Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Undercover Challenge | JeromeASF

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the balloons undercover challenge is really gonna push it to the test with us because we have a lot of expensive towers and we somehow have to get them down all by round 110 how is the world we're gonna be all these balloons it's such expensive towers we can barely afford anything coffee at this point man what else here's this here's a challenge Oh tell pretty much what we have to do for this is use towers that cover up their face and are undercover drops is gonna be rocking the crossbow masters which we can get to of because we have a cool monkey knowledge point that lets us get to with that specific tier five hero we got Steve rockin the biggest one and I'm not talking about the turds he leaves in the toilet bales gonna be going ahead as our ninja monkey extraordinaire and myself I mean come on did you even have to ask soon as you saw the night on there you're probably like oh I know what Jerome's doing the banks I'm running the bank's now I'm playing with you I'm doing the banks that I'm also doing the guy the guy the guy tonight the bad man the guy the guy the night the math you do that man Bruce Smith yes Bruce back way back way Bruce man start this off guys there's a lot of different ways we can do it we'll drops you chucking down her free dart monkey here that works there we go I can don't worry every else wouldn't give me all the remainder of your money and I get our first farm site that cash back all right there we go just put that down there trust me Steve it's for the good of the people look good of the republic sir seems like I hate you there we go perfect you give up your Monday oh cool I sent to draw money gosh thanks you know what we're not gonna have to struggle for camos for once yeah you know what that's very true no let's make it as well we should travel a time where we supply Oh cuff to start someone to get a super monkey we lose the first two rounds and it will have enough money for it what work science good work science is power and brilliant that stuff never I just want to throw this out here I think the ninja monkey is the only one that is gonna be able to hit camelids so well while we were just doing that rain I'm not so cut cut you were talking about something about geckos so the Geico gecko you said is not an actual he's not a gecko yes now gecko how do you know because my sister who is a anthropology major told me so okay but a major insurance company told me he is so yes it's not a frog Steve he's definitely at best the lizard he's clearly not on screen up here right up at the top of your screen where occasionally a lizard run sir and if you click on him quick enough he's really quick but if you click on him quick enough he becomes your cursor what's the series absolutely like you I almost believed him and then I remembered what today was that was a really fast lizard but yeah we're filming this on April Fool's everyone so expect pranks to probably not be about so as they don't get any good April Fools pranks in this year yeah the comments section let us know did you get any good April Fool's prank I love all those really original youtubers who all tweeted out today that they deleted their channels I was like wow so original I hope I get to rinse over 50 times today dude I straight up though I have probably read that tweet from at least five youtubers and I'm like Brooke no I'm sure you got it's literally that meme man you got the whole squad laughing everyone's good if I was more of a vocal caller outer of people I would totally just start blasting people on Twitter for it but I'm like I just can't I can't be bothered my drama days are behind me oh wait Jerome just send me some demons I'm captain blasphemy no no we don't need this we don't need captain bless of just blasting all these people last war from the arm blast did you might be on this um can you make a drama YouTube channel blast of it you're on last that's so that's so can you do that please I just said it just start a new channel and it's just a new shows like listen yeah an idiot dude that's awesome that's the awesome part of the Internet you actually can please I'm actually okay I'm gonna i'ma need you guys to self drop see I know you've got your finger on the pulse of the community I'm gonna need all the juicy trash would you like to be my co-host on on blast can I guess sometimes I want to be on no they're on blast and I'll be like here's the tea and then we'll go I'll just only do the Stephen Libby segment where I just blast even for things legitimately I might DM some of you guys see if I could you get a green screen you're up see alright guys so I so I would not recommend the huija bobber sending me more money i've definitely enough yeah anyone crossbow no I'm only like 40 away I mean I could down efore buster or faster this boy isn't fast enough I'll say I'm gonna put another alright there you go Steve I gave them enough money to get faster reload and then even probably yeah we're fine nice nice well more layers at another 120 or 150 dollars you're a big boy no get there eventually no if you lawns you'll be able to get it what was everyone here's like job that they did as a kid yeah I would mow lawns I would walk dogs I had a lemonade stand occasionally I would help clean yard you see now forget a lot of stuff probably most profitable has to be shoveling snow see I lived in Texas no raking raking leaves was a big one especially in like September unless you've got the pine trees in your yard you just deal with so much leaves I was really young between like six and ten I did it off for a couple years what we used to do is I lived right near by a golf course so I would go over into the you know like the gross detention basin where all the sewage water goes through your nose whatever Gophers would hit their golf balls in there they never wanted to go get them because well that's absolutely gross but not when you're like 10 years old so me and my friends would go and go into the detention basin and go and pick up at night all the golf balls get tons of ticks of his grouse and get all the golf balls that they no longer wanted and then we'd sit outside the next day with a stand along the side of the golf course and we'd sell the golf balls back to the golfers for literally an infinite profit margin because we didn't pay anything for the golf balls except with our lives I mean I got so many ticks growing up but I probably I probably don't have Lyme disease or anything and so yeah and we would just sell it we'd sell it back to them and sometimes we'd have lemonade stand out there as well but mostly we just we just sold you know requisitioned golf balls it's property of the state now that's pretty good Jerome not gonna lie yeah good profit margins well I got caught up in the boy scout so most of my time was spent selling popcorn oh so people use your free labor how's that legalized just like how is that legal and how can I get in on this that was one of the gigs we tried shoveling snow for a while but the problem is the grown-ups would beat us to it cuz there was like an actual like like like what's from the company well yes like a lot of like the yards around here like their company would come by like people would like pay them to trim the grass or pick up their leaves like so he was a local like landscaping company they would always come by cuz I guess didn't have a lot of business in the winter and nothing to do so they would always swing through the local neighborhoods and and shovel snow it was like alright we're competing against literal professionals like it's not gonna my buddy he had a four-wheeler so I'd hop on the back of his four-wheeler and we would literally go like five miles in every direction and just hit every single house we pulled Laurens insane I used to have so much fun doing it and he'd just be like oh yeah here you get the sidewalks while I get the actual driveway firm firm firm because he had a plow on the four-wheeler so it took and then he's like what you're not done yet and I'm like listen we're gonna need some upgrades on things who needs money and how can I give them this money actually we saved that pretty well at the end I get the biggest one if last five thousand one thousand I like that price tag a lot more here's mm yeah flashbangs pretty good for one thousand it is very good flash bomb of course where the flash mob does nothing to him that's great I'm holding them off I want to get my first crossbow master but is the rest of the money that's a lot of money it's only twenty thousand six it's only twenty thousand oh yeah those are my gigs growing up beside it really so I was able really mow lawns because they had a professional service that would hit up the neighborhood they had same service that would you know do the snow shoveling business I had I did add the golf ball and sometimes lemonade stamp is what else was there I mean this Fight Club count oh no no no Vale oh it is not count that's criminal it drops you instead of oh you did put the other one down okay good yeah I was gonna say you could always just do that he got me good then at middle school there was a bit of a lull and then I started doing YouTube in eighth grade which at the time didn't pay anything but I was coming to eighth grade yeah when I was 14 I started my 12 year anniversary was March 30th actually pretty wild Wow they can't get rid of me [Laughter] that famous evil wolf of Wall Street two years later thrown in jail this home oh man we're taking about big time here okay I get my sick of it at a research facility soon so that's good should I get another flash bomb or save her for sticky bomb for Moab's I'm sticky Bob probably actually actually that's so imperative that I'm going to give you the money you need to get that here you go yay the night my job you've know you're Jerry no on the night I'm Bette you're Jerry yeah I can be whatever I want to be Batman you know that money don't you me know Bruce man or bat Wayne Oh Bruce Mac Mac wait Robin Hood Robin Grayson about Batman and Robin why was his name Robin like that's just literally a regular name oh oh I know this by man and Jacob it was his stage name whenever Richard Grayson was part of the flying Grayson's which is a circus acrobatic group people need money know what told me this round said drunk can I have some money shuffle my weight we wouldn't be in every wound edge of stuff for $3,000 all right yeah did you just use the money you got and immediately spend it on upgrading your more I'll put it aside delete your thing I'll put it down for you I'll take out like the bullet cause you're a bully no no no no it's fine I thought you gave me money I'm sorry and there you go Steve so that should offset the amount that you weren't able to spend okay so we all spent it yeah yeah I think you might have to do two to the middle as well player two Oh to the mid yeah I couldn't even afford to do mitts here we go I think that your bats have been off okay I'm gonna go ahead and put this down right there here Louie there we go and how much this thing helps this thing hits so much the ice and you're putting it right on the top of the sticky bomb area yeah I just moved it so they can hit a little more and now we have the night by the way he has ultravision so you can hit camos but I didn't upgrade laser blast because I want him to be able to hit the purples unless you guys think you can act like actually hit the purple as well enough I don't know about that chief I'm very afraid of getting a 1/10 this is not gonna be easy we if we have legend of the night it'll be possible but without legend of the night it's like chieftain she can see a little easier if I could have a crossbow we can't afford that right necklace Jerome you're already almost there I believe you want to give me your money right now I would have it it's gone actually I only have $500 Oh beep it uh poppity we say that every time then we always let them beeping I'm a banker right yeah almost has the money back it's finally know why you're saying isn't thinking that I'm doing something bad here out here not playing as the banker and you guys are all living in squalor and I'm rich I don't know what I'm doing wrong it's method acting dropsy and then I complain because I'm out of money and you guys get to bail me out could you send me money no no okay drop see here take more rebelling you're just evil to me thank you but no I gave you money on purpose for battling Stephen all right here we go drop see now you can have your money because now you can start going out the money okay drops you can also get to crossbow masters as well yeah I know please see my other ones set up ready to go just been sitting here there you go now you have enough money water i crossbow messed up oh man getting these two your five is gonna be great and then after that point doesn't mean all about the night the night our starring that I didn't say three thousand dollars do you think Batman would start a show about himself the question is that sir it's a reality West is it reality TV it's been reality it's back to reality TV I would pay good money for a superhero reality TV show though I think Batman's reality TV exactly a parody out there somewhere you know they did in the ventures cartoon like years ago where really did show a lot of background scenes with them just chillin an Avengers Tower and Hulk's a foodie go figure source if he likes tacos oh yeah you'll love stockings okay I've got twenty eight thousand dollars didn't have your mother once it goes okay bill you get better bomber than ignore Steve master-blaster yeah there you go Steve my money any I didn't realize did your monkey can go any route in this challenge so Vale you could get three of them to to your five I could yes but then I wouldn't be throwing bombs well yes but once you get that one too you can get all the tier five yeah you can get a bunch of different to cover everything I don't know I kind of like the idea of bombs here you go Steve yeah there we go so dropsies max Steve you're maxed on everything I guess if you want to start we'll just keep giving it to be able to get three tier fives and then not gonna do that they're not pies they're bops something else yeah it was and that isn't like the first or second season of Sponge Bob it was one of the very walk that except for my memory when spongebob had to accept his oh my god that was really deep that was season 2 episode 24 even spongebob it was Squidward's I had to accept SpongeBob's death and he felt bad and I liked all maybe Squidward it is nice and then at the end he was still mean and over okay it comes out in 2000 and it came out January 2001 so it's almost twenty years old want to know how old I was no not even a year old and here you go Vale so now you can go ahead and get the I give some to Steve accidentally but there you go now you can go ahead and get your other tier five that's good why not pop off we are making some serious cash Cal trips oh my gosh look at all the Cal trips okay who needs the leftovers I need to get the legend of the night which is gonna be $200,000 drops here right no wallah no this is just mine now this is a movie there we go now you got one too many times don't bail you out oh you're Billa sell things no well well well we are making some big old progress here III think honestly even without the legend of it without the legend of the night I think we would probably lose from wave 102 actually you know what yeah I still have 102 but with the legend of the night I'm pretty confident we're gonna be able to crush past 110 probably even people on going from there but also I looked at this guy put a set amount of challenge on the level it's like most people don't say anything and then we just go out right we're go to wave 80 or 100 you picked 110 guys all right now I guess they scared though what if he picked it for a reason right now I'm so confused I just give Jerome money enough for the legend of the night and then 50,000 of it just disappeared what happened what'd you do I didn't have north champion dark champions 50 so I thought you had dark champion already champion the last time I saw ya what I had Dark Knight no I had the night legend of the night will come in three words no Gavin now should I get an hour do you guys want to test that see if we get 200 without it we probably can get 200 hundred without it we definitely can to crossbow masters and to crossbow masters and all those and we already have legend in the night I think we'll be okay well if that's the case then here you go Velo is 43,000 while you buys himself some bombs okay constipated he sounds like an enemy like a boss battle in Borderlands oh my gosh like you guys remember boom boom he sounds like them yeah exactly okay then I know him yeah yeah yeah all these guys mm sounds like the name a kid would give like a stuffed pig oh I see there so I got Legend of the night oh you may bring us the legend of the night wasn't even used your own he wasn't but I knew betrayed so more more yeah I mean bail I'm just keep giving you money to get more blonds more Brahms is there a fair point we're gonna stop putting down towers drop C okay okay I love the fan belt nitroglycerin in the morning knew that on live TV I don't know I don't know the rules on that so we're just makes me feel laughs oh that's a big ten-four yikes for me oh my gosh we're just shredding them right now here's some more money for bombs yours aren't as cool yeah my turn in yes yeah ninya business guys I'm on fire today he is Mel you're on a heater right now buddy its bales yeah the dance round of applause where they made you like do the circle with your claws you have to move your arms and you're like this is our a tire Oh sort of theater exercises that you're just like oh man I don't want to do this anymore oh yeah what was theater like mail Oh theater was fun until like you're the only person who commits to a bit on stage in front of an audience and it just fell flat oh that's so sad what at the same time I got to be Drake the Buckner Annie and I got to be like pip-pip cheerio Bob's your uncle and whose was wasn't Annie in America why'd you sound like Drake comes alert is canonically British Oh I'm Susie yeah you don't know I had to do like a character analysis for him I was I was the best Drake the butler ever Drake the butler served in the military in the past and immigrated to America and got picked up by Daddy Warbucks did you just say daddy robot any parody that's daddy roebucks yes daddy anything I'm so disappointed I can't even say anything well guys we beat around 100 oh wow this is still kind of scary it's getting dicey here but well so far we're holding that strong Steve's got a lot of big boom-boom towers Vail you've got a lot actually don't feel you could use some more bombs here you go well you can use more by us okay I think I can feel like one over here after midnight it's gonna explode spongebob you guys remember that krabby patty episode we're squared or date too many we've got really thick think about that episode yes how many seas would you use in that oh there's at least like 17 in that one oh man it's got some hips for days there we go guys the imposter night Oh Oh what why all what why an imposter cuz he's here drop cu5 I feel like it's out so here you go go one sure it's not just one of the different Batman's that there are nope now it's the imposter of the imposter see he's really he's only Tier three Liam pasta being pasta and there is wave 110 and we are about to have crushed the challenge here not a lot of reinforced DDT's but they've really just didn't stand a chance and here comes the regular Moab's oh no they got a PID at the end of that track that's bad I'd see what you did there cuz VAD spells good okay there we go Marty you know it's actually very funny the c-4 that it throws on the Moab's changes size depend on how big it is so the be ideal it really throws a c4 the size of the monkey itself never noticed that no bye-bye
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 666,427
Rating: 4.939405 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: bPMH295y1ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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