Bob Ross - On a Clear Day (Season 14 Episode 8)

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welcome back I'm glad to see you today it's a fantastic day here and I hope it is wherever you're at I tell you what let's do just a beautiful little colorful painting today one that it should make you happy let's start out and hammer on all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me while they're doing that let me tell you what I've done already I have my standard 18 by 24 inch canvas here I've covered it with a thin even coat of the liquid white so it's all slick and it's ready to go so let's get started today I'm going to start out use the one-inch brush with a little bit of just plain old titanium white and we'll be right back be right back reach up here and get a little touch of the alizarin crimson so titanium white and alizarin crimson let's go red up here I thought today would have a little Sun up here in the sky so we start out with just a little spot of color maybe so it'll show up a little bit better I'll put a little more of the crimson in there there we go just a little touch of color is all there is to it that's simple that simple I'm gonna clean the brush shake it off just beat the devil out of it now then we'll take titanium white once again get a touch of the CAD yellow cadmium yellow just a little bit just a little bit make it a nice bright color here same one-inch brush and I'm gonna go right around the outside of this just right on around this is just canon yellow and white like so there we go it looks like an egg I cook this morning there sir they don't want to eat any of my cooking maybe we'll have a little water down here and we'll put a little touch of that yellow and white mixture all right down in here now then I'm gonna go right into a little touch of the yellow ocher I haven't cleaned the brush still has the Yellin wipe right into a little yellow ochre and we'll blend a little touch of it right around the edges there we go this is just plain yellow there we are I want to add a little touch of indeed y'all to that too oh yeah that's nice and brightens it up even better now then we'll put a little bit of that down here and you just put this on any away it makes you happy there just throw it in all we're looking for is a little color will come back and straighten it all up and have fun with it later right now all we're doing is just putting in some base colors all right now then go to take a touch of the bright red right into the yellow ocher bright red and yellow we'll go back up here and I'm going to add that right around here like so they're sort of an orange color as I say this is just going to be a very bright happy little painting there and when you're putting these layers of color on here use little crisscross strokes because that way you have feathered edges if you just make a circle around here it's a son of a gun to blend it out and we're going to try to blend all this color out so really really suggested to use a little crisscross strokes makes it them so much easier now we'll take a little bit of brown little Brown little brown reach over here get a little touch be right back there it is a little touch to the blue and put it right in the brown so I have Prussian blue and Van Dyck Brown same old dirty brush and I'm gonna start it up in here I want a darker color on the outside edges so start out here and let it work forward that will get lighter lighter lighter as it mixes with a liquid white okay add a little touch more of that color to my brush and we'll put a little touch over here don't need too much on this side and hand him but we could even put a little bit down in here there already this is just a fun painting just a fun being a little bit on the other side all right let me wash your brush wash him off real good give him a shake and just beat the devil out it have them get a very dry brush be sure your brush is dry if it's wet and you hit all this you're going to end up in agony City and you're going to be upset with me be sure it's good and dry there it just begin blending still making a little crisscross strokes a little crisscross strokes blend blend blend and you can spend a lot of time on this blending if you want and you can make it ah it's just some believable how smooth you can make it you won't be able to tell where one color stops the next color starts but always work in the light area out don't bring your dirty brush back into the center keep a dirty brush on the outside there now if you wanted to go back and do it again wash your brush wash your brush there we go give it a good shake and just beat it that really is the fun part of this there see and it will just blend this morph now when you're doing this at home pay you some time to step back and take a look see it's hard to see right up close exactly what you have but if you stand back and look at it then you'll see it there okay and very lightly very lightly just go over the entire thing to take out the brushstrokes okay and then I want to put a sign up in here so I'll just use my finger let's go right up in here and just using the finger we can just put in a little circle see that's all there is to it now if you tried to blend that the way it is chances are it would probably smear is a lot of paint so you take your knife and come right back up here let's look a minute see take your knife and just go back in the value remains in the canvas see there and you can do this a couple of three times if you want to to get a desired lightness okay and then down here we can just bring all this together just like so there this painting makes you feel warm there and that's good as si we're having a fantastic day here so I just felt like doing something that was nice and bright and sharing it with you just just good to be alive sometime there wash over brush mm-hmm there we are now there if you want you could put some little clouds out here in this guy shoot I'll just do a quickie here just show you how we take a little blue a little bit of crimson a little touch of white a little more crimson than that whoo that's nice that's nice that was a little little phthalo blue and crimson a little bit of white and then get us a fan brush it would just load a little color on it and maybe there's just a little floater just sort of floats around here in the sky and has funneled if he becomes a right hand on a cross we don't know wherever you wanting see there and you put as many or as few as you want in your world just want to show you how to do it look at that thang just little floaters down in here okay then we take our big brush once again be sure it's good and dry blend it a tiny tiny bit off the excess paint and very lightly very light like a tip see they're just blending them happy little clouds that don't use blue in these clouds because there's yellow here in the sky you just blew in there you're gonna have bright green clouds unless you want green clouds if you want green clouds then you should have green clouds all right tell you what today let's build a little mountain let's build little mountain I'm gonna take some Prussian blue and lizard crimson proportionately much more crimson than blue much more blues many many times stronger if you want to see what color you got put a little white out there see that's very very blue okay I'm gonna I'm going to add a little bit more crimson to that there I want it more into the lavender the reddish lavender alright that looks better already okay clean off my knife let's build us a little mountain a little paint on the knife just come right up in here and you have to make a decision where in your world does your mountain live there yes there is maybe there's a bump here see I just let him go just look around and see what kind of mountains are in your area and if you live in an area where there's no mountains you certainly certainly can leave the mountains out and you still have a beautiful painting I get letters from people sometime and they say oh you do too many mountains the next letter open say you don't do enough mountains so I really try to please the majority of people but if you don't want a mountain in your world then leave it out the painting is still complete without a mountain there where you know however every day I get letters from fantastic people all over the country are doing some of the most beautiful paintings and I love to see them every once in a while we put them on a board and we show on TV so if you have time take a take a photograph of the painting you're doing send it in let me let me take a look-see at the kind of work that you're doing from watching the show to see what you're doing that really makes a lot of hard work worthwhile it's great it is fantastic there I'm gonna take a titanium white and put the least little touch of the bright red in it least little touch just want to give it a touch of a pinkish glow pull it out as flat as you can get it go straight down cut across and get that little roll of paint okay now there let's take and just sparkle some color right over this little mountain look at that look at that let it go there see by not over mixing your paint you get those spots that are a little bit Pinker summer little whiter people think you work forever trying to get that and it's one of those happy accidents you don't really have to do a thing so let it go there maybe maybe back here yep you knew there was a little little touch there take some white little tail Oh blue mix it together hair all right now that we'll use that for a shadow color once again pull it out very flat cut across and get our little roll paint okay let this shadow in soup no pressure no pressure look there just let it slide right down the mountain no pressure barely caressing the canvas they would put some of the shadows in then we'll come back picked up some more of the highlight color and now we can begin putting in all kinds of little bumps and crevices and you know all those little things that make your mountain interesting and wherever you look at that you can put them wherever there if you if you learn to do mountains it'll teach you to use this knife I don't know any single thing that you can do it will do more to teach you control of the knife than making mountains there I'm using the little knife here cuz it sort of sneaks into those small areas much better but in a few shadows on now some people like but the shadows in first and then the highlights some don't whichever way works for you that's the right way and that's all that counts okay need a little shadow here too you gonna let me just sneak on by without putting one into that I've been in trouble then you laughed at me there we go and all we're doing here is just tapping to create the illusion of mist Gina's tap follow the angles I know you hear me say that over and over but it's so important so very important there look at that mess down at the base of that mountain so I never good it just floats there in the sky man let me show you here like I've showed you this before but it's worth repeating maybe sometimes you'd like to create the illusion of another plane in your mouth all you have to do is take a little the shadow color look at that see there see how that brings a whole nother projection out on your Mountain there little tricks like it will make your paintings stand out from the average painting that's what makes your painting special there we go they're in there wherever okay wash the brush give him a good shake now good clean dry brush gently gently gently bring all that together there we are see him it creates a whole nother plane on your Mountain okay let's take we got some lavender color here we'll just use that a little white with it there we are how about that shade that's good and we clean my knife here well great I'll use a 1 inch brush what the heck you can use any old thing your 2 inch brush should work fine or fan brush still using a lavender color no I want to put the indication back here some happy little foothills there they go see there you can turn the brush so to side words and pull down to make a why cap or if you want more individualized tops you can turn it vertically either way see just try it and see which kind of effects that you like there I don't ever want to tell you there's one set rule to do anything because if it works for you that's the roof it works it's good there I went to school for so many years with our instructors that would tell me it has to be done this way or it's not right shoot anyway you can get the effect that you want is right there where pull straight down straight down then lightly go across and you have instant reflections and then we'll take some liquid white I'm going to put the least little touch of a lizard crimson that just to give it a touch of pink there okay cut across it let's go ahead up here and then let's put in a happy little water line back here just act like you're trying to literally cut a hole right through the canvas see there a little bit of touch of pink just adds a little warmth to it just a little warmth to it if you want a little ripple go right out here there if you want a little Ripple and as in military I had a friend it had a lot of riffle there we go we won't we won't talk about that all right let's have some fun shoot to see if it would take some blue and some crimson gonna make a dark lavender color clean off the knife we'll use the same old dirty fan brush it doesn't matter doesn't matter all right load the fan brush full let's have us a happy little evergreen tree and he lives right there does know does know this is just a lavender color see this sort of back and forth back and forth pushing downward there say that just give him a little friend down here this little guy this is George out here there and he's his friend they live out here and they watch this big mountain and they have a good time life's good too around here and maybe there's some reflection down here in the water there we go okay now we take our big brush we grab that now the canvas is wet so this will move look at that can you imagine trying to do that on a drag candless well you'd be an agony city and you'd be mad at me about now Oh touch a little bit of the liquid white titanium white be right back get a little crimson put in there I want a tiny bit of pink in it let's go right up into here and I'm just gonna push in some highlights right on some of the little grassy areas there we go just a few little things right there back to my liquid white a little bit of a water line like a little snow Elena here no one maybe this is winter make a nice warm winter scene take a little white I'll go right into that see we hit so they little blue and white Lane here I'll use that it's good it's a nice cool color we've got so many warm colors here let's use a nice cool colored with that we'll add there some nice highlights to these little trees that's nice it's nice Nana then we'll take some midnight black I need a dark color lizard crimson mixed with it shoot through in little phthalo blue mostly black and crimson though okay let me clean off my knife I have the old fan brush again I just use the same old brush loaded full of color a lot of paint both sides let's go back up here I think in my world I'm gonna have a big evergreen lives right there take the brush use just the corner and begin working it back and forth now look how that dark shows up against that light background it meant spectacular that is spectacular and if you are selling your paintings that son-of-a-gun want it that brings that happy book home people like that it really looks good dark against light to light against dark there where I get carried away sometime please put up with me there I go a little more paint and we'll just keep right on going trip there is enough now you can make these with the 1 or the 2 inch brush whatever I just have to have a dirty fan brush I thought I'd use it Manon let's get crazy over here sure well we got crazy there's a giant evergreen yeah big rascal there we go and all you're doing is pushing down with a fan brush just pushing down letting go and go it go maybe he lives right on down we don't cure that there maybe there's another one there and in your painting you put as many or as few as you want sort of look at it and decide every single painting is different we really are not trying to teach you to copy or to draw lines and fill in the lines which we're trying to teach you creativity trying to teach you how to create as you paint there's freedom there scary what you can do I'm gonna take the big brush go right into the same color let's go back up here maybe there's some little bushes that live right who would kill my nice reflection but we know it's there so it's alright say we put a little reflection there then pull it straight down straight down and go lightly across another little boy she lives there so you just but plane after plane interplaying that creates the illusion of distance and depth in your painting there we go now let's go on this side do some of that maybe these almost come together there and a little more okay need a little reflection under this one straight down and then lightly across there maybe this comes right on down here who knows who knows long as it makes you happy hmm tell you what let's take some dark Sienna a little white in it let's go mix it a little cut off our little roll of paint and I'm going right up here and into these trees I want to put the indication here and there of a little trunk there just here and there because you don't see the entire trunk you have leaves and sticks and twigs that are in the foreground to cover up the trunk there we go give it a little sad words pull make it look around okay now then let me get some blue and white and we'll just add a few highlights on these trees to there we go just like so see there just a few I don't lose that darkness that severe contrast is what really makes these little rascals stand out over here don't want him left out but some on this side there we go little bit far all right now then I'm gonna take a one inch brush dip it in the liquid white get a little touch of the crimson go right into titanium white load a lot of color to the brush let's go up in here and let's just put the indication of some happy little bushes here and there there we are look at them Sparkle see they're working layers always work in layers maybe down here whoo look at us okay they'll touch more of the liquid white if you have trouble making the paint stick add a little more liquid white it thins it it allows it to come off your brush is a very gentle pressure here very gentle okay it's hard to believe you know with a completion of this series Anderson oh my gosh we're getting one hundred and sixty seventy eighty shows now and if if you haven't had the opportunity to see them all and you'd like to give you a local station a call I don't know what you'd like to see because they're available too they want will certainly get them to their and there are some beautiful paintings that maybe you haven't seen yet take their time just click on a few sticks and twigs here and there mostly in the dark here is it there we are okay little touch if water line right along here look at that and we have a finished painting it's all there is to it hope you've enjoyed this one it's bright and shiny it'll make you happy from all of us here happy painting and God bless ah production of this program is made possible by a grant from the Martin F Weber company manufacturers of fine artists materials and by langnickel manufacturers of select artist brushes
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,484,207
Rating: 4.9303026 out of 5
Keywords: beauty is everywhere, wildlife, drawing, full episode, lake, chill, bob ross inc, snow, landscape, steven ross, bob ross twitch, happy accident, bob ross marathon, pbs, bob ross full episode, livestream, happy trees, joy of painting, alaska, pastel, coloring, art, the joy of painting, bob ross joy of painting, mountain, free, happy trails, bob ross, canvas, oil, tv show, ocean, painting, bob ross asmr, paint, bob ross painting, kappaross, stream, asmr, host, brushes, twitch
Id: e63Cgln6Yag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
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