Rude BOSSES MISTREAT Employees, They Live To Regret It PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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hey boss i'm so sorry the train was running behind schedule and i was you are 10 minutes late peyton what you sitting there doing your makeup all morning right now i have to write you up no please it's my first time being late no exceptions and also those designs have better be good you know how important this client is that's coming tomorrow [Music] hey boy i'm so sorry i'm late hey don't sweat it can you believe that game last night no the lebron was unbelievable thank you again for the invite hey no worries perks of being in the boys club hey do you want to grab a cup of coffee yes do it can you believe they're defense i can't believe he was so hard on your case and said nothing to conor the perks of being in the boys club yeah tell me about it are these your designs wow they're amazing really thanks i'm trying to get that new senior designer promotion that just opened up so i worked extra hard on these well everyone knows you're the most qualified designer on the team oh nice shot you know i got tickets to the next game too you in oh i am down hey boss here are the designs that you asked for and action what is this this is not what i asked for at all oh well i just thought i'd add some personal touches i think the client will really like them what is with you women your constant need to change things huh never mind gunner let's see what you get oh uh actually i never got a chance to finish my designs this is all i have i mean after the game i was just so hungover and then just all right it's all right you know after that 30 egg obama just finish it tomorrow before the client comes in what are you waiting for you're dismissed tomorrow is a very important day our new client flies in and if he likes our designs it could be the biggest deal in our history we should do another boys night to celebrate when he says yes oh yeah i already got it planned out no anyway the new senior design position opened up that means i have to promote one of you so i decided to go with the most hardworking the most talented and the most reliable person on our team that person is connor congratulations huh wow thank you so much i know i'm new here but i promise i won't let you down i know you won't okay let's get back to work big day tomorrow [Music] excuse me sir but connor i've been here twice as long as him and i've worked three times as hard how are you gonna choose him over me okay you are doing an awful lot of talking back today peyton you pmsing i just i just like to know what he has that i don't let's just say some jobs require a suit not a skirt so that's what this is about you gave him a promotion because he's a man i would be very careful if i were you unless you want to get written up again or even worse fired you know what you don't have to fire me because i quit i'm gonna take my designs and i'm gonna start my own company [Laughter] you a woman you're just gonna come crawling back to me when your business fails we'll see about that peyton ends up quitting her job as roy laughs on at her the next day connor brings in his designs and shows them to roy they're nowhere near as good as peyton's roy begins to really stress out so he decides to ask some of the other employees for help tired of the way roy treated all the women around the office they all decide to quit roy has no choice but to rely on connor's drawings meanwhile peyton works hard to perfect her designs on her own she completes them and prepares to pitch them to a new prospective businessman [Music] on the other hand when the client arrives conor presents his drawings the client takes one look at them and is so disappointed that he walks out on the spot ending their multi-million dollar contract the client ends up going to a new design firm led by a super talented designer none other than the talented peyton peyton and her team impressed the client so much that he gives them the new deal on the spot peyton's life starts going uphill while roy's life starts going downhill without his client or his design team he ends up falling behind on his bills and can't keep up a few months go by and then peyton happens to run into her old boss again and this is the common office area we know we used to work here oh great then you probably have already seen the executive office right this way here it is ah peyton i knew you'd be back you've all come back to beg for your job i suppose uh no actually we're here to take over this office space what are you talking about we're expanding our business you can't do that this is my office was your office you haven't paid your rent in months you could move in as early as next week if you're interested it's perfect we'll take it great i'll get started on the lease right away but i don't understand how can you afford all of this well let's just say some jobs require a skirt not a suit i want you to meet carson i just hired him it's nice to meet you um gordon dog do you mind if i speak to you for a second sure why is he talking through that thing oh he's non-verbal autistic but don't worry he's really smart shoo i gotta get this wait are you sure about this i mean venice has really been slow and having someone here with a disability could make things worse oh don't think of autism as a disability think of it as a different ability that's all sorry i got a rundown um hey you uh we what should i work on hey boss the fryer's not working can you come take a look at it uh yeah sure look just stay out of the way okay come on work okay so what are we gonna do we got customers coming in an hour we need this fire up and running well i don't know what to do look let me just try to get some help in here hey get away from there before you break it even more i can fix that well if we can't fix it i highly doubt that you could fix it who is this and why does he need that device to talk oh he's nobody he won't be working here long look i'm gonna go make some calls and see if i can get this thing fixed just don't let him touch anything there it's a lot of fun you want to give it a try yes ah okay come here and i will show you how to make a flower all right so you just go like this now you try [Music] wow you are a natural so have you always wanted to work in a restaurant my dream is to become a manager um well i'm sure you will be in no time so yeah right there just what are you doing oh well i am just showing carson here how to put on icing are you trying to ruin our cakes give me that look what you did now this cake is ruined because of you i'm sorry it wasn't his fault don't you give him another cake he's just gonna ruin it [Music] how about we give it another try yeah okay hello hey uh we have a group of friends and we're trying to decide where to eat can we look at the menu of course wow that is so cool yeah seriously what's your name carson you know what carson we don't even need to look at the menu we'd love to eat here we'll go get our friends why are these customers leaving did you talk to them on that thing yes oh great no wonder they didn't want to stick around you know i told gordon it was a bad idea hiring you they said they are getting their friends they was just being polite but of course you can't pick up on that or anything else for that matter that's not true you see growing up kids never wanted to play with me if they only gave me a chance they'd see that i had a lot to offer it hurt a lot when they'd exclude me [Music] but if they just took a second they'd see how capable i was but what hurts the most was when people would hide me like i was some embarrassment if they only knew i'm actually really great with people so you see i don't think of it as a disability i think of it as a different ability [Laughter] oh come on hey i'm all about supporting people on the spectrum but we all know that autism is a disability is everything okay no i told you it wasn't a good idea leaving someone like him here he's almost destroyed our fryer he's ruined a brand new cake and he just scared off two customers we need to let him go immediately what is this true hey good news the fryer's working oh great that company i call come fix it no carson did it what are you talking about there's no way he could have fixed it no he did it took him like what five minutes it's pretty impressive actually i've never known anybody as smart as he is well i uh uh i don't understand that hey tell gordon how carson ruined that cake ruined the cake are you kidding take a look at this wow that's beautiful carson did it not only did he bake the cake he also did the decor honestly i've never seen anyone learn as quickly as him he's so creative sounds like carson's doing quite well no no no no no i'm telling you okay let's ask these cussers now carson scared them off watch hey hey do you mind telling my boss what happened earlier how carson scared you off wait scared us off what are you talking about well that that is why you left isn't it no we left to get our friends because of him you're you're friends mm-hmm they're coming oh they beat us and this is the guy i was telling you all about oh yeah carson [Music] it's nice to meet you i haven't seen the restaurant this busy in months looks like carson's got a special gift wow he'd make a great manager that's not a bad idea wait what him the manager but he's got a disability i told you autism is not a disability think of it as a different ability you'll be reporting to carson right away [Music] oh this is ridiculous i can't believe this baby girl you know my situation can mess with me and start all these blue faces i'm the real benny you're supposed to be studying for med school not wasting your time with this again i know ma i'm just taking a little break honey we talked about this making videos and music is not a safe career but being a doctor is that's why you need to be reading these books and sticking to your warehouse job until that happens but i'm not trying to play it safe man hello benny hi grandpa that was work papa no me being my back hurts from mowing all those shouldn't be working so hard we really make enough to even pay the rent anyway i need to go rest i feel so bad for him then why would you want the same life for me me quistas havelando grandma played it safe right he's been cutting lawns working the same egg factory for years and all that got him is a bad back and no money that's not the life i want well he didn't have the chance to study like you do so please don't throw this opportunity away on some silly little dream of yours benny mama i want the best for you i know but i'm telling you i can make it as a rapper on youtube all right just check out my lyrics [Music] baby girl you know my sister what baby girl are you talking about you're never gonna get a girl without a safe job that's not true my dream girl alondradesi she's also a youtuber look and one day when i blow up she's gonna be my girl just watch it's never gonna happen mijo and i don't wanna talk about this anymore what are you doing i need that what you need is to be studying and aren't you going to be late for word yaka si sona zoce man i can't wait to quit this job tell me about it at least you're going to med school soon doing something you love more than i could say wow man that's not what i want to do if i had a choice i make videos i mean music here check this out don't mind the quality i don't have a real camera yet baby girl you know my situation come mess with me and cycle these blue faces dang man that's hard bro man i say forget everything else and focus on this i wish what about this job what about med school look my all i'm saying is if i was as talented as you i'd quit right now seriously you really think what's going on here nothing we were just slacking off now that's what you're doing sorry boss i was just showing mike some music i made well that'd be fine if you were a musician but you're not you're just a stock boy so unless you want to get fired i suggest you put that phone away and get back to work you're right i'm sorry there good don't let me catch you wasting time i was against time what did you say i said i wasn't wasting time making music is my dream look since you're just a kid i'll give you some advice don't waste your time chasing silly dreams now what you should be doing is stalking these shelves and playing the safe what is it with everybody telling me to play it safe nobody ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe i'm getting sick and tired of you talking back to me well since you want to be a musician so bad then maybe i should do you a favor and fire you right now actually that won't be necessary because i quit i'm gonna start a youtube channel and i'm gonna make it big in music you'll see [Laughter] yeah right the only thing you'll ever be is a big failure are you really serious about this if you keep walking away from me it's over do you hear me benny benny quits his job and doesn't look back he's never been so determined to chase after his dream he goes straight to a store to buy a camera when he realizes he's about to spend his very last dollar on equipment he hesitates for a second but then he remembers that he'll never accomplish anything great by playing it safe so he buys it anyway he starts vlogging and creates all kinds of content he does some comedy some lifestyle and of course his personal favorite music after shooting each vlog benny goes home to upload them onto youtube he does this day after day so excited about his channel but every time he uploads he quickly realizes that he's not getting any views after months of trying and failing he starts thinking that his mom and his former boss were right so he decides to give up on his dream uh i'd like to return this okay was there anything wrong with it not really i just realized i don't need it all right no problem benny what are you doing here um oh i see guess that big idea didn't work out after all though yeah i guess not what is that you said again before you walked out yeah that's right you said i'm gonna make my own youtube channel and become big in music you'll see [Laughter] well guess this is me seeing right what do you want from me to tell you you were right fine you were right happy look you seem like a good kid i've been trying to make you feel bad i was just trying to get you to be realistic yeah i tell you what you can come back and stock shelves for me what do you say [Music] trust me kid you should play it safe you're right [Music] thanks that's more like it call me when you're ready to come back to work hey jerry is my phone ready yet uh give me five minutes and it should be ready and here's your refund thanks yeah you're welcome hey can i ask you something aren't you benny from youtube yeah why oh my gosh i thought i recognized you my family and i love your blogs we we watch them all the time really no way yeah please don't tell me that you return this camera because you're gonna stop making videos yeah didn't really work out in the end i hardly had any views or new subs better off playing it safe what no no you shouldn't give up i mean you you might not have a lot of views now but that doesn't mean you won't later on i'm telling you your content is amazing you just have to keep going you really think so i know so and besides nobody ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe am i right you're right i can't believe i almost forgot that you know what go ahead and give me the camera back i'm gonna keep vlogging that makes me so happy to hear thank you benny regains his confidence to keep making content his videos start to get better and better and his views kept going higher and higher as time goes on he ends up gaining over a million subscribers on youtube with some of his music videos even getting over 10 million views eventually he even meets his dream girl and then one day he goes to pay his mom a visit [Music] benny oh it's so good to see you mijo ever since you moved out you hardly come home i know i'm sorry mom i just been super busy lately but i have someone to introduce to you who hi princess olivia it's so nice to meet you oh it's nice to meet you too wait is she this is the girl i was telling you about alondra she's my girl now and soon to be baby mama i can't believe it i'm gonna be a grandma oh sorry done felice come in come in yes benny he's become quite famous now and he brought his novia alondra they're gonna have a baby together you know what i'd love to stay in talk actually grandpa you don't need to work anymore here this is for you is this part of me yeah you don't need to break your back mowing lawns anymore and there's more coming too i don't want to see me wow i'm so proud of you betty and i guess you were right no one ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe thanks mom do you like it you love us yes and the baby does too great i'll make some i want to know everything how you met how far along you are baby girl you know my situation for me and stack all these blue faces [Music] hi mr weston i'm scarlet it's truly an honor to meet you sir i'm such a huge fan of your films scarlett when i pursue your photos i thought to myself i am gonna make that girl a star really it's always been my dream to be a movie star mr weston oh please it's harry no formalities here it's just you me now ah let me take that quote from you thank you glow me um please have a seat make yourself at home you know six months ago nobody even knew who she was but after reading me she should have covered a magazine that's how fast i can make things happen really wow that is so exciting you know i've been trying to figure out who i'm gonna cast as a new lead female my next movie quite honestly you kind of got the look i'm going for do you mind reading a few lines for me sure i'd love to oh wait before you start helps take the edge off i don't really like to drink while i'm working thank you wow you're gonna cheer me down that is not a good way to get a part in one of my movies i'm sorry you're right okay here i go so you see you should never judge a book by its cover because um let's actually start with the last scene um start with the line richard i will never forget you okay sure richard i'll never forget you thank you for teaching me what it feels like to love again and then i guess well don't just say it act it out i need another actor for that it's okay um you can use me [Music] okay go ahead i'm sorry i just don't feel comfortable wow you know i thought you wanted to be a star i do i've studied acting practically my entire life i know that i'll be really good in this role in this business it's not about what you know it's about who you know okay i happen to be one of the most powerful people in hollywood do you understand me okay oh gosh okay i have to take this call look why don't you just come back tomorrow night read with all the other actors okay do a table read this time do what you're told hey karen oh of course i remember you when i saw your photos i thought to myself i ain't gonna make this girl a star hey oh hey girl congrats scarlett i'm so proud of you so tell me how did he go with harry weston good i guess hey what's up is everything okay no he got really touchy and made me feel really uncomfortable but i don't know maybe i'm overreacting [Music] i mean every hollywood actress has to deal with this right what no that's not okay he has no right to treat you that way i don't know what else to do he decides who gets cast in his new movie listen to me you are one of the best actresses that i know you don't have to put up with that you happen in this business it's not what you know it's who you know he could be my only chance at becoming a star you don't need him to become a star what is that line you used to say from your favorite producer darman the only person that decides how successful you'll be is you [Music] thanks remy [Music] at least the other actors will be at the table read tomorrow so it can't be that bad [Music] hi harry scarlett you're just in time come on in wait where's everyone oh don't worry about the other actors they're not important what is important is this contract it's to play the lead actress in my new film does this mean i have the role almost uh in order to get this contract he's got to do exactly what i say you understand oh i'm sorry no i just don't feel comfortable i i thought you wanted me for my acting abilities not anything else scarlett i thought i told you in this business it is not about what you know it is about who you know okay you need me to become a star so what's it gonna be the only person that decides how successful you'll be is you you're wrong harry you may think i need you to become a star but i can be successful on my own with or without you [Music] you just made a huge mistake your acting career is over you will never make it in this town without me scarlett oh yeah watch me [Music] ah hey i'm sorry i don't mean to be nosy but is everything okay yeah you just had this horrible experience with this movie producer trying to take advantage of me wait are you darn man oh my god i'm one of your biggest fans i watch all of your movies oh my gosh thank you so much but i can't believe that that just happened to you i'm so sorry thanks i just thought meeting this producer was going to be my big break but i think i'm just not meant to be a successful actress hey there's only one person that gets to decide if you become successful or not do you know who that person is me exactly and ironically enough i'm actually looking for an actress to star in my next film so if you're interested here's my card shoot me an email sometime really oh my god i would love to thank you so much you're welcome i hope you feel better omg you're scarlett jones i cannot believe it's really you i'm like your biggest fan ever oh thank you do you mind if i get your autograph sure no problem oh awesome yes well well well if it isn't scarlett jones i must say i'm impressed you're the talk of the town hi harry i got it could you make it out to michelle please awesome okay there you go awesome thank you so much my friends are totally gonna freak thank you look at that you've been on the front cover of a magazine so how'd you do it which big shot did you have to sleep with you know what harry you may think women need some big shot like you to become successful but you're wrong because all i needed was myself one day you'll realize your mistakes by that time it'll be too late oh really oh are you serious yeah can i help you fbi you're under arrest for harassment what do you know who i am oh yeah i know exactly who you are you can't do this let's go [Music] every time she comes over she makes me feel like i'm a bad woman you never let me do anything well that is bad parenting or a bad wife that's a diana's job like i'm not good enough with you she's my mom what kind of a wife are you you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 7,482,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: U80KnKhUEwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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