The Lighthouse (2019) KILL COUNT

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that get to the numbers tho... BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Edwordo13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

His latest few To The Numbers have been so good holy shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oofersIII πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know out of all of the films that try to look old, this one does actually look like it's from the 1960s

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NickRynearson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of my favourite movies! 😍

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TizianosBoy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh no the only kill count I cant watch straight away, I want to see the movie first.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ihavenocluelad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

it’s here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/acidfalconarrow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

best get to the numbers ever. james is killing it lately

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JackAndHisPoopSock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best choice of thumbnail. This movie is so goddamn good, awesome to see him covering it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gojira308 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

James is going off!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Geeshie-N-Elvie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agenese and today we're looking at the lighthouse released in 2019. really wish i had my big beard for this one the lighthouse is the second film by director robert eggers who in 2015 gave us the witch or the vovich an incredible period horror film that gifted the world black taste phillips butter the witch was unnerving beautiful and sometimes difficult to understand the same can all be said of the lighthouse too which adds to the mix a bunch of homo erotica and mermaid masturbation material it also adds a lot of understated humor i think it's absolutely hilarious in a quiet madman sort of way the white house follows two dudes stuck on a new england island as they tend a lighthouse in the late 19th century the entire movie rests on their relationship and acting so it's a damn good thing eggers cast willem dafoe and robert pattinson to give us all the explosive love hate one lighthouse could handle between the surreal dreamlike reality they have to navigate and the once again abstruse dialect always in an accent and sometimes in lengthy monologues it is a downright crime that neither man got an oscar nomination for their salty performances although i will say you might want to watch this thing with captions it's easy to miss what they're saying without them if i had to succinctly describe the lighthouse i'd say it's a fucking trip it's in gorgeous black and white it's aspect ratio is nearly a square both characters are unreliable narrators and there are multiple layers of themes and interpretations ranging from the greek myth of prometheus to freudian psychoanalysis to the aforementioned homo erotica since the kill count isn't the best way to dive into stuff like that i highly recommend the relevant deadmeat podcast episode where i and especially chelsea go into a lot more detail discussing those parts of the film i'm here now to make jokes while i recap and review tell you about how it got made and of course count up the kills let's get to them [Music] the movie begins on a dark and foggy night with some dark and foggy music ooh sounds like flame hearts in the sky two men approach their home for the next four weeks an isolated island in new england that sounds like it's about to start a purge the lighthouse there is run by two-man teams whose shifts last a month and the two men about to begin their month are ephram winslow played by robert pattinson and thomas wake that willem dafoe they'll be working and living in these crusty cramped quarters which don't offer much in the way of privacy heaven wake as your boss might not be a gas or at least not the good kind but at least winslow just found something to help keep him company a mermaid carved in bone bone boobs robert eggers based this idea of two man teams working a lighthouse on the smalls lighthouse in wales which operated that way until a tragedy in 1801 that left one of its wikis which means lighthouse keeper so emotionally damaged that his friends were unable to recognize him just as with the witch edgars was devoted to making the white house accurate to the time period it portrays to that end production designer craig laphrop who also worked on the witch once again constructed all the film's buildings from scratch since the movie was filmed in cape fortune nova scotia lathrop had to work through an uncomfortable canadian winter building the light keeper's cottage as well as the 70-foot lighthouse tower basing his designs off an actual light keeper's manual from 1881 he even designed his own fresnel lamp for it and when they stuck a movie light inside it's shown for 16 miles around their first night on the island wake tries to make a toast to their coming four weeks together but winslow turns the booze down because it's against the rules to drink on the job weight counters that the rules are for winslow to follow his orders no matter what they are yes sir nicer ice it's a bumpy start to their partnership and it's only going to grow more toxic and abusive as time goes on wake has winslow do the dirty work like shoveling coal while he tends to the lamp which stands on rocky shores and keeps the beaches shipwreck-free i respect that a lot the manual says that they're supposed to take turns at the light but wake has claimed it as his own he's the only one allowed to get naked up there to nike wikis out on the shore winslow sees a bunch of logs floating towards him which freaks him out plenty even before he sees a dead body in the water i'm not gonna count this body now but i will later when we have a bit more contacts besides the thing's not even really there but maybe this mermaid is alright calm down fish lady winslow wakes up in his bed the next morning just in time for their shift swap and wakes morning thunder winslow's work is long and laborious though it does win him a fan in the form of a one-eyed seagull aw but winslow don't like the birdie boy gotta take your friends where you can find them dude it's not like you're going to get any praise from wake who berates his work at every turn you're too slow you're a dullard no sir fooled me i'm not mad lady i'd just be disappointed despite the constant admonishments you can tell winslow once wakes approval so you feel real good for the guy when he's able to get a legit laugh out of the older wiki personally if there ain't an old tar spirit somewhere is in your land if this movie wasn't black and white we'd be seeing winslow blush right there edgars knew he wanted to shoot this in black and white as soon as he wrote the script and he used a very specific film stock to give the movie its high contrast look unlike the witch which was lit almost entirely through daylight and candles the film stock used for the lighthouse required an enormous amount of light to get proper exposure it was often so bright on set the actors couldn't even see each other the lack of color also meant that costume designer linda muir who did exquisite work in the witch had to focus on texture and contrast in the characters outfits all while making sure they were authentic to the time period even the suspenders we took apart and rebuilt so that they were specifically for this winslow isn't wake's first wiki and he asks what happened to wake's previous partner from a prior shift wake says the one-eyed man died after going insane babbling about sirens and the lamp's magical powers he believed that there was some enchantment in the light sounds like superstition comes part and parcel with the job as wake warns winslow not to harm his new birdie buddy i'd love to kill a seabird and he like really fucking means it man bad luck to kill a sea bird okay i won't kill a sea bird god well it might be hard not to when the thing keeps pecking at the window keeping winslow up at night god that was good bird acting as time goes by wake continues to criticize winslow's job performance and doesn't stand for any back talk i already says how dare you contradict me a dog he threatens to dock winslow's wages if he talks back again so the work must continue no matter what the weather's like halfway through their four-week shift the two try another attempt at conversation what wrong such a one is ye to this dammit rock such as what pretty is a picture and compliments oh that was nice winslow says that before he became a wiki he was a lumberjack in the hudson bay wake thinks it's suspicious a timber man wanting to be a wiki and accuses the younger man of being a drifter on the run winslow denies the charge and says he's just a dude looking to find a place in this world and he's definitely not a vampire during the day winslow keeps to his tasks as wake sleeps so he can tend the lamp at night that's when winslow gets some privacy and a little one-on-one time with his ivory mermaid but sounds like wakes having just as good a time with that magical light not sure you want to be standing there winslow because while you used to be a timberman wake used to be a seaman and you don't want to let semen get too close to you whoa was that a tentacle yeah wake might have an internet connection up there winslow finds that their drinking water is a bit too thick and dark for his tastes and discovers that the problem is a dead gall in the cistern it's not his one-eyed friend though cause that bird's right there completely healthy and alive good things yo dude no he was completely healthy and alive what are you doing man what did wake say about killing sea birds bad luck to kill a seabird it's bad luck and that bad luck immediately manifests as a sudden change in the wind signaling an end to this island's brazil dazzle days good thing these dudes are about to make like a kid graduating from springfield high and blow this pop stand it's the last night of their month-long shift and over a celebratory crab dinner wake finally convinces winslow to join him and drink to relief but wake's not the kind of guy to leave your glass empty for long so the two knock back a few until they're pounding the table and singing a drunken shanty like they were out selling the orca it may be the high point in their topsy-turvy relationship with the camaraderie cradled in alcohol masking their tension from the past four weeks thought one night he was bound to split me skull and twain but you're over done they end up drinking a bit too much though and waking up late the next morning deep in a haze of hangover on the chamber pots are full better empty those outwinds though uh yeah maybe not into the window while getting his work done in the rain winslow is surprised to find a sexy beached mermaid damn dude get a load of those boobies they're not made of bone at all though it is hard to ignore the way she'd be screaming at it what's wrong guy don't want a lady who sounds like a smoke detector in the evening the two wikis wait for their replacements but the relief never comes probably owing to the bad weather i mean i get it i wouldn't want to sell them this either it's super stormy production for the lighthouse took place during march and april and for shots like this they didn't have to fake shit that weather was all real baby so what they're they're there like this we were there like this the entire movie sounds like it was grueling to make but because eggers is such a confident visionary the actors didn't seem to mind the conditions were terrible i mean real physical pain and challenge but there was so much pleasure in what we were doing it wasn't a problem also i know he's about to be batman but i will forever love that robert pattinson spent the late 2010s doing a bunch of weird as fuck indie movies and about maybe three months after i met him robert sent me an email saying i think i've got something pretty strange and send it to me and i say you are correct stuck doing overtime wake tells winslow some more bad news the storm has wiped out their provisions he blames winslow for failing to ration their food over the weeks that it's been since they missed their boat to leave weeks weeks high weeks we slept in dead drunk it's been weeks ago since we missed our winslow though for us the audience it seems like it's the same day wake accuses winslow of losing his mind is he lying and gaslighting winslow or are we getting faulty information from seeing things through winslow's eyes who knows the only thing we do know is that the sky is dumping buckets soaking our little lighthouse lads as they dig up emergency provisions yep just what you need for an emergency a whole bunch of booze alcohol can no longer smooth over the faults between these two especially after winslow catches weight telling a story about how he got his bad leg that differs from a previous version he had told winslow's paranoia and suspicions is mirrored by how we the audience don't know which of these characters to trust their specific objectives at times are deliberately unclear this is all amplified by the claustrophobia of their setting which is itself intensified by the nearly square frame that boxes everything in director of photography jaron blaschke who also shot the witch was the one who suggested the aspect ratio of 1.19 to 1. he also thought to use a custom camera filter that brought out imperfections in the skin getting the guys real good and craggly the only time they didn't use that filter was with the mermaid which made her look ethereal and beautiful compared to the salty central characters waking winslow get in each other's faces what what what what what what before winslow fantasizes about sticking his mead into some meat if i if i had a steak i would fuck it he insults wakes cooking which greatly offends the old wiki causing him to plead for a compliment about his crustaceous cuisine you're a fond of me lobster aren't ya you're fond of me lobster say he demands validation telling winslow to say the goddamn words and when winslow sticks to his guns wake erupts with an incredible curse this one minute and 40 second monologue comes out of nowhere and is unforgettable in its grand eloquence smother this young mouth with punch and slime do ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can stream no more just like with the witch a lot of this movie's old-timey vernacular was taken from contemporary sources in this case books from sarah orne jewett a manor author who interviewed old sea captains in the late 19th century who actually spoke with this piratey dialect wake ends his diatribe by saying that winslow's soul is going to become the sea and that's enough to get the younger wiki to finally acquiesce all right have a joy i like to cook it god damn it this movie's hilarious as the storm rages on winslow sneaks up to the lamp and tries to break inside so he can finally experience its magical powers that he's been kept away from when that fails he goes to steal the keys from a snoring wake only to change his mind at the last minute and consider a straight up melda wake up wakes up and only has one thing to say about that winslow keeps working at his chores and his liver getting so sloppy drunk he looks like he'd be wearing a barrel in an old disney movie the alcohol affects his handball sessions too while trying to picture the mermaid lady he saw on the beach he instead begins to see the back of a guy's head and the lamp what's the matter man can't get off to bone boobs anymore i'm not gonna judge winslow too much though cause he's reeling in our first kill the decapitated one-eyed head of wake's former wiki it's probably just a hallucination but fuck it we're starved for kills here wake and winslow get even drunker and put their earlier shanty session to shame i don't know what the fuck they're saying there but it gets stuck in my head at least once a week makes me want to break out and dance yeah get funky with the wake now the sparkle man go they exhaust themselves into a drunken slow dance nearly kiss each other get into a fisticuffs brawl of no homo and finally wind up on the floor together where winslow makes a confession to wake thomas i'm tom i'm thomas winslow says that he's not winslow he's thomas tommy howard as for where the name winslow came from well wake doesn't want to know don't be spilling any beans to me i ain't interested it wasn't that way but winslow which i'm gonna keep calling him can't help himself he needs to get it off his chest what happened to the real left from winslow who was his logging foreman seeing the back of his head one swipe of the card hook would be all he says he could have killed the belligerent boss but swears he didn't do it even though we did see a pole jab in his masturbation montage he does admit however that when the real winslow fell into the river he didn't lift a finger to save him i just stood there as all just just stood watched him get swallowed by them logs the real ephram winslow was killed and tommy howard here quietly assumed winslow's identity just like a regular dick whitman at the conclusion of winslow's confession wakes nowhere to be seen but his disappointed voice rings through the empty cottage why just fill your beans dummy [Music] shout out to sound designer damian volpe by the way whose work along with composer mark corvin returning from the witch makes this movie just as much a sonic delight as it is a visual one the bean spill in winslow then hallucinates the dead body of the real left from winslow the same one he had seen earlier floating among the logs since we've heard the whole story now i'll go ahead and put him on the count even though that body's not really there don't worry about it it doesn't matter what does matter is this amazing shot of wake looking like a wiki cyclops which was inspired by the 1904 painting hypnosis by sasha schneider defoe ah dafoe posed like a dafoe a terrified winslow runs towards the shore and tries to use a dory to get himself off the island but wake comes from behind with an axe and some jealous rage don't leave me he smashes the lifeboat before taking off after winslow not letting a little thing like a bad leg keep him from his pursuit inside winslow accuses wake of killing his former wiki the one-eyed guy whose head he saw in the lobster trap he's so excited to call wake out that he starts clapping like donkey kong but wake tells him he's gone mad and i knew he was mad when you smashed up that lifeboat just now with chasing me with an axe trying to kill otong yo but wasn't that hey just what the hell's going on here guy it's real difficult to say what the truth is at this point as weight continues to mindfuck winslow's memories how long have we been on this rock five weeks two days where are we help me to recollect the elder wiki even suggests that he and this lighthouse might just be winslow's deathbed hallucination maybe he's still up in canada dying from an accident to the logging field the only response to that kind of suggestion is to drink but since they're all out of booze they mix turpentine and honey together for a real chest bump in libation it reduces them to a fit of howling laughter as the storm continues to swell outside stronger than ever guys do you even care about the storm well i bet you do now the next morning after trying to piss in a moving target winslow finds wake's logbook floating by saying hey fella read me please winslow does and discovers that wake's been betraying him this entire time writing him up for all sorts of things recommend severance without pay servants winslow has had it and gives his own lengthy scathing monologue though compared to wakes it's less almighty and more flatulence focused stickier laughter snoring in your goddamn thoughts tell them how you really feel dude i smell like piss yeah you smell like jism oh like rotten dick like like curdled fork okay you know what i think you've made your point the two of them get into another fight this one more chokey than the last and winslow ends up hallucinating the real left from winslow before feeling the tender hands of that mermaid from the beach ooh she into you dude going for a kiss well shit winslow's not fond of getting kissed me fat boy so he beats down the tentacular thomas wake until he's spitting up bile of course blake's not really a squid monster but that doesn't stop winslow from reveling in this new power dynamic he makes wake bark like a dog and then oh my god leads him out on his hands and knees on a leash and walks him like a dog as chelsea once said this scene is pretty amazing if you picture them as edward cullen and the green goblin right now winslow pushes wake into the hole that once housed their backup booze then starts shoveling dirt in to bury wake alive gotta love defoe delivering another epic monologue even while getting dirt shoveled onto him sometimes in his mouth peeling wake falls silent and winslow steals his keys so he can finally see what's up with that mysterious magical lamp ain't nothing to stop him now except wake with a jump scare that nearly made me shit my pants wins though finally puts wake into a permanent sleep by swinging an axe down into his head just off screen now there's a proper kill for us lad thank you winslow takes one more swig of lamp fuel which come to think of it might explain a lot here then crawls up the stairs to see the oh holy light that wake has so viciously guarded the hatch seems to open on its own just for him and he's finally face to face with the powerful lamp it opens its lens for him to see inside and after everything he's done to get here i really hope he likes it um so is that a yes or his screaming ends when he falls down the hatch and tumbles down the long spiral staircase with that i'll count thomas howard alias ephram winslow as dad because the film's final shot shows him in a promethean pose his exposed bowels being pecked at by a seagull curiously there are logs in the background suggesting that maybe wake's theory of this being a deathbed hallucination was true or maybe it wasn't this movie don't care what you think how many people's lights were snuffed out in this movie park metis hark clamour beseech the lord meet king forth from the net awash noxious in his judgment dead pixels and dropped frames blind these young eyes with interminable buffering choking your bandwidth till your screens turn blue with unambiguous failure and he can watch no more only when he wreathed in 3 000 kelvin soft light with novelty tea and tight buzzed beard take up these cursed numbers his charms wielded like hammers in these blasted bits and crushes e right in your funny bones bursting ye guts ripped open bloody and raw and nothing for you roommates or parents to discover but the fading light of the dull gray opposable digit fixed direct only to be lost in my biblical deluge of interaction unremembered by any sub any release day to any algorithm or any trending page for any part of ye viewer even any trestle of your profile is viewed no more but is now itself dead meat no all right have a doorway let's get to the numbers with my generous counting system we had four victims in the lighthouse all of whom were male because the only lady in this movie was a sexy screaming siren with a run time of 109 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 27.25 minutes i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to thomas howard aka winslow i'm not well versed in mythology so i was confused by this ending the first time i saw it but those gulls eaten his innards was memorable to see regardless though machete for less kill will go to the real left from winslow since it was the least graphically shown of the four deaths i counted and that's it the lighthouse came out in 2019 and honestly i think movies like this are why we have film in the first place it's such a unique cinematic experience and i'm just as grateful as eggers that it exists the fact that i got to make a strange black and white movie about two lighthouse keepers farting is incredible and i feel super privileged can't wait for the next thing he does until then i'm james agenese this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this week's kill count i want to thank some patrons like resident jojo reference grace lendage jorge laborico darth khal corey weston tanner d and anthony garrett this is the last kill count that i'll be in front of this set for next kill count you watch on friday is the prowler that'll be at my new house by time you're watching this i'll have been living there a couple of weeks but i'm filming far in advance that's how it be sometimes thanks everyone be good people
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,891,425
Rating: 4.9578605 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, the lighthouse, the lighthouse movie, the lighthouse reaction, the lighthouse review, the lighthouse ending, the lighthouse trailer, horror movie, best horror, horror channel, dead meat the lighthouse, the lighthouse kill count, robert pattinson, willem dafoe, robert eggers, willem dafoe lighthouse, robert pattinson lighthouse, the lighthouse explained
Id: DZziNktXZcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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