Bosses REGRET FIRINGS, What Happens Next Is Shocking PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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it is going to be a hot weekend in portland speaking of hot it's it's a little warm in here isn't it rachel [Music] jamie half your eyebrow is missing oh no [Music] i'm so sorry just a second no oh this is so embarrassing [Music] i'm sorry for crying out loud we are live phil switch to rachel so the weather is going to be 87 degrees and mostly dry the good news is it'll start to cool off in the evening and cut [Music] that was so embarrassing i thought i was going to get fired you know how much they care about folks here yeah what happened anyway uh it's hard to explain see most makeup products don't work for me because i have this skin condition called rosacea that's what all these red spots are all over my face everyone thinks it's acne or a sunburn but in reality jamie i just took a lot of heat for your little mess up back there so will you please learn how to do your makeup oh i know how to do my makeup ron the problem is the product i have this skin condition you see i don't care just make sure it doesn't happen again all right our girls need to have a certain look oh and by the way if you go out this weekend will you please put on some sunscreen i do not want you to get another sunburn on your face there's a certain look our girls need to have can you believe he said that to me did you tell him about your rosacea i tried to but he didn't care he's part of that toxic mainstream thinking that makes every girl feel like they need to meet this perfect impossible to achieve photoshopped level of beauty like this what about the imperfect girls with skin problems like me well honey i hate to disagree with you but even with your red spots and all i still think you're perfect that is why i just married you thank you paulo but seriously why can't someone start a makeup company that uses models who look like real girls and mix products for women with real problems maybe then i wouldn't have my producer breathing down my neck well here's a thought what if that someone is you what do you mean well you always talk about how the makeup on the market doesn't work for you right yeah well imagine how many girls there are out there that feel the same way so why don't you create your own makeup that markets real women and makes every girl feel like they're beautiful wow maybe that's it [Music] it cosmetics it has a nice ring to it huh it does jamie we're 30 minutes to air why are you ready oh don't worry it doesn't take me that long to do my makeup ah well maybe that's the problem i'm sorry well let me make it clear to you maybe if you spent a little bit more time on your makeup we wouldn't have disasters like we had last week and by the way what is going on with your face did you get another sunburn i told you to wear sunscreen it's not a sunburn ron you see it you know what i don't want to hear it okay what i want you to do is spend more time doing your makeup so that our viewers do not have to look at that you know people like you are the reasons why girls don't feel beautiful about themselves what are you talking about so what if i have red spots all over my face and so what if i have half an eyebrow missing on air people need to see that because that is real not a flawless photoshopped face like this ah okay well this is the look that we want people want their news from flawless beautiful faces not from people who have a gross skin condition no no do not do that do not make me out to be the bad guy all right this is the world that we live in jaime well it's not the world i live in not anymore not after today what does that mean i'm sorry but i can't do this anymore my husband and i are going to start a makeup company that makes every girl feel beautiful not like the way you have just made me feel so you think that anybody is going to buy makeup from somebody who looks like you well good luck with that jamie leaves with more passion than ever to change the way the world looked at beauty using the last of their savings jamie and paulo start their own cosmetics brand with the mission of making every girl feel beautiful jamie tests dozens of different formulas trying to find ingredients that are actually healthy and work on every skin type she spends months and months testing different samples but no matter how many samples she tries she always finds something wrong [Music] that is until one day she finally figures out the perfect formula [Music] this is it this is it hey what's it i found a formula that works look it stays my eyebrow stays on wow that's amazing honey this is so exciting and good timing too because we are almost out of money okay so now that we have a product what's next we have to get it in stores i'm going to call all the retailers and tell them how amazing our formula is and send them a few samples that is brilliant i am so proud of you honey you do think that the retailer is going to want to buy our product right they would have to be crazy not to [Music] a couple weeks later jamie finds herself about to meet with one of the largest makeup retailers in the world jamie they're ready for you okay thank you you got this good luck sweetheart hello everyone i'm jamie curran lima hey hi there hi good to meet you i am so excited to meet hi i'm jamie well i don't have all day of course i'm so sorry so this product is our bye bye under eye it's a concealer and i have a feeling your customers are going to love it especially if they have skin issues like me the before is without any makeup on and you can clearly see the red spots from the rosacea and this after is just one application of the bye bye under eye concealer you can't see any of the spots at all wow so this is just after one application yes incredible right you thought it would be a good idea to use yourself as the model yes well that is part of my mission you see the makeup industry uses these perfect photoshop standards of what beauty should be but that's not real that makes girls feel insecure about themselves like they're not beautiful enough because they don't look like this so that's why i want to use real girls with real skin problems as the face of our brand to not just change makeup but to change how the world views beauty that way every girl can feel like she is beautiful too because she is this is amazing thanks well there's plenty more [Laughter] you actually believe that people would want to buy beauty products from someone who looks like you oh well yes because i think women can relate i've seen enough the truth is makeup companies advertise with models who look like this because that is what sells you may have a good product but if you actually want to sell any of it then i suggest you fall into line and do the same but i really believe look i don't make the rules this is just the world in which we live have a nice day [Music] babe please open the door it was so embarrassing she was just sitting there laughing at me you know i tried my best to hold everything in but i just wanted to explode i'm really sorry you had to go through that but that's just one person's opinion that's all no one else has even agreed to meet with us and we still don't have any sales i don't know what to do it's okay annie at least we tried our best right we tried our best what are you talking about we can't give up now look this isn't easy for me either all right i always try to be strong for you but everyone has already said no well sometimes no just means not yet we're going to figure this out i know but we also have to be realistic we're almost completely out of money we're not going to be able to survive like this much longer look maybe i can go back to my old job you can go back to the tv station what after how that producer treated me absolutely not [Music] look no one said that this was going to be easy it's not like we're just trying to sell makeup or not no we're trying to sell a vision a vision of a new beauty industry that's different than the one now so are you really surprised that someone in the beauty industry doesn't like our idea i guess i never really thought about it like that we have to keep going we can't give up now this is bigger than all of us this is for all the women who have ever been told that they aren't beautiful enough by the media by society or even by a boss we can't let those women down now wait what are you doing i'm making us coffee we have work to do and that's the man i fell in love with jamie keeps trying to meet with different beauty retailers in department stores to get them interested in their product but she keeps getting told no over and over again [Music] but whenever she starts to feel discouraged [Music] she remembers why she started in the first place and decides to keep going eventually she meets with the tv shopping channel after some consideration jamie's given the chance to sell her product on live television she couldn't believe it [Music] remind me again how this works we get 10 minutes in front of the cameras that's it if we don't sell at least 6 000 units in that time we don't get invited back and considering we spent our last dollar on inventory we'll probably lose a house if not starve to death too but hey no pressure jamie hi i'm katrina the home shopping consultant i don't work for the network but i got tons of experience let's talk about the models you want to use oh i brought my own this is gina and susan sweetheart those aren't models but don't worry i got you covered ladies now these are our models aren't they beautiful you should use them trust me you'll sell more dear what do you think honey i mean she's helped a lot of people be successful here [Music] i appreciate it but we won't be needing them and i'm actually going to use myself as a model too what you can't be serious you a model [Laughter] no one's ever going to buy anything from someone who looks like you no offense but that's just the way of the world well maybe you wouldn't bet on me but sometimes in life we have to bet on ourselves well fine what do i know i've only been in the business for 15 years ladies okay it's show time you ready i think so okay and remember ten minutes all you got and if you don't sell out we don't sell out i'm not coming back i know all right now i'm just checking one last time are you sure you don't want to use their models i mean the expert was really adamant maybe she's right maybe that's just the way the world works well maybe it's time to change the world [Music] jamie goes in front of the cameras determined to sell out all of her products [Music] when the timer begins she shares her vision for a new type of beauty products made for everyday women and then she does the bravest things she's ever done before she puts pictures of herself showing her bare skin and rosacea for over 100 million people to see [Music] she has no idea if anyone's even gonna call to buy her products but then [Music] a phone rings and then another one rings and then soon all of the phones start ringing before the 10 minutes were up she saw the two words that would change her life forever that's it we have completely sold out every shade in stock [Applause] i sure hope so jamie gets invited to come back and keep selling her products as time goes on she returns to the show over and over again eventually she becomes the number one top selling beauty brand on the entire network after several years her company it cosmetics gets acquired by l'oreal making jamie one of the richest self-made american women in the country jamie ends up becoming an inspirational speaker touring all over the world and even launching her own best-selling book but most importantly she succeeds in her mission to change the world jamie oh my gosh it's really you um i just read your book would you mind signing it for me of course of course who should i make it out to you sandra thank you by the way for giving me a feeling i haven't felt before oh wow what feeling is that beautiful you have rosacea yes and all my life i thought i wasn't pretty like the other girls i'd see with clear skin on tv and then i saw your face on tv it looked like me so thank you for making me and every girl feel like they're beautiful you are beautiful i want you to do something every single day okay when you look in the mirror instead of seeing what's wrong i want you to see what's right which is everything ron hello what are you doing here hello jamie this is my granddaughter she's a big fan she buys all of your products look i just wanted to say that i'm really sorry about how i treated you back then i i was wrong thank you not just for me thank you for her honey the quietest do you remember she's the head buyer from yes of course hi hello jamie congratulations on all your success listen i was thinking we could distribute your products in our stores what do you say sure let's do it just like you said sometimes no just means not yet dow i want you to meet carson i just hired him it's nice to meet you um gordon uh do you mind if i speak to you for a second sure why is he talking through that thing oh he's non-verbal autistic but don't worry he's really smart shoot i gotta get this uh wait are you sure about this i mean venice has really been slow and having someone here with a disability could make things worse oh don't think of autism as a disability think of it as a different ability that's all sorry i got a rundown um hey you uh we what should i work on hey boss the fryer's not working can you come take a look at it uh yeah sure look just stay out of the way okay come on work okay so what are we gonna do we got customers coming in an hour we need this fire up and running well i don't know what to do look let me just try to get some help in here get away from there before you break it even more i can fix it well if we can't fix it i highly doubt that you could fix it who is this and why does he need that device to talk oh he's nobody he won't be working here long look i'm gonna go make some calls and see if i can get this thing fixed just don't let him touch anything there it's a lot of fun you want to give it a try yes ah okay come here and i will show you how to make a flower all right so you just go like this now you try [Music] wow you are a natural so have you always wanted to work in a restaurant my dream is to become a manager well i'm sure you will be in no time so yeah right there just what are you doing oh well i am just showing carson here how to put on icing are you trying to ruin our cakes give me that look what you did now this cake is ruined because of you i'm sorry it wasn't his fault don't you give him another cake he's just gonna ruin it how about we give it another try yeah okay hello hey uh we have a group of friends and we're trying to decide where to eat can we look at the menu of course wow that is so cool yeah seriously what's your name carson you know what carson we don't even need to look at the menu we'd love to eat here we'll go get our friends why are these customers leaving did you talk to them on that thing yes oh great no wonder they didn't want to stick around you know i told gordon it was a bad idea hiring you they said they are getting their friends they was just being polite but of course you can't pick up on that or anything else for that matter that's not true you see growing up kids never wanted to play with me if they only gave me a chance they'd see that i had a lot to offer it hurt a lot when they'd exclude me [Music] if they just took a second they'd see how capable i was but what hurts the most was when people would hide me like i was some embarrassment if they only knew i'm actually really great with people so you see i don't think of it as a disability i think of it as a different ability [Laughter] oh come on hey i'm all about supporting people on the spectrum but we all know that autism is a disability is everything okay no i told you it wasn't a good idea leaving someone like him here he's almost destroyed our fryer he's ruined a brand new cake and he just scared off two customers we need to let him go immediately what is this true hey good news the fryer's working oh great that company i call come fix it no carson did it what are you talking about there's no way he could have fixed it no he did it took him like five minutes it's pretty impressive actually i've never known anybody as smart as he is well lia i don't understand that hey tell gordon how carson ruined that cake ruined the cake are you kidding take a look at this wow that's beautiful carson did it not only did he bake the cake he also did the decor honestly i've never seen anyone learn as quickly as him he's so creative sounds like carson's doing quite well no no no no no i'm telling you okay let's ask these cussers now carson scared them off watch hey hey do you mind telling my boss what happened earlier how carsonia scared you off wait scared us off what are you talking about well that that is why you left isn't it no we left to get our friends because of him [Music] and this is the guy i was telling you all about oh yeah [Music] i haven't seen the restaurant this busy in the months looks like carson's got a special gift wow you'd make a great manager that's not a bad idea wait what him the manager but he's got a disability i told you autism is not a disability think of it as a different you'll be reporting to carson [Music] this is ridiculous i can't believe this there you go uh by the way this was on the door another notice i have got to close this deal so that i can pay the rent oh this is black isn't that how you wanted it no can you put some cream in it shaniqua please you know what don't you have like an easier nicer name that i can call you kids in school used to call me shannon perfect but i prefer shaniqua it means the gift of god in my culture well i'm just telling you that name is definitely not a gift of god i hate to say this but um the client who is coming in today is really important can you do something with your hair oh um is there something wrong with it look the braids are just not very professional that's all this is part of my black culture oh god can we not all right just can you just just please like do something with like ticket hey good to see see you um uh this is my new assistant shannon all right nice to meet you actually uh jim come here sit down talk to me tell me what we can do for you today well we have just come out with a whole new line of lip scrub it's the hottest thing on the market right now and we want you guys to run the ad campaign for it that is amazing uh shannon start casting models right away and we will come up with something for you in no time at all great then i will be back tomorrow with my boss oh by the way if she likes what she sees this could be very big for you ah that sounds incredible oh and uh the company is really focused on inclusivity no worries they don't call me mr inclusive around here for nothing um you gonna put some cream in that coffee or what yes yes yes okay let's take a look at these models what's this who are they these are the models that i chose sir let me talk to you a second what are you thinking we're casting a beauty campaign okay not a rap video but you heard what jim said his boss really cares about inclusivity this could be our chance to really shine let me explain to you what people mean when they use the word inclusive it means that they want a tanned skinned girl so that they can feel progressive okay they don't want this they don't want dark-skinned models because this is not beautiful how could you say that black is beautiful okay why am i wasting my time arguing with you you either get me the models that i want or you are fired uh shannon whatever this is what i'm talking about right here boom are you sure this is the right decision we don't have a single dark-skinned model this campaign it's not gonna okay you know what affirmative action is not my job my job is to create a beauty campaign that sells period and speaking of that i'm pretty sure i told you to do something with your hair so maybe you should go do something with your hair i don't understand what's wrong with my hair are you trying to make me lose this account huh you cannot even follow basic instructions can you don't start crying do you know what it makes me look like if you start crying in front of everybody you know what i've had it with you i have truly had it with you up to here get out you're fired what fire but for what reason because you cannot even follow basic instructions about your own look now get out of here no no don't look at her look at the camera that's right come on smile barry oh hey jim get over here good to see you my friend what do you think i'm very great um it's just um didn't you and i have a little conversation about being inclusive there are no dark-skinned models here okay look look look i get it inclusive you say that and it means you want a tan-skinned girl so to feel progressive i get it but i mean seriously you did not really want a dark-skinned girl here did you what's wrong with dark-skinned girls barry this is my boss laquisha oh hey you're um uh black no no no no say a woman i mean no i mean yes of course you're a woman but i mean like no tall tall yes greasy tall so nice to meet you and i love your name you didn't answer the question uh-huh what's wrong with dark-skinned girls oh oh no oh nothing i think inclusive right you want it inclusive yeah okay so hold that thought let me get that for you right now don't go anywhere come on get up get up hurry hurry look look look what i got for you here look at this beautiful woman what's your race darling i'm half mexican half white guys she's half mexican you cannot get more inclusive than that well all the girls are lovely yes but i'm sorry i don't think you have the vision we're looking for have a good day no no wait wait wait wait come back uh laquinta yeah latifah get out of here go back to work um let's lash hey jim where are you going jim can you believe that guy no that was really something oh hey hey shannon right you okay no i just just lost my job shannon worked for barry oh my goodness i'm so sorry honey what happened i was trying to cast some models for a beauty campaign but my boss got mad at me because i chose dark-skinned models and then he fired me because he didn't like my hair or my name my name is shaniqua by the way it means the gift of god i know how would you like to work with us really hey great great great you found my uh my little assistant uh shaniqua and she has the most beautiful dark skinned models in there that you are gonna love oh stuff it barry i heard all about how you treated her which is why i've decided to offer shaniqua a job with us uh no you can't take my assistant no she's not gonna be an assistant how would you like to be the face of our new beauty campaign no way me the face of your campaign but i don't know um i may be too dark to be a model are you kidding me black is beautiful how about we go to my office and talk about this i would love to let's go okay no but wait hold on a second wait a minute you know what i can give me another chance maybe i can go give hey jim jim listen i really need this job because i have to pay my rent guys um uh uh shannon i mean i mean um baby girl you know my situation commence with me and stop all these blue faces i'm the real benny you're supposed to be studying for med school not wasting your time with this again i know my i'm just taking a little break honey we talked about this making videos and music is not a safe career but being a doctor is that's why you need to be reading these books and sticking to your warehouse job until that happens but i'm not trying to play it safe ma benny hi grandpa that was worth papa um no movie in my back hurts promo and all those loans shouldn't be working so hard we really make enough to even pay the rent anyway i need to go rest i feel so bad for him then why would you want the same life for me grandma played it safe right he's been cutting lawns working the same egg factory for years and all that got him is a bad back and no money that's not the life i want well he didn't have the chance to study like you do so please don't throw this opportunity away on some silly little dream of yours benny mama i want the best for you i know but i'm telling you i can make it as a rapper on youtube all right just check out my lyrics [Music] baby girl you know what baby girl are you talking about you're never gonna get a girl without a safe job that's not true my dream girl alondradesi she's also a youtuber look and one day when i blow up she's gonna be my girl just watch it's never gonna happen mijo and i don't want to talk about this anymore what are you doing i need that what you need is to be studying and aren't you gonna be late for word yaka si sona ah man i can't wait to quit this job tell me about it at least you're going to med school soon doing something you love more than i could say wow man that's not what i want to do if i had a choice i make videos i mean music here check this out don't mind the quality i don't have a real camera yet baby girl you know my situation come mess with me and cycle these blue faces dang man that's hard bro man i say forget everything else and focus on this i wish what about this job what about med school look my all i'm saying is if i was as talented as you i'd quit right now seriously you really think what's going on here nothing we were just slacking off now that's what you're doing sorry boss i was just showing mike some music i made well that'd be fine if you were a musician but you're not you're just a stock boy so unless you want to get fired i suggest you put that phone away and get back to work you're right i'm sorry there good don't let me catch you wasting time again i was wasting time what did you say i said i wasn't wasting time making music is my dream look since you're just a kid i'll give you some advice don't waste your time chasing silly dreams now what you should be doing is stalking these shelves and playing players safe what is it with everybody telling me to play it safe nobody ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe i'm getting sick and tired of you talking back to me well since you want to be a musician so bad then maybe i should do you a favor and fire you right now actually that won't be necessary because i quit i'm gonna start a youtube channel and i'm gonna make it big in music you'll see yeah right the only thing you'll ever be is a big failure are you really serious about this if you keep walking away from me it's over do you hear me benny benny quits his job and doesn't look back he's never been so determined to chase after his dream he goes straight to a store to buy a camera when he realizes he's about to spend his very last dollar on equipment he hesitates for a second but then he remembers that he'll never accomplish anything great by playing it safe so he buys it anyway [Music] he starts vlogging and creates all kinds of content he does some comedy some lifestyle and of course his personal favorite music after shooting each vlog benny goes home to upload them onto youtube he does this day after day so excited about his channel but every time he uploads he quickly realizes that he's not getting any views after months of trying and failing he starts thinking that his mom and his former boss were right so he decides to give up on his dream hi uh i'd like to return this okay was there anything wrong with it not really i just realized i don't need it all right no problem benny what are you doing here um oh i see i guess that big idea didn't work out after all though yeah i guess not what is that you said again before you walked out uh yeah that's right you said i'm gonna make my own youtube channel and become big in music you'll see [Laughter] well i guess this is me seeing right what do you want from me to tell you you were right fine you were right happy look you seem like a good kid i i wasn't trying to make you feel bad i was just trying to get you to be realistic yeah i tell you what you can come back and stock shelves for me what do you say [Music] trust me kid you should play it safe you're right [Music] thanks that's more like it call me when you're ready to come back to work hey jerry is my phone ready yet uh give me five minutes and it should be ready and here's your refund thanks yeah you're welcome hey can i ask you something aren't you benny from youtube yeah why oh my gosh i thought i recognized you my family and i love your blogs we we watch them all the time really no way yeah please don't tell me that you returned this camera because you're going to stop making videos yeah didn't really work out in the end i hardly had any views or new subs better off playing it safe what no no you shouldn't give up i mean you you might not have a lot of views now but that doesn't mean you won't later on i'm telling you your content is amazing you just have to keep going you really think so i know so and besides nobody ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe am i right you're right i can't believe i almost forgot that you know what go ahead and give me the camera back i'm gonna keep vlogging that makes me so happy to hear thank you benny regains his confidence to keep making content his videos start to get better and better and his views kept going higher and higher as time goes on he ends up gaining over a million subscribers on youtube with some of his music videos even getting over 10 million views eventually he even meets his dream girl and then one day he goes to pay his mom a visit [Music] ah benny oh it's so good to see you mijo ever since you moved out you hardly come home i know i'm sorry mom i just been super busy lately but i have someone to introduce to you who hi princess olivia it's so nice to meet you oh it's nice to meet you too wait is she this is the girl i was telling you about alondra she's my girl now and soon to be baby mama i can't believe it i'm going to be a grandma oh so done felice come in come in que he's become quite famous now and he brought his novia alondra they're gonna have a baby together actually grandpa you don't need to work anymore here this is for you is this part of me yeah you don't need to break your back mowing lawns anymore and there's more coming too who said i said benny i don't want to see anyone wow i'm so proud of you betty and i guess you were right no one ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe thanks mom do you like it you love us yes and the baby does too great i'll make some i want to know everything how you met how far along you are baby girl you know my situation for me and stack all these blue faces excuse me where are your slurpees at sorry come on uphill i don't know what you're talking about don't you work here you must drive a cab then i actually need a ride to the bank so i can deposit this check i don't drive a cab you know you can deposit a check through the banking app you're a software engineer
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,785,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: uprrjEqBxGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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