Army of Darkness (1992) KILL COUNT

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I forgot how weird this movie is

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/turtle_pants 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

There aren't very many (or really any) services that carry it to stream other than direct pay to rent/own. I will post what links I can dig up when I can.


Yup, just rental/purchasing options. You can find all the [digital purchasing options here[(

Alternatively you can buy one of several different physical editions:

The steelbook version has both Theatrical and Directors Cut versions in one package.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Khalbrae 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Personally my least favourite of the movies and the only one I saw in the cinema. It's just too silly for me and you can totally tell they were aiming for a PG-13. It still has its moments but this is certainly the least visited instalment for me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShiftyBea 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

A little sad that this breakdown didn't include a nod to the "It's a trick - get an axe" line, especially considering how much the previous films focused on dismemberment.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/scottmale24 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the guild cow where we tally up the victims at all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Jenice and today we're looking at army of Darkness released in 1992 as the third film in the Evil Dead trilogy this movie picks up after the ending of the previous film with ash stuck in 1380 although it does wreak on the details of Evil Dead 2 is ending cutting out the hero chant led by Sam Raimi and his cameo [Music] produced by Universal army of Darkness faced a lot more studio involvement than either of the much more independent Evil Dead movies not only did Universal insist on a more upbeat ending than the more nihilistic original one that Sam Raimi shot they also made a lot of cuts in general and the theatrical version is more than ten minutes shorter than Sam Raimi's director's cut at the time I'm shooting this episode I can't promise an immediate cut comparison for this movie but you'll get one eventually don't worry Raimi and his usual crew including producer Rob Tapert and of course Bruce Campbell took army of Darkness as an opportunity to get a shout of the cabin entirely in doing so they also pretty much left the horror genre behind completely since army of Darkness originally titled medieval dead until Universal mix that idea - is more of an adventure fantasy action flick oh and a comedy new co-writer Ivan Raimi Sam's older brother helped make army of Darkness even more comedic than Evil Dead 2 was and in my opinion went just a tad too far with it as a couple of scenes end up a little too goofy for my taste still if Ashley slashes around then you know there's gonna be some kills to count let's get to him the movie begins with Ashley Williams in Chains he explains his own enviable position in a voiceover that like I said in the intro retcons the hero-worship ending of evil dead to ash explains how once upon a time he had a nice cozy job at a big-box store shop smart shop s Mart but then he and his girlfriend Linda played by a third actress Bridget Fonda wearing a third Michigan State shirt went to a third cabin in the woods and found the third incarnation of the Necronomicon ex mortis same as the other two times the books passages awaken an evil first person spear and it crashes through a cabin window to abduct Linda three then again as twice before the speared hits ash in the far east since the chainsaw hand was way too cool to retcon away this movie recreates that scene to keep it Canon but it does so in a much less bloody way Raimi actually shot this movie to get a pg-13 rating and you can tell it's barely got any blood at all of course since the ratings board already hated him and this series by now they still gave it an are the Basterds d thankfully brief recap ends with the wormhole opening up and sucking down Ash and his car back to now which is then where there's an extra shot of ash in his car falling out of the porthole before we're back to where we started when they hit the ground in clouds of dust but this time through there's no harpy dead-eyed on a string for ash to kill and make himself look good so instead the Knights of 1300 ad mistake him in his car as enemies of war a wise man in attendance is the sole proprietor of the prophecy theory but the commander here Lord Arthur doesn't buy it that's how Ashe wound up being marched in shackles to Lord Arthur's castle alongside some captured men from the enemy army of Duke Henry the rat it's not a good place to be a prisoner of war even the kids here are dicks one fair castle maid and Sheila approaches Arthur and asks what happened to her brother when she learns that he was killed in battle she spits in Ash's face and tears out his hair oh come on Lady he's got enough trouble on his hands didn't you hear that he was slated for the pit pits are never good sometimes they have SARL accent shit Lord Arthur and Henry the red are currently waging war against each other even though they're both apparently afflicted with a nasty case of Deadites honey she's my people as well but at least Lord Arthur has made use of the evil scourge since he keeps one down in that pit we've all been hearing so damn much about first into the hole is a random soldier of henry's who is thrown in and lands deep down inside with a splash after only a minute the unseen soldier becomes a very bright red very high spewing geyser of blood this is about it for the blood you'll see in this movie and even here it's entirely comical not scary at all seeing this another one of Henry's dudes makes a run for the Lord Arthur calmly fires an arrow that flies through the air and a couple of fun shots and pins the deserting soldier to a random stake in the yard to die again not wanting either of those dudes faiths Ashe tries to distance himself from Henry the red but with one powerful rock toss from Sheila that hits Ashe in the head he's pushed into the pinned and falls down into the shin deep water below now there may not be a Sarlacc down here or even a rancor for that matter but there is an angry evil Deadite lady who starts pounding ash in the face repeatedly as everyone above sheer surah ash begins to fight back with some Sonya Blade moves but then Lord Arthur just orders some spike walls to close in on it things look pretty bad for Ash until the wise man shows up and tosses his chainsaw into the pit Ashley pup and B fits his wrist with the power tool and that my friends is how a she got his groovy back with one solid swing he decapitate the pit witch and leaves her pieces floating in the nasty shallow water before he can find a way out of the pit another Dead Eye comes out of the mossy walls and goes after him he cuts its hand off which hits some old dude up above in the mouth and then uses his belt to hitch a ride out but the nasty Deadeye known as the pit bitch I guess doesn't want to let him go this nasty snarling creature was designed and played by Billy bride who fun fact also played the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in ghostbusters ash is able to escape as the spiked walls close and heaves himself out to trick Lord Arthur with a classic twentieth-century gag you know your shoelace is untied did they even have shoelaces back then ash threatens all the people around him scaring them into submission and demands that Henry the red and his men are let go make sure you remember that favor when it comes time for the finale hang after they ride out Lord Arthur hilariously unsheathed his sword from a lowly sword boy and challenges ash to a duel but instead of accepting the offer ash chooses two Indiana Jones Lord Arthur and leave his longsword with a short blade see this this is my boomstick he runs through all the details for the gun though I've read that there in correct but at least the gun was manufactured in a cool place that's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan hell yeah Grand Rapids he gave us Ash's boomstick and Dodd Gerald Ford could be worse you also make sure to let the fine folk of 1380 know where they can pick one up for themselves shop smart shop s Mike you got that for the grand finale of his gun show he shoots at the pit Deadite who had somehow made its way above ground a second shot sends stunt performer dick Hancock back flipping into the hole and although we can't say with certainty that she's dead I'll go ahead and add her to the count why not besides Ash's little flair as he puts away his gun is enough turn a kill all Lions own now let's talk about how I get back home well they try to figure that out Ash lives a life of luxury which is probably pretty easy to do when you have a weapon from the future to threaten everyone with even Sheila she of the dead brother has changed her tune and now grubbles at his side first you wanna kill me now you wanna kiss me blow the wise man tells ash that the Necronomicon which they call a holy book might have the spells that'll send him back to the present but even a mere mention of the Book of the Dead is enough to set off a possessed witch who was hanging out there undercover and she tells ash that he'll never have the book and that they'll eat this soul you know the usual and then thrillers into another dead I fight with ash this fight was actually added in reshoots after Raimi realized his movie was lacking in the Dead Eye Department and the witch is played by stunt performer and actor Patricia Tallman best known as Barbra in the Night of the Living Dead remake she spends around like a top in a tornado until a backward shot over the shoulder hits her in the chest and apparently kills her again I know gun shots aren't usually fatal for Deadites thought different movie different rules I guess ash prepares for his venture to retrieve the Necronomicon with a suiting up montage that certainly must have inspired Edgar Wright's filmmaking with so many comically dramatic pushing that even Sheila gets one while she knits at the end of it he's got a killer strong metal hand that shocks Sheila and the blacksmith groovy on the night before he leaves Sheila comes to visit him he's still mad at her and she ends up slapping him but you know how this story goes their tongues are about to get to know each other give me some sugar baby dude she got all the sugar in the world to give you you're talking to Miss Honey right back the next morning ash try with Arthur and his men including the wise one and they show him the path he needs to take to a cemetery that houses the Necronomicon the wise man gives him very specific instructions when he goes to get the book he has to recite three words Klaatu barata nikto the wise man tries to drill a shun the words but ash was never one for study our I got it I got it I know your damn words all right she takes off from them and as he's riding through the forest an evil pov spirit starts chasing him and splitting trees in half the chilling chase causes ash to lose his horse by way of tree branch and then he's chased out of the woods towards a windmill ho ho we get in Frankenstein he open this bitch night comes and ash gets so spooked by a mirror image of himself and he ends up running into it and breaking the mirror into pieces seems kind of random but it does give way to one of this movie's more memorable sequences as a bunch of tiny mirror a she's escaped from their prison prison shards and spread out to torment their full-size carbon-based copy and with that ramming speed but stab we kick off a real wacky sequence that is by far the most comedic thing we've seen in this franchise I don't necessarily mean it's the funniest cuz I don't think it is but it's definitely the most outwardly comedic I mean the movie practically becomes a cartoon for a few minutes still it gives us another kill to add to the count when big ash throws that fork at a mini dude who was then stabbed through the chest and pinned to the wall they eventually knock him out and when he comes to he finds himself in a scene right out of a Gulliver's Travels you're his lilliputian adversaries used some very poor looking effects jeez that just looks awful to open his mouth and allow one of the many ashes to dive right in at first you may think that that was some kind of suicide mission but it turns out that Ash's innards are a great place to raise a kid cuz that mini ash soon grows inside of normal ash from sprouts an eyeball out of his shoulder that thing is pretty damn gross ash runs outside where he becomes a two-headed monster who howls at the moon the two heads have a ridiculous fight with each other complete with a lot of Three Stooges gags and Sam Raimi friggin loves those after they crab walk down a hill together they're able to mitosis themselves into two separate beings the new ash introduces themself as bad ash and makes fun of our Ash's protagonism in a very Jim Carrey's grinch kind of way your goodie little shoes but our ash responds by taking out his boomstick and shooting bad ash into silence could bad I'm the guy with the gun he changed bad ash to a workbench and uses his chain saw to dismember him but once again it's done in a mild manner with a close-up on bad ash screaming his bad ass off ash throws his mere nemesis into a grave and fills it up with dirt but spoiler alert this isn't the last time we see evil ash so he won't go on the count just yet ash finally gets to the cemetery and finds the book of the death wait 2 books of the Dead ha no way a fucking third book of the Dead this is getting really out of hand the first book has some kind of gravitational sinkhole that gives him Stretch Armstrong arms and a crimson chin chin but don't worry it's nothing a little cartoonish head shake can fix the second book bites his hand must be hungry for knowledge or something and that just leaves the third book seems fairly obvious but hold up ash you've got some words to say you do remember them don't you now you see that right there that's the face of a man who realizes he bout to have to bullshit and bullshit he does if this movie's taught us one thing it's that Ashley Williams is never the smartest man in the room but I guess he thinks the Evil Dead spirits are just as dense as he is since he considers the deed done and picks up the book of course shit goes south in a heartbeat gravestones start taking off like bottle rockets and on his way out skeleton hands reach out and trip ash before going into more zany comedic fight stuff they can maybe dial it back a little bit but at least Bruce Campbell commits with any other actor this shit would not fly he gets away and jumps onto his horse when the horse come back rides off not seeing that behind him evil ash materializes above ground and is wearing a nasty new face evil ash is also played by Bruce Campbell and his makeup and design was done by Tony Gardner the effects artist that Chucky killed that one time and seed of Chucky do you remember how fucking weird that movie was Ash returns to the castle where everyone is real happy to see him even though he doesn't have time for all their praise the fuck out of my face he gives the books to the wise man but admits that he flubbed the fancy word so the wise man tells him that his mess-up woke up the army of the dead ash responds that he doesn't care he wants to get back to his own time and that selfishness disappoints everyone around him especially Sheila who thought she had something special with Ashe what of all the sweet words that you spoke in private oh well that's just what we call pillow talk baby that's all lucky for Ashe mama Arthur raised a man of his words the Lord Arthur agrees to help him still even though it's gonna leave them pretty bow like literally it's an army of skeletons before we get to the skeletons though we've got a flying beast swooping down into the castle yard and kidnapping Sheila is flies her away and she's taken to evil ass who kind of sounds a bit like normal ash get me some sugar baby and what does that say about you normal ash evil ash essentially tell Sheila that this is her new home and that sucks man she's probably gonna hate it more than she hates New York City cuz he's just digging up skeleton warriors and raising an army of the dead so you know it's gonna smell weird like when a dentist drills away some bone from your teeth hoho and also evil ash forces Sheila to make out with him while the skeleton minions Cheers not the most fun place to be with Sheila kidnapped ash quickly doesn't about-face and pledges to lead lord Arthur's man against the army of the Dead and I guess Arthur's cool with that dude you get an army cocked Ashley's a preparation montage where he teaches the primitives using information from a chemistry textbook found in the trunk of the classic with it they create gunpowder which they're gonna need since evil ash has a secret weapon of his own he's made Sheila Deadeye - oh no they may be bad I feel it's go time as ash witnesses from atop a turret the impending army of the Dead I fucking love that they have a flautist a drummer and a couple of bony bagpipers good stuff evil ash whose downright rabid as he talks about nabbing the Necronomicon sends his army towards the castle where ash's archers are waiting with dynamite strapped to their arrows they fire away and the explosions burst bones all over the place good thing I ain't countin skeletons on this list cuz that shit would be impossible but the skeletons keep up their attack and fire some arrows that killed two of Arthur's men atop the ramparts one of them falls down to the bridge below where more skeletons are crashing through the castle gates this is gonna get real messy real fast thought you know me I went frame by frame looking for gills my efforts resulted in counting an initial batch of eight soldiers who get killed by skeletons stabbing or slashing them with swords or by various generic battle kids that left them lying dead in the background to counteract this mayhem ash busts out the classic which has been converted into a death mobile and as he drives it around fucking up skeletons like maizena morphs and this is aliens I see another background guy dying but oddly enough not to any foe in sight are you telling me we got to fight him business Skelly's now Sheila steps out and shows herself in regular and beth david's form and during that shot i see three more dudes in the background getting killed starting to get some purge flashbacks here and i do not like it anyway she was heavenly beauty he causes ash to crash that classic and destroy the car in an explosion three more soldiers get killed by an arrow shot a sword stabbed and evil Ash's crossbow to the face as he and his lieutenant played by Bill friggin Mosley in an eyepatch entered the castle meanwhile evil Sheila attacks Ash and tries to spearhead an end to his lineage before he's able to knock her into the pit during that fight I counted six more kills including the dude crawling away with a sword in his back and another dude getting stabbed in the face the best one though is definitely the guy in the background getting repeatedly stabbed by a skeleton that's a lot of fun we get another random soldiers dead body atop a castle turret when is living comrades seize that Duke Henry the red has shown up with his men to help rescue the castle and although the new reinforcements are able to handle e to spend some the evil minions evil ash pulls a Stannis and climbs up a ladder to kill one poor soldier himself then after good ash climbs up after him we see another random dead dude in the background draped over the parapet and finally while ash fights minions a human soldier runs by the foreground with a sword through his back and I just don't think he's gonna make it let's count it evil ash heads over to the Necronomicon pausing long enough only to kill another solider by punching him in the face and breaking his neck against the castle wall when he reaches the unholy Book of the Dead he stopped from grabbing it by Ash who throws a spear through his back and sets off their final climactic battle time for another fight full of ash ash ash it's ash versus ash in a kick-ass battle where evil ash is played by stunt coordinator Chris Boyle during their fight I see another dead body hanging out back there so toss it on the list good ash manages to light evil ash on fire and kick him down from the castle wall but the dude climbs back up with all his skin burnt off giving us another new form of evil ash and move over that Ash too fast with the sword as one poor soldier learns when he gets stabbed and killed by the big bad villain on top of the along good Ash's knocked to the ground below and after evil ash grabs the Book of the Dead he front flips down to taunt our hero with a voice by director Sam Raimi but good ash doesn't care that this evil ash made dark man so he knocks the Necronomicon from the Skelly ashes hands and cuts the restraining rope to the catapult evil ash is standing on oh and also there was some gunpowder on there so boom evil ash is dead yay I am I didn't really care for evil and the skeleton soldiers all run away in defeat one of them memorably voiced by Ted Raimi Sheila's reverted back to her normal maiden form so she and ash can embrace peace is also made between Arthur and Henry the red so cool a happy ending for everyone this pumps all around the wise man uses the Necronomicon to fix up a little potion for ash and he tells him that he's got to recite the words precisely this time if he wants to get back home to the present ash and Sheila's share one last kiss goodbye and then he's off and the movie fades into a blue light special at s Mart where it's revealed that Ash is telling his story to a very skeptical co-worker who is also played by Ted Raimi but Ash once again admits that he might have loved the words a little bit so later on after he's talking to the chick that left Adam Sandler in the wedding singer and evil wind whips through and reveals a goddamn dead ID in the store this reshot ending was filmed well after the rest of the movie had wrapped and it kind of feels like Bruce Campbell's not as into it even though he gets some memorable lines lady I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store oh yeah names ash housewares still it gives us a chance for an old Evil Dead standard come get some and one last kill to add on the cow even if it's just from a whole bunch of shotgun blasts can shotguns even fire that many times in a row I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments ash muses that it's good he came back to the present rather than stay in the past and be king because you know what he's kind of a king already the movie ends with one of Ash's best-known one-liners hail to the king baby yeah and it Kia's how many bodies did we wind up with after all those scary skeleton girls let's find out and get to the numbers oh I'm gonna go do the numbers okay I'll just wait here I guess I counted 38 pills an army of darkness because like war man the victims consisted of 32 human dudes one mini mirror ash one full-sized evil ash and for female Deadites no human ladies and skeletons don't count grow some skin ya fucks with her on time of 81 minutes we had a kill on average every 2.1 3 minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to that first dude who went to the pit I understand you wanted that pg-13 rating Sam but I need more blood in my Evil Dead movies and at least this first step gave me some even if it was pretty jokey doll machete for lamest kill we'll go to the s smart Deadeye for an ultimate enemy of the trilogy she went down in an awfully lame way cuz getting shot a bunch of time back in my day Deadites could survive a damn decapitation and that's it army of Darkness came out in 1992 and did kind of met at the box office at least partially thanks to people not knowing it was another Evil Dead movie the series wouldn't return to the big screen until the kind of remake 20 years later and we'll look at that film next week until then I'm James a Jenice this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this week's kill cop I want to thank a couple of patrons like C Maxwell Karenina Hall and Jared Ralph like I mentioned you'll get a cut comparison for armory of darkness one day but I'm not sure exactly when I'm actually filming this way early in advance because my little surgery going out if you didn't hear don't worry it's just a little thing to help me breathe easier but that's why I'm not putting out as much stuff during November well bad and I'm fucking tired be good people
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,424,369
Rating: 4.9374452 out of 5
Keywords: films, scary, necronomicon, embeth davidtz, skeletons, kill count, pine commander boogie, slapstick, ray harryhausen, rob tapert, 3rd, ivan raimi, evil ash, book of the dead, james a. janisse, clash of the titans, third, deadite, sam raimi, stop motion, possessed, body count, series, DMKC, jaj, gulliver's travels, horror, medieval dead, sequel, bruce campbell, jason and the argonauts, mini ash, kills, medieval, movies, dead meat, evil dead, franchise, comedy, evil dead 3
Id: upWCRKzqlNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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