Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player OVERCHARGED Legend of The Night Challenge | JeromeASF

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today I decide to come with a challenge of my own and we are doing the overcharge night challenge that's right buddy my favorite hour the night is super powerful however the only thing that can make him better is if we had three people energized get using monkey engineer that's all we got Vail drop C&C we're gonna be using banana farms at first to try make as much money as possible and then using blue and engineers all the way down the bottom route to overcharge the night and by the way if you don't know what the night is well first off you should be watching my videos but second off that is the top tier version of the bottom route of the super monkey he's super cool he's kind of like Batman and Batman was launched by popping balloons so we're gonna put him down and we're gonna keep on putting more and more tier 4 versions of it until well we end up losing how long will the knight survive my guess is over around 100 but we'll have to find out and see alright so in order to start us off here I'm gonna need a cheap Tower that'll protect us for quite some waves to come so I'm gonna start off with a ninja monkey down and that'll protect us for a while and then I would recommend you guys pin all your money on one person to me there we go soon as you put down a bank and then send as much as you can to the next person whenever you can get them a bank and then so on and so forth and just keep on sharing your money guys be be friendly people not like blade be friendly if you want a banana farmer down I'm putting them down your hands are gonna get sore you're gonna get sore heads deep come on his hands don't get so oh look at that banana farm somebody bakes you guys think it each I would say probably like three banana farms yeah I mean I'm probably gonna do six amount of money we need coming in oh I do so in order to get my guy legend of the night is two hundred four thousand dark champions fifty once I need two hundred fifty thousand for me alone you guys need about a little over a hundred and ten thousand in order to get all the way to your ultra boost and by the way I just totally realize during the intro I misspoke it was the top the full middle route oh no I didn't say that I don't know I'm going bottom okay then I probably lied I'm a fraud I'm not yeah I was wrong I'm sorry guys I'm a frog up next veil veil we don't know here we go veil you guys there's some money money so I might need money eventually as soon as I get the super looking by the way with self the ninja he's just here to make sure we don't die while we're doing this but yeah whatever get enough money two grand I'll get us a super monkey and that'll keep us alive for quite some time to come I would say bump bump bump a bump bump a bump bump bump bump Batta Batta Batta but I don't know why making this noise but so what's the best route for these banana farms I've never used one to top to mid to top to mid yeah and I would just keep on doing that and if you get comfortable with that maybe go the bottom route eventually but yeah right right Steve yeah probably I'd probably just keep on focusing going top you're gonna one threes that are to top to mid in my eyes because then you're gonna have two farms that go top route and then that leaves you open for one farm to go middle route and then the third one can be top and bottom okay that's that's just my suggestion that's what I do there we go look at us making all this case all right up there drum with these there's gonna be some mana shield damage here probably yeah we're gonna need more money eventually though eventually and by eventually I mean like give or take like a turn yeah it's gonna be after this round probably we're gonna need money well I was just trying easier than the last sometimes they'd be like that yeah we cuz how fast the balloons removing that's true every once while when introduces a new type of balloon it tends to make that round easier kai laage why 79 is infinitely harder than round 80 because around 80 is just the comg so it's like they're introducing the balloon if you will yeah [Music] fair enough all right well I've got three rooms I mean you guys get it yeah you're gonna get people started sending me money because we're about to start getting into trouble city town that's not even nearly enough Oh God for a super monkey that is I can get us a ninja discipline but we have to sell this guy eventually yeah I'll just just for the sake of keeping us alive yeah yeah it's just such a waste cuz he's eventually gonna have to be sold but I don't know you get some of the money back do you have the monkey knowledge that gives you increased so of monkeys no I don't I don't have that one it's a pretty good one the support line it is it's down the support line it's at the very very bottom 5% or so second from the bottom 5% yeah yeah that's what it is yep that one's good cool it just got greater production nice keep it up gentlemen and ladies I mean gentlemen and lady yes you know what we should have done is we should have just let you use a cash drop to get your super monkey dam out of it too easy Oh chop it away chip chop chop to shop shop you guys are probably close to getting another banana farmer yes yeah I'm right there should I just give you my money and then you get a super monkey instead nah push push let's go down with the ship we're right now we can get another fun term understands the quicker these farms go up the better off we're gonna be yeah it's only one you like you desperately desperately need it that you should start sending me money which I don't think we're desperate yet definitely not desperate but soon so do I have to make sure these farms are in range of my monkey yes yeah okay the monkey has some really far range though so I wouldn't really worry too much about that um okay I would say we should probably consider uh maybe not I don't know I'll give you a little bit of money thank you sir I will cherish doesn't much it's just like $200 Wow fail is enough value oh you had money nobody spending okay this is that like veil stacking out of here oh yeah yeah someone's gotta give an extent hundred bucks I sent over five hundred yeah there we go yeah all right easy-peasy does it now not easily not easy easy does it more if I sent to our money please come I had another 500 someone's got to sell a banana farm also I've got an egg quickly wait well laser blasts even pop these are no no it's got to be the second one it's got to be plasma blast doesn't it yep so we're just gonna need to do something in the meantime to just stop these oh I sold my farm there we go one of them's gonna get through yeah multiple we won't die it's fine yeah I don't know it's really not fine but we're gonna need to do white-hot spikes but I guess that'll help us in the future unfortunately it's all the way at the no I know but there's really nothing we could do I we just don't have the money for it right now yeah everybody just save up money and shovel it Jerome's way I guess we're gonna need to get me platinum lists oh man that's that's bad right there I mean we'll be fine cuz the tack tower but we definitely want to yeah why is it taking it I feel like it's taking you tremendously longer than it should to get some basic money going understand what's going on I don't know man I'm sending you a decent chunk of change here I just sent you like a thousand trying my best [Music] no I just want to get us all the way to dark champion that way we could get rid of all these other towers that too much to ask already how much just plies who just gave me that money don't don't worry about me now oh no that was just me okay yeah don't worry about me now worry about getting your stuff up a little bit stressful times we live in here this is really stressful because it's just like oh man we don't get this taken care of I still understand what's been going wrong why it's so hard normally it doesn't take that much to make some money right I think it's just the tower that we choose it's a very expensive tower for the super-monkey and then on top of that it takes a lot of money to be able to pop lead that's true unless we go the bottom room get the dark champion he could pop anything for the small price of $50,000 right oh so what rate wave do you think we'll be able to get with with a super boosted the night really really far I think so I really could see it being all you need so what's the deal with the engineer same with airline food really nobody knows this doesn't look good so the engineer veil when he's maxed out of tier five on one of the routes he actually gets a overcharged ability that will like basically make you do at all damage can someone just give me money just fourteen hundred cuz we're gonna lose here get ridiculous out here J here we go well yeah he has an ability failed that will permanently overcharge a tower and you give it up to ten times I believe maybe it's twenty but someone said ten earlier and more or less he gets to almost be twice as good if not more than twice as good as he is which is just wild and her first moab but that won't be a problem for us yeah that easy busy alright and you're sure Steve you're thinking six banana farms isn't overkill no I was I was being funny about that oh no I was gonna say four seems more than enough he's going for tenth yeah I was actually just being funny about that like later on the line if I get the chance to but probably not beyond well we've got eight more waves don't get more moab so we're fine for now and even when the bulbs come in we'll still the problem what about the magic balloons magic balloons all we got is the ninja monkey doing his trick okay but obviously we need to sell those for the sake of the challenge these aren't gonna stay there everyone don't watery I'm worried a panicky knock-back he's 2,500 good I may have messed up and I may need to do five banana firm because I may not have been paying attention and just went top in the middle with all of them or just don't get a monkey Wall Street Oh No that's someone we got all those camos yay okay so should I maybe put an engineer out since all the other stuff is super expensive or save up it's up to you because I want one more for monkey Wall Street yeah the engineer as well you're gonna put them in the upper right corner where they can't impact the gameplay so there are a sole purpose it's gonna be to overcharge the night okay I can afford ultravision that's really night I also just sent you like a ton of money I'm just gonna send that back because I don't okay I panicked and got worried yeah it's okay I just said it back those good call I mean I was the right move you know when things start going south yeah Oh at least I had the money to send to you oh man you guys are really making some cash now [Music] okay [Music] all right uh yeah perhaps it I was gonna say yeah just sub yeah the night go bud buttery no now if we get dark champion that'll save us cuz then my guy can hit all balloon types but that's in another forty five thousand dollars we'll make it there doesn't you worry so veil if I were you I would save up and get that sixteen thousand dollar upgrade probably stop or at twelve thousand you you a point I would stop buying new farms now just start upgrading what you got yeah I'm working on central market now nice Steve what are you working on over there I'm about to get the loans nice okay [Music] working on getting some loans out here oh thank you because now you're super close to getting central market that's what that was my next thing I was gonna take a loan out as soon as I could to get the central markets but now you don't have to now you can take a loan out at the banana research facility later on yeah buddy one specific person so we can get an early monkey Wall Street yeah that's not a bad idea at all if we supply with Steve for that you guys can take turns supplying each other for Wall Street yeah all right what I'm very close to Central Market all right I've got Central Market all right yes let's just after the after you get Central Market drops you let's just all just keep setting Steve money and that will hold out and I think we'll be fine we'll hold it out hold your horses oh yeah this is taking a while so definitely we need you guys to start you know preparing it just well just don't buy new ones so stay with the worst whoa start setting money and also just getting your engineers online and I mean yeah I might as well start mine that's low-cost in the beginning I imagine well no point just started there's no point do it there's no point to start it til it's maxed out so it just leave them beat just say I keep them up there okay I'll just keep him up there yeah until you can max him out he serves no purpose he just exists more than Monday for Steve yeah more money for Steve Steve's almost there Steve's not too far away Oh way to go Steve I'm not not sure how I feel about the talking and third person you just borrow money can't you steep for the rest of that I need like less than a hundred dollars there we go got it all right and now if you want to send that off to drop see your veil and get them to bunky Wall Street and then uh who wants it me first say maybe maybe you guys yeah maybe you guys gonna start sending me money instead you guys definitely do because we're about to lose I just sent you hold on I think I'm about to take a look oh no I need to can't take a loan out yeah Oh No Oh No we'll be fine I put on another super monkey but we're not gonna be fine we're gonna have to we're gonna press the continue button after this then everyone and we're just gonna have to have you guys give me more money hard cut never happened no it's fine but we just got a yeah we got to get me to dark champion this is such a tough challenge okay do we still don't have enough for dark champion so what we can do instead is I can put him in the front here and what he'll do is pop the Purple's hopefully that might be the biggest difference because once the Purple's pop then the dark knight can get them see yeah it just got out of hand I think before are you gonna put the super' on strong strong no because then it'll focus that Moab and then when is 5,000 I need I need 5,000 more dollars for our champion mean American optional don't it's okay that was fine just keep making your money during this round you won't be able to pay it this round I don't have it yet I need another thousand keep sending that money's we're gonna get it about them money's money is money use its fifty one thousand and dark champion so he can hit all things including Purple's there we go and we're set now so I can start selling that ninja monkey off and now we're just doing the challenge straight up that's gonna be the game changer there we go he's flap all right The Legend of the night back before back to giving dropsy money now all right yeah all righty oh my gosh I think they're probably this challenge is with so many people doing banks there's just so much money going to the reinvestment and there's just nothing going into towers yeah for sure it like I said it is just a generally hard one to what it's just generally hard if hope the one does okay yeah I just want to overcharge this thing up alder way all day way like a mad scientist mmm-hmm drops he's almost got the money she is right there yes I was about to say that's he could take it alone but you don't really need to I just gave her some money there and valgus also I already took out a loan I sent it her way hope we all the money Center Lunney Center the money I don't know their monkey Wall Street now me yeah now I think drum the legend of the night you say just getting I think drums good for a little bit yeah the dark champion will hold out for a bit but not forever like we definitely need I'm really tempted to say after Vale yeah after Vale get smoky Wall Street I think just stop reinvesting and then just start yeah I think that's good enough okay aye aye captain can I don't see how else is gonna be possible oh thank those got it there we go we all got monkey Wall Street all right well then if you want to start sending it my wedding at legend of the night and how much is it two hundred and four thousand it's gonna take a while it's gonna take a while that's for sure but it'll be worth it and it says we turn to him when all hope is lost right the night the night oh there we go oh we're getting that money now yeah we are this is super good and then when you guys are ready you can start to get your monkey engineer max him out and then we'll be all good till we get you yours and then work on the engineering don't we get the night you say tonight we're getting there at seventy six thousand okay okay we are indeed getting there every round we feel like I get like five grand you guys probably get more so this is gonna be a good test well this tier 4 Tower beat waves 75 75 SAS carry round it's very very scary the only thing I would say I could recommend right now is maybe investing enough for them to get loans because neither one of them can get loans right now who needs loans all right captain no I just got it III think we're fine dude okay [Music] we got this especially just keep in mind your guys monkey Wall Street itself is worth 50 grands you don't even need to get 120 grand for yourselves get that ability you literally will need to get like 75 and then just sell your farms you have all the money right there like it's yeah that's something just keep it right eleven grand off that round about seventy-five I just looked up a 77 so your your tower right so for you to get the balloon engineer all the way to the overcharged ability in order to get that it's normally a hundred and like ten thousand dollars hundred twenty thousand dollars however because you could just sell your monkey wall sure at that point we have nothing well I guess we won't live never mind we don't want to sell cuz we could buy more of the nights so never mind it was just crazy notion I might sell one of the extra banana farms I have but so once we give you the night who which one of you first is getting a monkey engineer all the way well they already hasn't all veils yeah males got one down right now so you can just boost his up all right there we go boom so when all hope is lost we turn to this man's so Vale I'm sending you a bunch of money they are too you're gonna want to upgrade your monkey engineer to the the middle route so just only do the middle route and get it all the way to ultra boost okay overclock okay one hundred and two thousand now okay and then use your ability on the night yeah so once you get the hundred two thousand everyone's here to keep paying you but once you get that veil you have to keep making sure you pay attention and apply he's close to those we made them too close it's fine he's just cleansing foam it's not because the night hits than anyway so all that's doing is revealing camos and it's like alright well that is nothing yeah yeah yeah then that's okay I thought it popped them there look at that did you get all true Oh make sure see oh wow does he have enough money to get no he doesn't have enough oh I don't I was just saying that I over clock your guy for a minute look at the legend of the night look at him go geez oh man look at that overcharge imagine with all the permanent ones coming in on him he just hops Moab's like he's like there's no tomorrow really like it's nothing oh nice job guys hooking Steve our hook and veil up oh yeah we're so close guys took my money out of the bank - right there another six six grand and we're there honestly yeah there we go it was about to say what about your banner you got it City Schools like you got it so whenever you can veil immediately apply that to him and just keep doing it and that'll give them a permanent boosts okay who's next the same guy just oh oh oh you mean yeah yeah who are we getting the next monkey for dropsy you know cool oh man only last for this one all right he's getting charged up here we're getting the ultra boost I was getting real word we would be able to do this I mean granted we did lose and have to revive ourselves but I was getting worried we still like even what that wouldn't have it he's got two times charge now he's getting stronger double the charge look at him go but right mummy feels all about the money money money you know drops he's almost got enough she's getting there ultra boost in my guy my guy look at his apprentice in the front there it's like it's like Batman or Robin story I'll make you proud oh my gosh he shreds he's so good and he's only got four over charges so far and how many is max it was either 10 or 20 oh my goodness he's gonna be mad not before before I even get mine down so oh he's got five over church jeez oh yeah we're gonna keep pushing this man's to new heights [Music] look at all the cleaning foam don't worry it's here to clean oh ok so Steve next right yep oh my goodness wrong ya DDT's are here you just melted them times seven he's times seven right now keep overcharging oh my gosh and we'll see what C maxes out that will just start overcharging the guy in the front and then oh and after that put any extra money you got keep standing in my way we'll keep getting more batman's oh my goodness we're gonna be here until like around 150 dude we're gonna be here awhile wait do you guys all max out I just are getting money okay drops up with it drop ours I supposed to go Steve well drop see I gave you a ton of money I think I suppose be for Steve that's okay I'll send it his way times 10 alright let's see if it give it a try it and see if it keep going like 11 or 12 and if not then we'll just you know skadoosh to the next guy there he goes there we go joining the fun Steve he's got 10 right now oh my goodness so yeah the rest of the money goes straight to Jerome it doesn't seem like he's overcharging anymore though yeah I just applied another tomb and it's not adding so we'll move on to the next boy yeah all right Oh for the night that it's so crazy goodness he's getting supercharged and he's about to become a dark champion in a second more than money oh yeah here just uh oh my goodness look at it this is just insane got out of hand this has got don't forget to send him your money and that was crazy because that round didn't even get to our supercharged Tower that was only a tier 4 one in the front there but it does have six times overcharge to be fair so yeah he's getting a little full powerful oh my goodness horse do you tease not even problem oh my goodness the knight will prevail around 100 what happens we just keep going yeah let's just keep going until Steve has to go and pick up his wife and then we'll keep going with Adam and make fun of them I mean if that's the case I I'm cool with that oh my goodness I don't think this is ever gonna stop I think this will be around 200 or this actually might be the way you get to around 200 just gonna be like still sitting here no I think we gotta call the bench I think we go around like 120 and if not like oh my goodness I mean this is not gonna end ever so that guy's reached ten so moving on to the next one yeah pretty much it's just wild too because they barely ever even gets the tier 5 guy ultra boost is a crazy thing yeah it is and so is the night the night it's a crazy thing Steve I'm sad there's not a pain you think the monkeys are you Ally Batman but I am a monkey all right there must have been the extended cut yes Batman would you like a banana oh my goodness I think we got to either we either have to call it at some point or we have to say no more buying I think five is enough let's just see how far five can make it because otherwise we're gonna be here forever I want to see this to the end there will be no matter how long it takes there's not gonna be an end no and it has to eventually reach an end no this is it we cracked the code boys yeah balloons is no longer relevant we've beaten the game completely oh my goodness and every boy's got we got three of them with ten weighted overcharged we could even make it even crazier bigger radius and faster speed bigger radius faster speed we're staying here forever [Laughter] this is getting wild other any other one settle I don't think so at this point I think that's it I need to call my family and tell them I love them because I'm never we're all gonna be stuck here for dads murder well you all are more let me ask you this one cat sitting out there on the side of the street waiting for me to pick her up in the cold is that what it is Wow it's uncalled for all right and then I think after you guys are done overclocking all then overclock the villages I don't know but let's just do I'm going over to clock crazy and then the banks and then we're over clock at the banks Jeremy's gone mad wait can you overclock monkey Wall Street you can I did it you're working overtime boy oh they went there visibly faster no it's alright they've got nothing on us the yes overclock more more just so that we all know we're on the back one right now for this the way I'm working on this Hut ok Jabba the Hut what about the overall and think my monkeys are two times is good with a full ten probably two times is good right like exactly I'm bear in mind the effects of it aren't permanent though the effects of those are permanent but overclocking on the particular one Walt's overclocked also gives an additional big big burst so once they're all overclocked you can just overclock the main tier five all the time and he'll just constantly be a UH a unit as Vale would say hey guys we're getting wild out here now [Music] that that is permanent brew he's thrown on them to permanently make them stronger we're not stopping Steve all right I'm going to pick up cat there are no brakes on the train we're not I'm overclocking one more that I'm leaving there more look at him he's so happy to help the dark nights come miss you all Oh if you sell them is it not permanent yeah get out of here if it's not permanent if he if you've to Leah I'm kidding I love you Steve have you delete them uh yeah I think they would maybe let's just keep it just be safe okay Jerome we need have plenty plenty of money I've overclocked this monkey village five times so oh man let's keep overclocking wait - Steve leave Steve yes yeah well then why don't you leave the game side control is overclocked we need more overclock Steve you're ruining a good thing son yeah right a good thing oh my gosh do they leave instead a chance they literally don't fetch it this is wild out here oh man watching my Wall Street make money why is it like super boo sitter so it is Bruce oh it's just every like three seconds it's like oh honey honey let me I'm gonna help you boost your bunkie Wall Street oh don't forget the village and the end the permanent brew guy - Oh what was that portal at the end what all right so we finally found the wave that we're gonna lose at its wave 155 just to show you all what it looks like it's finally over this has been a long time in the making by the way this has been like an hour in something long video but here it is this is where we lose ultimately anyway it'll take a second but come on and those please if we win this for no reason Oh imagine we don't end up losing again like you're just a fluke please I got plans man I gotta go this is it this is it it's too far the DDT there we go blackbolt what is it portal what is that is that the mana shield I don't know I'm scared I need an adult that's it everyone thanks for watching
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 1,368,608
Rating: 4.8905168 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: zBcF7gZizqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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