Bloons TD 6 - 2VS2 Nature Magic Challenge | JeromeASF

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well the big day is finally here everyone we are doing our very first four player two versus two blues tied offense six challenge the challenge is this now there's a lot of rules behind this but we're gonna change it up just the tiny bit you want us to do a palpable mode but we figured for the first challenge we're only gonna do it on easy mode yeah also so we can have up to five of each towers but we're gonna live ourselves to one of each tower because he's letting us do three per person so team one is going to be bladed Steve as fire and ice team two is gonna be Vail and I has nature and life and death vales gonna be running the Prince of Darkness avatar breath and heroes Ely and myself having at the spirit of the forest triple moab and of course your hero open greenfoot which team will come out on top hopefully life and death all right so we all know the rules let's get ready to place our heroes down and let's do this I'm gonna put open Greenfoot first I would say every oh we just want to get our heroes on the field in a suggest it yeah pass you the snow man yeah I would suggest everyone ever at 10 bucks 20 bucks something like that all the mats broken guys thanks to the beginning of the map wait till you at the play button they just get trapped in there oh no that's so sad blade you ready yes there we go I'm gonna put down I'm gonna put it on a tech pot as well just because I want Hamlet's two minutes just cuz Obon uses an ability the whole time here we go right you're absolutely right I don't know but we'll keep placing of death I think we are gonna win as team nature I got past you the Snowman who's technically a water tower [Music] you think you're special cuz of you you're waters and your stuff yeah what is the most under thought of thing is the fact that Gwen has her wall of fire ability and so does the Wizards so like I get double wall of fire really early yeah but the thing you're forgetting is that you're bad at the game and it's not gonna help you anyway so well do you see any way Smoove casillases will fire on himself and on the trap literally through the wall of fire not even on the track oh man for us I'm spamming brambles right now that's doing a good job the reason why I think me and veiled might come out on top hear me out is because I think open green foot is probably one of the most powerful heroes out there I think that's going to set us apart from you bozos even over Benjamin even over Benjamin well think about this guys because of my a Prince of Darkness I get shimmer don't get me wrong I will say this much play benjamin is amazing to start off but in a challenge where money can only get you so far I'd rather have one that could do a lot of damage you know I'm saying yeah I understand what you're saying at all yeah I'm not I'm not picking up what you're throw-in down like I try speaking in a different language but really the train the train I'm not really a big fan of these two v2z hit that like button if you want to see this more often everyone you want to hear that train again and blast that like but if you want to hear the train horn Adam here with the train horn ya need you to deal with chaos I mean keep in mind in the challenge yeah and the challenge he said you can use monkey villages but I mean I'll help you in the early game of course but yeah just something to keep in mind played can I have your money what is going on over there I will never forget the time where Steve took a picture he looked at the window and on the train track was a line and he has a picture of it a line of Tanks just driving behind priceless only in America comrade don't worry Jerome I'll get these going for us what is it oh yeah there we go oh man the fires down looking good and you have monkey sets to get the canvas mail doing it excuse me did you say something about fire yeah yeah there's a fire you guys can't use fire we're fire in ice we can't use fire all it was required is that he gets the Prince of Darkness damn nope yeah you yo what's the opposite of no yo fire that's our abilities it's not in the role Steve it is hit us with a no forget I'll hit you with the yoke yo that's the opposite of nope it's a real word you might not have heard of it before you know you know what these well Steve they're already cheated fine you know what's a crazy part about this they just realized what six player blues challenges will be possible eight player balloons challenges hold up that's a bit much no but six players can you imagine we'd 3v3 challenges or four before or four affordable we need more friends we don't have a lot of friends we don't have enough friends for four before though that's the only problem maybe Blaine has friends that he doesn't tell us about I mean I could get some more people in here what if we brought blade 2.0 yeah mini play any blade I know JP plays this Jamie oh my gosh we might actually okay let us know if you guys have any ideas for future challenges cuz we get wacky in here with all these to be honest we also fail I'm sorry to make some of the big bucks oh cool I'm making some money over here too that's good alright wait I'm making mediocre bucks also I think we're gonna be doomed come Moab round unless we do something crazy and drastic here I was just kidding about the mediocre Bunch one do you have advertised already at level 10 boa packs places a curse on a Moab class balloon and it takes every damage every second until annihilated that's my hero there goes fails hero watch him a Z fails I'm not gonna worry about getting my wizard monkey monkey sense cuz I'm gonna eventually why they going right through the fire I don't know but I didn't let go and I have to get spirit of the forest okay this is an interesting one well I'm gonna get heart of thunder and hard thorns and thorns swarm that way I can help you take out that Moab fail that's gonna be the biggest holdup I think for us yeah this is gonna be awesome dude we're gonna dunk on them so hard I don't think you're you're prepared for how well we're actually gonna be doing what waiver you guys on top secret actually we're not even gonna tell you yeah dad yeah bail just said isn't the answer you know can't really give you that information bleed confidential okay I'm sure you understand every there we go veil ain't going in there when I just put down oh nice oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna be all ready for these big guys that they're making is worried about yeah yeah you wish why would you say that you have that hurt my feelings yeah I have feelers Steve actually has the big brain right now so does he really nail I do okay I just got shimmer oh man if we just took out wave 40 there let's go keep it going I think we're gonna come out on top here buddy I think we're gonna come out on top big time yeah I want to see what they come up with in the comment section put in some six-person challenges whether it be 3 b 3 or 2 B 2 B 2 let us know - B - B - that's interesting that's crazy isn't it well that's that's a really crazy talk right there it is super crazy talk I know that's why I talked about it Oh crazy I just got the unpopped army my man please see all these farms I got going on down here yeah all in radius of this one farmer [Music] there we go and now I'll use another ability I have another ability but ability bought only abilities don't do the ability ability bots is getting corrupted ability but only abilities that meet more ability but robot do I really wanna bring my forms a bit more probably right now you probably just let them be you know I don't think you even need them to sell them I think they just doesn't like giving good advice yeah don't do it we have a lot more money we need anyway we need a lot more out here well so I'm afraid blade always tries to cheat in these challenges and normally it's okay cuz just us percent pcs but now I mean how am I gonna cheat you yeah I mean this is also recorded so how is he going to cheat I mean he just might do it and not tell nobody we've literally have a series of episodes about how to cheat and blues well you know you're not wrong yeah yeah it's not how to do it it's just that we did it oh my gosh is Ealy's hex yeah so sick dude there we go male I got something for us there buddy Oh y'all you eat now see that that guy is gonna be able to help us hit down those modes 50 grand I'll have my two Tia fires oh wait were you oh you're only allowed oh you get two snow monkeys okay I see I see I was not paying attention to that and how are you surviving out there captain oh I'm doing great man we're just taking them out like nobody's business I really hope we could make it far there wizard Lord Phoenix is gonna be a huge a hurtful one for us it's not gonna be is not gonna be pretty that's for sure you right you right that could be Jax but I see it we'll get Jax but I see in here I promise you that much but it's okay bail will still come out on top don't be intimidated by their pants no not the pad oh it's so unfortunate these are literally my only two heroes that I have here I don't know only two towers that aren't heroes they're not very good there we go do you have uh I can't tell you a top secret no I'm just kidding it's a crippled molap and I have druid of the forest those are good they are if I get them all the way up and just keep mine 34,000 and 42,000 expensive game all right Steve you want more money I know I think I'm good with I think I'm good on money all right like I'm looking real pretty you always look real pretty Steve oh thank you Steve you're a handsome chap I want another banana research facility please I don't require it he just better good I'm not going for him honestly all right now we're good now gonna spend the rest of my money on upgrades the only spear to the forest or Moab first I mean yes superior to the horse videos spirit of the forest sponsz the thorns all around the map right yet I mean I don't think you want that one honestly oh that'd be it'd be almost made it through should I do it do it I'm going Prince of Darkness soon so I think we're gonna have a great gob you didn't even know what I was about to do but I did it anyway which I got worried I panicked I panicked so I spawned in a wall of trees and they're just tentacles because open green foot has the water thing but yeah it's really good it'll give you a lot of money that way and it also just catches a lot it's a good stopper nice I'm even more confident if you guys had trouble with that bf be like we're gonna crush you wait we said we had trouble it was it with the bf b it was the little scramblers that came after it yeah then even get halfway through the arc track yeah the bf b was popped on the first turn dude opens trap just ate all of those did you see that look at that yeah that was bonkers in yonkers unfortunately oh they're doing that glitch yeah unfortunately mmm let's keep it up BAE let me get spear to the forest and for this wave actually say during this wave some color I'm saving up for avatar of Wrath nice dude I'll get that crippled Moab ace map ace map you get it ace map yeah you hit them with that broom alright and I got my my single monkey village down now were you talking to the vehicle in your room Steve yeah it was the broom broom broom there we go all mine now huh Steve you stop that lava that sounds like a duck okay do it one more time for good luck it sounds like a duck dude it doesn't sound like a lava not that I even know what sound llamas make but if they made noises that I do they say there are the Pokemon la la la la la mallamma and then they Lomb it away I really wish that llamas made that noise I wish llamas noise la la la la la la la and that was it you imagine how ridiculous they would be could you imagine Jerry Jerry okay just dinosaurs with their scientific names the bells if you get here I have an insane idea for you if you get enough money yeah sorry we've got to wait for Durham to stop if you want to sell off your druid and eventually your monkey wizard monkey Oh buddy Greenfoot powers of magic monkeys all magic monkeys in range get +5 range of +3 Pierce and that only gets stronger throughout time do you think I can sell them and still be good for the waves at this rate here's $37,000 I would reput down delete your druid and just start with him and then delete your necromancer next and restart with him but that should be enough to delete him and just put them within range of open Greenfoot y'all yo my man vale blade and i don't even need to talk to each other yeah we had a plan and we just did it while you guys just kept talking how do you know no fur avatar I do I was just thinking about maybe going for the necromancer and bringing him in yeah okay cool big go big go big okay and where is Wiis yard there we go nice nice boom boom boom boom boom just crushing it alright and you have enough for the avatar of I think the avatar immunity for the next thing that we need to get is the owners that can be massive to this fail this is so Opie now that we have those magic abilities moving I know which one you're talking about and I think eventually he gets more and more to veil so let me see these are the most expensive wait all right those lives right yeah my druid there's someone I could just set up a robot on a ceiling yeah of course because it is crushing it actually I was born in it because of the totem that takes away lives oh wait but I'm getting us more lives yeah totem as Ely are not totem as Ely sorry uh magic bar obits robe it is Ely well this just got a whole lot easier yeah rushon it now oh I think our team could probably honestly go on for like 120 you have no idea what you're getting yourselves into here Palio buckaroo guys they're no longer getting past the first turn they're not even making it to the first turn anymore oh you guys are in for it though team nature now that I knew about that boost that magic towers get that's actually really really really dude look at your Prince of Darkness range dude that's just not even okay dude where's my car I ate it where's my mouse all right do we want to do as well if you lose are we gonna do that you can have another go no I guess not no that's not fair nevermind nobody continued but no no buybacks okay not even like oh if we did this we could have won that's just what see out your ass that's upset we have to decide now but it's got a stake at City lunch once we're out you're out you're out there's no okay and that's a Steve one stirs that's it are we got next not our heroes though I would definitely recommend I'm in save up for home and defense but yeah I would just max out the heroes and don't from there there he is there is my dream there you go the machine not yet now we just got heroes and they'll you should get yourself a homeland defense actually I just realized cuz you can get one too so why not yeah sure I'll try and time it with yours yeah if we could time it perfectly so I'll put mine on a robot loop and you do the same with yours and we'll just try and you know just time it as good as you can oh yeah that's a good strategy thanks for the heads up you know Steve eavesdropping is not nice yeah these dropping if I'm a lead into the combo you can't actually wait no I'm sorry sorry sorry don't listen to me I forgot that your I thought it was top bottom not right-left see OMG wasn't even fully on screen before I got popped I just wanted to get it but I'm pretty sure home ones caught arms and Homeland Security is global oh okay is it really oh oh yeah you're right you're right nice I'm doing a time these bed Oh make sure you go to the top as well they'll mind that get your radius and shield Rome to set mine off oh my gosh my level 18 Tobin greenfoot all druid of wrath pops start each round at 200 so your druid of wrath just got a huge boost dude whoa that was a good call selling yours and a tree putting him down look at it this is just getting stopped over there dude I know it was a risky play but that was worth it and that was so clutch on your part for realizing that the Autobot because for people watching his ability will take away lives for us right where it's a sacrificial totem a totem that gives camo detection blah blah blah drains ten lives but the thing is it doesn't matter because we are getting lives anyway from my druid we need to retie Mars because I upgraded mine so it got a new ability oh oh okay so I wouldn't new one about to get anyways yeah here's a bunch of money here you go bill I'm gonna start giving you my just to make sure you get that homeland defense sooner rather than later 287 we're coming into dangerous territory yeah you know dangerous territory you say right yeah I'm not even sweating yeah just wave 90 is dangerous for everybody man called being competitive that's my nature you're not a competitive you're but editon you're so you can't see what we see the viewers will see they know we're winning this cuz my guys haven't even Pocket balloon in the wild I didn't spend like 50 waves as my guys I've touched a balloon yeah boy blades back monkey is only popped 2,400 balloons wait till you see with the power of Obon greenfoot we will eat all the DDGS they could throw at us why is my screen from why is my screen flashing purple those that is Ely yeah that's a zillion okay nice here you go Vail get homeland defense and get me resuming going what's up if the third one going oh wait no I can't remember one okay I'm linking it so I can time it better okay I'm just spending money on leveling up my hero now yeah and then once that's done I'll send it on your way at the time the homeland defense perfectly just got shredded I didn't even I almost missed them there you go you could buy as Ely some levels now yeah yeah I'm waiting for your homeland defense to be done all right I can't even hit my hero every go good timing but here we go now buy some levels for a zillion my friend hurry - maxed out level 16 let's go let's go we're on wave 93 and we're chomp it away I don't get further - Wow because you guys well you're not letting them on the screen so your rounds are shorter hours all right yeah hours get to the middle of the mat before they die if it were a race you des be winning but it's not a race it's a marathon which is a formula race series well we didn't establish that so you're wrong first 100 ones nope yeah basically she's on like wave 99 right now or so they were on 96 all right level 18 for Izzy oh it is nothing oh yeah all right yeah I mean we're we're about to get reinforced DDT's reinforced below at 105 or something [Music] we just hit 98 oh okay yeah run 96 oh that I don't like that gap in the homeland defense I don't think with enough I think we'd need a whole another homeland defense honestly oh yeah three almost does then secures it for completely secures the gap so there you go Vale you might be able to buy the rest of his Ely even the VAD didn't make it to my guys through the fire towers or opie oh my goodness hmm just crushing it okay level 20 is illy nice nice selling off by farms just to reduce any potential lag what wait a minute the Moab hacks can destroy ba-dee balloons we're not on the eighties they come out wearing 100 I'm just saying that that is a fact that it can do that oh that's a fad oh my gosh you're right that's so low P also that open greed puts a them oh speaking of dude look at him look at the little guys go to work oh well that was very farms together that was insane enough great bail that was just crazy we don't need money I'm upgrading them I'm keeping them in play which considering how the later rounds go and be 80s or the worst thing yeah I think we've got this on luck I can't see their screen but of imagining ours looks more handsome I write viewers yeah on around 104 the reinforced DDT's are barely making it past evil on my wall of trees just eats anything really that comes at us so yeah oh my tack sugar has over a million pops dude we are killing it we keep it going you are Abed go ahead and die Bruns Val still holding strong at 110 I think these guys are crazy they don't know what they're in for yeah they're gonna get Doug Doug masters guys most popped balloon tower most balloon tower let me see yeah so right now we have Prince of Darkness at 710,000 we have the druid at 2.3 million we got open Greenfoot at 365,000 my druid at 785 thousand my sniper at 130 so it's definitely the avatar of Wrath by a longshot even keep in mind we deleted towers to to move closer to your open green foot that's true but I think your avatar of wrath is the kingpin here not just because he's super powerful always but in one of his abilities right so if you look at his druid of wrath ability or was it wait which was a popular part of engines gains attack speed for up to 100 lives lost at for getting this upgrade then avatar of wrath it just multiplies that by a bunch but now thanks to open green foots ability he starts with 200 deaths on him so he moralists starts attacking more powerfully and faster the entire time and he also gets pierced damage increase and range damage increase from Oban so basically he's an absolute tank because of an absolute unit is what you meant to say no damn unit tank tank unit tank take it take any tank tank tank tank I can do this all day jerk Oh tank good eat well that you can't lose I think you're gonna lose right now in three two well I was and Ravena my wizard learned Phoenix has popped for over four million balloons well thanks the crazy cat lady here we're able to take out be a DS oh yes with baby kittens it's very cute I'm wondering if it will eventually make up the round difference just because we're killing be a DS Bester that's actually interesting postulation there sir I use the big work it's 1:15 where at what are you guys that 116 now yeah we're 116 oh my gosh Wow so because of a zeal ease ability to pop those be a DS I think bail you're correct or maybe just because our towers are better have you that - yeah that can be it that's probably it to be honest avatar Bret the three point three six million pops and climbing nah that's a unit that's an absolute Yoda at night there's so much oh yeah I don't have anything else to spend my money on these sacrificial cat totem what does that do again is it it gives camo detection which doesn't matter extra Pierce attack range attack speed and projectile speed that's pretty good it's actually doesn't it cost life though ten lives but my druid of spirit of the forest gets them back gives up sighs yeah from which which of our towers is granting us oh that's right banana farms do that now right lives yeah the marketplace Oh marketplace before I forgot the that monkey knowledge point for marketplaces gives you wives yeah maybe we should have kept them on then I mean keep in mind once you get over a thousand it's like any kind of a live boost will give you like max of like five to ten yeah today they slow it up to the point of like when you get this far if anything gets through is gonna hit that many lives anyways like that my druid just got us plus two lives that around like they slow it down on purpose they bottleneck it at a thousand mmm the older games though used to be able to stack them just go wild because that would be a fun challenge right how far can you get with just life recovery yeah I'll reinforce ters they are chumps goodbye have we passed you guys never 1:20 well we're 121 ah so they broke ahead again that's been any good be a dear ants in a pit that's why yeah that's where you guys are gonna make up your time don't really think so buckaroo guy pal no but you're still gonna lose man guy dude man Madden guy dude man 22 has a BA D in it that was a lot of reinforced ones to just try breaking through oh there's the BA D there is chunking the GTS get to my eye Smokies they just stop yeah they just get slowed so much oh my wall of trees is it collecting them anymore it's too full it's eaten too many this blade do you need three million dollars I mean I do yeah well no wait I don't have three million dollars that's a lie that's three hundred and five thousand I mean I'll still take it I'll do my paypal right now here you go what would you do if you had that money right now what would you buy I'd buy two-ply off my house I would get the deck belt to get them yeah buy a house some pool put in I'd extend the driveway and garage I gotta buy cars I'd buy a platypus oh you wouldn't you forget I'm an actual adult here you wouldn't buy a platypus or even consider buying a platypus platypus there lay consider a llama oh I just died oh really one twenty three one two three twenty four well GG guys and GG to the viewers for joining us our very first challenge
Channel: undefined
Views: 658,489
Rating: 4.9403858 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 1Z-KnsFZ-xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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