FWS EDMONTON 2018: UCI BMX Freestyle Park World Cup Men Semi final

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome everybody this is the UCI BMX a freestyle Park World Cup men's semi-final I'm Ryan Mayer joined by Dale now and this is a feast World Series live in Edmonton Alberta Canada thank you so much for joining us around the world we are so happy to present this to you in the beautiful country of Canada and my homeland I'm so happy to be back here it's a beautiful city as you can see out here we have moved our locations last year we used to be in Harlech Park this year we are in Louise McKinney Riverfront Park that is very close up into the city center by I believe in Canada place so make sure you guys mark that on your calendar come out here and if you are not able to physically make it out to the location make sure you guys come and check us out online social media that is right feast artificial' is a facebook page at v's world and at fees world for Twitter and Instagram fees world series on snapchat and as well make sure you hashtag your posts fees Edmonton and fees world series to stay involved with all the action we are global series of five stop world series to stop number one ended up in Hiroshima Japan that was the first time to Japan and we are coming back for vengeance as well next year super happy to bring a lot of the Japanese riders on tour with us but as well where it all started multiple yay France this is the home ground for the fees moving over for a 30 year in a row to Edmonton Canada then we're going to be in Hungary Budapest and then for the final stop in Chengdu China that as well is going to be in November and as we get closer to that date you're going to see more athletes coming out and more nations putting their forces down as that is going to be the opening spot for the Olympics in 20 20 well Ryan and now that we're talking about the World Series let's zoom in for a moment to Edmonton we have a one-of-a-kind park as we pull back we could see constructed by a hurricane of parks now this was built specifically for this contest what we're seeing a few signature piece pieces but the thing that's very different than this from our first stop in Hiroshima this is a very traditional skate park what I mean by that there's a lot of box trucks that are featured in the center of the park you can see a step up version a Camelback version a driveway version a step up and also on the far under your course there's an extended box jump excuse me extended spine which is very steep on either side and then we've got our battleship ramp right there which has a steep quarter pipe and a snow plow on either side where riders can transfer one side to the other now as we look at the other way you can see the elevated part of the course with our wall ride and also sub box features so it's going to be very interesting to see what our riders throw it down but what we're going to also do is look to the sky at our five judges we've got from the UK David Klee worth the street legend van Holman from the USA the German at X Games Pryor medalist Marcus Ville key and then we have from Slovenia lukacovic and then another USA rider the street legend as well Brian Kachinsky those are our five judges they're under the watchful eye of bart dijon who is the head technical delicate from the UCI they are going to be breaking down because they have so much BMX history within them a lot of them have wrote a lot of the tricks or been there the first time that they were actually even invented or happened and we know that our riders that are going to be out on the course they are going to be breaking it down at the craziness but let's take a look at our format to see which way our 24 riders will be on the course they'll be in six separate heats for riders apiece two runs up to 60 seconds with the best run counts and they'll be getting their score after the run so by the number is twenty four riders six heats for riders apiece Joo runs up to 60 seconds per rider and it's going to be the best run that counts and that is such a crucial factor in 2018 we changed it it is not overall it's the best run that counts and we are going to be seeing some very unique riding because of that the pressure winds up coming off the riders in terms of having to be perfect out there as it judges are going to be looking for the rider on the course difficulty amplitude originality and style variety of tricks consistency and control and a big one that's not on there but Ryan it is our favorite to talk about and that is style style definitely plays the biggest factor for us out here in the Freestyle portion of the UCI BMX freestyle Park World Cups it is just an amazing thing that you can actually see a personality of a rider showcased on course you really see the diversity and the difference in that aspect amongst all other riders now these ramps were designed and constructed specifically here for Edmonton but we mentioned this is a world series and a world tour so let's rewind the clock a little bit and take a look at some of our highlights as we started this season off in Hiroshima as you can see that course right there is definitely more full-featured and what I'd mean by that transitions were the name of the game everywhere you had to ride the course the way that you would link the runs together and all of the hits we're looking out there is Kenneth Pen Co as he went up throwing that court 720 over the spine there was a backflip drop-in from I believe is Brandon Brandon lupus now our winner out there I was so impressed we're looking at the big trick city threw down but lupus flowed the park like no other rider this way is in first tensio and second and take note of Daniel Dhers was in 3rd looking out here in Montpellier France can you believe how many people come out for this absolutely amazing event out there on the Lance River in Montpellier just a beautiful spectacle that we have out there that is Mick Bruce out there shredding this amazing course Nick Bruce our current point leader and that was wild style Flair transfer into the vert wall there is a look at the Flair Telep so much height for Bruce right there so there were our riders we saw a little taste a preview of what's to come but let's look at our riders for a semifinal east of Colette starting off with the first rider out of the gate gate Brice Tyrone Daniel Sandoval Marc Webb Ken Atencio brian fox jake Liva joel Vaughn du alex nickel in that case the Alex Cole born James Jones Costa Andre EF Dennis Anderson Jake wall work Daniel Dhers Logan Martin Martin Rand has branded Lupo's Jeremy mallet we should have four more other riders or three more excuse me rim Nakamura Nick Bruce and Justin dowels so the way that those names are listed and established it's reverse order from our Open qualifier the Beast World Series is open to every and all rider that wants to come in if you heard my partner-in-crime Ryan say whoo when I read a certain name he was referencing Dennis Anderson super excited to see that when Dennis actually came out to Montpellier France but unfortunately the airlines lost his bike he was not able to make it into the actual contest excited to see that boy come out here and compete on the fuse World Series and for all of our BMX fans you know that Dennis was the 2016 X Games gold medalist and it's gonna be the first time that we're seeing him complete in a feast contest but right now we are getting ready to watch the Frenchman roll in for his first run of two this is Istavan Colette coming in so 60 seconds starts now right there on that backflip double tail whip as well known as the helicopter as you know I actually learned that from you myself darrell has I called him the encyclopedia of BMX he gives me all the knowledge that I was too late to the table to figure out as I came up to the world of BMX well it's the important thing look at names a name right you know that anyone online in the comments section if you get tongue twisted or said something from 3000 names you call an event and if one happens to be you say the wrong thing you know people take it serious and personal which they should you're invested in the event you're out there but if you have a name at your own local cut Park or your local contest that you call something it's about getting rad on your bike the name can be secondary but if you are going to reference something yes the backflip double tail whip is known as the helicopter we actually saw the backflip single tail go down for the first time in women's BMX history it was Shanice Sylva crews who attempted it she didn't pull it but right now the USA rider be the be my man Bryce Tryon is going to be dropping in with his 60 seconds so you can see price right now getting locked and loaded ready to be shot out of the cannon as we talked about this being PMX freestyle riders can choose any section of the course they'd like to start and wait basically the reason being they could have their first hit that's established something we'll take to a box jump it's very rare but you might see some set up for a quarter pipe maybe for a transfer or a gap but the important thing to note Ryan is the fact that it's 60 seconds on the clock and you could wind up setting up for the rest of your run where you're basically going to be connecting a B C and D as the clock goes through but right now we see Bryce waiting for his moment as the Feast flags are just flapping in the wind here in Edmonton it is so gorgeous this city and it's actually one of the best cities in the world to combine nature with an urban environment we have more park lands in Edmonton than any other city I believe one of their downtown parks is 22 size bigger than New York Central Park just to give you a scale but when you have mother nature combined in those environments with big open rolling fields you potentially could get wind or storms rolling in like we had yesterday during our qualifier so right now the wind is definitely whipping we're gonna take a moment for the wind to kind of settle down and see what we think we do have the head technical delegate bark to Jean who works with our rider representatives and make sure that it is safe for the riders out there but it looks like Bryce isn't going to have an opportunity to wait anymore as he starts things off bar spins one way with the 360 the other with the backflip and the third with a tail whip first yeah suicide don't hand her over that extended box on the explore Edmonton spine we would call that getting some nice momentum into that 360 tail up on that spine come on Bryce looking for his footing it's a big flare lands high up on the transition into a double tail up over the camel we're actually seeing Bryce try and come into his own before our eyes he's been competing for the last several years but right now we're had a rider just finding his own signature as he's taken the Sharpie to the course as Bryce is going up over this step up with the Bartman I believe that might have been his opposite direction going around the elbow as Bryce is looking to put a big final exclamation point as he's got five seconds to go tuck no-hander three two one at barspin and that is time for a big runner for the big beep Bryce Tryon there we go rider number two out of the gate so far for the men yeah price rate started things off he had those 360 bar spin backflip bar spin and then he had the tail whip into a bar it's been three different hits you see him putting the tricks together the one thing to note on that Flair where he popped the height he didn't transfer far over he wound up coming in a right on the line keeping his speed and momentum pushing through that transition and there we saw the Superman over that box at the end of putting a little bit of a super style in there so again the score is gonna be 1 to 100 Bryce Tryon with the seven six point six zero since unfortunately our french-fried er went down this is going to be the first score that we're gonna see on the board so the benchmark the score to beat is the seven six point six move in forward we have none other than Daniel Dhers it's part of me Daniel sandable Daniel Sandoval it is the USA Ryder just celebrated a birthday who's so cool to see some of the fellow riders go to his room with a cake and right there bring in the birthday surprise with that transfer he read it to a tale at one to three times around I believe I do believe that was a triple yes and into that front flip tuck no handed behind the back suicide clock we call that baby Wow and then that combination 360 bars spin to tail a huge tuck no-hander out of the Honor quarter pipe hidden that camel hump in Nice 360 in 2017 Sandoval was fifth overall he definitely has what it takes to be on top of that podium santaville coming back up to the step-up nice 360 tail whip setting up with barspin back in into the explore edmonton spine skipping around it for some speed on that hurricane parks quarter pipe getting the transfer back last seconds and there's that front would Blair from Daniel Sandoval yes animal throwing down a big one right there as a lot of our riders might know Sandoval was a pioneer with modern-day jumping tricks specifically rewinding the clock back to rebel jam in eindhoven I remember him shutting down the contest putting on a demo with all different variations of down side 360 ballots but right there is a 180 with the triple whip here's a front flip as you said clap it and behind the back right there full extension on those arms and then throw it down that lawn dart the front flip Flair transfer originally invented by peeve Mac Eleni but right there santaville making it look smooth because he's putting down and hopefully the numbers will match that solid run again it's 60 seconds they want to see that full pull beginning to end we got Marc Webb in staging 85.2 cro the birthday boy Santa ball throwing a big score up on that wall sticking it nice and high and putting it down to the total BMX rider all the way from the United Kingdom this is none other than Marc Webb the webby show as we call it in Montpellier when we do the 9 p.m. mini-ramp contest Marc Webb has become famous in the filles World Series and he's back competing on the park circuit here huge 360 invert over that spine big transfer at 360 tuck no-hander double tail whip off the honor quarterpipe 360 bars been perfect rotation and hitting that transition I was an ethnic foot plant on the wall haven't seen Oh Marc Webb missing the catch on that 720 bar going down possibly pretty hard hurting his hip you can see Marv right there Holden is lower back there's a really great documentary on Marc Webb that really shows behind the scenes of a BMX rider and some of the trials and tribulations we're dealing with injury and that documentary Marc really goes to a very difficult back injury this was shot several years ago but sometimes in a rider Falls they can definitely reinjure an ailment they might have had from a prior date I don't know if that's what we're looking at right now or maybe it's something fresh that he just wound up cracking open well we're not going to speculate because we do have our best medical staff we have Trish bear down there bare essentials and thankfully Marc Webb looks like he's going to walk off on his own accord Big Ups Edmonton for sure the love yeah that's always a tough one that as you say I could just see him come down very hard drive he's me possibly offsetting his pelvis or lower back on that landing actually just missing the hand on that Court 720 barspin really high consequence trick if you not get attached on those handlebars second run or is that so we talked about being best run accounts format it looks like his first runs a four point eight that's what you get when you go down in the first trick but coming back right here straight to pedals it that was a big pull maxing out his height right there on that flare decade over the camel hump wow the Frenchman right here started things off solid so he was our last runner qualified and this is a preview of what we're about to see as we progressed through the list cuz it's reverse order I mean this is a work of art setting up for that downside tailwhip after that transfer Wow big combinations off almost every single 360 taalib down the step-up this is a superstar right now we're seeing from side to side of the course really utilizing every feature that he can get his hands on yes useful if not getting the pedals on the rollout right there that is very disheartening that he went up slipping the pedals and the reason I say that still a tremendous run for the Frenchman but since this is the UCI and we've got our five judges up there they are looking for perfection this is the road to the Olympics for Tokyo 2020 and you want to have a full pull the entire run but now what we're seeing is nothing but a highlight reel this 720 you can see them set up to wind up getting that full spring catapulting to perfect rotations over the spine here is a front flip going way past the landing and that here's a look at that flare tail whip up on the quarter pipe get the feet around not enough those lips the pedals but we're gonna see if he will be heavily deducted or not his first rum as a 4.8 as said there's a lot of room to move up and look at that as 70.8 zero it looks like the judges really really are going to be playing very heavily and deducting if you slipping one pedal based on that score well this is the world stage so the judges are looking for riders to bring their a-game in our next rider from the United States Bryce Tryon looking to bring an a-plus game to run at number two as he goes to that backflip bar spin potential no hander then going for the tail whip to bar spin on that honor quarter pipe nice cork flip on the step-up right there Ryan that suicide no hander over the extended spine most riders when they showed up they said what is that beast of a ramp that most riders have been avoiding it in our qualifying so we're gonna see if maybe Bryce is bucking the trend or maybe he's just gonna set the standard by jumping across with that suicide no hander was he have big Superman over the Edmonton box jump nice talk no hander and coming back to the step-up feature so in some lip trips lip tricks now with that foot gem as the clock winds down looking back to see how many seconds he has left one foot table and that's going to be it [Applause] so price with another solid run two for two but it's only going to be one run that counts as we're looking at 360 Tao up into a bar spin beat right on the pedals so you could see them putting some pedals though once he lands getting those rotations around with the cranks judges tend to want to see a ride or coast and not pedaled like we saw Brandon Lupo's do in Hiroshima but if they're going to need that acceleration to go for a bigger gap or put a little extra height on like Bryce did that's usually not negatively impacted at all so Bryce's first score was a seven six point six his second we're gonna see where he goes as its winds up coming in a one two three boom a seven six point six so he's staying four points away from the 80s and it looks like sandable still gonna stand strong with an 85 two point two so as I just mentioned sitting in first place there with an 85 - Daniel Sandoval he's going to take the floor for the second time today Daniel Sandoval droppin in right now big 270 or part of me 450 off of that hip jump yeah the birthday boy downside 360 tail whip oh that was a big one Sandoval looking to go upside down sideways and around a little bit of a tongue twister try doing that on your bike Sandoval not able to pull it off smoothly enough to roll out did hit Bowl tires down and slid out but Santa ball definitely put down a big score in his first run which we said was an 85 point - and we talked about this being a semi final that means that to move on to the final you have to have one of the top 12 scores hopefully Daniels will be just that so look at Sandoval right there trying to put that extra rotation at the end and you see just washing out to the side and sliding off the handlebars right there as it just dumps down in Sanibel slides out safely so yeah 33.8 0 his score is going to remain the highest of the day with an 85 point two as we are working our way through our first semifinal heat number one of 624 Riders doesn't matter if you are number 4 as with Marc Webb or if you are going to be our last rider to take the course which is our number one qualifier of Justin Dowell you are competing against each other and the top 12 scores will progress so right now always a favorite at feasts in Montpelier very psyched to see him on our world tour right now in Edmonton looking to dig deep and channel all of his energy maybe bypassing any injury he might have had this is the total BMX rider of Marc Webb it gets at 360 out of the gate yeah holding back that's for sure this is not the run that he wanted but still putting a run through as we saw he had a huge crash 720 barspin in his first run coming back there with that Naknek going for it yeah 720 tuck no-hander that was a picture-perfect silhouette right there front and down back and up yes Wow Marc Webb making up for lost time in his first run if he could keep this going it definitely looks thus far like it has potential to be a qualifying run if you heard a cannon no that was not a salute from the crowd but that was Marc Webb's back tire full blowout you could just see the rubber flap it on the rim right there [Applause] I believe mark is little hard to see from our house but I think he threw down a trick with the flat tire showing you that he's got that bite control so mark web is gonna wrap up our first heat of riders that means their next four are going to take the course to warm things up as we look at the highlights here so wet the total rider tuck no-hander 720 you could just see again that picture perfect silhouette on that 720 front flip around let's see if we can watch that back tire boom slight delay in landing it just shows how slow mode that actually is when you watch it in real life from real-time it's an instant blowout so web right here seven 3.20 that's got to be a little bit disappointing obviously it doesn't mean he is down and out or not qualifying generally speaking scores are in the 80s that wind up making it into the final 24 of the world's best he's got to bite the nails and we still have extreme actually we have 23 today so it's got to be biting his nails we have 19 more riders to take the course so let's look at some highlights of heat number one [Music] let's get going there you saw that beautiful Superman triple tail whip right there from Daniel sand of all who's sitting in first place right now such height on that flare as well so amazing riding from his stuff with unfortunately sitting at the bottom [Music] yeah big breasts Tryon I was very impressed with his riding there's the height I just talking about where he came so close to the edge that was not a mistake that was for him to set up to wind up getting all that speed pushing down the landing one thing I want to note you might even hear it a little bit in our microphone the wind is just howling across the Rolling Hills here in Edmonton it's impacting us up here where we're losing umbrellas our Ryder sheets are blowing away I could only imagine if you're out on the course I mean take a look at the scores excuse me take a look at the flags as we are taking a look at our semifinal heat number two Kenneth 10 CEO Brian Fox and Jay kleva well you could just see the flags of them being a really good gauge of how strong the wind is out here we talked about it's a consistent wind a rider can wind up counterbalancing you can predict that similar to a ramps may be steep you give it a little more juice to push through it if there's a big headwind you can push a little harder but when it's inconsistent you try to give it that extra thrust that extra power to counterbalance and then it stops it can be really dangerous so our next rider looking to roll in is our Costa Rican rider Kenneth tensio Atencio last year finished in 2017 in 1910 Co City in 8 as we have two stops down so that is a very big improvement going up but NCL right now waiting for the wind waiting for his opening to create some magic out here tensio a man who always has some interesting drop ins as we get in to the courses you've been watching the fees world serious you know maybe what is rolling through his mind and here it comes Ken Atencio huge backflip dropping what a cool perspective we had yes 360 downside tail whip kicking it both directions such a cool perspective up here seeing that back foot drop in just putting his head over his shoulder yes massive and perfectly executed to transition court 720 into that huge Superman seat grab on to the quarter pipe air tensio charge and opposite double tie ride on the sub box yo transfer floatin backwards with the tail whip and a spin rotation right there let's see tensio digging deep for that 360 bar spin landed a little low but able to set up for the Flair the red bull rider getting his speed flowing pushing through a 360 as a clock is going tick-tock tick-tock 10 C out X up crisscross let's go dig deep oh yes Smith stall on the wall give a shout-out to the late great Paul Buchanan of all a fellow Canadian first rider ever do a Smith stall like that on a sub wall back in an old t1 commercial unfortunately Paul is not with us feeling a big hole in the BMX community from Paul but it's nice right there we see can she do that stall little homage to Paul Buchanan so 10 CEO spinning around right there look at the transfer float backwards so cool off that steep transition and there is that Smith stall up on the wall it's right there big backflip drop in had that Smith Tech stall on the wall at the end of his rung and in between those 60 seconds it was action-packed [Music] Senseo waiting for that score to come in here is the score reveal and it's going to be the top one eighty eight point two zero you have a new leader tennis tensio is on top of the box it's got to be a great feeling for the Costa Rican you travel all the way here to Canada you want to put down a good run in a good score and that is what nco did all right the big boy from Florida you hear the crowd cheering because he knows how to rev up an audience we saw multiple EA in the spine Brian not only had the moves on the course but on the flat bottom dance moves I'm talking about right now he's waiting for his opening his chance to dance from the wind you see him struggling shoulders and say I now might be as good time as any stand a little corrected I don't know if he was waiting for the wind baby he's waiting to get the right song maybe he's waiting for the crowd to get a little bit louder so here we go the big boy from Florida Brian Fox he is known yes for tricks as big as his personality yeah Fox whoa big amplitude on that back foot tail whip digging that three right there you saw through his handlebars up I don't think he was necessarily going for a trick but maybe to compensate for that wind yeah Fox [Applause] [Music] so it looks like Fox right there is gonna wind up stopping it a little bit surprising considering was off to a great start might be just that he's trying to get his head in the right headspace or it could have been also that wind out there we're actually hearing directly from Fox right now I was just asking Bryan Fox what was what he was up to there and he's like I didn't want to take it I wanted to cork 7 on that transfer so I'm not taking it it's just a 3 ok well that shows you yeah that shows you the mindset I talked about Ryan being a big boy on the bike with the big tricks and he's not gonna settle anything but yet for a big score so so much of the ride and you want to take that mental and make it physical and you've got to be so focused to do it picture of world-class heavyweight fighter going to swing a haymaker not only once but for that whole 60 seconds trying to connect each hit and Fox looking for a big one with that 720 transfer we're not calling him out those were his words that he wanted to do so he's going to have another opportunities right now yes jiggly via up going for a 360 bar dropping it off and then into that huge 360 hard 360 let's say double tail went into a back flip drop in from a quarter level yeah Jake the hyper rider wall ride doing it over the box job yes there was the helicopter that was let double tail whip then kicking that down side tail whip whoa so many tail whips actually in different combinations double whip combinations I think that was everyone that I knew of and then into a triple whip over the camel hub there Jake Oliva really going for gold here yeah Jake unfortunately going down but prior to that definitely going up and big 360 with the barzmann bunny hop in there's no take off setting right up for that transfer with the tail whips and that rotation around there you go over the Box jump the backflip double toe so much going on utilizing the handlebars for this spin of the frame on that tail whip as well double style you see it - the backflip so Jake right there having that crash obviously going to definitely penalize his score you could almost see out on the course there being some carnage his backpack just digging deep into our edge sport landing ramp right there showing you the velocity that he came down so forty five point eight zero will be Jake's score [Music] [Music] [Applause] and Atencio droppin in right here whoa that was a one-handed 360 tail whip [Music] transfer right there from tensio and then into that flare alley-oop whip yo ah whoa talk about riding on the edge of your seat Kenneth Ken Co putting it all on the line I thought he was gonna walk the line barely gettin it together and then just still rotating around washing out doing a quick little but plant thankfully to his feet and for tensio thankfully getting that big solid first score in of a 88.2 so that definitely will be his top score considering at that crash but 360 one-handed tail whip [Music] and there you see just landing flat right there had that rotational speed going around and then having some difficulty on the crash as we mentioned 88.2 is going to be the score that sticks and that is a good one to put right at the top of the board as we are looking at Brian Fox we mentioned he wound up stopping his run halfway through saying I wanted to turn it up I wanted to give the people what they want most importantly he wanted to do what he wanted the big rider from Florida Brian Fox said he wanted a 720 on that channel looks like the elements are picking up a little bit as the crowds energy is starting to pick up cheering ah Brian Fox the man who can really get the crowd behind him he knows exactly where to push the buttons he's really a crowd pleaser and a man who's dedicated to the sport of BMX and all his fellow competitors really just doing it and loving it you can see every single contest he comes out here he's having such a time starting off with that backflip over that low speed jump so Fox we saw pulled off on his first run it's quite a gamble backflip tail up and it's paying off so far with that 720 Fox is saying I'm gonna put more of my chips into the center of the table then it's an alley-oop flare on the honor quarterpipe 360 downside to helping to a flare bar spin so this is right where he stopped let's see what he's going to do for us backflip transfer so the pressure is on for Fox he looks like to deliver when it counts because he's doing it right now with 23 seconds to go that was a flair whip on the honor quarter pipe coming back into the box jump Brian Fox nice backflip right there maybe was going for the tuck no-hander slowing down a tiny bit suicide no hander on the step up seconds left right now for Fox has time for one more trick Flair finishing it off got that core 720 on that big transfer I'm gonna have to wait and see what the judges think of that one well this is the moment Brian Fox had a good hand if he was sitting there at the poker table wound up putting all of his chips into the middle with that 720 going around on the second run and right now he's just got to wait and say what does the dealer have for me he put it all on the line the squirt Abid is an 85 point - excuse me an 88 point - by Kenneth tensio we're taking our top 12 riders seven have taken the course so far Brian Fox we're gonna see [Music] that moment how do you feel in Vegas right sitting there you're waiting patiently maybe having a drink or two Fox right now yes eighty three point four zero so he's gonna sit in third that's impressive right there it's not in the 90s but you know what you could still do it with that score and this is still the semi finals you do not have to throw all your cards on the table yet this is not all coins out in the open so hopefully for Fox that was his poker face and we're gonna see him be able to do some more tricks in there [Applause] so yeah there we go 360 double transfer Jake up on top oh yeah backflip coming in 360 tell it to Parchman you see ones up having his left hand just kind of get right back to the grip talk about really making it work backflip double tail whip look back yeah oh there you go that's the triple tail he's looking for the first quarter the first thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Niva 65 40 right there yeah there we go Jake with that big transfer the back flip in the middle of the run you're taking a different direction than Ken Atencio so Jake right here grip won't tell whip across the driveway you could see his actual peg mark on the ground from the first run where he wound up falling but the second rut getting they cleaned the way that he wanted you can see 10 steel right in the middle of the screen rocking the Red Bull helmet that is our current leader but Jake right there solid run right in front of tensio and then ninety two point six zero you see that Rider camaraderie they're both giving each other props that's because with two high scores like that the odds that you're gonna make it into the final being a top 12 are very high traditionally speaking in the feast World Series if you are in the 90s where the upper 80s you are going to wind up being in there so Jake Weaver on the top of the scoreboard the ninety two point six zero 88.2 Sandoval 85.2 Fox 83.4 Bryce Tryon Marc Webb and our frenchman ack la down there with the 70 point eight zero so seven riders have taken the course we have 23 total but let's look at the highlights as tensio does that backflip drop in quark tout 720 totally off axis also on that rotation for the 360 with the tail whip and then paying a little homage there to the late great Paul Buchanan with that Smith stall on the wet on the wall ride looking at your new leader Jake neva that was a 360 bar spin as we said there was no take off that was all bunny hop with the spin around if you wind up doing a truck driver drop in like that off a bunny hop it's much more increased and more difficult to do there you see throwing the hands out there with that suicide double bar spin at 360 tensio at the 360 double tail whip going round and then just washing out thankfully doing a quick little book plant no big deal for tensio we're looking at a few more highlights right here there's the backflip drop in this was run number two from Jake which was equivalent to his high score you're looking at a ninety two point six these are the elements linked together that will give you the high score from Jake so we are looking at our start list for Heat number three we actually saw Jake leave a ride even though his name is up there but we got Joel Baum do Alex equal in and Pat Casey who are gonna be on the course so I know for sure Pandu nikohl in Casey I see that all those three riders on course so I do not think we're gonna have a fourth rider joining them right now jaaaa bon dieu if you hear everyone cheer and that's because he is a Canadian he's also going to be doubled through a double duty today he's going to be riding in her flatland competition which you could go on to beast world series.com and check out all the hours and information if you're not there already pull up the tab take a look and see where joel is going to be joel is a fitness fanatic along with his girlfriend Joe is also known to ride in the Cirque du Soleil where he consistently puts on shows and demos and if you're gonna ride a lot of shows here we go the Canadian coming in clean 360 tail up to bar spin nice and crispy beautiful bar spin to tuck no-hander great style and Wow look at that huge transfer from the hurricane quarter pipe to at the Honor quarter haven't seen that yet in contest beautiful foot jam on 360 windshield wiper that's a tail whip to tilt back the opposite way into a double tail to bar spin quick tuck no-hander yeah Joel putting on a demo right here with the consistency of a show ride or tail whip over the spine come on Joel no hander it was an opposite tail on the spine making it even more difficult for the judges yes Max's flip into a flair with an invert that was a back flip 180 tabletop Joel bar spin over extended spine coping to coping and transition to transition unfortunately Joel going down at the end of his run if this were 2016 or even 15 we'd say that would not be a big deal by any means but since we're going to the Olympics in 2020 we've seen it the standards just be raised the bar increased when if a rider goes down even in the last seconds of their run it definitely can rip down that score very quickly nice unlooked back right there's some beautiful riding from the canadian got to wait and see where his score is going to line up against the others so Joel 60 1.40 unfortunately for Joel one a little crash out here in that 60 seconds can just impact a rider very very large so you can see our Russian contingent up there Alex Nichol and being cheered on getting that back rub get in the shoulders and get the mind that's Buick and eyes EV the poster boy all over Edmonton huge posters doing a turn down for our feast World Series cheering on his fellow brethren as we got a : coming in his Russians are animals starting off with the cash roll alley-oop downside tail pushing back to the step-up 360 double bar spin into a flare whip from me : me : one of my favorite riders to watch on the tour because he's got the style legless brakeless and can rip around the park front flip but he it's almost as if he just does these tricks of saying you know what I want to compete and I want to get in here but he's got the ability you could even just see that little table top throw it in the mix it all looks good especially that big transfer going 12 feet across the channel with the Flair this is saying I talked about Bundy doing that channel making it look easy and he just did the Flair over the channel making it even look easier yeah want to take that moment to acknowledge another late great rider talking about Colin Winckelmann the first runner do a flare across the channel first time you did it was at the ugp roots contest in Florida and then later at the East Coast terminal fbm comp but we saw with ease going across the channel Alex nickel in so the Russian packing a big punch as he goes cash roll first jump talk about gambling trying to pay off big out here that used to be the last run trick final thought but if you start now big doing it that smoothly consistent it means you got the trick unlock and equally as display in it there's some beautiful slow-motion highlights from nickel ins run you guys want to check out any other slow-motion content make sure you guys check out the worm app and as well make it over to the fees Instagram page that's at fees world or the Facebook page fees dot official check those pages out like them make sure you stay involved with all the action for the rest of the fuse world series so the next rider who's going to be up is our number 9 finisher for 2017 and Pat Casey Casey currently sitting in 16th this year he did have a big finish in our Montpelier spine event unfortunately we did not get to do a final but his semi final score was in 1st so that's why he wound up rolling away with them first well deserved because if you're riding even a semi where any qualify even make it to this level of competition you're already in the top small percentage of riders in the world so right now the Mongoose rider Pat Casey looking to roll on in being cheered on by his family yes big backflip transfer whoa look at the height coming out of that hurricane parks quarter pipe 180 tail whip to fakie utilizing that free coaster taco Hanner back down the opposite way of the step up making it a step down yeah Pat Casey that free coaster enables a rider to coast backwards without pedaling their pranks do not engage technology in the last few years has gotten a lot better and that's why we're seeing some riders bring them to Brant and Marc tweaked out cash roll right there let's see where Casey's going to go these are always the crucial moments this is what's going to separate every rider in the competition here love seeing tricks like that the 360 to fakie put into a park run flair in an alleyway on the kicker of the Box jump and run down a tailwhip aerial on the quarter pipe so getting a few little toppings in there you can see Dennis Anderson giving a pound just around the corner of that sub box there's a look at Dennis Anderson who is yet to ride I know everyone at home and can't wait to see Dennis Ryan and myself included but there was Pat's first start backflip transfer you see I had to put a 90 degree spin on it there's a bar spin right into the tail whip Casey here with that cash roll digging the way you just twist the handlebars it's a little bit sideways the 180 telleth there's the free coaster backwards right up and over back wheel popping the coping Casey coming down very clean and smooth so it looks like you can see up next this heat will be Alex Colborne so we had a little bit of names going in every which way but Casey is going up with an 82 point six zero so he's gonna currently sit in sixth place but you still see Jake leave out the only rider at the ninety two point six in top as we are starting to see a full picture here as we wind up checking through the list of riders well our next rider from at the UK he is known as the bulldog he finished third overall in 2017 currently sitting fifth overall this is Alex Cole born target of the world party [Music] : 360 I believe double bar Colborne and consistency goes hand in hand double peg up on the sub box first rider receive utilize that three tier KS as I'm going to call it the elevated section of the course and how is it great 720 bar spin so one of Colborne specialty lip tricks where you get so technical no-handed 360 on the step down so when a lot of riders want to get winded and tired they might throw it below Kovac flair with Colborne sometimes we just turn it up they get so technical utilizing his front and back wheel haha but slide right there didn't have enough gas in the tank to get around for that front flip thankfully was able to avoid end up just doing a butt plant and roll away or I should say walk away and then roll but they definitely put that butt plant in the meantime of it those things so Colburn right here bars meant to tuck no-hander fish tail in that back hand out for style points [Applause] so call born big run those were the highlights we take a look you can actually see the flatland course right now that is one of my favorite Flatlanders in the world out there talking about the New Orleans boy riding it up you know as Terry Adams dad to be Colburn storm coming in there with a low 57 whew that is brutal the judges are showing no mercy if you wind up putting a foot down if you wind up crashing and if you don't get that full ride out of the 60 seconds but our Canadian Joel bon dieu talked about double duty doing flatland today we're going to see him later on in our semi-final as bond do you blasts up over the extended spine and then the channel with the tuck no-hander Vaughn do yes he has a great push as he comes into the transitions missing a bit of speed on some of these hits as he's coming up a little short maybe yeah hot hands one two for fondue double tailwhip right there with height fondue coming up into the sub box foot jab tuck no-hander it's winding down glass tricks for bundu it's gonna be one more if you can get it out of the tank manual showing you over that front wheel boogie action which you might see a little more of in our flatland competition later but right now joel having a little difficulty in his two runs out there I know that Blake qo1 is cheering him on an internet internet and Instagram celebrity who Joe has a tendency to hang out with you also rides BMX saying go Joel go as we're looking at those Flair tailwhip going around back flip 180 feet onto the pedals look at the tail whip coming around for evident nice and high [Music] sixty-one point four that will be Joel's better run of two but not enough [Music] actually it looks like Joel's second run score is 66 point four is what we're going to talk with but still not enough to shake things up or move things around so our next rider currently sitting in fourth with an eighty four point six not looking to rest on any laurels because when you still have a dozen of the world's best who have yet taken the course and yesterday excuse me earlier today in our qualifier they potentially wrote it better than you in the eyes of the judges getting higher score you need to be ready to pour it on right now the Russian Alex equal in cash roll he's got those on lock that's for sure alley-oop tailwhip 360 doubles for spin into a tabletop flair going for the transfer here with a nice hip flip yeah front flip over the driveway and the wind is whipping up here you could just see the flags there is not a consistent breeze out in the crowd as our papers are going wild up here but right there taming the wind with that flare transfer knee Colin's got 15 seconds and he's gotta count but we saw the odds are stacked if a rider goes down and he has not played it safe no added front flip it Oh Arthur that's got to hurt not only physically but also emotionally you put down a big run and literally right at the finish line lined up tripping across it that is very disheartening that crash but here's the cash roll Nico ain't getting a round of applause from the crowd right now as we're watching highlights showing some respect right to the bottom much love to Alex you can see right there I don't know how he is smiling it might be the adrenaline pumping through his body the one thing we know our riders are very tough especially if you are from Russia so eighty four point six zero is going to be the home the score that's in there see all the other riders gano Sandoval said you okay man that was a hard crash his second attempt out here in semi finals big flare hit Casey him let him flip let's say whoa tongue twister well Casey looking to get untwisted on the course with that 180 double tau slipping a petal but that was very minimal right there able to keep his speed it's crazy to think that Pat Casey is such a veteran of the sport in his young 20s he's no stranger to competition I remember calling some of Pat's first contests when he was a year teenager and always ride to Iron Maiden right now he's looking to channel Eddie but unfortunately going down today gonna look out in the crowd you see some of our female riders cheered on Pat Casey it looks like sitting down right there Nikita do kuroh see Nick Bruce right there in the gray t-shirt black hat bar spit the tail whip Casey there we go that cash roll it's crazy in the heat number three consistency with the cash rolls superb a heap number three is correct Kent rolls out of Casey and bon dieu excuse me Casey and a nickel in I'm losing my mind it's as if I went through a casserole get dizzy out there but looks like Pat Casey again had that crash his first score was impressive we just had to guess that's going to be the score that sticks of the 82.6 the case is going to remain in six Lima 10 steals animal in the Atlanta Fox and Casey the total rider looking to bring total destruction here in Edmonton as he goes over with that transfer 360 tail whip Coleman bar spins - no hander firing back with a double bar spin over the Camelbak opting to go up on the sub smooth double peg up there didn't take too much away from his time like that he was able to get that live trick and still keep the flow rolling into that box jump 360 double tail with bars being a foot jam [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on call born 360 Oh hitting it hard on that Explorer it's in very large spine to the unorthodox unorthodox way of extending a spine very steep takeoff and landing vertical basically but extending the deck into the size of most box jumps the case on that one you're going down very hard a hard crash so happy that Colborne is able to get up a really tough rider really tough rider [Music] [Applause] all right well our next four riders are gonna wind up taking out onto the course they are going to wind up warming things up as we get ready to watch we past the halfway mark for riders he's going but look at the leaderboard Jake leave us setting that top spot ninety two point six zero ten zo eighty eight point two zero sandable eighty five point two and you move down the list nickel in fox AC Tryon web Calais and abondoned do so we talked about there being the top twelve riders that is going to be who is progressing along we will see the full picture once every rider has a score if you are just joining us we are taking a look at the highlights right here of Heat number three 360 windchill driver right there from Vaughn do alex nickel in with that cash roll right out of the gate gate perfecting it on both runs front flip as well on that long and low little box jump this the 540 Flair alley-oop version going into Pat Casey right there combinations galore there's another version of his take on the cash roll with a nice little tweak in it there's a tail whip 180 to fakie utilizing the free coaster very unique way of riding and executing the course from Pat Casey and the British bulldog right there Alex Cole horn doing justice another take on one of nickel ins cash rolls going back in these are Heat number two's on screen right now at the UCI BMX freestyle park cool and that harsh crash from Nicklin freestyle Park World Cup semi-finals of the men out here in Edmonton Canada Louise McKinney Riverfront Park that's where we are coming at you live fees World Series 2018 I wanna thank the City of Edmonton as well explore Edmonton and the province of Alberta for welcoming us in Canada the fees world serious one of the largest action sports festivals in the world bringing together all action sports disciplines into one happy family and showcasing it on a world tour by soft world tour we have this year started in Hiroshima Japan moving forward to multiple EA France our third stop of the tour we are here right now live in Edmonton Canada make sure you guys stay tuned for all the action following the tour around the world as it goes we're going to be finishing off in Chengdu China well if you saw those four names on the list you are excited because this is international Great Britain Russia USA and Australia but right now Great Britain rolling in James Jones yeah a lot of height on them the bargeman with no hander setting up for that 360 double whip foot comes off but if that's gonna happen you want to keep it going of a stand that's what James Jones is able to do backwards over the Box jump right there Wow very impressive all the riders know if you hit a box jump backwards this is steeper at landing because you're coming in on the take-off I got to tell you Ryan I've been really impressed with James Jones riding some huge combinations right out of the gate yes aster tavar spin back and barspin in on that little hit as well getting a lot of different tricks in that we have not yet seen from other riders dissecting the course very well 360 talk no head there over the Explorer Edmonton spine come back for some more lip tricks with that foot gem tail live downside and that's going to finish it off Wow so James Jones full run right there name that we're not too familiar with on the feast world series but definitely one you got to get familiar with after that first run let's look at that bar spin coming in there was a 360 double tail whip coming around foot went down but the decade over the Box backwards so crazy because it's a step up so if you're hitting it backwards step down that means that the landing is totally blind James Jones don't run right there did have the foot come down in the middle we talked about it being very much a game of perfection out here with the judges score to be ninety two point six zero will it be enough the Tehachapi California rider Jake leave us still sitting in that top spot has great written all the way on the other side of the Atlantic wait for his score taking a look at our flags out there you can see the consistency is the number one highlight as our weather stats 40-kilometer out an hour winds that's what my eyes are going to write on that one yes is 21 degrees Celsius is beautiful Sun but man the wind is the factor for all too real discipline sports especially here in freestyle BMX park when you are flying five meters above the ground level in most cases the wind really takes you on the bump your feet and sweeps you around in directions who do not want to go 182 is not too shabby at all so it looks like he's gonna be the last score in the 80s James Jones with a 82 second seventh but our another Russian rider coming in at no stranger to danger and no stranger to the feast world series we're talking about Kosta Andre Eve in 2007 he finished sixth overall after the year currently Kosta is sitting in 14th place as we approach our third stop Kosta coming out with one of the biggest errors on that block jump that I've seen today whoa that could have been very very dangerous he was going for cannonball barspin it's always frustrated when a rider goes down you know they're trying to bring their best and stuff but we talked about it being a best run at format there you go it can be very frustrating when a rider winds up fresh and going down all right a little bit of lost time but again we talked about the scores being something that matter very affected on this judging panel from any bubble in the run especially if you have a full crash like that so hopefully it's not going to affect them too much Lao you to full cost technical abilities this man who's been able to come out and dominate the mini-ramp contest as well in Montpelier and you see that there the tail whip foot jam whip that was like maybe a little bit of a preview of the scene his second run good he didn't that mess up in there but 360 how it to talk no hander here's look at that the outside 360 Caleb took bar spent somehow and look how technical that is putting the front tire and then a second tail whip and then you're seeing the different variation with a bar spin around [Applause] so as scores come up on the screen what everyone has been waiting for every rider every fan Ryan up myself and I know everyone at home Dennis Anderson all of our riders know but if you're new to be a max Dennis some up might say and I would back this statement one of the most talented and skilled riders currently on planet Earth on a BMX bike if someone wants to challenge that statement send me a message Daryl now on Instagram I'd like to hear your story for that explanation Dennis in 2016 was an X Games gold medalist and this is our first time we're seeing at the feast World Series a little Nyquist inspired trick right there 360 double-suicide barspin so Dennis from Southern California backflip tail whip can catch him sometimes at the Claremont skate park in San Diego yeah loading that right there now Dennis known for some of his insane BMX riding parts in video here we go Dennis Anderson whipping out some stuff we have not seen any other riders you that was a huge transfer from the step-up lip right into the pocket going with some massive combinations coming back into the boss some Dennis Anderson this is the riding we are looking for yes Anderson not only lighting up our course here in Edmonton but also lighting up our crowd let's see if he's got to keep it going Lars meant a disaster looking for a final cherry yeah good nose bonking tail weave just holding on to that one at the end but some of the biggest highlights we've seen so far in this contest Wow Ryan this is going to be interesting because Anderson had some of the biggest transfers biggest tricks and unique style but his foot went down on that nose manual to tell it let's look at that 360 double bar spin throwing the hands out suicide style for some extra points and flavor as Anderson right here floating that one hand one footed table top you see the City of Edmonton in the background and there yet that telev transfer coming up setting up in the pocket for that wall ride and here's the 360 out to fakie and that nollie place to tail with I tell you what that little if that little foot down was the demise of this run being on top I quit second place 89 88 may have very well beam yeah you and I are not the judges we don't make the calls but it's it's very safe to say if that foot didn't go down right there it could have potentially changed some stuff out there now this is the semi final top 12 scores do move you to the final but we've seen since we're outside with Mother Nature like we had in Montpelier in the spine event if it does rain or something happens and we can't do tomorrow the semi-final can sometimes one account it so we're keeping our heat international our next ride of the Australian Jake will work from Oz taken to Edmonton double tail whip out of the gate flair front flip flair tuck no-hander 360 bar spin over the camel hump yes flair whip out of that tail whip backwards on the spine big front flip taco header as the wind picks up heavy out here on course 360 down side tail whip coming back in to the Edmonton box some big front flip cars spin but not getting the rotation on that one and loop it out [Music] Woolworths got ten seconds to work with here no hander [Applause] Raun distance trying to get that rotation so we'll work having a little bit of technical difficulties number four of six look at the transfer double time around going all the way to explore Edmonton box Sedna perfectly for that no handed front Focolare here's a look hands coming off I believe double time right there there's the far spin front flip and not able to get the weight fully committed around so difficult because when you throw the bars got it counterbalance your weight can't go over fully or the bars will hit your legs and will work not able to readjust get that rotation so unfortunately a forty five point four zero is we're gonna go back to the top of heat number James Jones so Joel bon dieu currently sitting on the bubble sixty six point four zero is the squirted bead so impressed with James Jones first run he unfortunately had that little debacle go down as well at the end eighty-two so he's got a lot of room to move up let's see it's all about putting together when it counts got a lot of pressure you traveled halfway around the planet to put it on for these sixty eight seconds times two you got two minutes to make it go [Music] yeah bunnyhop tailwhip coming in 360 with the bars into a foot jam coming out with the bars as well James Jones backwards on the Box jump 360 bar speed to talk no hander then come in the regular way backflip bar spins and tuck 360 downside tail whip faster to tail aback in such an impressive trick you gotta have a lot of upper-body strength to pull that off my name's Flair bar and stop you got to get that pop it hop let's see nose up with the foot jam double time that is buzzer bill yeah James look at that tail whip bunny hop coming right in that is a very large ramp to do that in snowplow coming down [Music] faster to Tao it's so impressive you got to find your body position they make sure that you hit both wheels evenly on what parts of the ramp the face and the deck to get that hop and pop using your upper body and your headset to get the crank the frame to come around if there's a little bit of a pause it's for good reason because the moment you disaster you go do I have it do I have it then you got to hop and pull it around so James Jones right there putting it down as you can see on one direction you've got the City of Edmonton and right in the other direction behind the course you've got the rolling hills of Edmonton one of the coolest cities I've ever been to where you're combining nature within an urban environment there we go taking a look the other way we are nestled in downtown Edmonton it's so cool because you basically have forests rolling rivers Hills everything that you could want mixed in with the metropolis area so cool and one thing I want to highlight so clean it's very nice and refreshing to be in a big major city and it's just it's a beautiful place you literally want to jump in the river that's flowing through a city and most major places you never want to say that at all but James Jones his second score is going to be an eighty four point two so that means it's going to be a higher one going up a couple points going into six hopefully that will be enough to hold off the other riders the packs of wolves who are going to be trying for the higher scores to move up now one of them being a Kosta on that a Yves Kosta Anthony the Russian going for his second run if he is able to pull it together he's pushing for the top spot from the Russians out here in Edmonton yes yes there's no hander it's just gonna be great style whoa Kasia going for cannonbolt believe tailwhip that's frustrating for Tasha I know got to be trouble all the way around the other side of the world this is the points race as we said Kosta last year finished in sixth currently sitting in 14th so not super characteristic to see caution down on the Box right now sitting in 13th place just out of bubble contention for the finals which is going to be tomorrow 61 even we take a couple highlight looks that his run out here there was a 360 bar spent talk no hander going for that Superman tail whip [Music] so yeah Kosta sitting in that 13th spot [Music] 39.4 his first run of the 61 is going to be the big score but the big man currently sitting in second Southern California he did not disappoint his first run let's see how he plays it he might just say you know what I'm gonna just have a good time out here knowing that he's got a high score that will bring him into the finals yeah pendulum Dennis Anderson man I've looked up to this guy for so many years so cool to see him out here at a phase a World Series stop so this is what we're talking about Dennis right now just having a good time out on the course knowing that he put down a good run saying hey you know what I'll save it for tomorrow waving it off to the crowd right they're definitely a good move to play now also a little bit of a gamble to like you said we've seen where the weather sometimes but the forecast is calling for clear skies today into tomorrow so definitely something important although Ryan we have seen the wind pick up as weekend's have wound up progressing through the days hopefully that's not the case we get a full final in tomorrow but either way sitting in second it's a good spot for enison currently I think that's a good way to look at it as well throwing out some old school dirt tricks right there pendulums you know we're not sure well I'll tell you as far as nofa can cans going both ways to make popular I'm gonna say Chris Bennett okay Chris Bennett rode it push trails he was an influence to Chris Doyle Doyle if you're watching what up I know you'll say the same knob props number seven I believe the same one as the props eight long island scene report Bennett was on the cover doing a toe foot one hander there was a push session but over race track and I know Isaac ground chuck is watching definitely threw down some pendulums but throw the no footer in first and then you got Chris Bennett awesome a rider who has a signature Superman so there we go a little bit of history right there he's gone BMX trails would up represent Bennett you're the man square one is back take for square one clothing but right now take a look at the course for Jake lower charging Oh triple town transfer from the Explorer Edmonton quarter to the landing of the Box jump 360 barspin over the camel hub right now wall work is locked in you could just tell he is laser-focused to make it happen no handed front flip this time getting around yes won't work looking to just keep it poured on as the clock is ticking through the sand and just marching through the hourglass as wall work comes in 360 tail whip come on won't work yeah going for it sound like it a crank snap there or something yeah hard impact on the very bottom of that always disappointing when you see it riders out here pushing through trying to make magic happen through a qualifier to a semi is such an impressive feat then there was 101 heap I do believe one he left or is there - I'm actually gonna say and then there were two heats I think unless we're gonna wind up doing this a little bit differently yeah although there should be although when we saw the rider list initially on-screen it said 23 riders but I do have to tell you we didn't see his name in the heat where we had three riders which I believe was Heat number two II recognize EV and I did see him out on the course so I'm not sure if he is going to be competing or not but who I can tell you we see on course right now practicing as we take a look at our scoreboard Jake hold it high with the 92 Anderson eighty nine point eight zero ten Co eighty eight point two zero Sandoval nickel in Jones Fox Casey but the real story develops as we look here for Tryon web Calais fondue and unfortunately Andre Eve is going to be on the outside followed by Cole born and Wallwork when I say on the outside number 12 where bon dieu is sitting with a sixty six point four zero that is the mark to beat that is where you are sitting saying I hope that no other rider has a score and as you wind up going up the numbers you're saying alright I can maybe bien I maybe might not be but when you still have eight of the world's best you have yet to take the course you are stressing Anderson right there one hand at one foot tabletop there is that telev transfer we haven't seen any other rider mess around at all with the transfer let alone throwing tail whip let alone set up smoothly enough to cut the pocket and hit that wall ride up on top of the sub box I mean I just love watching that type of riding yeah the reason we're talking about Dennis so much it's so cool seeing him out here we're not necessarily playing favoritism it's just exciting seeing him Anderson is known as a video rider even though because he put out so many memorable parts from his first Nike part to his own company market he had a video that just unreal ripping and representing his own local town riding through his street called residents really cool just type in Dennis Anderson give him a follow on Instagram you can see these videos that we're talking about but Dennis has been no stranger to the contest series and the thing is he had won X Games gold in 2016 in Park but the thing that separates Dennis from some of the other riders as the clock goes or the courses out there Dennis maybe won't throw a below coping flare or something that you know that he can do but play it quote/unquote safe Dennis goes out there a high-energy beginning to end with big transfers with me tricks but if he's not feeling he might wind up waving it off rather than say you know what I'm gonna milk this thing and I'm gonna do a bunch of tricks and maybe he feels might not look as visually appealing and do tricks and yeah you know what I'm gonna kind of milk this so Big Ups Dennis really nice to see it up here and the fact that he first time being here at the feast world series we love having you all right while our next rider he is our 2017 defending champion Daniel Dhers from it Venezuela he was on the top of the board currently he is sitting in a second place as we have two stops down and number three looking to turn it up a few notches and get on that ladder back to the top where he's no that was a big transfer for that 360 double tail with dares living in North Carolina he's got his own skate park down there 360 no foot kick and the tail whip that's the signature from Daniel Dhers he definitely invented that one and I have not seen anyone else do that since that 720 was corked out his post borderline cash flow right there's a hybrid those two tricks together 360 double tail whip let's see if your dare is definitely known to pick the course apart and we haven't seen any other rider transfer to the Camelback that is true that is a very unique transfer and then coming back the opposite way on the Camelback that's something that Daniel is known for is almost his scientifical strategic approach to the course trying to say hey you know what what are people using what are they not using which ways can I go in direction so that the judges say hey I haven't left any line off the course if you were to look at a bird's eye view of his runs generally they have more zigs and zags and any other rider out there and Daniel putting down a big first run so Daniel transfer with that 360 double tail whip floating backwards finding the pedals there's that corked out 720 360 double tau up on the step up there's a major contest daniel has been on top of the podium first-place rock and the gold rock and the cups and looking to do the same 2018 as he did in 17 specifically as we roll towards the Olympics Daniel very competitive rider a very competitive person and wants to really be sitting in a good position and make sure that he's there for the Olympic Games in 2020 obviously it's on every riders mind was competing here at feasts otherwise they would not be here but we know that Daniel does bring out the competitive side and himself when he rides score to beat ninety two point six zero still being held strong by Jake diva we wound up seeing in our second heat here is a seventh rider out of the course as dares being our 16th [Music] Wow okay sit in ninth place Oh a little surprised with that score not knocking it or putting it down but dear ism we've kept us feet on the pedals right there we're just seeing that the competition's really getting turned up out here so the judges are really looking for original lines you're looking for big tricks whoa that was sure a rider leaves their feet part of the pedals the whole time but right now a rider is looking to keep it together their Australian talked about a rider who went back and forth to the top of the podium one year with Logan one year went to Daniel and won a year it's looking to hopefully go back to Australia for 720 parking right there just as you were speaking about the highlights of mr. Logan Martin coming on the fees world series he has just been blowing some height on all of these hits yes big transfer at that Flair Logan missed one of her stops earlier in the year due to a collarbone break you wind up getting surgery where it's the plates the screws put in it looks like he's riding back to 100% right now as he puts a big front flip across the driveway that's if you want to throw in a few more sprinkles on there [Applause] for Logan Martin so the hyper rider from Down Under Australia we look at the contents of run number one look at that backflip with the tail whips sideways and the treat as well in that course 720 bar spin yeah Ryan you talk about height from Logan and we talked about that being a factor now not only are you going high on the course the judge is like but yet in the height you gotta have him speed because speed once the momentum will equal the height and if you do that especially with the wind I'm gonna play it safe and not go as high would you go up the probability that something go wrong definitely see my ranch is gonna be the next comedy with a 91 even good enough for second place right now the loge a clever bumping out Dennis Anderson from that second place spot and putting him into third right now as we move forward preparation provider mari brantas SATA rider has come to his own really put his feet down the pro division of contest look at that 360 double tail with over the channel yeah we basically have seen a barn throughout the last few years at the Beast World Series graduate through the ranks developing his own style in Hiroshima this year he actually went for a crazy spin over the box remember his back wheel just folded and happened blew off his bike now he's riding a very supercharged as Martin ran fish the Croatian tail whips around I believe that was triple one two and three that landings enormous to blend of catching them to coming all the way down as Martin is just pouring it on with 18 seconds 360 downside help on the step-up coming back with ten seconds left on the clock backflip tail whip over the Box jump Oh missing the kick on that almost looked like he kicked through his frame ah that is so frustrating that is what you're seeing with so many of our riders it's almost more painful at this contest than any other that we've seen when a rider winds up messing up because it seems like the judges they're even for all the riders out here it's an even playing field the scores they're given but it's as we move towards Tokyo 2020 Olympics it seems like the criteria where the rider messes up their score is impacted even more years passed or some other contest where maybe the focus is more on progression and not on that consistency a rider can wind up messing up put his foot down maybe even a crash and it's not impacted as negatively but that's why we also switch the best-run format as opposed to an overall approach because a rider could put down a big solid first run and they K good you know what I'm gonna wind up having some fun in my second run and try to progress to roll the dice a little bit higher where it leaves a door open for someone like Brian Fox where we saw him on his first run bypass even taking that run he's not penalized for it he came back with the second run who he's still currently sitting in eighth place all right well right now the big boy from Australia he won first place out in Hiroshima currently sitting in third overall last year finished in 11th this is Brandon Lupo's come on lubos new boats getting speed for the Box jump triple 360 whip whoo gray can't can't step through 360 bar spin with that X up coming back to the wall get some speed going [Music] into the big quarter pipe Trent oh he's okay from that one lucky didn't hit his massive massive air Wow thankfully he is okay like you said I was terrifyingly out-of-control but I was afraid we were gonna have a headbangers ball and he was gonna hit his head right on that crossbar but let's look at the highlights as he goes over that spine the back end of the frame whipping around there's that look back you were talking about super clear triple 360 whip right there and coming just getting a little too high bounce whoa and held it out thankfully it looked like he was able to press his chest into the handle bars and the hammer bars gave way going forward so maybe there didn't break any ribs better when your bike takes the stress that's one thing riders should know you never even actually want your bike to be 100% strong I don't mean ride a weak bike but if you're gonna crash better the bike part gives way rather than your body has to give way so if there was an indestructible bike or stem where it didn't move that impact would be taken by the rider the fact that his bars moved forward a little bit gives you a little bit of breathing room hopefully it went to the bike and not necessarily the ribs obviously there's a fine line between that and obviously we don't ride right garbage we ride the best bikes we can but if something's going to give you want it to be your bike rather than your own bones so right now Daniel Dhers we talked about his first run being a little bit uncharacteristic down at than eight zero let's see what Daniel doesn't run number two to make up that gap three-sixty tailwhip right there instead of a double whip so actually his first run was a little higher on that one 360 no foot can tail if that's what he did as well in first round let's see if he switches it off getting the change of the transfer for Cork 720 tuck no-hander into a flair tuck no-hander coming back up into the step-up 360 double bar spin look at the tackle Dennis Anderson right there 360 no foot Ken double whip on that transfer the only rider we see hitting that transfer onto the backside of the camel hump 360 onto her elevated portion of the course Flair Daniel this is why he's been on the top of almost every major podium is because he can deliver when the pressure is on any rider can do these tricks when you just have all day to do it with dares right there delivering it for run number two so his first run was an 80 he's sitting in 10th place but we still have a whole other heat of riders to go when you have four more of your top qualifying riders and you were sitting in any position for eight through 12 that means that you can get bumped out of there so dares wants to put some distance between let's look [Music] no I'm I'm not calling any scores right now I'm not too sure where things are going to end up this just such big talent going on [Music] yeah as we said Daniels first score the ad was uncharacteristic of Daniel it just goes to show the judges are really turning up this year again it's an even playing field so it's not that they're doing favoritism out there it's just the name of the game and look at that Daniel bumping up with an eighty seven point six zero I was gonna give him some breathing room definitely as we mentioned before more riders to go he will be in a position where he will have advancement into the final but that gives Marc Webb more ice try on Pat Casey and Brian Fox something to think about [Applause] Logan Martin going high again there with that transfer Blair a backflip tail wet part of me that's all right it's a tongue-twister out there the one thing to know is that Logan Martin is keeping it rolling with that flare bar spin and the Australian bomb dropping in it whoa love Howie with that other portion the portion of the 720 round after you got that truck driver so that makes it a 360 bars been into another 360 Logan's another rider whose sights are set on 2020 for the Olympics definitely a favorite even this far out the reason being the consistency of the name of the game as Logan Martin was our feast overall champion in 2016 and 15 the year of 17 he finished second overall so you know he wants to march right back up and put back his crown on his head and hold that cup up high [Music] [Applause] a big second run out there for logan martin to take some replay looks yeah ryan i just want to take a moment and give a lot of props to our riders riding in this crazy headwind out here up in our announcing tower I mean papers are flying everywhere coffee cups umbrellas it's crazy the amount of wind that's just flowing out there and Logan makes it look effortless as he does all those backflip 360 tail whip variations so Logan a boom ninety one point four zero another big score for Martin got two of them in the 90s the only rider to do that today so consistency and confidence out there one thing I do want to note the two scores that are put on the board you might say hey that's not important the second score well the effect of a tie or something that could be going on we've seen before with the second score can play a factor so no rider wants to rest on their laurels right now Croatian cheering on for the World Cup soccer saying go Croatia go and right now it's Martin ran Tish on the course [Music] [Music] three times around so crazy Paulino hand air look - just lace it together here take you place the rim downside 360 tail whip come on Marvin let's go ten seconds backflip tail with no hander crucial moments here wall ride at the buzzer all right we're at fish out there getting it done - run - we talked about his first run that we saw where he wound up having that crash 57.2 was the first I have a feeling that he's going to wind up doing a lot better again this could shake the pack if you're sitting on that bubble Marc Webb what Bryce try on you are saying he will just be higher than my score webbie's of the 73 point to Samar Anand needs a seventy three point - or up we still have a whole nother heat of riders to go [Music] as our crowd is slowly making their way here we still have a full day of BMX ahead of us in it to Edmonton there's a look at the judges hard at work you can practically see the smoke coming off their heads because they've not only have to watch every single rider out here and give it a score but they have to judge each riders score against each other so that that basically means score is determined not only based off what a rider's doing but they say how does that fit in place where our other riders are at wot to remember a lot of notes take and a lot to figure out so rant ition eighty four point four zero so that means unfortunately marc webb is going to bump out Bryce Tryon is on the bubble pack Casey Brian Fox they're the ones scratching their head right now crossing their fingers let's not forget Brandon Lucas also had that difficulty of his first run looks like he ran up adjusting his bars back into position there we go that was a triple telev I think so quick sometimes yeah Lumos rocking the pink and green ODI grips little ode to breath Tennessee which shout out to break big double backflips so insane to think he pulled that with the front flip and this wind landed a little low did his bars move forward it looks like they might have when a rider's handlebars moved even a few millimeters it could adjust the entire steering of your bike if the bars are more forward it's a lot steeper for wicker and your response is going to be off and it's going to adjust your weight oh that is a good question how in a deed what wow it looks so far forward his cars [Applause] yeah Lupo I'm gonna clap right now hands are together along with all of Edmonton sandy had a Lupo's defying logic somehow on that flip so we're gonna let our last heat of horsemen or get on to the chorus warm things up as we get ready to look at some of the madness from Lupo's so the first run lupus had the difficulty but here is that triple tau up around lupus with that look back that was confirmed from Lupo's the bars did go forward after holding on right there just incredible pushing austria Camelback with the flip so crazy so big Brendan lupus out there moving the bars forward but still able to make it happen so his first score was a scratch with the 53 if you guys remember he did that big air on the quarter pipe tried to really get maximum roast hold into the transition a little bit too much you could see a rider's up there waiting for the score to come in lupus grabbing his breath that's it guys EV who we have honor sheets as riding earlier in the contest I don't know maybe he's injured it doesn't look like he's gonna be riding in that last Heat no your eyes EV is definitely not riding I was speaking to it before he's really bummed off his ankle so he's he's out for this one I'm sure of it which is unfortunate that sometimes happens when a rider winds up qualified through and last minute practice that we could go down definitely heartbreaking because Eirik is our poster boy for the event he's got a super quick turn down you could go on our website feasts World Series comm and see the photo that I'm talk to Lupo's within eighty three point eight zero so he's gonna move up to ten that means that Brice Tryon is out but if you are casey fox or Lupo's your fate is still in the hands same with with james jones because our top four qualifiers have yet to ride but essentially that means if you are in the top eight leave a Martin Anderson tensio dare Santa bolt Nicola nor rant ish that means that you have already qualified unofficially into the final but Jones Lupo's Fox and Casey are definitely in that pressure spot eighty four point two zero to an eighty two point six zero not a lot of room there but a lot of props to try on web palais and bon dieu for getting out there riding with the best of them but twelve will roll let's look at some of the highlights ryan checking out some massive spin combinations tale of combinations and just progression definitely of how contest runs are done as we're pushing forward still have one heat left and i've seen some incredible riding and let me tell you this is only the semi-finals out here in Edmonton tomorrow we're gonna be having the finals underway and that is going to happen at 4 p.m. Edmonton time you guys you checked out out on the calendar Wow look at that from thank thank thank the universe memoranda lupus is okay a rider doesn't want to get stuck when they're flying out over a transition like that at the maximum height you could get with your weight forward that is not the position you want to be in thankfully Lupo's was able to do a second run and hopefully for him qualified as we said we are not making our way yet for our top four riders who have still yet to go and anything is possible here at the feast world series so looking at beautiful downtown Edmonton as we take a look at the last riders to roll Jeremy mallet Rimet Nakamura Nick Bruce and Justin Dowell you see right there one life one chance Jeremy mallet recently a father looking to go big and that he does four hits in one it's a tailwhip with the bar spins so a triple tail with air right out there mallet you'd shown you why was one of our top qualifiers I had a chance to talk to Jeremy earlier in the year and he said being a father has definitely supercharged his riding and each stop he'd just been progressing more and more and you are seeing that firsthand account [Music] [Applause] well either way he's shredding out there will be Amex bike [Music] yeah Jeremy currently sitting 12th after the two point stops in our race but Mallett right there throwing down big [Applause] [Music] yeah Jeremy's 720 is really smooth coming up our step setting up for that flare back flip 180 around that extra little rotation in their back flip off the landing aha so frustrating when a rider goes down towards the end of a great run like that score to beat the ninety two point six zero mallet with the sixty-two point six zero not going to be enough to shake things up gonna sit in the 17th right now the pressure will be up for Jeremy's second run well we saw him crush it at the first two stops the young phenomenon from Japan [Music] currently sitting seventh in our points race this is a rim Nakamura whoa you tight as well in that triple truck driver I just had a chance to hang and ride with rim at Woodward camp looks like he's gonna wave this off maybe something's wrong with his bike sometimes like we saw Brian Fox if a rider's not feeling it they're just gonna take a moment if you're not feeling it your heads not in the game that's that's what happens sometimes you got to trust your instinct do not trust your instinct you don't do it riders wouldn't have gotten this far in their BMX career when it got to the main stage here if that was not the case so Rim will have another opportunity and since it's best run counts it's all good for RIM if you could put it on so his score seventeen point six zero obviously not going to be up on the board but our next rider is sitting on top of the board from the United States of America had a big finish in Montpelier first place this is Nick Bruce Nick's another rider I just got to hang with last week at Woodward East in Pennsylvania Nick Bruce is on one at the current moment and looking to keep that big momentum as he's looking to pour it on here in Edmonton him with that look back too far but holding it together still back to the Box jump 360 windshield wiper yes going over that Camelback looks like maybe one of his gyro cables popped up out most riders are not having brakes on their bike very few we see with the gyro it's a tangler system up there where a rider can still use brakes have certain tricks it looks like maybe Nick roost indeed we can see a hit and when a pop me out his gyro tab excuse me his cable from the tab let's see ooh there was landing a little bit low in that transfer it was on the 360 backflip we're at the trouble I was at 360 tail whip to down side tail whip Nik Bruce one of the first riders never do a 360 double tail whip - downside whip give a shout out to all sound little barbero the first rider do it 360 downside to regular tilt Alessandro just missed our semifinal by one spot but it's always great seeing Alessandro at the contest to the finals but right now your top qualifier the young rider Justin Dowell out on the course whoa triple truck driver yes alley-oop 360 tail to turn down into that was the twix air right there 960 with the back end and the handlebars at the same time known as a tail whip our spin at same time yeah double bar spin so right now towel over making Virginia proud at that cannonball air yo flair turned down 360 bar spit bars backwards dowels showing you why it was the number one qualifier there are no blank walls no blank moments action-packed with 15 seconds to go floating a big no-handed 3 Dowell coming in Hornet on licking that opposite look back 360 Wow big run for the USA Ryder just a dowel so Virginia Beach is where dowel calls home right now he's looking very at home on the world stage here in Edmonton with that run let's take a look looking back right there digging it unconventional style to get into that look back you had that Twix there is the opposite look back 360 the way his feet could be positioned to grind up crank it into it so score to beat Jake levia 92.6 oh the number one qualifier did it yesterday will it be enough in our semi-final [Applause] [Music] here we go eighty nine point six zero said owl almost crack it into the 90s in Danforth right there so again the story is all around that twelfth place spot unfortunately Pat Casey bumped out Brian Fox on the bubble Lupo's Jones and ran Tesh so mallet still has not made it that means that he could bump out one of our riders if you are rant ish excuse me if you're Jones Luke Louis or Fox that means you have not qualified yet beautiful flare whip right there go ahead and coming into the honor quarter pipe nice downside Taylor he has coming up into the step-up 720 right now mallets looking to pour it on three of our four riders had difficulty in their first run and these were our top qualifiers so it's really a nail-biter not only for our riders knowing the pressures on they delivered it yesterday suit me this morning we had our qualifier but it really comes down to you're sitting in 12 11th or 10th place which is Fox lupus or Jones [Applause] so the squirt beats to make it into our final to be one of the top 12 is Jones's score of an eighty four point two the question is do you think his second run of Jeremy mallet was an eighty four point two or higher no right what do you think let's look at these highlights I had said earlier on I'm gonna stop calling scores as it's just getting too intricate from my knowledge right now but it's a tough call I mean this is a nail-biter right here I don't know I mean Jeremy the second run was definitely a different flavor than the first but he had that boggle judges up there it's like 10 eyeballs 5 brains trying to figure out where they're gonna sit you don't all these riders they still ride these are top riders in the world they've been in a contest before you name if there's been a major platform van was actually a feast champion way back when and look at that mallet not enough to 79 point to 0 so that is very heartbreaking you usually don't see that where one of our top qualifiers don't make it in so what that does mean though unofficially that I believe Jones will make it so the only two riders blue posts are Fox and it comes down to rim Nakamura if he could do it or Nick Bruce potentially pop out our other two riders so rim Nakamura the Japanese rider we saw him punch out and tap out 15 or 20 seconds to his first run and let's see what he's got for the quad truck driver right there for around I believe the first rider to do that if you want a fun fact was Chris Duncan the floridian rider who is known for throwing bar spins that he used to do quad trucks he's probably know that name Ryan cuz the mountain bike were all to the mountain bike world Christmas saying it was a joke for a long time I could clean up all these mountain bikers didn't know what the BMX tricks were he had a very big mountain bike career shout out to Chris I know that he still rides and watches the feast World Series and he's seeing his influence right now all the way in Japan as rim Nakamura is coming through with 15 seconds he's looking to dig deep as he comes off the wall dropping down Nakamura big combo let's go 5 seconds come on rim Superman bar spin at the buzzer for the Oakley red bull rider Wow some rim getting it done on the course if you are Brandon lupus or Brian Fox you are crossing your fingers toes and everything else in between but look at that quadruple truck-driver one two three four times around think about that for all of our riders out there next time you throw a bar spin and you catch it go to I am time or what would it take to throw it three more times after that at your local park and then go you know what imagine that in a 360 so the young rider 16 years old throwing a quadruple truck-driver BMX is such a promising future in Japan not only because the Olympics will be there in 2020 but if rim Nakamura is leading the way awesome rider awesome person and really just someone that I'm excited to see holding the torch we were going forward it's just looking over our shoulder I was actually getting mesmerized from our flatland athletes is they're getting ready to start their semi finals which is going to be going on just an hour after we're gonna finish this semi finals for the BMX speaking of lat there you go you can see them warming up out on the course we've got a very stack Heat 12 of the world's best right now Alex Juma Len is taking to course Joomla a legend of the feast world series but we're bringing it back over the BMX park right now as the score comes in Oh rim Nakamura 83 points here alums out Brian Fox oh oh that is an upset for mr. Fox as he goes into 13th position and the Japanese rim at Nakamura so that means Lupo's is technically and unofficially and that means that rim at Nakamura even though he's in at the moment he's on the outside potentially of depending what Nick Bruce can do if there's one rider you want to count on for getting a high score it's usually Nick Bruce says these are current points leader in 2017 Nick Bruce wants to be in the finals tale with transfer but the pressures on and he knows it it's always interesting to see how a rider can deliver when the cards are stacked and especially the drama is built 360 kick in the towel around the downside tail whip that's double tail poking Camelback you can see the Ryder camaraderie Nick Bruce actually wearing a Logan Martin t-shirt out there the LM on the chest Nick is one of the nicest guys BMX always down to be supportive of his fellow rider going through the Dennis Anderson transfer limo F and if you could see Nick Bruce having a little bit of difficulty on it it just goes to show how in control Dennis Anderson was on that gap then going for a 360 double down side Taylor and then huge backflip 360 into an ice pick that was a big run for Nick Bruce and something he definitely needed rolling through Wow Bruce putting it down when it counts but the question is will it be enough to bump out rim at Nakamura score we saw it the quadruple truck driver 283 point six or higher is what Bruce is looking for there is a look on that step up taking another angle 360 tail whip to down side tail whip Bruce coming in with the 360 double wet lands a little bit low but thankfully able to keep his feet to the pedals there's the 360 backflip up and over the step-up Nick crew is putting down a big score or big run the question is will it be a big score to match beep did not go down but did have a little difficulty on that transfer the one thing that does work as I said in Dennis Anderson's favor of just showing how difficult it was he put a tail whip in in the mix if you are Brendan lupus you're saying I need to be in the final I need the scores I need the points because Luke loss is currently sitting third he had a win out in Hiroshima Nick Bruce also our current leader he had a win except in Montpelier they've been one and two neck-and-neck and it's down to the wire of who will make it in to our final oh and Nick Bruce barely swelling it with an eighty three point seven to zero so that means rim Nakamura is out Brandon Lucas is in look at that you see it in reverse order that is very untraditional for a contest where Nick Bruce one of our top qualifiers along with Lupo's are just barely squeaking in there well Justin Dal was already qualified for the final his score is it eighty nine point six he's sitting and fourth does he go out there and put on a demo does he try to up his score or maybe Dow will be in such a progressive riot or maybe he uses this as a best trick contest we're about to find out oh yeah we'll almost going down thankfully able to get the hand on the grip nice cannon ball right there looks like he was going for something a bit more I'd be calling it at this point 360 whip to fakie yeah get that half cab with the bar spin a little flavor for Dowell now as a rider he keeps his bike super light there's something titanium it's on his bike you don't see it in the way he rides a superlight bike probably pushing sub 20 maybe even a little bit lighter so you saw that twigs air 360 look back [Music] [Applause] now will second score eighty six point eight zero that means the eighty nine point six zero is the score of dowels that's going to keep him in that fourth place spot we see all of our riders out there unfortunately rim Nakamura getting bumped out you can see the Japanese Red Bull rider on the outside looking in but taking a look at the battlefield as our semi results come in ninety two point six is Jay kleva Logan Martin Dennis Anderson at Justin Dowell Kenneth tensio Daniel Dhers Daniel Sandoval alex nickel in our top eight riders but we are taken at 12 as we get ready to look at marrin rant ish James Jones Brandon Lupo's and just getting in there is Nick Bruce take a look at that from 11th through 14 all 83 and the difference it separates each one writers point 1 1/10 of a point is what separates if you made it or you did not so crazy to think about that I want to give Big Ups and a lot of respect to all the riders in the competition all the way bound to Jake bulwark who rode with his heart on the line unfortunately not able to get that top score in at the contest but this was just our semifinal and let's look at some of the highlights Ryan from our contest beautiful action that we had going out here it's Jake doing some work first as well is that 360 windshield wiper here we go 360 transfer it will look back I love the way they was able to get his feet in position in their layout there was some amazing highlights coming throughout the entire contest from all these athletes is one of the most jam-packed semi finals I've witnessed in the BMX world so far this year yeah it was interesting how shaken up that we went up see in the pack so not only were our top qualifiers down to the wire something we could make it in and someone up having some difficulty in their first run but it's so interesting to wind up seeing which riders progressed in which din it this was their semi-final earlier in the day we had our qualifier there were 24 riders and as we said you only take in the top 12 that are progressing on to our final which will be tomorrow like we've been talking about it's just such an amazing contest actually so far this was so jam-packed we had riders all the way like Nick brews all the way down the bottom Brian Fox as well pushed out from the bubble spot he's sitting now in 14th place rim Nakamura as well pushing dad to the wire right there in the ring almost in there and then all of a sudden nick bruce firing back what a semifinal it's absolutely amazing from all the professional BMX athletes coming out here what were some highlights for you just seeing literally the competition back and forth down to the end the way that we have this new format best run counts it makes it so interesting the fact that the riders can be out there and you can see somebody like rim Nakamura say you know what I didn't get it on my first run I'm gonna put it to the side and I'll go for that quadruple truck driver in the second run and not be penalized for it really making for exciting competition as we're progressing through our series for me it was personally the fangirl moments when I was able to see Dennis Anderson ride I love this guy I just am so excited to see what he has to bring to the table for the next events out here on the world series as well as for the finals tomorrow but he did not take the top honors let's take a look at the Wyndham run out here in the semi-finals so here's J kleva starting things out with that bunnyhop truck driver that's that 360 with the bar spin Jake going up on top of our battleship backflip dropping in he's showing you what it takes to get that high score in the 90s ninety two point six to be exact the Tehachapi rider from California backflip double tail whip all the way to pedals looking back on the transfer levia over the Camelback just that back-end locked loaded snapping around whirling one two three times I believe double downside tail look you see I was just over the head tube able to get his feet on the pedals smooth even with that manual Liva coming back over the Box jump setting up for a 360 can't can't step through now the thing that separated Jake from a lot of the other riders was working the clock all the way to the end here you can see Jake boom rotating around and just making it work in his favor so there you go that's how you get on top of this incredibly packed heat of the top professional BMX athletes in the world but there's not only this action going on the Sun is well it's coming down but it's still warm out and it's great time for our last event of the day it's gonna be the Flatlanders they're doing their semi-finals it's gonna be myself Ryan and Darryl bring that to live and I do believe that's just going to be in one hour time so make sure you guys stay tuned on all the channels let's take a look at the overall ranking however for the park riders and let's see how they link up in the series so far so if we take a look Nick Bruce who we just witnessed ride is sitting in that top spot with seventeen thousand two hundred points followed by your 2017 overall champion Daniel Dhers with fourteen thousand four hundred then the Australian who just made it in Brandon Lu post ten thousand and five hundred points followed by Marv and radish with ten thousand five hundred and then Alex Cole born with ninety eight hundred points you can already see how there might be some upsets there as I see Alex Cole born for instance I don't believe was making it into finals I don't have that exactly all in my head but this is going to be some big mix ups in the overall point series battle as we work through to the finals tomorrow I mean well really excited to see what there is to bring from all those riders I thought we saw everything today so it's gonna be really interesting to see how they link all those runs together tomorrow yes a very exciting course I think we didn't even scratch the surface on the transfers Dennis Anderson started to unlock a few today it's gonna be so exciting to see you also mention the BMX flatland we have some of the best riders in the world out here for our semi final make sure you tune in cheer them on it's so cool that we've got our festival here that are bringing together all the elements of the action sports and Big Ups also to our riders who didn't qualify in but they all rode with their hearts today and for one other reminder thank you so much to the City of Edmonton for welcoming the filles World Series - you're serious - your city as well as the Pro ovens of Alberta and explore Edmonton just amazing opportunity that we have to come out to your beautiful city and showcase action sports at its finest on behalf of myself Ryan Meyer Darrell now and the rest of the filles world series thank you so much for tuning in [Music] [Music] [Applause] familiar feeling [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] you you [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: FISE
Views: 11,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xSdxJ8mwEWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 14sec (8414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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