Bloons TD 6 - Max Level UP Tower Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today we got the most unique blue di defense 6 challenge we've seen in at least a month or two I mean I love it when you guys come up with cool challenges and oh this one is no different so more or less the way it works is we each pick one of our favorite towers and we can put up to three of those particular towers now now it is rules we didn't really understand exactly what he meant by the banana farm so where's gonna say banana farms are allowed on top of that the biggest thing to keep in mind is you have to level up the tower by getting it to certain tiers of pops in order to get the tiers of upgrades so really unique challenge let's have some fun all right so I called the monkey ace I think that's gonna be my favorite one I wanna get the specter going and the Flying Fortress to do I'm going sniper nice all right well oh my goodness I have the worst placement for this I'm never gonna pop any balloons I'm never gonna be able to upgrade you know it's great about sniper it's so cheap I can put two of them out right away oh man I'm gonna get my monkey ace down knocks I think it's gonna be like good to start with but I need to get those pops up so eventually I can upgrade cuz what's the cheapest one 2500 pops it gets crazy it's a lot yeah it's gonna be a lot of pause because it least will help us save the money exactly in the meantime though I want to save up to get some banks going and Steve being you don't really have a function mole we can give you money for banks okay nevermind not do it I don't know this because we didn't say it on camera but technically Steve has changed ours did he really oh yeah I did he wanted to be the tax year oh well why did you realize I was I realized I was literally the only person who had water so I figured I had to go water tower and then I also figured eventually I'll get advanced Intel so I'll be able to hit anywhere on the map and eventually level up fairly easy I gave you da money Steve give me all your money well being he lacks all function he can get banks instead but he has the worst arrow yeah I do have the worst spot Oh give it to me give me give me I got a good spot I don't think literally though I'm not just saying that I have the bottom of the map I have that whole bottom little outline thing thank you you were you were blade you both have good spots mm-hmm but who cares just put it down yeah okay they're gonna put him down good got that one all right so oh how we doing Sonny 500 puffs is gonna be a while yeah 6,500 before I can even upgrade to advanced Intel we need someone who can pop the we didn't think about this but we need someone new well put actually a full metal jacket failed nevermind I was gonna say that yeah oh man but your monkeys are splitting everything you're not gonna have enough by around 30 are you probably not I mean my sniper monkey has 200 pops already on the top yeah as you said you're splitting your pause between no three it might be it might be worth it for you to sell them just because now you know okay well then does anyone have any strategy at all the prop lets your you're gonna get the flash Brom in 25,000 pops I think once we get going we'll get a lot more pops than we are right now yeah but we have 13 waves to get going that's where the lead happens I think boss unsee veil I think you need to sell off you towers and so no no you guys are disregarding the fact that the sniper monkey shoots super slow like even if I sell him he's still gonna shoot at the same rate and pop at the same rate there's enough balloons out there that it's just I can't upgrade it till 2500 anyway yes but if you got rid of the three there would be more time for you to pop them so like even though you wouldn't leave that I would then get some pops allowing me to get barb starts and then heated darts yeah but I want to level up Steve I don't care about you you have to sell your sniper monkeys I think I'm right and that's all about no we're good we're literally going to lose in eight waves guys I want I just want that to be abundantly clear to everyone here do you have fail here do we have Matt here I yeah I just want to be a bunny clear me it's not even like it's up for debate okay we are going to lose a lot of lives watch this okay okay look look at him pop him so fast he's getting so many more bail you're just literally wrong about them the point is that you're one monkey now has better odds of still popping a balloon because this shoots too slow there's better odds of that one monkey getting a pop because there are less things popping pops every time they shot me you're not splitting it that's not how it works now there's more balloons constantly on the basketball one monkey you guys I was proven I mean my guy is just as trash anyway oh man look at that tell me have you pop Jerry I'm actually not too bad actually a little bit more than I have it's a very hard challenge well if we fail this one Steve if we fail this one I think there's Oh see even with the other two monkeys out there I wouldn't have reached 2,500 I only have 500 realistically if Steve had just gone the bomb shooter like we'd be fine thank you I didn't even claim the bottom shooter I think someone's got to become the bomb shooter but I mean we can't now I think we lost this one yeah someone's just got to be the bomb shooter I mean I'll be the bomb shooter that's fine I don't I don't mind take taken this time around we have all the same towers if Steve's gonna be the bomb shooter we're gonna beat this challenge gentlemen I know we could do it I believe it I got the same area I got the same area as well okay so I'm not gonna put any other sniper monkeys down and I guarantee you it'll be the same okay is that an actual guarantee so you're saying at that exact wave you will have only 500 pops on that sniper multi I mean I didn't check the last wave but I guarantee I won't have to guarantee I won't have 2,500 Steve whether or not you'd have had the needed amount by that point in time you still have more hmm where should I put my bomb tower do you think in between the two loops um because I can't put it in the loop yeah and between the two loops I put it in the corner before the loop okay do that sounds good yeah sure that works yeah aye-aye captain art extra money who's getting the extra money this time um I mean what I I had the bottom of the map again so is probably a prime place to put a banana farm there you go I sent them off yeah my plane is getting some pups so till morning 2500 pops that's so many I wonder if this person tested the challenge or they're just like ah they'll be fine they bladed us don't it's at a blindside they blade side of this they'll be fine I test my stuff 75 percent of time 22 percent of the time 75 22 percent of 75 percent of the time this is just such an in general tough challenge if we lose again I think the next strat to go to is literally only having one of us put down a tower and having them upgrade it that'd be rough because like as you get later on that one when we put our two ones down at tier one is they're not gonna pop anything hmm yes indubitably [Music] well I'm going at valuable bananas because I know you don't like what I get the extra ball a banana phone no it's fine go just get to the extra farm no I think we've had enough yelling today Vail it's fine I'm gonna be right and then I'm gonna rub it into all of your faces I mean okay there's just so many so you're your extra monkeys they took up an additional we'll say four hundred balloons pops that could have been dispersed throughout our towers instead of we're not talking about your towers we're talking about my towers okay well your tower can hit anywhere on the map though it's not won't we'll just wait and see my objection is the rate of fire over time of the round it's am I already at 300 when did we lose last time about wave 30-ish okay I can't round of Lud's he's at this current rate okay you have more balloons pop okay but at round 40 I'm gonna have the slow guy that I have to level up at the same time so he's gonna be no difference to having three slow guys yes around 40 I could have at least a few level ones I wanna sing about the moon and June and spring I wanna sing sniper monkey at level Ford and round 40 at level one isn't gonna do garbage well let's just see how we could survive this lesson I'm going to be surprised if we have to restart and Cova the whole new strategy where only one person puts down a tower and gets all right now I'm quite worried to be honest about why I got to back up at the top again because I'm gonna break the leads and then they're just gonna mosey on and it's already past blade so I'm a little worried about that one I hopefully I can do something about it but I think you can do anything you put your mind to Steven there's some more money room thank you sir no problem it's actually really bugging me that I can get upgrades right now and not and you can yeah yeah it allowed to yeah well right now we're about to lose again unless I don't like those three sniper monkeys for really help it would not have made a difference I was gonna say the ninja monkey might want to put down should we put down another ninja monkey do you think or do we keep it for me.these our biggest popper right now wrong is our biggest popper right now I am busy Oh No yes oh my goodness Wow yeah when did you hit so many I don't know I don't want this though but I can I can put a little monkey ace if you guys say I'm second but Jerome's our biggest popper right now I'll put down another then I guess yeah airplanes we're not desperate you are the bomb tower so bad nobody's our lead stopper so good almost thousand away from actually being able to get Tier one upgrades and then we'll have the exploding pineapple yeah if we have to restart again I suggest I go mortar monkey instead so that I can hit no matter where I am and start getting those level ups yeah not only the level ups but also hit the leads sooner you might want to target your guy on strong there Steve yeah that's what I'm I was switching him off too luckily we managed to pop all those balloons so yeah this is this is stressful how's that monkey he's getting the most pops oh that is crazy hey as he can yeah he oh my gosh I'm gonna think this challenges is impossible we're still gonna I wouldn't call it off just yet I'm not calling it off I'm just very judgmental as to if this challenge could actually work I need to pop ten times more balloons in order to not using the sniper I mean I feel the sniper is a good pick no can hit anywhere on the map well it would be if all the other balloons weren't dying hmm like there's not anything for me to choose from and I only fire once a second there is also difference between taking off a layer and popping a balloon [Music] true I think oh well blade you're gonna have to put down more ninjas because we can't yeah combat the number of camos if you did any money let me know I've done a lot of it but I got two grand I mean I put another one down I can't oh alright wait you know what am i doing Durham take my money thank you kind sir yeah no problem I will happily spoil you by the time we need it we'll have a ton oh yeah yeah we're gonna have loads of money by the time we any of us actually need it so that's the good part but yeah the bright side things having only tier zero towers that wave 35 though it's just painful yeah but that's the challenge though I mean our drug you're about to be able to upgrade to tier one I know I'm about to get one of them to it I'm gonna be watching these camos [Music] okay and I'm a hundred away come on come on what are you gonna get I'm gonna get sharper darts for sure and then probably exploding Lionel I would definitely exploding upon you get it now give the pineapples pineapples the pineapples are doing the best the kid know I'm really thinking this challenge is impossible all right so we decided that unfortunately that challenge just didn't seem possible but it's a really cool concept so we're throwing our own hats in the ring we're gonna do the same challenge only rid of divide that number by five everyone put dad in two hours I got the bottom again I keep getting the same nice got my spot back and feel free we keep getting this garbage top spot I was gonna say feel free Vale to put down all your towers you mean to do the smart thing Oh Mike here we go Steve you keep popping them there this will be a much more doable challenge it's still gonna be hard but it's at least going to be possible but that other way was just not it wasn't palpable huh it wasn't possible yeah I love adding sound effects to my own videos Adam gets on 'edit me I figured I'd still go for the lead popping ability on my own like just stick with an explosive Tower feel like that's a smart move yeah smart stuff now smarter is drum put down a thingamabob oh you don't have enough money oh you will soon enough Steve don't you worry about it buddy I gave me 400 there's 36 well thank you kind sir I will cherish this I am GRU he's gonna flush down the toilet ha ha good night III bought the night I didn't buy the night I wish I did Steve you are popping a bunch and Vail you have a bunch of pops already - it's gonna be great cuz that was 500 you're gonna be able to upgrade that mega quick yeah yeah hey the night he's here I do it he made an appearance the chosen one has spoken oh man oh man there's my money again drew we're getting all the pops out here you keep farming or is it the morning boom the night is way cool the afternoon so at piloting you get multiple gr1 upgrades or uh yes yeah yeah only for that particular tower that has it so if wonder 7 buggies is 500 when it's like 100 the 500 one can the other one can yeah yeah there we go we're moving and grooving now guys we're getting there we're given and grooving wouldn't you say to nineteen seven so far Vale as 250s - to 50s and steve has a 260 so two of ours are halfway there I'm at 300 nice very good sir are you lonely one ninja munkee over there this is going swimmingly it's going something I'll be nine entertaining enough for you steep no I'm actually quite tired right I'm sure the fans love hearing you on into the mic I'm sure they do that's my favorite part of any videos Steve yawning and I'll be out here Tier one upgrade nice dude way to go but wait really on a ninja wow you are you leapt ahead of everyone else blade when did that happen when they started text again through they all ago all right blade got his level one upgrades dude are you gonna counter espionage yes you are the hero of the story but first one on the bottom be counter espionage with flash ball nice so that means they'll you don't even have to go night-vision nice I mean yes and no keep in mind he that implies that he will hit every single thing well with flash bomb flash bomb I probably will okay well then if that's the case then but at the same time it also means then veil wouldn't get trapped LeSean bouncing bullet if he doesn't go for them ah I wasn't gonna probably risk it I was just gonna get my Specter to have it but also because I can hit them off to jump then too so and inspectors just dopey anyway so you know it is what it is my second monkey is almost that 500 you a play a veil you're tight one the top one did it buddy yo sorry you yeah buddy Oh Metal Jacket just it in time look at that I got my exploded pineapples just in time for the woods I mean Steve cut it takes care of it anyway but you know it makes me feel slightly joint it does make me feel slightly special point get it cuz we're poking with the points oh I think I don't understand yeah I'm not a self comprehending aerial I put down my other monkey aces now to help out in the fight so the next thing is 2500 that's a lot of pops away with the farms my friend here's some more money thank you sir I'll put down my fourth and last farm here we we all passed 500 let's go why only four farms I think that's more than enough hmm yeah I mean it's gonna be a while before we start making any of the big big big big big big chunk US bucks the chunga buck you know I think we should we should push legislation in this country to change the dollar to the chunga book and it said big chunga's on the front and now all up to me of my monkeys are Tier one and now the dollars value so nine hundred on one of vales 8:21 on that mortar eleven on drew on that ninja monkey in the front that's that's really good we're really making progress this time guys this challenge like I said it's not gonna be easy it's still gonna be a challenge but at least it's doable oh thanks Steve for that thank you what'd I do the mortar in the chat oh yeah no problem the motor poppers so I'll get counterespionage next nice nice can almost upgrade my other planes so that's gonna be a dice point yeah 474 always getting there real quick wait do you have them on well I have my Whitman I forgot that they automatically get that ability because of I thought I'm sorry's I was thinking that for centered path all right let's say I'll probably just do them all the same way there we go don't say you more likely to get more polished that way oh we got it we stopped him we stopped him good I'm almost a tier two on my first sniper nice dude and we're killing it out here the road to wave 100 continues here - nice let me know anyone if you need any money at any point I will you know I will keep on collecting it for us nice it might this is good this is going real well for us guys I'm very proud okay dear to look at money hey Hoff's are just going up like crazy why is your middle ninja oh because this went a different route than the other one okay I was like he was put down second and he's further back why would he be getting more pops but it means also attacking faster so he's also quite handsome too well thank you is that a ninja single not at all wait yeah boy sure got his number for me man I can't wait to get Bernie stuff by 5 5 1 2500 eh I'm gonna call that number right now boy so I got 2500 on my first guy there so now he's out here with spy plane so he can actually hit him he can hit the camos to Steve by plane it's my plane it's my kids I mean my middle guy is already over 3000 Pop's nice dude wait a second veil what your top monkey had him to hit 2500 yet and you upgraded your thingies Steve wrote it down is 1500 oh oh it is though you're right I was doing wrong with my head oh now that gets me really excited cuz now that means I can actually get them a lot quicker alright next one is 5,000 then Oh buddy I want to be getting there sooner sooner than expected and then I'll be able to get never miss should I even worry about whoops wrong button should I even worry about getting the shattering shot yeah I need shattering shells for the reinforced but like blue incineration I don't need right I think the tier 5 might be a little bit of overkill anyway miles away from tier 3 nice nice let me know if anyone needs money otherwise I am upgrading banana research facility or for 16000 mmm oh I mean I thought I won't make the money back quickly anyway if you need so there's there's that oh my gosh 5,000 5,000 come on come on all my guys have reached tier 1 5000 done you got beauty dude keep it up bud look at that I'm monitoring all mine closely vales got one at 4,000 mm-hmm we're good with semi-automatic at first so we can really get more pops nice dude cool choice here's some money drew I don't really need the money but thank you I will charming yes go in towards the farms I realize that never missing is gonna be in this year I really want that never missed targeting never miss so what's our goal wave 80 cuz that's the end of hard mode are we going all the way we go oh yeah we gotta get max level brah oh my oh my my my we going all the way up alright I hope we can do it is Louie bail you're 100 away for getting deadly precision that's huge do you want that way precision or semi-automatic I'm gonna leave that up to you pal this is your semi-automatic they're moving quick yeah they start moving a little bit quicker than a locomotive Lopes go up to Rome let's go dude oh you're gonna be able to get him to full auto rifle real soon I also just got my tier 3 for the front one there how long until tier 4 10,000 that's gonna be no time at all we're gonna have a Spectre on the field all right now actually though that is gonna be like no time signal flare way to go Steve you don't really say before I don't but I want shattering shells I would put signal flares somewhere else so it's not it's like ones that I miss all right ability spot I movies alone I mean you could put it in the center of one of the loops and it's the entire list I'm sure between both your guyses thing I think you know I see what you're saying but I think it's fine you don't think that you guys will catch them all yeah look at me oh my gosh ten thousand or in this area than Steve is so it's better for him to be prepared to hit him in an area that I'm not already hitting to get the ones that I'm missing yep three grand for me by the way yeah yeah of course I do that's my that's my phone can I still less than a thousand away from a tear for I got to never miss targeting's and Tier four oh my goodness Vail you're killing it out here but since he is going to shred a lot of small ones I'm gonna have him target strung to not get you guys like God you know so that we don't get God I like it good thinking all right all mine are tier two if I'd because we all know a leader fender is garbage the elite defender you'll like because by the time that he's gonna pass by and trigger it it's too late true well I think there's a misunderstanding of well the oh wait you got mildly defend everything about lead targeting that one oh wait a minute I have ten thousand pops on my monkey ace ever since I've never missed target which means I get the specter soon as I can afford it gentlemen it's about to be a different ballgame here that's so Opie boom Specter time we and then next five is thirty thousand Oh minutes load my first ninja monkeys pops has slowed down so much I still have flash bomb oh my god my snake monkey I'm just going now you can always get tier 5 yeah I mean we can just do that later whatever we have for buddy he'll charge money yes to tier 5 so that the rest of us can pop some he's targeting strong right now but I gave you the money for it bail and I'm about to pass 30 thousand of my Spectre already which means I could get Flying Fortress for this 91 grand that is actually way too much buddy I'm not gonna get that for a while but what I do Lord definitely gets around 100 right guys like this is oh yeah 100% we're guys with 200 yeah we're not stopping there I'm not even getting to hit these things yeah my first ninja monkeys slowdown so do you want me to just sell the elite defender now no no because my Specter is also causing a ruckus to my spectres pop 37,000 well actually almost tied bail nice dude oh wait my uh my sniper monkey below that one can get may moab now oh my I would totally do that Dini money no I'm good I want to get my second Spectre although if you give me $3,000 I can start calling in supply drops I can only give you 11,000 if you give me 3,000 all I can only go give you 15 sorry the best I can do is 7 degree you know what I'll take it I'll take it ok hard bargain but I'll take it you don't mean it oh we're crushing them now we're crushing them out of here I mean it's rum if that's the kind of mood you're in uh can we discuss races today your no I don't I'm a monkey dollars here who are you Spector number two all right guys come on now I need to pop some balloons if you want shattering shells I don't need a balloons if you want a flash bomb and get the you know DVDs taken care of this is scary that's what I'm for that's what I'm for shattering shells the balloon separation and sticky bomb and master bomber yeah pish posh well I Flying Fortress is still 20 grand away this is ridiculous do you guys need any money no what they need her pops yeah yeah fair I'll take the pops you want to end over some pops corn pops no Val you can almost get a crippled Moab to your five I can almost get it Tier four oh well your crippled Moab do you would it be better and focus him on hah Strong's do you think yeah maybe I should just have all of my targeting strong elite defender definitely target the first I would say no well yeah under you could put on a lead targeting oh yeah but won't that eat up more balloons for you guys he specifically targets strong until it gets to the end of the until balloons it's like the end of the pathway and then it switches to first automatically okay but I'm not seeing elite targeting on here well do you have a lead defender yes he's interesting he's top boy but I have no well say goodbye to all your pumps anyway Flying Fortress is it close bro come on well I'm not seeing Ally target in here are you I have elite defender isn't there Elite snipers that were you talking about uh no that's the Supply Drop yeah I don't know it must just be acting weird I don't know then hey shattering shells well I about to get my third Spectre there we go and I can no longer upgrade things so I simply you get three of the exact same yeah is it it great no what do you mean says ooh you knew exactly what he meant the challenge yes three of each monkey meaning you can get one of each tier five know that now that's conjecture it says aloud three towers each period I can sell it out I could get it tier five of each one if you want but well if you selling them they don't have the puffs so you can I'm keeping them just because you guys used a conjecture and added in your own meanings you're a cheater no by nowhere in that challenge of my a cheater cheater cheater chicken either you eat chicken let's go chick-fil-a ah we're killing it out here though still don't have 5,000 puffs on my first monkey at your one I can't sell my spectres because they really love me that matter it really only matters the Flying Fortress I mean we're on round 90 right now so we're almost a hundred I think we we crushed this new form of the challenge the old for the challenge a little risque but this one easy to pop requirement was just too much you're not gonna get what you need oh yeah tier five was fine at the 1.5 million and I think the tier 4 was fine but before that is a little rough yeah 500 profit place at round 93 I would have just gotten my first tier 3 oh we're killing them out here now look at us go 95 coming in hot with the the tons of DDT's well I don't have Oh Steve why don't you say anything you could get a tier 5 your top one there you go I can't yeah 30 38 thousand oh my goodness when did that happen do you know I don't need to get him as blue incineration both why not though we have too much money Steve because the I mean I'll get it anyways but doesn't it um like automatically get added when you get shattering shows because your monkey knowledge point well it's still better though it doesn't automatically give you blue incineration the only thing that monkey knowledge point does is allow your other one to hit and have its effect work on DDT's okay blue incineration is still a better tower still superior yeah understand now well II bear mail you too bud here you go get that no I didn't have them buddy yeah here you go I have $84,000 yeah oh look it's the baby Wow look it's big chunga's oh wow it's dead oh wow well Gigi we crushed that challenge
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 900,191
Rating: 4.9029059 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: gOS_zWwGv7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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