Bob Ross - Towering Peaks (Season 10 Episode 1)

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[Music] hello hello I'm Bob Ross and I'd like to welcome you to the 10th Joy of Painting series if this is your first time with us I hope you grab a few paints and some brushes and come along and paint with us if you've been with us before first of all I'd like to thank you for inviting me back again so I tell you what let's have them graphically around all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting with me and they'll come across in the same order that I have on the pet starting with a titanium white and working all the way around while they're doing that let's go on up here and talk a second this is an 18x 24 canvas this is a double Prime pre-stretched canvas and I've covered it with a nice thin even coat of the liquid white which makes it wet makes it slick it allows us to actually blend color right here on the canvas so we have that ready so let's get together and let's do a fantastic painting I'm going to start off today with a with a small amount of phthalo blue and we'll just take and pull a little bit out and then tap the brush that assures a nice even distribution of color all the way through the brush just tap it just tap like so gu right up here now then let's start right up in here and we'll use little little crisscross Strokes just make little x's and let's put in a happy little Cloud little Sky okay a little more of the color this letho blue is very pretty bright and shiny it's a happy color there just continually use these little crisscross strokes and allow the color to it it just literally blends with a liquid white and as you work downward here and you get all these fantastic little effects automatically see a that easy that easy you have a quick little Sky there now while I have this on the brush tell you what let's add the least little amount of phthalo blue or phthalo green I mean so we have phthalo blue and phthalo green just a small amount of the green it's very strong let's go back up here maybe we'll have a little water in here so we'll just pull right across like this very gently and pull from the outside in there see try to pull though from from the outside in if you start here and come across it'll leave a great big Mark it's very hard to blend out we want to make this as easy as possible and here all we'll do is just blend that together and that little light area remains right here and it sort of gives the gives the illusion of a silhouette of light coming across there just a little little shiny area okay let's wash our brush now if you've painted with me before you know this is the fun part and we wash our brushes with odorless thinner shake off the excess and then just beat the devil out of it all right now with a nice clean brush now we'll go right back up here and we'll just blend the sky out a little bit still using the little crisscross Strokes now you can work this guy till it's absolutely dead or you can leave some of these little dark and light areas in it to give it some life then very gently we'll blend it to take out the brush Strokes come right across the bottom and we have a happy little sky that easy that easy okay now then let's make it let's make some big fluffy clouds today I'm going go right into the titanium white with a 1in brush pick up the least little touch of the bright red very small amount it's very strong eat up your whole world okay load a lot of paint into the brush let's go up here now now maybe there's a happy little clouds that just sort of float right around in the sky and have fun just sort of mix them up on here clouds are very free just let him play Let him play maybe he comes right off in here and goes off the top of the canvas wherever wherever this is your world so you create any kind of Illusion that you want in your world there we go and these are just little floaters little happy clouds and you can put as many or as few as you want okay now then we'll take a clean dry be sure it's dry 2in brush and I'm going to just gently blend it using tiny little circular Strokes tiniest little strokes and just blend this together just blend it just sort of mix it up okay then we're going to lift it this sort of fluffs the cloud just fluffs it right up like so see and then very lightly there we go a't that fantastic you do a happy little Cloud that easy okay shoot we're just going right along here tell you what I lived in Alaska oh gosh nearly 14 years or so and I really like mountains so let's do a fantastic little mountain today I'm going to take some black some Prussian Blue some van Dy Brown we'll put some azard and Crimson in there too be careful with the Crimson or your your Mountain will turn purple which is all right that's all right they wrote a beautiful song about purple mountains pull it out very flat and then cut across so you have a small roll of paint right on the edge of the knife there you go let's go up here now then you have to make you have to make an Almighty decision where's your Mountain live I think he's going to live he is now right there right there maybe there's a bump there and just sort of make a decision and and put it in mountains grow in all kinds of shapes and colors and there you're restricted only by your imagination pull this right over like that now scrape off all the excess paint here I'm just really using firm pressure pushing that paint right into the fabric now then we'll take a 2-in brush and I want to grab it and pull this remove moves excess paint and blends it out so it gets lighter at the bottom if you can see the entire Mountain it's always lighter at the bottom than it is at the top because we have mist and pollution and all those things that break up and diffuse light see because this is wet so you can just move this paint you can pull it you can move it all over the canvas this was a dry canvas you'd be an Agony City right now there we go now let's go back back to the knife and let's put let's put some snow on this mountain for that I'll take the titanium white and pull it out very flat and then cut across to get that little roll of paint again see there okay let's go back up here now think where your light's coming from you have to start making some big decisions now if you're right-handed normally it's easier for the light to come from the right side so let's go right here touch no pressure just the weight of the knife no pressure you see there let it float right down the side of that mountain look at there look at there see just follow the angles in your mountain and let it float absolutely no pressure no pressure pretend that if you're not careful your hand will just literally float away just float away very soft and very gentle there we go see then you have to make big decisions maybe this peak right here oh look here look here there it comes see see you can bring it right in front you can move mountains you can do anything on this canvas on this canvas you have total power absolutely now then let's put some shadows in there for that I want to take some white we'll put a little little Prussian Blue in it just white Prussian Blue mix it up to us about that color pull it out very flat again cut across once again we have it small roll of paint it's very important how you load this knife okay let's go back up here I want to touch and just pull down now we're following the angles on the other side of the mountain watch here I want to I want to push that back so we'll come here and then I'll come distinctly through see how it pushes that Peak right back that's sneaky huh it's easy to do you can do it you really can do it there's no big secret here we'll show you everything that you need to paint fantastic paintings there we go look at that see when you put those shadows in there everything just sort of pops out at you it it brings it alive the Shadows are very important so now we have a little hunk of paint right here that doesn't look like much until we add a shadow under it see there you add a shadow and it becomes a separate end becomes a ridge all by itself come right over in here and just pull in all kinds of happy things and you can move these mountains anywhere that you want them watch here sometimes it's fun to just to play some games you can come right down in here and look at there look at there there's another Peak that easy that easy but when you put the shadow in here then it really becomes a personality all on its own see you can create little ridges wherever you want them and it's just a game of angles mountains are just geometric shapes now we can take maybe I'll bring this one distinctly in front of that see there and it pushes that mountain back this is one of the ways that you create depth and distance in your painting there we go just work with different planes there we go okay I get carried away sometime I really like to paint mountains and I just I'd cover up the whole canvas with mountains and that's not bad when you're learning take an old canvas and start at the top and paint all the way down with mountains and then just zip them right off and do it again that's the way you learn if there's a secret to anything it's practice just practice and you really can do this I get hundreds and hundreds of letters from people all over the country just like you and I and they're painting beautiful pictures on some of the series we've showed some of the photographs that people have sent it's almost unbelievable there all I'm doing is tapping and then lifting upward the lifting upward like that removes the tap marks and creates that nice soft Misty area down there and over here we follow these angles always follow the angles that you've created in your mountains see there ain't that easy we got a happy Mountain okay let's make some little footy heels back here I'm going to start off and mix up some color I'll just use this mountain color and let's put a little let's put some white with it and see what we have here so that's just mainly some blue and black and lizard and crimson and to that I'm going to add the least little touch least little touch of sap green just to give it a little greenish color now part of it here I'm going to add some white and make it even lighter just like so okay let me clean my knife and then let's use a different brush today this is an oval brush maybe we can get a close-up shot of it it's it's a little different see it's sort of round this is an oval it's a little different watch here though I'm going to fill it full that color we just made just really loaded full of paint okay let's go right up here now then you have to make a big decision let's say a little footy Hill lives right here and all I'm doing is just tapping is that Fantastic look at all the little little things it makes in there looks like just the tops of thousands of little trees far off in the distance look at that look at there look at there is that a super easy way to make little footy heels now with a clean dry brush I want to create some Mist at the base of this all I'm going to do is just tap the base just the base down here don't tap the top soften that then we'll give it a little tiny upward lift now then I'm going into the same color only a little bit darker just a little darker load the brush the same way okay let's go back up here maybe there's another little footy Hill and he lives right here by being a little darker it stands out as things get closer to you in a landscape they should get darker in value darker in color look at that see there maybe there see how easy that is painting does not have to be difficult does not have to be difficult you don't have to be blessed by Michelangelo at Birth to be able to paint you can do it and it's fun there we go tap in a little bit of mist just like so give it a little upward lift and you can make it layer after layer after layer take a little more of that color same color just a little darker watch here maybe you want to come right in here and put the indication of another one there's no limit that they need to get a little darker as they work forward look at there if I'm not careful I'm going to cover up the whole canvas with Foothills and mountains there we go ain't that easy we have several layers of Foothills and these different layers are ples once again this is what causes a depth in your painting and really really makes it look good of course we're not interested in making money but should you ever be looking for that happy buck when you're painting this is what sells paint P ings let's have some fun here we'll to take some black some Prussian Blue saap Green we'll throw in some lizard and Crimson too what the heck good dark color should look black let me clean the knife okay now I'll use a fan brush load it full of paint a lot of paint both sides okay let's go right up here maybe there's some little Evergreens that live back here in the distance here I'm just going to take a tap downward there's some little trees they're not all Evergreens maybe there's all kind of trees just tap downward tap it downward see there now these are a little closer so you're beginning to see a little more detail little more detail there now maybe oh there's a nice one see just tap downward though it makes those nice little little happy tops up here and don't make them all real even because then they look like fence post out there give them some character there we go okay there this color is a little darker so it stands out now let's have some fun when I was a traditional painter one thing that used to drive me crazy was Reflections watch here on a wet canvas though all you do is grab it and pull it down just just grab and pull down straight down where the trees are taller pull down a little further look at that look at that instant Reflections is that fun that's one of the things that works the best in this method of painting is Reflections just pull it straight down and then very lightly three hairs and some air just go across and it creates the illusion of water there then take a little liquid white on my knife and we'll get a touch of the dark Sienna and add to that just the least little touch there just to dull it down then when you load this knife take it cut across like that see cut right across see pull it out flat and then cut across okay let's go up here now then come straight into the canvas push very firmly and just cut in a happy little waterline and keep this basically straight you can go anywhere you want to go but this IND individual Strokes should be straight otherwise your water's going to look like it's running right out of your painting and get your floor wet then you're going to be upset by me we want you to be happy there see maybe a little little Ripple here and there all kinds of happy little things a't that easy that easy you got it now you can take a clean fan brush with at least a little bit of white on it and make it look like little tree trunks far way just by lifting upward just far back in the distance just just barely touch and lift straight up there just a few don't over do wash the old brush and let's have some fun now shoot Let's Have Some Fun Go mix up a bunch of dark we'll take some of the midnight black Prussian Blue we'll even throw some vanc brown in there lizard Crimson sap green just all the dark colors basically it doesn't matter make a big water paint okay let me clean the old knife off here and let's have some fun let's get a big brush and I'm going to load this full of paint so often we avoid this big brush because of its size but the Big Brush can do fantastic things wiggle it wiggle it that loads the bristles full and pull it that makes it very sharp and we're loading this brush to a chisel Edge and takes a lot of paint in the brush you need enough paint to hold the bristles together see how sharp that is very good that's a chisel Edge Let's go up here now then maybe tell you what maybe a happy little Evergreen lives right there we touch then just the corner the brush begin working back and forth and we got to put some arms on this tree got to give him some little little arm so we can reach up and gather the Sun up look at there look at there reload your brush for each tree each tree there we go corner and you sort of make those bristles Bend downward is't that Fantastic look at that and you can put as many or as few trees as you want many or as few maybe yeah let's have a third one there we don't want them to get lonely you know even trees need a friend we all have to have a friend so we just put one right there okay let's make some let's make some leaf trees to do that we pull the brush through the paint like so One Direction pull it firmly through the paint and that rounds one corner see there gives it sort of a rounded look there we are now with that rounded Corner toward the top let's go right up here let's put a happy tree that lives right here touch and give it a little push just bend the bristles see there and then form your tree just like so it's that easy just form your basic shapes sometimes you get carried away and just keep going there what the heck we just push that little Lake weave back in a distance what the heck when you have this kind of power you can move Lakes anywhere you want them we'll put a happy tree right here there he comes just bring all that right on together there and here all I'm doing is putting in some dark color we'll come back and we'll highlight all these look at that and that quick with a big old brush you got that all blocked in now let's put some I'll take some dark Sienna little white pull it out flat get that small roll of paint like so okay now let's go right up here and we just put the indication of a happy little tree trunk here in there see there that easy just sort of touch give it a little sideward pull and maybe there's some back in here we don't know how many trees live in there take the point of the knife you put some old dead sticks and twigs on there that easy okay let's take some white brown I add at least a little touch of blue into that like so cut across maybe there's a little tree trunk it lives right here see and you can put these everywhere you want to watch here you just take the knife and scrape in all kinds of little things when this is all finished some of these will show and people think you spent just days and days work working with your little one haired brush putting them in don't tell them any different sh keep her secret now let's take a 1in brush and I'm going to dip it right into some of the liquid white I'm go into yellow and I'm reach up here and grab some sap green so I've got CAD yellow sap green and there's a little liquid white on the brush that makes the paint thinner thin paint will stick to a thick paint now let's put some leaves on this this is what begins bringing this painting alive and worry about little forms here don't just throw them on at random see make little little forms think about there all kind of little individual limbs living in there all right we can add some yellow ochre to that and put another happy little Bush and you can put as many or as few bushes as you want but do the bush that you think is a father's wayy first and then work forward that way you have layers of bushes add a little Indian yellow to that but these layers once again know you get tired of hearing it but it's important these layers create the illusion of distance in your painting here I'm using the brush sideways and just can you see that push pushing it upward it's all there is to it push and bend okay let's go over here on the other side now you have to start making some big decisions big decisions there's trees that live in here so you have to sort of pick them out pull them out there they are see that there he is here's one back here just decide where trees live in your world put them in put them in maybe maybe maybe maybe we'll use I'm going to add a touch of the bright red here Bo this will this will make a nice one don't don't go too crazy with this red CU it'll it's a fireball that's a nice little little color and right in here we'll have another little Bush see but they're just layered one after the other one after the other looks like a nice place to go fishing now then I'm going to add a little more the sap green just bring this brush to a nice chisel Edge I go up here and put on a little bit of highlight onto the Evergreens see there don't kill all your dark be careful not to kill all your dark areas they're very important there okay there we go a little bit on this tree don't want him left out don't want him left out I tell you what if if you had a beautiful place like this you'd have to way to get up here and catch that big trout that lives in there I know there a trout lives in there let's take some Bandy Brown and let's go right in here and maybe there's a happy little path see how easy a little path is to make there he goes and we're going to let him go around behind that tree we don't know where it goes just goes right on around there and hides we'll take some brown and some white and then very lightly barely touch there's a little blue in there too brown white touchy blue it makes gray see just put some highlight on there now then we want to set that path down into the painting let me get another 1in brush here a little bit of the liquid white load it full of color now to set this path down into the painting watch here push a few little bushes that come right over it see there's another happy little Bush and we just push that path right back look at there just disappeared we don't know where it's going now and we don't care like so then we can take the knife and very gently scrape in a few little sticks and twigs here there let a few go right on over my cab and we take liner brush a little bit of paint thinner on it let's sign this we'll call it finished I really hope you've enjoyed this and I thank you for joining me today I look forward to see seeing you again in a very near future from all of us happy painting God [Music] bless
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 12,363,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full episode, coloring, snow, livestream, paint, landscape, art, bob ross full episode, steven ross, bob ross marathon, bob ross painting, bob ross joy of painting, lake, canvas, happy trails, happy trees, twitch, bob ross inc, bob ross, joy of painting, the joy of painting, wildlife, bob ross asmr, pbs, beauty is everywhere, mountain, bob ross twitch, free, kappaross, painting, asmr, stream, ocean, drawing, host, chill, alaska, pastel, brushes, tv show, happy accident, oil
Id: 1s58rW0_LN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2016
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