Dr. Abel Damina| Understanding the Book of Galatians - Part 3

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kingdom of God together I'm excited and I want to welcome you in advance to the Palestinian family any many of the locations around the world I'm excited friends very excited well fasting you're symbolic let me take you right now including gospel adventure into the service where the Spirit of our God is already moving happy really we began to study the book of Galatians understanding or explaining the book of Galatians and I have covered a few fundamental territories of the book of Galatians by way of introduction and I'm just gonna continue from where we started this morning now we'll establish that Christ is a substance of the Scriptures Christ is the substance of the scriptures you can read the Bible and not read the world you can read the Bible and not read the world you don't correct believers with a dictionary you correct believers with the scripture why because the scripture reveals the passion and until you see the person you cannot be accurately corrected for issues to be accurately corrected or addressed those issues must be addressed in the light of the passing call Christ there are facts but there is the peek there are facts that the visible eye can see but there is the truth that the visible eye can see the truth changes facts because the truth is superior to facts you know the facts go say you are sick but the truth sees you are healed if you stay with the teach the facts will be corrected so truth collects facts please follow me carefully and pay attention truth correct facts the Bible is not a book of do's and don'ts and it's not a book of historical accounts the Bible is the revelation of a passing the revelation of a person so in the last service we stopped at something and I want to kick off from there Galatians of the 1 verse 1 to 2 Paul an apostle not of men and I've dealt with that extensively but when is the end this morning but not of men neither by man but by jesus christ and god the father who raised him from the dead so we've established that you don't call an apostille you don't call a pastor you don't ordained an apostle you don't order in a prophet you can ordain elders you can attend deacons but you can't ordained an apostle because an apostle is a gift from Jesus to the body a prophet is a gift here a descendant is he that ascended when he ascended he gave gifts is not man that selects the gifts in stasis who gave the gifts to the body but an elder can be ordained an addition can be ordered not an apostille not a prophet not an evangelist not a pastor in teacher these are gifts the fivefold ministry gifts are byproducts of his resurrection when he rose that was a frosty he gave to the body of Christ he gave the gifts of men he gave men two men does a mystery you know God took men and give them as gifts to men is amazing isn't it God imperfect men - men - perfect men does a mystery does a mystery a pastor is a gift given by Jesus we see Paul the Apostle has founded churches all over the places the churches in Galatia give me must you and all the brethren which are with me on to the churches of Galatia short she's not charge you know people are angry that a lot of churches many more churches will come it has not even started yeah I will seen anything it there's going to be a mass production of charges as the day of Jesus approaches it's gonna get so serious that every company will have a charge it's gonna be everywhere we're not started churches will be all over the place because that is God's mind to build local churches all over the world literally to local churches local local cultures because them the more the church is little the more is effective in building the people in there that's how we're in this big church we have fellowships to help in the house fellowship for believers to be catered for that's the module of the New Testament that's the module of the New Testament it's not just a power city thing that we're doing house fellowships we're not doing House fellowship because other people are doing House fellowship snow it is doctrine it is Scripture if you read romance of the sixteen from the Sun you will see Oracle's of churches in the house of this in the house of that in the house of that churches in houses because that is go strategy for the perfecting of the saints it's not just a church method or a chart style is doctrine these continued in the Apostles doctrine from where house to house that's the Apostles doctrine from house to house it's not just what we think it is doctrine and my teaching here yeah in acts of the truth from house to house breaking bread and it indium it with singleness of heart from house to house is the way it's always been with the New Testament charge are we in charge okay Galatians chapter 1 where we are is gonna be an interesting one Galatians chapter 1 verse number three grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from you realize that all New Testament church greetings began with grace and peace Grace and the endeavored grace okay grace and peace from God the Father and from Allah Jesus Christ look at verse four carefully who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God our Father from this present evil world that he might deliver us deliver us that he might deliver us not from Satan but deliver us from this present evil world this world is evil now it really said that him and deliver us from this present evil earth why the earth is the Lord's so the earth is not evil but the world is evil from this present evil world not from the X so it tells us for God so loved the world the word world is the word God loves the that the cosmos the cosmos does a Greek word for God so love the but when he says he will deliver us from this present evil world the Greek word for that world is different from the Greek word for for God so loved the world what actually means is that God so loves the cosmos the people that inhabit the earth but he delivers us from the onions does the Greek word he delivers us from this present evil onions onions means the activities the activities not the cosmos but the onions the activities he delivers us from the activities of the insulin that operates within the cosmos he'll catch in this that's why in one place Isis not not the world in another places go into the world he says love not the world love not the onions but go into the cosmos love not the activities of the world's way but go into the cosmos into the people that inhabit the earth the cosmos now it takes study to be able to decipher all of these ok it takes story it's not just Greek and Hebrew no no no is beyond Greek and Hebrew because you can carry all the Greek and Hebrew books and be more confused because Greek and Hebrew is not holy ghost' it will still take the Holy Ghost who inspired the writings to interpret the writings all Greek and Hebrew helps you to do is to trace the original intent of that word because when you are translating words from a particular language to another language there are some ingredients that this order language may not have that is in the other language that says sometimes some of you the best way you express yourself to God is in your dialect there are ways you will pronounce certain things and make the kind of impression you feel like that English cannot Cal that's where God gave us tongues because English is too limited it cannot convey the depth of thoughts the way we want them so when English stops brand a palapa continues a magician here so same thing with Babu translation when the translators were translating when you're moving from Hebrew to Greek is what we call the set regime when you're moving from Hebrew to Greek there are words that may be left out and they are moving from greek to english so it is further watered so that's why a good bible teacher will now go to the root word where that word was gotten to harvest all the ingredients so that the word is enriched when pot so now you have they brought up in chop on what was meant that what was said for example I used to hear ya you read the Bible and you see certain expressions that require interpretation and sometimes we are limited in understanding to be able to bring the kind of interpretation Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 for example he says he thought it not robbery to be in equality with God he thought it not robbery the original says he did not hold on to the position as God the kingdom says he thought it not robbery the original the Greek says he did not hold on to the position he didn't hold on to it that is so even though he was God when we considered you he didn't want his position as God he let go that position so he can demonstrate his loved him by becoming humble and obedient to death by taking on him the form of a servant okay and when you get that more clarity comes to story and Maclaren clarity of thoughts I granted you to be able to understand decipher and communicated in its details praise the Lord and it takes proper Bible study to do that Galatians 1:4 now the onions and the cosmos the chairs were air conditioners the chairs were used the fan blowing is the earth is the cosmos you know the moon the Stars the Sun is passe Mose Brod created the earth Genesis 1 God created the earth and within the cricket and earth you have cheers you have cars you have furniture you have microphones you have plants you have speakers your previous within the earth and if you observe carefully when God created the earth there was no activity until man came forth man determines the activities of the earth man determines the activities of the earth because even after creation everything was in a silent mode nothing was operated man theatre activities so activities are determined by man please listen carefully to deliver us from this present evil world to deliver us from this present evil activities which are the instance of man this present evil activities are the instance of man God didn't create the activities God created man and gave man Dominion and part of that Dominion is to create the activities so the activities of the earth are within the sphere of man's Authority but man took that and handed it over to Satan so Satan became the god of this world not the god of the earth Satan became the god of this onions not the god of yes now please pay attention by implication therefore it will mean that if I'm going to see setup in oppression I will see Satan in oppression in the activities that man creates Satan cannot operate independent of man he needs man just like God cannot also operate independent of man God needs man on the earth same thing with Satan so all we say the works of Satan we're talking about some clouds falling from the sky we're not talking about some flying objects like dogs and and and and pigeons we're not talking about some chicken running around your 'kappa when we are talking about settle in oppression we will see in the activities of men a man tell somebody you want to promote him that guy he hates you if you promote him in this office you be demoted shocky an activity has been Theodore and as a result of that activity Satyam involved in it as use that oppression there to hinder your promotion you are innocently working in the office you just discover that when oppression came your neighbors for me Ted why was my name or meeting the person that I'm Italian name is evil smiling eyes widening including mmm here is the one that that removes your name because somebody spoke to him within that activity we see Satan in operation Satan doesn't just operate no no a machine here Satan Dellinger's operate he must come within the onions to carry out his oppression you know some of you think you just is it a combat to Longhorns contrary to what you think is cetera issues of you will know is Zeta he's a fine gentleman or a beautiful girl you know really nice with Queen's English polished polished with all the God sees but does Satan the services he comes as an angel of light meaning that if it is to look for certain physical you want even Lucetta so instead of looking for Satan in people look for settling activities even hear what I said look for Satan well images it brother says I want to marry you how are you I love you you are happy you tell two of your friends your friends are unhappy that you are ugly as you are cannot marry before all of them that are beautiful so what next one of them goes to him and says you want to marry oh oh what a mistake what a mistake an activity has been set in motion that has uprooted your marital blessing with that particular person and of they must smiling with you but it's just a smile of burial because not few days after he will come and see my mom no mother said no it cannot happen he is already tell you it is finished what happened nothing happened everything was ok but your mouth was too big and because Satan doesn't know anything about you except you announce it so when you announced it he bought it from your announcement and now look for people that don't like you and what you people that they like you to ensure that didn't happen now Satan is not operating independent he's operating within the activities of man in Fantasia here please follow me pay attention because I need to explain it so that you don't start suspecting people you don't start suspecting people you love people relate with people trust people believe the best of people but don't be ignorant of activities don't be ignorant ok are we here are we are we here ok since God began to teach me a number of things it has made me wiser it has made me wise in my life in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 look at this wherefore as by one man sin entered I was ambassador it wasn't by system that sin entered the cosmos I mean India in today into the world into the Indians it was him by Satan that sin entered into the Indians it was by man well and victoriously when sin entered into the world victoriously death by seeing death by sin death is part of the vicarious responsibility of seeing because if there was no sin there will be no death but what who was invent of man by one man by one man so I always say man is the architect of his problem man is the architect of his problem and that is why man has to solve this problem since man created this problem then man has to solve this problem so question is how does man solve this problem no man had the wherewithal to solve man's problem but God loves man and God doesn't want to give up a man because he is love now with an everlasting love so what does God do God becomes man to solve the problem man created so man created a problem solve the problem simply man solve the problem praise the Lord as a prince alone Satan reigned through man man gives it and Rain Man gives it a new Russian man was in charge man was supposed to issue authority and command to the Angels but for the first time an angel give man instruction and man carried out the instruction of the angel and there was a slap of rules angel took place of authority man took a place of receive instructions and that's what turned the angel to set up and turn man to his slave thus the fall the guy you call Satan was an angel who left his former is the--this an angel and became set up is actually set and that was twisted twisted angel is cos theta let me let me do some exigencies with you in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1 ok alright and then God said God said God said God said God said God said God said and God saw that everything he has created was good everything was what Salinas is Satan good talk to me church is it and good talk to me citizens is set and good he said I'm good is there anybody here who Satanas don't good for he said I'm good no now so if God if all that God created was good and Satan is not good question did God create Sita do not my beloved brethren James 1:16 don't have every good and every perfect gift cometh from above from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning put up for me on the screen Genesis 1:31 can we already get a very loud everybody want to go and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was everything that he has made everything every every every everything admit was very good and Satan is not good that means Satan was not in this list so that means Satan only showed up after Genesis 1 meaning that Satan actually manifested as Sita in Genesis 2 at the instance of the fall that swap tone the angel to set up and tone man to his servant over the planet where he was in charge so that swap made seta the god of the onions the edge steel is the lord's so Satan is a God of the activities okay now pay attention officials chapter 2 verse 1 and you have he quickened who we are dead in trespasses and scenes next verse wherein in time past you worked you that we are dead before you walked according to the course of this onions that's how you walked according to the Prince of the power of the numa the other is Numa the area is not there there is Numa Numa means spirits according to the Prince of the power of the spirits you walked under the influence or you are under the spell or you are under the control of the Prince of the power of the Numa now that Prince of the power of the air is the spirit the Numa that now worketh the spirit at work does the operational spirit in the children of disobedience what disobedience disobedience to the gospel in the spirit of children of disobedience this are people that have not obeyed the gospel when a man does not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ he becomes an instrument for the spirit of Darkness to carry out his operation through him uncontrollably I just finished writing a book on the concept of deliverance it's gonna be a very powerful tool to the body of Christ because there are many things people call deliverance that is not deliverance many people are busy attending deliverance services they are called for you are only delivered once you don't go for deliverance twice deliverance takes place once and as the day you got born again you don't get delivered twice you can deliver once but you know there's a difference between deliverance and casting out Devils they are not the same deliverance is a movement from one kingdom to another and you only move from one kingdom to another once canna crystal deposits never never capital never any ve I'll never know why why not why can't a Christian be possessed why should I be possessed can two spirits live in a house can darkness and light live in a room when you are not born again the spirit of darkness lived in you the dead Christ and the light of the world and had darkness left you're free some say bottom even in a dream you like eating so keep eating there is no fuss and we are not even in the Old Testament under the shadows that self you eat in a dream the process there's no such vast not even by the the the lowest prophets of the Old Testament even the lowest prophets didn't imply it with the little lights they had they still had brighter light than some people of today even in the dream some say my body things are moving are you dead don't you notice a transportation system in your body that carries food carries water carries nutrients carries blood and because of the height activity your body sometimes even your body you will feel movements that's why I live in small cuts the doctors and the doctors and the nurses they would tell you scientifically in fact in that book I am doing a scientific analysis on why people sometimes cannot see Jesus in the dream his scientific is not village on the dirty it has a scientific explanation no no no we have to deal with this thing from every direction because you see we must take the rug from under their feet so that people can be free from bondage and it takes intelligent reasoning to dismantle deception how would you fly shouldn't you fly are you not born of God a very spiritual interpretation beware lest any man spoil you through then philosophy it is called idle fancies stay with the simplicity that is in Christ with what talk to me now you are making clothes stay with what the simplicity that is we're in Christ you'll get a book very shortly I'm almost done in fact I mean the last parts of that book I'm so excited about it because that's one diamond illumise cake out of Nigeria the demon of the so-called deliverance so-called praise the Lord when Jesus was praying in John chapter 17 it says they are not of the world they are put it up John 17:11 and now I am no more in the world now watch this do you not know when Jesus was praying this he was in the earth he was in the act but he said I am no more in the world but it was in the earth meaning I am no more weird and the activities of the onions can reach me what is him listen I have arrived at my terminal point what a simple cell is the climax of my assignment after this player will be carried out what you are saying is after this player I will die as far as I'm concerned am no more available to the onions okay I'm normal in the world but this in the cosmos this are in the cosmos and I come today Holy Father keep through type own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are one next verse while I was with them in the world in the cosmos I kept them in thy name those that are give us me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled and now come I to thee and these things I speak in the cosmos that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves so Jesus pray that you will not be taken out but that you will be kept that means you will still be around where the activities of Satan Miska is going on used to be around the place that I spring for the father to keep you because you will be in the environment where all these activities are going on amen you will still be around but afraid that the father should keep you and it's all the father the ones who gave me none is lost give me the next verse I have given them the world and the world have hid admitted them you are not hated because you are handsome you are hated because you are not of them you are a container carrying a Content that content is his world his world are noise the spirit that operates in the onions the Word of God it annoys them so because they don't want you to keep the world they will do everything to rattle you out of the world everything they will do everything everything look where you are tested you are not tested because you are smart you are tested because you a believer a believer count it all joy James one my brethren when you fall into divers divers temptations trials tests knowing this that's your winning card knowing this that the trying of your face not a train of your pocket not a train of your car not a train of your marriage the whole trial even though I came through your marriage it came through your car it came through your job it can clear pockets does where the machineries used to get out your faith that Anderson in your car now will it drive it so I see attack in the car is that for the car he knows you like the car and the guy helps you so he knows if he breaks it down it will start affecting you if you put you under pressure and sometimes when you're under pressure you will act contrary to who you are target is your faith the trial of your faith pit assist for the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold after your faith is dried as a trial of faith in Corinthians in Caesar no temptation has taken you but such as is what come on say we are going through something stop making it look like you're the only one it's a common thing stop stop celebrating it you know I know you don't know you've never been in my shoes shoes is it not somebody that manufactured egv shoes it's come on tell the neighbors come on stop giving a special approach say brother was the matter you won't understand why wouldn't I understand you know what everybody goes through you are going through it and you're doing a face like you tasted bitter leaf there are people that are going to return the unlucky massive nothing is happening you are same situation two different approaches depending on how much trends you have the self giving them my world why because my word will give you stamina that even though things are rough you'll be smiling in the midst of them because you're not feeling it well but if you lock the world and need to shaken you'll be feeling the impact so you're facing me looking like you're testing with a leaf that's why the Word of God must well richly in you so that the world becomes the shocks no my dadís Thomas you're not feeling it because they are absorbed by the shots of the Word of God I'm teaching good here hallelujah I said hallelujah when we got born again [Music] Satan became totally rattled the next thing is to attack our faith and he will not stop at attacking until Jesus comes so breath up for a lifetime of adventure with battles against the enemy it is out how I defined it adventure is adventure not suppression oh god is so confident in his product God is so confident in his product that he is not afraid to throw his product to the Lions Den he knows the product will come out it is where you know that the pancake you fuuu made was made of sugar that's why if you put it away rain is falling you will cover to later back because you know that rain will make a leakage of the pancake the simplest pancake marry sugar the new invention maybe you should try this after I give us a testimonial where is it it's where you're not sure of what you use in packaging your product that is not protecting it God is more than double shock of what he has put in the believer we is walk my sheep in Christ Jesus and whatsoever is born of God but also because God is show of artisans that is product he's not afraid of trials coming so when trials start coming to disappoint God bears up and say this is come on garel shuttle Abba David vs Goliath when I was in the bush the lion and the bear come against me with my bare hands for them Goliath sure one of them lie on your one of them bear the God that gave me victory in the fight will give me victory in the battle and that will began to wrong without any physical side you only run based on what has happened before that bevel that couldn't stop you 2016 couldn't stop you 2015 couldn't stop you 2014 wouldn't kill you in 2009 that accident they gotta dots and God hasn't given up on you in the town of mine called me within the week she was so sober so I said to her you sober she said pop I've been looking for you for two days and say what happened he say Papa we're driving and we had a ghastly accident say you know the other day Papa kept calling you I kept calling you you answered and said you were busy in a meeting you were calling me back I just kept feeling on rest I was feeling uncomfortable I was feeling restless and I was about to travel my I was feeling you know that I needed you to talk to me I needed you to pray for me but you are so busy so finally time to travel came I couldn't see riches I got in the car and we started driving he said as we just got to a point we were face-to-face with a trailer our driver managed to dodge the trailer even though we were always almost in the bush as we swerve and dodge the trailer from nowhere another caveat Bob who had an accident that car was riffing off people are bleeding all over say you can't believe our car just a scratch on the bumper nobody believed we came out of that car I said well you know what happened she said no I said God just said have an idea of what I've been protecting you from that you don't know see see sample you sleep wake up travel come back as if you're in charge let me give you a little idea so you can be more grateful you lie down not knowing where you're lying down all your mouth is open your nose is open your I have written it up you are not in charge yet in the morning you wake up you throw your leg it responds you throw your hand this response and then you say I have to faster which is how Jesus will touch you where was your fasting us snoring if it has not been for God and he is faithful so if we how do I have pious kept you is it not that you think us much you can keep yourself what your contribution is captain a contribution that's what we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us praise the Lord say I know I believe the love that God has for me a professor for the first 1000 of us a man will come electronic that team that could not defeat you when you didn't know this much will not scratch you henceforth fear not fear not those that I guess you are too small there are always more for you than those against you always the problem is that those that are against you make noise those are tough for you are quiet they don't make noise the only act they are a deal with you but I don't talk they only act but does that else you recognize they are are like you I rely on the Magnusson make you look like you are finished in psychological warfare they attack your mind to make you give up but those data for you are there quiet waiting for action they don't talk they only do action and sometimes if you are not careful you may think that the roaring of your enemies of defeat area but if you just come down and we remember there are more for me than those against but dem is the alma flesh with us is the Lord of Hosts an eyelash ours was on the mountain get huzi his boy he has his last master what shall we do because she saw the army of the cereals all over the mountain ready to blow up the mountain master how shall we do and let us a convoy convoy father open the eyes of my son that he may see that there are more for us than those against us and God open the eyes of the hussy when chaos he saw for everyone so child the enemy there were thousands ready to match them Gaza says how we don't have any problem we don't have any problem why people have flabbergasted is because they don't know what you know I had some people and an aircraft flying and the aircraft got into turbulence and people are screaming and shouting out of fear because sometimes those those problems come ringing rattle an aircraft this plane was jumping all over the place young lady was it India or moved so somebody in the aircraft AXA are you not seeing what is happening she said I'm seeing it why are you not responding you say no I know what you don't know I know what you don't know then the AXA what do you know that we don't know you say look up in the business class look up there Billy graha is in this plane it cannot crash [Music] Billy Graham see we have it is a vet is in building a house if that man of God is yeah he still have more Cruzes to preach we cannot crash when I used to travel in those days too much all over the place on aircrafts just before I came into the light of the faith of God and you know all that Jesus has done for us I got into one trouble and want a beer my plane was bumping all over the place I was scared I was scared I spoke in tongues then I stopped then I quoted scriptures then I stopped then I spoke in tongues I stopped that put a scriptures I stopped I was still afraid I wanted to give tanks but tanks didn't look effective you've been there you know what I'm talking about then I have God audibly Sean I am NOT a murderer I actually to go and preach I will not kill you on the road who fee I just left shortly I wasn't feeling it again not really assures that the voice of God no matter the storms you can chose here God am i shape hear my voice my sheep hear my voice wherever you're here in the sound of my voice today I speak over you by the apostolic mandate over me you will never lose any battle I didn't hear that him n first John 5:4 whatsoever is born of God overcometh the onions darkness you must have to be not conformed to this to the onions but be transformed be not confirmed to the activities of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind Galatians waffle is a yes delivered us from this present evil world oh he has delivered us from this present evil age or he has delivered us from the authority of darkness pollutions 1:13 we are delivered from the world John 1632 in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world [Music] we cannot conform we cannot confirm to this earth in Hebrews 11 verse 3 look at it through faith we understand that the world we are framed by the Word of God not the egg he's not talking of the earth he's talking about the world the balls they are framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were made of things that do not appear what is he talking about what is seen is the things that happened happened because of the Word of God what things happened then he told the things are happen next verse by faith the things that happen in a bells wall the things that happened in the world of a bell we are framed by the Word of God a means within the confines of the gospel by faith verse 5 Enoch dam is Enoch protect within the confines of the Word of God the world of Enoch was framed by the Word of God and if you go on he talked about by faith Abraham by faith Moses by faith Isaac by faith Jacob by faith Samson by faith Rahab by faith all of them all of this Old Testament faith fathers their Wars we are framed by the Word of God that means there are two wars in the world there are two wars in the world is not one world is two wars within the world we have a reward you near me within the world we have our own world framed by the Word of God so on the earth today there are two races of people in two different walls on the earth today there are two races of people in two different worlds there are those one who are not children of God there are those who are not children of God and there are those who have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness second corinthians of the chapter chapter 4 verse 3 says if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world has blinded so there are those that the god of this world has blinded their minds and then there are those of us that are delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of his dasam so in Christ we have the best of two worlds we are delivered from the power of darkness yet we are around the world of darkness we are delivered from it but we are around it so what does that world do to us they persecute us we are delivered from it but we are still around it so they persecute us we are persecuted on jobs in your walk in your relationships with people you know when things happen because there are some things you cannot do you are persecuted you agitate sometimes you are wounded and sometimes you are taking advantage of you are constantly being persecuted but in spite of the persecution you are still making progress because of where you came from you still making progress when they expect you to throw in the towel and just start crying you play the songs of Zion and you start dancing and they get confused they want to yell you will and they will tell you shout and the ones here you groan out of total hopelessness then they yeah you play the songs of Zion and you're dancing and smiling and they don't know what to do with you anymore hey man we we have all the time they give or shaaka kill a mimosa how many times do we win how many times who will win so that was the war was framed by the Word of God frame frame frame galatians chapter 1 verse 5 and i'm rounding up are you blessed chapter 1 verse 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever amen this is the facts of the book of galatians and that's why you stopped six is the haps of the book of Galatians I am a fool that you are so soon removed from him that called you unto the grace of God unto and not that gospel into the grace of Christ stay in verse 6 into the grace of Christ unto another gospel is a marvel now pay attention Paul had preached the gospel to discharge preached it pure gospel and that established them in the word of Greece they being taught the message of grace but they didn't continue Paul left them and went to other places you know just like a travel from time to time sometimes a travel for a week sometimes two weeks sometimes three weeks once in a while one month I'm gone because I have an assignment to you primarily but to the body of Christ you so I go after have taught you all of the message of the grace of God Jesus Christ and all of that in this charge as our focus for years now and then by the time I'm back one month after another gospel has entered a church another gospel I can aha not under your watch another gospel has crept into the church so Paul now comes back it's like you know you have people see my message is holiness my message is marriage my message is deliverance all those things are another gospel all of them all of them are not ago so we're hiring people say is the only Christ we shall be hiding in this church is really Christ only Christ are we going to eat Christ is only Christ when you studying people talk like that is an expression of their spiritual capacity as babies because babies cry for variety it is babies that look for variety mature people don't do for variety they look for consistency easily Christ can't we have a seminar on trending ideas in the business world to come back with recession can we have that even if Papa cannot teach it can t bring experts go to London Business School and it is too far for you this one in Lagos you'll get plenty trained in ideas there the church is the house of Christ the only message the only the only it is called the glass of Christ anything that is not the grace of Christ is another gospel anything when I taught you marriage in this church was in or Christocentric it came from Christ they still Christ when I taught prayer is the Christ when I taught when I taught other things you know we're taught giving in the light of Christ everything we've taught you we've taught different things we've taught godly character we've not conduct godly conduct all from Christ because the message is Christ everything revolves around him the my message is second coming second coming somebody asked me why don't you preach a rough chop it's not the message rapture is not the message by the way there is no place in the Bible you will see the word rapture they'll use it commercially you will never find the word rapture in the Bible it's not yet gonna look for it there's no word like rapture in the bank but you will find what like we shall be cut off okay that word caught up is what theologians give the definition of rapture but it's actually catching away and that Kachina is actually the day when you will have your full disclosure full disclosure what is the full disclosure it is called the manifestation of the sons of God that word manifestation of the source of God is actually full disclosure of the sons of God what is the what will be the full disclosure because right now we don't have the full disclosure so there is a growing for also has a full disclosure and what is that full disclosure it is when this mortality we ask immortality that would be our full disclosure that you sum over travel without cause that's when Marta Thanks don't matter anymore that's when we shall walk and pass to people that I'm looking at you on I passed through you and I'm gone now you're wondering where is it coming from I'm gone because at that time no more limits we add in our fullness the fullness of redemption praise the Lord that's why believers shouldn't prefer Upshaw is not a prayer point shouldn't pray it will cut off let me axe all of you are you born again so you have collected that part of redemption okay is your mind with you have the mind of Christ so you have collected the second installment the last installment is guaranteed if you have the fest and the second installment the last one is not a prayer point is automatic that as long as is the first and the second the third one must of necessity be given to you so rapture it's not a prayer rug shock is just you collecting the third installment of the first and second installment it's called a full disclosure mortality shall put on immortality a prophesy over you this world is afraid of you the Amen is not good enough somebody said have the best of two wars said very loud I have the best of two wars so what is the message the grace of Christ anything that is not aggressive class what is it please stand on your feet that's all I've got for you in the service hey man I said a man growing in knowledge as a remain walk two to two to three people and tell them the message is the grace of Christ anything that is not the grace of Christ is another gospel tell to three people the message is the grace of Christ anything that is not the grace of Christ is another gospel and you know Paul is beautiful he says it's another gospel which is not another that means is not gospel amen listen to me I declare over you today we are there is an orchestration and strategizing of men to stop you from fulfilling all that God has spoken concerning you as your ma will collect on that it is about head it is about head nature surely gada but not by God they that gutta against you shall fall for your sake as is not the devil I command every conspiracy every guardian in your office irrepressible whoever I commanded to collapse that a man is not good enough I command from this service from this service from this sucks whatever the pounds of men have denied you I speak very supernatural activity that has been that has been Theodore that is going to work against the counsel of God work against the plan and the purpose of God for you every scourge in every pronouncements callously or zeros every orchestrations every mechanization of the enemy to stop you through the tongues that thoughts the wishes the desires of man as your man is coming up and I command it to inspire I command it to expire I command it to expire anyone that is in a place where you will speak well of you speak well of you to make things better and easy for you speak well of you to make things work for you and as decided not to speak well of you I command a divine intervention to move him and bring somebody that will do it there are people here heaven is moving things for you right now as you are hearing me something is moving right now the Centurion said you don't have to come to my house speak the word as I'm speaking now things are happening he said when Jesus spoke the same hour the same hour the same hour the servant was ill I declare over you there are there are there are hundreds of you here in the Salah my voice the same hour the temperature the atmosphere over you then atmosphere around you has changed it has shifted Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus any system working against you walking against the purpose the counsel of God concerning the system collapses it collapses it collapses it collapses Colossus here said that I'm a portly say the Lord is my helper I shall not be afraid what man that is mouth for the devil to use to speak against your advancement his mouth is modified this song dis condom I condemn Tong Tong disk under sail eat on the horizon against you in judgment you shall condemn God didn't say I shall condemn it for you say I command that tongue expire and those let us use your tongue to tie you down for making the kind of progress you automate they have used your tongue and tied you down I lose that tongue from its influence influence nobody nobody will be hearing them nobody will be and the people that you talk for you put a microphone to the amount I put something here something here [Applause] Jesus he openeth and oh my shot at their our milania's looking at me in the service you're looking at me your money is coming to you this gospel must be preached and you didn't want to have the money to purchase if your email is louder my voice establishing it summers that money commit to me now by the favor of God your mountain will stand that business was found that he shall withstand that project was stand that Korea will stand it was stunned it was damned that was stand it was that can sell that that is set to defeat you will not stand a total here the diamond it will not stand and I command the baptism of favor the favor of God the favor of God even those that change their minds against you they are changing it for you those of them that have to bring those of them that have to dream and instructed those of them that angels will have to visit and command those of them that people will have to talk to both of them that require external visitation I commanded the special to meet them it's your time lift your hands and give thanks giving thanks giving them totally delivered totally delivered you are totally Lamar [Applause] in Jesus precious name
Channel: Kenyanese
Views: 6,050
Rating: 4.6307693 out of 5
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Length: 73min 48sec (4428 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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