Insane STEAKHOUSE Pork Chops that are on next level!

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thanks to brad and taylor for sponsoring this video welcome back to sevilla everything guys today chileta can con from puerto rico check it out and everything starts off with this beautiful cut of meat if you are unfamiliar with this you are not alone it is almost impossible to find this in any regular butcher shop that's because this cut not only does it include the loin but also a part of the pork belly and it is not a very popular cut here in the us now one of the most important part of it to litten kanken is this right here which is the skin we want to get it nice and crispy like crackling and for that the puerto ricans have a very unique way to do it but of course as always the first thing we need to do is to get the seasoning going and at least for me if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that i like to keep the salt separate from the marinade so i made sure to add plenty of it so that we do not under season it with salt once that was done i went ahead and added a good amount of black pepper as always remember to season both sides now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and add our marinade and this one is not only delicious but it is super easy to make and here's how as always remember exact amount of ingredients always in the description down below for you into the food processor i threw in a little bit of cilantro do not get it confused with cilantro it is not the same thing then i threw in a good amount of garlic followed by white vinegar a good amount of olive oil and a full pack of sazon seasoning now there's left to do is to blend it well because your marinade is ready this is the consistency that you should be looking for everything is nicely chopped but at the same time it is not a paste the only thing left to do is to apply it to the chuleta the best way to do so is inside of a bag the only reason i'm applying this way so that you can have a better visual if you're doing it at home just make sure you add it directly into the bag now the only thing left to do is to vacuum seal it and let the marinade does its job talking about that since i have two of them i'm gonna show you two different versions so that you can make it at home one is gonna be the traditional way that they do it in puerto rico and the other one is gonna be sous-vide so for the traditional version you wanna let it marinate for at least eight hours or better yet overnight the very next day i took it out open it up and check it out what it looks like you can clearly see that the marinade penetrated nicely and deeply into the meat that was exactly what i was looking for because the next thing to do is to boil it yes i know i said it that's the traditional version and you want to let it in the boiling water for 30 minutes and believe it or not a lot of dishes in south america actually uses this method as you can see once the time was up i took it out and this is what it looks like not very appetizing right but hey we gotta put a good crust on this thing if not it's just not gonna be good and remember that we also gotta get the skin really crispy and for that here's where the name khan khan comes from we gotta split the skin like this if you don't it's just not gonna be a chulita kankan it's gonna be just a chulita which translates to pork chops the next thing we gotta do is to deep fry it but before doing so you know that moisture and deep frying are the worst enemies so i made sure that it was as dry as possible the last thing i want is for hot oil to splatter all over me talking about that i set my oil to 350 degrees fahrenheit and slowly through in the chileta kankan you want to keep frying it until you get a nice golden brown color at the same time be extremely careful with the splattering remember as the fat cooks those little pockets of moisture will burst so if you have a splatter guard use it i also highly recommend doing this outside you don't want to mess in your kitchen but after about 10 minutes my chulitan kankan was ready and as you can see i got a nice beautiful golden crust but not only that the skin also crispened up now that is gonna be good one of the things that you eat this with is actually tostones and if you've never made them man you are missing out let me show you how easy it is to make them these are green plantains do not mix them up with bananas they are completely different from each other banana tastes great raw plantains on the other hand check it out i can't even open it this thing is hard so hard that it is impossible to open it's much easier to just go and slice it open as you can see the inside looks exactly like a banana but it sure does not feel like one to take out the skin they do not peel like a banana i'm telling you friends you cannot get confused with it there are several different ways to cut the skin off just choose the one that is the easiest one for you because the most important thing is that once you're done this is what they should look like do not leave any of that skin on because the next thing we gotta do is to fry them up and it is extremely important for you to keep your oreo under low heat your target temperature should be 300 degrees fahrenheit no more than that you want to cook them for about 15 minutes keeping an eye on them so that they do not get too brown once that's done you want to take them out of the oil and check it out the color that is what you're looking for because the next step is the best one of them all and that's because we gotta smash them you can use a plate a cup anything will work as long as you get them nice and flat just like this now that is starting to look like a proper tostones because the next thing we gotta do is to fry them up the second time now here we're looking for only one thing to get them nice and crispy for this i like to keep my oil at 350 degrees fahrenheit because once they are nice and golden like this your tostones are done while still hot go ahead and sprinkle a little bit of salt it is the perfect side dish for chileta kankan talking about that i'm wondering how the sous-vide one is gonna taste for that i'm gonna be cooking it at 167 degrees fahrenheit for six hours and i cannot wait to find out how it's gonna taste [Music] before moving forward i want to thank today's sponsor borden taylor this sharpener is very fast and an easy way for you to put an edge on your knife but 98 of the time you use it to hone or really realign the edge like a chef's steel but twice as fast it keeps the blade sharp without removing metal not only straight knives but serrated blades can also be honed and realigned to maintain the edge this sharpener is all about the unique design and material the body is almost two pounds of solid japanese stainless steel these sharpeners are some of the most unique in the world especially made in ouster by one of the top stuxtain carbine manufactured twin makers it's the heart and soul of the sharpened many other sharpeners of this kind uses inferior tungsten turbine which does not compare the classic sharpener sharpens just the same but with a rugged nylon body and half the price so go to the description down below click on the link and get yours today thank you board and taylor for sponsoring this video but now let's get right back to it if there's one thing that i really want you to give it a try besides the meat on this video is the tostones everybody you have to give that a try it is phenomenal i mean i could just eat that every single day please again don't get confused with banana all right it is not banana at the same time my chileta kankan is now ready as you know i cooked it at 167 degrees fahrenheit for a total of 6 hours it should be nice and tender and ready to go we are hungry it is ready and it's time to take it out let's do it if the smell tells me anything it should be phenomenal you saw already the traditional version the sous-vide version first to give it a final crust that one i'm gonna put my oil at 425 degrees fahrenheit because i don't want to cook it it's already fully cooked i just need a nice crust and please be very careful because when you cook it sous vide there's a lot of moisture in the meat that's why it's nice juicy and tender make sure you either step away do this outside or put a cover on it so that you are nice and safe when you're dealing with hot oil everybody i'm telling you i've learned my lesson check this out exactly you saw that do not let that happen to you with all that being said i know machuleta can count don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] do all right everybody here we have our beautiful feast today are you hungry my mom puerto rican food today puerto rican fruit shout out to all the vodkas that's why mama as you can see obviously very clear chulita kangkang all right so we have this one here this one i basically they were marinated the same way all right okay so i want to know if there's any difference in taste which one you like better and all that good stuff and obviously obviously huh you gotta have it come on everybody if you never had tostones everybody just make them all right it's like it's like potato chips on crack that's what it is um how you like those two stones nice and crunchy a little bit of starch you know what i mean if you want sometimes you put the rice on the side and you don't eat the rice and you have the stones make sure you put the salt is necessary this is amazing highly recommend it okay come on here's the deal we have two of them and we're gonna find out which one is better okay all right let's go with this one here first cheers everybody oh yeah nice and crunchy little chicharronito everybody and a little hint of the marinade on top of it yeah it does have a little bit of dryness okay because that's the nature of the way that you let the cancer normally is made since you boil it first then after you deep fry it so it's kind of a little bit dry yeah that's why you need a little lime yeah a little lime would be amazing as a matter of fact we're going to get a lime right now that's a great idea well let's try the google version yeah now i can immediately say that the skin is not as crunchy as the other one the skin is not as crunchy and it does feel a little bit softer enough talking let's try it yeah let's go cheers everybody wow wow come on now this one right here is great is what is made traditionally this one here you say it mama i'm not gonna say nothing that is something completely different it is it's more moist it's more flavorful yes it tastes more like the pig and the marinade this one here because it was boiled a lot of the flavor kind of evaporated a little bit and it's drier if you ask me which one would i prefer eating give me this one here a hundred percent come on which one do you like better i like that one but if you want that traditional crunch guys don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with this huh there's nothing wrong but it's that crunch you're not gonna get that with this one here anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you've never had to let the gun come give it a try i'm sure that you're gonna love it definitely try the sous vide version it will be better but if you're in a time crunch do this one this one works good yeah it's the traditional version everybody and you're gonna have a great time no matter which one you choose i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye don't forget to do the tostones too definitely highly recommend tostone time
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 273,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork chop, how to cook pork chop, best pork chop, chuleta can can, steakhouse pork chops, sous vide pork chops, crispy, tender, fast pork chops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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