Bob Ross - Secluded Lake (Season 7 Episode 2)

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welcome back I'm glad you could join me today you ready to do a fantastic painting with me all right let's start off and hem graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and they'll start with the titanium white and go all the way around while they're doing that let's go on up here and get started I've already covered the canvas with a nice stand even coat of liquid white its slick and wetting and ready to go so let's start take a little bit of that midnight black mix it with a little phthalo blue I'm just going to mix it right on the brush right on the brush see just literally tap that brush in there okay let's go up here now very lightly we're just barely gonna stroke the campus just gonna stroke - can't think they will do a beautiful little sky I like bright shiny little skies I'm a little more black in there there that's better it's better so here and I'm sort of creating a little downward angle very lightly as we work down in the sky I wanted to get lighter and lighter in color so if you start at the top when you have the most paint on your brush and work downward automatically it'll mix with liquid white and that'll happen there we go maybe a little touch right in there see house getting lighter and lighter because I'm running out of paint there okay I'm down about there and maybe in this particular painting maybe we'll have a tiny bit of water so while I'm going here just leave that color on the brush and I'll add a small amount of phthalo green I mean let me repeat that small amount it is so strong it'll turn your whole world greener in a heartbeat just go up here maybe the water live right here so I will just take and go across and normally if water is still it's flat it's level so try to keep your strokes pretty straight you don't want your water to run off on the floor okay that easy we have the indication of water alright let's wash the brush and I have out of this paint thinner in my can here and as a screen in the bottom of the can that I scrub the brush against that removes the paint and will shake off the excess like so hmm and we just covered the whole studio already now into the sky I'm gonna begin playing a little bit of color so let's mix a lavender we'll use some alizarin crimson and a little bit of the blue loop a little blue much much more crimson and blue lose many times stronger there just mix it up okay wipe off my knife now with the same brush I'm gonna go right into that and let's begin just going right up here and I want to lay out just a hint of this nice reddish lavender color just like so just let it sort of play right up into that we're going to put a little yellow in this guy too and this this wax has a barrier and it keeps the yellow from hitting the blue in the flush they're sneaky there we go just very gently we're just caressing the canvas with a brush sideways we have a little touch in here see there very soft right down in here very soft I will go right into a little bit of the bright-red tiniest tiniest little bit just oh just graze it a little bit mmm a little bit a little bit okay now here and there just it has to warm it up a little bit of that just here and there oh don't overkill with this it's very strong color without washing the brush we'll go into a little bit of the Indian yellow and I'm just going to tap that or right into the brush case go back up here now very lightly just still caressing the canvas just begin laying in a hint peering there once again don't overkill we want this to be a very colorful but very soft sky this is the sky this should make you happy should bring good feelings to you and a lot of times if you're interested in selling paintings of course we're not interested monetary gains but if you should be a lot of times painting sell as much for color as for content and these kind of colors will certainly brighten up a room and they make people happy when they come in so let's go right up here now I have a clean dry brush and I'm gonna just take and blend all of this together just use this little two inch brush just bring it all together yes Lex see now that yellow is working quite well in the sky without turning bright green because we have that barrier of a lavender color in there and you can blend this to any degree of softness that you want or you can leave it quite frightened quite striking you have to make you have to make these big decisions and when you create the whirls of your own okay that quick we have a happy little sky appeared in the sky alright I'll lay that brush down maybe right back in here we'll have some little let's have some little foothills some little foothills I won't go back into this is the black and a little bit of blue I reach over here and grab a little white I want to make a gray color bluish gray color and this brush is round but it comes to a chisel edge see you can see how sharp it is right there can you let's go right up here maybe there's a little footy Hill and he lives right there and I'm just touching and giving it a little downward pull just want to makes an indication I got to brush sort of tilted that way they're just very quickly well they're just dropping some of those happy little things since let them happen let me fall right off your brush I'm kidding now then I want to create at the bottom of this the illusion of mist a soft area so take a big brush and just beat the devil out of it just raise Cain hmm this is much better way of taking out your hostile decent then going home and kicking the dog you got a dog like I do he'll kick back take off half your leg there lift it right up I see that quick you got very soft little trees we need back in the distance of a little bit of a light mist floating here he didn't that super alright that was so much fun tell you what let's put some bigger trees in here we use that same color that was a nice color it's just blue and black okay tap it into the bristles let's go up Aaron and decide here we have to make some all money decisions maybe maybe certainly now maybe it is a nice treat it lives right here big tree we're gonna have a big tree right there begin thinking about this tree shape even thinking about the shapes and all the little things it makes a tree so pretty he's got little arms that hang out here oh look at that little of that sky show through in some times maybe you like that like to play a little bit listen tell you what let's do handsome let's have some fun here maybe back in here there's a little little footy Hill I'm going to take that same purplish color we we started off with in the sky and to that just on the brush I had a little little SAP green a little green run into that purple just make a crazy color here pick up a little white go in there seen it makes a nice brown tone greenish Brown very pretty very pretty color okay let's go up here maybe maybe we want to show that there's a little meadow back here just like so I'll just use this brush it will just lay in some basic color carry me back in there so I have create a little more distance in the painting we'll just drop that in it would take a little black and little green a little brown into it what the heck just tap that into the brush okay maybe there's some happy little trees these are little closer so you're gonna see a little more color and they live right there just having many little trees you want and without washing the brush I'll just pick up some yellows and some yellow ocher here just tap it in just tap it in let's go here and we'll just put indication of a few little highlights now these are far away I don't want a lot of detail when things are far away you don't see every little leaf all you see is basic shapes color changes that type of thing don't overdo detail on you're trying to make the illusion of things being far far away like a tap see and that's all you need to create the illusion of distance in the painting and with a fan brush we can go right in here and pick up some of that color and let's just blend it down maybe I'll add a little bit of the yellows in there writing it up this is a bright shiny day beautiful sky see bring it right up in there and that easy you watch when we get a little further along it'll look just like a happy little meadow back here and you could take the fan brush and pick up a few little bushes and weeds that easy and easy didn't had fun painting should make you happy that's really what we designed these shows it really should make you happy whether you just watch with you paint along with us we really hope you enjoy it let us hear from you really we want to hear what you like drop us a line drop us a line we'd love to hear from you we like the comments I'll take the knife here and just gonna drop in a few little indications here and there of some happy little sticks and twigs and that easy it makes it look just like there's all kind of things happening tell you what let's go back into this black and blue tap it in and I want to show you how to push all that back now what we were working with here let's just take look here watch you're framing us right there right down right down look at that see how it pushed all that back ahead easy it's unbelievable that you have that much power but on this canvas you do when I go home all I can say is yes ma'am but on this canvas I can say anything I can build anything I can create a world that makes me happy it's bright it's shiny there's nothing bad here there's nothing good good things here listen to the news and timing it it really depresses you somebody got hurt somebody else got shot you can go to easel then you can make the kind of world that makes you happy there's no violence no one's hurt here everyone's happy everyone's happy that's what I'm looking for I spent half my life in the military and I was a bad guy too military why I had to yell and scream now I just enjoy life and I do what makes me happy Danny you listen let's have a little tree he lives right there there he is yes these little trees just live in your brush just have to tap them out scare them out sometime there we go maybe right there but down same plant I went back and put that here look how far away that looks already already oh just it's fantastic that you can create that much distance with just a few strokes and you can you can all right now we have to start making some big decisions what are we gonna have in these trees here I'm going to take my number to scruff liner brush go right into a little bit of brown just turn that brush in there I've dipped it into a little thinner so it's nice and thin let's go up here and let's put the indication here in there a few happy little tree trunks just just let them come right off wherever you think they ought to be that's where they ought to be and as many as you want in your world you put them in here you just drop them in there we go it today get there now also you can take and go right into the liquid white and watch here maybe some of them aren't all brown maybe look at their hair is an old trunk it's sort of white you have to make these decisions that's a responsibility that comes when you become a painter there and as many as you want there we go they're gonna be enough to give us some indications where we better put one over here this old tree we don't want him to get lost there give him one too and there there we go see they're that easy now then let's let's begin putting some highlights and and and some details on this big tree I'll tell you what I want to do first yeah we'll take a little bit of this stark sienna mixed with a little bit of brown Van Dyck Brown and I'm gonna put the indication here of a bigger trunk in this one we'll just make him stand down place a little white a little bit of yellow ochre a touch of red there we go just make a color like whatever let's go up here let's put some highlight here this is touching hmm look at that look at that just let it Sparkle I have it Sparkle we let this tree stand out he's strong he's a big tree I'm gonna go right into a little bit of the liquid black and with that oh look at that little tree limb on there see now when you take up painting also take up looking at nature spend some time spend some time out talking to a tree I know it sounds crazy I don't mean you physically go out and talk to a tree but make friends with a tree see what makes a tree look the way it does just spend some time looking at trees but pay big dividends in your paintings there and if you want to talk to a tree touch your business you go right ahead you talk to him if you want to I've been known to do that several times okay yeah then I'm going to a little bit of liquid white a little bit of my color what tap a little bit of that a little bit of yellow let me run up here and grab some SAP green just we're gonna load this brush full kiss go up here I'll just put some indication of some happy little leaves that are just look they're just thousands of little leaves and a couple of strokes and this is where you begin shaping a tree think about form think about shape what makes this tree stand out think we're light but strike and play through here and all these little things with just happen in bounce just little bounce right off your brush there they go if your paint won't stick add a little bit of the liquid white or a tiny tiny little bit paint thinner and that will make it stick well it's easier brightness went up a little bit right there he's on top he'd get the most light sun's really gonna hit him hmm maybe a little bit oh right there right there see they're easy it is to make all kinds of beautiful little things add a little more green here I'm using just green and all the different yellows touch of the red here in their bucket tap and don't kill all this nice dark color that you have in the background that helps but it really helps create the illusion of distance tell you what when I got the little brush running here let's do this one over here too should we just get all these done some happy little things right there and all we do is happy we have nothing but happy paintings there you know one thing one thing I've noticed as I travel across the country doing demonstrations and teaching classes only nice people paint everybody have ever met it's a painter there's super people I'm going to use the one-inch brush to move again putting in some of the little details here pull that brush in one direction one direction loaded full of paint let's go up here maybe in here there's some happy little bushes that live and they play look at that just let them pop right off your brush bin nut brush bended make individuals one at a time one at a time don't try to hit them all at once just do one little bush at a time look at that bucket and you could put as many of these or as few as you want in your world you have to make decisions go into some of the ochres in the Reds still there oh it's not a pretty seeing that tree just comes right out of that Bush I've painted probably 20,000 paintings more and I still get excited when I see this work never never ceases to amaze me for many years I was traditional painter and I used to labor over paintings labor for weeks months ah this makes it fun look at that just layer after layer of happy little bushes but layer here I'm using the brush sideways and pushing upward can you see that there you go that crease just layer after layer and what happens if you happen to get some color down in here don't upset just let it happen we don't here school were here let's go over to the other side as I say if you're paid doesn't stick and a tiny bit of paint thinner or a little bit of the liquid white to either one there we can begin putting layers of happy little things happening right here it's the same beginning to come together yet alright tell you what let's do tell you what let's do let's take a clean brush here and I'm going to touch and watch here we were worried about all this mess this is where you make the determination what's water and what's reflection and that easy that easy here you can change your mind you can do it and very lightly very lightly watch here let's take the brush and go across just go across just enough to give it a watery appearance so all it is to it maybe we'll go back into a little bit of our dark color and let's just pop a little color right in here I want to bring this whole area over and and go make us a reflection see there look at that look at that take our one-inch brush with a little bit of color on we go right in here yeah just pop in a happy little Bush maybe we'll add a little red oh look at that I said let's reflect some of that that color is so pretty but you really need to put a little bit of his right down in there then with our big brush again three hairs and some air lightly lightly tell you what maybe maybe there's some happy little stones that live along here so let's go right into the Browns really use a little bit of the Sienna a little bit of the Van Dyke just cut off a little hunk like it okay let's go up here yeah begin figuring out where your stones live and just drop them in just drop them in wherever you want them look at there look at this maybe some are big mmm some little make little sounds I make up little stories when you paint really helps Chris all your friends thank you crazy but that's alright that's alright maybe it comes right around like that look at are we making us a little pawn you know if you if you had a little pond that was that pretty you'd have to have a path to come around and see it so let's start right here and just bear barely grazing the canvas going back and forth let's build us a happy little path it comes right on right on right on right on where does it go where is it there it is comes right out like that okay then take a little brown and a little fight we'll just take a I put a little highlight on there just gently gently gently barely touching drag it across and that easy that'll end up being a little path for us tell you what well I got that nice going and that brown white let's put some highlight on our stones here they're just barely to let it graze just let it touch you just let the light play across the stones and have fun that all the little colors have si easy fun there there we go now we'll take a little bit of the liquid white into that add a little bit of the bluish color there and just go across and let's put put in some little water lines here and there this is a nice way to clean up the edges and help create the illusion of depth in the painting see how pushes everything back but it cleans up all the edges here that easy and easy there's one right there now we have to make some big decisions here go right in some a dark color right here I think we're gonna hear little things right there comes right out there we go you need that dark once again a dark is the only thing that makes the light show so put some dark in there before you put light on if you put light against light nothing happens grab some green there we are loaded brush full of paint loaded full case go up here now then we want to begin bringing this path right into the painting so have some these little grassy things that come right over it see and that brings it right into the painting otherwise it just sort of floats out there we don't we don't want that push in the bristles look at there all those little things and because you mixed several colors on the brush you have all these things happening automatically double triple load the brush add a little bit more of the liquid white there tiny bit more let's put a nice Barker right out here in this side hmm that'll help lead you eye right into the painting there's one right there and you do these layers once again I say that over and over because these layers they are so important they bring depth into your painting that's that's what makes a painting look very good and very real now let's just take a knife and we'll use just a clean knife and very lightly I'm gonna go in here and they're just scratch you in a little indication of all kinds of little trunks and stems all little things that help it looks like detailing your painting people will look at this and I think you worked for literally days weeks putting all this in here with a one hair brush don't tell them any different okay now right here with a path I want to push that path and bring something sticks so they go right over the path just like so and normally you put these little sticks and twigs in the dark areas I think we're on the verge of having a finished painting here then we'll take a little bit of thin oil little bit of a red color we'll mix it up here and I think this one's ready for a signature we thinned this down till it's like water let's sign it right here I have a very short name so it's easy to do a quick signature and while I'm signing this I'd like to thank you for being with us today from all of us here I'd like to wish you happy painting god bless and we look forward to seeing you again you you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 833,684
Rating: 4.8692422 out of 5
Keywords: oil, bob ross asmr, drawing, alaska, ocean, chill, bob ross, beauty is everywhere, full episode, happy accident, lake, joy of painting, coloring, brushes, mountain, paint, free, the joy of painting, snow, asmr, twitch, steven ross, bob ross marathon, landscape, bob ross joy of painting, happy trees, bob ross painting, art, happy trails, bob ross twitch, canvas, pbs, wildlife, kappaross, host, livestream, stream, tv show, bob ross full episode, bob ross inc, pastel, painting
Id: 2OxSJcFvpoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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