Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Super Storm Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today we're looking for a little bit of a different challenge boots tower-defense six and we found this one right here it's the storm challenge where one of us gonna be using the glue cutter a glue storm a spike factor it's spiked storm the monkey ace with dart storm and the Drude with super storm now the person who came with this challenge also said that we could use farms and you know what we'll take them up on that off however we're gonna throw in a little twist if you take a look on screen it's on in Papua mode that's where I am a palpable we're talking more expensive for towers we're talking one life only we're talking veil not not where it is diaper it's gonna be bad oh my diaper I call monkey ace I'll take anything but the glue gun no you are the you eat the glue no problem okay usually glue gunner that who wants to be a anything else what were the options again I didn't listen to the enjoy spiky boy spiky boy spiky boy all right well let's do it then who could put down some I never got clarification to what I was you drew it through it okay yeah put down you and put down and drew it there he goes see there's a hundred dollars like okay I'm ten dollars short there you go don't use it all one place do you put him down butter dad start the game till you put him down my goodness give me a second I can't I'm impatient no and I've got bad guess alright and I assume that the storm that I'm using is super storm yeah the only storm yes are you sure all right he's got a thorn storm is that that's thorn swarm Steve Wow okay so a spike factory at the end and I guess okay yeah you mean you don't have choice you have to go you have to do the one way that's kind of annoying yeah well but multiple what am i doing oh my gosh Steve yeah I just know about it yet corrosive glue it'll be easier how much is it 360 because not only is there glue right in front of me to slow them down but then I'm gonna push them all the way back to the beginning I know oh my gosh this keeps never gonna end Steve do you have to do this no can I can I sell him uh yeah whatever oh I got him well we got spikes at the end too so I was gonna say Steven supply that you put them back down after you sell for him can I sell them yeah this is nothing impatient you always let him through Steve you could've cost us the game you're like you're like you're like I don't even see your Tower down like every team at the fourth quarter the Super Bowl gets the Patriots you just for blowing Steve the drops you doing work over there though I'm saving up for a farm okay here I'll give you my money for now thank you all cherish all $15 percent expect a huge sum there snap just comes in with macaroni art for class and it's like they used evite I'll cherish this know we can be friends anymore oh please I don't have a lot of those please friends cherish each other's back roadie order because I'm actually work the magic does work in palpable okay oh yeah we're gonna need bales spiky boy ia SAP need 150 oh my god now there yay Elka bye spiky boy I feel this is gonna be a lot harder than we think about what's gonna be difficult I really this is gonna be like impossible Navy uh does anyone have camo detection I do else got that part covers yeah but not for like I'm talking did it is this battles got that part covered Mel does know impermanence like they'll go in each of the corners I'm not so it again no I know you're not you can go on the other two but not selling it yeah we're not letting anyone pee in the corners of the room not after this time civilized human being has become yellow now all the fan horse is gonna be vale peeing in a plant pot oh I'm sorry Vale we loved all the captain blasted fanarts that was really cool keep tweeting the mattes we love to see him think my favorite thing it was just that there's the one camo it was just a unanimous that I was hot tea and that was it that's hot I loved the one that had me doing yoga in it yeah that was pretty cool I like the one that completely ignored Matt's existence input I was very lucky all right we're killing it out here fellas I don't know that we're making enough money though you stow that talk sailor well assuming y'all have if someone wants to put down a bit I'm yeah I'm saving up for a Benjamin right now we're allowed to do that sign the challenge okay yeah to break the rules I think in the rules but yeah I think we're breaking the rules we're Benjamin iing it used to be fair the challenge didn't say impossible we said it possible so we made it harder ourselves we should get to make it a little easier at some points - it's a yeah because of impossible upgrades cost more I think - cause it costs a lot more they're like a lot more it's not just one life things are this is like way harder than a hard mode this will give you two the hard mode and then you hit it with a hammer this is yes I would think that would make hard mode easier do i or does my first one need to be loose I'll glue storm okay that's funny yeah you have to have you can get you have to get at least one tier 5 of your tower and everything else has to be tier 4 of the route for the storm because you can't you know who beat me to a Benjamin Mee oh yeah the guy with the banana farm makes sense yeah sorry Steve you snooze you lose it's okay Oh better what you know I was right there yeah the cool part up edge of it is it stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and sticks his decks stops on stacks on stacks also we're kind of like half past doomed when you know the big big chunk is come for tea comes in yeah yeah veil needs to get Moab shredders I think that's the only way we survive right now that's gonna be expensive boys yeah it's 3 grand actually to be honest Lee won't be able to afford that by then if we all kind of chip in and right thing especially us now we have skimming we're making double money for popping balloons and one and Steve got a two so actually we're getting triple money now for popping balloons so maybe lives on my money there we go and you might want to also get bigger stacks as well if you get a chance and yeah but I feel like Moab shredders bigger priority true I'll be sending you all that money around wait for my don't you worry oh my goodness all that happened quick all right well we're gonna try and get back to where we were except we might mix and match things a little bit differently it sounds like I would be getting Benjamin instead of a farm first and Steve is gonna go ahead and get his lightning strike ability which will hopefully help us out a little bit let's see if we do things better this time all right so this time around we have a little bit of a better setup we now have three Benjamin's on the field and we are much better equipped a kit to getting Vale all the way up to the stuff that he needs so those guys let's keep giving vales money they'll remember bye wave 40 we're gonna win you have white-hot spikes and Moab shredder would yeah sounds like a lot but we have a lot of money that's gonna come your way so okay I can go ahead and get white-hot spikes right now yeah ankle big go big buddy dude go big oh we're doing good guys we're really doing a lot better this time supply okay we're champions at it we're gonna be to pop and load on the storm challenge and there's nothing Steve could say about it besides you can't stop the band from saying it you'll say it anyway you see he's crazy and Vail there's the rest of your money Moab's are nomads Valda's got a load of cash from people well there we go and we'll be ready to take out the book the modes well we shredding out here we shred out here we're strutting the gnar as the snowboarders say Val do you have a Benjamin as well no okay well that idols that thing I was gonna say that we could get another one but three of them is already all overkill like that's loads of cash because there's a dollar if everyone gives you a dollar and there's three of them giving you an extra dollar you get four dollars per which beats you divide it by each person every person gets a dollar a pop now so it's like playing normal blooms more or less okay here we go this is Ruth wait just freeze okay the air is just frozen in place is all you Vail all you buddy that's the next bulb comes away 50 and we gotta obviously be a lot better prepared than that maybe we try and hook Vail to get another one so don't you bottom-left yeah cuz hit it pop before it was all the way at the end I could have helped out with it man oh man well I hope I'm able to help you guys even a little bit here yeah you'll be able to help out you'll do some things yeah Steve's right though if it had popped before then then then he could've hell yeah I like what we're going with this now I think we've got a good plan in mind uh as long as we can make oh my goodness that was close this is getting very risky guys in another thousand dollars I can get drew to the storm so that might help out with the tornado mister unit ok moab shredder cool now remember we gotta get that the bigger stacks as well and red-hot spikes but we'll get there soon for avail here's some money bigger stacks oh my goodness don't worry Steve made my mistake hot spice okay you guys should focus on your own stuff for a minute okay and a lid of the storm I'm getting real nervous you everything really you think so yeah I literally have a tornado Steve those usually make things that do she's a reason for concern he's at the front I would 100 PME tornadoes in general Stevie oh God oh no seems like it's okay I've got a thrower Oh Oh spicy okay let's let's turn off auto start and let's figure something out here we might need I bet you if we get bails first spike storm maybe or drop C drop C blue dissolver I'm gonna try it's not this storm I can't get that wound is offers the oh yeah I mean fighter planes cool now there's Operation dart storm that shoots out a lot of them let's hook you up oh my goodness let's hook Jerome up all right operation Dart storm it's the drone I'm telling you it's the Drude and this is the druid at first I thought it was his vines but I think it's just the druid in general I think he's a laggy tower okay what do we want to do okay well my labs are here yeah but we we crushed the Moab yeah Vail the unit yard we could put down the more spikes maybe even but orbit is do we want to get vales spikes storm I think spike storm would be a big help okay failing great all the money I can give you in this world there you go bud five thousand for spike storm right the camo boys we're okay but it's got a cool down so come on yes we survived I shall have spike storm [Music] this is good it's very good stuff here guys alright we're looking pretty we're looking pretty let's be honest here do we want more lightning people from Steve aqus do we want more like No [Laughter] guys I'm getting so nervous out here don't like this is a this is a tough one it's a very tough chance we are impossible how did that Moab die up there no no no without my operation dart storm because that's the only difference maybe got the one from before - oh yeah is your Dart yeah my operation dart store might actually be good I haven't it but he sounds so surprised about that you're like it may actually be I knew he was good I didn't know he was like Papa Moab good did you come Papa Moab it sounds like you're calling my dad Papa Moab good use we probably wanna get veiled that other one though cuz now he's exposed hears he's exposed there's all the money I have in this world Vail there's all the money I have to Vail but we need this bike store there yeah no offense but this is all cam to use it you know you no longer use it it's unit I don't know if you need glue hose Oh drop so you're hitting everyone yeah but who are you covering everything well I want it on this bottom boy here because of the the balloons lose the glue by that point oh I see you tonight well and that's how I need to get to blue storm anyways do I want more dart storm people I mean they seem to be doing an okay job maybe more fighter jets or to be one voice plantation may really need banks all right I got a plantation instead it works yeah guys I'm sweating out here and Papa loaded not easy sweating bullets I really am though oh goodness got to take care of those let's camelids our terrifying part of he wants to just keep getting veil carpets but just a million carpet of spikes just let him spam it down that's I'm saying though it could work give you my money drops you thank you I could I'd really thought you said give me your money drop see give me your money all right all right okay okay okay we're gonna just head off some of that oh no we're popping a ball out here got a pop wall got a popping mark out a pop them all yeah got a Papa mo got a Papa mo yeah and what's next okay I get ya bye get those next two plantations I'm pretty certain I'll be all right on the cash Shola's cuz that point I'll be making thousands around ya oh gosh if we survive that long sometimes I forget that the human is waiting when all else fails wait he's like veils like our version of Batman oh gosh use it use it do you have another one please tell me you have another one yeah I do yeah oh my gosh please tell me you have another one nope I don't guys guys we need playing fail put some stuff down nah we're not looking again so when we hit continue I think we each got a boat is $4,000 so it's not really entirely fair so we're gonna go ahead and place some towers down delete them until we more or less get rid of all that money the $4,000 so I had 1,700 so I'm I'm keeping that there we go I had $15 like oh that actually gave me back then I needed every time you buy and sell the night it takes only a thousand so yes sir okay then we just need to keep on doing this I'm trying to be I could also just put this guy off to the side just to leave him I'm back to where I was I'm back to where I was - I'm almost there all right so what do we want to do this time around how can we make it better $600 and I can have another druid of the storm so shootin tornadoes back I don't know if that's worth it or if we should just instead give Vale the money to put down another carpet of spikes kind of feeling another carpet of spikes actually yeah yeah it could be it that could be let's go with that all right so I sent a veil my money do we maybe want it in the back again so that we have twice as many back there sure let's do that all right yeah and six white oak Spike's faster production whoo okay so low ABS shredder and now I just need another five grand and we'll get that eventually but just the spikes back here will help you think you have any extra spikes I think can help us out a decent amount I'm gonna keep giving you my bloody veil and the hopes that you get it mid round I'll do the same well that sounds horrible never go keep giving her money we could do it you got a bill you got it I got it all right but you have a charge on it now huh yes all right it worked everyone we're movin on movin on up oh my goodness that's nice - I want to get you more whirlwinds there you go buddy all right cool and then that ball of lightning might be worth it is it I mean I can sell off some of my farms we don't want to sell off your farm I mean if it if it prolongs our life it might be worth it I know but I'm making enough cash to pay for those farms okay that's fine so I should supply hook you if you need that 7200 and I have $2,000 wait till they get for their dango yeah I'm always keeping the one in reserve now oh man guys this is not pretty this is a very hard challenge it really is it's just tough in palpable mode everyone that storm storm challenge alone probably been bad but doing all the different things that we did to make this miserable well we definitely didn't make this easy on ourselves I'll leave it at that whose mortar monkey is that my Jason shooting okay I was just tired of having to sell it and keep losing $23,000 until I had a storm there we go a hero only shows up at the last minute guys how's that the secret cash team yeah ball of light let's see how you do maybe put a ball of lightning guy in the very front I can do that yeah all right I'll start working towards that I'll start sending your money Steve you're ready money here's $1,000 let me just take care of those leads man that was so much money what am I ever gonna do with that much money there's also the scary notion that the DDT's will eventually come and we're all doomed I'm just gonna fuss yeah I'm spike storm it might be the best route actually is just to get mail a ton of them or superstorm [Music] super storm do you think super storm would be a crazy idea Steve I don't think it would be too crazy of an idea but I think what I think we could Steve drop seat veil are you guys down to this keep supply okey Steve to get superstore I mean yeah but I actually had a question blue streak it's all balloons on on screen does that include camel I think it does all balloons hundred and eight thousand not just me I think collectively we can within eighteen waves I think we can Steve I really do all right let's do it then we all just gotta keep giving Steve trust me I know it seems crazy but wait it is crazy because super storm won't hit Moab everyone DDT's I mean we could use blue storm yeah one new carpet of spikes thanked loose storm sure all right that's it off the veil that's so unfortunate your super storm won't hit camos I know it's annoying actually as what it is they'll you're gonna get that carpet of spikes don't you worry pal I mean yeah let's go for it we can do it it's 50 grand well how are you going backwards what is going on I was a little worried about that - I'm not gonna lie I was just looking at like this doesn't seem right do you not think that sky shredders would really help us out it would all right if you want to give me if you want to pass it to me then sail light and that's fine too I mean I'm just asking I'm not sure I don't know what would be better Spike's don't know that we could try it let's go for it then I feel like we need to get the other storms just so we complete the challenge we've got 25 hours operation dart storms only four I haven't I guess technically I'm the only one who doesn't have a storm right now they get all of them I think we just need to go down that route I don't really think not using everything the best of our ability is a bad think there are a problem for the challenge that was close so we really want to get me to this instead of Vale Oh whoever is the most money yeah I was just curious we might be able to get them all by wave 50 to be fair wave 50 yeah wave 90 that one that's like whoa wait 50 when did we agree to 50 we're past that oh we won the challenge there you go bye no this is oh gosh scary stuff 9,000 more dollars only and I'm really hoping then it'll become a different world out here for us I need a break from impalpable mo dad for this for at least two challenges look this was your idea alright I don't think Steve this will be an easy challenge let's go in palpable big mood what did you think that this was a thinking place did you think that there was thinking this is the place of thinking no this is the Krusty Krab oh we're so close there is oh my goodness well I'm thinking that'll really help us out I think has it yeah as a targeted missile on Moab's did you see that he does look see the mob just died so and I guess split-second motion you'll see him shoot a missile out he fires it at Moab's and does like a tremendous amount of damage so you look how much that helped out just look how beautiful that now we can see our spy stories I'm promised guys you know you're those was going bad we lost twice we can't fight it we kept trying that's what it's about that's all that's about ok I now have a second regular Dart storm some more missiles alright what do we want now spike storm I'm gonna get this guy in the front for me up the ball of light do we want carpet a spy sir will be rather does have veil put down like 10 spikes like storms like just 10 spot storms yeah Witter the map with spike storm hail literal hay litters not cool when there's the litterin when there's spikes it's really not cool dangerous don't mess with Texas come on okay okay looking good oh well I'll be freezing who's freezing out here who's frizzy boy I think I am Eve you know what I thought about this guy we keep saying druids a laggy tower while it might be steve's usually a druid and he's the laggy well i've never the druid actually what do you mean you're never like this really like I've been druid once in the last uh I'm a fan of plans a month yeah okay there you go veil more to catch the more of these spikes we could get and fire off yeah look at that now veil is gonna be able to very soon at five of those and his arsenal by the time wave ninety comes he might even have like eight or nine which at that point will take it away cuz you're the sole protector veil your Arbonne amazing witness oh god bless them you're Batman you're always done blast them you're literally all we've got in this world veil I will say that wave like 88 or 89 though try to not use the spikes if we can help it oh yeah of course you gotta be conservative with it yeah Batman doesn't just go Batarang it all around the city I mean nothin teeth oh my uses his fists ah yes bat foo foo whatever it is he does well we got you another 10 G's okay I'd be better I'll put it somewhere there's another 5 G's just stack them all like where you have yeah at this time I think we're good to go yeah the ones in the upper right-hand corner I would just keep spamming them there I can't believe that we honestly well we lost both times I was like dang the first time I was like wow maybe you just can't make enough money they're like no we could fight past then the second time I was like maybe like you know we just couldn't get it right like maybe these towers aren't good enough for like no we could do it and now here we are I I believe in us guys I believe we're here as a unit we are so is this 88 or 89 that I need to hold on you can use it on this wave but 89 if you can obviously having a stay alive is the priority but if you can hold off that would be awesome because then we'll have a lot left over yeah that's the B TT right yeah I'm pretty sure we're fine yeah you're yep yeah we're fine you shouldn't have to use them right now yeah you fine I've got seven eight saved up so no I Rome you've got it down to a science just let me know what I have to do it oh gosh I don't like this responsibility yeah that's a lot of responsibility that's why we pawned it off on you yeah I was kind of hoping you would just take care of that yeah my fighter plane upgrade though it flies fast and launches an ting bow at missiles and I think that the DVTs are technically wink weaker so it might be able to like well I might kill the DDT's we'll see in a second that was that fighter plane is awesome more darts daughter more darts more darts well this is big news for us fail 95 is gonna be the crazy wave that we're gonna need all the veil we can get all the hands on deck cowboy right no did somebody say unit that's my trump card cash money in sight keep losing my mouse yeah me too lot going on on the screen today this is good stuff guys this is very good stuff I'm just keeping my mouse on spike story I'm so proud all right and fighter plane now I have another one that's shooting anti Moab missiles a fire fire fire Vail fire fire fire they need a before they got so Steve yeah still though it's still good just to be extra careful yes nervy out here guys I'm nervy still got five in the chamber I didn't realize that the anti Moab missiles were that good I just kind of shrugged it off because there were 1,200 bucks a pop but like that was apparently a wrong thing to do yeah they good see if I think you might have saved the game with your clutch decision to get my tier 5 yeah and take your infinite fire fire fire veil think you fired too many times I hate that probably I hold off nine six five four three two one fire yeah captain blast them I think we should have not spammed that all over fine work no captain blast him knows what he's doing yeah all you gotta do is blast all right now be vigilant but wave 99 is gonna be the big reinforce DDT wave that's where things get real bad real quick I can't believe it guys I can't believe it a fire fire fire have begun nice nice alright I have enough of these darts toward people I feel like maybe maybe getting Vale more money again to put more part of more the spiked storms there you go Vale if we can get even one more dad it could be a lifesaver you never know there you go Vale okay I've almost got another there we go okay okay where's my mouse come on Wow around 98 I'm actually kind of surprised to be honest I am very surprised but balefire if you can't fire a bunch fire a bunch okay good good good come on Jay my goodness I was so cool wait till they get good oh my gosh Val I thought we lost all right here it is deep that's it just keep eating there we go come on yeah come on come on come on that was literally the hardest challenge I think we've ever done I have no idea how happy I am right now that is oh my gosh
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 668,374
Rating: 4.9088292 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: rT0KRyA7SI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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