Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Superhero Tower Challenge | JeromeASF

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Do the you guys challenge: Steve: glue gunner Jerome: total transformation alchemist Blade: pat fusty Dropsy: Ezili

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
last time we did the bloons tower defense six superhero challenge you guys absolutely loved it I mean I'm talking like half a million views and only a handful of weeks so I'm like oh we got to do this again so we're bringing it back for doing different types of Heroes for the challenge so the way we do this is simple is ever going around 100 we gotta go all the way to round 120 but that's because of how powerful these towers can be we're also gonna allow each and every one of us to have access to banks so if we can count racking up those monies real quick this time rats team's gonna be Frozone from the incredible sales Deadshot a sniper rifle that's gonna be Doctor Strange as the wizard monkey and last but not least I'm gonna be the night [Music] really what's wrong with tonight predictable so Steve just for you I decided to pick throws owns favorite map see you welcome pal you mean it no I guess oh man you just get a sniper monkey real cheap for 135 and Frozone is 425 bucks I can't afford the super monkey for a very long time oh this alchemists we're good then I'm gonna save up my money to get this banana farm going cuz my guy's gonna be expensive as could be but the good news is we could always share money back and forth and I could just you know send it over to you get me who's the sniper supposed to be yes that's a good shot good shot yo dead shot is what is that supposed to be like the guy with the bow and arrow from no dead shot like straight up got a sniper like this what he does he's Will Smith that's hot yeah okay but why is no one the crossbow master guy with dart monkey to be the man who knows Matt that's so last season come on know so much about me you want me going um for I guess probably crippled Moab is best for the sniper right guys that's my guess dropping this what's the guy's name we'll lose my mind Hawkeye Hawkeye Hulk I'd be so much better than Frozone we already talked about this yeah but you played the night okay again I've never been the knight in my life that's it no rules maybe nobleman no Mac get that is there rules we're rid of bed tonight we are gonna need him out of here good man I also we can get monkey villages yes of course we're gonna need those because otherwise it's gonna be insane if some of us can hit Moab's others can't speaking of which which way I say for Frozone you want to be super brittle do you think would be the best way or I look super brittle seen something so I'm doing something you think super brittle what was that oh that's a powerup it clears the whole Matt I'm thinking either super brittle or or the Arctic wind oh yeah dude maybe the Arctic wind ability that might be my favorite route for the ice monkey yeah fair enough so we're all allowed the monkey farms right I know yeah villages but we're only allowed one tower it's literally just the super euro tower so it's very sad stuff you know do I even need it for you you know like I'm not the banana farm am I gonna need a banana farm you might not need it I will cause mine's $200,000 let's see mine is 34,000 that's not too too bad yeah I think I can get that just passively yeah Wow I was robbed at a booth someone's breaking the rules up in here who's more during the banker that's not very heroic hey mortar the banker you wanna bet yeah also I really wished that bankers warlike farmer straw hats me too I might be so friendly casual Friday in banks they just all wear farm clothes and they start accepting bales of wheat as a currency that'll be 15 we bank doesn't do that no they only accept carrots really yeah they gotta get with the times yeah I'd say so Oh discombobulating ba ba ba Dave obey I can't believe I love the way new challenges I love we do challenges like this for can actually put down the night without getting yelled at by my friends you know I never yell at you I just want that to be put out there no you usually are the biggest instigator nah he's not angry he's disappointed yeah ma that Stephens always angry yeah that's a secret key even it's like cuddly teddy Harnish the Libby name I mean there we go more banana farms sure look our farmers are back to back oh oh not anymore are they enemies you think you're to think that their friends protected each other they're frenemies yeah we've been neither monkey villager I could if I could probably get a sauna monkey village sooner enough give me a moment here give me a moment it was the heat of the moment we got them it's actually gonna take a little bit more than a moment probably it's only what - it's only like 3,000 before you can hit camos with the village yep I need $1700 I'm accepting the whole forms of donations okay including the will of peace on earth including big chunk okay that's not a real donation I'm gonna donate with my chipper attitude I mean I feel targeted and assaulted and all right no one's giving me money for this so I'm not getting the radar scanner I'll lose if we have to here you're talking to me no I guess you're talking to everybody but look at Valen Matt I sent you my money I'm gonna do banana farms oh okay well then that's fine then you need all the monies you can get here's a radar scanner for you I guess Merry Christmas [Music] well we're gonna need a super monkey here super quick whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I sent you all my money Jerome thank you buddy we'll survive this but just barely super friends that's all a bird never mind mentally that sniper just ripped them to shreds yah eat oh the large caliber is made to destroy that specific unit yeah [Applause] that's why I was saying I agree we need a super monkey ASA yeah I'm trying I'm trying to find an optimal place to put up but there just isn't put him right behind the sniper monkey he won't reach just barely won't but he won't he won't reach well it uh oh right I mean and that won't actually matter to be fair soon enough because that's the whole point of the night he can hit anything well well not only that you can get bigger radius so tonight targets strong maybe you could target whatever you would like if you're the sniper monkey yes okay I'd like to target your heart Jerome oh my gosh he's too kind yeah I request I rewind all my VHS tape before I return them to Blockbuster so really our other friends put down yeah I'd think they decided that they don't need the money I kind of figured Steve was the farm guy gonna be honest kind of figured wrong I can see if any one of us had to be a farmer in the real world I could see it being Steve yeah I could be a farmer I don't know I straight up like I could have I could see you being a farmer I I would straight up be a farmer I could see myself being the trash man for that what do you mean we got a guy for that Bale but don't worry man why do you keep saying he's literally the trash man I just said something that's just a reference from Steve's channel okay Steve's a family I just eat lots of garbage yeah well I do eat garbage because I work out five days a week ah fair fair he works out so he can eat the garbage I mean that's fair if there was ever a reason to work out that probably it I eat to the garbage we did it Challenge over YUM no not even close put it we need a team or waves think about that atm we're struggling you make a problem go mad uh who a pronghorn is that like a diseased animal I'm taking my time all right Oh put a raft in the middle of there who's rafting whose raft is that oh yeah there we go I switch did you kind of want to play raft I'm down yeah we haven't played raft in a while has been a while hasn't it did you say craft crate yeah that's a craft Cray it I'm getting real worried out of here i'ma have to start actually investing in my tower as opposed to banana farms yeah my god guys I was trying to say I needed money and no one would give me the buddy cuz you couldn't hear me he's gonna say you keep saying guys all you want play I don't know about that chief it was all mad what do you mean I gave him 600 bucks I meant the screaming alright we not gonna say anything I sent you all the money alright we're gonna need to just err we'll just we'll just continue on everything's gonna be fine we just need to actually upgrade our towers here as freely all this comes down to there you go plasma blasts with the night and now we'll be fine for a very short limit is gonna be fine okay I just got my Moab where you already got me Moab yes oh wait that's five grand that's right yeah that's it that's a good one to get and I'm targeting strong so hopefully the Moab's aren't an issue anymore there we go look at us look at us go guys we're doing big things here okay we are just unit aren't way dude yeah right so I'm gonna call for a unit yeah I think so I heard a couple people saying unit it's true see if we did say unit a bunch good good I'm glad glad we got the unit's out I've got a bunch of banks but still a little nervous so once we get all the things upgraded do you think that these four towers will actually last away 120 or now now 120 I don't think we're only using four towers this is it I don't think we'll last a 120 I think we'll beat wave 100 at least no that's even if he Wow really I think we'd be lucky to get 200 geez what day would say anything in the intro well you have a most Frozone and I see Wayne may have been the worst one the picked my dissing Frozone I mean because he equates to the ice monkey well I'm just saying the man found a super suit he did finally find a super super SU [Music] yeah I would need another 30 Grande all right look ma'am Moab all want to have more and more banks but we need to save some money for our towers yeah true would you like Matt does even our Kade spike yet for dr. strange we might need this dr. strangelove how much money do you need to get uh-oh Matt you're almost there 8,500 well cuz I pulled out my loan early I didn't know we were all doing banks cuz I didn't really think we needed to all do banks to be honest for only four towers the problem is the jeromes tower costs $10,000 so much money yeah mine's fifty thousand for Tier four two hundred thousand forty or five he's not the pleasant well here he here everyone goes Matt here you go oh wait spikes [Music] thousand to max out well send whatever was left over I just sent you thirteen thousand send whatever is left over to whoever needs it okay I need twenty seven thousand so nothing's left over oh I'm sorry I 2700 is what I heard I'm sorry oh no no no I'm almost maxed and then then we I'm gonna be a bit aboot yeah once you get an idea what if we brought spider-man spider-man look I'm always spider-man be it spider-man you don't my favorite thing about spider-man is that is all deal you go ahead I was gonna say he shoots webs not it's because of all the alternate versions of spiders gonna say the same thing I was gonna say it's because of how many different spider-man sorry you got like what is it the porky spider guy yeah there's one called spiders man which is just a spider-man suit filled with a mass of sentient spiders man what's the guy that's real quiet-like and it's only in black and white I didn't know about all them until I spider-man noir the spider-verse the Spidey verse yeah yeah yeah I'm right at places to put banana farms I'll save a man by you mean Fisk oh yeah it was coming out of his chest Oh head offense man what's his name head chest Mary black trench coat yeah head chest man oh my god y'all have to know his name I mean I wouldn't spiders that one oh the main villain I mean I think I'd call Wilson Fisk the main villain he's behind it all but I know who you're talking about it's like his uncle or something how many banks y'all got out here all right I'm done I'm done I'm done pin kingpin okay that's fist well I'd call him kingpin anyway whenever blades really angry at him I always imagined him as kingpin because I imagine him coming in there with like all like with this shoulders real big and he's just like who crashes server this and it's always bail God what and usually be to be fair if it's a Minecraft related issue it's me I mean I do spawn a lot of Withers Oh whoever did that thank you person someone gave me a lot of love them operated my towers so oh nice so you're maxed out there yep yep well j-4000 and I can get them crippled Moab nice so then you're done after that too mmm and then really just all about I guess so here I'm gonna give you this avail whatever money is left over does Hannah steve-o like I'm not too worried about me I don't want me to get yours and then there you go take one down pass it to Steven Libby around about 4,000 more dollars all right so we're closer to the DDT rounds we got a ton of money here so here we go dark champion and I 50,000 more dollars get legend of the night so nothing too crazy will be able to get that soon enough and how much did you need again fede there's 47 oh my gosh while they collect all for my bank there and the night the night oh no this is gonna lag out a suit there the game couldn't take the heat all right well now we're ready to go we got this all good we got our monkey villages all boosted out here whoo should we get the upgrade for homeland defense ability affects all monkey wait what is it a call to arms should we get called arms I let me look at it yeah yeah all right that'll help us out a bit and when we did say we're allowed to monkey village of the banks so might as well utilize them to the best of their abilities also uh the first round of DDT's would just like it they're gone they're straight up the night and it got him good okay ready we might have you might have been right all along Jerome no I hope not okay yeah I hope so I mean that'd be pretty cool a building affects all monkeys and for twenty seconds that's so good I mean and they call to arms as well as 50% attack speed and that's so o P Oh what just happened those DDT's just vanished they got melted okay like just okay then yes melted don't need buddy there you oh thank you veil yeah there you go mad Jerome oh thank you guys homeland defense then is all that's left and we can give you a dark chain that means fussing no real homeland defense a dark champion you can't there's no Batman imposters didn't you see the laser stuff oh yeah yeah cousin the Batman imposters get thrown in jail alright so I read that's all we have right this is what we got it is literally it yeah I'm hoping an effective germ enough money he'll be bribed into making more nights but I know okay I can't be conned into making more of the night have you never seen the movie Batman in the night good night who would the Joker be besides Steve Steve exclusively there's something back there my man Moab is okay oh yeah oh okay finally in range wait who's using the fire blood oh you is you're gushing just ruff fire blasts Matt and arcane blasts I don't really know why I didn't realize arc mage I guess is a master of all elements okay good point good point fair enough you can just kind of do whatever he wants I guess yeah exactly I dare you to tell him otherwise yeah I've never I've never personally been a master of all elements so I didn't know well you're a talky bender oh yeah I can bend takis but everything changed from the spicy talk he's attacked that was wave 99 this is a hundred-year I really think we can get to 120 like I seriously think we're gonna be all right yeah we got words look at that boyo let's keep it up guys let's keep it up I just thought you know I really do believe in us guys I believe in us too all right so we're still kicking strong at Wave 111 I also got a tier 5 of every type of banana farm because purposes so low okay where's your central market the mean the wall street that's right on the left of the screen there liar Steven Libby oh wow I didn't even see that you put things all the way over there also we're killing it out here and we still have all the abilities as well that we haven't been using so out of there as much to worry about here but eight more ways to go oh they don't think we have to worry about its lagging out I suppose yeah Jean de los yeah shy ability is pull trigger what are gonna do with all that money Steven upgrade nice you get more banks too yeah I'm getting my tier fives of each Bank you know we still haven't done the Meggitt that challenge no yeah Oh Steve I gonna like just crush the man's dreams like that look if we did the mega Tet challenge we could do the mega money challenge and we could all have to get a million dollars and gift it to each other that way we can get the achievement well so what it's Steve when all this money for to get my tier 5 to take over the world oh you're gonna get all your tier fives - yeah and they need one more oh yeah I only need $10,000 if anyone's in the making for giving out $10,000 there you go but now you got to give it all to Matt or Vail so that they can also get the tier 5 oh I didn't even do banks nevermind well then what a waste of mony bail you're useless I'm sorry I didn't beat it might as well delete my sniper huh no no no no no no we need that man we need that man's what are those X's mean um they're kisses Oh have you never heard of X's and O's yeah and the O's are hugs nice oh wait well what X is wait I thought the O's were kisses no no because the XS are like crossing your arms around somebody No now the O's are the hugs because you in circle them in your arms really I thought the O's for kisses no X's are kisses because it looks like pursed lips oh I thought the Oh is because you circle them in your arms and the X is because when you're kissing them you hit it with a cross chop when they're not paying attention is that out it [Laughter] let me the night grew slight wait is that the are you putting the night back there we already have is like that man's an imposter it's okay you went to jail oh well that's what happens when you try to impersonate the night yeah the night yeah nice bag I to make sure you couldn't hit anything will get us go guys 1:17 we might beat 120 I gave you all my money Matt well I really won the upgrade I used our the weak villages ability to get that money before of course there you go Matt that's all I needed did you get the night Oh tonight he's identical it's from an alternate reality Bruce Wayne's dating so tribal narco banana farms eat us no yeah alright wave 119 wave 120 s coming in hot after this so get ready if you got abilities you could use them we're going in listen I haven't been playing the game for a while okay yeah yeah let's be honest Wow bail I got my max character I don't have any abilities I'm just sitting you're chill I feel bad bill you're like I got nothing nothing to live for this world well I got you guys Shh I mean yeah there we go guys but yeah those X's on the B ad to that effect I don't know there must be someone I mean no I guess he's all attacks can technically hit him so I don't know what that is about maybe he's immune to my Moab stuff maybe oh my gosh that was 120 we did it well GG the superheroes did it that's awesome all right everyone so we played it out and for as long as it would go and literally an Internet round 123 you can't make that up so pretty much we guessed 120 just randomly and we were barely able to hit that goal but that seems to be the cap but here's the final round for those who have they're wondering you can see them all kind of come on through also we didn't really use the abilities not that wait maybe the abilities for what mattered we're about to find out let's see ah oh it's possible oh my gosh the abilities actually did make the difference with the abilities we might be able to sneak on to wave 124 I'm not sure we get much further than that though let's see wait for it yeah we can use that ability now and that ability both abilities doubled up on it in that purple mo I'm still just pushing through even with all that oh but the reinforced DDT's got evaporated no way there's no way that's how that just goes to show you how powerful those abilities are that we were able to do that all right well let's see we're gonna be able to wait for it oh we got him now boom boom super abilities again I think it's working I think it's working let's see come on come on yeah we stopped them and then all these beady T's we got him actually shockingly we shockingly stopped I'm I'm flabbergasted I knew these superheroes were good but this is a little bit of wild and just in time for another big splash of the abilities they only last for 20 seconds with fast-forward mode on that's basically like the equivalent of like eight nine seconds something like that I think it's a little faster than two times as fast so they don't really last hold on like yeah there you go see now we're in trouble go down the abilities and there it is Rowlett oh my gosh because the legend of the night gets that portal at the end that blocks it every once in a while that just saved us that literally just saved us for another day we can make it another day that means look at that around 127 here we come and that thing usually replenishes every like 30 seconds every minute or so so that shield might be back up there in the back we might be able to capture some of the the DDT to try and sneak by let's see oh no we're in it we're in this to win it and we got our special power-ups again Oh reinforce that rush of reinforce DDT scared me there I was like this might be exactly where it all ends all this ba DS gonna try and wait no didn't make it did not make it alright keep it up keep it up ability their ability their double flash ability now we're talking and let's see what could happen here oh hey we got it we're gonna win this we're gonna I don't know I'm out a row winning is but we're the 130 I'm gonna be shocked absolutely floored if we make it to round 130 let's see let's see come on overcharge extra speedy boy it's I mean it's definitely I think this is gonna be where it ends because we don't have the power up now because we had to use it on the last wave unless we just get a freebie here we might just be gifted a straight-up free me look at this they're not I think we just got gifted a freebie around there to reuse our special abilities oh just in time to stop those DDT and then a bunch of reinforced they got stopped though oh but now no power up with a BA D just slowly going along here I'm gonna stop and I think we're gonna get him Wow was that close that was something else there and look at that I think they purposefully take long pauses that way it messes up your ability cooldowns that's my guess anyway is that it makes you use them and then you don't have them because you've wasted them there that's my take on it but there we go and another one made it through the DDC someone's giving me money is someone there no oh hi Steve I didn't have my headset on I figured you left leg in which Allah may have been sitting here okay nice I think we're about to finally lose there it is round 130 incredible stuff
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 772,143
Rating: 4.9339485 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: Abt1-yU2HEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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