Absolutely Unhinged Episodes | Kitchen Nightmares

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Harrison New Jersey is home to the Spanish Pavilion located a mile and a half from newark's historic iron bound neighborhood an area highly populated by Spanish restaurants the Spanish Pavilion was opened by a man ahead of his time Antonio Fernandez my grandfather was a Pioneer in the Spanish cuisine Lee opened up in 1964 the first Spanish restaurant in the state of New Jersey it retired after 10 years very successful and then came out of retirement to open the Spanish Pavilion in 1976. Antonio finally retired for good in 1996 leaving the successful Spanish Pavilion to his daughter balbina and her two sons Jerry and Michael table 11 please ma when we took over the Spanish Pavilion was the place to be it was a line out the door five years later everything still got down the tubes terrible the Customs complain if you see the same old menu the same old dishes you know flavor blend no flavor that sauce is good I don't care we're like a casual Family Restaurant and we have to wear a tuxedo and you're serving people with shorts and t-shirts it just doesn't match looks like if you're in a wedding party in 1973. Michael and Jerry they don't care anymore they don't like to put time in the business where's my brother Michael little Valero stopped cooking you gotta be here more of them more often and now it's out of the kitchen more out than in I'm dying to have a drink my staff might complain that I'm not here a lot but as far as I'm concerned I don't know what I'm doing Jerry doesn't do anything so the mayor's coming to pick up lunch he's always on the phone he's always this he's always that I'm a councilman in my town tomorrow night we'll celebrate Victory I smell it in the air and I am out of here more but sometimes I don't want to be here enough because Michael can get a little tough what the hell happened to this [ __ ] hey with the lobster fish oh you're screaming and yelling and I guess it kind of wears you out you know there's a real easy solution for this [ __ ] problem Michael what stop it it's Michael stop it Michael and Jerry have a lot of differences and I find myself in the middle I don't want to hear any more about the situation too bad my mother is at this restaurant right now just to make sure that my brother and I do not kill each other but didn't you place needs big time to help I don't know what to do on a Saturday night maybe I'll do 10 15 20 dinners that's not paying the bills I still haven't even paid my fish guy I gotta pay my fish guy we're in the debt over five six hundred thousand dollars I'm scared we can't support our families on this business so it's a stress don't do anything it takes to succeed the Spanish Pavilion is all I got thank you [Music] hello hi hello how are you somebody died did somebody pass away no no it will look immaculately formal but tuxedos Undertakers at a funeral how old are those suits they are beautiful huh made a measure thank you very much thank you wow wow these guys are stuck back in the 80s they look like little penguins and they're wobbling back and forth with their little you know little tuxedos Hi how are you well I'm slightly in the dress my apologies you're okay I'm very nervous about Chef Ramsay coming into the restaurant I wasn't a fan of this idea Michael was and I'm a little nervous I'm the mom okay great so my first name excuse me balbina where's that from from Spain oh wow would you like to come to the table I'd love to this will be Joe he'll be here sir welcome to Spanish Pavilion very happy to see another unique tuxedo wow thank you very much you wear this every day for lunch yes lunch and dinner anyway so when did the Spanish Pavilion move 1976. wow take me back to what it was like in this day uh my grandfather worked seven days a week at 75 he would jump behind the broiler and do the meats I mean if he were in his prime right now I know he would be doing a better job than we would you're here five days I'm out a little more lately because I was elected as a committeeman in my town politician yeah I enjoy it I really do Jerry don't care for the business anymore if you know this business you cannot be do politicians or something else my brother and I both went to Johnson Wales University for this and I worked the front of the house my brother did more of the culinary end and he's the Chef Cuisine [Music] I don't know if he's the chef but he's in bath there quite a bit thank you no problem thank you listen and no playing around right now I don't worry about it we're gonna nail this put your phone away are you ready oh yeah let's start off with Lobster biscuit okay sir um I'll go for the uh marinara if you want to know how special it is wonderful and now that is the people are coming for the chicken and garlic sauce on the bone love it beginning I walked in I thought it was a funeral now I'm in Spain yeah you've got me back okay brilliant yeah I can't wait I'm gonna make sure you got nothing to do with this order I ain't hanging my boys to the drive but I'm so confident overseeing my guys that I got nothing to worry about these guys been by my side 15 years now go go go man go let's see what he thinks it just looks disgusting I clean it it's always ice cream yeah it just looks like lobster was dead before they cooked it they're from the largest from the tank you want to take a lot okay dead no I think they're just sleeping you must be dead we keep a good eye on this you keep a good eye on them surely not these spots are dead a dead lobster no he's gone what I'm concerned about is everything else in there they've been feeding off that Lobster don't become full of bacteria look that is extremely unacceptable dangerous people can get extremely sick with that I'll get rid of this right now okay please all right love you bye melted [Music] it don't smell that Lobster's fresh even though it died it's good this is Michael pretty good good I'm doing fine thank you I know you saw a lobster there that passed away well I try to we try to check that every day I was just slightly concerned to see the dead lobsters in there I try to freeze them right away and then I make the best from there okay you must be busy thank you enjoy thank you okay I want to say everywhere now the chicken and garlic sauce it's like they're swimming thank you oh dear it's like a [ __ ] Exxon Valdez too much olive oil for you you think there's too much olive oil in there it's like a heart attack waiting to happen I hope it's a hospital nearby chicken tastes like absolutely Dreadful taste the chicken let's taste that until it's dry you sound like a position now okay I'm not [ __ ] around that's gross do me a favor can you ask your brother to taste that yeah I want you to try this what's the next dish okay send a fire the paella what did Michael say he's trying it right now we're gonna find it what do you have to say I thought it was [ __ ] good I'll tell him that have faith on me baby this ain't a normal guy it's a bread huh the pain in the neck he thought it was [ __ ] good [Music] wow the people that was [ __ ] good that I'm screwed if you're screwed imagine how I am and this is the uh Aya marinera The Lobster in this Boya did it come from the tank comes from the tank okay would you be so kind of tasted for me yeah badly badly seasoned yeah it does overcooked this is ridiculous that this pan even came out out of respect for your granddad that is a joke give me five minutes we'll have a chat together yeah please thank you thank you and stuff purposely wrong or is this by uh I mean is that it's overcooked all right all right you've offset and listen he's right about everything nothing I can do about that right now I feel utterly embarrassed and humiliated the way food went out the way it did it killed me okay I'm gonna get straight to the point [ __ ] bisque dead lobsters and a player that burned [ __ ] at the bottom this is your grandfather that put this thing together was he sending food out like that no what was wrong with the chicken and garlic the chicken was way overcooked maybe the piece you had it was dry but I finished the plate did you cook that dish no I did not cook any dishes here today [Music] what do you actually do Michael yeah I don't taste everything but I try to taste as much as I can [Music] you're the last line of defense out of every dish that I had there today what did you taste of mine every single one at least when it came back when it came back if your grandfather sat on my table today they'd be beating the crap out of you I'm proud of what went out today this is the food I do this is how they cook it and I know the food over here is good you're [ __ ] dreaming Michael Hi how are you enjoy your meal tonight welcome to a Spanish Pavilion after an afternoon that included a dead Lobster in the tank a miserable lunch and a head chef that doesn't cook Chef Ramsay is anxious to observe a dinner service at Spanish Pavilion for you David coming up where's uh where's Michael he's just sitting at the back at the bar how are you doing bro nice to see you Michael can we get ready I'm ready Jerry we're ready let's see how ready you are no one's really in the back of the house you know observing and making sure everything's 100 I think my brother should be monitoring that watching it despite head chef Michael being absent from the kitchen dishes are being sent out there goes they're here ready unfortunately they're on the clock you want me to cook them a little more it's just not done enough not done enough they're also coming back so these are undercooked and a little chewy undercooked yeah they're right it's raw on the inside look at that that's completely is raw yes it happened a lot of times it should happen but it happened a lot of times the kitchen have another system is no one person charging the kitchen it's supposed to be Mike with dishes coming back Michael jumps back into the kitchen this came back Michael what was this I don't know what that is but so does Jerry and both brothers are trying to take control of the kitchen Michael yeah take this off the window right now I don't know what you're pointing at Jeremy you're driving me nuts I won't let my brother dictate what I do or how I run my business give me those crab legs right now crabs Mike can anyone work together here and this is absolutely [ __ ] hideous king crab legs already out no this is just snow no there's no king crab legs out my God it was gonna take this long I would have definitely had something before we left hopefully it's worth the waiting you get involved you know you confuse me see give me only I take is the yellow teeth listen to me listen to me give me a pork chop video Mike was in the middle you try to do everything and you know it got it confuses a lot of people I need an order of Spanish potatoes and rice stop yelling I'll knock you out right here you hear me we need to get organized big time everyone's arguing each other no teamwork anywhere nope I'm gonna go home in a minute okay me too I gotta go home too okay give me no it's not getting to me give me those lobsters no people are waiting and they're right here where do you want them up your ass a minute give them to me I'll take them out keep it together listen give me that [ __ ] food I want to send out I want all right the [ __ ] food out let's come here come here with me I want the [ __ ] food out leave me alone leave me alone just leave me alone give me the food that I want the customers are waiting for the food everything you can ah we're okay we're okay I understand you're excited right now talk to me later it's two hours into dinner service that's completely raw with dishes being returned and very little food leaving the kitchen give me the food that I want the customers there's now chaos in Spanish Pavilion I want that [ __ ] food out leave me a [ __ ] leave him alone and it's all too much for Michael get out of here what's the matter with you stop him stop it now Michael stop it oh no way just stop stop what the [ __ ] you doing Michael should never touch somebody no stop it oh my God no right to do that Michael should not do that that's where my brother sometimes doesn't get it let's get back in normal here go take a breather is that normal yeah um he can get he can flip like this sometimes yeah it can't work like that [Music] jumping around like a maniac I calm down calm down calm down uh Michael calm down calm down Michael you calm down now and stop making a big show out of it I'm not Mom stop it I was the one that made the show out of this again my fault stop it yeah I lost my temperature in the Heat of the Moment it happens but we gotta calm down regroup and let's just breathe with Michael cooling off outside the kitchen manages to pull it together five's ready take it out sending out the last orders of the night have a good night thank you okay uh what are they I've never ever seen such a disorganized fragmented service ever disaster confusion in the kitchen chaos in the dining room The Lads of confusion Michael I thought you were supposed to be running the kitchen I don't think you realize how bad tonight was see in the morning [Music] after a night in which 21 dishes came back during dinner service [Music] oh my God this is wrong Chef Ramsay comes in early to do a little investigating they're not drumsticks bad crab sticks just dumped in here to top off another bag oh of Alaskan crab you know dates No Labels how on Earth are you supposed to run a business when you've got no idea what's in the freezers was down here [Music] I think God it gets worse look at it it's absolutely jam-packed chicken after chicken after chicken my big worry is how much chicken does this restaurant really need I mean they're just bags of it and not only that smell it's horrific oh my God look at these fillets I've seen less packs at an army base it's over 50 packs of meat and whoever's buying this needs to be fired now what worries me about this is It's one more fridge upstairs [Music] what's that [ __ ] pigeon oh my gosh it's never ending just when I think I've seen enough there's more look dead decomposed soft dead oh that's the snails what is that in there that is a raw dead Lobster that is disgusting it's two hours into Chef Ramsay's inspection Michael balbina and Jerry arrive unaware of what Chef Ramsay is doing and what he has uncovered morning morning I just need you for two minutes who in the hell buys produce here who who's responsible for that I am you are [ __ ] pigeon what I'm trying to look at are the profits the purchasing the thousands of dollars waste these here they came in yesterday that's dead let's have a look around here Jerry please and you wonder why I don't like your sauce that is a dead Lobster [Music] and the freshest thing in this kitchen is that pigeon flying around and he's lucky he's still alive I thought that the kitchen wasn't somewhat decorated I think it was that bad no I'd love to turn around and say that's it have you seen what's downstairs in the fridge [Music] where do I start with this cool this [ __ ] meat here I wanted to make sure I was ready ready for one Whatever came your way I don't know what to expect you're burning money you haven't got [Music] why is this like this and what happened Michael somebody's not doing their job in in the kitchen this expensive produce here this is ridiculous [Music] yeah my fault and my foot on our refrigerator I'm disappointed that so much was ordered in advance there's no excuse for that spend some time together I've got to wash my [ __ ] hands before I get diagnosed with [ __ ] staphylococci you need to concentrate you know what maybe I'm overwhelmed mom maybe I'm trying to do everything and I can't maybe the office the ordering what's the most important I gotta iron that out man this is the most important and I try my hardest I don't know what to tell you about about all this meat and everything here I'm out of here right now it's overwhelming I just don't have the answers [Music] don't we know this is so sad you know that what would your father say if he walks in here and saw that no my father be upset what I I saw it down there today it's not the Spanish Pavilion no it's not what I was brought into the quality of the Food meant a lot to my father It's upsetting and I would hope things wouldn't get to the extreme that I have to close the doors I don't know right now it's gone through his mind but it's concentration right now is totally off he's all over the place it shows Joey has to put in a little more too and when he's here he should concentrate on the restaurant forget all your politics Jerry needs Michael Michael needs Jerry they now have to roll up their sleeves work together but more importantly they're going to set the differences aside as brothers and stop being so stubborn because that's what they are then the business is fragmented [Music] today's Chef Ramsay is determined to move the Spanish Pavilion in the right direction and he knows one step is getting Michael back to where he belongs I want you to think of something that you want to cook in the kitchen cooking something that go on tonight as a special yeah sure right out of college I had a lot of passion I had a lot of creativity I would come up with dishes a little easier but I don't know if I'm going to be able to come up with something that's going to impress the chef right first of all I want to do a chicken and garlic yeah a modern version I want you to work with me at the same time I started off with olive oil start off with butter it's going to burn I'm excited about having the opportunity to learn from one of the top five most famous chefs in the world we've got that nice saute sear on the chicken from there you put it over the top and then just scoop up a touch of that sauce modern spanish cuisine what do you think that you want to cook my grandfather is really well known for some octopus okay and I want to make some octopus with it nice go for it I'm nervous right now I hope this dish comes out right through the years I've lost some of my passion for this kitchen so far it looks good I know that Chef Ramsay can help me by bringing my passion back and I'm looking forward to it this is the octopus okay and roast potatoes yes [Music] good that's nice yeah I like it presentation as well I like it and tonight on this side of the line right yeah yeah chef Ramsay's chicken and garlic dish and Michael's octopus special are going on tonight's menu the chicken dish is a modern version of a garlic chicken but after serving the same old menu read the special bite to me I'm sorry 20-year veteran Joe is having a hard time with the change chicken a chef on the bone or the garlic chicken Chef on the bone come on you can do it Joe yeah but you're making me nervous now I'm making you nervous just put your head in there for two minutes cool it down head in there that's it there we go stay there for two minutes [Music] Hi how are you can follow me please thank you enjoy okay guys let's go yeah Chef Ramsay knows the success of this restaurant depends on Jerry and Michael working together Michael yes sir I want to look at you yeah and I want this level of communication much better than we had last night so tonight both brothers are assigned to do what they do best Michael cooking behind the line all right listen try to take care of this area and Jerry running the pass Michael listen to me oh look at me one minute if the [ __ ] hits the fan I want you to listen to me yes sir no I mean yes sir okay I gotta admit I'm a little nervous right now I don't know what to expect I'm afraid of failure I might [ __ ] up but just remind me we can handle this all right we're gonna see the chicken today the chicken our Chef a little uh for wine called jerus from Spain cherry cherry wine okay lemon juice and a little touch of butter sticky right let me have a chicken special I might first order comes in there's a special one right it's good it's good it's like perfect bro but it scares me I just don't trust a little nervous so hopefully we'll get it for the night okay I'll take that chicken and garlic out first one of the night go Table Six despite Michael's lack of confidence I'm not going to be able to do it the specials are not only leaving the kitchen oh wow the customers this is really good are thrilled with what they are receiving delicious I like it wow with the dining room now full and orders pouring into the kitchen I don't know what's going on Michael not used to being on the line is starting to buckle under the pressure all right give me table three or six we gotta get this food out there's no rush well there's a little bit of a pressing now we'll let him wait well it's been taking an awful long time is it meal food's taking a long time to come out yes that's too slow those are way too slow oh tables are going to get up and leave in 10 seconds I need table 13. it's about four three minutes away don't keep asking if we have all these tables waiting for food and Michael is overwhelmed with his kitchen duties I need him to focus just put it on the [ __ ] plate right now shut up come on guys as tensions escalate in the kitchen very little food is making its way out to the dining room and one customer who was lucky enough to receive Food the chicken's dry and mushy isn't exactly happy I didn't like it Cherry it's not normal it's not [ __ ] normal that one chicken it just didn't smell right oh come on oh no Jared yeah she said Michael Yes urgently greatly smell let's go no smell it don't just say [ __ ] yeah it's gone you can't serve that [ __ ] tonight I felt utterly embarrassed and humiliated at this point we're just going to shut it down oh stop stop it's an hour and a half into dinner service and while Jerry and Michael continue to clash in the kitchen just put it on the [ __ ] plate right now Chef Ramsay discovers something disturbing oh no spoiled chicken in the Spanish Pavilion you can't serve that [ __ ] tonight oh no ow have you got chicken in the fryer did you pass that chicken hey I got one don't serve it don't serve [ __ ] death now go get me a chicken let's cut an order real quick fresh right now Michael how many fresh chickens are downstairs a case and a half a case and a half downstairs in a [ __ ] fridge and he's serving you that sticky [ __ ] you're cooking it and it's oh you know I don't know why that chicken got there we got fresh chickens downstairs you know what we gotta use that fresh chicken then but when you're in the weeds you have to focus all right we have the chicken and garlic they're using it downstairs thank you if you're gonna keep the customers waiting you've got to make sure it's right I'm not gonna let it crumble go get it we gotta get this food out give me that chicken and garlic let's go Jerry you'll get the chicken of garlic when it's done please ow ow give me table two [ __ ] this give me table two that's it with Jerry clearly stepping up as the leader take this to table two the evening is salvaged and food is leaving the kitchen once again everything's coming out right now at the end of the day getting that food out is like a relief thank you you might have had to wait like an hour but we'll get it down eventually [Music] honestly tonight was better every like the specials but let's not get too excited about tonight because the quality control has to be much better you're absolutely right and Michael your cooks are passing you stinking rancid chicken but you didn't Spot It Jerry I thought your performance tonight was Bloody good thank you sir tonight was better hopefully we're headed in the right direction good night [Music] with the Spanish Pavilion at least headed in the right direction Chef Ramsay and his team work overnight to give the Spanish Pavilion a modern makeover good morning good morning good morning chef good to see you [Music] not much has changed over the last 30 years right correct today is the beginning of a new era and through that door is your future are you ready to see it yeah Michael are you ready one two three come on in look at this oh my God nice that's what I'm talking about warm inviting atmosphere we removed the stained glass to give it a modern feel unreal and then down here we've increased the seating so we have a lovely bankheads tablecloths have gone gone all the tables have been replaced it's modern and it's warm on the table tops we have the most amazing China oh baby provided by table tops unlimited awesome how exciting is that I love it baby it's amazing I feel like I'm in another restaurant I couldn't believe the openness of the dining room glad to see the table quads gone the new plates the Spanish look I felt like I was in Spain it's awesome nice following the much needed redesign Chef Ramsay now turns his attention to attracting new customers when your grandfather opened his restaurant there he did not face the competition that you now face I really do mean competition look oh at that 2010 40 Spanish restaurants within a two mile radius of your front door having studied in the neighborhood all these restaurants are serving the same bloody food you have an opportunity now to stand out are you ready to see your dishes oh yes come with me let's go please come through small Tapas is the taste of Spain authentic delicious and homemade you have to push the Tapas this is what around a roasted lamb Spanish meatball in a fresh tomato sauce bacon wrap dates yes sauteed prawns the garlic a little bit of shaved fennel olives Manchego cheese yeah we're going for flavor Simplicity and we're going for Spain I love the new menu to be different is incredible that is the key to make our restaurant stand out but just as important here are your new waiters come in come in come on come here look at these guys they now no longer look like Undertakers oh baby I love this guy okay tonight is your night there's nothing that you cannot do here good luck thank you [Music] Chef an order comes in who's touching that ticket who'd you think Jerry that's right he's actually not going to give it right there absolutely definitely but Jerry he's gonna lose the tickets I'm afraid he will not lose it why talking so negatively oh no I'm trying to foresee just focus right yeah yes you're thinking too hard it must hurt right now I have to trust my brother and I don't know if I could do that I'm worried that the whole thing could fall apart with over 40 Spanish restaurants in two square miles this is our new menu Chef Ramsay's menu overhaul will now have the Spanish Pavilion standing out the curl katha's is great excellent and then we'll do um but will the brothers be able to pull it off here we go first order coming in one meatball one Manchego croquettes and the clams with chorizo come on guys this first order we got to do it right let's go [Music] this driver is one date stable 11. okay looks wonderful brother hey let's go this is gone let's go after that's a rack of lamb meeting how was it fantastic yeah [Music] this is a great way it's a great idea that we came up with extra Revenue the dining room fills up another order coming orders continue to pour in and it's time for the kitchen to face its first big test send me that table six Table Six didn't we send now that went out six well no we did six went out Jerry or maybe not no it didn't no it didn't no it didn't all right two meatballs no Michael Table Six doesn't have any meatballs Michael let Jerry do his job I think Michael is overwhelmed and he doesn't Focus that's what we have to deal with almost every day with Michael that's it Go 17. Jerry whoa whoa you got the crook get the Sherry she left with Adam For Whom the water is one muscles no no you're right you're right you're right get organized buddy yeah like a [ __ ] rabbit in a headlight look at him let's go Michael's confusion in the kitchen turns the dining room when it was taking them so long yeah into a waiting room Michael listen to me Michael you know listen and Jerry's attempt to restore the communication I need listen to me listen to me falls on deaf ears I need a ship right now so table five started seven get their appetite table five no table seven did not but before table seven I need table five it's not gonna cook any quicker than where you asked for it brother right do you you I step up to the mark a little bit okay I'm well with your team we all know Michael feels that he has to be in control at all times Jerry it's my line so the reality is if the person on the other side of the line is Expediting the food that person is the orchestra leader he's got to listen to that person no matter what and right now I'm that person Michael you have table seven over there please it did not go out no give me three skirt States over there right away right here three one two three Michael suppose it's relaunch night at the Spanish Pavilion and while the restaurant feels new the mounting pressure has brought out the old Michael and the restaurant is teetering on disaster I need table five didn't that go out no give me three skirt steaks over there right away right here three one two three Mike come here two seconds you have to keep it together he's your brother you can't do that in front of the [ __ ] team you've got to show me some [ __ ] respect yes it's hard but you've got to back off he's upped his eyeballs in the [ __ ] ways and you're laying into [ __ ] slow down it's your brother and it's your business and his business got it yeah sure come on yes sir Chef Rams is 100 right I cannot argue with my brother I overdid it man I made a mistake and it won't happen again I'm Gonna Learn and it's gonna be better right regroup and organize after that Jerry what would you like I need those clams and I need the paella marinara for two and then after that's a rack of lamb meeting in my hand sir that's it right there right okay that's very hot okay God bless let's do the bar I need an order of gombas coming right now that's what I need with Michael and Jerry finally working together be right out if that subscribers be right out the two brothers complete dinner service on a high so good that's your dessert very good all right okay okay this is good best Spanish restaurant in this area [Music] tonight confirmed that the Spanish Pavilion is back on the map and ready to compete but tomorrow it starts all over again tonight wasn't perfect but we did make an amazing transformation thank you it was wonderful to meet you likewise likewise likewise just to hear the chef say you guys can do it really got to my sons YouTube 30 seconds in the bath please together for them to realize if you work together and you concentrate you got a good business here you have an amazing opportunity now to really turn this restaurant around but it requires both of you Jerry I thought you were just some politician you are a genuine leader thank you Chef thank you great potential Michael a big heart but you've got to focus behind that line if you stay focused and master those dishes you'll get there I promise you I will I promise Chef Ramsay came here and I had the intentions that he was going to help put this place back on track I think he did more than what I expected I think he ignited my passion in the kitchen again put me closer with my brother this is what we needed and look after each other good night [Music] when I first arrived here I was meeting by a dead Lobster and a restaurant stuck in the 70s and in just a matter of days the Spanish Pavilion has been transformed but this restaurant will only succeed if those two brothers find a way to stay United and work together [Music] Big Brother little brother in the weeks that Fallen okay take this to table two give me those Jerry embraced his Roller's expeditor give me the free Harvest and is now devoting more time to the restaurant and I need a filet mignon medium well you have that working right Jerry meet him what I was waiting on Michael is staying in the kitchen let's go here you go there you go there you go and cooking full time and the new menu is being well received by the customers more importantly these brothers are united and carrying on the successful Legacy left to them by their grandfather Providence Rhode Island home to seven colleges and a thriving art scene this Renaissance city is a constant beehive of activity in 2005 Abby and her best friend Rico bought a restaurant called down City smack in the center of town Rico and I were on the beach one day and I told him that I was interested in buying down City and he said I want to own a restaurant too I was spending a lot of money in restaurants eating and drinking and I figured why not give myself the money instead make it a double he has a full-time day job and job is to run you start with all the specials I'm gonna get the wine okay well I've been in the restaurant business for 33 years so the decisions I make I really don't consult week out about them I just do them and this would go perfectly with the pork special I am the checkpoint behind down City and I was putting 100 of my faith in Abby but at this point it's not going well I need more asses in the seasons I think it's a beautiful restaurant I think our menu is creative and the food is good I don't know what's wrong what's all [ __ ] up Abby has our blindfolds on because she doesn't want to admit that she's part of the problem just give him no let me do it Abby acts like whatever don't argue Cruella Deville I just want an answer when I called something out Abby is a complete complete psycho [ __ ] [ __ ] I just want an answer which is a recipe for another disaster I am fixed it yesterday I checked it before I left it's like really [ __ ] happening I'm not yelling I'm talking they think that this is a democracy and it's not if you cannot follow my rules then get the [ __ ] out as long as you work for me you do it my way and upset it's basically Abby's way of the highway and it's definitely why a restaurant's failing Welcome To My Nightmare it's just like mushies if people are complaining about the food maybe there's something wrong with the food it's impossible applies to be ice cold maybe just Abby's saying it's great does not make it great that's how the plate is prepared do you not like it no she built this 50 item menu that is just horrible they hate the chicken Thai arts what nobody can say anything about the menu because it's her menu she takes it personally maybe they're not the right decision but they're my decisions I have to get Abby on board to move forward because my life is at stake here all I think about is why people are not coming to my restaurant if something happened here where I had to declare a bankruptcy it could very strongly affect my day job that's stress we've got all these bills to pay this weekend that's the stack this week I've called upon Chef Ramsay because of his honesty and bluntness but he's going to have his work cut out for him I guarantee hello Chef Ramsay how are you from town city nice to meet you likewise my pleasure and your first name is Abby Abby good to see you and you're the owner I'm the owner general manager everything my business partner is in here he'll come in tonight okay great his name is Rico right so you're trained classically in terms of absolutely not you would not want me to cook you anything oh really and on a scale of one to ten mark the food what would you say where are we it's a 10. wow wow wow yeah I'm starving because the room service next door was shocking wait the room service next door was shocking what do you mean it was shocking there's a little hotel next hotel we do the real service for that hotel what was the problem honestly yeah that was embarrassing why what did you have there's pissy grainy soup that was Stone Cold hold on it gets worse crab cakes that were stone cold in the center it was just like this ball of mush disgusting disgusting disgusting whoa I was like oh damn he went there he just really went there that's impossible that's impossible of a crabby Stone Cold you're telling Mom exaggerating I think you're one of those customers that I would fire immediately yeah you're fired customers I have okay well let me sit down and eat can I suggest something I don't need to search anything because if you're now telling me that that room service was you at your best I'm [ __ ] myself before I start eating let me tell you that wow wow wow I don't know what he's talking about blah blah blah blah blah where would you like me to sit I'm gonna go right over here excellent describe the food for me um comfort food middle of the road middle of the road when was the last time somebody sent food back today oh today oh you did wow wow wow I'm sorry okay um I'll look through the menu is this I suggest something or no you don't want to make suggestions if you're going to talk to me honestly fine if you're going to start you know going defensive I'm not going to get defensive I'm just defending what we do here now Abby I'm not here to argue you asked me to come here and look at this place to help you out let's get one thing clear straight away cut the [ __ ] okay you're gonna sit there and start bullshitting I'm not sitting upstairs no go for your balls big time wow when you just told me five minutes ago that the food's 10 out of 10. the room service is perfect base it on Louise and I'm Gonna Leave unless you start telling me the truth I I don't know where you're coming from I really don't know I absolutely think you're [ __ ] full of [ __ ] I've been here five minutes and already you're in denial I'm not in denial I will back up anything my kitchen does fine I'm open-minded can I ordered food absolutely thank you so much go for it appreciate it wow what a welcoming yeah welcome to Providence another female cage fighters holy crap boy I can't wait to recognize here hey Arya I'm rocking how are you good good and this is Josh Josh so nice to see that friendly face thank you um is the owner Abby you're always that defensive yeah it's scaring me okay appetizers calamari yeah crispy rings with hot sweet pepper sauce yeah I'll go for some of that okay you don't spell peppers like that either no I guess you don't I didn't even notice that haven't been here three years three years okay uh three-way nachos it says it's a party in my mouth yeah well if it's good enough to be put on the menu I'm gonna try it so I'll go for party in your mouth okay and the um award-winning meatloaf that's our claim to fame thanks Josh you're welcome please my God we don't die in Rhode Island okay this is Gordon Ramsay's order let's make orders move I'm a good girl but uh that is not my menu of course I want to do well but I'm not sure what Chef Rams is gonna think he's like is this how you spell peppers in America three feet because of b-e-p-b yeah there's three peas in there there it is good to see you so you're waiting the waiter yes dining room manager yes brilliant and being the Headway to how would you describe the food here okay well this is the crispy kralamari calamari yes and um why does it look so wet uh it's a sauce that they've toss it in just say that again you fry it they fry it and then you and they toss it in the sauce and it's soaking wet all the crispy batter's just coming off you know it's not everybody's cup of tea it's not mine yeah certainly it's not mine either but however I'm optimistic what do you think [Music] um I mean look at that oh my gosh I'm done on that one yeah I understand it thank you you're welcome wow [Music] that's hysterical what was he bitching about spit it out I'm gonna like go at his throat today and this is a party in your mouth this is the part in my mouth should be top plate very hot it looks Dreadful I think I've just thrown up in my mouth what a mess oh boy I'm taking it that was one party you didn't want to attend it wasn't a part in my mouth it was like a funeral in my mouth a feeling yeah well it kind of does look like something died what's mad with that that's gross what well not to look too good here I was ready to light choke I mean this is the one thing I like he doesn't like anything maybe this will be the one what the meatloaf maybe this will be it all right that's the mean joke and this is the award winning the award-winning yeah I'm excited thank you you're welcome it doesn't move on there does it thank you [Music] wow that's disgusting what do we think wow something hot I'm sorry it's sort of lukewarm solidified chunks of crown that's pretty much the norm it must be freaking embarrassing if you deserve this it is embarrassing I don't like the meatloaf here at all we set our stuff up for disappointment when we put award winning in front of it what was the problem it's disgusting can you be more specific I didn't hear I didn't hear what he said I'm gonna have to ask him Abby and Chef Ramsay are going to go to Lowe's can I have a web of the team it's it's inevitable it's going to happen so the food was shocking disgusting dated [ __ ] so who is there Chef here we don't really have one but I guess you don't have a head chef but I guess I'm the closest thing the closest what does that mean talk to me Abby that means that I fired my other chef and he took over and I didn't want to give him a title until he proved to himself that he could handle the kitchen happy what you're employing is a ship with no Captain at the helm and the team desperate for guidance no guidance is no standards no standards there's no consistency so who came up with a menu if this is America comfort food somebody's dreaming here I did I did I take full responsibility for the menu you have no cooking background but you put the menu together Abby you've got to understand how frustrating this is it's ridiculous I don't know what to say fix it you fix it oh come on Abby how can I fix it when you stand there in front of your team rating you and your restaurant and your food 10 out of 10. dreamer I don't I don't think it's as bad as you say it okay stop being in denial can you be more specific about meatloaf what did you not like about the meatloaf oh [ __ ] can you say something besides just loopy I've been called worse than that wake up and admitted [ __ ] bring it on oh come on bring it on what you mean Bring It On Chef Ramsay say everything you've done everything that you've dreamed of doing is [ __ ] I was blown away I need some fresh air [Music] after Chef Ramsay's harsh critique the food was shocking dated and tasteless Abby has a conversation with the one person she believes is always right herself so what do I do like just get out of the restaurant business then obviously my 33 years in the business is like worth last night you have no idea what the [ __ ] I'm doing okay I think I'm gonna open up that hot dog stand down the beach want some tea or something no I believe from the bottom of my heart that he's he's wrong I really don't care what he says well he's completely full of [ __ ] like seriously our meatloaf is like what put us on the map I mean it's great I don't like the meatloaf you really don't I honestly don't we had it the other night together what what didn't you like about it I think our food is mediocre like it's not maybe seriously are you telling me now you don't like it we eat it because we're here yeah this is not my restaurant choice I will not dine here in my off time you're saying for what we serve comfort food meatloaf pasta steak whatever even for that no no so now you're all telling me that you don't like the menu I feel stabbed in the back I guess you're just hitting me with this now you know we're up against if we even opened our mouth about the menu once every time we opened our mouths [ __ ] off [ __ ] you you don't know anything we're all at a point now where we're just like this is what she wants let's just serve it out we'll take it out of the window and bring it to the table that's gonna have an opinion about now oh you're so full of [ __ ] no no no no no no without a doubt she's in denial it's an hour before dinner service and down City's other owner Rico shows up hello unaware of what happened earlier but that's quickly about to change I don't even know how to answer that one of those days I think it's time for Abby to find out that the outbursts and treating employees badly I think it's definitely time she has someone other than myself telling her you can't be doing this ripped make it a double oh Hi how are you okay Gordon good to see you nice to meet you I'm Rico Rico no have you got two minutes sure I'm gonna catch up uh where should we go yeah let's go there he may rip me apart too but I just wanted this restaurant to work so let's get turning it around uh what a day um obviously you weren't here for lunch just explain what you do during the day um I've worked for Credit Union during the day I do their mortgages for them okay wow Finance yes finance and then you bought a restaurant then I bought a restaurant how's that worked out for you so far oh horribly if we had to close this tomorrow what are you in for nine [ __ ] ready this is quite serious [ __ ] now oh yeah what happens it fails I could possibly lose my day job really because I'm in the financial field I'm advising people on what to do with their mortgaging and financing their properties and things like that so you're up to there you've got a big steak in distractions and a huge amount of Jeopardy if it fails you're right there's a line that I walk in here a very fine line I have a lot of bed to take but I totally let Abby run the restaurant and maybe there's a mistake on my phone [Music] with dinner service already underway what about something to drink to get you started Chef Ramsay is eager to spend some time in the kitchen to see how it functions wow tie behind the line so who's doing what explain the line to me and then we have our salad today why is the place so messy did you normally this filthy the last couple days it's been a lot going on that is foul with the kitchen and disarray Chef Ramsay goes on the hunt to find out what is lurking below [Music] oh my God oh this is gross down here holy crap look at that lamb bones just dumped in there like that what is that chicken carcasses oh my God and while Chef Ramsay has his hands full in the walk-in God knows what that's Abby has her hands full in the dining room Abby and calamari with the sauce on the side because it says it's too mushy can I have another calamari with the sauce on the side please and it needs to be cooked a little more I need a spin dip this is cold I'm going out of my mind right now it's a nightmare can we just 86 this special every single one of them has been sent back uh just both of you together one minute why is right now like are you kidding me have a look in there look at the state of what they're cooking out of have you any idea what's in what box uh what goes where over here now you've got a little bag of chicken carcasses on this one here you've got some raw chicken cooked pork there this is you with 30 years in the business yeah hold on it gets worse I don't know what that is well I think they're cheese or something but what is that there what is that what you lost the words the place is a filthy mess look what is that lamb bones who's organizing this you haven't got a headset Jimmy is my head chef so we have a head chef before you weren't ready to confirm he was the head chef all of a sudden we discover a mess down here now disappointed why don't we just celebrate please it's like I was talking to Rico has nothing to do with you it has nothing to do with me excuse me what do you think I'm doing I mean you're being a [ __ ] [ __ ] this wasn't like this hold on it wasn't like this you're calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] I am you stuck up precious little bits let me tell you something boy here we go listen to me you're in denial I'm there you go click the bird that's your attitude and that's your partner I'm really sorry but this wasn't like this before I got here just eluded that woman you know what I'm insane blame me all you want these excuses that you're insane I'm insane you're insane that refrigerator was not like that before you got here you're in denial flip out again I will never allow that refrigerator and those phones The Moldy Lambos I don't even talk to my staff like this I would love you to go I will go you are so denial you need therapy you're just racist of Industry you would get out of my restaurant are you still here not now guys please please please [ __ ] him [Music] right from the beginning Chef Ramsay and Abby have clashed stopping in denial I don't think it's as bad as you say dreamer but after a confrontation over the state of the walking you're being a [ __ ] [ __ ] this wasn't like this you're calling me a [ __ ] also Abby has completely lost it you aren't insane you weren't like that blame me all you want these excuses that you're insane I'm insane you're insane and while she has had enough of Chef Ramsay you are signed denial you need therapy he has had enough of her your Discretions of History are you still here not now guys please please [ __ ] him [Music] please [Music] Chef Ramsay hey guys I need some privacy please this is uh too serious I'm I'm not gonna jeopardize 25 years busting my ass off in this industry to take that from someone so in denial I really don't need this I would rather this restaurant close than have him in here that refrigeration unit was a mess behind the line was a mess I'm really sorry honestly she's got to start listening I I know I and I don't know how to make her do it I really I don't know is he he's coming back tonight isn't it I don't give a [ __ ] we already know he can go to hell for all I get there do you want me to leave I'm out of here absolutely not absolutely not okay I need your help I forgot my 100 support 100 okay I'm gonna go for a walk and I'll come back okay thank you thank you Abby needs to be on board with us and stop her denial of everything we have to break through it [Music] it's a pretty [ __ ] how would you feel if someone is telling you that your life's work and everything you've dreamed of doing for your whole life um is [ __ ] now I'm completely questioning myself and I hope we can have a conversation about what needs to be done in this restaurant [Music] after a volatile evening that included a massive blow up with Chef Ramsay and a week dinner service Abby has been clearly humbled and seems ready to finally listen to what Chef Ramsay has to say okay let's agree on something today's been a [ __ ] day yeah absolute [ __ ] I'm not here to rub your face in it let's get that right but Abby you know I've had failure in my life but one thing I'm not in is denial and when I do make a mistake I admit it I understand so tomorrow we need to start being honest and open so I can start rebuilding I can't rebuild on BS [Music] where we know it can be yeah tomorrow we start again get some rest day and Abby and Rico are on board for change morning morning but before that can happen Chef Ramsay wants to give the staff something they have been rarely given a chance to talk freely without getting fired so this is what we're gonna do I want each of you to write down some questions and direct them to the person you want and to answer this is going to be another hell day for me don't sign your name it's Anonymous I knew that if we were going to do an exercise and talking about the restaurant I knew that it was all going to be directed at me thank you very much okay girls here's the uh the first one wow Abby wine is the menu so huge we are just um to give the customer more choices but the amount of dishes is absurd and the more dishes the lower the standard Abby and Jimmy the quality of the food needs to improve how can we fix it good question and it all comes down to menu size with as many items that there are if you prep 50 items just for dinner alone and then the dessert menu if you can't prep enough stuff yeah it's like you you just can't do it who's putting all those dishes on there oh yeah Abby when I put this menu together I just expected my staff to just do this menu Abby why'd you not allow anyone to express their opinions without it being seen as a personal attack to you [Music] [ __ ] I question and I get upset of the fact that you're questioning what I'm doing that's paranoid we do care about this restaurant you are our friends so we want to see you succeed and the answer I've gotten from you in the past is [ __ ] you that's not true we're just here for money we're just here because we're just here because we can't get other jobs and stuff and it's it's hurtful because when you invest so much time and you do we would do anything for you and I completely realized we've just got to talk more instead of be yelling and screaming can't just be my show it's not the Abbey show it's the down City show are you ready to embrace change absolutely I think this experience is making Abby realize that she has to relinquish control and I think she's going to do it because I think Abby turning around is definitely Paramount for this restaurant to survive as Abby's menu was clearly bogging down the kitchen Chef Ramsay has gone through it and scaled it back tonight I'm just gonna keep it really simple for tonight's dinner service half the items are off the menu and he's introducing a roasted chicken special just type the Press fat side down just cut through everyone decided and we can't have another night like the previous few it's time to get it right happy happy makes it a lot more simple big time folks good evening welcome to down City follow me did you guys decide on appetizers we're gonna have an order of the calamari so we're doing two calamares uh let's get the grilled chicken breasts chicken breasts I've got to get everyone involved if we are going to take down City to the next step to the next level all right here we go fortify at calamari salad make sure everything comes up at the same time tonight's smaller menu is having an immediate impact wipe the plates please better prepared appetizers are quickly leaving the kitchen that's 37 37 up these um appetizers go to 39. can you help her run and when you combine that with a common under control Abbey at the helm we run this tunics table please down City's dinner service is off to a good start at calamari another frize salad no eggs Jimmy we've got to bang all these entrees out I know here you're on apps you're on table 28. one two three come on guys there's nothing coming out Jimmy was supposed to be the leader in the kitchen calling out tickets give me a favor get to it oh you're doing something and they just started crossing paths no one seems to know what the hell they were doing back there 29 and 39. yes or no no I'm still waiting on 28 feet oh [ __ ] warm it's an hour and a half into a dinner service that started out as promising can I have some food up in the window please no dude dude this couscous is runny and gross but unfortunately has declined rapidly they're not even here that's all the way down there they have none of this not surprisingly diners are losing their patience can I get something up on the line please yeah right now right now Jimmy's doing all three sections he's coming the grill it's coming the salmon is covering the chicken he's trying to run the kitchen as well at the same time he's got nothing behind him oh my God what a [ __ ] show an hour and 15 hour and a half some of them where the [ __ ] was that food Let's uh find our server and let's just go did that refine chicken go give it to them I need it right now please come on is it your first time at the rodeo Plano guys have got food dying in the windows Chris please yeah I can't take this it was a disgrace it was horrifying it was embarrassing don't make this they just walk oh my gosh Jimmy doesn't have any excuses anymore his excuse for months has been our menu is too big so we give them a smaller menu to do and they still can't turn it out so I mean where do we go from here I need one chicken up in the line right now with Abby pushing her kitchen staff I'm not taking this out until it's all up on the line can I have a chicken on the line in my hand okay they still struggle but managed to get the last entrees out yes and that's that's everything start cleaning up good night thank you thank you now an unusually calm Abby Jimmy come on here listen to me is about to let loose what I saw tonight was the worst [ __ ] show I've ever seen ever ever seen no I know I know I know it did not go smoothly but they they they they Jimmy we were an hour in before more than two dinners well now an hour in disservice I'm almost accepting that none of us know what the [ __ ] we're doing and we can't get to the next step I'm actually considering that after tonight I don't know if I have the staff to get it back I don't know if we can do it tonight's dinner service was plagued by confusion and incompetence in the kitchen can I get something up on the line please I'm confused on where we are come on is it your first time at the rodeo Plano the problems are obvious to Chef Ramsay but it's time to find out if Abby is still in denial Abby what'd you see tonight what happened is it happens all the time as soon as the line gets hit with a number of slips at one time the kitchen folds it goes down in flames and um I've lost confidence in my kitchen um honestly [Music] Jimmy I'm not blaming you entirely I'm looking at the tools you've got to work with and it's a disaster behind that line there's no way on Earth this group of cooks can pull off a new menu so seeing how frustrating it's been here I made a call to a very experienced Chef in my team to be here first thing tomorrow morning getting your crew at a respectable level it's cool having his Jeff to help us all out and it's going to be a good experience for all of us tomorrow's comeback day we're relaunching with a new menu there's load upper sleeves and push it I mean really push it definitely can't wait I'll see you first thing in the morning absolutely thank you good night what to do and how to do it properly because this is it it's not only my kitchen's last chance it's my restaurant's last chance [Music] good morning good morning wow come in how are we good the chef that I brought in James has been here since six o'clock this morning supervising working these [ __ ] with your team getting ready for this menu today your menu will be in keeping with your beautiful restaurants and your great service first up the appetizers come down now these are appetizers sleazing on the eye and fun goat cheese truffle dip honey spiced chicken wings meatball sliders delicious wow now we can have a real party in our mouth Abby can't wait okay on to the entrees the main events seared Lamb Chop classic lobster mac and cheese bacon wrapped Angus meatloaf thank you are to get familiar with the new menu yes get up to speed with those dishes have a little taste it's awesome that's money the new menu is the unbelief kind of surprised that it came out of my kitchen oh my God that is so good bacon ranch isn't that awesome oh my God it's done unbelievable I had no idea that it could get this good oh my God that's amazing I've been for years describing this restaurant as creative comfort food I had no clue this is creative comfort food [Music] I've never seen Abby this emotional like she does have a heart embarrassed he does have a soul it's amazing there is a God now we're just gonna make it work [Music] it's relaunch night at down City and while Abby and Rico get the front of the house ready for the most important night in the restaurant's history we got a rock this town tonight kitchen and then we're gonna go here table by table until we have to do kids yes Jeff James is doing the same with the kitchen staff every dish perfect every time what's how are we doing tonight welcome welcome have you had a chance to look at all the new and fun exciting menu items that we have let's go guys yeah I want to hear you tonight I want to hit you too yes let's go only minutes into the service a locally renowned food blogger has arrived Stacy Place ripped apart her last meal at the restaurant happy you recognize that yeah you know how important she is but Chef Ramsay convinced her to give it another try she has ten thousand followers she blogs tomorrow we're ten thousand potential customers back up I've tried everything on this menu today so if you have any questions you feel free to ask any favorites oh yeah definitely the golden cheese truffle dip really stood out for me well that sounds really good Jimmy you and I we're going to be communicating all night all right right now in the window I need that fish and chip I need that slider sliders up Chef a reinvigorated Jimmy has the kitchen moving in the right direction calamari sliders Jimmy John Frazee Island on the Fly and the new menu is being embraced by the customers wow but just when it appears as though it's going to be smooth sailing I need a chowder a calamari a slider Jimmy did you call the calamari for table 30. I just did Abby and Jimmy listen to me are having a communication breakdown because I need four soups and one chowder up in the line please that's incorrect Here We Go Again The Reef repeat is going down we're [ __ ] Jimmy focus on 37. yeah this is the golden ticket this is it all right lead ticket I'm troubled didn't take six minutes yes yes I get in the oven Jimmy look at me we're falling behind to work together come on guys there's nothing coming out please let's get this food out give me a time on the Truffle dip please just she's not blogging now actually what's she doing she's definitely vlogging she's vlogging live from the table we've got bloggers live from their table guys I need a travel dip up on the line right now urgently please I was horrified we are slipping like the night before yeah vlogging as we speak I wanted to like just scream come on guys we need some food on the line there's nothing hitting the window come on guys I need to see some food up on the slide taking long literally my kitchen going down in flames a minute Abigail and there was literally nothing I could do it's 45 minutes into dinner service let's get the an influential food blogger who can greatly affect the future of down City I need a travel dip up on the line right now still has not received her appetizers I think two seconds take over take over let's go Abby waiting for appetizers getting hungry okay this is not [ __ ] now menu's there chefs are there I need you there control it yeah I know what you're capable of yes and it's been tough for the last couple of days granted however gotta find your voice okay come on all right please please it's double time to step it up we want everything to go right with that table and we're gonna get the job done listen Jimmy they're already blogging that they're waiting too long for food let's get this book out all right how long on a solo truffle dip urgently please so we'll do it behind you thank you trouble them in a salad Caesar's there with that Caesar I need sliders and a truffle dip come on happy completely triple jet amazing yes yeah come on let's keep it going yes entrees make sure they come together okay fire that table please yeah Jimmy well 37 did you fire I did fire because so we got everything this is a really good with Abby focused on the task at hand Come On Let's Get Loud back there and Jimmy in full control of his kitchen you guys can fire that fish and chip quality entrees are quickly heading out to the dining room food looks amazing the food looks obviously I'm so amazing it appears as though blogger Stacy place has reached her verdict and she's not the only one do you like that and those chips aren't they delicious a lot better than last night right yeah definitely how was everything delicious right there everything was great great thank you so much for coming in and we're gonna see you again I was living an absolute kitchen nightmare and my dream just came true I'm absolutely shocked like this is the restaurant I've always wanted those are the last two desserts Jimmy it's awesome thank you it's a new Del City I'm just absolutely loving it right last night I said down City needed to make a comeback tonight we did just that well done each and every one of you pulled off a great service customers loved the food Abby how do you feel babe I feel beyond belief fantastic looking back at it now I was so unprofessional just out of my restaurant the new Abbey is professional I just want to continue learning it's just made me such a better leader come on in give me a hug you're not gonna ask me he's not gonna ask you that's why I Gordon Ramsay are asking you for a hug come here I absolutely love Chef Ramsay and uh I'm gonna miss him when he goes thank you very much Russell this restaurant is getting back on the map that it hasn't been in a while and I know it's only going to get better good night without question the biggest transformation this week is Abby which I never expected as Abby goes so goes down City if she can keep her call this restaurant's gonna be a huge success wow party in my mouth please [Music] Jeff Ramsay left Chef James stayed on and continued to train the cooks it gets prepped and put away allowing Jimmy the chance to thrive all right now he wrote me inflated that sells the lead and Abby rewarded him with a promotion I wanted to introduce to all of you our head chef James Berman eager to spread the word about their upgraded restaurant nice to meet you Abby and Rico hit the town this is a crispy pork belly and a lettuce cup doing some Grassroots marketing by giving out samples of their new menu it's right down the street it's walking distance Chef Ramsay save my restaurant he really did but I've got to continue it I promise him that the next time he comes back the food will be a 10. [Music] Ventura Boulevard one of LA's top destinations for shopping and dining on this Main Street is a landmark restaurant called The Freight a bistro owned by French immigrants Andre romillian Laflin open in 1972 we were the only French restaurant on the boulevard right this way there was always busy even at 12 o'clock at midnight we were packed after years of success Andre's son Alex was eager to join his father at Le Freight I was looking forward to my dad and myself making this restaurant work for the next 15 20 30 years but two years ago Andre's daughter Celine decided she also wanted it on the family business Alex do you care this going out like this the soupy you're the boss I know my brother's not happy that I'm here I know he wishes that he could just keep going the way he was going I think that this restaurant has so much more potential than it's already had and I really felt like it could really make a difference here we haven't eaten much I can make this at home not food is mediocre at best I've been cooking a lafrid for about 19 years I'm responsible 100 for everything is in the kitchen I don't think the manual is is there is nothing wrong with it onion soup is bitter onion soup is bitter Martinez in Napoleon complex just the number table he's the little man with the big mouse actually just slowly kind of go down and down and down souffle is coming back to Aggie I've made my comments I can't tell anybody anything um Alex just I either get argued with or I get told no uh wall Alex he's a little lackadaisical sometimes he resents something I'm not the manager tonight he feels slighted he feels shunned my brother and I used to get along really really well and we were very close that the restaurants hurt our relationship pretty bad I don't hate Alex he hates you I know he does it's really difficult for me because I'm the one who has to be the buffered for both of them and I wish sometimes they can understand each other it's so quiet in here the numbers just cut down to a third of what we were doing before now we are dead by nine o'clock [Music] hey we only did about 20 covers tonight it's going to be tough I need Chef Ramsay to come in because someone needs to say hey look this is what's affecting your business yeah it's slowing down but why do we need to change things when it has been working for such and such amount of years we're losing money and it's time for my kids to take over and if the king work together just have to close the door [Music] before Chef Ramsay makes the six mile drive from his La restaurant to the break owner Andre romillian is anxious to meet with him privately how are you today all right welcome to Gordon Ramsey Ramsay to give Chef Ramsay a quick briefing into the problems of his restaurant excuse me two seconds how are you hi my name is Andre Andre Gus here I want to talk to you about the problem with my business first of all in terms of the business it's been there for how long the business has been over there for 38 years wow it's been good to me until they suddenly I'm starting to back up and I want my daughter my son to take over so you're passing to them I'm trying to and who are they Alex Alex is my boy okay the older one and selling a sister so what is the number one problem with the restaurants I think it's mostly the communication between my daughter my son but they somehow it's a big Clash we're selling one and try on our own business and didn't really work out so she came back and worked for me when she came back Alex didn't want sailing to come back because he saw the you're on the place they never really worked together and it's really difficult to to find a solution it's getting to a point where I can really handle of conflict of personality and I hope chair forensic can help thank you for coming over see you shortly okay thank you hello hello how are you I'm great nice to see you and first name is Gail I'm the manager okay great how long have you been here 20 years 20 years here 20 years what's that monster in the middle there that's our dessert case it's what your dessert case is there a problem with the kitchen or does it always stay here it's been here for 20 years that I know of so it came when you came wow what is this that's our dessert crap did someone drop it they could have how long is that brick been sat there that's our homemade bread pudding that's been there I think longer than you's been here huh well there yeah you're right yeah okay Chef Ramsay's right about the dessert case I think it should be out of here where would you want me to sit here yes sir I've been trying to get it out ever since I've been here can you hear the noise of that thing in the motor who wants to come out to a restaurant and sit next to a fridge [Music] um is Andre around would you like to see her yes please yeah okay thank you good to see you good to see you too dessert fresh it's a disaster Andre yes Chef Ramsay would like to see you yeah because Gosling [Music] are you how are you all right yeah good to see you again my daughter how are you good to see you nightwise Gordon coming here was pretty much my idea you're gonna look at the mini for a minute absolutely definitely I'll be right back thank you because it's really become a big pointy finger match of it's so-and-so's fault oh it's so-and-so fault but nobody's taking responsibility for the problem Mom I'm back you have any questions for right now um what quiche would you recommend I prefer the Lorraine that's something we're known for let's do the Lorraine the Lorraine and then I'll start with free salad and then the seafood crate guys this table that's coming in right now is for Gordon I'll take the lefried salad to him she have green tea we like the food because all my food is good how much dressing would you like the usual amount thank you about three quarters to start I'm inside the salad we've got inside the salad is the Romaine the um the walnuts and you've got your blue cheese as well and that's one portion it's massive salads are large and it's usually good it's an entree thank you wow [Music] it's bland the vinegar dressing is so beautiful the vinaigrette dressing is so strong just overpowering are you through the salad so acidic yep I already know did you mention to the chef yeah no one listens to me you knew it was wrong you told them but no one's listening to you sorry my life so why is that Martine doesn't listen to me and he has an issue taking anything from a female it's a chauvinistic stance yes some of it thank you I am embarrassed by the food I just think that it can all be improved immensely Martin your vinaigrette is too vinegary okay you know what is wrong with it because uh we've been running this food for many years Martin you heard me right just letting you guys know what he's saying okay this is gonna be the seafood crave I'm gonna set that in front of you here it looks like a pie basically if they take the dish they line it with the with the Crepes they fill it with the items fold it back and then they bake it they're not like your typical French crepe but why would you call it a crepe if it's not really any crepe I think when the seafood crepe comes out it just looks like a Slurpee mess of flap kind of a word with your big brother does he play or not he's unfortunately not he will be here for dinner service tonight okay all right enjoy thank you okay [Music] that is hideous it's hot in part like in the middle but on the side there Stone Cold [Music] you want me to take it is the oven not working no the oven's working fine you can't certainly [ __ ] and expect customers to flush through the door I understand how long has you been here the Martine too long you're not wrong there Martin lost his Mojo around here many years ago if you got someone who doesn't care about the food they're putting out what do you have Martin he said it's hot in the middle it's cold on the sides he doesn't like it thank you [Music] oh [ __ ] how long has that been under the grill because it looks like it's been overcooked it's piping hot is he microwaving that I don't know girl yes well normally something's that piping hot like that it always tells you that it's been microwaved can you just check with a chef okay I'll check listen thank you okay my team the quiche is warmed in the oven yeah hasn't seen the microwave nope [Music] thank you Chef um quiche no microwave I asked him if he put it in he said no how old are me I'm convinced this has been microwaved look at it it's congealed it's just like a rubber Puck sometimes if he gets a little backed up I I've seen him do it before backed up this is ridiculous and let's go and meet Martine please it's a food issue right now it starts from the kitchen if we had somebody in here who cared about the food it would be so much better than we are now I want you to meet Chef Ramsay come on please you're the head chef and everything I ate for lunch you cooked yes sir lunch was a disaster the kitchen was Rancid where did you heat that up was that in the microwave oven no I disagree okay with Sarah on the microwave and then uh we'll put it on the oven yes so it did go in the microwave that is right yes but you just told me wasn't in the microwave why do you want to lie to me do you want me to lie to you I'm not lying to you I'm just telling you how do I do it I'm so amazed that you're so laid back and like you don't give a [ __ ] talk to me what do you want me to say why don't you care is it because you hate Celine what does it have to do with cookies are because she said to me in the time every time she tries to tell you something bang she jumped down now she will come and attack me attack you yes sir like saying that I'm me here for too long it's time for me to go if you're not prepared to change yeah I think she's right okay see if it is time for me to go I go that was easy Martinez after Chef Ramsay's miserable lunch that's hideous Splash was a disaster Chef Martine is not interested in hearing any criticism and is ready to say goodbye to afraid Martin the blame is is pulling on me that's why I feel like I've been attacked Martin talk to me she's gonna understand how much of the stress and pressure I've been under that I'm burning out I'm burning I'm burning I'm burning I'm oh tell me do you know how much his stress is when I know that I had to work with her and I cannot work like that I feel burned out Celine you know is overpower her you know Authority is a bus and there's nothing I can do even the own Brothers runs away from her like you know she doesn't want to deal with her that's not right nothing now I've got your side of the story tonight I want to see how you cook on a busy night service okay I'll see you later geez [Music] it's 30 minutes before dinner service and celine's brother Alex arrives to begin his shift any updates Gordon didn't make me cry he was actually nice to me that's nice um tonight will be fun Chef Ramsay is going to be coming into this restaurant changing things so do I feel resistant definitely guys coming in now little sis Big Brother uh where's that Dad uh you know what hockey game tonight he's what he's gone to a hockey game wow okay um two minutes with you catch up all right so why weren't you here uh lunchtime um you're part owner of this business that's right but you've never worked with your sister uh no we work separate nights your father came to see me this morning okay to tell me the conflict about you two not working together so why is there so much conflict in here I think the real conflict isn't the the who wants to control and what what you know wants to control things are you impressed that she's come to run the business you shouldn't even be here I would rather her not be here but it's your little sis wouldn't you be stronger and better with a no unfortunately not so what's wrong with this restaurant in your mind I don't see anything wrong with it so you don't see anything wrong there's not a problem with this Russian anywhere you know I would change the bathrooms I would change the different physical wow I'm not here to make you look stupid right but you're sounding ridiculous let me ask you again what the [ __ ] wrong with the restaurant [Music] um in your eyes there's nothing much wrong with it all right let's go we'll see okay well thanks for the inside yeah absolutely and he's not going to be willing to accept this and move on and take it as constructive criticism it's not going to work all right you guys we ready [Music] hello there well Andre is at the hockey game hi ladies how are you his two children Celine and Alex are working a rare night together which is good because the restaurant is packed as word has spread that Chef Ramsay is at Le Freight and you're doing the lamb special okay special three working three I'm proud to be doing the cooking because I know what I'm doing excuse me when you put things on the grill there you don't season it salt pepper on yeah sorry for seasoning there's nothing on there right now yeah what do you mean right now when were you going to season them then yeah right now right now okay now no seasoning on there they should I think they don't they salt and pepper when they put it on the grill they're not they're not Martinez Martinez Martine and I have never gotten along he ignores me I don't get answers Alex can talk to Martine but Martine does not like hearing anything from me what is that that's quiche but it's been overcooked you're kidding me you don't listen to my opinions because it's me Martin yeah talk to me yeah come around please I'm talking to you yes sir are you serious okay one more coming up I just said to Martin would you come around for a minute you're serving now you don't walk away and ignore me huh Alex has never taken confrontation well you try and talk to him about something and he just walks away you joking around or you normally like this just sort of giving up I've been giving up I've not giving up absolutely we're walking around with a big bravado it's wonderful wow this is the most disorganized restaurant I've ever seen Martin the chef he's burnt out Alex well he's so laid back he's almost comatose Andre Leona who makes all the decisions he's at a freaking hockey game and the only one who cares Celine everybody ignores her unbelievable oh by the way the food sucks unreal it's chewy and the sauce is just gooey the lamb has got like no flavor oh no I'm sorry uh I said the land has no flavor yep okay I know why it doesn't we didn't salt and pepper it we don't even season it bring on the menu let Alex know what table it is please Alex is coming back now thanks Courtney thanks a lot is this normal evil cat you know what this is really this is gonna [ __ ] up everything you better get a grip I can't get in the middle that's really sad we've been running the restaurant for 38 years and things don't need to change you're not real it hurts I love my brother and I know he's better than what he's doing here right now and I wish he would realize that everybody's here to help otherwise uh Alex will ruin me Alex look at me I'm fully assisted bully me I'm not bullying anybody take a bit of responsibility I am wow what a [ __ ] sponge this is destroying us what a [ __ ] I have to choose it's only an hour into a shaky dinner service this is gonna [ __ ] up you better get a grip and Chef Ramsay is frustrated with Alex's arrogance Alex I can't I'm not gonna get in the middle that's for Celine she is clearly feeling the resentment from her brother what a [ __ ] many things I did this to set him up stop calling the anger I can see the anger It's gotta come out now I understand every day is a fight what am I supposed to do I can't keep going and I feel like I'm the only one fighting so everybody looks at me like I'm the [ __ ] I'm the one who's fighting make me even more of this better I don't even think that anyone knows how much I care to work it out with you I just move on I take a breath and push through it that's it there's nothing else I can do can you call your dad can you get your dad on the phone and get in bed would you uh I'm here please yeah I'm ready to go I'm telling him it's urgent I will maybe can't be bothered to get his ass over here to look at the mess that he's left I'm out of here [Music] hi Papa you need to see this right now a lot of food's coming back you know and just Alex is really just kind of just nonchalant about the whole thing and it's really kind of pissing boarding off the same attitude he always takes Papa you know exactly you know okay bye [Music] Andre you've got two seconds unbelievable first of all I'm slightly concerned you weren't even here this is much much worse than I could ever imagine the worst thing of all is Alex attitude he has an attitude with you or what with me he has an attitude with himself why is he so arrogant problem with him not accepting his sister and I suffer you know a lot because of that you know they can't work together it's a fire he hates her being anywhere near him in the restaurant whilst they're avoiding each other oh yeah the kitchen is diving it's sinking quicker than the Titanic what's the solution can't leave it all to me I can't help you unless you start helping yourself I'll see you in the morning after a long night of contemplating the fruits main issue good morning how are you good morning Chef Ramsay is focused on bringing this family back together I can't begin to fix this restaurant because there's so many personal problems here because nobody's opening up in front of each other I want to try something so I just want you to bear with me come with me two seconds okay please take a seat I want you to sit here watch and listen what's happening between Celine and Alex don't leave this space I'm gonna talk to Celine how are you good how are you wow no yeah don't take his seats okay that was tough tough night last night this restaurant's been running for 38 years but the legacy is not going to continue with this kind of attitude the fragmented relationships between the families is incredible you and Alex are so disconnected how did it get to where it is today communication broke down like underneath all that deep down inside do you think Alex resents you I know Alex resents me wait why I think that he feels like he's the older brother and he thought it this was yes he thought that he was going to be able to run it the way he wanted and his world came crashing down your relationship with your father is it different to the relationship he has with Alex yeah I think that he thinks that my dad in the end loves me more for some reason [Music] hi Hi how are you I'm very good sit down we were just talking about you oh yeah why don't you just explain to Alex what you just explained to me so we used to be very close but I think that you're bitter towards a lot of things you've got a lot of resentment I don't know if it's only towards me if it's towards other things I didn't see you wanting to to come here it felt like he was going to give you the restaurant I felt like you know I was losing not only the passion and the pride but the the whole aspect of the restaurant I still have that uneasy feeling like do I belong I put that wall up yes I did you know that you know that foreign [Music] [Music] it was the first time that I got to look at you in the eyes and known that you're serious about it the separation between my sister and I definitely wasn't working and she made me you know realize we need to get unionized and we need to get together with each other and work together I want to do it with EU [Music] I love her and if of course we're going to work together and I really thought you hated me for at least you need to talk you're a big brother for God's sake we gotta figure out just a way to talk again we used to talk we used to we used to have fun best friends this feels incredible it's the most important thing for the restaurant that my brother and I to be family of her for us to get along for us to love each other let me leave you guys for a couple of minutes on your own thank you okay let me get some fresh air the walls kind of came down which is exactly what needed to happen for this family she definitely showed me that we need to respect each other and that the respect for each other is what's going to make Le free succeed if we can continue the Legacy and continue the heartbeat of lafree you've got an amazing son and daughter there that are desperate to get this place right huh that's one thing I really want is a sweet to communicate or talk to each other and you know he was earning me [Music] one step at a time yeah yeah that's it I was watching dogs [Music] I love you [Music] foreign both of you are going to have to work with each other and listen also we have some in charge and we should sit down anytime we have a decision we need to go one way where everybody work together we have seen a big step on the communication I just opened because my fingers and it's going to hold [Music] after a breakthrough emotional meeting between Alex and Selene I love her and of course we're going to work together Chef Ramsay is now ready to start implementing some changes gone is the 20 year old dessert case that sat in the middle of the dining room oh Jesus and in its place a contemporary crepe station there you go real quick we start doing some Crepes for tonight's menu Chef Ramsay is replacing the Soggy heavy casserole crepes with fresh Light traditional Crepes try that it's excellent yeah it's really good foreign [Music] Alex will once again be in charge of the front of the house but he will also be supervising the new crepe station and will be assisted by Gail a little fresh deal on it as for Celine she will be in the kitchen Expediting and working alongside Chef Martine Martine you and I are going to really need to chat I'm gonna go completely off the specials sounds good do you smoke salmon crap yeah yeah okay is it all up what is that it's an omelette you want it again you tell me can he not cook an omelette it should be able to can I get two new ones is anybody listening yes I'm ready for this Martin try to communicate please right here just stop and come round look at me look at me in the eyes look I can't serve that what's that it shouldn't be like that look at the [ __ ] oil slick come on guys Baba do you tell him we don't drown it in there yeah okay he's going after that he has too late Dwayne my nine-year-old daughter can come back from that Marty yes I just want you to care yeah I got that I'm struggling his little communication trying to trying to get everything fired who's making the Cutler Show while the kitchen struggles to push out food there you go thank you Celine customers who ordered the crepes are thrilled with what they are receiving for the old menu it's disappointment after disappointment it doesn't have any flavors did you want anything else [Music] they said they're old and they don't like it it's disheartening to see how much food was wasted time I literally feel like we are you know back to square one so get a little bit organized it's always late yeah last night you were the only voice of reason I could actually understand so they're gonna listen you understand Communications of the essence guys how many minutes are it's out on table 19. kitchen Chef Martine continues to ignore Celine but in the dining room Alex is a new man pretty darn good huh I'm getting my routine here he's energetic and working hard to satisfy customers any way he can ham and cheese including making delicious satisfying Crepes so yummy [Music] let's be honest we all know where the problem is Celine the head chef is not acting as the head chef and watching the food come out properly and for every crab dish they send out it's closing that door quicker I have seen what you have seen I have seen some stuff which I don't like they need a leader they need a better leader you're right without that they can't respect us that's the engine room in there if that's not firing on all cylinders we're screwed understand what I've said absolutely tomorrow but I want each every one of you to get ready for some major changes [Music] with the family now all on the same page Chef Ramsay moves ahead with a 40 year old facelift of for Freight good morning good morning good morning are you ready let's read let's do it Celine ladies first off you go oh my God [Music] how much does that blue pop out now it's beautiful how about the awning's gone can be a ball now it's not smothered with a hideous hoarding we've opened up and it's got that modern French Bistro Vibe we've got custom artwork on the wall look at it wow oh my gosh I'm going to say oh my gosh I'm on the wrong restaurant or what you know it's really a fantastic change [Music] it's awesome I think it's just beautiful look at the two of you I think it's a new beginning and we're turning that page from the 70s to the Future [Music] this restaurant needs to be cool hip and trendy to compete so the menu needs to reflect that wow cut down it's a classic Modern Bistro take good okay tonight we are relaunching lefreet new restaurant new menu more importantly a United Family with a brand new attitude to put this restaurant on the map is one of the most important worries on my mind last night there was a glaring problem your kitchen was nowhere near strong enough to relaunch this restaurant so I made a few phone calls and I found a secret weapon please welcome Chef chewy come here buddy good to see you hello good to see you buddy are you good yeah I'm happy to be here with you guys okay this man has over 15 years of experience in French bistros whilst I'm here I wanted him to be over every little detail in that kitchen teaching your Brigade this menu to make sure we haven't got issues you get another voice thank you okay let's go we've got some prep to do while Chef Chewie trains Martine and the kitchen staff Chef Ramsay reveals the stunning new menu to the family okay the new menu at the fleet it's gorgeous it smells good in here already let's have a little run through on the menu from the top something classic in French is Cargo French nails Popeyes with croutons in there minced filet mignon yeah classic garnish finish a little quail egg on the top the entrees Coco van braised chicken and red wine Swiss chard and turnips braised lamb shank truffle polenta and Brussels sprouts a Frenchman's dream it's good I love it it's gorgeous I I'm just flabbergasted I mean it's beautiful this is how it should be this is exciting it's a great menu you know I can't wait to see excellent food coming out of the kitchen oh my God I mean they're all amazing it's good that's all that's all I know after almost 40 years without a change it's relaunch night at Le Freight how are you you'll be the first customers of the new leafree and time for Chef Martine to be tested okay great you all set yeah good Chef Chewie will be there to support him and oversee the crepe station let's go a little nervous because after 20 years cooking the same food almost every day you know the new menu is totally different it's it's three minutes into service all right and appetizers are not only leaving the kitchen quickly awesome they are a hit with customers that is great but back in the kitchen our two sift is yours and a corn envelope crate trouble is brewing as a frustrated Celine how's my cord envelope crate tries to get answers from our team communicate hey Celine you need to talk while an organized Celine tries to expedite Martine continues to ignore an hour and a half and almost nothing is leaving the kitchen okay we'll leave absolutely so I'll bring it around do we have Table Three they're doing it right now they're doing it right now perfect how long for this do you think because otherwise they say they will cancel about five more minutes five more minutes oh yeah five minutes I have five tables all waiting an hour and a half for their entrees and I cannot do anything I'm screaming at them right now I'm still late we're leaving throwing that 20 they're walking out now 20's walking out now and basically it hurts me so much to watch any table walk out of here without even getting served their food just completely out of control I'm not [ __ ] serious man [Music] it's relaunch night at Le Freight and after a 90 minute wait I am screaming at them right now it's too late we're leaving the first table has walked out wow it's unbelievable don't worry about 20 they're walking out now serious man what's wrong none of my tables have the [ __ ] entrees one of them walked out they're done oh [ __ ] how servers in the dining room everybody else shut the [ __ ] up for 30 seconds this is really important Celine I need you to get a grip of the kitchen I need you to delegate please I want your way to take control please tell him that yeah chewy please take control of the kitchen yes ma'am thank you [Music] let's go guys we should be able to do this come on how's cable eight working I need like four or five minutes for that yep perfect what I liked about Chef true is when I said something to him he would acknowledge me and say okay and that's how it should be okay with Celine and Chef Chewie now working in complete Harmony we're going to table seven please thank you thank you entrees are flying out of the kitchen yes yes and the freaks relaunch it was worth the wait finishes on a positive note I have no other table I'm finished take a break thank you guys great job guys congratulations [Music] right um first of all let me make something really clear you will not be able to move forward unless you make major changes in that kitchen I don't know what would happen to this restaurant tonight if Chef chewy wasn't there let me tell you that but Chef Cherry can't do alone it's true the family's United now you as a family have to fix the kitchen yeah Gordon made us realize that we need to work together on making changes you know building a team that's going to continue getting this restaurant to to the next level and Andre when you first came to me you were worried about these two I want them together they can work together and they they prove it not to me but to you they are fine and they just want to make you proud I'm proud of them this has been a really really incredible experience it's great to have made it through and made it through a stronger person and a stronger family and a stronger restaurant as a whole thank you okay take care it was you were great no more crepe and a casserole no I promise thank you so much good night this week we definitely definitely fixed a family but I'm not too sure we actually fixed the restaurant we've given all the tools it was up to them to make the tough decisions [Music] blue in the days that followed Chef Chewie was brought in full time as the new executive chef pour it on Blue crepe thank you very much Chewie and is continuing to build a strong team in the kitchen it's okay there you go crispy Bon Appetit enjoy Alex and Celine are working hard to continue the family Legacy so I need the freeze salad and the pool but more importantly they are doing it together bye Selena [Music] nestled in the middle of the up-and-coming neighborhood of Eagle Rock California is Capri an Italian restaurant which is owned by the Theo twins hi I'm Jeff yeah no I'm Jeff you're Jim I'm Jim and we're the owners of the Capri Italian restaurant for all the time and we love the place so we said we'll buy it the feeling was it's like dude free pizza all right yeah yeah word word uh-huh team Capri the twins are like two overgrown boys jeffy's getting larger let's play symbols they're just kind of immature oh I show you how you do the chicken flu excuse me they're just doing what they know and it's not working sorry are you okay sorry yes everybody is entertained by their childishness but it is a restaurant and we're here to serve food that looks good oops you know what these guys can't cook [Music] we gotta figure a better way to do the lasagna we're getting too many people saying it's overcooked do you think we should cook it less food that comes out in the kitchen looks terrible what do you say it wasn't cooked it's raw down with them all it's embarrassing it looks like nobody cares you sure you don't like raw chicken they're an issue Jim and Jeff are lazy all right I'm going to the car Wake Me Up When It's Over lazy is an understatement that's when's highest priority is doing as little work as possible [Music] there's something that we're doing wrong and I'm not sure what it is but in the financial situation hit the pooper we're broke oops pink is never a good color I haven't paid them for a few months we need help if things don't change I would say the doors will close quickly hello now the phone's not working again fingers crossed that Chef Ramsay's gonna help us um [Music] Capri Italian dining since 1963. closed since 1963. oh my God hideous too hello hi there how are you pretty good I'm Jeff good to see you good to see you likewise uh it looks shut from outside uh yeah we're not open yet are you not open yet now when do you open uh four o'clock dinner only yeah and you're the uh owner yeah my brother and I are okay great would you give me my brother uh yes please what's his name Jim Jim and you're Jeff yep oh my God look at this place okay just say hey how's it going it's fun to play jokes on people in the Twin Union book you gotta mess with people what is your brother not available no no gym no come on no I miss brother you're kidding me no I am seriously I am serious Jeff go get Jim come on don't listen all right I've got work to do hold on please hold on hold on I'll get it what is this The Comedy Store look at them are you kidding me come on guys Jeff and Jim yeah correct jeez look at you too you are identical you're not dressing like this especially we were this as this is for the rest we've even got the same sneakers on it yeah head in there pen there I didn't even notice t-shirt I didn't notice a bit of flour there but a flower there yep it's quite scary Jim yep and Jeff yep so who's in charge no uh basically I am I've worked here longer than he has okay since 1963. come on no no we bought it about 14 years ago okay so why don't you open for lunch the capris never opened for lunch which is good I'd rather go on the computer watch TV play poker the problem is for lunch we have to get another whole staff Goof Off sit in the sun you haven't even tried it no I haven't no I'm not ready to jump into the lunch yet okay but you open every day for dinner Wednesday through Sunday say that again Wednesday through Sunday what's on Monday Tuesday so help me understand this okay right so you're actually close longer than you open yeah ready okay well thanks for updating me I'm gonna sit down and eat yeah right over here thank you let me get you some water I'll get the water no I'll get the water jeez seriously are these menus from 1963 as well no they're getting old I know we have to get if you're kidding me but look at that is this a joke no it's not you're kidding I believe they're they're falling apart we can't even read that it's so dirty First Impressions wow okay give me five minutes have a read of the menu okay yeah and I'll I'll catch up with you guys later yeah okay holy crap I don't know what Chef Ramsay expected but it's not a shishi place I'm not a shishi kind of guy I'm more down to earth oh hello how are you Colleen I'm your server today okay nice to see you Colleen how long have you been here nine and a half years decades yeah seriously what was the last thing we got changed in here oh is it this is still the same way the original owners had it wallpaper's been up there for 35 years oh my God so let's go through the menu yeah let's start off with um meatball sandwich I love meatballs who makes them they come from a company that we order from you're kidding me no you can't even make your meatball I can okay let's go for meatball sandwich and let's give the chickens capella okay pizza oh let's go for the Capri colossal you want the big one yeah why not okay okay I'll let you put that order in okay thank you you're welcome okay what do we have to make scary pill meatball sandwich extra large colossal he wants an extra large Jim get me an extra large dough a colossal all righty oh dear there's a sauce down there crap yeah just disgusting everywhere let's tape on the carpet look at this place when was the last time the place was cleaned not lately how long have this stuff been here 20 years 20 years bloody hell oh it's like it's snowing oh oh my God that's gross though yes that's above people's Very Yes gym two seconds please when was the last time this place was cleaned ah have you seen this no I did not my goodness me who's responsible to cleaning here I'm responsible I didn't do it have you seen the fans I do not like to clean I hate cleaning to me that's a four-letter word so I'm about to start eating I give that a little shake and all of a sudden the dust just runs down let me wash my hands before I start eating what a mess you want to microwave these meatballs please okay work with me she's sandwiches ready okay I'll meet you all sandwich meatball sandwich um [Music] okay and so they buy the meatballs they defrost them and then does that mean microwaved or yes thank you okay what else do we have to make a scarpello it's nasty when a Russian finally bothered to make a meatball that's not a good sign let me tell you that somebody should tell if the chicken's definitely dead I'm not okay what's the matter with these guys laughs [Music] okay oh my God what in the hell is that the Colosso Pizza wow I mean it's like someone's clear to have a fridge look at it it's endless it has a little bit of everything except for anchovies the crap and the gunk on top of it is just hideous you didn't like the pizza he's not liking anything oops [Music] okay now we have the chicken scarabella oh wow it looks dull [Music] that's not right it smells is that fresh um can you ask them how old the chicken is please whoa that was nasty how old is I don't know uh I don't know we took it out of the freezer yesterday 14 years old we took it out of the freezer yesterday it's frozen it is not fresh because we can't afford to keep fresh meat here all the time because we don't serve that much if he wants to donate money so I can make it fresh no problem but otherwise tough [Music] for lunch but so far what I've just experienced I should be home for dinner either he took out the freezer yesterday and it doesn't remember when the delivery was [Music] [Music] under the tables it's littered with a gum Colleen yes look at that it's everywhere oh absolutely disgusting how lazy some people can be rally oh oh God under there look the size of the gum under that one oh look at that one at the ends in the corner oh my God look at that one there when was the last time the tables were clean not ever that I've known of underneath they've never been cleaned underneath no oh my God one two three four five one two three four five six six seven eight nine ten eighteen nineteen twenty bits of gum every freaking table how's the gum underneath it has gum underneath no don't say that come on stop crying you uh Jim Jeff coming I'm really nervous oh dear stereo dear I'm afraid of what Chef Ramsay has to say honestly you see my nice guys but that was painful the general feel of the place is disgusting I can tell how much you don't care you just stand there with your foot on the booth can you get your dirty feet off your own booths have a look at this every table is littered we're stale disgusting gum we just we never looked underneath the table didn't have the time busy for lunch open seven days a week not the meatball sandwich disgusting the chicken turning and then the Colossal Kate with crap well they canned mushrooms on top yeah canned olives soggy and tasteless where's the pride I don't know come on guys it's like a joke find a pulse and get real before we open for dinner tonight would you mind wiping the lamb Shades and can somebody get under the tables and get rid of that gum yeah I'm going for lunch I'll see you later starving Capri classic Italian what a joke he said our food sucked and uh that uh our restaurant is really filthy [Music] but I think it was that bad [Music] after sampling the horrendous food that's no run and discovering a dining room that hasn't been cleaned in quite some time oh God under there look Jeff Ramsay has instructed the twins to clean up the restaurant before dinner service you do the fans I don't want to get on a ladder let's get Darien in here I have a staff to do the cleaning that's why I'm considered the boss and they are someone that works with me for me get in here now we don't have a lot of time we have to turn everything over we got an hour before we're supposed to open after the staff takes over the cleaning of the dining room Capri opens for dinner Chef Ramsay arrives the door shakes to see the twins in action have you ever seen a kitchen like this before this place is littered with crap what's that there CO2 for the beer look at those shells I'm gonna have Grime that's like 14 years of grime there Chef Ramsay was that oh there's dust here there's this is just like it's not that bad what's in here dare I vegetables that's the vegetables what's this at the bottom ah it's supposed to be eggplant eggplant Parmesan when were they cooked last Thursday last Thursday God Almighty look at that so what's it doing in the fridge hold that I know it's hot hold it what does hot things do that are sealed that goes inside a cold fridge goes sour I didn't know that you didn't know that because I suggest you spend five minutes sorting out your first before you start cooking yeah I should have known better he's right but he's just a pain in the ass about it there and let me go through it real quick yeah trash with the rotten vegetables thrown away I need to order wings please and the orders pouring in Jim and Jeff get back to cooking order green beans please got it and begin to send food out of the kitchen make sure they say a prayer before they start eating that hey the chicken [Music] but the diners are less than impressed okay they sent this back they didn't like it they said that you can't eat it what was this one [Music] and a pile of mush has anyone tasting anything seasoning tasting every time a dish came back it was like losing a customer and uh it hurts what was wrong with it it's too flowery and not enough sauce it makes me feel like a loser I do really feel like a loser right now Jeff okay I'm just frustrated [Music] I'm working on it just yeah son get some fresh air [Music] what's the matter because I'm failure you can't give up like that I'm not trying to it's not going right I need to see what I've got to work with before I can start looking at any form of change to bounce back I'm working on it okay come on okay let's go okay let's go okay Chef Ramsay's right you gotta pull yourself together and get it back in there and get through the night how are we doing we're doing well sir thanks to Chef Ramsay's encouragement Jeff jumps back into dinner service and tries to help his brother Jim get the kitchen back on track keep it up to Jen you're doing a good job but unfortunately it only makes matters worse Tim what we've done to this I don't know what happened to those I I really don't frosted them in the bag I think they were defrosted in the bag and I Jeff yeah the chicken tenders what did you do to them to defrost them I put it on the steam table you frosted them in the steam table from Frozen oh my God now what you're supposed to do no frozen food needs to be defrosted naturally right give me the bag where's the bag oh God Almighty we can't serve them you kill somebody Jim talk to me what am I supposed to say it's a mistake it's a lethal mistake it's really bad is that what I ate lunch time yeah it's disgusting I've been feeling a little bit crap all afternoon what are you two doing fine well what do you want me to say I want you to step up to the place and be a man I screwed up never told anyone yet he was just being a joke he was an ass I'm so tired of him just pushing and pushing Grosso I'm gonna take it off the menu I've had enough I'm so pissed I can only take so much before I fight back Jim Jim wait Jim so now we're into dinner service oh God Almighty and Chef Ramsay has just discovered a lethal mistake spoiled chicken at Capri you kill somebody what am I supposed to say take off the menu Jim it's awake ladies and gentlemen due to certain circumstance we have no chicken tonight oh my apology to everyone here if you just want to have what you're eating now and leave I understand fully and I apologize [Music] hey there may have been a more subtle way of doing that get out of my way we canceled our chicken orders we got screwed were you still acting like a baby he's the baby he's the one that's whining over everything I don't need to hear this crap dude why'd you have to behave like this I'm not gonna get yelled you're walking around like a big baby and if I'm just asking you to grow up a little bit show a little bit respect for what you're trying to cook oh my God you big wet noodle do you want a blanket on a bottle do you need one I've saved the head gym oh my gosh what a spoiled brat Jim shut up please you're not helping the cause oh my God I set himself on fire I hope so are they always acting like this childish oh yeah they don't get the way they crack or throw a temper tantry oh my gosh it's walking the dining room like that and scream as I said temper ketchup there's a part of me that's very satisfying to see the boys finally get what they deserve the lesson and humility [Laughter] okay where are you at now I don't know I'm sorry yes it's really late let me go check on that for you can I pass you this they've been here since we opened and they haven't got their food yet sure some of the table's been waiting two hours out there I know we don't even seem to be bothered I am bothered yeah there's only three tables we said that entrees come on guys just show a little bit more enthusiasm surely no it doesn't look good damn it this can't be happening it's just like a bad nightmare I'm out of here window wants to walk yeah because we're not happy so tired of waiting is very disappointing [Music] [Applause] it was a bad night our dishes took longer than usual it was just an embarrassing night okay today could be summed up in one four letter words lazy I can't even start to help both of you when you're not helping yourselves I really need you to do something both of you go through your kitchen and clean it all your staff you both of you got it yep good night get to work we weren't lazy now we're paying for it we're failures yay it's making a turkey here what's wrong Jim yeah I feel bad we are in trouble I really don't know if we can fix it that's the problem [Music] go take a break Jim okay this is gonna build this up [Music] after the twins spend most of the night cleaning Chef Ramsay arrives early and with the help of long time waitress Colleen and pizza maker Darian he does something the twins have never done open for lunch okay Darren yes sir it's gonna be fast it's gonna be furious but you can do it okay I'm game for this good you should come in and have some lunch Pizza let's sign you up lasagna enjoy this is really good [Music] oh look at that we got a sign twirler now over for lunch oh cool what's going on here oh wow I can't believe this is happening this is our place hi welcome hi thanks for making it today thank you take a seat feeling a bit peckish um yeah yeah let me get you a nice little chopped salad it's different let's start off a little oh chop salad thank you and make sure you save some room for an Italian sausage lasagna on a very simple um Margarita Pizza thank you I'm sorry wow I like it thank you okay whilst you two were at home nice and cozy I got here early this morning with Darren and Colleen I think today we put over 300 in the cash register wow yeah 300 if you do that five times a week that's fifteen hundred dollars that's almost our rent so it's a lot of money I'm just [Music] very happy yeah I had my eyes shut and I was wrong I sat on my butt being lazy you can't have your butt stuck to your bed every morning you've got to get out and break the mold message understood loud and clear yep loud and clear after finally getting through to the twins about their laziness Chef Ramsay wants to dig a Little Deeper he has an unorthodox plan that will allow the brothers to work out their issues and their frustrations time until you go the past and to embrace the future gloves on I'm not gonna be fighting Chef Ramsay am I I want to know what's holding you back one two oh for God's sake what is that poo what is that I don't work out this is like starting an old car after a year sitting there it's gonna go fart out a little bit come on what pissed you off the most what is it myself why huh because I'm lazy when was the last time you did something a hundred percent I can't remember what are you afraid of tell me screw it up damn it it's just screwed up during all my life I'm a failure you're not a failure yes I am you are not we all make mistakes in life Embrace change [Music] are you Keen to make this business work yeah it's time I'm ready to move on to make a success out of this last turn let's go and again and again come on hit it you can stop kissing it come on come on and again ready to change yes good man yeah get the [ __ ] out of it I know I'm gonna put behind me all the uh the laziness and look towards the future and the successes that are coming yeah let's go yes good nice it feels good to just let out a whole bunch that I've been hanging on to oh good wow what does this restaurant mean for you a life a career and you think by sitting on your lazy ass all day long and turning up halfway through the day is going to make it work you need to commit okay good you in here let's go I don't want any headshots just one round and tell each other it's time to work let's go we can work together we can be successful we're just gonna talk to each other can I keep anything inside yeah [Music] I don't know [Music] well done give him a hug thank you boxing each other uh was a good exercise because it cleared the air and it showed me that it's time for me to work hard for the business for both of us okay good it's time for change got it got it are you ready ready good get cleaned up I'll meet you back at the restaurants satisfied that the twins are ready to make some changes within themselves okay how you feeling good Chef Ramsay now wants to focus on something else that needs a major change the food what was last time you made a meatball probably five years ago yeah and why did you stop it was easier lazy oops let's make a meatball okay together it's been a long time since we made meatballs but I'm ready to do this I am a professional right ground beef season yeah salt and pepper garlic handful of chili flakes Chef Ramsay is My Magician in the kitchen oh you just add this and this and this and it's just like Jeff yes how big do you like your balls pretty good size I mean you know Go full size what a little taste what do you think it's good I like it a lot can you do that yes can you do that if you need help yes homemade meatballs homemade meatballs the difference is Night and Day homemade homemade can't hear you oh man I can't hear you it's homemade meatballs get outside and stand in the street homemade meatballs tell them in the neighborhood we have homemade meatballs I can't hear you we have homemade meatballs finally stop we have homemade meatballs we have homemade meatballs come on faced with a restaurant that hasn't been touched since 1963. Chef Ramsay and his team work overnight to give this restaurant one of the biggest makeovers in Kitchen Nightmares history right good morning shock you see the new Capri yeah good on the count of three one two Peak [Music] three [Music] wow just have a look we have brought the Capri from 1963 fast forward it transformed it to 2011. it's beautiful look at it this place is going to be hopping this is nice oh wow gone into the carpet they were stuck together with tape you have the most amazing reclaimed wood lining the walls look it yeah that's right we had to put it on the wall as well Colleen what do you think is that amazing it's amazing we got rid of those hideous green boots yeah the most amazing TaylorMade cut pews as benches from your local church oh wow sit down on the pube you're happy yeah like a piggy yeah it's great Colleen come forward darling and bring those menus on the pocket there gone are the dirty plastic menus design what your kitchen is capable of producing so now it's time to stop ignoring the business and run the business okay yeah I get nervous when you don't talk she's totally stuck come on just amazing it really is I've never heard you this quiet I don't have anything what's the matter just amazing I'm in shock I never thought I could look so different this is beyond what I could ever think could happen it's amazing wow we're moving up and it's exciting Second Chance on life this is going to be the coolest place in Eagle Rock now exactly that [Music] right come through please look at this oh my god let's start off with meatballs or Forno yes what are they homemade meatballs okay Sellers from the table welcome an Italian chop salad yay for me the Hallmark the pizza the margarita classic eggplant Palm pie delicious and just gives a completely different twist now on Trace baked meat lasagna one of my favorites yeah baked herb chicken with fingerling potatoes and a white wine sauce Jim I like it that's yeah a lot it's cool I'm Jeff that's Jim yeah right little taste yes jump in all right all the broccoli is so good the food looks unbelievable and it even tastes better it's excellent the eggplant is amazing starting to get full already and I haven't tasted half the stuff excuse me welcome put you right over here please word of Capri's relaunch has spread through Eagle Rock we have a new menu we have great salads and appetizers to start with and the dining room fills up quickly with customers eager to try the new menu you want to do the mac and cheese the boneless chicken wings I'll go grab that and come back all right let's go ready to go jump medium margarita pizza and a baked chicken okay I don't want you to call it out like a chef okay owner I got two what is that what a potato skins two Wings yes sir how you doing Jim I'm nervous but I have to believe that I am in charge and I know what I'm doing Own It Own It Own It own it yeah yeah gotta leave from the top buddy in spite of Jim's nerves table five is ready pick it up please food is quickly making its way out to the diners perhaps a little too quickly Hey listen guys guys the chicken's not hot enough especially inside there get in the oven get the panhole first Jim I think you're starting to really get a little panicky give me a time with the chicken please I I got the chicken in in what's in the pan and stuff it's it gets heating up to bounce back yeah it's not a race customers will wait for good food hot food out in the window I'm dragging the meatballs here's spaghetti meatballs is that how I showed you to play a spaghetti meatball no it looks like someone on my plate do you have a gym it's like come on it's so easy just on and you're more capable of doing that I'm telling you science right now because we want to get food out quick but it's like hey don't screw this up [Music] it's an hour into service and Jim is struggling to keep up with the orders gym helmet table four it's coming up right now unfortunately a relaunch that had such promise did you really I did not see that looks like it's slipping away your chicken's coming also Tim look at me what time was that full 16 is there and you cutting it right now I had a mushroom and a meat lover cut it right up this is going to 16. damn it even got their appetizers oh sorry God darn it oh come on come in you come in both of you I need you for 30 seconds all right oh man we were doing this again I thought we got through this please don't let this be the end no no no no no no no no no no it's relaunched night at Capri and with the kitchen backed up give me time with the chicken please the chicken in in what's in the pan and stuff it's heating up and Diner's waiting over an hour for food coming both of you Jeff Ramsay has seen enough [Music] look at me right now you're making yourself look stupid right it's a big night tonight yes and you're pissing it up so please listen to me you have to command your kitchen yes you have to work together but it's not a race customers are going to wait for good food stop panicking and focus okay yes come on Chef Frozen it's like what is this how can and I go oh you slip back into me are old ways of doing it and it's like you gotta change this is a new Capri I need to know what our garlic nuts and pepperoni and cheese yes sir let's go help him I'll take care of this got it and I grew up it's time that I started working as a man and not as a butt head sausage and beans on this right yeah put a little uh oregano oregano okay Jim good now we're getting a system convicted yes yeah what's next odd 16. good I got hot food up here please serve it once we start hitting our Rhythm it was great because things were going out excuse me we settled down and we got it zooming along how we doing so good the meatballs are our favorite things it's delicious this is made from scratch this is so amazing it's been one hell of a roller coaster ride but we've learned a lot from Chef Ramsay and he's left us with a lot of inspiration in hope I can see that we will make it if we keep doing what we're doing Tim Jeff you've come a long way it's been a tough Journey yes and in order for this place to continue functioning you both must work at it yes don't clutter yes show up early yes lazy is a four-letter word yes good God bless you both okay yeah thank you very much good luck we've went through a lot to get you know to get the nightmare into a a dream it's still a learning process but the future looks really good the Capri is gonna work good luck oh God honestly I'm never gonna forget the twins in Eagle Rock let me tell you that thank you good night thank you very much jeez yes wow that was hard I mean really hard but I now really believe that both Jim and Jeff and their little restaurant can become a huge tourist attraction here in Eagle Rock and come on who doesn't love a pizza and a show oh that was hard [Music] just one month after Chef Ramsay's departure can I take a picture of you two with Jen you sure can the twins kept their promise and opened for lunch the new food and Decor have made Capri a hot spot in Eagle Rock come back again we're gonna kick this going now this has been a life-changing experience thank you very much Chef Ramsey for what you did for us I think it's gonna work it's gonna work by the way we have homemade meatballs yeah located on the Mississippi River not far from the Gulf of Mexico is the New Orleans suburb of Metairie a tight-knit community that is home to Zeke's a neighborhood restaurant opened in 2002 by a charismatic entrepreneur named Zeke Zeke was six foot four big and Goofy but you know what the man who had to have a good time and he knew how to run a pretty good restaurant everyone came to Zeeks when it first opened because there was just a good vibe in this place good people food was always good at least do 750 people in here on a Friday night but in 2005 Zeke tragically died during Hurricane Katrina and the ownership and the direction of the restaurant was up in the air after Katrina this place was in limbo so the cortellos bought it and then they pretty much took on the place hi guys how are y'all tonight welcome to Zeke's when we bought Zeke's we chose to keep the name because Zeeks did a very good business and that just made business sense to us all right guys first guest when Daryl first took over pretty much changed everything he cut staff he cut products he went to uh lesser quality wouldn't feed that to your dog and then on top of that he raised the prices it's a little over the top I feel as though I'm completely handcuffed in the kitchen I'd love to do like steam clams that's not us I don't think that's us I'm always trying to beg him or plea him can we try that can we do this and Daryl doesn't allow it trying to make chicken salad out of chicken [ __ ] I asked myself all the time why do I even stay here I know sitting on the job servers here are all talked down to or disrespected people just don't feel appreciated Daryl got my pay in the last six months I can't afford races right now man it's made me work more hours since he cut my pay zyro we got three orders of green tomatoes left cutting them a little thick too I tell you that I'm not looking to squeak by I'm looking for financial rewards in this business kind of offended a lot of Zeke's regulars and this is just steadily declined meatballs playing and playing unless he's got a pot of gold stashed somewhere there's no way this restaurant will last you know a month all right payroll was today happy dude that's not a good question financially we are not doing great we got to catch up somewhere it's not happening we're not going to make it if we don't have Chef Ramsay come in and tell us what he thinks we can do differently to change this because obviously what we're doing it's not really working physically emotionally it's been hard I have put everything I can possibly put in the ZX but seats aren't full so something's going on and we're killing ourselves trying to find out [Music] Gordon has arranged to meet some Metairie locals to gain some insight into the restaurant and the neighborhood oh doing good how are we doing this morning very wrong D thank you morning how are we now tell me about the area Metairie what does it uh what does it stand for it's a town on East Bay they got a lot of people they got some good Russian sub there and have you heard of Russian called Zeeks we used to go there quite a bit I haven't been out a while but before Katrina we used to go there quite a bit like every Friday seeing average oh really yeah the quality has gone down quite a bit Yeah the atmosphere wasn't the same they had lost the magic the feel of the restaurant right now just change yeah thank you thank you after hearing unfavorable reviews Chef Ramsay heads over to seeks to continue his investigation and there is nothing more telling than lunch Hello nice to meet you come right this way all right guys I think we got a special guest heard that heard that help me get up to speed you are the owner yeah you run the business with Zeke my husband there my husband is Daryl Daryl he is in the kitchen so who seek Zeke was the original man who opened the restaurant um passed away right after Katrina and we purchased it from his estate so we've had it for almost five years what did you change after you bought it the menu items are similar okay we've definitely taken some off and changed some recipes and the chef is the same Emil is the kitchen manager yes whose decision is it with the new dishes my husband Daryl he's got a couple of his recipes on the menu and where did he train as a chef he's never trained as a chef if you're not a chef why would you put dishes on the menu being in the business I guess okay does the chef agree with those dishes or is it just because of the owner that's why he gets them on talk to him about okay let me look at them hello Hi how are you today I still have to be in Louisiana my first time good thank you your first name is Candace saw on the menu it's an invented dish for our restaurant the cortellos is Daryl and Ellen so they made they made it up so the owners have named an oyster after them yes they have you bought the restaurant now you want your name on the menu yeah sounds like someone's struggling for power I've got to try one okay yeah I must have some boiled shrimp oil shrimp and what specials do you have my darling we have a chicken fried steak today let's go for it we do have also traditional bread pudding let's go for that and I think we're done okay thank you look what I got all right here we go when Daryl got here he kind of implemented his own menu it really gets frustrating because that one really has no idea culinary wise what he's doing Candace you ready I'm gonna take out the boiled trip to him Chef Ramsay is going to love this food it's simple food it's basic food it's feel good food but it's done very well in French okay boiled shrimp thanks honey my first Louisiana shrimp everything's soft they should peel easily and sort of pop out of the shell but I'm struggling to peel them [Music] I mean that was nasty what I'm struggling for here is the lack of freshness they feel and taste slightly mushy which is a big disappointment can this where are the shrimps fresh they're fresh frozen fresh frozen I know it's kind of an awesome one but you can buy fresh shrimp within a mile yes yes the frozen shrimp tastes like [ __ ] sorry crap he wanted to know why we would get frozen shrimp when you can go to like the market and get them fresh every day it's not uncommon to have frozen shrimp because some things are okay Frozen I will look on the oysters coming right now all right wow that back wall is hideous what a mess you got two seconds please yes and what's with the uh the swamp they call whose idea was that um mine and my husband's to eat in a swamp for children or for adults for both for both [Music] oyster cordello that's not worth me [Music] all right here we go okay thank you all right what the hell is that he's with the oysters portella oysters cortello so I suppose you go like that thank you wow there's red oysters named after the owner I certainly wouldn't put my name on that I wouldn't even put my enemy's name on there take it for you okay thank you as depressing as that yeah just terrible oysters quartello I don't know what to say about that I eat them myself I think they're delicious absolutely delicious Daryl what do you think oyster cortello just ain't working [Music] this is killing me not to know what he's saying this is the fried chicken steak right correct thank you you're welcome Bland does anything with seasoning no care look at that Candace what the hell is that it looks like it's just had a giraffe's tongue cut out and deep fat fried people complain that the quality of the food here is horrible unbelievable Daryl's not listening to the feedback that he gets and he's going to do what he wants to do he said that it looks like somebody cut out a giraffe's tongue Saturday I'm not gonna agree with that it didn't look that way to me I mean that's what normally goes out it's a good product they look like we cut out a giraffe's tongue wow wow wow Jesus thanks it doesn't look fantastic but it tastes delicious who made that email it makes sense I'm just so happy that Chef Ramsay likes in a bread pudding it feels great to end on a good note love the bread pudding do you like the breadboard there we go loved it I took full responsibility for red pudding that is all me Daryl doesn't really have influence on that thank God thank God he likes something I did I'll take that any day hello hello chef and this is Daryl the owner introduce me to your uh Brigade Chef Emil Marcos Emil good to see you buddy Jason good to see you there's a lot of things that that need changing and you know Daryl is wonderful can I talk about lunch yes my God what a disaster the food is below standard why wouldn't you buy fresh shrimp simply don't have the time to go to the market excuse me where are we come more Islands come on Big Boy chicken fried steak disaster what cut of meat was that not a very good card no are you proud to serve that food was that the same quality of steak that we're using years ago no sir and why have you changed the standard Chef everything is [ __ ] to you yeah but we had diners eating our lunch full dining room boy nothing sent back do you honestly think just because they don't send it back that your food is [ __ ] amazing that's good enough for you to continue now you can't be that [ __ ] stupid point taken if they want to be that stupid you've got no chance [Music] by the fact that it's been quality food that's [ __ ] hard to believe this was once a great place after receiving some harsh words from Chef Ramsay the food is below standard Daryl has some words of his own you know chef says everything is [ __ ] it's embarrassing there's nothing good about the menu you know I don't buy that [ __ ] I will never believe the food is [ __ ] you're not gonna commit I've been eating this food all my life Chef Ramsay doesn't know the world's food that's it cut all the food down your wine you can't bring me it's an hour before dinner service and Chef Ramsay hopes a private meeting with the Two Chefs emila Jason can shed some light on the restaurant's main issues okay so I don't get it some of the things I encountered there today were just awful that can't be your wish to cook with frozen ingredients we talk about every day and you just get swept under the table I tell him the second he starts cutting cost you get a cheaper product yeah you know it's going to taste like [ __ ] and try and explain that to him yeah you know it's like talking to this wall right now and how long has it been going on like that since the right around the time he took over the only thing Daryl and Ellen see is money and that's what scares me their whole purpose is money money money money we feel like our hands are so tied as far as ordering goes everything goes the only other option was to leave me and him both go you know what do you do just walk out the place I mean we got a lot of personal memories in this place just to walk out of it granted I I get that but it doesn't stop you from having your voice everybody here is just kind of waiting for the place to belly up and go find a new job somewhere else I'm here to help put this freaking Place back on the map yes sir you're absolutely right we have only two options Chef Ramsay or God and I don't think the second comments happen anytime soon thanks for the ketchup thank you thank you [Music] after gaining some insight from Jason and Emil hey I need shrimp portion Chef Ramsay is eager to see how this restaurant functions in a dinner service how does this work uh Emil come with these done um last night why are they bagged he portions them out to order ready [Music] what's the idea of putting everything in bags inside portion size I like had everything in quantitative perspective if I give too much you get a happy customer here you don't get a good customer they're happy because they're getting three times what they should be getting I'm getting nothing I don't make money on that it's food you know we're not cutting uh piping for bathrooms [Music] party it's Chef Ramsay's first time in Louisiana come right this way please and not surprisingly Zeke's is completely booked and tonight our specials at lasagna lasagna I got a Seafood Flat and no oyster sub shrimp I'm at the Expo station I like to see all the food go out inside a new potatoes down I uh make sure every dish goes out like I wanted to go out can I run anything good I'm waiting on dishes to complete the order it doesn't concern you that food's just dying in the window we're pushing the shoulders we can bloody hell we're Expediting is one thing standing here and saying nothing is another wow it's an hour into dinner service and the first wave of food is finally making its way out to the customers sorry about the way they are backed up everybody [Music] your server my apologies and the food isn't the only thing that's getting a chilly reception I also think do you mind not standing there like that it's so dour yeah I think you can be more proactive I don't want to hover you know but you can make yourself busy okay I got it I'm ready thank you thank you all right look what I got what's that one lasagna lasagna when was it lasagna made last Thursday last Thursday and today is Thursday right correct seven stuff from a week ago help me to understand that uh that's stupid decision made the pan we didn't sell it all it's wrapped up proportions and approach I thought that's a bad thing lasagna it's all done fresh cooked and uh we'll wrap the portions up separately I'll put them in the freezer it works is the best lasagna you're going to get is this special right yes it is okay so how the [ __ ] is that special in your tiny mind when it was cooked a week ago I'm telling you have a tiny mind it can't be that special if you're going to stand here and tell me that the product is good Daryl runs his kitchen with 90 bravado and you know the other 10 he just Wings it this is a good product this is good food oh my God it's getting worse yeah he's a tough nut your uh expediter so we have a special today when do you think that lasagna was made today homemade lasagna right last Thursday how could it be that special when it's from a week ago well you know it's frozen so it's not like sitting there getting mildew on it and our customers absolutely love the lasagna I don't think that's our biggest issue is lasagna I mean that's absolutely incorrect what do you think they would feel like if you told them today's special was cooked a week here Frozen I don't know I mean I'm sure they would probably be surprised that it was so good and that it was made last week in Frozen [Music] oh really [Music] [Music] when you come out to restaurants and you read today's specials for instance today beautiful homemade lasagna would you expect that lasagna to be made today yes ladies and gentlemen how many of you have ordered lasagna how would you feel if I told you all that today's lasagna that's been served was made a week ago it's humiliating after making a shocking discovery about today's special last Thursday Chef Ramsay made an announcement today's lasagna that's being served was made a week ago that is not sitting well with customers my apologies to those that have ordered the lasagna have a look at the potential other specials Bon Appetit thank you humiliating it's absolutely better of course when it's fresh served right out of the pan I've installed the customers that today's Samuel was reheated from a week ago the feedback was shock horror 86 in lasagna yes sir yeah well Chef Ramsay's announcement fresh in their minds get the check okay customers have seemed to have lost their appetite did y'all eat already lasagna after witnessing a dinner service full of problems you got two seconds please yes absolutely Chef Ramsay is anxious to have a chat with the owners oh dear did you hear the customers tonight I told him lasagna was a week old did you hear what happens cook lasagna and it doesn't sell you just throw it away no we don't throw it away we wrap it I'm here to help but I tell you what I can't help you when you're standing there and trying to come up with excuses to why customers pay good money for Frozen [ __ ] they cooked a week ago and you call it a special we don't feel like it puts out an awful product [Music] you don't give a [ __ ] about food it's not true your passion's about portion control measurements Frozen Foods reheating of microwave restaurants don't run like this disagree I disagree with that also definitely trust me you are not a [ __ ] restaurant you're the owner you're paying rent here when you start dealing with all this crap and your name's on there at least then you tell me what you want to do foreign [Music] by owners in denial good morning Chef Ramsay is called a staff meeting two minutes please hoping to bring all of the restaurants issues into the open okay I want you to tell me the frustrations the anger and the things that really upset you the most um I I just feel as though I'm getting pounded with a mallet constantly when I walk into this place I went from working 40 hours to work in about 50 for 400 a week that pisses me off I feel that we don't get any respect I'm here all the time I don't get to eat lunch I should have a meal I should have a shift meal this is messed up we are talked down to like we're dirt that's not right listen um I really appreciate the openness and the honesty and it was bad but I didn't quite understand it it hit that level of hurt I think it's just sad they're all sitting here and that we actually have to even beat at this point I think we all the whole group of us here are pretty much struggling no one's getting that message across I need to get through to them Daryl and Ellen are about to arrive I want you to tell them everybody was saying what they wanted to say and getting it off their chest but it's kind of different from telling Chef Ramsay versus telling Daryl don't be nervous I don't need to be afraid I've got your back okay and here they are good morning I've been here having a staff meeting um we've gone through some issues this morning that's been bothering them but rather than me trying to tell you how they feel I think they should speak certainly who's gonna go first [Music] I'll go first I don't feel as though we are gained much respect around here and I don't think that you as an owner have our back Candace Ashley is that how you feel foreign you really do talk to us like dirt sometimes my intent is not to talk down to somebody but that's how it comes out Jason talk to Daryl please my biggest problem that I have is just I don't think you have a clue as to how this place runs me yeah wow I think that you're so stuck on the numbers the actual essence of having a restaurant and serving good food and giving customer service and happy employees that's gone I don't understand we hear it every single night and every single day from our customers what needs to be changed and why they don't come back we let you know these things and you don't give a [ __ ] nothing's done you don't care wow okay pass is ridiculous a breakdown because I I've been a long time and I'm not getting pissed check [ __ ] somebody be here that long foreign [Music] why haven't I never got a pay raise okay let me say something real quick because we're all telling the truth first of all Daryl and I have taken thousands and thousands of dollars out of our personal account to pay your paychecks so why not just close the place down we're not giving up we don't want to give up if you want to give up that's fine this isn't your business won't leave each other because we all love each other we don't want to leave not at all but I need to make money to support my family you know what so do we y'all acting like it's us against y'all and it's not [Music] this is a business we have constant expenses I ask you to take that pay cut it's either that or labor costs gets so high I'm out but you can go on five vacations in the summer and you're struggling for money right that is [ __ ] up period if you don't want to be here don't be here after Chef Ramsay arranged for the staff to air their grievances I don't think you have a clue as to how this place runs the defiant owners are not having any of it if you don't want to be here don't be here if I were piling up money back there then I could see you being pissed off but we're not piling that money back there I can't show appreciation in dollars at this point they maybe have this picture of me with this pile of money going nobody's going to get it we don't have the money I'm accepting the truth from you guys accept it from me please [Music] things aren't going well I understand that but in terms of morale there's an era of discontent they feel abused and I'm not saying the staff are perfect but you're the owners and you set an example we have to fix what's broken within so how about starting over again and turning the page and the beginning of a new chapter I understand those frustrations you are wonderful people so I want you all here and you will have my respect I guarantee that from me and there's a lot of love for you guys from Ellen and I and I truly mean that good we did make some progress video is clearer okay it's a new day here at Zeke's I've got some ideas that I need to uh put into place to really start putting this place back on the map thank you honestly I don't think that Darren Allen heard what what we were saying he was just saying what was right just to get Chef Ramsay off of his back we'll see what happens after attempting to open Daryl and Ellen's eyes to the staff morale problems Chef Ramsay has devised a plan to test the chefs and showcase their abilities okay it's been so obvious that you've been handcuffed by Darren and here's what we need to do show down how creative how inspirational how exciting you can be with seafood there's a grocery store literally two miles away from here okay have a look at the ingredients get inspired come back get creative I want to see that on a plate yeah thank you good right now I'm pretty jacked up Gordon Ramsay himself said Jason time for you to be inspired go let it happen let's see what you guys see what they got fresh how may I help you redfish fresh just put it out hour and a half ago that's what we're looking for it's extremely liberating to have this freedom to Showcase and do what we want to do cook good food very nice to meet you thanks guys I am looking for red onions with asparagus a red pepper this will be the last thing I get when you're ready to rot there it is there it is Showcase the skills [Music] I think there's something creative and really let it go yeah yes okay off we go guys yeah yeah I'm gonna do a chicken fried steak at the same time okay brilliant own it yeah yeah sure you can put a little lime juice in there not done yet with it okay good I love the idea for bacon and Shadow nice so in terms of the inspiration tell me what it is try to keep it Southern with the Grits fresh with the salmon and classic with the Capers with onions with the tomatoes good keeping it with the New Orleans steam redfish and then grilled vegetables fresh rice fresh ingredients just a fun dish pretty good job the difference is night and day let me tell you that beautiful you didn't cook them I cook them you understand yes okay let's go come over guys please wow look at that you think of Louisiana first thing you think of is freshness but when I walked into your restaurant what I didn't expect was frozen Seafood so I got my team to get some ingredients for me like you both just have a little taste taste the freshness a beautiful childhood salmon done with grits creamy tasty it's absolutely phenomenal and I got hold of some redfish marinated zucchini with some rice and a really nice mango salsa oh my gosh this redfish is delicious it's phenomenal it's absolutely phenomenal phenomenal absolutely watching them eat my dish and not knowing that it was mine and to say that you know it looked like it was from their heart I'd like to have a little taste of that chicken fried steak I just lightly pounded it and then fried it twice so it should just melt in your mouth it does literally literally melted Chap and couldn't believe how good it was the presentation was beautiful and it was fresh ingredients and they tasted wonderful they're all absolutely phenomenal and you taste the difference absolutely there's something you need to know about the seafood dishes I didn't cook them Two Chefs put those dishes together wow the seafood dishes are your boys delicious absolutely wow they really are they're phenomenal it really opened my eyes to what I I wasn't letting them do honestly food is Art and I was not letting them create their art these aren't just delicious they're beautiful and they come from right and Saudi I know that you did a fantastic job it feels really good that Daryl and Ellen recognized my potential and I think that my abilities have been shown and hopefully this is the first step forward this is the Newsies I can see that's what we're looking for and all I can really think to myself was about [ __ ] time you see it pretty good job well done after finally having at least a small breakthrough with the owners Chef Ramsay decides to have his team work through the night on the biggest restaurant makeover they have ever done right good morning morning chef excited are you ready to see the musics yes let's go welcome to the Newsies here we go [Music] look at this oh my god let's start with the walls gone is the swamp look at all the the other old doors reclaimed doors you've got that Nostalgia and it's got that Comfort feels right look at this you've got the most amazing chairs brand new chairs it just feels authentic let me say this please you have found our identity wonderful this is wonderful us I'm astonished I mean truly I didn't really have any expectations but this has surpassed anything I could possibly imagine there is one more thing I'd like to show you you're going to start peeing your pants there we are our boil house oh my gosh from shucking your oysters to cooking your shrimp this is going to be a substantial part of the menu and a meal it's going to take so much pressure off you and Jason this should just run on his own and it should almost double the turnover did I see you smile again that's the second time in 24 hours they're going to arrest you for being too happy Jeff Ramsey has given this staff this place my family our friends our customers A New Beginning it's unbelievable honestly when people would ask me where I work I would never say Zeke's I just say I'm a cook now I'm proud to say that I work here A New Beginning and a new identity for Zeeks along with making the decor more inviting Chef Ramsay has replaced Zeke's outdated stale menu with a modern update of classic New Orleans Cuisine oh my gosh my goodness me this is gonna put zincs back on the map be careful it's fresh every dish is absolutely beautiful okay let's start off top of the table Zeke's house boil yes bucket of shrimps yes bucket of blue crabs great sharing festive localized bucket push them okay back in the menu the entrees pecan crusted catfish so with a classic tartar sauce and a herb salad country fried steak big hit say no more such a gravy delicious slightly heated in that gravy it's got a nice little burn on the back of your throat blackened alligator wonderful Creole sauce absolutely delicious because this has now become not the old Zeeks your Zeeks thank you you've got your identity now make it yours absolutely incredible beautiful [Music] the way Chef created the menu and the dishes they don't have a menu like that around here dig in enjoy so not only do we have something great to put on the table but it's not anywhere around nobody else has it oh my God I mean he was phenomenal and we're proud to have it and excited and can't wait for everybody else to come in and try it it's delicious I feel right now we have the most diverse Louisiana Southern menu I mean we very well may have the best menu Richard flavor rich and texture wow [Music] hi guys welcome to Zeke's the community of Metairie had a love affair with this restaurant that went sour enjoy enjoy enjoy shrimps are amazing Chef Ramsay's revamp and tonight's relaunch will be a strong indicator if it's possible for this love affair to resume I'm gonna try the black at the alligator and with so many changes in place and so many people in the dining room Chef Ramsay is hoping the boil house will take some of the pressure off the kitchen no nothing in the board house already so get hold of the waitresses let's call him in and say right stop pushing them and we've got to use that place you've got to get used to that let's go great sell boil food sell one okay sell one to a big table please tonight we have a special it's boiled lobster for two I don't know if you saw it on the menu but sell it by the bucket just bring a student coming right up [Music] a little bit of butter on there give it a nice little glaze okay uh that's it two lobsters let's go look what I have for y'all y'all enjoy wow with the broil house now being utilized and satisfying customers it's clearly allowed some breathing room for the kitchen you're eight minutes on Bay crab at 33 however it's now up to Daryl to manage the time wisely I communicate with these guys one time we're leaving one table working so we don't get bumped down yes yes sure [Music] give me three minutes on that let's go we need to push food out there and cook it as fast as we can great tomatoes you're talking about ices leave it fast let's work one at a time it's not a race are we looking three chops an alligator hold on one second Daryl on the chop how do you like it Daryl slow down for one minute let us catch up huh [ __ ] hell with Daryl calling multiple tickets at the same time grid smash sweet potatoes and more focused on speed than anything else ticket is it for the kitchen is now completely confused how's my pecan catfish where's my New York strips gotta go just put them in the window and we'll figure out how to Plate them yes whatever you got make sure it's done huh I was being told that I need this this and this right now and I just try and move as fast as I can and get the food out say it just looks like crap do you agree yeah no garnish no it was in a window like that Daryl has managed to get the cooks producing the food at a much quicker Pace thank you he should be so is cooked it's not is it this evening can I get another one sure yeah guys the fish is raw 24 is out everybody stop what a joke [Music] it's relaunch night at 6. we like Daryl pushing the cooks food is leaving the kitchen quickly can we give you another one stop unfortunately it's also coming back quickly guys the fish is raw not tonight oh man just stop everybody stop I'm here Jason come around I'd rather be three four minutes later than Rush food out there and the shit's coming back not tonight an expeditor should definitely set the tone for the rest of the kitchen I think Daryl lost control today uh it's just a big catastrophe what we've got to do is focus on one table at a time we've got to communicate no talk to me don't get to one where you at now what day were you on Daryl take responsibility stab refocus let's get these tickets out one at a time I need to do a better job of communicating very simply all right guys let's focus where you at now Daryl for kind catfish and black and alligator in his hand down table one let's go move to the next ticket I got 33 black and alligator pecan catfish coming right now though let's go following Chef Ramsay's advice of focusing on one table at a time whatever Daryl and the chefs are now in sync please let's get this to uh 31. like an alligator perfectly cooked dishes are leaving the kitchen and are being enjoyed by thrilled customers that's delicious now that this restaurant is on its way to a successful relaunch Jeff Ramsay is ready to spread the word in with the restaurant before why did you come here this place was legendary it lost its way it's now back on the map from two new owners that are going to start their own beginning of a new chapter what is the feedback you're already getting for tonight that the food is fantastic I mean the menu's it's fabulous highly recommend that you come in and try it let's finish let's finish somebody get this to 14 please yeah no more tickets come here let's get this stuff out of here delicious that's a wrap Jack standing tonight the way it ended made you feel good I think Daryl showed more personality tonight than he showed in the last few years we still have some improvements to make but you can see it's on the right track nice job good night ladies thank you so much okay tonight was about establishing a new zease and you achieved it yes yes first time in New Orleans [ __ ] me did you give me a challenge okay [Music] Jeff Ramsey told me a week ago one of my darling I don't think I would have really believed it guys have a quick word with you two amazing look at this place the potential is huge I know fantastic it's now your Zeke's run with it and Daryl you do care and you do have a heart a big heart show it to your staff indeed our don't hide that I'm ready to do things the right way ready to get moving into no it's a new life it's new energy good job good night good night good night [Music] we had a lot of issues here when I first arrived the staff were at war with the owners the food was miserable and the restaurant was seriously struggling for an identity but what I witnessed was a phenomenal comeback and how fitting is that that took place here in the most resilient city across America New Orleans week old lasagna not so special in the weeks that followed a glowing report on the local news as a family as a restaurant it's back on the map right a surge of customers to the restaurant Hi how are y'all Daryl and Ellen are doing their best to raise staff morale you all did an excellent job I can't do this without you guys and are reaching out to the community and we really thank you all for coming it means a lot to us thanks but Zeke's back on the map [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 6,052,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: rglFNCIadpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 32sec (12212 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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