Dr Pepper Chicken - Is Soda Can Chicken better than Beer Can Chicken?

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hey it's Matt with me church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen is Dr Pepper can chicken better than beer can chicken let's find out [Music] beer can chicken is super popular especially when people first get a smoker or a pellet grill kamado grill whatever the case may be every time I make it or every time I see it on social media my buddy Jonathan Fox of Fox Brothers always comments save the beer it's better on Dr Pepper well we're here to try this I've never done this so this is honest to God a new experiment Jonathan even wearing your hat up here so we're about to find out Dr Pepper obviously a super Texan thing developed in Waco Texas so I'm down to try anything that saves beer I'm all about but let's address how we're going to do this first I know there's a bunch of people out there that say beer can chicken is a myth you don't really get any moisture up in the cavity well here's what I would say it doesn't matter because it's a thing it kind of reminds me of back in the day when I started cooking pork belly burn ends and Dr barbecue was like that's not a thing you know the only burn-ins are Kansas City burn-ins well look here in 2023 pork belly burnings are a thing so I'm not here to tell you how you should cook your chicken but beer can chicken is a thing so if people are going to cook it then I'm going to help them plus it's fun and everyone enjoys doing it so whether it adds more moisture or not whatever we're doing it how did we get here where are we starting out so what we have here is a 5.75 pound chicken that I got at my local HEB and I've brined it overnight in over here meat Church bird baptism brine I'll take this glove off I like to impart moisture in my poultry whether it be turkey or chicken so you could brine it we also have a chicken injection chicken's a sensitive meat so putting moisture in it is something I like to do before you smoke it how did I make the brine really simple I mixed the entire packet you don't have to you could use half the packet in about a half a gallon of water on the stove just heated it up not to boil just until everything dissolves and then you want to completely cool it off I put ice in it I submerged this chicken in and I just did it overnight minimum four hours but I like it overnight because it's nice and simple so I need to go get this out of here rinse it off Pat it dry and then we'll jump into cooking let's season this chicken today we're going to use our Texas sugar it's a Southwestern all-purpose like I always say not as sweet as the name sounds we really want to keep this kind of right down the middle of the road today as far as seasoning goes and this is a great flavor but use whatever you want just try to be even with it so it's pretty [Music] all right looking good I may have to touch it up after we put it up on its Throne so when most people make beer can chicken they use a little Contraption like this there is a lot of talk that as you cook the cans release toxins so I don't normally do that I'll use a chicken Throne these are these are nice and handy so you can pour whatever you want in in the actual Throne so let me take these chicken gloves off let's talk about our Dr Pepper we're not actually using a can today either we're using Dr Pepper made with real sugar most sodas are made with high fructose corn syrup don't like to cook with that and these just taste a heck of a lot better we picked this up at Walmart so all of you should be able to find this like super duper easy and over here while I open this up all these Dr Pepper bottles super cool story uh especially as it releases Dr Pepper and my crew guys on my crew actually did a documentary on the famous Dublin Dr Pepper and these bottles were from the very last run which is awesome I wouldn't drink these at this point but they're excited because people are finally going to get to see their work that they did on this uh Dr Pepper documentary and even our manchet daytripper was in that so we'll put a link up here for you guys to go check that out but we're going to crack it open and we're just gonna pour it in the throne you can put whatever you want here back when we did beer can chicken on this channel you know we put herbs and things like that in it but we're keeping this just right down the middle of the road this reminds me of drinking like a Mexican Coke this a lot sweeter and super good all right glove up again I'm gonna let this sit here we're gonna set it up on the throne let it sit 15 minutes or so and then we're gonna get on to cooking seasoning is adhered let's talk about cooking today I'm running a Traeger Timberline XL with meat Church pellets which is a blend of Oak and Hickory my recipes can be replicated on any type of cooker that you guys have but when I'm cooking over 325 I like to go pellet grill because I don't want to teach you to cook this on an Offset Smoker some people have offsets that paint jobs can't handle high heat but if you want to run your offset up knock yourself out using this today because as I said earlier we're making a barbecue sauce this has the induction burner where you see we've got our beautiful Heston pot over here that we're going to make our sauce in just a minute running 350 as far as temperature goes there's always flexibility in temperature you can go lower if you want more smoke if you're in a pinch and want it done quicker you can go as high as say 500 Degrees so I'm just going 350 so I get a good amount of smoke flavor and it's not rubbery skin or anything like that I've also got all the shelves out just for ease because this is obviously a tall item that we're cooking that's just my preference all right let's make this Dr Pepper barbecue sauce I'm super excited about it this is actually really really good not to toot our own horn first off though shout out to my boy Sean Malone this is his apron customer virus dropped it off at the shop and asked me to sign it I thought I would surprise him and one-up it by making it a game used apron so Sean you didn't know this but I'm wearing your apron in the video so thanks because I didn't have one here so appreciate you letting me borrow it okay here we go we're gonna put all of our sauce components in this Heston pot and then we're going to go to the induction burner to heat it up and bring it all together so this is kind of a classic barbecue sauce other than the Dr Pepper two cups of ketchup one cup of brown sugar we're going tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce you guys know I love the W sauce just so much more robust flavor than standard uh Worcestershire sauce but use what you got I go two tablespoons of holy cow and I'm just gonna kind of eyeball this foreign ounces of Dr Pepper thank God it was a screw cap now that's all you need but optional things that I like personally I'm going to add some more black pepper so this is probably like a tablespoon and a half I just like that in my sauces and then if you want a little heat and I highly recommend this some red chili flake this is about a teaspoon maybe just a little bit more so just adjust that to kind of your heat preference don't be scared of that it's not going to make it hot this is going to result in what I would call a nice sweet heat so I'm going to stir this up and I'm going to meet you guys over at the induction burner all right we're going to turn our trigger induction here to medium Heat and this is going to be super duper simple so what we're going to do we're going to bring this up to a simmer simmer it for 20 minutes or so you want it to start to thicken and reduce you can go a little bit longer if you want to so it's really really easy and like I said super delicious sauce I'm going to tell you about the tools I'm using here because if I don't tell you you're going to ask thermoworks silicone Heston nanobond pans beautiful pans I mentioned that earlier and by the way these aren't sponsors I think people think just because I talk about tools they're sponsors but let me tell you about some of this the reason I like Heston outside these pans can withstand a thousand fifty degree heat obviously they're induction compatible that's clear but this lip on the outside of the pot is something I love especially with a barbecue sauce because when I go to pour this later it's not going to make a mess so we're gonna let this come together and then I'll see you guys here in a bit all right you can see this is thickened up nicely it's kind of hard for me to to demonstrate but it's time to baste so I like to base really like the last 10-15 minutes with a sugary base sauce you don't want it to burn so here we go this Mrs me Church once said all right I like to try to drizzle it on as best I can you can brush if you have to but when you brush I'll show you here you know you can leave brush marks and so I always say you eat with your eyes first so I'm trying to make it nice and pretty you're going to have to brush the bottom probably because it's pretty difficult to get sauce down here without brushing so do what you got to do [Music] thank you I don't like the way this backbone looks I'm just going to snip it off I just tempt the chicken it's at 160 in the deepest part of the breast so you need to take chicken 165 at any meat you cook is going to carry over cook a few degrees always use your instant Reed thermometer to help you nail the desired doneness this is how you don't dry out poultry so it's ready to go by the way the cook time for this 5.75 pound chicken was right at two hours it's like 202 or so looks gorgeous you can hear that sauce sizzling in here and that's what this smoke is [Music] she looks gorgeous all right this is going to be Atomic so we're going to let it cool off I'm gonna go get something to drink and then we will cut into it and see how we did well the time has come to determine if my buddy Jonathan Fox was right or not and by the way if you don't know Fox Brothers Kings of Georgia barbecue they're from Texas and they dominate that state so definitely go see them uh if you haven't all right time to jump in Montana knife as always it's gonna be a little awkward here that's okay I'm just gonna take peace off the breasts here right off the top it's juicy that's really freaking good man second bite needed I say they call competition barbecue one bite barbecue because the judge only has to take one bite unless they really like it I really like it man that's so good subtle seasoning with the Texas sugar I did something off camera I didn't show you actually seasoned underneath the skin uh to put seasoning on the meat so something I like to do but I love that barbecue sauce by the way probably not super fair comparison because last time we did beer can chicken we didn't actually make a sauce that sauce is freaking amazing it's a sweet heat like right now as I'm talking I have like the sizzle in my mouth I'm not on fire I'm not rushing for a drink although I do have a Fort Worth craft beer here that I might as well partake in because Jonathan said save the beer to drink put Dr Pepper in there I think you were right my friend super juicy chicken coming from brining it overnight and not overcooking it that's a key obviously super easy on the Traeger you'll have to make this sauce uh this whole project here I'm a big fan of this so I would definitely go make this one like And subscribe do us a favor uh you know we always say your subscriptions help us bring you these free how-to videos so if you don't subscribe please do that for us and turn on the alerts because we drop at least weekly cooking videos and sometimes more than that see y'all next time well welcome to the post video wrap up this is a spot where we discuss the recipe elaborate on things and just give thoughts uh in this case two weeks after we actually shot the video because I had to go on spring break first let's talk about the chicken this whole video wasn't planned by the way Jonathan Fox had been telling me forever to try this on a Dr Pepper as I mentioned in the video and he had always told me that the flavor's sweet and nutty and he really liked it I had you know worked on this like Dr Pepper barbecue sauce put it together with my team and we tested it and we're like this is like super good we need to do a video on this and all the tie-ins with a documentary were honestly just random so none of this was planned but in the two weeks since we've shot it I've thought a lot about it I'm like this is really cool how it all came together but I can't say enough good things about that sauce by the way it is so good that I have a barbecue school this week and we're actually going to use the sauce on the ribs the recipe is now on meetchurch.com so we love it that much the chicken was great so I would definitely make this a ton of fun I'm super excited for this video I'm not always like over the moon excited for a video but I am for this one um the next thing I was going to bring up we wanted to solicit your ideas do you have video ideas are there things you want to see are there unique take takes on things like we just did Mexican brisket which was totally off the wall and the the feedback has been out of this world on it so if you've got something unique maybe we just haven't done it Off the Wall whatever leave comments tell us if we're gonna do it we'll reach out to you we'll credit you we'll talk about it so that could be a super fun idea um I want to talk a little bit about the documentary again so since we filmed this I have gone and watched it again on Amazon Prime I will put a link down in the description uh for to get you guys there as well as there's a card in the video earlier and um you guys can rent it or you can buy it it's only two bucks to rent actually 1.99 I think it's five dollars to buy it down Dr Pepper is super important to the heritage of Texas so it is definitely a Texan thing that we pulled off and and I personally think that the Dr Pepper Corporation screwed Dublin Dr Pepper it was a pretty big deal the guys that did the documentary actually hoped that this documentary would get Dr Pepper Snapple Corporation whatever it's attention to the point where maybe they'd come back together and produce Dublin Dr Pepper again it is really a shame that it's not around it's a super sad story we're actually going to put the trailer at the end of this so you guys can check that out but go watch it I promise you that you will like it in the meantime shoot me a wake up you'll know what that means after you've watched the documentary cheers y'all see you next time the original formula Dr Pepper made with pure cane sugar is closer to the original and a better product my grandfather was a stickler and he's stuck with sugar he insisted upon it we got people driving from all parts of the country to buy pesos when he died it was like Santa Claus time he was buried with the Dr Pepper in his hand people would take it and send it everywhere my dad used to drive to meet a guy to buy Dublin Dr Pepper out of his trunk I guess I had some friends whose dads made drug deals my dad made Dublin Dr Pepper deals Dublin Dr Pepper is now a collector's item after 121 years the last bottles rolled off the assembly line that means layoffs for some Texas workers all signs with the Dublin Dr Pepper logo had to be removed when my grandfather grew this thing Dr Pepper has always been a vital part of Dublin right now Dr Pepper officials are filing a lawsuit against the small company the Dublin bottle was not staying in their territory if anybody was in the wrong here it was Dublin Dr Pepper and everything they're suffering now is a self-inflicted wound if you had a complaint couldn't you have told us about it 120 years there shouldn't be that much fire wrapped up around a soft drink we had an identity when we said Dublin people would say Dublin Dr Pepper it has definitely made a mark on the town if I were a citizen of Dublin right now I'd be very very angry we're going to be bigger than we ever were for one he'd say don't give up first and foremost that's the part that drives me every day [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 646,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr pepper chicken, dr pepper can chicken, soda can chicken, beer can chicken, smoked chicken, traeger chicken, dublin dr pepper, dr pepper, dr pepper bbq sauce, bbq sauce, homemade bbq sauce, dr pepper can chicken recipe, traeger timberline xl, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show, traeger chicken recipe
Id: W6ntMhQm_XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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