Bob Ross - Twin Falls (Season 10 Episode 3)

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hey glad to see you today you got your oil paints all put out and ready to do a fantastic painting good let's get started tell you what let's have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting and they'll come across in the same orders that have them on the palette while they're doing that let's go on that pier I've already covered the canvas with a nice thin even coat of the liquid white it's it's all wet and slick and it's ready to go and have fun so I thought today we'd do a happy little painting one dinner it'll really make you feel good in here so let's take let's take a little bit of the they'll use a little black a little bit night black a touch just a touch of phthalo blue we just mix these on the brush midnight black a little blue mostly black though I want this to be a sort of a gray dark sky they will make it shine let's go right up in here now just sort of dance in all kinds of happy little things I'm just using the corner of the brush making little little tiny circles leave some holes in this guy leave some openings just sort of dance this in this is sort of a blue gray color so we should gray maybe right in here there you see you just dance these around little may have fun there just all kinds of happy little things going on just the corner of the brush all we're doing right now is just just applying a little color will come back and blend this and bring it all together okay now same old brush I'm gonna go into a touch a touch of alizarin crimson so we have black unless you're crimson and least little touch of blue very little paint on the brush and maybe here and there we'll have some happy little things happening some little brighter colors that are just playing throughout here give it a little warmth there like that let me wash the old brush that's the fun part shake it off discovery - cameraman now that with a clean dry brush we're gonna go right up in here and just make a little crisscross strokes just blem this just blend it pick up a little that color and let it pull over in here don't overdo just just enough to sort of blend it together I can't let all kinds of little things be happening in this guy there we go okay now they're there take out the brush strokes by pulling across I think I think in this pain let's have some water in this painting so I tell you what I'll I get this brush dirty I'll add a little to phthalo blue little phthalo blue little black just mix up on the brush okay maybe maybe right in here what the heck let's just go across yeah movie comes right up in there we don't care wherever it goes does anything we don't have we don't like we'll just cover it up there we are like so okay we can watch the old brush again odorless thinner I really really recommend I really recommend use always thinner you'll be working by yourself cuz they'll run you right out of the house and if you go to buy a thinner even if it says odorless open the can smell it because a lot of it that says odorless it is not okay this is titanium white on the fan brush you fill the brush full of paint let's go ahead up here I want to have some little things dancing up here in the sky a lot of paint I'm going to sock this guy and let's just dance all kinds a little look at there look at there a light area in the sky she has sort of bounced this around let it play let it play this is maybe one of the simplest types of little skies to make it's very effective very pretty it's very easy there we go so really push that brush in there just just see if you can push it right through the canvas get tough let it get strong with it now some places you're gonna have big gobs of paint so take your knife just gently zip off the excess pace the value will remain in the canvas don't worry about it this is if all that excess paint okay yeah with it good clean be sure it's dry brush go right up in here this two inch brush very lightly this is three hairs and some air just sort of bring all that together don't want to kill all those little actions that you made just very gently very softly bring it all together makes a beautiful little sky that easy there we go you know I get I get letters that say my knife doesn't look like your knife the only difference is I have to paint my knife black so it doesn't shine if I left it all shiny it looks like Chrome before I painted if I left it like that it would cause big flashes on the television screen they'd yell at me so my knife is just like yours is just pre painted black that's all there we go and that's a super way to make a happy little sky and you can grab this and pull it if you don't make it look like light coming through see there look at there just the brushstrokes just grab it pull it hope it shows up but you can make it look just like sunbeams shining all through the clouds there now then let's fast some fun will take a touch of phthalo blue a little lizard crimson touch it black mix them on the brush just build us a little footy Hill back here maybe there's a little Hill that lives back here I'm just using the corner of the 2 inch brush this is sort of a real dark lavender color just the corner just pulling straight down just let that wanderer I don't know like yet okay a little more of the color of my brush maybe this goes you know how it feels it goes up in there somewhere we don't care I want to get very soft at the base very misty look at that see how easy that is looks like a little hill that's living far far back here in the distance now let's push that Hill back even little further let me show you let me show you this is foot take a little black touch of the brown touchably touch of the dark sienna okay just a little little bit of paint now I want to begin making planes back in here or different different levels of land so put the dark in first just having a little bit of dark color so we can put a light color on top of it it'll show leave this misty area between these two that's the only thing you have that separates it's very important get you good for you don't kill it kill it you need it cuz it'll make you happy when this is done that's the part that'll shine all right take a little of the yellow I had a touch of black you put black and yellow together it makes a beautiful beautiful green it's CAD yellow touch of midnight black okay let's go back up here maybe the sun shining through here and it's the singing alone lucky there or the sun's tapping on those hills and pretty you can do all kinds of beautiful little things see it's light again work right over the hill think about the lay of the land here maybe look here but unless I had a touch more yellow look at pops that out it looks like another little hill back here that easy and you haven't done hardly a thing that easy there in that super and it's super painting doesn't have to be hard okay well that works a good let's do another one with take some black some Brown little crimson little dark Sienna just mainly mainly needs to be dark maybe there's a happy little thing it lives right there each plane as we come forward need to get a little bit darker a little bit darker look at that there's another happy little thing it lives right there and you can make as many or as few of these as you want just a half a little hill there I have it I took a touch of the touch of the yellow ocher and some CAD yellow little Indian yellow just sort of mix them on the brush tell you what let's add the least little touch of a bright red there we go there we go nice color let's go right up in here just tap a little bit of that here and there oh here's something this foot there's a fan brush it still has a little white on it now we can come right in here and grab a little of this and lift it up make it look like a little little bit of land there at that home I can't now watch now these little things that make you happy then begin bringing some of this right down looks like grass is going right down there to a little area that's nice and rockier dirt whatever they're like so let me take a clean brush and just have this bring it all together nice misty you need that little misty area at the base it brings brings everything together take the fan brush and clean up some of these little areas look at that see it looks like this is a sandy area where the the grass didn't grow maybe he's a little landslide there i sliding right down here and going blue blue okay shouldn't I get carried away here find an old fan brush let's make let's make us some good dark color use some black use little brown some SAP greens impression blue just mix them all together I can't pick GABAA paint Bhagu gaba paint pull the brush through it load a lot of paint into the bristles a lot of paint there we go there we go maybe maybe in front of this hill here there's some happy little trees that live right in here I want things to be dark so they stand out they come right down in front of it my cat see maybe here they get really small so I just push upward with a brush there we go see easy to make the indication of a lot of little tiny trees just tap down Burt bendeth brush I can't maybe maybe right here maybe one get a little more a little more sunshine he really grew look at this side I got he get he got big and strong look at there see these little little trees live right here in your fan brush just have to shake them out sometime we give him a friend there it's a little bigger look at that seem that easy we got a nice little area there I'm happy trees okay we just use a so pressure we use a same dark color let's go right up in here let's tap in some little little things right in here I can't we're just putting in some darks or a light oshio do you want this do this have one over right here maybe it comes down oh there it is like a wherever you think they should live that's exactly where they should be we're gonna have water here so we pull this down I don't I guess a little little reflection pull straight down and go gently across straight down gently across they said just to put some dark areas in the water dan I choose our brush here this has some green on it we made the green by using black and CAD yellow yellow ocher just tap it in get a little bit of that nice bright red and some dark Sienna to bear the hair that's a bitter I like that bright red dark Santa yellow ocher yay let's go up here let's come right along here oh it's a nice color that's a nice color there it is okay that's so much fun let's do some over here think we just sort of let that wander right we don't know where that goes we don't care all kinds of little things there they go there they go just like it now you can create as many little planes as you want here anytime you want another plane just take the big brush with a little dark on it and maybe look right here there comes one it lives right there tap it in hold down you need that dark underneath to create the reflection across just like so I'll just take this right on over here what the devil we don't care well I get that going tell you what you have to make decisions when you have this much power on canvas you have to make decisions let's put a big tree that lives right there this is a beautiful big leaf tree but we covered up half my foothill but we know he's back here we know he's back here we didn't lose anything because we practiced any time you any time you devote some time to practice you haven't lost you're always a winner okay we need a tree trunk so we'll take some dark sienna a little bit of white pull it out very flat cut across it get that small roll of paint right on the edge of the knife there you go nothing let's go up in here touch give it a little little tiny side words pull weight is put the indication of a little trunk most of this will be covered up some of it'll show takes pointed knife scraping some little twigs and sticks and all kinds of happy thanks are we scraping over here in these evergreens you can just scrape into indication of a little tree trunk here and there there we go just hearing their alright let's take our fan brush it has the white on it I want to add a little bit of liquid white and go right into titanium white I added the liquid white so it's a little bit thinner tiniest bit thinner okay let's go right up in here now let's begin putting some happy little things on the water just back and forth strokes now we don't want to kill all the dark we just want to create a machine shine coming across here I can't look at that that pretty and it's easy you can do it just like so hmm tell you what let's do let's go back to our yellow ocher bright red dark sienna just mix them on the brush tap like it there we are let's go back up here add it let's tap some highlights on that area just need a few little things right in there see follow the lay of the lamp most important now there we go there we go all kinds of little things happening then with our fan brush but the liquid white titanium white we can come back and clean up the edges put some put some boundaries on that rascal see you can just move this land change it put it anywhere you want it cut it off put it back it's your world you can do anything here that you want to do all right now then let's have some fun let's have some fun I'm gonna take some Ben Dyke Brown we get a big bunch on the night maybe let's get crazy maybe this comes right out here now pull this across let's go all the way across what the heck make a decision and do it we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents very quickly you learn to work with anything that happens on this canvas that's when it's fun that's really when you that's when you experience the joy of painting get a plug in there there we go just drop it in there just put all kinds of big big brown area isn't it straight Van Dyke Brown we will just contain that little little body of water back here there a lot of brown Brown just really put it on it doesn't matter how you put it on at this point all we're doing is applying color to the canvas now we can take a brush and pull this down I want some of those colors reflecting right into the water so grab it pull it straight down straight down and then very lightly go across all right and let's take some brown and some height pull it out very flat cut across get our little roll of paint will we use that little rule of paint continually all right now then come right along here and just begin adding some highlights on top of this barely barely grazing the canvas just barely crazy maybe right in here a little bit in there come right up this way just let all kinds of little things happen Oh kinds of things and maybe down in here somewhere maybe there's a happy little stone that lives down here all you need to do is put a little highlight on you got the dark in there already and there they are just drop them in wherever you want okay I'll grab the least little touch of this and pull it down straight down you want to keep this very dark very dark very dark see but pull it down now is when you begin forming all kinds of stones and rocks and cliffs shooting just you can make all kinds of things in here tell you what I'm going to home and get the little knife so I can get into some of these small areas in here we'll put a nice stone it lives right there and we need some dark underneath look at that that easy can make a happy little stone see there all kinds of little things there were little to let color just play right down through there okay yeah then I'm going to take a fan brush go into a little bit of the liquid white go into some yellow ochre some bright red reach up in here and I'll grab some of the dark Sienna just mix them on the brush mix them on the brush let's go right up here I want to make some little grassy areas that are traveling down here take that fan brush push make it bend upward follow the lay here all the lay of the land just let it go let it go maybe the summit comes right down in here wherever here we go some over on this side there we are little little grassy things growing right down in there maybe there's one hmm there is just make a decision pop them in wherever you want okay tell you what if I'm a fan brush here that has the white on it then we'll go into the liquid white back in titanium white once again I'm looking for a paint that's a little thinner so tell you what we all this water appear maybe it's moving a little and it comes right here in it right there and it goes push spills right over and maybe look here here's another little place we got to make that noise and it splashes down here that easy it could make a beautiful little waterfall then we'll take our here and now you begin it's just making all kinds of little things see just let this fan brush just graze the canvas I'm just barely barely touching it barely touching it clean up the edges and bring everything together very barely touching the canvas like so maybe maybe there's a happy little Bush it is right out here between these two little waterfalls it's got two waterfalls let's see how you can just sort of look at things and make up your mind and create all kinds of beautiful little illusions it's easy you can do it tell you what this really has some fun maybe right here lives yep yep there it is maybe here's one old one old tree he lives right there right there dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa do go take a little touch the bright red and then just touch the edge this is bright red with a little little dark sienna there we go just want to touch the edge so it stands out Kim a little foot gotta have a foot stand up now that I'll put a little bit of a little bit of the liquid black on my palate take the liner brush and with that let's just go right in here now the liquid black is very thin it'll flow it will flow and let's put the indication of it just a little branch or so right here wherever we want to wherever okay.what takes a dart color this is just mainly black with a little green and here and there a little there we are little glioma here in there and same old brush I'll just go into some yellow and because it's black on there this will turn a beautiful green color just like so I'll put a happy little leaf here and there on this just like it okay shoot I think we bout have a happy little painting there and Rascals just about ready oh I tell you what let's do I would put some leaves up here shoot we got a couple minutes here just take some green and right here let's put some let's put some little sparklers on this make you stand out and that easy you can put all kinds of little leaves on this tree put some light down here like that there we are I think we just about have a completed painting tell you what I want to do you know always talk about nature so much and I'm such a fanatic I want to introduce you to my little friend look right here can you see him this is my little friend Pete he's a little Robin and he lives with me I'm taking care of him till he gets a little bit better and he can fly away and from peep and myself we'd like to wish you happy painting god bless see you next time you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,474,176
Rating: 4.8870211 out of 5
Keywords: livestream, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross twitch, full episode, happy trails, tv show, bob ross inc, mountain, free, asmr, happy accident, oil, alaska, wildlife, landscape, steven ross, bob ross asmr, paint, host, chill, the joy of painting, happy trees, ocean, joy of painting, bob ross full episode, brushes, drawing, canvas, bob ross painting, lake, bob ross marathon, kappaross, art, coloring, stream, pbs, twitch, painting, bob ross, beauty is everywhere, snow, pastel
Id: cMwkY8ojRik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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