys let's get these ribs glazed so these ribs they finished in just over an hour and a half probably because i trimmed them down so they're not they weren't real huge and you could see their bones protruding like i said that's a telltale sign that you're getting close so i like to come in here and probe in between i'm 208 so with my instant read thermometer you can also just kind of do this by feel but i know that these are done so i'm going to make a nice little boat here because i'm going to put this back uh in the traeger when they're glazed this is a good way to keep your grill clean your smoker clean whatever you got going okay let's you can see their consistency it's really thin really melded together you could spoon this on if you want i usually will use i love thermoworks silicone brushes here and i don't like to brush on because you'll leave brush marks i always say you eat with your eyes first i'm trying to make this nice and pretty of course you can brush it if you want to be light about it i have to just a little bit so i just want a good even coating all over these ribs i want these suckers looking like a show car once you have them nice and coated we're just going to go right back in to the traeger and all we're doing is tacking up this sauce or locking it in so you're talking 10-15 minutes until it looks good you because if you didn't do that you slice these ribs right now this barbecue sauce will just run down your face so we just want to tack it up here and our whole sweet heat is going to be complete those look nice and pretty got some of those habanero seeds on there all right back in we go and i'm gonna sauce these other three let the sauce tack up and then we'll meet you back here on the fancy americana rosewood block to see how we did let's get these ribs out of the traeger and let them cool off those look pretty and they smell awesome 24 ounces of hand cramping cold america right there all right let's see how we did can't wait anymore let me make easy work of those ribs look at that smoke ring man big old thick meaty rib damn man that's good voodoo ribs i'm a fan that sweet heat will let you know it's there not too hot the effect i want is i want to take a bite of a rib and i want it to be sweet and then 2-3 seconds i want to feel the sizzle that's the sweet heat i'm looking for and that definitely got us there i mean serious smoke in there the meat church pellets on the trigger timberline xl but that cook you know was super easy it was just over four hours anybody could do that for fourth of july or heck if you're watching this after do it whenever you want but hey i brought the proper uniform today the beer the amazing american flag cutting board the backdrop at the lake this is what it's going to be on 4th of july for the pittman family if you guys like what we're doing please like and subscribe this is part of our hardcore barbecue series this is season two of that so we hit the playlist at the end of this video there's gonna be all kinds of barbecue options for you guys in there briskets beef ribs country style ribs baby back ribs alabama white sauce chicken all kinds of stuff for fourth of july thank y'all see you next time [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 423,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribs, pork ribs, spare ribs, bbq ribs, meat church, timberline xl, july 4th cookout, traeger ribs, traeger timberline xl, cedar creek lake, 4th of july cookout, competition ribs, competition ribs recipe, pork ribs recipe, meat mitch, bbq pork ribs, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, traeger timberline xl review, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Id: 2eE2RL5QZM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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