Boardroom Chat: Have You Ever Been Careless? | Jesse & Cathy Duplantis

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hello i'm jesse the planters and i'm reminding you to like the video subscribe to our channel and hit the bell for notifications hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to our boardroom chat yes so good to be here with you i wanna ask you a question i'm gonna ask you have you ever been careless i have been careless good that's good i want everybody to be careless and i'm gonna talk about that today because everybody is so full of care about the delta variant the delta this and the delta and all this kind of and everything going wrong and they're printing too much money and the united states is going broke and everybody's liars in washington dc and china going crazy you've been watching too much news yeah i know but it makes a good message it's time to be careless in fact god never told you to care about anything he told you to be careless so if you got your bible i want you to go me to the book of philippians chapter 4 and paul writing to the church at philippi and i want to read the king james and catholic i'm going to ask you to read it in the amplified first verse 4 of philippians 4. it says rejoice in the lord always always always right go ahead and say it always say it kevin always always it makes no difference what's happening out here we don't deny what's happening out there the lord said rejoice in the lord now you can't rejoice if the lord's not in you because it ain't fun out there right now rejoicing always and again he had to say it again again and again i say rejoice then he said let your moderation be known unto all men the lord is at hand verse 6 is where i want to get to it says be careful for nothing now what does nothing mean to you shouldn't be nothing right that's spiritual physical financial be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god right then verse 7 comes to pass because of verse 6 and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through jesus christ we have a keeper a comforter the holy ghost that keeps us now catherine i want you to read verse four verse five verse six verse seven in the amplified if you don't and i will do it and then i wanna deal with this because you see people can't seem to understand why i'm so full of joy because i was careless i love that because i refuse to care and i'm going to tell you why in just a minute would you read that in the amplifier i like the amplified but also passion translation is actually i like that passion says be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life amen let joy overflow for you are united with the anointed one come on jesus let gentleness be seen in every relationship for our lord is ever near amen verse 6 says don't be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing be saturated in prayer throughout each day offering your faith-filled requests before god with overflowing gratitude tell him every detail of your life amen then god's wonderful peace that transcends human understanding will make the answers known to you through jesus christ okay that's what i'm talking through seven that's verse seven okay now why says he says be careful for nothing nothing for nothing so that's why ladies and gentlemen i don't care what the world says i don't care what the devil does because you know i'm in the world but i'm not of it well suppose you got sick and died well bless god i go to heaven supposing i stay here then i get to aggravate the devil every day of my life you see what i'm trying to say it says be careful for nothing because care is a form of pride i've said that so many times and people don't seem to get that when you start caring from caring comes stress from stress comes sickness buddy i mean it will change the way you think change how your body it will work against the cellular structure of your body right i mean now you know that women are in the workplace because they always want to be free and i'm believing everybody should be free but now women have the same rate of heart trouble heart attacks as men because of stress but when you're careful for nothing and i like the way paul said it to the church at philippi but in everything now you don't do this by yourself but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving i love that with thanksgiving make your requests known unto god i'll make you the amplified said makes your wants known under god yeah let me read that in the amplified just verse six okay it says do not fret or have any anxiety about anything that's right but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition definite requests with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to god that's why i tell people i never ask god for need and i never will it's a waste of spiritual energy i don't know why people do that because he said he'd supply all your need according to his riches and glory so now when you're back by the throne of god which he owns the universe i think you're okay okay so you don't tell him what you need because he already know that he's flying that he'll tell you what you should tell him what you want and then don't be and then be careless about it to the point that well i don't know if he'll give it to me now see that's that's walking in care when you order be careful for nothing so i mean i don't deny what's happening out there i know we have a pandemic or epidemic or whatever you call it or maybe we do maybe i don't know what's happening out there because it seems like everybody is talking on the media and everybody's saying different things the cdc needs to get together and come together and say one thing here and don't back off this situation things of that nature you have three vaccines right now okay vaccination i had a problem with vaccination determination call it what you want you can you can make it a poem if you want but then you say well the modern is better or the uh fight is better all the johnson and johnson's better let me tell you what's better it's not being careful about anything just let jesus do what he wants to do in your life that by his stripes you were healed now if you're calling in the delta variant if you calling in saying well you know you better watch it because you just lobby to get it well you know that's care saying hey variant you want to place the reside don't shout me down when i'm preaching good see and then the stress comes and all the time test positive you know you know how many false positive tests we have how many false negative tests we have we now have these little tests now you can do them at home nobody knows what to do every state has a different way of doing things you got the governor saying one thing you got the mayor of city saying another different nations because we have people watching from all over the world what is it called and what is it causing stress satan is not stupid anxiety you see what i'm trying to say watch they're already preparing for you to have a booster now i have no problem with medicines i have no problem with any of that but uh you know i tell you this much if it was all for free if the government wouldn't back the pharmaceutical companies and people said okay let's just see how much they would give people because if they ain't making money he ain't getting nothing it's just the way it in thank god that our government is giving free vaccines and all these free different things and that's that's a blessing but think about it you take the if you take the money out it's amazing you're on your own you go back to just being you well i'm never on my own i have a comforter which is the holy spirit that ministers to me and he says be careful for nothing that's the word of god caroline now yeah i i want to be careful i'm not talking about walk in front of a truck and say well it's not going to kill me that's stupidity that yeah i'm talking about i will not worry or fret worry is not a part of my life right because if that's the case i wouldn't have got out the house today because you know let me tell you something about the delta var it's airborne if somebody just sneezes it it's airborne i mean you see where you're going to go what you're going to do you see what i'm saying but i took the word of god at face value now i want to go to psalms 55 and i want you to notice what it says then we'll come back to philippians psalms 55 and i love psalms 55 because it's just such a blessing of the lord uh and dave it's one of the most powerful psalms but i really love this verse in psalms 55 that it will bless you greatly i'll get to it real quick here there it is here psalms 55 verse 22 it says cast thy burden upon the lord and he shall sustain thee he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved or permit the righteous to be moved look cast thy burden upon the lord notice that and he shall sustain thee now kathy i want you to read that in uh whichever passion you like well i have the the amplified the amplified here cast your burden on the lord releasing the weight of it and he will sustain you so it's heavy if it's got weight the weight of it yes so you that's your responsibility and he says and he will sustain you he will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved made to slip fall or fail that's my point that's wonderful that's what i'm saying see people think oh i adjusted the planet has got a lot of faith you know let me help you here thank you for the comment or the compliment i don't have any more faith in you do but i have a lot less care than you do that's the difference you see i refuse to take on the the weight of this ministry it takes not million i wish it was a million at least it got a buzz millions a month to run this place to do that i got people behind these uh behind these camera every one of right now i'm paying but you know really all i'm doing is believing what god says and god's doing to pay it and who makes the checks good is not just to plan us it's god almighty through wonderful partners like you who help us sustain this ministry right in other words do you see what i'm trying to say here be careful for nothing but then i mean nothing and and he said it cast the burden which means you got to throw it off because it likes to sit on you because it's very weighty you see what i'm saying right it's like people getting married it blows me i heard a person say this uh uh i'll love you for as long as it lasts well you don't lost your ever loving mind what do you mean so you're already making a time frame on that you don't no no until death do you part you keep talking like that's your mission she may kill you quick or vice versa i don't know but that's kind of stupid you're making a provision for failure so kathy actually care makes a provision for failure for you to fall but that scripture said you will not fail you will not read that again he will uh he will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved made to slip fall or fail now that's that's even better i mean that's just such a blessing that's what paul was telling the church at philippi and rome let me tell you about nero he's killing christians left and right and yet paul said be careful nothing but but with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make you known make your requests known on the god or like the empire says your wants do you see what i'm saying here no i'm not let me let me get back here if you just tuned it i'm not saying being stupid out there but i i i don't i i don't like people flip-flopping you see and i don't care whether it's spiritual physical financial you got one media saying one thing you got another media saying this you go i don't like any of that we're supposed to be americans and we should be for each other but it seems like it's called such division there's division all over the united states of america that should not be you can have a different opinion about it but you should not be the point but my god you can't be in the same room with someone or you'll get in a fight if you start talking about politics or something like that i've heard some people say they don't talk politics at thanksgiving or christmas because it ruins the meal good lord that's pretty sad isn't it they say so that's why i'm saying being careless let god almighty who's christ in you the hope of glory care for you let him handle these things he said but that's too that what should i do nothing that's what he's telling you be careful for nothing they see a lot of people can't seem to get that that um i don't know the words the english word so when i when i begin this ministry full-time ministry uh in 1978 i've been preaching 1976 my my first message in 1976 was full of care i was sweating i sweat running down the back of my leg because i thought oh god but you know what i was really more concerned about now that i look back at it i was worried about how i said it when i should have been concerned about what i said right you see but i wanted people to like it who don't want people everybody wants everybody like you that's not the issue but you know i've learned that if people don't like my message it's not my message this is god's message god tells me to preach things kathy i really don't want to preach i know and doc there's some place that god wants me to preach i don't want to preach that neither but i do it and i don't go there with worry on my mind and this and that well suppose they throwed you out been there done that remember the time i got thrown out of a church i came home early and you said man yeah i remember that it was a great day you were supposed to be there like two more days i made the top tide pair mad because i spoke the truth that was your first message and you were supposed to be there for like four days and i told i turned around at churches i walked out and i said this place will be gone in six months and they all went no and it shut down in six months because that pastor was relying on that big tithe pair then he was lying on god and then that titan got married that pastor left and it all went i wonder another time when you went that the pastor was locked out of his own office was that a difference there was another time that we went they locked him out of his office because they didn't want him in his office and i'm surprised they didn't like him at the church but i think the reason why is because i was there you know and he said i don't know what i'm going to do i said well i know exactly what you do let's pray before god and you know wipe the dust off your feet and leave these heathens god will give you a place to preach god will help you if you left if you let him see so it makes no difference let me say it again i don't deny what people say but it makes no difference what they say but it makes all the difference about what god says now and i have kept that all my life there's two things i wanted to do and when i wanted to mention number one i always wanted to be transparent and number two never step in the blood of jesus and what i meant by that was i want to be a reflection of christ instead of casting a reflection upon christ and before we came in to do the boardroom chat these are some of the best i hear some ever read the uh request but i want you to read something waiting for me because you were early and i was late see we have a little rule around here in case you don't know it we learned it from some friends of ours and there's a rule that says around the ministry that says you know if if uh jesse's early and you're on time then you're late yeah so i was on time but he was early yes and got an opportunity to read the testimonies which i read yesterday so i know there was yes i read something i'm not just i mean they're bragging on me and i thought whoa whoa and i thought it on the lord in you no no let me explain you can brag on me and you can brag on god you see you can brag on god then watch god brag on you so god sent those those wonderful testaments to those people to let me know that i was doing right there's nothing wrong with receiving that this is not pride forget about that kind of stuff i'm talking about uh what we're saying is happening in people's lives so would you read a couple of them whatever which one you were all good thinking about but i'll just start from the top these came from facebook or this week it says good morning and from ann good morning and glory to god waking up from sydney at 6 00 a.m amen so good to see you and hear from you pastor jesse and kathy thank you team jdm expecting to hear the spirit's word for me today so i believe that you're having it let me see this thing real quick was it yeah i like this amanda one too that's the one good afternoon from canada debbie says hello from england and this is from amanda i've been watching jesse's videos and sermons since february uh and got to the boardroom chats later on is that i guess february of this year right i would believe yes because this was one that just came in this week uh it says i never watch tv preachers but you were all honest people and i knew you would be blessed i would be blessed spiritually with your ministry i've listened and learned you are you are legit and god knows you do his will and blesses you to bless other people that's what god expects christians to do i shop the stop about that's god bragging on me through that person not not i'm not being prideful i didn't say that she's the one wrote it yeah and basically she has a witness in her spirit that this is that's a blessing of the lord okay she says uh i shop the clearance racks for myself so that i can help those less fortunate i love god's blessing so he can use me to be a blessing to others i'm so thankful god blessed me to be used as a blessing for your partnership if people would use their time for spreading love instead of criticism this world would be a better place may god continue to bless your ministry that's what i mean it's not a pride thing this is what she said what's your name amen let me tell you amanda you could you can wear the finest and you can also shop that uh with the car clearance racks she can tell you something it sounds like when we go when we go if she wants shoes the first thing she heads for is the clearance racks on the shoes to see if there's certain ones on there nothing wrong with a good sale i believe in a good sale but you can have both amanda you can have both you you can just be a blessing of the lord you want a story that it's going hard to believe i went to jc penney's this must have been 20 years ago i'll never forget as long as i ever lived i went to get a shirt okay now you haven't been in some of those uh stores they have them big it's like this table and this i mean there are shirts in there that's so tight a circle right all the way yeah circle all the way around like that so i was looking the guy so i asked him i said i'm looking for a certain shirt he said he's probably on that rack which was a clearance rack i guess or something i guess i don't know i said okay man i thought god man i mean how did they put that many shirts and stuff like that so i i saw the shirt i want i had to kind of really pull like this to kind of get the shirt and i saw a pair of eyes i thought whoa jesus and there was a lady inside that rack like and i went whoa how did she even get different i don't know she had to climb under them shirts and cars the only way i can think of i said what are you doing and you know what she said i just want to see how much money you spend i want to push the rack over on her you know what i'm saying i thought of a good god of mine now that's sad isn't it that's that and i said was um i said well this was on sale i'm getting it it's a hundred dollar shirt i'm getting on sale for 18 bucks does that satisfy you i didn't tell that part uh but i remember that now uh oh you know then i just walked off and i thought that's sad but then maybe somebody gave her a reason for doing that maybe she trusted a preacher somewhere and maybe somebody heard her i don't know whatever but i would never do something like that you know what i'm saying but you know what it did you know and i thought you know what this woman needs she needs some prayer that's what she needs maybe she's hurting maybe she's not but i'll never forget that but see this is what this lady said i think every minister has to be transparent honest and full of integrity not to step on the blood of jesus by committing adultery or fornication and or whatever stealing money but let me tell you preachers nothing wrong with you making money let me tell everybody listen there's nothing wrong with a preacher making money see that's another false thing that satan put through the church and preachers preached that poverty was a blessing well if it is then why are some of them stealing money they ought to really be in the blessing of god and if you believe in don't believe in prosperity then what are you living in a house for why don't you just go live under a bridge sell that house give all your money because you believe you believe in poverty see how silly and stupid that is what are you gonna do when you get to heaven you see what i'm saying and you can't find uh i don't know uh uh the the ghetto when you see in my father's house of many mansions now i'm not talking about being greedy what i'm talking about is receiving what god said because his will be done in earth on earth as it is in heaven you see what i'm saying so watch this i'm not worried about anything on the earth or in heaven no man said what about the church today the church on the earth is just as safe as the church in heaven because god said that nothing will prevail against the church right i will build my church see what i'm saying and i want to read another one so i want to can i look at it real quick sure this blew me away uh uh oh yeah i i couldn't uh where's that i didn't i didn't know this smart no this here get gidget let me read that no i'm gonna read this baby oh jesse your ministry helped me at one time when i was leaving texas listen to this moving back to florida i stopped at walmart because my truck tire had a bubble on it so i wanted to get a new tire there because i had a camper on the back the young girl working in the tire department said i had to unload the camper first so i pulled to the side i started that the legs down on the camper they were going through the pavement must have been asphalt or something i guess because it was hot and i couldn't put it back on on or take it off because it twisted while sinking i called your ministry because i was in louisiana and they came out with wood and jacks and got it back up on the truck praise god didn't nobody told me about this in the meantime the main manager came out and i told him my people from the tv ministry of tv ministry of jesse duplantis was coming out to help he made sure i got a new tire put on for free with the camper your people gave me 60 dollars because i wasn't sure that i would have enough money to make it the rest of the way i had my daughter and her kids too and food was getting scarce thank you jesse i will never forget that i also had a box of your tapes in the camera that i was listening to thank you now i tell you that is amazing so i credit that to the people that work for me we like being a blessing you see what i'm saying now watch this she was in trouble but evidently my people said uh we're going to be careless and just be a blessing to you yeah then the person picked up on it and put the tire on for free and then uh my people gave us 60 bucks so she can have some food to get where she's going now that's not that that's not honesty integrity transparency if that's not acting like christ i don't know what it is well i mean she was in a desperate situation and she took that opportunity to seek god and pray and apparently god told me this is perry i just want everybody to know that i like this stuff go ahead baby i just got off the treadmill i'm still thirsty go ahead i know you're really interested in what i got yes i'm really interested in what you got to say what did i say i have no idea it reminds me what are you doing it reminds me of you at the southwest believers convention when i was preaching she wasn't listening to me but anyway that's like bust me when i'm doing something so what happened there since you told you interrupted my interrupting is that um we're at the believer's convention last week you may have seen it jesse was preaching now that day when he preached his voice was really raspy he had been preaching two straight times uh you want me to tell him yeah yeah so he had preached and his voice was really raspy people were really concerned so and and he was feeling good he didn't have any pain you just preached through it like you do you just be careless yeah i just kept going to do it i'm gonna preach this gospel i gotta squeeze but that everybody was sending us their little remedies their their solutions of course they're praying for us but i mean i got suggestions like he needs some honey he needs some hot tea uh joe uh george some people told me all the things he needs to do in fact at that moment fritz brown and one of our staff members was actually in the service and i don't know why he picked that moment to send it to me as though i could have done something about it he apologized later but i never know so i monitor my text because i'm a pastor staff members family my mom i'm a mom i make sure things are okay if i get in a message and i glanced at it and here i'm reading this text from fritz brown our staff member and i'm sucking the corn boy i'm preaching to god yes he he was up until that point but i was glanced down and i said well let me read this he's telling me things like tell brother jesse he needs to eat fresh pineapple cut and it'll help his throat and restore his voice it comes from some preacher singing i'm sure it was good advice but how can i get pineapple right there to him i could have got that later right but anyway i'm reading it along not realizing that he said hey she's not listening i went i was talking i said look at kathy over there she's not listening so i went hey but i was hello for you hello i must have said hello at least five to seven times hello hello and she's like he wasn't worried about the whole convention i have a plan if he does that again you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go like i'm yawning like i was bored or something so i don't want to listen to you just to try to get back you know i used to do things like that he would tell these stories about me when i'm thinking that you know why do you have to tell everything i do to the whole world so because so so people can know who we are catholic so could we be transparent because we are transparent yes that's right you will never have you will never hear a scandal about me because i'll tell you i did say point about years ago when i first met the lord i said lord here i am use me i wanted him to use me and then i used to say little did i know it would be in almost every sermon my husband would use her so when he first started out he was always using either me or judy i remember one day i got him this big old thick book at the time the title of it and you still have it yeah don't look at it [Laughter] 7 700 illustrations so i told him i said look you don't have to use me and just jody as an illustration just tell me what your subject is i'll do your research i'll give you some illustrations you don't have to use me all the time and so you want it to be used is that correct that's what i said it was my fault i prayed for that but see that's 7 700 illustrations i don't know them people but i know you and so he said instead of using the book and using my suggestion he said yeah that's a funny story i'll use it so he used the story as an example which we're doing now as well and the reason people say you're not afraid of cathy get mad at you no he's i'm careless he's careless maybe he should be a little more careful i said because you got to sleep sometimes she got to sleep sometimes you're going down boy you know sometimes yeah i think he said let me praise god oh i didn't mean to hit today it relies upon the mercy and grace of god in my life and yes but anyway the bible said it endures forever and then i also say where's a good roll of duct tape when you need it that's true there have been times when i've caught him off guard yes he's been silenced i remember one time when he was preaching and he's telling a story about me which i didn't want to him to tell and so he's trying to remember the details and he he looks over over at me as though i'm going to help him anyway i said i'm not going to help you with that i'm just staring at him and he's trying to help remember that he's so he's stumbling around and then because he was already distracted i did something to him i i did this can you believe she thought so something was out of that made him think oh something's on my face let me rub it and then i nodded it because nobody's looking at me they're all looking at him and so all of a sudden i said no it's here like he moved it and so he's rubbing it here i moved in like three or four places in his face after a while he forgot the story you started telling me and i was so happy because i didn't want anybody to hear that story you don't think she was cruel yeah let's all pray for kathy right now father i got another one for you are you changing the size yes who's this how you say that girl's name i got another story okay this is good what how you say that ain't tab it looks just like an s it's a z but type okay it says you are the best jesse you're genuine honest and transparent you are a great person that's why and so are you let me read that you shouldn't say that about yourself i'm not saying i'm just repeating what she said that right there there it see that and she said i haven't heard a minister of god give out that much loving this talk all the way from kenya i pray that god will tear away my scarcity mindset and renew my mind so that i can have an abundant abundance mindset father in the name of jesus we pray right now for this wonderful lady that her mind will be the mind of christ blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed going in and blessed going out in jesus name open her eyes to your unlimited ability to help her every step of the way see that's why i'm reading all these compliments about myself because i'm careless i am actually proving the message you are you are it's a good message can we get a little applause in here thank you thank you okay oh and this one even says from pam says both of you pam i don't know from where that's a that's a name okay that's another man both of you truly blessed my heart it's god's will for us to be a blessing to others and my prayer is that i can be like you and be able to help others just as jesus said we should do isn't that wonderful it's a blessing not only is she's not careless about her own life she's taken on a prayer request to be a help to someone else who has care now i want to go to another scripture proverbs 16 3. we're talking about being being careless psalm proverbs 16 3. look what it says here now this is a blessing of the lord too proverbs 16 3. he says be careful with nothing i said he says commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established established that was you'll know how to think like god thinks walk like god walks talk like god talks smell like god's smell bless like god bless us in every area like that oh that's that's proverbs 16 3. amplified says roll your works upon the lord commit and trust them holy to him w-h-o-l-l-y okay completely and he will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his will and so shall your plans be established and succeed can you find that in a passion that's a powerful thing see now when once you get there people think you didn't lost your mind and you have you now have the mind of christ now you're thinking like god you're starting to flow like a and the devil's like this we don't know what to do we cannot depress this person we cannot discourage this individual it's something we do everything we can they do everything and after a while you just pay no attention so when the devil calls i just say call waiting because i'm talking to them i learned that from you and then i said you know first talk to the hand is how it goes and it says call waiting and then i did stereo anyway it's good this is great this is the passion translation 16-3 16-3 but you know the whole one two three is really good for this question first okay you know always like you always want to always like to read before it and afterwards so i can really get the meaning of the version i'll let you do that but i mean this is it this is a standalone version but you just get i will but you get so much read 3. i'm trying to get you to get to the first try to be careless anyway it says before you do anything put your trust totally in god and not in yourself then every plan you make will succeed now read proverbs 16 1 2 3. thank you so much this is the passion translation i'm gonna have to read it says go ahead make all the plans you want but it's the lord who will ultimately direct your steps amen we are all in love with our own opinions that's true convinced they are correct but the lord is in the midst of us testing and probing our every move before you do anything put your trust totally in god and not in yourself then every plan you make will succeed you know that word success is scary to some people they think when you're talking about things of god and in your and your walk with the lord they don't want to hear that word success but god wants us to be successful amen in every area of our life whether it be relationships or which we're dealing with today or uh 51 years say that with a smile i did 51 years 51 years when you're smiling and when you're smiling and you know the devil tried to do me today i was walking over uh i said and the lord was taught me said i want you to go to philippians 4 6. and he said i mean i heard the devil's voice they're going to misunderstand this i said no the ones who misunderstand it is you yeah so i started whistling i went and george and christy were just walking up some they heard me and i'm way behind in this i like that now watch this i wet that's it and i know that i get people you know who turn around george i said what's listening to that jaws walking with his sister-in-law and he's ready to deck whoever is doing that yeah i think that was i but george turned it around for it you know it was hilarious and then they stopped they're waiting for me to come and get the talk and everything so it's nice and uh and see that's called being careless right not i mean all i wanted to do was uh i was going to tell them i want y'all set yourself an agreement with me that's right we we going to embarrass this devil here but i thought i don't need to do that they will automatically do it when we start talking about it so while i'm saying a few things chris they'll go that's a powerful powerful scripture your thoughts be established i mean man i mean see that's living in this life you know without that stress of what are we going to do you see right i think probably the most phenomenal example of this what i'm talking about was the day that nero hung christians on posts and set them a fire i mean burning alive there in that coliseum in rome and he got angry because they were singing he said why they're singing they should be excruciating pain but they didn't feel anything they were going into the presence of the almighty god singing they were carrying made a fool a nero and a fool of the devil yeah you know why they could do that they were careless they refused to care and that was they were dying but actually they were it's kind of like a stephen that's another one they hitting him in the head with rocks now you know that's got to hurt yet jesus stood up from his throne and and took stephen and brought him to himself man that's those are such great examples and i have never got to that point in my life i i i'm striving to get there you know you never know what you're going to do until you face something right right but i've heard in my in my lifetime in fact i remember maybe 25 years ago there was three or four nuns i don't know if it was it was in central america somewhere and they they they raped them and killed them and they just sang songs that they were being raped as they were being this is in my lifetime so they got great martyrs even today as they did way back 2 000 years ago right and the bible said the greatest crown you could ever have is the mars crime i think the only way you can probably get that is by being careless and not to care about anything right that's an amazing thing to me you see what i'm saying and you know and some people don't like the catholic church well i'll tell you something about them nuns them nuns were saying but they spread the gospel they spread that gospel did everything they could and while being just tortured and tormented bother them in the sense that they they sang songs and praises to god right well they had an eternal perspective yes they knew this life was just temporary that one day they'd be in heaven for eternity and that's the hope in the book of hebrews it reminds me of those uh women did not receive uh deliverance so they could obtain a better resurrection maybe they saw that and they said no don't deliver us they will just go to heaven with jesus i don't know i can't i i i'm speculating there but i'm not speculating on hebrews but those women said no let us obtain a better resurrection they saw something right that a lot of people have not seen yeah well you're not talking about doing something reckless and fulfilling because you're not like wouldn't let you just get let your kids run into the road or you wouldn't do anything foolish that would have bad consequences right i think we we need to be led by the spirit of what we do you're not talking about just if you know someone's sick it's okay to quarantine and keep yourself away from others do practical things like wash your hands we've always well we do that at church you the pastor church you say this look if you're uncomfortable not uh wear a mask if you don't want to wear a mask don't worry no we make we let you make that decision i think what i'm trying to get is that we we're led by the spirit and we're wise as serpents and harmless as does amen you know even jesus and i was just thinking about while we were studying this about jesus when he was he was uh full of the spirit but then he went into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil he had he had a uh plan god had a plan so he went through there and i was reading the third temptation i know you've preached on this many times but this third temptation was one that the devil took him up to a cliff and basically told him you need to jump out because you know the angels are going to protect you trying to quote scripture actually twisted scripture because i know there's a lot of people that walk into dangerous situations uh thinking that they're doing something god's wanting them to do but they're they're deceived by the devil but we need to be wise when we're walking this last rule so listen to jesus's answer to the devil when he gave him something that was sounded religious sounded wise sounded it was it's okay if you care let's go ahead and do it no you have to use the word of god he said this was his answer in fact in uh luke chapter 4 verse 9 i'll read that part of the temptation because we know he had three but the third one says and he brought him to jerusalem and set him upon a pinnacle of the temple and said unto him if thou be the son of god cast thyself down from hence for it is written he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thy which is thy foot up against a stone that's a fact that the devil's speaking the truth right and he was quoting psalms 91 or partially quoting somebody's 91 which we all love to quote whenever there's danger or trouble and things like that but then jesus answered him this way he says and jesus in verse 12 and jesus answering and said unto him it is said thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god. so that was the his answer did you catch that word said yes because all the uh you go ahead teaching no go ahead and say it well i know the revelation on it in the other uh temptations jesus said it is written which is what logos the written word of god and then he said is said which is rhema it was a revealed word to god from heaven kicked satan right down yeah he did and that was and then he says in verse 13 and when the devil ended all the temptation he departed from him for a season yeah so you should not tempt the lord thy god there's some wisdom that needs to come into play when we come into dangerous difficult situations when we say be careless we're meaning cast your care upon the lord let him handle it let him take care of it let him spirit guide you to the right steps and the right decisions that you need to make because he knows that there's an enemy out there the bible talks about how they're he's like a roaring damn lion seeking whom he may devour but he's toothless he's he's always at work that's why but we have a more powerful presence god himself is the one who kicked him out of heaven and he's he's going to he's going to be the one who's going to put him in that bottomless pit so it's important that we realize no matter what attacks the enemy may launch god always has a better answer for you he will help you to walk the way that's successful the way that will succe will bring you blessing in your life and protect you he's toothless you give him no power no you see what i'm saying he he's toothless he's the shadow of death he's not death he's the shadow you understand yes he's a facade he said i want you to understand i give him no power whatsoever now if you walk in the flesh against him he will destroy you because he's a flesh devil but see you are a spirit housed in a soul and clothed in a body right you've got to understand it you have to learn to be spirit the reason why and i don't mean this sound arrogant that i'm careless concerning the word of god is because i've learned to be spirit i've learned to walk in the spirit you see and you have to watch this jesus it took him 30 years to learn to be human you got to understand jesus had never god had never been that close to sin think about that for a minute so he took a part of himself and buddy i want to tell you something god says went very close to something he totally hates in fact his father would not even look upon jesus on the cross because our sin was on jesus the nails were not holding jesus to the cross it was our sin it was your sin the father turned his back that part of that trinity so jesus did something that the father's never done that the holy spirit's never done took that point that's why he was a lamb led to the slaughter my god that's why all authority and power god almighty the father says it's given unto him yet he gave such uh notoriety he said i came that you might know my father there's such a love there that's what i mean and that's why jesus they said man you go to jerusalem they'll kill you see he's being careless he said hey look as if if they kill me i'll be back in three days [Laughter] now you see now he's walking in that spirit to go into that thing but it took him 30 years to learn to be human and it's taken us a lot of years and you a lot of years for us to learn to be spirit that's what i mean see this bible the reason why people don't understand it it's a spiritual book it's a spirit book the natural man receiving not the things that that's why people are not born together they don't believe in this they say uh that kind of stuff you see because you see that they're walking in a dead spirit but when you walk in a live spirit ho i won't tell you days on the earth even though they may be trouble but who cares it doesn't make any difference because you know the end result you know in whom you have you believe then you're persuaded right see that he's able to keep what you commit to him see that's what i love about the lord he waits for me to commit to him you see the things that i need to do so i commit my worry i commit all that junk that i normally should do as a human being but i said no i'm gonna be careful for nothing and i have to tell my my body that nothing nothing let me tell you something your body talked to you your soul talks to you your spirit talks today i was on the treadmill and my body was saying stop stop i said stop me it was holly i said stop mine said don't go on there and i listen to it and you listen to it or that butter pecan ice cream in that refrigerator calls you it has a voice cafe catherine and i said and she don't do this she goes you know jesse i didn't say it i said would you like for me to get some she said it would you like me to go get you somebody if you insist i didn't insist nothing so i want i want her to be happy she's just enjoying i'm happy yeah what was that the um don't lie here on the boardroom chat they didn't you know oh i know you are happy but sometimes you're not when i frustrate you when i tell everybody that you're not listening to me preaching that the southwest believers convince you i got it just thought that's a light affliction but for a moment let me go back to verse 4 philippians 4. rejoice in the lord always i love that i i i i i determined to do that every day of my life so care will not become a part of my life now you know what i mean yeah i don't walk out in the middle of the road with a 18-wheeler truck coming down the road well you know you're being careful that's a different type of that's foolishness to do so last night we were driving home remember that or recently this week we were driving home and it was a dark that had become starting to get dark at dusk and there was this man walking right in the middle of the road remember you almost hit him no he was walking in the turn signal on airline highway no no it's not river road no we don't have a chance to get on wherever we're going it wasn't generally it was there was no lights no and i just saw this image i thought what is this guy doing i mean just wouldn't it he could i thought well maybe he's trying to cross the road but he stayed there in the middle of just one look through the rearview mirror i see that i remember praying for him to protect him see that's that's stupidity doing that kind of stuff you know because i mean if some you know i've seen people and you have to how many times you've seen people without their lights on and it's kind of you know getting dark and they they don't realize this on and you got a you got a car that has an automatic it keeps the lights on a lot of whatever the height does that you know when the sun goes down it just comes on so i mean you know so we prayed for them didn't didn't have to know him so that's not really being careless that's being negligent yeah that's because as being unwise so we're not talking about that yeah and if somebody would have killed him someone could have been um you know hit him with a car which didn't mean to they would probably be charged with uh what they call that vehicular homicide yeah but the hymn that would be negligent of homicide on his side he's trying to kill himself suicide that was negligence man that's just crazy i don't know you know it's not funny but it was it just illustrates the point that we need to be wise we're not talking about when we say being careless we're talking about uh putting that care upon the lord not taking on the care things we can't handle that's right there's a lot of things we can handle that we can take care of and god expects us to do that you know if we want to have good health god expects us to take care of our bodies like jesse does and i actually do our stretch and i just don't go the extreme i think one day they're going to say that all that run is not good for you i believe that father help of jesus anyway uh we're just talking about you do you do what you know to do in the in the natural and trust god for the things that are out of your control that's correct because we need heaven and we need him to help us on this navigate through this crazy world that we live in i'm very disciplined about my um exercise i do it constantly i'm 72 years old and i'm not trying to be the man on the block and all that kind of stuff you've always done that as long as i do it because you know i eat and i've done there's room there's time this morning i think was this morning we saw on tv this hundred-year-old woman yes being she's breaking some kind of records because she's a weightlifter and she started it when she was 90. so i still have a little bit of time i know my life to 120. they showed all her trophies she's in good shape and she looks great yeah she looked like she was like 70. well no oh thanks a lot kelly she's she's negative she looked good she's being careless right now she's just being careless but i mean she did she did and she said i think i'm gonna get another trophy and she showed where all her trophies were and she had a plan for continuing this i think it's excellent yeah i mean it was amazing she's a hundred years old and you know a hundred years old they call it a cemetery yeah it was just such a blessing well we're about ready to go off here we've been talking along i want to leave you with verse four rejoice in the lord always and i get again i say rejoice and but you won't be able to if you care care with you and then so if you leave care along then verse uh six will come and it will say and it's the first sex be careful for nothing but then finally you'll understand verse seven and the peace of god oh my goodness and the peace of god we got to go don't add too much and the peace of god no i have to which pass that all understanding but she doesn't understand the piece i have the solution say it we have to finish out that the next verse because this is the way that you're great that you're going to have that well if you'll stop interrupting me i'm not interrupting you it says and finally because you talked about the peace of god that passes all the understanding verse 8 says finally brethren whatsoever things are true what sort of things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things when you keep your mind stayed upon god and all of these things that he says it helps you to get to a place where you can live a careless life praise the lord that's a good that's a little bow on the end of that beautiful teaching that you gave us amen well let me tell you something today is the day that the lord wants you to be blessed take the stress off yes because today you start a new day by being careless not in stupidity right but in the word of god this is jesse and cathy saying we love you and until next time oh i got to say that thank you partners i have to just notice how i'm and i want to say with thanksgiving yes and in fact a person told me she said there's a testimony that said how do you give to this ministry it's very hard because we don't push you i'm not going to make if you want to you can't if you don't want to you don't have to if you want to go to that's our website and you want to get to this ministry financially you can hit the donate but you can use paypal you can text to get whatever if you don't want to don't you see because this is going to sound nuts we don't care if you do or don't because we know in whom we have believe and we're persuaded but i will tell you something anointing of increase is on us it's flat on me buddy and it's a blessing of the lord so thank you partners for helping us reach people change lives lives one soul at a time see you next time god bless this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited [Music]
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 14,869
Rating: 4.9443893 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Boardroom, Careless
Id: wheXr4Bddzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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