EVIL GRANDMA Takes KIDS FROM PARENTS (She Lives To Regret It) | Dhar Mann

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foreign mom why are you drinking it's noon come on it's Saturday and besides is Five O'Clock Somewhere oh uh where are the kids oh the kids uh yeah they were here so a while ago you were supposed to be watching them that was the entire time Kayla Berkeley Kayla Berkeley where are you oh my gosh Kayla you got chocolate everywhere even on your Apple watch Mom how much chocolate did you let Kayla have oh where's Berkeley uh you know what never mind clearly you were of no help Berkeley oh my gosh give me that [Music] do you see this told you not to show up unannounced hey I was watching that Berkeley had this do you realize how bad it would have been if she took these so you were overreacting we are supposed to leave for three days how can we trust you with the kids when you can't even watch them for three hours I even convinced Brad to give you a key to the house and this is him can I talk to you for a second foreign yeah well I guess she picked it back up again look I don't feel comfortable letting her watch the kids while we're gone I'm gonna call my mom and see if she can do it instead your mom she just got to see the kids last week my mom hasn't gotten to see the kids at all not to be rude but can you blame me it is just not fair that your mom gets to see the kids all the time and my mom barely gets to be around them I'm sorry but it is not happening please don't stop my mom from seeing the kids when all she's ever been is loving to everybody look we don't have a lot of time I'm just gonna give her a call no what well who's gonna watch the kids what would have happened if Berkeley had gotten into that prescription honestly at this point I would rather just not even go on our vacation you can't be serious right now does it look like I'm joking thank you [Music] use your claws and dance some more um why don't you two go get cleaned up you have got ice cream all over your faces hi Mom uh I just don't understand why I can't see the kids what am I supposed to do just spend the rest of my years will honestly die I hardly see the kids as it is we tried to let you see them and you weren't even watching them you were drinking again but we can't let you be in charge of the kids when you can't even look after yourself please sweetheart I'll do better what are you gonna do about this trip you could um you could leave them with me and I will watch them here I'm sorry Mom I can't do this right now we'll talk about it later okay thank you hello dear how have you been great um what are you doing here Mary well I saw that Brad called and I've been trying to call him back and it's going straight to voicemail so I just want to make sure everything was okay oh everything's fine I think his phone just isn't working but I'll let him know that you stop by oh hold it can I see my grandkids oh they they're um they're actually taking a nap right now so it's not really oh okay well you know I just love them so much and I made their favorite bread pudding so if you give that to them oh and uh please tell my son that I've been trying to reach him of course [Music] who was that oh uh just someone trying to sell us something what are you doing with those we canceled our trip we have no one to watch the kids we can just drop them off at my mom's place it'll be fine we already talked about this besides she's probably not even available on such short notice come on my mom not available to see your grandkids she would drop anything to see them it is not happening Brad your mom should get to see the kids more than my mom does cancel the trip our tickets are not refundable and I can't move my time off the office is already scheduled around it we'll stay here then look I already talked to the kids they don't want us to leave if they find out they're staying at Mary's house they're gonna flip out we're staying at Grandma Mary's house yes she makes the best friend pudding no no you're not going to Grandma Mary's house foreign honey there's no other option actually there is [Music] okay oh thanks again for coming on such short notice it's not a problem please make sure the kids stay out of the medicine cabinet no more than one chocolate per day and no drinking while babysitting please has a babysitter actually done that before [Music] you'd be surprised [Music] so my Mom calling you that's weird she never calls you she always calls me it's it's Style well come on we are already running late we don't know what's playing [Music] what we're here I'm Gonna Leave oh we never make it on the plane my mom is so mad at me for not letting her watch the kids oh I should have just left my phone at home hello what uh no um it's interesting that she can't find the kids what do you mean I don't oh my gosh I knew we should just dropped them off with my mom that was not the time Brad um okay uh called the police we're getting off the plane right now excuse me we need to get off the plane now is everything all right can you please just get off the plane [Music] come on it's Cassandra she says the cops just got there I can't believe this is happening I know I'm so worried about them I keep hoping that maybe they just went to the park or something doesn't Kayla have an Apple Watch oh yeah [Music] oh my gosh I can't believe this [Music] come on in oh Dad girls can YouTube give us a minute you can eat in the bedroom okay [Music] I'm so sorry for worrying you both I didn't mean to ruin your trip or Scare You Well then why would you do this I can explain you see I get so lonely living here all by myself the only thing I think about are my grandkids I call them almost every day hoping to see them or even just talk to them but lately all my phone calls have been going to voicemail or getting rejected when I came by to see the kids yesterday it broke my heart even more that I couldn't see them I sat inside my car and cried for a long time I have no other purpose in life outside of Kayla and Berkeley you're my joy and all I want to do is be a part of their lives otherwise I just end up in bed all day [Music] so you see the only reason I picked them up was because I didn't know if I could see them again and and I was going to bring them back right after they ate wait mom you said you came over yesterday I had no idea didn't Amy tell you I brought bread pudding for the girls no she didn't I didn't want to just show up and I've been trying to call you many times and it just goes to voicemail wait you hold on a second I don't have a single call from you why wouldn't that have gone so it's my fault I I blocked her phone number in your phone you did what I just didn't want her getting to spend so much time with the kids when my Mom isn't able to [Music] but I see now that your Mom's done nothing wrong she's done nothing but she was all so much love I think I was just so upset with my situation with my own mom that I took it out on you and Mary and I but I I realized now that a mother-in-law can be the mom you always wanted but never had [Music] I love you so much just like you were my own daughter I'll go get the girls though you can take actually I have a better idea [Music] okay I am so ready to get away for a few days me too hope the kids will be all right I'm sure they'll be fine they're in good hands hi Mom is everything okay no anymore where are the extra batteries they're in Mom are you drinking again where are the kids will you relax everything is fine what what thank you you know I feel so much better knowing you're there oh we gotta go okay love you Mom [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 7,836,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: hkni5C3hvoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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