Boardroom Chat: Good Decisions Only Come From Good Wisdom | Jesse & Cathy Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen i'm jesse the planters thank you for watching our youtube channel remember to like subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay up to date with all things going on right here at jessica plantis ministry you'll enjoy it i'm telling you and you'll never get bored hello ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in to boardroom chats yes another great time to chat together and meet some more new friends praise the lord what a blessing of god i hope you've been enjoying this you know we get all kind of uh testimonies of people really love these boardroom chats and their different things and you know you may have seen this uh not too long ago we we did our heaven thing and how many thousands of people have watched that all over the world well i don't know exactly i think it's well over two hundred and twenty-five thousand yeah just a quarter of a million is a better way to say it it's a blessing of the lord you know god has been so good and gracious to this ministry and to us you know and it's such a blessing to all my partners that are watching thank you for helping us reach people change lives one soul at a time we couldn't do any of this without your faithful financial support i just want to come out front and immediately say that because you know you don't have to and i just thank god and people ask me all the time and they say you know how come you just don't have financial deficits like other ministries i'll tell you why i trust you and you trust me and we both trust god yeah and we do what god asks and it just works it's just literally that simple and you know why it works something called wisdom very powerful word wisdom is the ability to use knowledge a lot of people have a lot of a lot of knowledge they don't have no wisdom i mean they can't do nothing right i mean i know some people have a lot of degrees but they can't only make a living but they're very smart but they don't know how to work in the world because they have no wisdom they haven't learned to apply the knowledge that they know well i want to read proverbs chapter four that's where i want to go to okay and uh and i want to start with first verse five and i love this we're gonna deal with these principle things that we need to do in life we can see without wisdom you don't make good choices you don't make good decisions you may have some knowledge about that but do you make a good choice about it so you have to be wise you know why is this serpents homeless there's doves things of that nature proverbs chapter four like the king james verse five says get wisdom right so in other words it just don't just come to you yes you gotta get it oh you gotta go get it go get it it says get wisdom and from that you get understanding and forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth in other words just say what jesus said jesus said that all the time i only say what my father says i only do what my father says to do why because jesus walked in wisdom 24 7. that's right i want to read that again it says get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth there's the you have the amplified there get the amplified on that and while you're doing that i i i'm gonna read verse six because i want you to read five six and seven forsake not her not no see she's female forsake her not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee then verse 7 wisdom is the principle thing therefore and get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding then you exalt her that's verse 8 and she shall bring she shall promote thee she shall bring thee to honor when those embrace her so in other words people notice wisdom when you speak they'll say i'd like you to do that in the amplified i want to get into this real quick okay start in verse five verse of uh verse five yes verse five proverbs four in case you're just tuning in now it says gay get skillful and godly wisdom get understanding in parentheses that says discernment comprehension and interpretation do not forget and do not turn back from the words of my mouth forsake not wisdom and she will keep defend and protect you love her and she will guard you verse 7 says the beginning of wisdom is and it's a colon says get wisdom skillful and godly wisdom amen for skillful and godly wisdom is the principle thing and with all you have gotten get understanding amen discernment comprehension and interpretation verse 8 says prize wisdom highly and exalt her and she will exalt and promote you she will bring you to honor when you embrace her so if you're looking for promotion you need to promote wisdom see because wisdom will get you there now you notice something there i want you to read um verse uh six again catholic amplified verse six says forsake not wisdom and she will keep defend and protect you love her and she will guard you so she's like a shield that's exactly right exactly when you know what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it then you won't be hit as many times in life people say well you know you just got to go through things i understand that but not all things you know if i if someone tells me how to do something and it's correct yes and i don't listen well then it's my fault if i fall in the ditch of life right why would i blame anybody else you know what i like about wisdom i read verse 5 again in that amplified i want to get somewhere because i want to show you something what's happening in the church world today go ahead okay it says get excuse me get skillful and godly wisdom get understanding discernment comprehension stop right there discernment discernment see wisdom helps you to discern spirits the gift of discerning of spirits the reason why so many people mess up is because they don't understand wisdom they may have faith they may have love they may have the fruits of the spirit they may have the nine gifts of the spirit but wisdom is so powerful right that it helps you to discern those things that's why you had all i was thinking about that the other day i mean you know uh uh doing the elections the thing i mean there were people prophesying like crazy and i called it competitive prophesying you know what i'm saying and and and but that doesn't mean you throw away prophecy because somebody misses it or you know you you're always going to criticize every prophet that you see no no but what happens is the reason why they didn't discern the spirit they were trying to discern uh i don't know the how many people would vote for this how many people vote for that all that kind of stuff that's just natural stuff that's just knowledge that changes with every wave in life but when you understand wisdom you know what to do you begin to think and hear and speak like god's speech right and you know we all know the book of proverbs was written by solomon that's right and we i think on one of our boardroom chats we talked about what one of the prayers of solomon if we didn't we probably need to do that one day but the prayer of solomon after he had offered a thousand birth sacrifices he asked god for wisdom amen because he god had just placed them him in a leadership position and he knew he needed wisdom in order to lead and guide the people that god had put him over and so wisdom is so important i want to read verse 11 if you don't mind okay and it's still solomon wrote this it's so beautiful he says i have taught you in the way of skillful and godly wisdom and in the amplified right here it really defines what wisdom is it says which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of god now where do you learn about the ways and purposes of god where church right that's why church bible says i mean that the gates of hell are not prevail against the church this is teaching you life right says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as a matter of some is and it also says and we need it even more as the day of the lord well the return of the lord is approaching it says forsake now look at verse 20 says my son attend to my words attend attend that means you got to go somewhere you got to do so that's the double meaning they you tend to hear but when you attend church now i'm not saying that because i'm a preacher because you see you have to build your spirit up you got six days where the the world is sucking everything out of you trying to make a living beating your brains out and then you would say well i just think i'm going to sleep and not go to church today and all of a sudden when you go back out on monday your spirit has been on a diet yeah it's not wise it is not what that's why he said attend he said my son attend to my word he called your family my son attended my words incline thy ear unto my saying so i'll go back to what solomon said in verse 11 i have thought i have thought thee in the way of wisdom i have led thee in right past all i want to do in my life is make right decisions and make right choices right it can't happen without praying for wisdom wisdom is the principle thing you get wisdom you get understanding right i mean i pray for wisdom on how and both of us did on how to raise jody and she's a phenomenal mother and and and and just a blessing of god as well as a great friend or own daughter you see what i'm saying and so when you understand when i married kathy i had to teach you a few things glory to god hallelujah you know my way of thinking then i had to shut up and listen and she taught me a few ways of her thinking so we could come together as one you see what i'm trying to say in other words you learn by hearing you don't learn by heard i heard that oh see if you heard it then how come you're not doing it you see you thought you heard it see but when you hear faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so faith connects to that wisdom key and it opens up the locks of life so that you can walk through those doors that's beautiful i like that it just reminded me of a great message that you preached about building mental maps on the road to divine best destiny we do something we walk even in the natural a baby learns to walk they're actually building a mental map about balance your brain works that way well it works the same way in the spirit realm the more we expose ourselves to the word of god whether it be in our daily bible study personal study praying or going attending church amen you know doing those things those are wise things that help you to be even wiser well i tell you that's the you know so many people today i heard something that was kind of sad they said in the 70s i think 70 or 73 of america went to church and today it's 47 now let me just help you look at the chaos we got going on in the world today people say what is just church well if you're going to church out obligation it's much of nothing but if you're going there to learn something church is a school where you learn yeah and to get wisdom so you can pray and receive what god wants you to have i like that that's so good i'll just think of that when you make a decision to attend church even though you're putting your flesh down and so i could be doing something else i could sleep later i could go relax and play putting god first in your life is a huge statement you make a stand in the field in the spirit realm right that the enemy is terrified of and it's so important it's the same way when you when you miss meals physically you get irritable what are you pointing at me for she does she does she does get irritable sometimes she said just i'm hungry i gotta eat now man you know i got to jam the brakes on it at a fast food place to get us something so we can get that that's more like you're more like that way oh listen to her compared to jessie every time i tell the truth she try to switch it around if i tell you the truth i made you my enemy no come on come on let me cast that devil out again there's no devil get wisdom here get wisdom woman and i'm discerning you're not being very wise i'm not being very oh now she's being scriptural glory to god but i was thinking so often when you when i was when i was cooked when those days when i used to cook that's true he would come home from work i think you're working at shell oil i remember that you just walked through the door just so starving and i felt like wilma and on the floor i worked 12 straight hours without nothing to eat i felt like wilma how she had to harp and put those big old ribs on the table you didn't put no ribs you put rice-a-roni [Laughter] rice-a-roni the san francisco treat i cooked a lot of good stuff rice but he had to eat like right now oh yeah man when you go on 12 hours you get hungry you know but i tell you what you know people say ladies and gentlemen uh i don't know what date it is right now but uh on june the 6th you're going to see this before june the 6th i believe and afterwards we'll be married 51 years and you know how people say how did y'all do that wisdom wisdom to learn when to shut up you know what i'm saying and when to open your mouth and say some things well it works not only in the natural but it also works in the spirit it's true you see so what i like verse seven wisdom is the principal thing and therefore anytime there's a therefore in the bible find out what is there for therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting you get understanding see and it's just so amazing to me you know you know i really thought god missed it when he called me to preach the gospel i never forget when he called me to preach the gospel i'll just tell i said it lord you know made a mistake i ain't gonna tell nobody lord you got the wrong man because i'm not qualified i never forget what the lord said he said you know why i chose you and i said why he said because you don't know what you're doing so if you made a mistake you wouldn't know you made a mistake because you don't know what you're doing so you're going to walk by faith and not by sight the reason why i'm talking about wisdom today there are a lot of people out there that are watching this have to make some very unique decisions i mean spiritual physical and financial and they better be the right ones because if they're not and much trouble could be ahead for you that's why i believe the lord told us to do this so in verse 20 says my son attend to my words and climb thy ear unto my sayings now watch this verse 21 let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart in other words 24 7. you know when i i get up in the morning with jesus i go to bed with jesus yeah i get up i do my i do my morning devotions things of that nature and when i go to bed and i lay my head down i say lord as i you give your beloved sleep so i i want a good night's rest and i just pray for a minute or two maybe not even that long sometimes you know just thank him for what he's done what he's doing right and what he's going to do now why do you say that all the time because i call those things with be not as though they were until they are that's romans 4 verse 17. some of you need to make a decision some of you want to know well should i buy that car yeah you're going to have to make the is it the right car where did you ever take god racing to the car a lot oh that's kind of crazy well i've done it before and i bought the best car ever had in my life right okay let's go a little higher make somebody mad maybe you're thinking about wanting a jet oh lord it's amazing however the whole sinful world can fly jets but a christian oh lord you know he can't do that but that's just totally insane all it is is a tool yeah but you got to know which one to buy you got to know how that thing operates you got to find the right decision and have great wisdom who can fly that thing see what i'm saying and because it's more than just the tool it's encased in your body and you know you can't pull over on the side of the road at 40 000 feet you better make sure your pilots know what they're doing and the people that are maintenance in that plane know what they're doing and how do they do that wisdom they go to recurrent training every year pilots uh uh mechanics do exactly the same thing so they can learn more and more and more about these situations a lot of people don't notice about recurrent training it's so funny they'll put them in these uh simulators there's a guy back there well the box about as big as my bible and he sits back there and starts blowing up stuff i mean i wasn't here cut the engine off see they want to know what those pilots going to do if that actually happens up there because you just can't wreck planes you know so they'll just they'll put one engine on fire they'll drop a nail around they'll do something crazy and i see how they react you see and how they react and all they'll lose all oxygen things of that nature what do they do how they do it and so if they're in a real plane and something like that happens their mind kicks in like you say it remembers like the babies but we all need to go to recurrent training and every time you go to church you have recurrent training you see they say you see you thought i was off the service so you need to be recurrent or current because it's a principal thing and what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it and god puts teachers in our pathways preachers if the bible says he has he has the fivefold ministry the pastor the teacher the evangelist the prophet the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher but there's also for the work of the ministry yeah there's other there are other ones governments yes we have a lot of helps in them a church cannot function without help right but god puts people in your path and sometimes it's your husband he puts sometimes he puts your you know mothers teach their children fathers teach their children teachers teach you know we learn from the things that we walk through every single day but here in the in the proverbs uh solomon is writing in verse 11 i want to say it again and i want to connect that with verse 12 because it's so powerful it says i have taught you the way of skillful and godly wisdom right and that wisdom is a capital w i believe that's the lord himself amen okay so which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of god i have led you in paths of right uprightness this is the result of it it says verse 12 says when you walk your steps shall not be hampered your path will be clear and open and when you run you shall not stumble verse 13 goes on to say take firm hold of instruction do not let go guard her for she is your life you find that in the passion translation see what he says in the passion because that's powerful stuff see people say well that's a this is an old book no this is a current book you what solomon was doing back then you need today satan know him no new tricks yeah none whatsoever you know he don't you know in fact he had the day he fell he hasn't got smarter he's got dumber because he's decaying constantly what does it say in the passion translation passion translation beginning in verse 11 of chapter four we're still there proverbs says i have taken you by the hand in wisdom's ways pointing you to the path of integrity your progress will have no limits when you come along with me never stumble as long as you as you walk along the way so receiving yeah verse 12 verse 12 you want to read that again yeah first that was the verse 12 that was 11 and 12 okay read 13 13 says so receive my correction no matter how hard it is to swallow for wisdom will snap you back into place her words will be invigorating life to you that reminds me of jody when she was a became uh i water i bought her a car i mean i was so i was more excited about you but yeah because she was going banana but i was just leaping inside because you know my father couldn't afford those kind that didn't happen back then so it was such a blessing she was a teenager and i brought her outside i said you love this car she's old dad i just can't thank you i'm just hugging me i said let me tell you something it's one of the greatest blessings it just brought you freedom i said but it also can become a weapon i said i'm going to ask you something because there's something out there called peer pressure especially on a teenager i said i want you you can take your friends y'all can go get a hamburger do whatever you want to do ride around have fun i said but don't don't be foolish with this car because if you foolish with it do it stupid thing it becomes a weapon it's over four thousand pounds that thing will kill you and kill someone but if you do it right and even if they tell you it's you know pass up slam it punch you know i said don't do any of that i said if you'll do that your car will always have enough gas to go to the mall it'll have enough gas to get back i would keep it full you see what i was asking her to do was to walk in the wisdom right but i had to give her instruction about the peer pressure that's true those kind of things and i really believe she did they're not she may have made a mistake everybody make mistakes but i mean thank god of course we knew that the blood of jesus was overheard and still is see so it's the same way you see you got to understand what comes when wisdom comes instruction comes you see it's not just okay do this no okay i got it no no instruction on what to do and how to do that how to make the right decisions well saint john 16 13. that you have to put trust in that one i'll be it when the spirit of truth he'll come he'll guide you in all truth i believe i said one of the boardroom chats and i mean this every decision i've ever made in my ministry and in my christian life i have based it on saint john 16 13 how be it when the spirit of truth is come he would guide me in all truth now i had to study that out right so i could get wisdom and understanding on it and how did i how did i study it but first believing that i could understand it believing that i was a child of good my son attend unto my words and then incline thy ear unto my saying so in other words i would study something then the lord would begin to speak to me in in my study and in my spirit and i'd begin to learn more he said this that this and then he instructed me of what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it it's a wonderful thing when you can walk like that and you know i knew when i would get out of debt first i set myself a goal that's wisdom i said i will be debt-free by the time i'm 33 years old now everybody thought you're in a loss i didn't know nobody that was debt-free i don't i didn't know anybody then nobody nothing zero but i set my mind and i realized in the midst of going toward that vision i had to discipline myself and i did it by instruction you see what i'm saying and and you know what when i made 33 years old which one man told me that was the age of jesus christ that was jimmy hester one told me that that's the age of jesus christ he said like this you're the age of jesus he says in italy they have a phrase an italian phrase whenever you're at that age they don't just say you're 33 they say the age of jesus or jesus christ yes and i i achieved that i was so glad that i did but i would not have done it because there was a lot of things on the way to completing that vision that i wanted and i would have put myself in debt over it but as i and as i disciplined myself received the word of god romans where he says oh no man anything but the lord right kept putting on my eyes all those things i wanted i've had them i got them never nothing not a thing i've ever wanted that i don't have i mean i'm talking about from 33 to now why because i walked in wisdom on that when i in this ministry this is a this this is a machine here this is a global measure it is burning money as i speak i mean just going all the time and you know what but we we use wisdom on what to do what to buy what not to buy right we uh uh uh where where is our vision taking this that's why we have our visionary conferences right you know so people can understand the vision of god because if your vision is not locked up in the vision of god you don't have a vision at all and if you're not talking about your vision your vision is talking about you right saying you're lazy and this and that because a lot of people step out with a vision but they have no wisdom in it and they fall by the wayside they seek the wrong thing they seek things they see their finances they seek connections maybe in a personal way just trying to make things happen in themselves a lot of people are right they tend to be self-promoting or they're always just every door has a doorknob you can pull it open or you use those kind of doors your peeps which one's the guard stores like them supermarket doors when you get close to them they open up now watch it when you go past the door it closes behind you so it opens you to get in and it protects you back that's what it's all about right and so in the going back to solomon he didn't seek god for things or money or people or huge armies to to be able to lead and keep his people safe he sought god for wisdom and god said because you sought me for wisdom i'm not going to give you those other things he gave them he gave all that he was the richest man that ever was the bible said and that would ever be or whatever so he was business he was richer than bezos whoever and whoever of amazon richard and elon musk richard didn't know bill gates which is the guy from nebraska what's the guy from nebraska uh warren buffett warren buffet i think i'm gonna tell you something solomon solomon was so rich that he didn't have time to count the silva go read it he said just throw that away we took on count gold he recognized that wisdom was what he needed to be able to succeed in life wisdom is what we need to succeed wisdom is what you need to succeed in life and you know what it's available to you can we go to james yeah but what did solomon do wrong he didn't follow the instruction of god when god gave him the wisdom because he started doing political things right so he wouldn't have wars and he started marrying women because he was trying to uh cut a peace treaty here and all of a sudden these women said we want our tabernacles right and god said i have no other gods after jesus his own wisdom instead of god we've got to stay with the plan god has a plan to get us wisdom to us right but we can't we have to stay focused on that path amen and and it's real easy along the way when you said go get going along the way that god is calling you to get distracted the enemy sends distractions and you think and you forget to do the right thing do what you need to do always seek god for his wisdom right the book of james is a beautiful book about wisdom and james chapter 1 you know james was the brother of jesus the half brother of jesus he was the pastor of the church at jerusalem and he wrote some beautiful things that we can learn from today in verse 5 he says of chapter one if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea uh driven with the wind and toss for let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the lord a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways so you see i want you to read that then we're going to read it in the passion read that again if you don't mind but comment on that because i want to get all three translations together okay which one do you want first one let's go to the amplifier you mentioned that first verse 5 says if any of you is deficient in wisdom let him ask of the giving god who gives to everyone liberally and and ungrudgingly let him ask the who the giving god oh see that's what i did that's why i didn't say that no more i knew there would be some a given god and it says who giveth is who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly without reproaching or fault-finding and it will be given him amen isn't that beautiful keep reading that we finish it out that whole passage okay verse 6 says only it what read the same verse you read in the king james we finish that in the king which verse you want no no jesus keep reading through i'm in the amplified verse i know that just keep reading verse 6 and the amplified says only it must be in faith that he asked with no wavering no hesitating no doubting for the one who wavers hesitates doubts is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind for truly not let such a person imagine that he would receive anything he asked for from that's a double minded man's understanding double-mindedness i go to the passion i want you to read that again okay uh uh uh once you read that in the passage gotta read verse eight no no read i'm gonna go back to my actions james chapter one verse five you know what i'm doing huh i'm figuring out we're decreeing wisdom here see different translations getting revelations here go ahead verse 5 says and if anyone longs to be wise ask god for wisdom and he will give it he won't see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your favor favor failures with his generous grace just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive for the ambivalent person believes one minute and doubts the next being undecided makes you become like the rough seas driven and tossed by the wind you're up one minute and toss down the next when you're half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable can you really expect to receive receive anything from the lord when you're in that condition okay just by those three translations the king james the amplified in the passion we found out that god was a giving god right that god understood you would make failures but he would give you grace right he would talk he told us in those different translations one that you are double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and tossed to and fro and that the storms of life and the different translation would blow you off course right and see so there's a lot of things can get you off course but if you attend to my words stay there stick with it stick pick and stick like i used to say i did it one of my uh uh i learned it from jody actually pick and stick and when you understand that you see because anybody can go off the uh the beating path there's always farcs in the road you know yogi bear said if you come to a fork in the road take it oh no you don't know where you're going here see but first you got to know where you're going so you'll know when when you get there if you don't know where you're going you don't know when you get there see there's a lot of people where i call church hopping because they don't know where they're going they're trying to that i i want to like the choir and i want to like that pastor and i want to do that has nothing to do with your attendance it's where god sends you right my best teachers were the teachers that were the hardest you know i still remember what they said the ones that i thought were cool i don't remember the thing they said you know because they were trying to be my friend and that's nice to misunderstand what i needed was a teacher yeah i heard a person say this and i really believe there's no such thing as bad students there's such thing as bad teachers now some teachers probably wouldn't like that but they said because some people are hard to get but yeah but if you just keep you keep working on you work that student into what i call a person that understands see this is what god is saying today because many of you as i said earlier about ready to make some decisions and that's why god is we're speaking about this at this boardroom chat so you make the right ones go ahead guys i have another translation for you that's why i like to bring my ipad here because i have so many different ones in here and this is the is the message message bible in verse five he says if you don't know what you're doing pray to the father he loves to help you'll get his help and won't be condescended to when you ask for it ask boldly believingly without a second thought people who worry their prayers are like windshipped wind-whipped waves don't think you're going to get anything for the master that way adrift at sea keeping all your options open isn't that great what is said about worry about prayers what do you say it says people who worry their prayers worry their prayer boy that's a power that's a powerful powerful message yeah face your faith and worry don't that don't mix or one minute they pray and as soon as they're through praying they're worried about it again and they're they're just kept in turmoil i never forget the time i went to a hospital they had just come out there they were coming out of them they just laid hands on this person okay so they were praying oh lord and i come walking they said oh bro justin we're so glad you came cause it looked bad i said what did you say it looked bad because if god don't do something she's gonna die i said well you just prayed for her to live you ain't got out the door and you and your faith is cracking that's a worry prayer uh-huh i like that kiss people who worry their prayers are like when whipped waves don't think you're going to get anything for the master that way a drifted sea keeping all your options open lord do you see what we're saying here today so this is actually a very simple thing and we go back to the king james uh there uh in chapter four wisdom is the principal thing now james is saying god will give give it to you so much that you'll actually become spiritualist more and intellectually smart think about that you can actually take the the flesh side of you by crucifying it and make it smart and hook in with the spiritual side of you right to do what god tells us to do i know that's so true you know just remembering when he was saying that with the instructions that jesus even gave his disciples he says take no thought about what you're going to say and all this thing but he did talk about how what that they were going to uh after he's gone that they would bring him before the magistrate he said don't even think about what you're going to say because at that moment the holy spirit is going to give you the words to say i believe that even when we go to god with our whole heart and pour out our heart to him that we need help he gives us the words to pray and and the words to pray and the words to say yes and it works every time see so i mean he said take no thought of what you eat what you drink now most people think oh god man how are we going to make a living well i tell you how you make a living by making a given people ask me i've had people tell me what do you do for a living i say giving that kind of freak them out they go what did you say i said give it i live by my giving and i believe on i don't believe in the babylonian system of finance which is what the world does i believe in god's way a 30 a 60 a hundredfold then he gets mathematical a thousand times now you know a lot of preachers fight against that well then just go suffer just get your brains beat up maybe if you get kicked enough you'll have enough sense to say wait a minute i'm tired of living this babylonian system are you tired of paying the banks and all the people you borrowed money these extreme amounts of interest because you borrow something you pay back to what twice but you borrow it maybe three times when you're gonna put the light on and get over to where god said some 30 some 60 some 104 so join the church of some some get in there and attend that word and forget about what everybody else is saying you know because there's always somebody judging you about this and judging you about that and judging you about this you know i just let them flap you know what i mean they're just like ducks quack quack quack i just let them flap and do what they got to do you know what i'm saying all i know is that this word of god is true and when it's true it will come to pass how long i'm not worried about time because i'm an eternal being i just spoke of great wisdom thought there you say don't let time defeat you you're not defeated for a lack of faith or an abundance of unbelief you can be defeated for those things but most people are not defeated by that they defeated because it didn't happen today so they we must be praying wrong and time defeats them having done all the stand stand therefore or therefore standing stand that's right that's what god is saying here that's what he was telling solomon go back to solomon i'm going to do this for you right i'm going to but just just obey me just just listen to me pretty simple huh got off the uh because he didn't attend to what he asked you see what i'm saying i mean okay you buy a house it's great you don't have to paint it the first year you don't have to paint it the second year you may not have to paint it in five years uh you may not have to paint it in seven years eight years but it's starting to dull out at eight nine years you're gonna have to repaint it in other words you're going to have to go back to your first love and start doing some things and keep it up because there's something out there called the sun which is radioactive and it will decay anything it touches right you see well it's the same way in your spirit life you keep yourself full of the word of the living god by getting wisdom the principle thing and in that you're getting that understanding that's good you know and now get ready for persecution on that because people say who do you think you are what this says not what you say not what they say but what this says this is what's going to judge me you see what i'm saying only the word the living god so i'm going to follow this and say how do you do it but just it's simple i only say what he says and i only do what he says to do pretty simple two things in life and all the other stuff just falls in all these people that send in these wonderful testimony i want to read a couple of them and i'll give you something just a minute uh these i'm gonna show you some of the people that are listening to this here's some of that this is from from lativia ireland bahamas canada scotland philippines ghana south america india honolulu hawaii africa my lord new jersey listen to this i mean i love that this is a girl she wants to come here her name is esther love that you put high quality carpet in your sense well she heard us talking about it let me read this i've never had a testimony love that you put high quality carpet in your sanctuary that's what i would do too i've been a pastor's wife and missionary for years i look forward to seeing you both and walking in your sanctuary on that carpet for the 2021 visionaire conference in july it would be my first time visit i love that you know let me tell you something esther that carpet is over 21 22 years old well i think we 20 in 2000 20 thousand weeks and it looks like the day we put it in there you know why was it high quality one man you know what one man told me you ought not to put that in the church that's for the ritz called it the church will be better looking than the ritz carlton for god's sake and it's beautiful we take care of things so this lady's looking forward to that what a blessing of god and thanks esther for wanting to come to the visionary conference and i invite everybody to come let me tell you it's only a thursday night friday morning and friday night perfect food in new orleans you'll love eating new orleans is now opening up my god you may have to wait a little longer on your food because they're trying to find some uh some people workers some workers you know all that kind of stuff but i'll tell you what we're going to have a wonderful time and uh it's beautiful we have we have love it when people come to visit new orleans is a destination city it's a very old city but spiritual food is what we talk about at the visionary conference you know we're talking about wisdom you know how many minutes they told me jessica you need to extend this thing no ma'am but it's only thursday night friday morning friday night no why because god didn't tell me to do that just because you think it's successful and there's people standing up whoa oh and then we're gonna make this whoa whoa did god say to do that well i think if you got to think it he didn't yeah he said a word yeah so if it ain't broke like we say in south louisiana don't fix it don't step off the path the wisdom path i don't come to the fork of the road and go i'm gonna take this no i'll say which one's right yeah what is god doing you guys that's the way i'm gonna this is a beautiful testimony from tabitha says i love the chats brother jesse i've seen you in new jersey virginia and in your own church traveling to see you is worth doing the messages have impacted my life and has changed me in four days i felt a shift oh glory i like that what's her name tabitha tabitha thank you tampa for saying that read some more mom rhonda says aloha my faith has increased by 100 since i heard your testimony of your journey to heaven that was so impactful listen to this this name is amita she says amita i guess that means amen thank you for teaching us to pray for what we need to buy so that we are not robbed of what god's best is for that's good that's powerful my god hallelujah right and juan says god has used your ministry to speak to me in a way only he can and niko says hello from canada thank you for always inspiring and teaching chats you know what i want you to pray that canada opens up catholic because i want to go oh i love you man i mean my lord and i want to get up there as quick as i can go ahead oh and it goes on to say your obedience to god has to be followed love you both and your team look at this here i this is from ellen you did a faith healing on my hand about 30 years ago actually ellen jesus did that i just happened to be there it was at christian life center in pennsville new jersey that's earl the pearls of pearl i thank god for you every day ellen thank you listen to this and this is from trish if you have never been to covenant church you must visit the building truly is beautiful and glorifies god now chris i got to agree with you there kathy got good taste it was the first church that we ever walked into where there were no egos vying for the top dog position like that god is always first they only do what their father tells them to do and say what their father tells them to say it's a church of healing and growth that's correct and guess who's the pastor so i attribute that wonderful testimony to you oh well you're such a blessing well the lord is the lord said god give our you know we serve the lord together this great testimony is from niagara it says receive that that's okay we'll give it tonight thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah you can receive that that's not ego i mean you just do what the lord tells me well i know trish i've just met her actually she's new to the church oh she goes to scotland oh i know i'm from scotland i love school you can't hear that accent in there but you read it but when you read it i know her because i saw i heard it read the book by the church okay so many other great testimonies just says hello from kenya watching from poland and barry says hello from the netherlands jesse duplantis sermons have been such a blessing to me especially the sermons about finances and how it works in the kingdom of god i'm living it as i speak it showed me god is trustworthy i love that and then it says good morning from melbourne australia that's from winifred and neo says watching from south africa i love south africa that's a beautiful country italy new mexico and these are just and from australia these are just some of the ones that have come and thank y'all so much for letting us know where you're watching from and i hope that you share these with someone else because this needs to be shared with the world listen this is the girl from donna i so enjoy you both i learned so much from y'all that girl got yourself you must be so i happily give to your ministry thank you donna why because i believe in planting in healthy godly ground that's one thing i do at the very beginning of my ministry that i would never take people's seed and put it in stale ground in all my years of mission 45 years of full-time ministry i have never had a scandal now some people have tried to destroy me several years ago the whole world wanted to kill me over they said i had four jets and that's a lie that's not true but i mean my lord i mean you were showing a picture of airplanes that we've had in the past because we started out with the smaller one who kept growing our primary focus of our mission and gave some people and gave some away to be a blessing and all that kind of stuff but they don't tell you that kind of stuff but you know what i want to thank all the partners i started over there you do this and i thank you for that because 100 of what you said goes in the world evangelist did you hear me say that listen to me 100 why because i've been debt-free since i'm 33. the ministry's debt free we're debt-free you send me 20 bucks we get 20 bucks and and uh 100 100 of it goes into world evangelism yeah and i ask the lord for every dollar of giving give me a soldier to the kingdom yeah i believe god gave us wisdom early on in the beginning of our ministry because we lived in this little tiny yellow with how many square foot house 960 well actually it was 910 but total was 960 square that's because we had this little hang on this little porch in the back that almost fell off when you walked that's where the washing dryer was yeah anyway we had this little tiny house and jesse was at a job i think you were working at shell all of that well i started out at patterson truck line and then you moved on got a better job and you were making more money and i had a little business in the house and a little daycare business what did we do but i'm just saying that we we're at a point where we could have bought a bigger house and we we would have produced we thought about it but uh we made the we prayed about it and we had wisdom i believe the lord gave us wisdom to stay where we were because we didn't want to put ourselves in debt because we wanted to be able to just give a hundred percent to god amen and not have the problem of debt hanging over us when you stepped out into full-time medicaid a lot of person a preacher would say a lot of them well you ought to see the house that jesse lives in my guy i can't believe that he's living that little little looks like a chicken coop and stuff but you see everything that was coming in i was given to god i was building this ministry they don't say that now they don't call my house a chicken coop now they call it a crib i don't know what a crib is but that's what they call it you know it's a beautiful home it's that i'm gonna give god glory to god be the glory but they don't remember where we started from you see our heart was to keep him first and still is today and and people said why do you have that nice house now when they begin well i'll tell you why since you asked the lord said i want you to build this at no limits cause i'm gonna use it to provoke people now i didn't like that guy when he used the word provoke i said they don't get mad they can't see you they see me he said are you concerned about that i said no i'm not he said i want people living better driving better eating better wearing better whatever it may be because you see god says the heavens even the heavens of the lord but the earth hath he given to the children of men so everything you see on this planet belongs you are psalms 115 verse 16 you ought to go study that out it'll bring you great wisdom now you know i mean i didn't you know i barely touched this uh proverbs chapter four and uh i i wanted to read verse 21 okay maybe we want to do a part two on this glory to god we should maybe you know part if we could let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart not in the middle of your head but in the midst of your heart out of the abundance of the heart right the mouth should be so good you'll see not just right here you got to transfer it down to you now i'm not talking about your heart your physical you remember mayor that brother was a family this is my my granddaughter she's 13 now going on 47 but you know how that is but when she was about oh six or seven years old uh there was i don't know if there's cathy preaching maybe me maybe it was a guess she said they said you need to give your heart to god and she leaned over to her mama and she said but i need my heart i can't live without my heart how i need my heart and jody said man that's not talking about your physical heart you know let's talk about who you really are and she went oh okay cause she just didn't know for sure if she could just give away that human heart you know it was just such a blessing and i never forget the time she wanted to be baptized by her grandmother she calls her mimi who happened to be the pastor church and you know i've always missed the wonderful things because i've always been out preaching i'm not looking for sympathy here but i wanted to be there but i couldn't because i was out preaching this gospel why putting christ first you mean you put your family second no you said that i didn't say that my family my daughter understood my granddaughter understands my wife understands what you need to do is understand we knew that we had to do this for god's kingdom it was the same way while staying in that house and you know let me tell you some of that little house it cost 14 700 i bought it from a man who's now in heaven i believe mr easton du planus and he was the planets and we were actually related but very far away i mean probably 12th cousin or something like that anyway to make a long story short people said man i don't know why but we fixed it up we painted it you you did a really nice job we wanted to record we couldn't buy a whole carpet so we bought reminisce and we could do that because the rooms are so tiny remember those remnants you know remnants of carpet that you see on the wall quality carpet like the ones we have i'm telling like the risk of like we have in the church and we figured we sold that house that i mean the economy shot straight up we sold that house we're more than double thirty six thousand five hundred dollars as compared to paying fourteen seven we probably had in it hmm 1450 probably 17 18 000 at the max yes because we put air conditioning yeah we put i mean that's a max and god just blessed it and you know how we if you don't think this is wisdom i had to go pick up the mail this is the beginnings of jesse the planet's ministries you got to listen to this this was so funny the lord spoke to me he said go get your mail that's okay i remember the post office box 36 there then homer louisiana station two station two watch this he said when you come back there'll be a man with a t-shirt and leave our jeans standing in your front yard yeah cause we were selling it by owner yeah and i said okay he said he's gonna buy your house i heard that i went okay so i drove over to post office box 36 station two got a bill not come back now we got a sign well bigger than this it says for sale by owner in the front yard there's a man in a white t-shirt with levi jeans standing in the yard right by the sign so i pulled up i didn't actually pull into the driveway i just stopped and started running i got i said can i help you and he said he talked like this i'm going to throw you something and he was a old cajun mess we got he said if this house for sale and i thought he's standing right by the sign he's this forward in the sign for sale by owner then it dawned on me he can't read you know a lot of people he was a fisherman you know he gave it and i said i said instead of trying to you know be rude i said yes sir it is i said it's for sale he said me and my wife we'd love to see it we don't want to be rude she's in the car could we come look at the house now god already spoke to me as a wine on a white t-shirt and levi jeans standing up front i said yes so they walk in and she and she told her husband oh miss shy look how pretty this house whoo they said we want to buy it i said well it's for he said do you take cash i said what did you say i said he said do you take cash it's in the car i said yes we take cash so i called my brother and remember jewels and he said jesse he was an attorney he said i don't work today i said today you're working you paid cash for it they lived in a house i think they live when they almost maybe a year or two before they passed away or something of that nature i mean and they loved it isn't that amazing wisdom brought me that i could have been rude to that man i would never do that number two i didn't deny what god said oh sure sure there's gonna be a white a man with a white t-shirt on it leave ig all that stupid stuff he was doing what solomon said i have taught thee in the ways of wisdom i have led thee in right paths that's that's that's that proverbs 4 verse 11. and he led me there i'll never forget that as long as he lives ladies and gentlemen let me just say this and i mean this sincerely many of you need to make decisions today that's why we're talking about this we me and kathy want to pray for you before we go off here and we're going to believe god that you make the right decision at the right time and not only the the right decision the right time but to receive instruction on what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it and i think it will help other people around you so kathy if you can i have your hand let's pray father in jesus name become bolder to the throne of grace with these petitions and supplications with thanksgiving god i can't thank you enough for what we talked about today so i ask you lord that people are asking for wisdom and you said it's the principle thing you get wisdom get understanding lord let them make their right decisions and that the father would be glorified in the sun spiritual physical and financial in every area in jesus name i believe some of you wanting a new job right you're going to look for a new job should i take it ask the lord he will tell you oh i'm telling he will guide you and direct you because you know what faith comes by hearing and you hear today you didn't heard today you hear today this word god will bless you so once again before i close thank you all the partners and all the people that help us i have to say that because they they're our extended family and a lot of people don't know what a partner is a partner is someone who pro supports us financially right monthly supports us supports the ministry the work that we do yeah you know you know we require nothing yeah thanks for clearing that up yeah i have to because some people say you see it no no they give to our ministry monthly we don't know how to do that you can use paypal if you want or you can go to let me help you stop right there if you don't want to do it don't do it don't do it you don't have to give hey we're doing god we're doing great but the anointing of increases on our lives and it'll come right through what you watch it and it'll get on you because that's god's and we pray every day for our partners because it's not a one-way street it's a two-way street we believe god to prosper you and bless you and impart his wisdom to you for your day-to-day life we want you to succeed in everything that you set your hand to do and it will happen this is just in kathy's end we love you until next time we love you and you you can't imagine how much we love you and we will there'll never be a day when our prayer for you i do that all the time yes so till next time we'll see you again okay god bless you this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 17,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Boardroom, Wisdom, Good Decisions
Id: jQemp8TFzuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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