MILLIONAIRE FAKES Being POOR For GIRL, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Music] hi you must be Griselda I'm Maxwell so nice to meet you you're late oh well only by nine minutes I'm sorry I should have been here on time I just had an urgent meeting at work yeah like some kind of CEO are you please tell me you're not wow I would figure most women would like a guy that owns his own business I'm not most women feel like Rich guys are always like um hold on a second did I order it medium well no I did not I ordered it medium rare sorry sir I can have the chef cook you another one if you forget it all right I have a meeting with a big client and you have already taken up enough of my time take it back put it in the box and I'll feed it to my dog right away I don't care just get out of here yeah but you guys are always like that and that's why I don't date them I see well you don't have to worry about me I just have a little old sales associate job at a finance company it's actually quite boring you know I mean if it's important you should definitely take it no it's just my assistant my assistant manager I have so many managers I'm starting to lose track of it can I get you guys anything uh yes uh I'm gonna do the rib eye and tell the chef you can cook it anyway like I'm not that picky oh that was a lot of fun yeah we had a pretty good time sorry for drilling you my mom says I'm too direct which is ironic because I get it from her oh I love that you're so direct ah it saves a lot of time so you can thank your mom for me I sure will so how are you getting home bless oh wow do you need a ride I promise I'm not a serial killer actually how many hits does it characterize to become serial I would definitely say more than three oh definitely not serial killer well darn see this is what I mean look at this Porsche parked over the line rich people in their fancy cars are so entitled anyways where did you park oh actually I am right around the corner you know what I just realized I have to be somewhere so I'm not gonna have enough time to drop you off I'm so sorry don't worry about it yeah yeah can I check this yeah [Music] hi Frankie how's my favorite boy in the whole world look I want us to be at school today oh you did honey I'm so proud of you I wish you could be their mom I wish I was too I am listen I'm so sorry honey but I I need to call you back later okay and I want to hear all about it okay okay I love you so that was your son that you were telling me about yeah he's my whole world I can imagine and he lives with you right [Music] um it's uh it's complicated he he lives with my mom who's uh sick right now and I don't get to see them much um would it be okay if we not talk about this right now oh absolutely no I totally understand I'm sorry no no it's okay no you want food for you and your little creep you should get a job and stop paying for it you you make me sick I'll be right back yeah thank you my son hasn't eaten all day you have no idea how much this means to us you're going mom you haven't eaten either I'll be fine let's worry about you okay hi here you can uh take that [Music] there you go hopefully you don't have to spend the night on the street oh my gosh thank you thank you so much [Music] 100 is a lot of money must be a really great salesperson the best your soda sounds like the perfect match there's this stuff one little problem what she hates Rich guys you're telling me there's a girl in L.A that doesn't like Rich guys well you've got a big problem because you're loaded but since you've told her the truth and she agreed to another date it'll be all right you did tell her right I will no look I just want her to get to know me you know and then she could realize that I'm not one of these entitled Rich jerks that she dislikes hmm oh by the way um I'm gonna take her to Craig's next week you think that's a good idea have you bumped your head no you can't take a girl to Beverly Hills unless you want to think you've got money and you're not fooling anyone with that or this suit to be honest you're right wow you're a lifesaver can I say I'm always here but I don't like the fact that you're lying it's like I always tell my son truth will always come out in the end [Music] oh you're right I I'm going to tell her uh like right before our three-month anniversary if we make it that far look I gotta go and you are the best thank you um can I borrow your car how am I gonna get home oh you one or two favors right you owe me nothing oh great because I've been wanting to drop a Porsche but you make sure you tell that sweet girl the truth and soon I just had to write them down whenever you're ready if everyone around I can't believe what I found but no one will you take mine roses roses for the pretty lady absolutely how much for the bouquet fifty dollars stop it one is enough one yes here you go enjoy [Music] thank you [Music] yes Michelin that's good stuff yeah but this one is buy one get one free I did notice the deals I won't get one free I mean do you have money same time don't forget the the free one oh good job [Music] thank you [Music] wow this will be beautiful on you look at that oh I love it oh no come on come on look at this [Music] thank you again for my beautiful necklace I really like it well I really like you now look at it as a anniversary gift oh yeah today marks three months doesn't it three months I still feel bad you spent so much you should be saving your money not spending it all on me um yeah about that Griselda there's something that I've been meaning to tell you okay when we first met I said that I was a sales associate mm-hmm but in reality I'm I'm a I wait hold that I I wanna of course hi honey grandma wants to talk to you hey Mom you don't sound so good are you okay um he's actually right here hi hi I'm Maxwell oh I've heard great things about you and I have to say you did an incredible job raising your daughter thank who's that man Mommy um this is Mommy's um boyfriend um your mom's boyfriend and me and my boyfriend are on a date so I'm gonna call you back later and I really love you guys so much okay okay if I'm on to get off it's really not the same talking to them over the phone I really miss them I don't mean the pride but I just wanted to ask you why aren't you with them [Music] um it's a really long story feel ready to talk but keeping secrets okay oh no I wasn't thinking that at all what are you gonna tell me something about your job I think it was uh-huh remember you were it's not been important but you know what is important are we gonna have our anniversary dinner tomorrow yes but I was thinking that maybe instead of going out to eat we could cook at home save some money it will be more special how about your place if you want to come to my place I don't think that's such a good idea it's a whole idea I know I know but I told her my place was a complete mess so we couldn't bring her here hey are you insulting my work squeaky clean no I know it's squeaky clean you're doing an amazing job you know that yeah I just can't show her how I live but you said you were going to tell her within three months I've tried and I got scared but don't worry I promise tonight's the night everything okay no or place flooded now she's suggesting to come here I'm just gonna I'll just tell her uh we'll go out you know if you were honest you wouldn't be in this situation well if I was honest then I wouldn't be with her at all touche oh my gosh oh my gosh she thinks that I'm trying to hide a wife here what am I gonna do just tell color I can't tell her I have to tell her face to face what am I gonna do what am I gonna do look you don't really have a choice but to be honest if she sees this place she's gonna know you're not a sales associate it's not like you have some crappy apartment like my place your place let me borrow your place for tonight no not even at night I just need it for a few hours absolutely not there's no way no how I'm a principal of person I have values and morals and ethics and you know what I would never step down to your level and mislead this beautiful young lady there's no I would double your salary this month be out before I get home deal just be out before I get back 9 pm the latest you have to tell her the truth I'm never gonna help you again I'm serious he's never gonna tell her it's never um can I get that for you yeah thank you again for making dinner it's been a really special anniversary well it's not over yet because I have a big surprise for you I think you're really gonna like it too really yep but first dessert um well I can't wait for my surprise so let's get some bowls balls yes okay you don't know where you keep your bowls I um just I misplaced that from time to I'm balls thank you and I will take a spoon you want you don't know where your spoons are no I haven't I'll help oh here they are um who's Christina Jackson oh they they're always getting the address mixed up so weird you have a wife and a kid this is why you didn't want me to come here no it's not what it is I swear well you better tell me what's going on before I walk out that door oh okay okay I will I just don't get mad there is something that I have to tell you but it's not what you think it's not I'm not married I don't have a kid a woman is Christina and she's my maid this is her apartment and I know that I told you I'm a sales associate but the truth is I'm a CEO of a company so you've been lying to me since the moment we met no that wasn't my intention I just thought that if you found out that I had some wealth that you want to give me a chance but I knew that if you just got to know me you would realize that not all people with money are bad you think you're proving that to me right now you know how I feel about Secrets oh come on you've been keeping secrets for me this whole time what about your son huh and your mom why don't they live with you look don't go around acting like you're this perfect little angel you want to know why my family was you see a while ago I was on a student visa and not allowed to work so my mom was fully supporting Frankie and I she was the hardest worker I knew and the most loyal the company my mom worked for was getting ready to go public and while they gave all their top Executives big bonuses a lot of the bottom level employees got fired including my mom just so the company could make their books look better after years of loyalty they treated her as she was just nothing after that we really struggled since my mom was on a work visa and that company was her sponsor it was hard for her to get other jobs fell behind on bills so bad that a lot of the days there wasn't even food in the fridge so my mom decided that the best thing to do was to move back to our old family home she even took Frankie with her I wanted to go with them so bad but she wanted me to stay in hopes of giving me a better life [Music] I remember crying so hard that day and promising that no matter what one day I'd have enough to bring them back [Music] so you see I didn't keep it from you because I wanted to keep secrets I kept it from you because it is incredibly hard to talk about and you already knew that and this this is exactly why I don't trust rich people look I'm sorry that you and your family had to go through that person I would never treat my employees like that I'm supposed to believe that why our entire relationship is based on a lie solid please don't [Music] hey are you okay that's your apartment up there isn't it it shouldn't work for that man he's a liar don't say that Maxwell's a good man he isn't he's just like the rest of them you'll see that's not true you just don't know him like I do he's different no he isn't all rich people are exactly the same all they care about is themselves hold on I can show you okay I have a son just like you his father and I we didn't work out he didn't treat me well and he went and hired a high power attorney to try to get custody of my son I didn't have a lawyer and I just knew I was going to lose that case I was so worried but Max without the last second swooped in and got me the best representation without me even asking not only did I win he refused to let me pay him back he did he did and he also helped my son graduate from college oh first one in our family congratulations thanks [Music] couldn't happen without Maxwell you know glossier I needed surgery and I couldn't afford it but Maxwell he used his own money to pay my medical bills and again with help me even asking him I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him listen I know that lying to you was wrong I told him that and he's got a big heart and he loves people deeply and will do anything for people in need please just give him another chance Zelda please don't go I know what I did was wrong if you just give me one more chance I promise I will never lie to you ever again Christina you know warned me [Music] truth will always come out in the end I'm sorry that I didn't listen to her I'm sorry that I kept all these secrets from you [Music] what you did was wrong and you hurt me a lot [Music] but I think I understand why you did it I want to give us another time oh you better listen to her from now on yeah no perfect timing yeah okay and who is that just the last gift of our anniversary [Music] did pretty good huh boy you almost lost everything if it wasn't for me you said you were gonna double my salary gone and triple it don't act like you don't got it give me my keys I'm tired see you tomorrow boss [Music] information [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 6,157,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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