Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Air VS Air Challenge | JeromeASF

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today we're doing the all air challenge bloons tower defense six and I'm proud to say I can't look at myself I know I use my brain thing it works sometimes so the way it's gonna work is simple Steve and drops you're gonna be working on the heli pilots and Blaine and I are gonna be using the monkey a Stour here's the catch we could all use those towers and we can only supply hook someone who has a similar Tower so blade and I could share money dropsies dude could share money but no going across the pants she'll be very interesting I honestly think the heli pile is gonna help each other out a lot because they supply up in order to get the support unit first then they could start getting tons of money sharing that and the rest is history but let us know what you think down below and let's get to it alright it's game time buckaroos so blade me and you we can afford okay we can afford a monkey so I guess for supply Oken the money to plate and then you guys huh I gave Steve my money so you could get that first way drop so why do you solve 300 bucks what it's 640 I sent her money back okay so now all right Shepherd out of monkey so just give you my money bleep what should we do no I think we should start it all right start enough there we go I'll just give you my mom and all it is pop it off what kind of rap dedushka for first drum I personally like the Spector and then never miss targeting never miss targeting is just so awesome so bottom rail yeah but that's only if the helican helicopter over there you guys would need to get razor rotors for lead balloons first mmm-hmm maybe well think about it it's gonna be a very frustrating challenge I can already tell for people watching out there which ones like your favor Lee do you think the monkeys towers are better are the helicopters I personally love the Spectre gunship that's like my favorite Tower one of my favorite towers in the game sorry I can't say my favorite but it's like cool what do you guys think I'm thinking I think I think we'll have the biggest impact played me and you oh absolutely we're gonna have a figurehead back here and I think oh yeah me with never miss targeting and then spectre gunships and everything it's night day ste night and yet you helicopter people just get out of here you don't need Union I don't know we don't it kind of looks like you guys are actually doing nothing right yeah yeah yeah yeah give it give it a little bit when never-miss targeting comes in you're gonna be like oh wow we do all the work but right now we've popped 13 minutes thanks Steve what do you want to go to the first I'm gonna get pursuit first because my cursor lags a lot but when I was younger and I didn't really understand like how to play balloons I always thought the monkeys tower was just absolutely horrible for reasons like this big it's pop 15 balloons I happen to use 16 16 but I'm like this is the worst waste of money ever who would ever use this and then later on I was like ah when you upgraded things happen things so I'd pop a lot more if they'd you know maybe get away from the start of the map man why we got it there you go bleh to give you 600 I mean do you want to say that for never miss targeting do we want to get you one out of there uh I mean I say Stanford never missed targeting because if I got another one down all it's gonna happen is combined will pop 30 balloon man horrible idea I'm cool with that oh wait downdraft why not do Moab shove instead of downdraft so he can't support you know oh that's right so you guys get money room I just realized how we're gonna have the bigger impact because we're awesome I mean yes but grab zero July we could drop big bum I'll go how about I go that route so you go the you go the specter and I go big boom big boom big boom big boom oh I'm just a couple hundred away from never missed so nice going great guys lovely day at the park for us you know maybe we could just live off of the efforts of her friends I guess they don't feel like popping camos though all right and blade now you got never missed oh my gosh look at that beautiful alright so I'll start putting down mine to get the bomber and I guess you just save up your money to get Specter and then we'll be good okay you don't want me to send you some to get yours a little faster yeah I I don't know I I'm big I said I've just mega ultra Specter fans so why should I do lots more guys you guys are the only ones who can hit the we can't I mean by hey like I thought you guys Ruby teamraiser roader well drops he's gonna get razor rotors but we haven't had the chance to you alright my pineapples got it it's fine then perhaps blade we want to get me to the bomb or maybe I will accept that money bomber races 765 are we doomed we're doing mine I sent you my money drop see come on please pineapple save the day but oh so close alright well I'm standing drop see my money for razors there we go now the big question blade do we want rapid-fire then probably not sharper darts right um what's this I mean it's more matter of do you wanna hear more about dropping the bombs at this point so shooting the darts isn't that big a deal yeah at the same time we don't want you were on the center path we want you to be able to hit the inner path so yeah probably go top route okay sounds good and we'll just save up our own money from here I don't there was a need to really supply oak for me Ron doubt right yeah well this ain't eight drops he could I have some money ease all right guess I could help you like once I get enough for ground zero i could start giving you the rest of my money say i'm just starting out for IFR now yeah that's what I just and do we want to I mean maybe if time was all with my kid Tsar Bomba but for now I don't think it's gonna be really even on our radars I mean even though that's 26 whisper spectre-2 once I get IFR I'll get ya oh you're not getting Flying Fortress it's not change 91 grand so like by the time I get Spectre might as well then get you to star okay sounds good to me like it'd be fair though they're gonna be stacking to the cash we're gonna have so little - yeah but um we actually have a game plan that is like oh what should we do just like dropsy honestly just the worst oh man well uh how we're gonna do against Moab's I'm assuming we'll be fine based on be fine yes what I guess Spectre definitely hopefully the heli pilots can help out do one of these Oh neither of them have wait you guys didn't get Moab shelf no term work we're perfectly fine here yeah for now for ten weeks but then you'll see and we believe it allowed to have one down no no have fun okay yeah so like we'll be fine I mean so long as you got the money to to get what you want but ten thousand I get support - nook nice is Ground Zero that good blade without without the full upgrade of Tsar Bomba yeah Tsar Bomba that actually what it's called yeah it's named after the biggest bomb in history see I thought of mo Bamba no zarba Tsar Bomba was the largest bomb ever dropped in history by the Soviets huh big boom not gonna lie I did not know that I think was a Hydra was indeed a big boom probably I like how drops is like I had no clue about that was it this probably well I mean if I know about different bombs and this drop see is the bomb expert oh my gosh its mass apparently it was fifty nine thousand pounds oh my goodness what is so unnecessarily huge geez well either way I got 3,700 we're making some big bucks now blade yeah ma you're about that for I'm about at five so I think we almost time we shouldn't Cindy what I got and you can get I don't know what you get Specter don't do it yeah but the zero and then we'll save up and you sent to me okay I'm not happy about it yours is kind of like it oh we got it we gotta do something now an emergency pull okay yeah that's true that's true an office for emergencies all right I'll be about it but then we're getting you as fast as we can for that Specter cuz we're good teammates sound like those two hooligans this whole time yeah it was pretty awesome look at him go and we have support okay I don't do that wasn't oh you got these special robots to get the support Chinook I got the drops I was gonna say should I drop another bomb in there cuz indeed they're making it further than we really would have hoped I wouldn't worry about it - wait wait again drum well if they get to the third bridge then you can drop it one then I could drop okay still I was just a little worried play that's all you know don't want to be the cause of us losing I accidentally moved that guy I need back to my towers drops he let me start paying you back now Jerome you don't have to worry about paying me back that's why we're teaming I'm gonna pay back anyway though cuz that's what friends do you could trust me yeah dropsy uh-huh I don't know why I keep saying that but it's alright what we're doing good here 57 yeah no problems about I would say till I'm gonna be very afraid of the bfb but we should be alright cuz your mole up shovel work on that right it works all the way up to before zoms yeah okay it will probably be fun but let's see what happens let's play this out here and oh my gosh just keep shoving them back good work good work it's great because they show them there then you just drop that bomb cluster on them all oh I know right the pathway that I'm picking right now four-figure infinite it's called is really good how are you how are you guys doing money-wise not you got the the care package pretty good to be honest it's awesome and yeah oh he's just frozen in time let's speed this up big bomb GG three towers now oh my gosh things are getting a little spicy here this is uh I don't know guys I'm getting worried out here I'm getting real worried yeah I think you guys need to pop more balloons well we need to get played that Spectre but it's hard cuz we can't share monies across things and you guys got all the monies but it's like not all of us are what dropsy should I go for Comanche or Apache what oh my god Comanche go for Comanche defense because it's cheaper I can't there we go barbar a skill that assists like ASAP let me know what I should pull the trigger I think we're good so far I should if I pulled it now I think you destroyed both those probably not that that's necessary I mean I mean luckily we do have like 570 lives plus 25 shield Oh that'll help us out probably not much but that valve will survive like one full look to foam alive nose guys I lost my mouse no no I hate when that happens that's so infuriating I'm about six grand away from Spectre there we go I could give you one more grand after I get one dart ship will get you the machine gun special populations yeah and then after that blade should we just get another Spectre you think yeah and then if that should get another Spectre you think is your mo AB shove one is that a camel one no it's not now okay check another one down for DDT's but that one you'll have to operate with your cursor so it's a big annoyance but I mean it or I can set it to one place to touch true better true very true I mean you get also set to Patrol yeah let's keep it up guys how much more money blade do you need four grand it feels like we're never gonna get there we'll get it we'll get yeah you guys are uh having a little bit of a rough time aren't you so I'm set I haven't gotten to use my big boom in a while having a rough time why don't you just randomly use it because there's gonna be on cooldown when we need it yeah you never know what you're gonna need it wait 75 is not pretty Steve 75 is gets a little crazy it's 2 grand away there's another one one grand away once we get that you realize where the golden zone right like we're not gonna that'll carry a set Specter probably to leave I would dare I say would get us to waive 90 I don't think we'd make much further but like we'd be up there for sure couple hundred alright and vector there it is not even get a nun screen anymore oh that's easy it's easy goings from here on out now alright so far away 284 and still no major trouble at all so blades are trying to decide what should we spend our money on now if I could get myself another Spectre pretty much at this moment but we're all kind of thinking that we'd use our bomba instead because when the DVDs come around if it's like a heavy wave of wave 95 boom all the duties just die so it might actually be able to carry us I I think you guys are right let's do Tsar Bomba I was I was skeptical at first but I think you guys are right so yeah if you um how much is it it's 26 grand combined do we have like 23 million you so we're almost there my thing look at that do you guys have any tier fives go under uh yeah yeah I have my tier 5 I think dropsy has a tier 5 yet yeah I don't know no I don't actually no you don't all right let's start giving you money drop see I got a tier 5 though but you guys are making the big bucks now it's awesome how much do you get per drop like 2 grand ish the one that I just got was 6 grand oh yeah the nose look at our lives it is just over a thousand but remember I said that the other day that a fan was telling me that after a thousand it lowers the rate at which you get lives from care packages I think they're entirely correct because we're at a thousand nineteen but not much higher like you know I was a I'm down the lives drop in a little while that's what I'm saying that's what he was that's what he was are you actually yes so I was getting like 60 lives per life drop and you know I just got like 10 all right now real quick because it's about to get crazy can we all turn auto start off yeah cool mine's off blade is yours off huh yeah all right we're getting ready for the DDT's Tsar Bomba that you got so yeah we'll be ready for these DDT's we'll be ready all right if everyone's ready for the DDT round any less preparations people need to make now all right we're going in easy well the VG's haven't spawned yet easy Nuka and sorrow there we go so we got to be careful cuz I I can only we might lose because of how often I can do that like if they could come back at 92 and then 93 94 and I might we might lose unfortunately because of that fact but so we need another star bomb well Jeff we're not gonna have another a space and I mean we're not gonna have enough money or time I think for either but let me let me put one dad you think you think it's Specter then yes back alright on the off chance we survived long enough and make enough money to do it alright and there we go dee dee please they come ninety-two right and then 95 again is that works she's wire the wave 90 so unforgiving compared to the 80s they really are keep it up we can do this there's any 20 grand yeah oh geez pedram you wanna see something funny yeah well I can't move your towers nevermind oh yeah I was gonna move your tower oh okay we're halfway done with cooldown come on oh my goodness was that recharge quick at night now I have to be very patient I'll wait 95 because it'll gets up over the DDT's cover the entire screen and that's what I need to pull the trigger that's like yeah what I'm in person you know I mean so I know it's gonna be everyone's gonna be stressed out but I'm gonna wait pretty much until we're you see that less monkey a Stowers on the on the bottom right I'm not gonna say that one that one of mine there I think as soon as it hits that you want to press it yep but that's that's our best bet this is all gonna be about timing this is making me very stressed out because it's all on me it's all on you Jerome wave 95 right here DDT's coming in 5 4 3 2 1 go they kinda takes a while it takes a while it's like the very right hey I clicked it too late oh I tried I tried it time it's hard to tell it is hard to tell so hard oh my gosh we're trying to get we're gonna try it again but I have a bad feeling guys they cover up more than the entire length of the screen and that's not even the issue ready hit it and here's more that's game GG we try to reverse with this with everyone but talk about a really tough challenge
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 935,622
Rating: 4.9092894 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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