Body Language Analyst REACTS to Princess Diana's TELLING Body Language (Real vs. The Crown) Faces 27

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well hey there idiots welcome back to observe season four of the netflix original series the crown aired recently on the 15th and it stole many people's attentions and hearts the reason for which not only is the brilliant casting set design and scripting of the show but the performance is done by the actors and actresses not the least of which was emma corrin this 24 year old actress portrayed the real life princess diana and did so brilliantly not only matching her look but her tone however one thing stood apart from everything else in my humble opinion and that was her non-verbal performance as the princess today we're going to be looking at that [Music] in acting one of the most primary things beyond just learning the script is being able to perform non-verbally in a character in relation to body language fictitious characters are far easier to perform while historical figures are a little bit more difficult as you have to match nuances of nonverbal communication to the original person themselves emma did so brilliantly so today we're going to be looking at some original footage comparing it to the remake that was done in the crown and then also a little snippet of an interview that was done later on in diana's life however you'll see where this is going a little bit later on let's go ahead and watch from here what about the proposal your royal harness how did that come about um well i i asked donna before she went to australia two three days before because i thought it'd be a good idea that apart from anything else if she went to australia she could then think about it and if she didn't like the idea she could say she didn't know she did she she could say that but in fact you you actually said yes before you went to australia yes they were sitting in three weeks must have been an organizing three weeks did you uh did you speak at all i mean the phone lines must have been pretty busy we've been here in australia as we tried so right now it's focusing largely on charles's body language and there's nothing notable that's really happening or needs to be pointed out he's obviously uncomfortable being in front of a camera despite his time that he spent in front of one as part of the royal family here in a second it's going to shift over to diana's and that's kind of where we're going to focus most of this video on i'm not super interested in charles's body language in this i'm more interested in dianas it's quite difficult because uh i think there was a certain amount of press interest there although they never actually found you did they yeah but i rang up on one occasion and um i said can i speak and they said no we're not taking any calls so i said well is the principal speaking how do i know it's the principle came back okay so speaking on diana's body language here and this is a consistent theme that you will see throughout most footage of her during her time in the royal family itself while she's married and before as well she has very very subdued and enclosed almost collapsed in on itself body language this is a sign of insecurity this can also be a sign of discomfort and those are all true in diana's story however one of her most telling features is her eyes you can see the pain and the sadness that comes across in her eyes leaked through quite often despite the rest of her entire visage being more portrayed and presented well so let's go ahead and see how that plays out here you don't but i am and it's enraged and eventually so here you could already see the smile almost immediately left her eyes and the rest of her face is almost struggling to hang on to that same happy emotion that you should be feeling you should be feeling happy and good quality emotions on the announcement of your engagement and wedding and all of these things that are supposed to be exciting happy times in your life and that's not showing up on hers even with the times that she's showing true joy it leaves so fast that it leaves us feeling like it's fake or forced which in my opinion from what i can see non-verbally it is but let's continue watching this there's a lot to this little interview then there's a reenactment of it on the crown and then like i said there's this little snippet at the end that i think is very important and has a lot of weight to the timeline of diana's life i got the number because they were saying somewhere else but they said oh the phones are tapped or something which i found highly unlikely do you find it very daunting experience that yesterday you were a nanny looking after children um now you're about to marry the prince of wales and and one day you would not all i know likely would be queen it's a tremendous change for someone if i may say of 19 to make all of a sudden the transition it is but i've had a small run-up to it all the last six months and next to charles i know i can't go wrong he's there with me a lot of unhappiness leaking through her face here i know that you can all see this this look of just something's not happy about diana and that's very true from the very beginning almost almost the very beginning to the very very end of her life in relation to the royal family it was really characterized by this underlying sense of unease and unhappiness and we could see it repeatedly and i don't know how people watching back in the day could have watched this and thought that they were fine they're not really feeding off of each other at all as a new couple should it's very disconnected and very forced in this sort of way also if you look at her face now i want to be able to point this out because this is an extremely important thing and very characteristic of princess diana is this look this look was more or less made famous by her you can't see it but up here this picture here that is princess diana doing this very look because it is hers now it's been used time and time and time again by multiple other people but everybody knows diana had this look and i want to be able to break it down non-verbally to explain why it came across as so magnetic to people both psychologically and just in general now this look that she does where her head is tilted lightly down this is a submissive gesture with somebody if their head is tilted down that oftentimes conveys submission however she also did this look up out of the corner of her eye at people and coupling that with this tight lip smile that she's doing now it portrayed this almost juvenile look about her that encouraged feelings from people on various different levels psychologically speaking we as people are inclined to care for juveniles for young ones for children because it's part of the furtherment of the human race it's ingrained into us to be able to survive so we're more or less hardwired to care for that most of the time there are always exceptions so when she does this it portrays this juvenile feeling that subconsciously taps into our minds invoking feelings of we need to protect we need to be there we need to be around we need to care for we do lie those sorts of feelings are invoked in us when we see a look like this so when diana does this it was a very tactfully done thing now whether or not she does this consciously or subconsciously is another question i think personally she did it consciously she knew what effect it had and she used it again and again and again and it worked very very well after all after time she was known as the people's princess because everybody really really did like her and many people didn't know how to explain why this would be a heavy hand as to why but let's keep watching the footage and you know you know the drill we'll just go from there you you are you planning for who you must be planning for the future where you're going to live and this sort of thing yes this is i mean i've got this house in gloucestershire which i acquired the last year with marriage in mind no no not really i mean i did want somewhere very much as a base and i wanted somewhere which was nearer to the dutch of cornwall areas that i could reach then and visit people and look at the farms and things and then so that was very convenient but obviously um it's it's been a great help uh there's a lot to be done and it's gonna be marvelous to to have somebody to to help sort it out ladies father described it this morning as uh he said he thought she'd make a very good housewife we get to see you take us back to when you first met if you can remember can you remember yes yes certainly it was 1977 that charles came today his friend of my sister says for shoot i'm sort of met in a ploughed feel previously and what did you what did you think that what was your instant impression bethel here what are you talking about i remember thinking what a very jolly and amusing and attractive 16 year old she was and i mean great fun and fancy and full of life and everything and um so so far i don't really see too many signs of deceit in charles on this however you can see that he's doing some no shakes and he's also flashing what i call the cringe expression which is where the corner of your mouth is drawn back on either both sides or one side it flashes across his face here and that is something that i am taking note of and diana she is characterized by this very subdued quiet body language it almost seems as though she's shy and as time went on it really became evident that she wasn't that shy and this was more of a conscious display that she put on but let's keep watching um i didn't know what you thought of me pretty amazing did it cross either of your mind so that um three years time you would be announcing your engagement thinking you're getting married no not at all what point did you decide that um this was the right the right lady for you i mean well i'm gradually and i suppose towards the end of the summer and the autumn last year and uh i began to realise you know what was going on in my mind and hers in particular and all these things help but uh you know it was a gradual business did you find it a very hard decision lady diana i had a long time think about it because i knew the pressure was on both of us and um and that response even right there when she said i had a long time to think about it she's also shaking her head yes this could and i believe likely does mean that she did find it to be a very difficult decision and it was a difficult decision it's a big decision to be a part of the royal family she almost certainly did know that it was a huge decision let's keep watching a difficult decision in the end that's what i wanted it's what i want i and but not wearing it yesterday no very and when did you when did you tell the queen that this was what you wanted to do well about three weeks ago so um as i said we've had to sit on it and hide it for three weeks which hasn't been all that easy but i was absolutely determined that it was going to be uh as near as secret as possible on the actual day it was my ambition but you're both obviously excited and but they must be awfully difficult trying to keep that secret yes very good for us that's very good from a good practice yes good for the people we tailed too it's quite interesting to see who can keep secrets but it did but it didn't pop up in the times this morning yes someone there someone talked to the right newspaper that's what they call the top people's newspaper no uh no announcement yet of uh where and when um do you want the the actual wedding uh no because it was a lot to be decided but when is is um probably in the latter half of july i think this is i think quite a useful interesting mouth-blocking gesture that charles does in that part where he's answering about where it could be he said that there's a no but then he also blocks his mouth and this is a unique one for him he never blocks his mouth like that in any of the rest of this footage so it's an odd spike non-verbally my bet is is they knew exactly where they were going to have it or at least had an idea as to where and then he goes on to say as to when but that sort of blocking gesture that shows up that could be taken as a sign of deceit or something along those lines i'm from all sorts of different reasons and the actual place will be decided honeymoon plans or was that something you have to talk about uh now it's official well we've had vague discussions about it but it's a lot depends on you know what happens now there are lots of different to alternatives and the difficulties to go somewhere where one can actually get away from everything else the rest of the family have had that experience in the past all right so during this time where it's talking about the honeymoon charles's body language and diana's body language is pretty revealing about the dynamic of their relationship so when they ask you know are there any plans for the honeymoon are you making plans for it when charles looks down he also does a grimace which you can see here this sort of expression isn't a really positive one to have when talking about your honeymoon once again supposed to be a pretty happy thing so there's negative thoughts that are centered around that along with that even while discussing it there's not any joy in his face and he also does a partial contempt flash here as well which you can see but that's just charles's activity if you look at diana's during this time she also doesn't seem happy there's no joy on her face it's very very if anything somber or sad these are not things that you would hope to see a happy couple talking about the beginning of their their marriage together so non-verbally speaking you could see here that charles and diana are not going to last long unless it's by choice they're not in this because they love each other they're almost certainly in this because they're required to even if i had no idea who charles and diana were it would still stick out to me as obvious that these two people they don't love each other even when they look at each other it's not in love or wanting to be able to hear from the other person it's just almost as if it's a show and turns out that is what this entire marriage was there was very little love in there especially as time went on that will come before long because now having um agonized if you like puzzled over it and decided you're now going to be separated again because you're going to australia in new zealand and you're going to worry about five six weeks yes what are you going to do in the meantime don't worry ashley i'm very busy but not back to the nursery and not not back to flat sharing presumably you've moved to interesting this that it's showing right now this hand stroking gesture that charles is doing is not present anywhere else now this is a hot point this this conversational area is a hot point they're about to be separated again for another long period of time now you could see on diana's face before that she's obviously not happy about it you could see that just by how her face is set and then when charles answers that he immediately starts stroking diana's hand which i assume people wanted to be able to see it as was a loving affectionate gesture however in a lot of unhealthy relationships physical touch is used as a control mechanism so during this time my bet is that charles is subtly warning diana to play along here make sure that she presents herself as okay during this because after all there can't be any struggle within the family name the crown itself because then that shows weakness and so while he's obviously doing something that diana does not want and does not search after and does not enjoy he's also subtly telling her you have to pretend that you do and so this isn't a loving gesture this is almost a threat let's keep watching can you can you find the words to sum up how you feel today both of you you difficult to find right sort of word isn't it really just delighted and unhappy and i i'm amazed that she's been brave enough to take me on delighted and happy i'm amazed that is what their verbal words are saying their nonverbal communication is obviously painting something very different he's not happy and he's not amazed there's not any sort of spark or happiness between them at this point let's focus on what diana says and see if her body language says anything as well and i suppose in love so when they state that they are obviously in love correct kind of thing she immediately says yes but then she takes a deep breath and looks away and looks uncomfortable he doesn't really have too much of a reaction at all this is just it's not good this is not good they're not in love and then he says this line where he's like yeah whatever love is and he bites his lip and looks down and it's just so obvious that they are not in love and they do not love each other at least not totally and not to a level that you would expect a couple who just announced their engagement to love each other already from this early on things are very very bad we're about to watch the portrayal of it in the crown and focus on emma koren's body language as she portrays diana and notice the look you'll see the look come up and she does so wonderfully [Music] being asked a very important question and then we'll talk about why it's important and we'll wrap up from there do you think you'll ever be queen no i don't no why do you think that i'd like to be a queen of people's hearts in people's hearts but i don't see myself being queen this country i don't think many people would want me to be queen actually when i say many people i mean the establishment that i'm married into because they've decided that i'm a non-starter why do you think they've decided that because i do things differently because i don't go by a rule book because i lead from the heart not the head and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work i understand that but someone's got to go out there and love people and show it and you think that because of the way you behave that's precluded you effectively from becoming queen yes i well not precluded me i wouldn't say that um i just don't think i have as many supporters in that environment than i did than i did you mean within the royal household they see me as a threat of some kind and i'm here to do good not at this i'm not a destructive person why do they see you as a threat i think every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path and i think it's the strength that causes the confusion and the fear why is she strong where does she get it from where is she taking it where is she going to use it why do the public still support her when i say public you're going into an engagement and there's a great many people there during this time i think in my opinion diana knows something bad is going to happen to her she has a lot of sadness in her eyes and that's not something to be taken lightly in this sort of sphere and the fact that she's speaking with such certainty that she's not going to be queen and she doesn't outright say they're going to more or less remove me from the picture but she does say that they see her as a threat and a threat to the crown is a very serious threat that will be taken care of at all costs in all measures and i'm sure she knows that and she mentioned that she was a very strong person and that's true she always pushed her boundaries as best as she could and that's part of what people really appreciated about her was the fact that she wasn't like the rest of everybody else in that arena she was different and she was dead set on remaining so and if somebody that close to the crown is that dead set on being problematic they're not going to last long in that atmosphere and nor did she it's extremely unfortunate that untimely death that diana had but i don't believe that it was an accident and i don't believe that she thought it was an accident i have no proof for this just so you know i have no proof that the royal family decided to order a hit on diana however it does seem to match a lot of the cards that are on the table right now and the fact that she knows it makes it very very sad indeed it's a very very upsetting story the timeline of diana's life however i also appreciate who diana was as a person how she fought against the norms the traditions and the rules so often people will find themselves at a point in their lives to where they follow tradition and rules so blindly that they forget the reason that they're there and they lose touch of what it means to be a human being and to be able to push against that was something that i always appreciated in her and something that i appreciate in other people always be willing to ask the why questions to push the boundaries of rules that are set in place for especially just the the need of presenting a good picture to people unfortunately though it did not turn out well for diana and that is really genuinely too bad i don't want to leave this video on a sad note but i don't really know how to wrap it up otherwise if you did appreciate this and you would like to be able to see me do more perhaps historical non-verbal analysis like this let me know in the comments below i also am doing true crime so if you have anything like that that you would like to have me take a look at once again let me know in the comments below drama everything just let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video consider hitting the like button and subscribing that is kind of the way that i am able to do what i do and then if you would like to be able to support me on ways beyond just viewing you can buy merch that's in the description below you can sign up for audible if you sign up for the free trial and then cancel it before it charges you it's free for you still donates to me works out beautifully that's the cheapest way to do it or you can be a patron of mine over on my patreon i am going to be holding more live streams and posting other content for you there in case you wanted to be able to have just a little extra since you are going a little further to be able to support me but those are the main ways but but without further ado that's all that i've got for today my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video [Music] cheers it away
Channel: Observe
Views: 302,535
Rating: 4.8737221 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, React, Analysis, lying, detection, reading, behavior, princess, diana, prince, charles, deception, the crown
Id: Fe1BhoPstfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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