Bob Ross - Red Sunset (Season 9 Episode 3)

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hi welcome back certainly glad you could join me today today i thought we'd do a fantastic little painting that's very warm and very bright it's such a good day let's do a good painting so let's go up here at the canvas and let me tell you what i've already done now this is probably going to look sort of green to you right in here and the reason for that is is because i've covered this black canvas with indian yellow right here which is a very transparent yellow but black and yellow as you know make green when we start putting color on here that'll go away right above that is a strip of alizarin crimson and then above that is a little bit of phthalo blue same thing on the bottom then i've just blended the entire canvas with a big brush it's all ready so let's have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting with me and we're going up here and get started and have some fun now first thing let's talk about for a second is how do you get the canvas black the best way that i found is get some black gesso now black gesso is made to have paint adhere to it a little better than just black house paint so i think you'll you'll need some of that cover the canvas and let the black dry completely you want that to be totally dry and then you put these transparent colors over the black gesso and go from there don't let the don't let the transparent colors dry on you though we want to keep those nice and wet so we put i'm gonna put white in here i think and let's just see what happens let's start off with the old fan brush today i'm gonna go right in to titanium white and load a lot of paint into the brush today we're going to teach you how to be a brush washer i'm going to get to wash the brush a whole bunch of times all right let's go right up to the canvas now you have to make a big decision right off here where's your horizon and where is the brightest spot going to be this is going to be like a sunset so maybe right in here right in this area here we'll have a nice bright area so you take your fan brush fully loaded with paint and do get mean with it this is where you take out all your frustrations and hostilities this is better than going home and kicking the dog around look at that what's happening now see as you work upward you're picking up all that color underneath there's all kinds of beautiful colors in here the crimson and now you're going to get up in here where there's some blue and crimson which will make a nice lavender color okay now then wash your brush every time you wash your brush dry it off back into the white back into the white now when you're doing this at home try it with numerous transparent colors and i know the first question is how do i tell if a color is transparent the best way if you have a black canvas is just take a little bit of the color and put it on the canvas if it still looks black then it's transparent enough to do what we're doing here okay let's go right back up here back to the light spot bang that right in there and just begin creating some beautiful little little cloud formations let that brush dance let it play kinds of little things are going on this is where you just sort of let your imagination go crazy all these little things just happen now if you want to show a little more blue up here you could certainly do that sometimes it's pretty to have a nice stable blue up there i've mixed blue and crimson together to make it more of a lavender color but in your world you put whatever you want load this brush up again back in here always back to the to the light area and work outward now let's just dance that brush by dancing it turn it spin it let all those little things just happen ooh isn't it pretty right there okay now we'll wash the brush again i told you you're going to be an expert brush washer by the time this one's over but you never never never want to take this dirty brush back into the light area takes a little time to do all this brush washing but it'll pay you dividends back into the light area dance out some of this color maybe it just goes right off the canvas and sort of wanders back right there whatever whatever just let your imagination go now then a little more of the white now some places in here i want to show a little more distinct clouds i'm just going to add a little bit of white right in here so it'll be a little bit brighter a little bit brighter in places light striking and carrying on i know by now you're saying boy that bob's really messed up this time you may be right there we go just let all these little things happen have fun with it now then if you was to take and try to blend all that chances are if you blended that with a big brush it would just make a happy mess let me show you one other thing here before we get too far along i want to make this even brighter i'm going to add some more pure white right in here look at that very bright okay now as i was saying if you tried to blend all this chances are it would smear and you'd be a mud mixer and we don't want anybody mixing so take your knife and very gently just barely touching scrape off that excess paint wipe your knife each time you scrape otherwise when you go back here you'll put a big line of color each time wipe it off very carefully because you don't want to smear this color all over the black canvas well we really have got a mess now now then we'll take a clean dry let me repeat dry two inch brush and go right up in here be sure this brush is dry and very gently very gently we'll just start blending this wearing your sunglasses today this is a bright one this is such a fantastic day and i'm in such a super nice little happy mood i thought we'd do a bright painting right paintings they make you feel good look at that look at that all these colors just come alive you'll notice on a black canvas that color sometimes looks so much stronger than it does on a white canvas and then very lightly just take out the brush strokes okay now let me wash my brush i'm gonna go right back into white here if once again now maybe in here we'll make a little cloud that's just a little bit more distinct a little bit brighter so just take a little that white and bounce it around in there maybe maybe right here wherever you think you are to be see that helps create the illusion of distance in your sky perspective there we go now then good dry brush and then blend blend fairly barely touching the canvas just you mix it up a little bit and blend it just barely touching there we go very soft now we get the rest of the painting in here this guy won't look near as bright as it does now right now that's a firecracker isn't it there we go see this this indian yellow before it looks sort of green against the black but once you put the white with it it's opaque and that yellow just jumps right out at you okay now we just use the same old dirty brush i'm gonna go right into some midnight black and reach over here grab a little bit of alizarin crimson just mix these on the brush no big deal just pull the brush right through that color just pull it okay let's go up here now maybe there's some happy little foothills that live way back here take the brush touch just use the corner crimson and black see this is where you have to make this big decision right here a little more of the crimson and the black just drop this in wherever you think your little foothill lives that's where he goes look pretty see that sets that sky off a lot of times if you're out selling paintings a lot of times people buy paintings for color as much as for content and if you have an old doll room around your house you put this one in there you'll have to wear sunglasses when you go in this will brighten up a dull room let's wash the brush it's a lot more fun to wash these big brushes it is a little video now i want to reflect some of that into the water i'm just going to take this brush and tap it right into some titanium white just tap a little bit of color let's go up here now decide where water and land meet back here all you do is touch and pull straight down touch and pull down see if you start in the lightest area and work outward that way automatically it gets darker darker darker see there okay now back over here touch and work outward all we're doing here is just laying some color on the canvas but this too is picking up all those beautiful transparent colors that are underneath and this all happens automatically now wash the brush one more time just scrub him off and beat the devil out of now this time we're going to use a firm pressure bend that brush snap it pull it just pull it right down look at there beautiful colors now very lightly very lightly go across it and you can you can push this look see push it that way that way wherever you want to go and it creates the illusion of water that simple all right let's take the knife we'll take a little bit of white touch of the bright red and i'm going to take some dark sienna and add to that let's make a color about like cat cut across it a little tiny roll of paint let's go up here now i want to put the indication of a just a happy little water line here so we just let that play rattle in here see there okay just drop that in and maybe there's a few little sparklers out here on the water wherever you want them now the ones that are directly directly under this bright area would add a little touch of yellow to them make him really really stand out because they're going to be a little brighter a few little things like that all right now we can come into the foreground and play a little bit and i thank you this foreground here we'll have some nice big trees and bushes and we'll just see what happens well it takes midnight black let's mix up a bunch of paint there's black and crimson shoot let's take some van dyke brown some dark sand we'll throw it all in there very dark it should look black very dark i put the color in there so when we add highlight you'll get little sparkles and you don't have to over mix this about like that okay let me clean my knife off you know one thing of interest i'd like to pass on we get a lot of cards saying how do i get all the paint out of a tube because when you're using a very firm paint sometimes it's the son of a gun to get all the paint out and you waste it i want to show you this this is one of the neatest little devices this is called a two bringer in this little tube ringer all you do is just you stick your your tube right in there and crank his handle and that son of a gun will take out every little bit of paint well that's a that's a life saver there you ought to have one of those okay enough enough talking here let's load a brush we'll use a we'll use this brush and this whole two inch brush i'm going right into this paint pull it give it a wiggle just wiggle it that pulls the the paint down to the end of the bristles pull it give it a wiggle and then sharpen it just like you would a fine knife now this brush let me turn it so you can see look at how sharp it is very sharp okay let's go right up here now you got to make some big decisions in your world where does the tree live i think right there all you do is touch the canvas and take just the corner of the brush now don't be afraid of this brush because it's big it will do fantastic things for you just use the corner push down and sort of work back and forth back and forth let it go all you're looking for right here is a silhouette and we'll come back and we'll put a few little highlights on these trees okay now we don't want him to get lonely let's give him a little friend that lives right there right there just the corner of the brush look at that do you ever think you could make such a beautiful little tree using a big old two inch brush you can you can you can do anything anything at least on this piece of canvas this is your world and your creation right here tell you what let's do let's have another one let's have another one right there we let him really shine out here in the light he'll stand out beautifully against all that light color there he comes he lives right there in that brush just tap him out there we go we got a whole family of trees now we got a mom and a papa and a little one okay i'm bringing it back to a nice sharp edge let's go right back up here maybe over here we have an uncle and an ant see trees are trees are like people they have personalities everyone is different each one's an individual you know i'm a little nuts i go out in the woods with my camera and take pictures of trees and i've even been known to sit around and talk to trees but don't tell anybody that that's a secret people think you're crazy if you talk to trees what's worse is when they start answering you there we go there now we've got a whole family of trees okay all right let's make some let's make some more things use the same brush in the same old color and i'm going to pull it through the paint in one direction look how that brush is bending one direction one direction okay by pulling it in one direction you'll round one corner see how it's rounded on the top put that rounded corner to the top okay let's go right up here now then decide where you want a happy bush to live push and bend it bend the brush you need to bend it avoid letting it slide don't let it do that see the difference bend it if it slides you're going to have a uco that's short for a mess okay just decide where you want little bushes to live or big bushes and we'll put one right there and down in here this is already dark so you don't have to worry too much just throw in a little color okay let's go over the other side here maybe there's a happy bush that lives yep right there there we go we just got a canvas full of bushes now let's see how easy it is to just drop those in nothing to it let's put some little tree trunks in there now for that let's take some of the dark sienna pull it out very flat then cut across it so you have a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife there you can see it right there okay now that let's go right up in here and we'll put the indication of a little trunk just like so this tree said he wants a trunk too there you know we travel all over the country doing demonstrations and shows for pbs stations and and other fundraising activities and that's so fantastic because i get an opportunity to to meet all unbelievable painters from all over the country we really enjoy it so if we get to your area i look forward to seeing you maybe we can spend some time together and talk and look at paintings and really get crazy if you would like to be notified that we're going to be in the area drop me a line and just give me your name and address i'll put you on our mailing list we have a we have a little mailing list and we send out notices and tell people we're going to be in their area so if you'd like to be notified just drop me a card with your name and address on it i'll do that for you i'm taking a little brown white a touch of the bright red just a touch once again that small roll of paint now if your lights coming from here just here and there maybe a little lights just twang zipping through there okay let's go on the other side over here now here the light would hit on the opposite side so just just let it just zing through there and that just sort of makes them stand out a little bit it makes them a little prettier okay take a two inch brush let's put some highlight on there i'm going to put some of that dark color back on here and then go right into the bright red right into it i want a dark dark red here very dark i'm going to put at least a little touch of yellow ochre to that too look at that bring it brush back to a very very sharp edge see how sharp it is okay come on back up here now then we sit over here the light is coming from this direction so the left side of the tree will be the brightest don't overdo here just enough to show a little light coming through there i want to keep it quite dark quite dark there this is almost a silhouette okay now that a little bit more right in here there it is there it is darker darker dark as it goes down and this little little tree that's standing out here just shining he's going to be a pretty little son of a gun look at that laying come right on down like so and this little tree now this one will be highlighted more on the right see there that easy drop him in there look at that i knew you could do it okay now then in here let's have some individual little bushes so i'm going to take a one-inch brush brush and dipped it into a small amount of paint thinner just a little bit then i'm going to pull it through the color we'll use some of the red a little bit of yellow ochre shoot we can add some cadmium yellow to that maybe a little more of the cad yellow one a little brighter so you can see it one direction pull it so you get that curve in the brush curve to the top okay now right up in here touch just barely touch the canvas bend it a little bit and begin forming little individual trees and bushes and all those happy little things that live in here if you have trouble making your paint stick add a little bit of paint thinner or a little bit of the liquid clear either one either one there we go happy little bush lives right there you knew that there's a little friend and work on one bush at a time i know sometimes it looks like i take a running start across a room and just a sock kiss and 88 bushes appear but they're done one at a time each one's a little individual he has his own personality just like trees don't get in too big a hurry speed will come automatically with practice first thing you want to do is learn how to do it and then the speed it just comes there's a nice little push this is still basically the yellow curve and bright red there and just layers here see that all those little things just drop right on down i tell you what shoot that's so pretty i'm gonna take some van dyke brown let's go right in here i'm gonna put a happy little cabin right here there we go there's one side to roof there's the other side and with a brown all we're doing is just blocking it in right now give him a front and a side now we can take some brown and some white and we'll put a little highlight on there it's barely grazing the cap this is just exactly like breaking the snow on the mountain it's a very delicate little touch now maybe over here there's a little window but you can't hardly see my side's very dark now i'm going to take a little bit of a little bit of this reddish color so it'll stand out here and just let it bounce right down this roof line roofline there it goes there it goes make it a little brighter so you can see it then a little bit over in here now let's take a little white and a touch of the red and let's just sparkle this little roof see it'll really stand out see there look at that jumps right out at you now some brown and we'll put a door in there we need a little door then we'll just cut in we'll make this old slabs just cut in a few little indications of some boards here and there and that quick it gives you a happy little cabin tell you what we need a path here just like so a little path gotta have a way to get to that cabin this is just van dyke brown touch of the dark sienna maybe maybe maybe maybe from this guy's door out there we just make all kind of little paths now we can take a little bit of the brown and the white barely touching barely touching barely and just graze it just graze it like there's a little light striking there see okay yeah then back to my reds and yellow ochre let's go back up in here and we'll put some happy little bushes right there's one that lives back behind the cabin and this one right here now this one let's just have it sort of fall right over the path that'll push it back look at that see there see there it's fantastic the way you can just drop these in there we go this one is in front of the cabin so let's let it push it back even further right down by the path look at there see and here i'm using the brush sideways and just pushing upward just bend that brush it's unbelievable what you can do now then let's just take the clean point of the knife and scrape in a few little sticks and little twigs here and there that helps create depth that's how i'm coming over well i think we're about ready to sign that one take a little liquid clear a little bright red we'll sign this one i hope you've enjoyed it this one is a lot of fun so from all of us here i'd like to wish you happy painting god bless we'll see you next time do you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 986,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, host, twitch, free, paint, bob ross joy of painting, alaska, tv show, happy accident, mountain, bob ross full episode, the joy of painting, pastel, landscape, canvas, kappaross, happy trees, bob ross twitch, snow, wildlife, asmr, livestream, coloring, bob ross, chill, joy of painting, full episode, lake, steven ross, bob ross marathon, painting, oil, beauty is everywhere, drawing, pbs, bob ross inc, stream, ocean, brushes, happy trails, bob ross asmr, bob ross painting
Id: e5JhYi_G-l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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