Body Language Analyst REACTS to Gabbie and Trisha's "NARCISSISTIC" Body Language | Faces Episode 18

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It's really funny to me how hands off people in general on Youtube have been about Eugenia (I mean in general not just here). Because it's a "sensitive subject". The reality is most of the influencers that other youtubers poke fun at or criticize are dealing with mental disorders of their own as well. But because hers is so visible people don't like picking on her to the same level that they do others.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blackrosekane89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I gather it was more of a monetization issue than anything. Having Eugenia even in the title itself works against the algorithm according to Repzilla, and many other YouTubers have corroborated that content centered around her is more likely to be demonitized.

Coupled with the fact that the current controversy surrounding her has to do with child endangerment and pedophiles, I wouldn’t doubt that most if not all videos done on the topic are demonetized.

I think he’s most likely not as committed to the issue enough to warrant producing content around it that he would see no payment for (this is still a platform where people expend labor for money, at the end of the day).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shelballsxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

There's one youtuber who made this post about "my husband needs me... I need to take a break. I dont know how long I'll be gone...." then a week goes by and she posts a video about EC and insane she posted another one today. That shit angers me as this video claiming she needed a break seemed genuine so makes it feel like shes using EC's name for clout. Like girl, be there for your husband.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hooked_on_yarn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So sad that people are there if they can get views and now it goes bad it like she a leper in the 14th century. Its awful.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/justoneguyyy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey there idiots welcome back to observe if you're new here and you don't know what idiot means and you're kind of confused as to why i might call you something like an idiot go ahead and watch the video above it's going to explain everything fairly well today's video is going to be centered around gabby hannah and trisha paytas a lot of you actually wanted me to do eugenia cooney and i'm not going to do anything centered around that due to certain aspects of the topics around her situation they're very sensitive and i don't want to hurt anybody who might be going through something similar so i'm going to steer clear i hope you understand and appreciate that today's video is focusing on both gabby hannah and trisha paytas they both have released videos and i think it would be good to have a little bit of nonverbal unbiased weigh-in on the situation also today i'm announcing a winner of a hundred dollars okay so the winner of the competition is valeria here's the whole name that i'm not going to try to pronounce because i'm horrible with names but you are the winner of the 100 giveaway i am emailing you to be able to get the details figured out i do hope to be able to hold more giveaways like this also some charity events here in the future so please stay tuned hit subscribe do all the things because that's going to enable me to actually do so but i'm not going to give the rest of my sales pitch let's just go ahead and dive into the actual meat of the video now gabby hannah released a video that says i'm back a while ago and i am going to be reading part of that video we're going to start 36 minutes into the video because the entire first 36 minutes is more or less her talking about some concerns she has of stalking and how everything was really bad for her now i know that in points of fame when you're famous that is actually a real concern stalkers and people that really do mean you harm are actually a genuine issue and i think that might be the case on her side of things so i'm not going to address that what i'm going to address is the part of the video in which she kind of apologizes for being a bad person and then how it relates to what trisha says in a video that she more recently did so let's go ahead and dive into these videos and we'll just we'll just analyze the [ __ ] out of them yeah also one of you picked on me about using my phone for looking at stuff i can see it on my phone but just because you're upset about that look at this nice computer that i'm using it's a bigger screen i hope you're happy let's watch it's not that stuff it's it's the life ruining [ __ ] photoshop tweets saying things i'd never say constantly a new one or being accused of being a transphobe being accused of blackface people saying i collaborated with a rapist despite no video existing anywhere calling me a sociopath a master manipulator a narcissist it's just it feels like now because of all that nothing i ever say will ever matter again and this is not to say by any means that i've not [ __ ] up in any way and i've never done anything wrong like i know that i'm a fuck-up trust me i know but i don't think so she's doing a defensive gesture there as soon as she starts talking about how she's not a great person herself she does a defensive gesture which is fairly common that's an understandable gesture to have there a lot of people are charging her with various accusations it's expected for somebody to have a bit of defensiveness about it let's go ahead and keep watching that because i haven't always done things the perfect way that i don't deserve happiness or success ever again but the worst part is like when people call you something so many times for so long you just you start to believe it and i still spend all day overthinking every interaction i have wondering okay so non-verbally speaking it's in actual synchronization so far she hasn't shown any indicators of nonverbal misalignment which is one of the primary indicators for deceit so so far everything's been pretty synchronized however the thing is is that she's not really apologizing and she shifted the attention from her being a bad person to her being the victim which i don't know much about gabby hannah i will be quite honest with you i spent all day and multiple other days just watching her stuff so that i could establish who she is as a person and how her baseline lies and i am finding this trend of gabby hannah very very rarely being in fault in her eyes it's always somebody else's fault despite on occasion some evidence being shown that it is her fault and this is something that's tendent in a narcissistic personality i'm not diagnosing here i don't have the qualifications to do that however it does seem to have those sorts of tendencies so that's something that i'm keeping in mind as i read this is that she regardless will probably believe herself to be innocent and to be the victim this entire time and i can say quite confidently throughout the rest of this video that that is exactly how she presents herself however she also does believe that she is the victim in this situation so let's keep watching to see if anything else pops up on this if i was being manipulative or rude or questioning if i'm a bad person and asking myself if my friends and my boyfriend are all actually yes men who are just enabling my bad behavior and i'll never know because they're yes men and what if i'm hurting them and i don't know because i'm so far gone and i just justify all of my bad behavior to myself and i'm actually delusional i'm actually crazy and i'm just this evil [ __ ] person and i've spent so many hours in therapy sobbing begging him to tell me that i was this narcissistic sociopathic [ __ ] monster so that i could be treated and be better but whether i'm a monster or just somebody who's dealing with a lot of heavy [ __ ] i can't help but feel like okay i'm gonna go ahead and pause here because she brings up the fact that she's aware that people believe her to be narcissistic that doesn't cancel out the fact that she very well may be narcissistic now once again like i said i'm not diagnosing her i am not a psychologist so i'm not going to venture into doing that this is a manipulation tactic in acknowledging your own faults in this way to be able to more or less still paint yourself out to be a victim somehow is a narcissistic manipulative tendency you can see this in friendships that you have with a narcissistic person they will admit that they're wrong at something while finding out a way to make them be a victim in that sort of situation so her verbal pattern is showing these tendencies while her non-verbal pattern is not showing much of anything she believes that she is the victim she has shown no blocking gestures she has shown no non-verbal misalignment everything is synchronized and that's an indicator of her being honest at least with what she's saying now what she's saying might not be true but she certainly seems to believe it is i'm gonna go ahead and keep watching from here this bomb that everybody i love is in the blast radius and my chaos becomes their chaos and i just know that it's hard to love somebody like that so that's been one of the hardest things to try to do you can see a lot of action in her forehead there's more tenseness in there now a lot of people that are in the spotlight will have some form of work done on their face and that does make it difficult to get a better read especially in the areas of the eyebrows however you can see that showing through and this is genuine emotion she is feeling this you can see it in the corners of her nose where she's doing a bit of a grimace coupled with that expression of pain in her forehead that is an indicator of genuine emotion so she's feeling what she's saying right now as far as her nonverbal and her mindset goes she's believing that she is a victim and to some extent she likely is a victim but maybe not to the extent that she's feeling she's the victim let's keep watching deal with and navigate is knowing that my friends and my boyfriend and my family want to be here for me and support me through everything interesting mouth blocking gesture there she doesn't do that often in other videos that touching of her nose now some people who study non-verbal communication would say that that might be the pinocchio effect however a lot of science has gone into that and that's not an actual effect however it does seem to be a bit of a blocking gesture perhaps a mouth-blocking gesture or a self-soothing gesture and she does that often in this video and she doesn't anywhere else now it's all centered around her nose so that could just mean that her nose itches in this video which is possible or it could be her subconscious telling her to hush up because she doesn't believe what she's saying so that's something that i'm taking into account here and trying to consider as i continue forward thing and that they've had to live through this too so i don't know man a lot of people say that i'm not meant to be in the public eye and maybe that's true i'm so [ __ ] sensitive and i take everything very personally i'm so [ __ ] insecure and very self-conscious i have no [ __ ] self-esteem and it's difficult for me to just let stuff roll off of me i catastrophize everything so sometimes it's hard to tell if things are as bad as they feel or if i'm just living in an echo chamber of my own thoughts and i'm just always overthinking my every move and i blame myself for everything as it is so when everybody's blaming me i want to [ __ ] die because it makes me hate myself so much more than i already do and i just like most of the time it feels like i don't belong and at times it feels like i'm suffocating and i feel like i can't breathe but i just can't let that be the reason i stop doing what i love like i need to make music it's the only thing that makes me feel truly alive and feel like i have a purpose and when i really wanted to die a couple years ago i had this moment where i was sitting in my old dining room in that shitty [ __ ] apartment that i lived in for [ __ ] ever and i felt empty and then it was like this energy was thrown into my chest and it was filled with music and love and it was this magnetic connection like been wandering around this earth and when i would get a little bit close to it i could feel that vibration of that magnetic force in my chest and then one day i just got close enough for that magnetic field to like suck it in and it's been there ever since it's never left and yes i smoke a lot of [ __ ] weed but it saved me damn it i just want to be to people what artists a little bit of humor in there hey whatever floats your boat whatever helps you get out of a dark place now here's the situation i don't think that anybody regardless of how terrible of a human being they are should ever be in a position where they feel like they should kill themselves i just never ever think that's a good thing when she's talking about that immediately my heart ends up going out to a person that talks about that sort of situation i've been there and it's not a good time and so whatever got her out of that is good regardless of who she is as a person i'm glad she's out of that but once again this isn't her owning up to any sort of wrong that she's done during this entire video we've already passed the part where she's taken responsibility for the wrong that she's done and if you didn't notice it that's because it was pretty hard to pick out that doesn't excuse her from having to apologize to the people she's hurt speaking of that we're going to go ahead and frolic away from her side of things and visit trisha paytas i had no idea who trisha paytas was until i started looking into this entire case and now i can say that i honestly have had more of all of this side of youtube than i've ever really wanted to have but i'm hoping that my uninvolvement in the entire situation helps add a little bit of level-headedness to everybody yelling and accusing stuff but speaking of yelling and accusing it's about to be a bumpy ride guys let's go ahead and uh buckle up and head down this road dear gabby hannah the craziest [ __ ] that can't either stop lying or no she's a crazy [ __ ] i have never ever in my life truly in my heart felt someone needed psychological help the way gabby hannah needs help hi okay right off the bat she has a very very obvious persona for what she's putting on now there's the chance that this is how she acts in real life and that would be a case of a persona bleeding over into your real life to eventually your you play a character for so long that you become that character and this was a messy situation guys this was a messy video episode to create to study to prep for it all the way around just watch your drama alert you're so cute you're so cute i love that we can just like laugh about this now so cute but it seems your memory has escaped you and i don't know if this is an issue for real that you're dealing with like if you're actually dealing with like early onset dementia or something like it really does feel that way because keemstar said oh trisha still likes to poke fun at you yeah because she keeps bringing up my name in the podcast which is why i did the first video was she's bringing up like hey i don't even know why this started which she's bringing up again on dramaalert like hey i don't know why she's talking about this in november oh you don't oh gabby let me refer you to tons of videos down there that have showed fact for fact i'm not gonna lie this entire thing has some real shane dawson instagram live kind of vibes to it it feels like emotion that's maybe being a bit amplified non-verbally to really drive home a point which like i said that's part of the persona i feel like trisha's persona is very over the top correct me if i'm wrong if you're a hardcore trisha fan please let me know if that is how she is but from what i can tell that is how she is date by date you posting in november that i had herpes yet again on your instagram story up until that point yes we talked privately when you kept wanting to hang out with me in may and june and i said hey gabby this is why i don't want to be your friend okay cool november is when you posted on your instagram story after you kept asking everyone i hung out with if i talk [ __ ] about you which is why i made the video to let you know this is why i talk [ __ ] about you and this is why i don't like you which is why i made the video because you post on your instagram story that i had herpes you did not blur out my name you put trisha [ __ ] pedis in your instagram story when you ask gabby j martino why if i talk [ __ ] so apparently there's a lot of people that have seen this and have confirmed this to be true so she's telling the truth in this part but that's not through her body language there's so much play acting going on in her non-verbal communication that it becomes almost impossible to read which is a frustrating thing as an analyst to be able to watch because it's just a mess it's an actual mess all the way around also it's very clear that trisha has had work done on her face which is gonna 100 percent make it more difficult to read if the muscles can't move they can't communicate we'll just go from there about you and she goes well she had to try and be like oh you kind of did i don't know i do i do you're a terrible person you're an actual terrible person i actually kind of started feeling kind of bad for you when you had that mental breakdown and i literally said hey you just get off the internet and then you know what you got off the internet i was like oh cool maybe maybe she took time to like a lot of weird fidgety gestures with her collar and shirt though that's usually an indicator of agitation if somebody's fidgeting with something they're not comfortable with what's going on and that would make sense if she's agitated about what gabby said in this podcast that's being mentioned which is a drama podcast which is also interesting because apparently at another point gabby said that she doesn't want to be involved in drama yet obviously she does you know really like cleanse herself because i get it i get a mental breakdown on the internet and like having to cleanse yourself but the fact is you come back and you're doing an interview with a drama alert about old [ __ ] drama why because you as yourself have admitted that you just want people to get views to your your music you laugh about it constantly this this whole plan where people are listening to my shitty [ __ ] music [ __ ] this is how you want to stay relevant fine that's totally fine you are the one person that i despise more than anything because you don't know how to seek help for yourself and in return dragging others down also you can't keep lying on me you can't keep saying i don't know why it was brought up [ __ ] there's there's hundreds of videos showing that you have in fact started this drama did i ever want to mention your name ever in my life no it's embarrassing to be associated with you it's so embarrassing i feel so bad for the people who have collabs with you it's in bear risk jesus if i didn't know better i'd think that trisha didn't like gabby or something she's actually angry i know it's hard to see on her face especially in her eyebrows where a lot of anger is displayed but throughout the rest of the synchronization of her body as she's gesturing her pitch and her tone the words that she's using all of it is constant so this is a point of genuine anger and frustration and agitation coming from trisha and it's showing a little bit through her very thick skin of this persona that she's put on and probably justified from what i can tell from the research that i've been able to do and from what i've seen it's it's pretty well justified is what it is let's go ahead and keep watching this display and you know what the only person more embarrassing on the internet than myself is you and that's pretty [ __ ] low i'm just i'm just watching okay this is a part of her persona you can see when it had that cut there was that expression that was already on her face and it sat for a little bit too long that's a forced expression so this part is where she's really kind of hamming it up for the reaction the click ability the drama side of everything she's really pushing it a bit watching that's like i'm going shot by shot with this keemstar she just said yes trisha has asked me to text her [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] where [ __ ] when as my [ __ ] boyfriend one time you called me came up as gabby ignore and i was just like oh like i got scared i was like oh why is she calling me and i was assuming it was a butt i love a [ __ ] when did i oh my god oh my god my heart got a lot of shane dawson vibes on that oh my god oh my god little ham ended up this is a performance this is a performance that's happening here non-verbally this is a performance trish is feeding into it yup is racing this girl is a like a psycho like an actual psychopath oh my gosh gaby just i don't want to see her burn or be hurt but you're trying to hurt me what are you talking about what are you i've actually never dealt with an actual psychopath and i'm not saying that lightly and i'm not this is a psychopath like look up the definition of a psychopath like making up [ __ ] out of thin air okay i'm not gonna keep watching the video that is all that i'm gonna do for this analysis i know that this one was a little weird because there wasn't too much of an apology on either side it's a little hard to catch if somebody's being disingenuous when they themselves believe that they're being genuine so this is an instance of two seemingly narcissistic people having very narcissistic views that conflict with each other so trisha believes 100 that what she's saying is true albeit she does ham it up an awful lot for the views for the drama's sake because it gets clicks and it gets her money and gabby does believe that she is genuinely the victim that's none of this is her fault this all happened to her she's got maybe a teeny tiny role but everything else is more or less just terrible for her and she genuinely believes that once again a sign of narcissism everybody sucks on some level that's all that i'm going to talk about for this analysis if you would like to see other different analysis let me know in the comments below next on the list is paris hilton and apparently she's talked about some stuff in a new drama documentary thingy that she's released so i'm gonna take a look at that and see what we can but if you liked this video and you would like to see more hit like also subscribe ding the bell i think that helps i'm not sure that it does but i think it helps and if you would like to be able to help make more videos possible there's a few ways you can do that you could do that through patreon you could do that through my audible affiliate link and you can also do that by buying merch in the description below again valeria i will be reaching out to you via email to be able to get you your well your hundred dollars and um i think that's more or less it so without further ado that's all that i've got for the day my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys
Channel: Observe
Views: 416,876
Rating: 4.9396114 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, Gabbie Hanna, Trisha Paytas, Analysis, apology, explanation, video, reaction, meaning, behavior, lying
Id: ZykOexgshgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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