Country Style Ribs

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hey guys it's matt with meat church this week i'm going to be showing you how to make these delicious country-style pork ribs and we're going to do that using these strips i've cut out of a gorgeous prey fresh pork butt cue the intro [Music] i'm excited about this one i'm in texas this is a beef state these aren't real common in texas but i was born in tennessee a lot of family from georgia and alabama and i ate these as a kid and honestly i haven't made these in forever so i thought we would try to make a couple different flavor profiles and just make it together and figure out what we like we're going to make an apple and brown sugar version and we're going to make a pineapple habanero version and we'll taste test them at the end and see where we go but what are these they're really not ribs like i said in the beginning these are strips that i cut out of a pork butt they're also sometimes cut out of a pork loin and they have the bone on them those are great as well but today i'm going with the ones that i grew up on it's a really cheap cut you know it was like a dollar 49 a pound or something like that and it's gonna make a really really tasty meal so let's get started i'm going to put a binder on these i'm gonna put some mustard on because when we made pork when i was when i was younger you know there was always yellow mustard to put on the meat and help the seasoning adhere so of course i'm going only the finest mustard food club i think i paid 89 cents for this and you know don't be afraid to get messy with it just put this stuff on here and by the way look at that uh look at that marbling in that prey fresh pork butt so you know it's gonna be super super good i'm excited for lunch today like i said it's gonna take me back all right let's just let's just get these slathered up real good so the seasoning can adhere i always say a slider is optional and and doesn't really affect the flavor profile so if you don't like mustard don't be too scared you could certainly use something like an olive oil or anything you want okay i'll take that glove off since it's really messy we're going to season this couple different ways i thought we'd use our gospel all purpose on some and the voodoo on some others and full disclosure i've never tried this with these rubs so again we're uh we're trying this together and let's see how it turns out i'm gonna go pretty liberal with this big old thick piece of pork butt not gonna hurt it make sure you get it on you know all sides we're gonna have quite the mess to clean up here when we're done that's all right that's the fun in it this gospel's got a beautiful red color and a good kind of southwestern flavor so i know those are going to be good it's great on pork and now let's go a little different option here let's use our holy voodoo on this other set this is our number one seasoning so like i always say feel free to use whatever you want you got a seasoning that's near and dear to your heart this stuff's often pretty nostalgic maybe you grew up on something maybe you make something by hand i make mine by hand i just put them in a bottle and offer them to you but use whatever you want you never stick you know don't take recipes too literally they're just a guide so use whatever products you want make your own buy them whatever those look pretty good i want to let this seasoning adhere i'm going to let this meat kind of sweat out so this stuff is fully adhered you need to give it at least 15 minutes i'd love to give it 30 minutes and for those of you wonder it wouldn't hurt if you did this the night before really let that stuff adhere but i'm going to go get my pit ready we're going to roll 300 degrees today so i'm getting that ready this wood here and it's time to get to cooking see you on a minute it's a beautiful day here in downtown loxahatchee we're at our barbecue supply shop we're going to cook these today on a traeger timberline as usual i'm teaching you time and temperature so you can replicate this on whatever type of cooker you have but you guys can see that the seasoning has adhered sweat out whatever you want to call it it's nice and wet we're going 300 degrees with hickory this first step should take hour hour and a half i'm just trying to get some smoke and some color on these and i'm gonna go to step two after that which is we're gonna braise it in a really tasty liquid until these babies get tender so on we go and i'm gonna keep them separate here with our different flavors so you know this is our this is our gospel lots of room here on the timberline it has three shelves but i've taken one out so that you guys can see a little better here on the camera this is the voodoo there we go all right i think this is gonna go hour and a half and we'll go to stage two see you on a little bit all right guys while those country style ribs are cooking outside i'm gonna prepare stage two where i'm gonna braise those country style ribs so i'm going to make a kind of a barbecue braise and this is where you can get creative and you know play with flavor profiles and do whatever you want with whatever liquid you want but i'm going to start with some barbecue sauce use your favorite barbecue sauce if you go this route i'm using meat mitch naked it's a sweet pretty thick sauce i love it and we're gonna make a pineapple habanero so i've got some jumex pineapple nectar that i'm gonna cut or kind of thin this out with and i've made a pork butt like this for years that we called a mexican pork butt maybe we'll make a video on that a little bit more so i know this is going to be good and then i've diced up some habanero that i'm going to sprinkle in here for this one let's get that mixed up and i'm going to make another one and we're going to pour these in just a little half pan that after the country style ribs have the color i'm looking for we're going to drop them in this pan with this braised liquid we're going to cover it with foil this will put a bunch of moisture in it and it'll actually speed up the cook process and help make those country style ribs more tender than your mother's love as we like to say all right set that one aside let's make another one i'm just gonna use the same sauce you can see it's pretty thick but it's great like this stuff is super good really good like i said earlier recipes are personal use what you dig what you like now i'm going to put some jumex apple in this one you know you don't have to make two i'm told you all we hadn't made these in years and we're doing this together so we'll find out how this turns out and if it's not good oh well i'm sure it will be though so let's do the let's do some habanero again maybe a little more and i'm going to add some brown sugar we're going apple and brown sugar on this one it's not measurements for this you know i'm just playing with it point is to have liquid so it's not all that important how much i'm doing so you know we'll have a recipe down in the in the description section which as you can see i'm just kind of eyeballing it here and that's fine okay like i said we're going to stir these up we're going to pour them in these half pans and we're going to put the country style ribs in these pans cover them with foil for the second portion of the cook in that second portion we're going to be taking these to tenderness which is probably 191.95 we're going to pull them out we're going to glaze them with a sauce for five minutes 10 minutes tack it up and then we're going to eat and it's going to be awesome all right guys it's been cooking about an hour and a half and look at these look at the color those look great we're going to put them in the braise here that's what we're looking for that super good color these are temping about 170 degrees internal temperature we're going to put those in the braised mixture we made this is the apple and brown sugar mixture let's put this one in the middle bring that in here we're going to cover it foil there we go [Music] wrap this up tight and then we're going to get our pineapple habanero mix for the other [Music] these are the ones that were seasoned with the holy voodoo see the smaller ones were getting a little crispy that's okay [Music] we've got customers in and out all day they'll eat good all right we're gonna do one more thing here we're about to go to lunch we'll go to the bar so let's put our meat probe in and put it right here in one of these thick pieces in the middle insert that and i'm going to set this to about 200 degrees so i can monitor it from my phone we're gonna go get some lunch maybe a beer and when these get nice and tender around 195 just under 200 we're going to bring them in we're actually going to glaze them and then we're going to taste test them so we'll see you a little bit all right guys i'm sitting here at the bar enjoying a mark monitoring the trigger from my app so i'm trying to get those country shot ribs to 195 and we're there i'm actually just hit 196. so i'm going to hit keep warm which turns the trigger into a warmer to 165 degrees so we can finish our margaritas and then head back and finish up these ribs let's go ahead and make our finishing sauce you can use your same favorite barbecue sauce you did in our case again meat mitch naked but we're going to kick it up a notch we're going to go sauce and we're going to add some texas pepper jelly rib candy which is my favorite barbecue product other than my own and we're going to go about two to one uh sauce to rib candy so i'm gonna go pineapple habanero in the in the one that i cooked with a pineapple nectar again it's about two to one thins it out and it's gonna give you a major sweet heat and then i'm gonna do the same thing over here with the ones that we had in the apple nectar but i'm going to use apple and brown sugar habanero don't sweat it if you guys don't have this obviously you know i like to kind of go crazy with my flavors and get unique with stuff i think it's going to make an amazing sweet heat but you don't have to have this stuff if you don't you could also add a standard pepper jelly that you get out of a jar that you could heat up in here mix these up and we're going to brush this on for the last 10 minutes of the cook and it's going to make them nice and pretty and add a little additional flare profile level and it's going to be great it's going to be time to eat remember we turn this down to 165 let's pull this probe out it's time to get these sauced [Music] oh man they look good [Music] they look and smell real good i'll transfer these to a pan uh just to keep my grill clean any chance i get to keep a grill from getting messy i'm gonna take it so i'm gonna toss these around in this sauce [Music] these are the ones in the apple juice honestly these would be great just like this we could tack this stuff up but you know we've just built another saw so we're gonna we're gonna use it okay remember we made two sauces here's the pineapple habanero i'm gonna glaze this on and i'm gonna glaze both sides not too much flip them over i'm going to repeat the process on the back side all right did that side oh these pieces are tender right here oop one all right let's switch to the apple and brown sugar habanero tell you what i'm gonna flip these over to the back side first so i can kind of keep that really pretty uh caramelized top side it's been cool shooting a video up here at the shop today got lots of customers coming in and i'm watching all right oh hey that's billy oh don't worry we're not shooting the video it's all good waukesha fire department billy vest ladies and gentlemen anyway as i was saying the fire department has us on speed dial by the way they know what we do for a living and they're on strict instructions if they get an alarm from the meat church they better get on with it plus they eat good here so we're going to go back in the traeger i'm going to increase the temp back up up high we were going to keep warm while we were over at the bar we're going to bump it back up to 300 degrees could be 275 you all don't get too hung up on temperatures just in general when you cook somebody gives you a recipe at 275 it's okay to go lower it's okay to go higher just watch your times and watch your sauces so we're gonna we're gonna let those right i'm gonna crank it up here we're gonna go 300 don't want to go too hot i should probably go a little lower but let's keep it consistent today so we're probably 5-10 minutes i'm going to come check it and then we're going to taste test these bad boys all right guys the country style ribs have been cooling off and they look amazing these are the apple and brown sugar this is the pineapple habanero and now it's time for a taste test and i'm kind of regretting having gone to the bar for a little while because i'm pretty full but these smell really good they actually look awesome so we're gonna we're gonna dig in here um well let's just go at it and that's tender you know what i say i ain't mad about it that's good not too hot it's really good actually um don't be afraid of the pineapple that hasn't come through to be too much or anything like that it's just nice subtle sweet heat all right let's try the apple and brown sugar it's just crazy tender that's a tough call that's a lot more sweet with all the brown sugar in it i'm going over here although they're both really really good recap season them hour and a half in the smoke 300 degrees we raised them i didn't tell you earlier about an hour or so um we were just under three hours total cook time this was extremely simple and honestly extremely cheap so like i said earlier make it your own you know go the flavor profiles that you like shout out to prairie fresh for this super amazing pork because this stuff is really really good anyway appreciate you guys watching see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 583,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, country style ribs, prairie fresh, pork ribs, pork butt, cooking show
Id: nX5urdbSK1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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