Body Language Analyst REACTS to Myka & James Stauffer's INFURIATING Apology Video | Faces Episode 13

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well hey there idiots welcome back to observe i have some new merch coming out for those of you who don't know i have a merch shop there's a lot of new people here it has been largely centered around just the things that are here on observe but here recently the newest addition that i have is this design here which is the get off of your golden couch line i don't know i just thought it might be kind of fun to do yeah that's enough of the sales pitch stuff from me today we're going to be looking at micah and james stoffer's apology video let's go ahead and go [Music] all right for those of you who don't know micah and james stoffer are influencers of sorts that have adopted a child from overseas his name is huxley and he has autism they knew that when they adopted him and it got too hard for them so they re-homed him again that you'll see words like re-homing uh finding a new forever home so on and so forth stuff that you would normally use for like a puppy now i've got to be very honest with you i have some strong feelings about this and so i have to work hard to maintain an unbiased perspective while doing this read because i feel like that's important and i i tried hard to find this video the full resolution video on the internet and it just does not exist the stovers have been doing a great job at taking all of it down so who knows if this video will even last but i was able to kind of from other people's reviews take their video and piece it together but it's like good 2005 youtube quality so forgive me for that but let's go ahead and dive into this so this is by far the hardest video james and i have ever publicly had to make all right so right off the bat and this has been brought up by psychologists by average viewers by just most everybody who watches it is this weird theme of pure white in their video and the reason for that that psychologists assume is because they're trying to present this idea of purity of honesty white blah blah so i feel like this was probably intentional i feel like it's a little manipulative but that's not nonverbal really and the realm of body language that's just a scene setting sort of thing let's go ahead and keep watching before i get into the video i did just want to say thank you to how amazing our viewers have been we have some viewers who have been just like so incredibly kind and respectful of our son's privacy i just want to say thank you like that really got me through all right so i'm going to be talking about some of the verbal stuff as well because non-verbally speaking there's not a lot to go off of on that but verbally speaking she's prepping her audience to already forgive her for this thing that she's done so when she's saying i just want to say thank you and then this time where she mentions her son's privacy huxley's privacy is one of the very very very few times that she mentions huxley outside of it referencing herself just just go ahead and pay attention to that throughout the rest of this video i won't really harp on it because it's a very common theme all the way throughout is that this video is about how hard life is for them because of huxley and i don't have a lot of respect for that i am trying really really hard to maintain a non-biased opinion of everything as i do this read but it's difficult but let's go ahead and just start watching there's some body language stuff coming up here soon really hard times and i just want to say thanks if you have no idea what that means to me and some of the special messages that you sent like just thank you thank you for that i can't oh right so that's what you call fake crying it's not even good fake crying but it is fake crying people have believed it a lot of people saw straight through it and the reason that people can see straight through it more or less is because of a discovery called mirror neurons now there is debate as to whether or not mirror neurons are what people and scientists think they are but if they are mirror neurons fire when you see another person doing an activity or feeling another emotion that's part of what inspires empathy so when you watch this and you're like i just i'm not really feeling much of the tears here that's because there's not really tears but then to be able to back that up with some actual non-verbal evidences the inflammation that you would normally see around the eyes as the tear ducts begin to open up and inflame the nose and then a person will often develop a stiffer upper lip as they work on maintaining their emotion so you don't see any of that on her face you hear this increase in pitch which is one of the things that's easiest to control anybody anybody can act like they're right and nobody cares so that's kind of what's happening on this front and this is a theme all the way throughout james is going to start talking too let's keep watching say enough how hard micah has tried throughout his entire journey and the amount of effort she's put into this in helping huxley as much as she can so i mean you guys have been part of this adoption journey even before you know we picked up huxley job okay that's a verbal thing but let's go ahead and talk about his baseline so his baseline right now is very very flat there's not a lot of expressions micro expressions gestures or anything it's just he's just kind of there it's almost like he's talking about something which isn't really emotionally hitting home for him but also look over at her face right now if you see her face it's gone from being sad and in pain as it should be well since it's a fake emotion and she's trying to hold on to it those are harder to draw out she should be working through these emotions as they come along and as you can see it's like her emotive state has shifted back to a neutral state but then james says something important here which comes back into play later on in the video he says that you the viewer the viewers of their channel have been with them for the entire process of the adoption thing and part of huxley's life as well and they did that and they publicized that they put huxley everywhere so that they could gain that traction and there's a possibility once again to maintain an unbiased stance there's a possibility that they did this out of kindness of their hearts out of a desire to be able to help a child who needed it deeply needed it but you don't get that feeling let's keep watching on this sometimes there's unknowns and things that are not transparent on files and things like that and once huxley came home there was a lot more special needs that we weren't aware of and that we were bold so over the past few years huxy's been in numerous therapies to try to help him with all his needs and over the last year has been a more intense therapy that he's been in to try to help him as much as possible with his with his severe needs and for us it's been really hard hearing from the medical professionals a lot of their feedback and things that have been upsetting really upsetting for us because all right so when he says upsetting he does a partial shrug um which is an indicator it can be an indicator of a lack of confidence in what was being said and during the same time he also closes his eyes which is an eye blocking gesture which once again is a defensive gesture so that small little cluster there kind of indicates that he doesn't have confidence in what he's saying in this situation and if you look at his face before we continue this you can see how all of it is pretty uniform in tone well he's going to start crying here and it's going to maintain that uniform tone there's no flushing of any areas where you would normally see flushing for crying now for micah she has makeup on so that can help conceal that so there's the possibility that that just wasn't visible especially since this is like a 240 resolution video but for james he doesn't have makeup on and so you should be able to see that inflammation fairly clearly and let's just see what happens this is not what we've ever wanted here we've never wanted to be in this position been trying to get him to get his needs met and help him out as much as possible it's really obvious is that we truly love him man what a performance this guy needs an oscar not real tears for those of you who are curious or feeling like this might be real tears they're not once again there's no inflammation anywhere but that also being said verbally speaking in i'm sorry that i'm talking about the verbal so much on this it's all them it was hard for them ignoring the fact that they more or less set this child up for a life of possible rehoming and he gets adopted by a well-to-do american family hopefully this is the turn in his life and he gets there and a couple years later they dump him off i have a lot of trouble having sympathy for micah and james here when they obviously only care about themselves in this situation and they shouldn't they should not only care about themselves they should really be apologizing for everything that they've done to huck's leader in this because huxley's the one that had no choice he's he's a child these are adults let's keep watching our body that doesn't love oxygen with all over me there wasn't a minute that i didn't try our hardest and i think what jenna's trying to say is that after multiple assessments after multiple evaluations numerous months all right so the tonal changes in between the two with her speaking with micah speaking specifically she's supposed to be emotional and then she slides into this different tone which is a manipulation technique to where somebody will will harp on their emotions to be able to get you on the side of them and then they'll try to move into this like the reassuring tone that she has it's almost like she's trying to reassure some people that she probably is suspecting her gonna be irritated at her rightfully so it's just showing that she's in control of what her emotions are doing the entire time also james goes to wipe away tears that don't exist you can see on his face his face is the same tone there's not any actual emotions if you're watching this and you're not feeling it once again that's because your your mirror neurons are not firing because this isn't true this is just fake you're not feeling empathy because it's not genuine when you watched jenna marbles video and you saw her struggle through an apology that she genuinely meant your emotions would well up with her a lot of you said that you were crying during her video and rightfully so because her video is showing genuine pain genuine struggle not many people are crying during this let's keep watching professionals have felt that he needed a different fit and his medical needs he needed more we haven't made this video yet it's because we've been trying to protect his privacy his rights and also just try to not [Laughter] oh they're trying to protect his privacy and rights no no they're not no no they are not their past has shown that that is not what they're doing they didn't make this video because they didn't think that they had done something wrong and they were trying to avoid bucking up to the situation and even now when they're backing up to the situation and apologizing they're not apologizing for the atrocity that they did towards huxley they're apologizing and saying and saying that it's just so hard for that look at james now look at his face where's the pain that was there just a second ago the pain why is there no evidence that he was just choking back tears why why are his eyes not anymore red why is there no inflammation of the nose or the eyes or any indicators that he was crying if you took a picture of this it looks like he's recounting what type of waffles he ate yesterday it's nothing on his face it's disgusting to me i'm sorry that my my bias is showing here but i am not buying this apology let's keep watching mess up his future that was laid out in front of us we're trying our best to make sure we don't impact that at all by making this video and then and that's why like on instagram and stuff i try to like let you know as little as i could but i couldn't tell you anymore because i don't want to mess anything up you've already messed it up you've messed it up so she does a printing gesture during this time where she combs her hair behind her ear and this is a preening gesture this is i'm aware of my appearance i want to be able to appear nice to the camera and speaking on appearances real quick notice how her hair is all done up her makeup is done everything's all done up she is aware of what she's appearing as micah stoffer has a history for as many people have pointed out and i agree after studying this that she is a very narcissistic self-centered person this video is about her and you can see that let's keep watching this is a longer video what's already on legally and if i said something was i gonna mess up things first yes yes it will oh what a sad time it's just been a really hard place to be in like because you're grieving you i want to share with you guys like i know deep down inside that i don't have to say anything like i'm not i don't have to say this i don't have to but i want to like i want to tell you you guys have been there for us they didn't want to tell us they didn't want to tell anybody they compiled [ __ ] from people people trash talking them rightfully so for a very long time i heard it was about a month or so before they were like you know what maybe we should actually address this before this gets out of control this entire video is them desperately trying to scrape together their careers she's doing these gestures here with her hands now right here is something called the super sternal notch this is something that a lot of gals will actually do as a placating gesture she's stressed this could be a sign of her being in pain because of what she's done to huxley she's genuinely sorry about it or she's stressed because she's being put on the spot and having to address the terrible things that she's done now judging from the rest of this video i don't think it's because she's in pain for huxley i think it's because she's upset that she's being put on the spot so she's doing this soothing gesture this self placating gesture with the suprasternal notch do i feel like a failure as a mom like 500 so when you get like insidious hurtful comments it just like really makes it hurt worse it's not about me at all really because you just spent the entire video talking about how it was you i think it was about you and i'm so sorry that your feelings are hurt meanwhile huxley is having a much harder life than you but it's just like this journey has been the last couple months have been like the hardest thing i could ever imagine going to choosing to do because ultimately after pouring our cuts in our the reason why we can't go into detail of what actually transpired is because we're truly going to protect huxley's privacy and not let you know what happened what everything that went on to make us make this this decision or to even come to medical professionals with the need to get more help anything that happened in the home that was hard for hux that's not fair for me to put out there publicly that's his privacy okay okay i haven't seen the videos but i know for a fact that they exist that they put out videos of huxley having a hard time and the reason that they put out those videos which you will see soon is because they wanted you the audience to know how hard it was for them that he was having a hard time i just i can't do it with these people i really can't do it with these people so we're not gonna talk about that that's not that's not appropriate like that's and that'll never be appropriate i didn't adopt a little boy to share these things publicly every now and then you may have gotten like a teeny like struggle or like a hardship when i was trying to be like really raw and real but we haven't intentionally like day one intentionally 99 95 of the struggles we have never publicly aired ever ever with pure intent not to give you a fake facade or to be lack of transparency but to respect our son's privacy and this is all that we're okay with sharing the reason we haven't updated you sooner is because the medical professionals the agencies multiple people have been allowing for huxley to spend time with some different people to see and to make the perfect match and fit for his now new forever family from the updates we've gotten from the agency and through the adoption agency like they were able to place him and what they felt was literally the perfect match when we met like jimmy said earlier when we got hugs we didn't know a lot of tears and when agencies or adoption agencies have more pieces to the pie or they have more pieces it makes the matching process a little better or a healthier match and they found somebody that they felt would be ultimately the best fit and he is thriving he is very happy he's doing really well and his new mummy has medical professional training and it is a very good fit and i ask everyone that you know watches this video that supports our family you know give us grace give us the support and the privacy that we need during this time just because i may be positive on my stories or be having fun doing something fun doesn't mean that i'm not like still horribly hurting and the same for gym so like just please have grace with us thank you for everything there's no emotion on their face during this when she says that they're horribly hurting there's nothing they're not horribly hurting they horribly hurt someone but they're not horribly hurting they feel invincible in this situation they literally took a kid in offered him a brand new future pawned him off on somebody else and now they feel like they've washed their hands clean of it and i know that a lot of people watching this aren't going to stand for that because nobody should stand for that these people should not have that option i'm so frustrated this video is almost over uh everything and we just really appreciate all of your support and kindness but just please respect our privacy yeah respect your privacy what whatever that's the actual apology video i am so sorry that this just turned into me being angry this didn't have as much nonverbal communication because their nonverbal communication was constant throughout it in that it was consistently forced fake grief and sadness and pain all of it was in watching this if you see these sorts of tendencies and the people around you uh be it family friends co-workers whoever if you see these forced emotions to be able to gain your trust or your sympathy don't trust them and try to get them out of your life if possible because they are there for them they're not there for you and they will come out on top so just be aware i don't know that's all that i'm gonna do for this video if you did like the video please like the video subscribe if you haven't already i like i said i have some merch that's coming out here that get off your golden couch which i feel like these people were more or less sitting on a golden couch if you would like to be able to support me on patreon i put up stuff on patreon for various tier levels over there you can find that in the link below i also am writing a book so i'm releasing that as i write the book over there oh i am an audible affiliate if you use the link in the description below which is observe if you use that link sign up for your free audible trial it donates money to me and then if you get an audio book during that trial you can download it and have that audiobook for always cancel the trial before the trial it starts charging you and you didn't spend any money you got a free audiobook and you donated money to me it's pretty cool uh but but without further ado that's all that i've got today my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys
Channel: Observe
Views: 451,549
Rating: 4.9669189 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, Myka, James, Stauffer, apology, huxley, adoption, rehome, child, lie, lying, crying, fake, forced
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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