Body Language Analyst REACTS to Ellen Degeneres' INSINCERE Apology Faces Episode 17

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well hey there idiots welcome back to observe if you're new here and you're curious as to why i just called you an idiot i understand and i also made a video that's coming up on that card there so you can watch and find out why today's video is going to be centered around the most recent monologue from ellen in which she addresses all of the accusations that have been more or less thrust her way but before we go ahead and dive into that i wanted to go ahead and remind you of a few things first there is still the contest and or giveaway not contest it's a giveaway uh that you can enter into in the link below for a hundred dollars either from my merch shop or in the form of an amazon gift card if you're a member of my patreon along with that i am an audible affiliate if you want an audiobook use my link that will help me out i'm also selling merch like i just mentioned there a second ago it has the get off your golden couch line from the jeffree star video along with plenty of other options that's also in the link below also like i said if you want to be able to be a patron for the channel that's also in the link below anyways let's go ahead and do this video the ellen video [Music] all right for those of you who don't know what's going on with ellen she's more or less just being accused of being a trashy person by a few different people actually quite a few different people if you want to know more about that go ahead and just do a quick youtube search plenty of people are talking about that today i'm going to be examining her non-verbal communication establishing the best bass baseline that i can and all during this i want to remind you that body language reading is at best 70 accurate that's enough chatter though let's go ahead and take a look at this video oh boy welcome to season 18 of the ellen degeneres show okay so right off the bat what i'm sure stuck out to a good number of you is the color of her clothes once again she's doing the classic i'm gonna wear white to appear more pure or at least that's what a lot a lot of psychologists say this could just be her fashion choice of the day so i'm not really gonna say anything here nor there about it and it's just notable that this is the first time that she's worn an all-white blazer in an all-white shirt [Applause] if you're watching because you love me thank you if you're watching because you don't love me welcome all right so during this time she's doing a forced expression this over-the-top overly gleeful smile it's holding constant throughout everything with very very small changes in her eyebrows but all in all the overall expression is being very very constant which is an indicator that it's forced real genuine expressions they fluctuate quite a bit surprisingly quite a bit if you pay attention you'll notice that when you're actually feeling a certain emotion there are quite a few things happening with your face or the faces of those around you so she's holding this one and you can tell that it's for part of the bit but that is a thing to just notice right now it has nothing to do with her apology let's keep watching how is everybody's summer good yeah mine was great [Laughter] super terrific i'm so happy to be back in the studio there are a lot of things i want to talk about i've been looking forward to addressing it all directly and okay now her expression has changed and the tone of what she's saying has changed so that lines up there there's synchronization between that however it's interesting and i'm gonna make a note of this and we're gonna see it again and again as the video continues she does this head shake while saying something that will be done or is doing so it's an action-based thing that will happen while shaking her head no which usually is a do not think of it this way when you nod it's a i will do or i am doing or doing something or do something when you shake your head no it's a i will not do something i won't do something blah blah blah that's kind of what can happen here that's not necessarily always true so when she's saying that i've been looking forward to this and she's shaking her head no there's a possibility that it is a desynchronization point but let's keep watching unfortunately talking directly to people has been illegal for six months so i have a virtual audience here instead here you all are you look beautiful and i'm sure you smell great that's what i'm imagining anyway all right that actually brings to mind verbally there's a lot to dissect on this and there's a lot of reasons psychologically behind that if you want that kind of analysis go check out dr grante's video he does a good job on that i'm not going to be talking so much about her verbal i'm gonna really try to stick to her nonverbal now when she says this little tidbit about them smelling good one of the big accusations was that she was complaining about an employee for smelling badly dr grande brought up a point where he's like this probably wasn't her best word choice and it's interesting because she does a little lick to the corner of her mouth which has been said by many non-verbal analysts to be a self-soothing gesture it could be in this situation she could have maybe been a little bit insecure about using that specific terminology this early on if that makes sense let's get to it as you may have heard this summer there were allegations of a toxic work environment at our show and then there was an investigation i learned okay so she's doing self-soothing gestures you can see her thumb rubbing on her other hand here down here while she's doing the steeple pose that is usually an indicator of nerves so while addressing these allegations she's already feeling a little bit of nerves as portrayed by her body language and then she has a pretty sizable dry swallow which is another indicator of nerves so she's not as confident about this already just from the start let's see that things happened here that never should have happened i take that very seriously and i want to say i am so sorry to the people who were affected i know that i'm in a position of privilege and power and i realize that with that comes responsibility and i take responsibility for what happens at my show okay so once again if you notice she's shaking her head now while saying that she is going to do something or she is doing something so it could be considered a nonverbal misalignment so i went through and i watched several hours of other monologues where she's been speaking and it's not addressing anything important really and this sort of misalignment shows up occasionally but not often so it's something that i'm now going to pay attention to as a non-verbal analyst as a possible variance to her body language pattern her baseline this would be considered a desynchronization point on her baseline but more shows up here this is the ellen degeneres show i am ellen degeneres my name is there my name is there my name is on underwear we have had a lot of conversations over the last few weeks about the show our workplace and what we want for the future we have made the necessary changes and today we are starting a new chapter so there was alignment with her body language while she's saying today we are starting a new chapter we're doing something yes we're doing something it's all synchronized that's a good indicator but that's not a good indicator for that other area where i just was a little bit suspicious as to what her body language is doing so we're going to keep that in mind as we continue on through the video there were also articles in the press and on social media that said that i am not who i appear to be on tv because i became known as the be kind lady and um here's how that happened i started saying be kind to one another after a young man named tyler clemente took his own life after being bullied for being gay i thought the world needed more kindness and it was a reminder that we all needed that and i think we need it more than ever right now being known as the be kind lady is a tricky position to be in so let me give you some advice out there if anybody's thinking of changing their title or giving yourself a nickname do not go with the be kind lady don't do it the truth is i am that person that you see on tv i am also a lot of other things i interesting so she says i am that person that you see on tv affirmative action and then she says i'm also a lot of things now if you pay attention to your own body language try to notice the strand of thought that goes with the gestures that you're producing so when you say something and you shake your head no think to yourself why could i be shaking my head no now there's times that it could be just something that you're doing but oftentimes it's tied to another thought strand now that's the possibility here and that's always a possibility in nonverbal reading is that they can be saying one thing but thinking about different things as they're saying the one thing and we will see what they're thinking about or what's hitting home most to them that's always a possibility in a non-verbal read so that's possible what's happening here but it also might be that classic case of nonverbal misalignment where she doesn't at all believe that she's other facets or it could be in relation to her not believing that she is that person the be kind lady but there's more on it sometimes i get sad i get mad i get anxious i get frustrated i get impatient and i am working on all of that i am a work in progress and i am especially working on the impatience fascinating thing she says i am working on all of that shaking her head no right after that she says i am a work in progress so there's another instance of this possible nonverbal misalignment in this area is she actually working on everything well her body language indicates that that's possibly not true let's keep watching though thing because and it's not going well because it's not happening fast enough i will tell you that [Applause] listen you know i i don't know i i'm a talk show host and you know that but maybe some of you know that you know i was an actress i've played a straight woman in movies so i'm a pretty good actress but i don't think that i'm that good that i could come out here every day for 17 years and fool you this is me and my intention is to always be the best person i can be and if i've ever let someone down if i've ever heard a lot of no shaking there a lot of possible desynchronization from my perspective i don't necessarily believe that that's what she's always doing and i don't think she believes it either their feelings i am so sorry for that if that's ever the case i have let myself down and i've hurt myself as well because i always try to grow as a person i look at everything that comes into my life as an opportunity to learn i got into this business to make people man there's just it's consistently a lot of no shaking there i'm sure you're noticing it as you're watching her head is constantly going back and forth so this could be in response to the negative nature of what she's saying i'm gonna keep watching here laugh and feel good that's that's my favorite thing to do that and jenga i love that game and now i am a boss of 270 people 270 people who help make this show what it is 270 people who i am so grateful for all i want is for every single one of them to be happy and to be proud to work here this has been so i'll make note of her hands as well because her hands are fairly active and that's a that's common for a person who's used to speaking in front of people she's also doing very open body language all in all a lot of these sort of gestures here which is a submissive gesture it's a sign of openness and vulnerability this is common in people being genuinely open and vulnerable but it's also a common move for people who have been trained to speak in front of people or to people even while i'm talking to you i use a lot of these gestures because i've been trained to use these gestures but also because i don't really have a point to not be open and honest about this stuff but when she's doing this in these sort of situations it's something that i'm trying to pay attention to and hope that it's a sign of her being vulnerable not just her being trained to speak to people i'm gonna stop it there because then she just kind of chats for a bit and it's nothing really important so my opinion all in all of the ellen apology one i know that this was heavily heavily rehearsed so that's gonna automatically make her body language a little bit harder to read in my opinion i do not think that she is as sorry as she's trying to present herself to be after seeing these situations listening to what she was saying once again if you want to see a verbal analysis go go watch dr grande's video you'll appreciate it but non-verbally i don't feel that she felt what she was saying there were areas that i do think she did genuinely mean but all in all from my perspective from watching her nonverbal trying to pay attention to her baseline noticing the positive and negative spikes the in the misalignment i don't think she was telling the truth i don't think that she's actually sorry for what she did not totally at least that's going to go ahead and wrap up this video i hope i hope you liked it you know if you liked it that's pretty cool and if you wanted to show me that you liked it you can hit subscribe that's fun there's going to be more of these reads coming up in the future you can also hit the like button on this because that's how i know that you liked it it's about you liking it you can comment if you have any other suggestions for other reads that you would like to do if you want to like i said get an audio book follow the link if you want to be able to support me on patreon follow the link if you want to be able to buy some merch follow the link if you want to enter into a really cool hundred dollar giveaway follow the link but but without further ado that's all that i've got for the day my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 713,699
Rating: 4.9008641 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, Ellen Degeneres, Apology, reading, analysis, analyst, lying, fake, forced, response, react, reaction
Id: 9TSXpGLNseg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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