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[Music] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Applause] [Music] of god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] revelations [Music] i am what god says [Music] says [Music] i was fully dressed [Music] [Music] but i would never be the same [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] never [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is my pleasure to invite our stage our own papa [Music] [Applause] you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take [Music] the same i would never ever know [Music] i will never never be the same [Music] [Music] give him thanks for the word [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] praise your father in the name of jesus heavenly father we come before your holy precious written word and we come humbly this morning and expecting to receive revelation knowledge and we rejoice that we have the privilege of fellowshipping in the light of your world so i ask that revelation knowledge is freely given this morning to your people the minds of each one here fully enlightened by the holy ghost but inside yokes are destroyed whatever is not planted by god is rooted out we rejoice that by the end of this service will all be the better for it so we give you praise and glory for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our feet together so say this words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says he powerfully amen well i want to welcome everybody connected to this service this morning by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community brothers and sisters we're so glad to welcome every one of you to the service today and all of the radio audience in acquirebomb state we're glad to welcome all of you connected to the service this morning by way of comfort fmx lfm passion fm radio aqua bomb inspiration fm and heritage fm we're so glad to welcome every one of you to the service do me a favor this morning call a friend the family member somebody you love ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community like you've always done share the videos put them on as many groups as possible let's get this work to the ends of the earth and all our campuses around the world we welcome every one of you brothers and sisters to the service this morning oh my goodness we're gonna have an exciting time of study is there anybody in the building this morning excited about the word of god can we celebrate the word of god with a shout and a celebration glory glory amen grab your pen your bible your notebook you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get into the word of his grace this morning hallelujah oh i tell you it's been an exciting week um let me quickly announce uh this week wednesday and thursday i'm gonna have two days of teaching wednesday and thursday this week so we're gonna have church wednesday and thursday this week because i'm gonna teach some more on leading and perception and the things i'm gonna be teaching today will not require a lot of space for me to continue so you need to be in church on wednesday and firstly as we continue exploring the depths of the things that god has made available for us to live victoriously in this world so leading and perception the book of romans chapter 8 verse number 14 romans chapter 8 verse number 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god or the sons of god are led by the spirit of god did you get that you see what i just did the sons of god are led by the spirit of god for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god or the sons of god are led by the spirit of god and you know what it means to be led it means to be born b-o-r-n-e or to be carried away to be carried away to be born those that are born those that are carried away by the spirit of god they are the sons of god verse 15 romans 8 15 and it says for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father next verse the spirit itself bear a witness with our spirit that we are the children of god now we said that revelation is when the spirit communicates to your soul when the spirit communicates to your soul is what we call revelation that the soul will only receive from the spirit by revelation the soul will only receive from the spirit by revelation in other words there will be a disclosure of information a disclosure apocalypses an unveiling a disclosure of information of of an information the spirit to the soul doesn't have to be spectacular you know it doesn't have to be spectacular or dramatic it's only revelatory because what the spirit does to the soul is to reveal something to reveal something it doesn't have to be goosebumps you know you feel some goosebump experience it's just a disclosure of information a disclosure of information that's why brother paul's prayer in romans chapter 1 verse number 16 it says a cease not to give thanks for you romans 1 16 ephesians sorry ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers next verse that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom that is revelation in the knowledge of him so revelation is the spirit of god's wisdom revelation is the spirit of god's wisdom revelation is god's wisdom made available to a believer revelation the spirit of wisdom that is revelation in the knowledge of him so he now says the eyes of your understanding be enlightened or the eyes of your understanding being flooded with light flooded with light that is when your eyes are open the eyes of your mind when the eyes of your mind are open to what your spirit reveals is what we call revelation when the eyes of your mind are opened to what the spirit reveals is what we call revelation knowledge so the eyes of your mind that the eyes of your intellect are enlightened that that component that you went to school to learn with so now information is communicated to that component which that component called the mind didn't know before the mind didn't know that before it didn't learn it from anywhere but the holy spirit opened up your mind to illumination and your mind now by the aid of the spirit saw into the spirit and understood what it saw is called revelation revelation is when the spirit illuminates the mind and brings the mind up to where the mind is able to see into the thoughts the plan the intent into the purpose of god for your life so that communication between the spirit and the mind is called revelation and i told you last week if you observe that the spirit and the soul are in the same compartment and it will take for you to be able to distinguish between the soul and the spirit to distinguish all the word to discern okay to distinguish now the key action when it comes to the spirit and the soul is meditation on the word that's the key action meditation on the world last sunday we had a fellowship with all our global coordinators like we always do and because of that fellowship the brethren asked me a question on the platform and the question was simply um so because last sunday i said you can be praying in the spirit and your mind is busy thinking about carnal stuff did i say that last time okay you know your mind is busy because your mind is bored when you begin to angling like the boro kuta nekalina mahadaya your mind doesn't know what you're saying and your mind does not like to just be bored for too long especially when you're doing that in prayer cruise for three hours so your mind is wondering what's going on here what's up well since you don't want me to be busy with you let me be busy with myself then your mind will begin to pull out information that has been stored and then suddenly you start seeing images and pictures of things that do not agree with your prayer things that are totally out of place and then all of that will begin to constitute a distraction to see if it will get your attention your mind is trying to get your attention back but you're busy in the spirit so somebody asked me on the platform last sunday what do we do to make sure that even when we start praying our mind is in symphony with our spirit and i said it's very easy meditation i don't just pray i don't just pray as your pastor i don't just pray i don't just stand up except i want to pray for somebody or some but i don't just stand up and just start praying most times before i get a prayer i meditate i ponder the word of god i spend time thinking about the scriptures i spend them thinking about god's word and while i'm meditating the word of god my soul gets ablaze my soul gets aflame with the world then at that point where my soul is on fire with what i am meditating on i open my mouth to pray when i start that prayer my mind and my spirit will be together in that prayer that's what brought up david said in psalm 39 verse number 3 psalms chapter 39 verse number 3 david said my heart was hot within me while i was musing while i was meditating while i was pondering my heart was hot within me while i was musing the fire burned while i was meditating the fire burned then speak i with my tongue so my mouth spoke because there was fire in my soul and what brought the fire to my soul was meditation oh how i love your world it is my meditation all day long all day long your word is my meditation i spend quality time pondering meditating neutering over the world i spent time thinking over and over to ponder to muta to roll over to roll over scriptures roll over the teaching of god's word ponder and ponder until my soul is on fire then i'll open my mouth and begin to speak now as a child of god you've got to learn to spend quality time in meditation then you will find out that you don't have a shallow life you will find that whenever you speak your words come with weight because they are coming out of the depth of quality meditation they are not just flimsy words and you find out that the more you meditate them the more you become a man and a woman of few words some of us are very flippant we talk about everything and anything your mouth is and out of 100 things you say you only mean 10 out of them 90 are useless and a believer can't afford to leave that kind of flimsy empty you know life you can't afford that but that comes because you are not giving to meditation you are too empty you are too light you are too shallow you have no depth because you do not spend time to meditate and ponder god's word one of the most effective ways to renew your mind is to meditate because meditation opens up revelation to your mind and your mind gets saturated with light my heart was hot within me while i was meditating the fire burned then my mouth started speaking i didn't just start speaking i didn't just start speaking until the fire burned on my inside now um so the key action when it comes to the spirit and the soul is meditation on the world it's when you meditate the word you remove the thought of the mind from that compartment when you meditate god's word you are able to remove your thoughts from what god is saying you're able to separate you're able to decipher what i am thinking and what god is saying it's meditation that will divide that will distinguish or that will bring about that that that discernment while meditation while meditating you separate the spirit from the soul in meditation you are able to separate the spirit from the soul meditation on the world because hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse number 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and it's a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart it's a discerner of that so the word of god that you meditate upon will separate the spirit and the soul the word of god that you meditate upon will distinguish the spirit from the soul it will distinguish the spirit from the soul so when we consistently meditate on god's word we are able to easily identify what i am thinking from what god is saying be able to know that this thought is me and this one is god it will take quality meditation on god's word now that's why the bible teaches that you meditate every day you meditate the word of god every day in joshua chapter 1 verse 8 joshua chapter 1 verse 8 this book of the lord shall not depart out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that that might have observed to do according to all that is within their reign for then thou shalt make thy way you shall make your way if you are given to meditation you will have the wisdom of god in oppression such that you can use god's wisdom and make your way believers who are struggling and failing and falling and frustrated have not have not engaged they have not engaged meditating god's word thou shalt make thy way prosperous and you shall have good success you shall make your way you shall make your way not federal government will make a way for you you shall make your way prosperous god cares about everything that concerns you everything if you fail god is concerned if you succeed god is happy there's nothing about you that doesn't concern god because you're his product you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have good success another translation says you shall deal with the affairs of life wisely you shall deal with the affairs of life wisely give me the amplified of joshua 1 8. this after moses was dead and joshua's giving israel direction says good this book of the lord shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success you shall deal wisely a lot of christians are foolish naive and [Music] idiots they speak in tongues oh they are in heaven but when it comes to the practical day-to-day life they are so foolish they are so naive they are so idiots sometimes you even wonder whether they really even read the bible how can the all-wise god live in you and just the mundane things of life are flogging you around i'm looking for a job i cannot get a job i have applied everywhere and nobody's admitting me i'm so frustrated i don't know what to do with my life maybe i should just kill myself kill yourself my friend and cheat yourself of everything that god will who are you intimidated you would kill yourself how does killing yourself affect me you only cheated yourself i miss you for a few days and life goes on that's a bitter truth god is concerned about every area and aspect of your life and god has made preparation for you to live a life of victory and a life of triumph god is not only concerned about you going to heaven god is not really concerned about you you know being born of god he's also concerned about how you live in this planet he put you in this planet he created this planet and put you in it so you can dominate it and live victoriously in it and if you're failing and failing and failing god is concerned seller he has given you what to use in living and dealing with this life wisely so you have success not just success good success teaching good i don't know why nobody is marrying me you're stupid that's why nobody is marrying you that's the truth you're stupid how am i stupid because you're not paying attention to the book of wisdom in your hand that was given to you to use in succeeding nobody is stopping you from getting married you're just being foolish or fools and slow of heart to believe all that is written in the book it's not an insult i'm just waking you up to what state you're in you're blaming satan for what satan is ignorant of maybe i really need to go and pull down the whole time my father has unbelievers that have alters that are marrying income they don't even care about your god fetish people that don't know god and they are full of altars all over them yet they are getting married to three four wives what do you say about that i mean let's think god's will for you is to live the good life you are not in this world by mistake say with me i will deal wisely with their fears of this life and i will have good success said like you have some stamina i will deal wisely with their fears of this life and i will have good success the good life was designed for me i will live it you deal wisely with their fears of this life but you give yourself to meditation you meditate the word you meditate the word the book of psalms chapter one verse one blessed is a man that walking not in the council of the ungodly not standing in the way of sinners not sitting in the seat of this comfort next verse but his delight is in the law of the lord and in the lord god he meditate how many times day and night he meditates the law of god he meditates the word of god day and night next verse he shall be like a tree like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his life also shall not wither can help me with the last one help me with the last sentence want to go everybody and whatsoever he do it shall if he's a lecturer he will prosper in lecture and if he's a businessman he will prosper in business if he's a politician he will prosper as a politician if he's a teacher he will prosper as a teacher if he's a trader he will prosper as a trader whatever he do it because the word of god contains god's wisdom in dealing with the affairs of this life you meditate the world first timothy chapter 4 15 brother paul admonishing timothy on the same principle meditate upon these things give thyself holy to them that thy profiting may appear to all when you give yourself to meditation your profiting your profiting will appear to all that is meditation will aid you with all that you require to profit massively in this life that your profiting will appear to all so when you fix your thoughts on the world when you fix your thoughts brother kenneth hagin says meditation is when the spirit knocks the door of your mind meditation is when the spirit knocks the door of your mind that is your spirit begins to bring information to your mind by meditation your spirit begins to bring information to your mind by meditation meditation is when your mind listens to your spirit when your mind listens to your spirit so if you are taking of time to meditate on the word of god you will in that compartment remove the thoughts of the mind and stay with the thoughts of the spirit when you take time to meditate the word of god you are able to decipher to separate the thoughts of your mind from the thoughts of the spirit and then you are able to stay with the thoughts of the spirit that wins all the time meditating god's word meditating god's word hallelujah so the longer you meditate the more easily your mind receives information from your spirit the longer you meditate the more easily your mind receives information from your spirit jesus said in mark chapter 4 verse 24 amplified version mark chapter 4 verse 24 mark 4 24 mark mark chapter 4 verse number 24 mark and he said to them be careful what you are hearing i love you to look at it be careful what you are hearing tell somebody be careful what you are hearing be careful what this jesus speaking what you are hearing the measure of thought and study you give to the truth you hear the measure of thought and study you give to the truth you hear will be the measure of virtue and knowledge that comes back to you and more besides will be given to you who here more besides will be given to you who here so you can distinguish your spirit from your soul by the instrumentality of meditation hope you know you cannot meditate in a hurry i hope you know that there's no meditation in a hurry you cannot meditate in a hurry because the word is agamemnon in the greek it means to fix your thoughts on it you fix you fix your thoughts you fix your thoughts you stay there stay there you think you true and true and true and true you stay there you fix your thoughts on it you don't go anywhere you stay there sometimes in the course of meditation you you you you you people will hear you talking to yourself you're talking alone you're busy because what you are thinking in your mind became so loud that your mouth started neutering your mouth started neutering yeah yes no yeah um just like i said you know see that come to pass yeah you're meditating you can be locked in meditation for 18 hours you're just it is in the process of that that you come out with direction and leading that beats the wisdom of this world but you're too noisy [Music] can't you keep quiet can't you keep quiet you don't know how to be quiet you know noisy people are not matured one of the hallmarks of maturity is silence as you mature in life you become a person of few words few words what are you talking about it's my personal shout out personality are you the only one with personality who told us your personality say you're in discipline personally it's children who talk about everything babies when i was a child i spoke like a child now that i'm mature i give up childish ways so that one of the ways to know mature people is that they don't talk like they used to talk anymore sometimes you see things you're quiet you observe things you're quiet you have an opinion you're quiet even when people poke you to see if you will say something even though you have an opinion you pretend not to know what they're talking about that's maturity some of you talk too much that's why you don't the power of god can't even recite because if the power of god freely flows through the way you talk you will kill everybody so because you are a talkative you have power leakage can't trust your mouth your outlet has a problem you talk too much there are days i sit in my room i say nothing from morning till evening i say nothing i know how to do it because i've been doing it for years i don't say nothing i'm just quiet i can be boring sometimes very boring i can be boring very very boring sometimes i meet people and they're expecting me to talk the way i talk when i'm teaching and then i'm quiet and they're like the usc is not the same with this one and i'm like i can't come here and be shining glory glory i can't do that i can't do that i can be noisy i can't be all over the place bless you morning bless you that's all everybody is quiet i have nothing to say listen you don't have to say something keep quiet after both of you are quiet for some time say okay we will see you again next time that's all it's called fellowship in silence what is it called bible says learn to be quiet mind your own business study to be quiet this virtue in silence thank you lord meditation is to fix your mind on it to be focused on it so that's what we call the inward witness the inward witness is the proof the proof that is the word witness means proof an acknowledgement or an evidence of god's leading and evidence of god's leading of god's guidance in an area of our lives the inward witness is a proof and acknowledgement and evidence of god's leading of god's guidance in an area of our lives the inward witness again is a proof and acknowledgement and the evidence of god's leading of god's guidance in an area of our lives now i want to deal with an issue here this morning one of the unique qualities of human beings is volition volition you came to church this morning of your own volition is that true yeah that's one of the virtues that's one of the features or qualities of human beings volition simply means will it's one of the qualities of human beings we human beings have the volition to gather to relate to associate it's actually called the charter of human rights which is covered by the united nations declaration the charter of human rights the freedom to express yourself the freedom to associate the freedom you know to gather the freedom to worship the charter of human rights now where you have human beings expressing themselves this is what we want this is what we want and nobody stopping what we want this is how i want it it's called free will this is how i want it it's called free will what you choose to do a preacher said the most powerful force on the earth is the will of man that is the will of god is so powerful that it appears that the will of god respects the will of man that the will of god is so powerful yet it appears like the will of god respects the will of man now i agree with that preacher to some extent you know when it comes to the intent of that statement that the the most powerful force on earth is the will of man now the will of man is such that god seems to respect it such that when a man does not believe the gospel he goes to hell that's free will that's free will if a man chooses not to believe the gospel he goes to hell [Music] israel left egypt for canaan and did not believe the gospel the bible says and we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief even though god gave them a promise to enter the promised land yeah they didn't enter so free will is supposed to be something that god respects but listen carefully please listen carefully if you miss this you shouldn't have been in the service at all that is why you will think that if god is more powerful as we say he is in fact if god is all powerful as we say he is he is god who cannot be controlled who cannot be influenced who does not react and who is not proactive because he is all-knowing yet the all-knowing god who is everything there is something called being out of god's will we are talking about the all-knowing all-powerful a god that cannot be influenced yet in his own knowingness all powerfulness there is something called being out of the will of god stay with me that man can walk out of the will of god and follow his own will that this man that god created this man that is subject to time this man that is subject to distance and this man that is subject to matter can look at god in the face and say i do not want to go your way i want to go my way and god helplessly cannot stop him stay with me let's think together i thought god is all-knowing i thought god is all-powerful who will do what he wants to do at every time and anytime i mean look at sin for example some people call it sovereignty god is sovereign he is god no one can control or influence yet people disobey him how come people disobey god that shows you the power of volition the power of human choice now the question is how free is my will to choose how free is my will to choose because we are talking about leading and perceptions leading and perceptions whether you like it or not god's will is still a choice god's will is still a choice god's will is not automatic god's will is a choice look at first timothy chapter two verse four are you still here okay am i teaching good this morning testimony to form who will who will have all men to be saved he will have all man to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth he will have all man to be saved so it is the will of god that all men be saved but some people are going to hell that's not the will of god but people are actually going to hell people have gone to hell and people are still going to hell even though it is the will of god that all men be saved look at second peter chapter three verse nine second peter chapter three verse number nine the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long suffering to us world not willing the will of god not willing that any shall perish but that all shall come to repentance not willing that any shall perish so it's not the will of god that any man perish yet people perish yet people perish not because god wants them to but because they want to someone asked me if jesus paid for the sins of the whole world first john chapter two verse one and two it is appropriation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world if the blood of jesus paid for all of humanity's sins why do some people go to hell that's the point that is actually the point they go to hell because that is their will that is not god's will john 3 16 for god so loved the church help me can the radio and tv audience hear you louder for god so love the church what did he say for god so look at the emotion so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever whosoever whosoever whosoever believes in him i thought god loving man is enough i thought jesus dying for man is enough god loves jesus died to express god's love and to prove god's love and the debt is to save all of the world and the love is for all of mankind but whosoever believes look at verse 17 john 3 17 john for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved verse 18 oh glory to god watch this he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world he that believeth not is condemned already and this is a condemnation that men love darkness rather than lie because their deeds were evil god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but he that believeth not is condemned already and this is a condemnation there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus teaching good so god loves the world is not enough and that is why some people have taken the message of god's love out of control you know some say hell does not exist and then we say to them why they say love cannot create hell love cannot create hell i told someone but love will also respect your decision and choice but love will also respect your decision and choice if you decide to go to hell it will not be love not to allow you to go it is actually love to escort you because god is a father he is not a tyrant you know love does not insist on its own love can love you to hell people go to hell because god loves them that is too rich for a poor soul somebody will cut that clip now put it on social media who cares who cares i'm not going to stop saying it because of you i just know that it's above your radar those i'm talking to understand what i'm saying you do respect your choice love will respect your decision it's witchcraft to force people to do what they don't want to do god is not a witch he's witchcraft he's witchcraft that's you really can't you really can make people do what they don't want to do you really can't you will produce hypocrites let them be you can't if i don't want to you can't force me the little boy his father told him say that if you don't sit and i'll beat you the boy sat down and said daddy are you happy i'm sitting down the father said yes he said but inside me i'm standing up i mean for god sake how do you sit the inside man that's why women stop trying to change your husbands please i beg you husbands stop trying to change your wives you can't you can't you can't you cannot id for god you can't you can't the will of man that even god even god the will of man then wife will change it you can't or husband you think by beating your wife you have made a change she's just calculating how to get back at you on an opportune time you are a fool the most dangerous wife to live with is a wife that does not say anything day she will get you you'll be buried i'm not joking a man that is almost 30 years married you should listen to him he knows what he's talking about not just married i've been a pastor for years now sure listen i've canceled many marriages and i'm not counseling like a marriage expert i'm counseling like a man of the world i know what i'm talking about a man will change if he wants to change and a woman will change if she wants to change you can't force it so that's why before you marry what you see is what you have and if you don't like what you see don't marry don't tell yourself i will change him when he enters the real color of that thing you saw which was appetizer will come out what do you do what i'm talking is more serious than what you do now i'm talking about realities of life here that's why your greatest insurance as a wife and as a husband your greatest insurance you know insurance you know insurance your greatest insurance and your greatest assurance is that the man is passionate about the word of god or is that the woman is crazy about the word of god because once that is there and you keep heart to that word we all with open face as we behold the word of god as in a mirror the world will change the man that will focus on the world see even the man cannot change himself there are times you do things you get frustrated because you have told yourself over and over i won't do it again how many of your witnesses here you have told yourself you have advised yourself you have instructed yourself you have even enjoyed yourself in an attempt not to do it but when you did it you can't explain because even within yourself you don't have the power to change yourself the only thing that changes a man or changes a woman is the word of god so your assurance for amanda will change and your assurance so a woman that will change is that he or she is passionate about the word of god so you're guaranteeing in marrying anybody it's not the things he said that's why you cannot be unequally yoked you don't believe us you're a joker the guarantee you have that this man that you're married to will always be the man that you will be happy to be with is that he loves the word of god and the word of god will produce the good life the guarantee that this woman you're married to will always be the woman that will make you happy is that she loves the word of god and the word of god will produce the good life outside of that seller i'm teaching good this morning your wife is stayed away from bible study and you're encouraging her nobody moving that your husband is avoiding bible story and you're encouraging him huh let me move that the only thing that guarantees tomorrow the only thing that guarantees your peace and pleasantness in that home you are keeping it away with excuses you think the devil is you think the devil is distracted no he is waiting for you or your husband to go away from the word of god some kilometers where even if he wants to run back when he's when satan strikes it will be too far for him to arrive on time before satan will strike bible say be sobber be vigilant be sober be vigilant your adversary the devil goes about like a rory lion seeking whom he may devour whom resisted first in the faith you know you have an adversary you are not sober you are not vigilant if you do not pay attention to the things that matter most the word of god honoring god's word with everything you have if somebody is in a ministry like this and is lazy with bible study it would have been worse if he was not here because the kind of word you hear here is the kind of word that gets you addicted it's addictive you know the word we teach is very addictive i have people call me and say doctor dominant since i found you a few months ago i can't stay away from listening to 10 hours 12 hours eating i was talking to somebody from ghana yesterday you know and the lady said dr damina i am so used to your voice that even talking to you on phone is the same i'm so used to your voice because i listen to 10-12 hours every day i can't stay away i try not to but i can't help it so if you're in a church where this kind of addictive word is coming and you are still staying away from the word of god supposing you were in crk church you know sierra okay and jesus was passing by capano and the noble man said to jesus pray for my soul and jesus said why we lie why we lie why we lie you see so it's not every time that jesus will pray for people your insurance and your assurance in that marriage in that relationship is that your your life partner is addicted to the word of god and that word will change that word will give the ability the power to experience the change that a man or a woman meets to be the best that god designed for them to be if i said something can i have a good amen now what took me to that is that if you want to go to hell love will let you go love could cry love could be so sad love could be so disappointed when you're going but love will let you go is it love or love love because i want people on the international scene to understand what i'm talking about i don't know that in the sadiq region the southern african region they don't call it love love is too strong they call it love i love him i love her okay love but here in nigeria i own his love i love him he comes like a bullet i love you i love you powerful i love him should i close where's the spirit it comes to be it's time to go now let me answer something quickly before i let you go can i how free is my free will let's deal with that a bit how free is my free will or how free is my will genesis chapter 2 verse 16 genesis chapter 2 verse number 16 genesis chapter 2 verse 16 and the lord god commanded the man saying of every three of the garden that myers freely eats next verse but you see damn my yes freely eat white board it should stop at that myers freely eats that means the free will is not really free the free will of a man is not really free because he says that my freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it he didn't say thou cannot he said thou shall not thou shall not eat of it for in the day the doubt it is thereof thou shall surely die so god made man and told him part of the tree i thought god will just tell man do whatever you feel like doing [Music] thou shall not eat of it the army is freely eat but thou shalt not eat of it god says for in the day that doubt it you shall surely die i thought when god says thou shalt not eat of it angels will make sure nobody eats of it because god has spoken thou shall not surely eat of it so the moment you start going towards the tree siren will start blowing one one one one one from everywhere and an angel was down and said didn't you hear what the lord said get back my friend get back before you start frog jump here i thought god is sovereign injury should be there with cyrene thou shalt not surely eat of it so the moment a man turns to that direction where that tree is siren will start if you don't hear the siren from heaven you take another step an angel will appear are you not hearing what god is saying you move one more step you move one more step i move you now get back hello are you in the building then there will have been no sin adam wouldn't have fallen because the moment adam would have taken a step towards that tree that would have been sarin and some seven foot tall angels who just fall from the sky well kitted just their appearance adam will start urinating i'm sorry i'm sorry sir i'm sorry sir i don't know how i got here actually to be very honest is satan that pushed me to this direction i didn't want to come but i'm ready to go now that sounds like sovereignty but adam walked with the wife took it at it cleaned it even though god said you shouldn't and look at god god has a good sense of humor god said nothing till they finished god said nothing till they finish then god said adam where are thou it's a rhetoric question it's not like god didn't know where he was god knew what to but what god was doing god was calling adam's attention to the fact that where i kept you you have left it your no more where you're supposed to be he was informing adam that you have made a decision that has brought upon you an outcome the first thing the outcome has done is that it has taken you out of my placement adam where i doubt and dummy dummy you know dummy instead of paying attention to what god was saying he said the woman you give me blame game the woman you gave me did not ask for a woman was that not on my own everything was okay it was not you that said you i should have a wife did i even look for wife did i know what wifey why why why if he why feed not wi-fi why fee i don't know i didn't know what yffv is you are the one who told me there's something called wifey you sent me to sleep you brought out the rib i didn't know about i didn't even know that there was something inside me like that the woman you gave me woman the serpent i'm not the one that created the serpent i was on my own if there was no serpent around i wouldn't have even thought of it serpent i have no body to blame oh glory to god we're dealing with the wheel in other words how free now listen god's will is clear don't eat of it in the day you eat of it that means in god's will there is man's will god's will has made provision for man's will this is what god wants but man can have his will contrary to what god wants that's free will then he says you shall surely die so how free is the will listen carefully everybody if i exercise my will independent of god then i cannot determine the consequences of my action i can yes i can exercise my will out of god's purview but if i do i am not in control of the outcome of the exercising of my will yes i can decide to exercise my will any which way i choose to but i must remember the outcome that will follow that exercise it's not within my power so then the question will not be can that really be free win because that's where the question should be can i really be free will because i can do it my way but i must not forget that if i do it my way there's an outcome that i am not in control of are we together here are we together in the building yeah there's an outcome i'm not in control of yeah that is fire don't put your finger in that fire if you put your finger in that fire that fire is going to burn you i will put my finger in the fire i'll put my finger in the fire it is my finger is it not my finger it's my finger it's my finger it's my finger it may not be my fire but it's my finger is part of the outcome of putting my finger in the fire i'm teaching good this morning you don't know what to do because the fire is unbearable who put the finger huh is the finger your finger is the fire your fire you do not determine the outcome of that choice outside of god's will because you're dealing with leading and perception so is it so free if it is i should be able to determine and dictate the consequences of what i am about to do if it's really free i should be the one to control the outcome but because i'm not the one to control the outcome that means my free will is not as free as i think it is i've said don't do it but if you do it based on the fact that i have allowed you free will if you do it you are not free to the point where you determine the outcome of that action or decision or choice i'm not going to tell you what to happen what will happen if you disobey but if you disobey there are things that will happen that are beyond what you can imagine god told israel i have said before your life and death blessing and cursing choose life you choose life so free will is not as free as we think it is god wants our free will to be dependent on him as much as he has given you choices based on the freeness of your will he expects you to choose his will he expects you to choose his will so free will is not as free as we think it is james is it james or james james chapter 1 verse 13 james 1 13 let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot somebody say god cannot you say what god cannot do does not exist god cannot god cannot did you see it god what god cannot do does not exist god cannot [Laughter] james 1 13. god can do everything god is not a man that you should lie there are many things god cannot do he cannot kill cannot steal he cannot destroy there's no darkness in him god is only life god is only light god cannot did you see it in your bible james 1 13 god cannot what god cannot do does not exist james 1 13. see put it up just what that thing god cannot for god cannot hey some of you know what i'm talking about for god cannot be tempted so there's something god cannot do god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man god cannot next verse but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own laws and entice now watch the lacuna here verse 15. and when lost had conceived it bring it forth sin and sin when it is finished bring it for death he only conceived sin but could not control the outcome which is dead now the word lost l-u-s-t means desire now let me ask you all of your question is there anything wrong with desire all right okay let me actually love your power see you look at everybody do you have a desire do you have a desire whatever you desire when you pray believe you receive you shall have is there something wrong with desire you have desire do you have desire how many of you desire a brand new car what model what brand huh ferrari mercedes lincoln navigator lexus lexus maserati avenza avenger that's corona right toyota sorry toyota toyota okay what else lexus but this guy you're calling names this one is a suspect [Music] it's called a heavy dancer lamborghini lambo bentley continental there's something around this place we need to pray for this brethren range rover what messianic are you hearing [Laughter] i'm not a fear of desires how many of you design a brand new house what kind duplex a mansion three bedroom flat six bedroom flat how many you have desire somebody say have desires so he says he says every man is drawn away of his own desire because desire is part of what makes man man any man that doesn't have desire is not a complete human being part of humanity is desire that is why man can be tempted because man is a he is a creation with desires temptation is within the confine of desire if you don't have desires you cannot be tempted so desire is what makes temptation so it means therefore when desires control us you didn't hear that there's nothing wrong in having a desire but when desire controls us when desires control us we are vulnerable to sin when desires control us we are vulnerable to sin your wants your desires so it says we are vulnerable to sin because he says you are drawn away of your own desires then seeing when it is conceived bring it for death now listen carefully jesus said something else he said every idle word you speak it will give account of it i thought i could say anything i want to no let me ask all of you how many of you have taken account of the things you said from morning till now you've taken account of it do you know the people that are sitting here this morning they have spoken things that they are regretting right now you woke up this morning and you blasted your wife finished her and after you finish i told her dress up let's go to church you're sitting here now and as i'm talking now you're remembering all the useless things you said and you're looking at me like you didn't do anything and there are women that woke up this morning and finished their husbands they have finished it they say if you like pray that god will help you in the service because after service it's me are you in this house i'm serious i'm serious yeah people woke up this morning with curses just spoke things that shouldn't be spoken every word you speak that is idle inoperative you will give account wow if you knew you were going to give account of everything you say maybe it will help you not to say some things that's jesus speaking you will give a count on the day of judgment now let me cause a little problem here i thought we have all agreed that in heaven there is no video cassette did you all agree that there is no video cassette in heaven because your sins and iniquities that is why it has to do with destination what has to do with destination god has forgiven you all your sins but now in christ there is a documentation of your words and it's not here you will give account of it is on the day of judgment that means on the day of judgment they will play the video for you to hear everything you said and because eternity has no time it will be so fast that you have everything from the day you were you were born again till the day you go to heaven and then it will be thrown into the fire and it will be burnt if you didn't speak the right things you'll give a count on the day of judgment if i were to know that the things i am saying continually are being recorded and will be brought back to my attention on the day that matters it will help me to mind what i say every idol the word idol means inoperative now i know that new creation people don't like to hear this thing i've just said no because in their minds it's forgiving and forgotten yes it is but when it comes to your walk of faith and your work in christ that's why every one of us shall appear before the judgment seat of christ why are we going to appear before the judgments of christ so that we can be judged for the things we have done and for the service we rendered and for the things we did in the body don't say what you don't mean wow so how free is your will if you're going to be judged by your choices your will which is where you have your desire listen carefully your will where is what you have where is where you have your desire is always based on your perception of things your will is always based on your perception of things your will your desires your desires your desires hey hey hey look at me everybody your desires are based on your perception of things you can't desire what you don't perceive you can't desire what you don't perceive so your desires are based on your perception of things your knowledge of things that is your desires are a product of your exposure to things for example the brother here that was busy calling lexus calling lamborghini calling ferrari if you didn't know that there's a ferrari and a lambo and you didn't know that there's a leg just you won't desire them if all you know is a pep with a kawaki with a with a bicycle your desire will be because keke is a senior class of akawke with bicycle your desires will be for keke and the day you buy one a pep which is rickshaw and by the way in india or tri-cycle in the international community the day you buy one you have arrived because that's all you know you can't desire what you don't know so knowledge defines desires knowledge defines desires exposure to information you cannot desire what you don't know you can never desire what you don't know it takes information to be tempted it takes information to be tempted let me ask all of your questions as i get ready to close are you blessed this morning if you're blessed are blessed how many of you here are human beings no no don't say all of us i want everybody to answer for himself how many of you are human beings if you're a human being let me see your hands up because me i am one i'm a human being okay are you human beings do you all agree you're human beings okay now so that means we are men of like passion right all of us right there is no human being that is not limited in knowledge do you agree hello is there any human being that knows everything so as a human being we are limited in knowledge so that means you are limited for you to be limited already means you are a human which means therefore that your will is limited by what you know your will is limited by what you know so how free is free will because if free will is dependent on what god says is not free as you think it is that means we cannot just choose to be what we like we cannot just choose to be what we like is god in control of everything huh huh well god may not control how you choose what you want to choose but god determines the consequence of what you choose god may not control your choice but god is in control of the outcome of your choice you can't determine the outcome of your choice you can you can lie you can cheat you can deceive you can split churches you can scatter churches and expect to get the blessing of god out of that no it's not possible the bible says god is not mocked whatever a man sows he shall also reap he that swear to the flesh of the flesh reap corruption and he that source of the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting so you cannot determine the outcome of your choices you cannot determine the outcome of your choices somebody asked me is hell literal or metaphorical you love me he said he's hell literal or metaphorical i said to him i don't know he said to me why because i don't know i have no reason to know i'm not going there will i be bothered whether it is metaphorical or physical i'm not going there it's only those i want to go there i want to find out what it is like i don't care for all i care it can be both metaphorical allele i'm not interested i will never find out i will never find out what hell is like i will never it's not my destination why would i be interested in a location that i do not plan to visit i didn't say i plan to stay there i do not even plan to visit glory i'm not interested i don't know what it is like and i will never find out someone said well i don't care there's no life after death so i said what if there is stay on the side of caution what if there is i think it's andre crotch as i close andre crouch who sang a song he says he says what if i finally found out that there was no heaven what if i finally find out that there's nothing like heaven there are no streets of gold if i ever finally find out that there's nothing there that is you know jasper and all of that you know what he said it's been what it's been what living this life with christ it's been what whether there's a heaven or not having christ while here has been worth it it's been worth it having christ in my life on this earth is what it but much more we know glory to god he has quickened us together he has raised us up together he has made us sit together in the heavenlies far above all principalities and powers glory to god is somebody blessed this morning i'm gonna continue with this are you blessed this morning well get on your feet now get on your feet don't tell me to teach some more glory to god glory to god glory to god now this is not the kind of teaching you hear part 1 and go away you need to finish everything amen say to your neighbor neighbor you have the will to choose but you do not determine the outcome of your choice so think before you choose because for every choice there is outcome you believe in jesus you are not condemned you reject jesus you will not be forced but you're condemned already so there's a choice to make there's a hell there's a heaven i will never find out whether hell is real or metaphorical because i do not plan to go there but i know that i heaven is short for me i'm even already there and i know that heaven is not metaphorical is real in the immaterial i didn't hear a good amen are you blessed this morning father pray for everybody in this service those watching online on radio on television that this world grows big in our hearts until nothing else matters revelation knowledge keeps increasing lord thank you for leading some perception thank you that you're building us up in a dimension where we're able to perceive and where we're able to conceive and what we're able to receive from you and we were able to guide the affairs of our lives with wisdom when we're able to live this life with such wisdom that we win in every area of life a decree that nobody under the sound of my voice suffers defeat any longer every area of your life you require wisdom receive wisdom you receive require direction receive direction it requires solution receive solution every area of your life where you require answers receive answers receive answers receive answers in the name of jesus and we give you praise for victory we give you praise for solutions we give you praise for direction we give you praise that we know what to do we give you praise we make our way we make our way everybody send me i make my way speak like somebody will show what you're saying i make my way prosperous i shall have good success i shall have good success i shall have good success i make my way i will make my way where there is no way i will make my way amen tell your neighbour you will not be stranded one more day in your life you will meditate the word of god day and night you shall make your way prosperous now say i shall have good success now say i am like a tree planted by the rivers of water my lips shall not wither i will flourish in and out of season i will make my way glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god somebody said i shall make my way prosperous i shall have good success now torture never say i will deal wisely with their fears of life i will not be foolish i will not be stupid i will not be an idiot i have the wisdom of god available to me by revelation i rule over the circumstances of this life can i have that amen on an auto finality glory glory glory amen i feel a high man yeah i'm feeling high i was telling dr gabriel about office yesterday you know how many of you have heard of jimmy swaggart jimmy saw that okay he's an evangelist in america sometimes he preaches and gets real crazy when preaching he gets drunk when preaching sometimes he will preach and carry the microphone stand and put it on his shoulder and be running around with a microphone stand in the microphone so sometimes he really gets intoxicated when preaching just like any preacher does sometimes i get that way too even though i do not carry microphones down but i i get i have my own ways okay so they say one preacher has been watching and the preacher has been wondering what does it take before preaching he must be shocking something this guy must be shocking something before preaching so he came to jimmy zoga's church and then service is over so he starts walking around as if he's studying the church he's walking around he comes to the pulpit he's looking around but he had a target because jimmy swaggart when he preaches he has a cup of water he drinks intermittently while preaching so in that particular service after they left the glass they didn't take it out so he kept walking he wants to confirm what this guy he wants how worked he used to arrive his destination he didn't know that they were watching him they took the glass i did you know that's what the bible says when you are drunk with the spirit you don't need alcohol because it gives you that you high you just feel that glory to god glory glory [Music] amen if you leave me i'll keep you here till second service let me close this out let's grab your offerings we want to honor the word of god with our our you know honor our friends when you hear the word of god like this you want other people to hear so you make your monies available for this gospel to reach others till the end of the world is covered with the truth of god's word so grab a good offering those of you watching online we have banking details on the screen those of you watching on television we have the same banking details on the screen you've been so blessed by this world you want more people to hear listen carefully this is what i always say the reason why you're hard was because somebody who had it did not keep his money away they gave so that we can put it on the platforms where you're watching right now and so that you can hear if you also give today more people like you will hear and they will come to the knowledge of the truth remember we're all under a mandate jesus said we should preach this gospel to the whole world and when you give you enable the gospel to get to people where you ordinarily will not be able to get to and if you're not a partner of this ministry you want to be a partner today partnership gives us an opportunity for you once a month to take a chunk of your money that you have set apart to support this vision so we can get this world to the ends of the edge and i'm excited about the opportunity to always receive partners into this ministry because all of you partners and and friends of this ministry together we're making a difference in our world and adding value to men's lives and fulfilling the mandate that jesus gave us on the earth thank you for willing to be partners the the way to to connect is to shoot a mail today to dr ebel damina dr drabel dr abeldamina asking to be a partner of this ministry we will send you all the details you require to partner with us thank you again for giving and thank you for making yourself available to serve the purpose of god to your generation now i want you to lift up your offerings as a sign of worship to jesus when we lift up holy hands that's the way we worship god in the new testament so when we are giving we always lift up our hands in worship because our offering is a worship to god father thank you for the privilege to give this morning we're giving honor we're giving faith we give with joy our offerings i sweet smell before you today and thank you for the privilege of making a difference through our givings in jesus name we pray and every believer says a powerful amen now please listen we're going to sign you off but i'll be on at 11 a.m 11 a.m gmt plus one in continuation of this teaching and also remember remember that on wednesday and thursday 6 pm gmt plus one i will be teaching a continuation of what i'm teaching today finally power city about launches today power city abba in object state we want to congratulate all the brethren in our back we rejoice with all of you power city begins in the city of abba tell everybody those of you online that are in the abba area quickly send an email to me today if you want to identify the location where we are in abba service began officially today in abia state specifically i'm excited about that let me also mention that we have a conference in maryland usa and if you're interested you know to be part of the conference you're not able to come physically to maryland but you really want to be a part of the conference we have made available an online participation it's not going to be on facebook it's not going to be on any online platform but we have an online exclusive participation for those who want to be part of the international school of ministry where i'll be teaching in maryland usa you want to be part of it there's an online participation availability but of course you will register there's a fee for registration now if you're interested anywhere you're watching around the world you want to be a part of that conference you want to really join the training it's going to be two days of training for about eight to ten hours every day it's going to be very intensive and it's going to be you know information you don't want to lose out on so that's why we're opening up for online participation those of you in america and canada i really want to meet you there physically and i want to lay hands on you i want to minister to you so whatever you need to do do it and be there physically for those in canada and america but the rest of the world if you want to be part of that conference and you really want to participate online shoot a mail today to dr abeldamina asking for information to be part of the international school of ministry maryland if you shouldn't maybe we'll send you all the information all right we love you guys looking forward to seeing you at 11 a.m plus gmt plus one and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world with a shout everybody glory to god hit it let's do it as we celebrate anywhere around the pulpit drop your offerings as we give and watch [Music] you've been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,921
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 1sec (6661 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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