Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Healing Towers ONLY Challenge | JeromeASF

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you know the old saying a good defense makes for a good offense well we're gonna be putting that to the test and today we're doing the medic challenge but you're probably wondering what does that mean well pretty much for all you be using towers that can get you extra lives as time goes up so we're gonna be using the helicopter through the middle route which has awesome care packages that drops in extra lives or money remember the middle root of the druid which puts vines all over the tracks that help you get lives every single round weirder the bottom root of the banana farm which is the market place which if you didn't know already actually gives you extra lives if you have a monkey knowledge point for a hint we have the monkey knowledge point and then we have Benjamin which is a hero that just literally gives you extra lives all right but you know what I do know is that one of our last videos boom we got on trending and that was thanks to you guys hitting that like button you smashed it so many times over 10,000 so today I'm gonna set a challenge for you 11,000 likes how do we do it and if we don't get it that Steve said he's gonna eat a bowl of cereal with vinegar yeah he's crazy he'll do it yeah I know I've heard crazier things right Steve yeah sure whatever you say I can't be helicopter boy I want to be fly boy yeah you can be flying okay good I have no money can I have money for fly boy who's everybody blades gonna be the drew well you could be Benjamin because you're the one that Benjamin chose it's up to you add your bet you have Benjamin chose blade do you want to be Benjamin no no he's not Benjamin go go thank you finally jeez Steve you are the band farm good yes so give me money okay well I wanna help monies so that you can do something I got a helicopter near okay can we give me money now though I mean you're probably a Benjamin now so you can start leveling up though but helicopters guy okay yeah yeah probably probably Benjamin first Steve sorry buddy Big John button here you go Vale so Vale how does it feel to know that you're going to be obsolete after you put down Benjamin how much is Benjamin it's honestly a relief because like now I don't have to do my job I love it no I should mean to be fair you do have your one ability to get you cash Oh wouldn't even choose a thing I say we try to beat wave 80 the challenge is at 80 because the fact that we don't have any high damaging towers and after that point killing zombies is gonna be crazy but if we beat 80 we'll just keep it freerunning and see how far we can get it sound like a good plan everyone well but I'm gonna play the Moab's there you go Steve so a good thing as well as they didn't say we have a limit on the amount of towers we can get as long as we keep going the middle routes for each of us so plate get as many druids down the middle route as possible i'll get as many smella copters down the middle route as possible and sure about what having that many druids okay as well I'm just I'm just thinking you know Julie's have been the cause of a lot of a lot of crashes smella copters it is smell the copters can banane a farm go any route or just middle I think of that's to go bottom for marketplace or to get the lives so in the future we've been smellivision you know how people have like background music tracks sometimes like royalty free tracks kind of like what it's probably playing at this exact moment right now well what do you think the royalty-free smells are gonna be like what would your what would your videos smell like fail my video probably Isis barbecue Texas barbecue Doritos and Mountain Dew I knew it see I would go for more of like a mint chocolate chip ice cream you know I could think about it mmm I'm not awake enough do you think there's gonna be royalty-free smells for smellivision oh I'm gonna lose it in a second I've been trying to as played and every time he answers everybody talks her room you said marketplace right yeah you have to do marketplace okay this is just like every time I'd be like blade but that somebody would say something oh my god oh so can't be be if you have money this is mended our way well I've been giving it the Steves so that he can just get multiple farms yeah I know smart okay cool cool I mean it doesn't matter who you send it to just making sure you know then somewhere just make sure you don't have any money you don't got to do oh why we have to order - oh my god science it rules gotta love smile smile science yes that is a real negative smell science so Steve were you're really gonna put vinegar in a bowl of milk no no you mean a bowl of milk that's not even what you said a bowl sorry he's just gonna pour an entire red wine vinegar thing into a bowl of cereal Oh Steve gross dude we're never would not have milk in it if it's a bowl of cereal it's got milk no one said he that I was gonna replace the milk with cereal wait wait something else blade are you positive that a bowl of cereal is both cereal and milk and not just the cereal cereal but a bowl of cereal 50 bucks yeah well now you know you know you let a camel go through because of your hubris I don't even know what that word god's saying but no one want to listen to poor ol Jerri only ones I can get the lead camos no drum you've just been yapping the whole episode yapping wait what do you mean I'm the only one who Kate let's let camos I can't hit lead camos you gotta go razor rotors okay so we need hey look at that we're changing the challenge already so we have no choice but to have at least one razor rotor on the field I would say I'm sorry but I didn't make the challenge okay but now we actually do have a choice they'll otherwise be just strip loose around 28 that's where it happened right there I mean I'll get him when I get the spirit of the forest oh well you have 42 that's a long way away well the lead camels come up wave 49 or 50 9 and it okay a challenge for nothing technically speaking let's start giving them money I think you'll be able to get right well I need about 46 grand okay you think I think you can get that it might be harder if you think I can get that it's good no one said it was gonna be easy I I don't remember was 49 or 50 900 if it it to the guy the big cheese in order to make money I need to spend money though give it to the big cheese give it to the big cheese I like cheese I mean is it if it's 59 that I'm not worried if it's 49 that I'm worried is any of those food star defense six charts on them you know what I keep it in my back pocket next to my pictures of my family no it's okay I found it wave 49 is not wave 59 is lead kammo's so you have to weigh 59 all right well yeah 40 grams I mean I'm actually not concerned about that I'd really think we're gonna be fine don't you what I am concerned about is how in the world we are going to eat here's the thing though DDT SR LED cameras yeah the challenge is also willing to get to wait what going to 100 I mean I know we can but we're worried about 80 right now okay so uh uh I don't think that's gonna be enough to take out the Moab does anyone have anything like money there you go I've been given blade all my money so he's got ten grand I got a sinking helicopter yeah I think to Ella copters will be enough to take out it see the bowl app is dead and so are more dreams I mean what there we go keep going yay why is it frozen yay did anybody else notice that Val got the little title thing for most generous oh I was that possible I gave you so much money well apparently I've been doing from the beginning of the batches getting away money yeah affair yeah he has the biggest heart Steve you won't get it by the end of this video oh yeah you're gonna crush it Steve thank you whoever gave me that for down-drift if you want to get me a support shin okay money someone gave me money and I used it it's never coming back I don't know if you know this but I was named most generous in my high school bloom career really no that wasn't nice okay cuz I was the most nervous in high school blues career yeah I would agree with that statement a little nervy this is another 20 grand to go yeah you don't think you're gonna get that in 14 waves I don't know that it'll be enough but you said that your guy can stop blood camos I've said that I said hit them well yeah so you can stop them hitting them and stopping them are two different thing yes you can stop them feels I can just hear his blood pressure rising right now plate plate plate plate plate plate there we go look three of them oh you want a fourth one is that what you want mmm give me a fourth there you go buddy I want to get some care package ones running and special operations special some operations is really good that's his last upgrade right there and it deploys a machine gun monkey ooh can you let me get that next Steve after you get blade his thing [Music] thank you her I don't know where you think all this money is coming from because I have not been able to upgrade my father's what do you mean you've already got plated 33 grand you're doing great you're doing great kid yeah yeah I mean actually like like he's gonna get there soon enough I think me and Vail gave him our money right if we all gave him our money actually we can get it here you go here's my money blade don't spend it all in one place but actually do because we need you to get the spear to the forest okay let's tell them what they're you guys yeah look at them oh my god ice go cool can I have money now oh please I'm a good person sometimes please and then I'm gonna get support but books and and all sorts of crazy things all the crazies I want to set up ten techbots as well I want to have 10 of these helicopters going at all times it's gonna be her ass what Steve wanted he just wants a central market well Steve we need money exactly that's my pony you know Steve gets mad sometimes that it scares me he really does though I know what he's a scary man I see something happening what's happening what's happening what's happening over there with those robots I'm getting ready because as soon as I get the care Pat other support should've taken calling care packages mmm I just need money for my friends who are hoarding money from me I'm getting myself a central market here's five grand thank you here's another two grand thank you I need 14 more grand I'll get special operations here we go guys wait 59 will blades let abilities work or was he just a liar find out tonight at 9:00 again I didn't say I would stop him only that that it would do something can you give me some money because my special some operations guy might be able to do it there so please you definitely lied because that is not hitting them at all so we need to have at least one razor rotors sorry everyone we don't really have a choice in the matter someone give me money now or else we are all wait what anyone nobody has any money we have the only stock Oh special operations oh that was lucky hey so it did work ha that was my plan all along ha ha you've all been tricked I'm surprised that the spirit of the forest can't hit him because he can hit camos but special small variations can haha backup yeah we could yeah yeah I think it actually was I think word is lagging or someone one person no I okay how crazy is that those special Papa Richards what Intel it really is an awesome ability really is isn't it all right Steve I guess you want to get one of your tier fives then don't I don't even have a tier 4 yet okay Steve okay why you slacking yeah be don't yell at us because you slag me to yell do you want me to leave this game right now here you go Steve the banker need me to send him money yeah he's got a broke it's not very good at being I'm going to rage quit in a minute did you imagine though if you wouldn't do to get like into the bank there's like ways that Steve rage quitting okay no Jose oh no Steve I didn't know we were making you that bad but like the teller behind the counter says like hey man can I borrow 5 bucks how uncomfortable you be if you deposited like 20 bucks of the banker something the guy at the teller just goes hey may I borrow like 5 books of that what no no that's my money hey Steve calves someone I'm kidding Steve of getting a kidding I'm sorry I'm sorry he was actually making a lot of money with my druids right now so nice guys the money I sent Steve oh but I mean I can send you guys money I don't need the the monkey Wall Street and I mean we really don't need that much more money well I just want to get some support Chinooks going and and more helicopters the better that's what I always say does this support you don't have any parents of abilities that make it do more damage or no mmm I don't think so I think I accidentally sent all I wanted to well I only have 2000 so I'll send it Steve also we got uh what is it so we've got to care packages now online I think we got wave 80 in the bag I just don't know if we're gonna make enough support Chinooks it'll take out the DDT's but actually the DDT's can only bear hug the dvds will only be able to eat HIPAA special operations guys so correct that's gonna be a pain correct by already a permit as I hope you're ready oh I'm always ready I was born ready that's my middle name but Steve you don't got to worry about me for now let's get you let's get you a monkey Wall Street and all the other let's get all your central markets in one monkey Wall Street has that sound buckaroo it sounds good to me well I jeez your roam you mean it I mean it here's a grand there you go Steve you get another Central's market thanks and now let's read the down if Steve one day can maybe get the can get the buck Wall Street maybe one day you know maybe one day not probably not today though I see some other druids over there huh yeah we're making some good money over here I'm pretty much just hoarding off of all the banks nice it's not a bad call yeah that's right cuz your ability so using a biblical jungles bounty and the more banana farms near him the more the Druids make Perowne so do we need more support Chinooks or should I just be getting the razor rotor guys probably rotor sorry downdraft downdraft because if support Chinook doesn't get him a passive ability then I don't think money's the problem you know yeah the biggest problem is genuinely going to be getting well pretty much only one tower not even a tower only one special ability of one tower can hit the DDPs and that's the special proper Asians so the the thing is gonna be I have to time it perfectly when he drops so around wave 89 88 I have to unhook that ability I need to remember to do that or else we all die oh we're almost a 79 true well we are making some big cash accidentally upgrade one of those guys too far there we go I'm almost to uh you know the Wall Street nice they're good working buddy look at us go and we have eleven hundred and fifty five lives Wow we have so many lives that's more that might be one of the highest amounts we've ever gotten just keep in mind well sure thousand it slows down so much Wall Street Wall Street yeah so he needs money now I mean just me to put down these guys I believe or bail to level up Benjamin well Benjamin help us or hurt us okay well Benjamin help us please come on now water on Willie level up everybody coming next one is income increased to five hundred per round that's kind of chump change at this rate that's something I mean I have $22,000 hear your drum you know check if you put that a farmer you'll automatically pick up upgrades I thought we just proved that no it works okay I will try it out there we go I have my farmer down hey it worked that's cool I didn't realize that I thought it didn't work when we tried it one time no I told you it'd work who used to believe me it doesn't work forever it will everywhere on the map or only if it lands in that area I mean only if the lesson is radius okay I don't know if like maybe it like it attracted them to that area then after that point that's a lot of helicopters yeah and we're not stopping there Vail also we beat the challenge I totally just realize that so now we're just so yeah we crushed it so challenge complete medic challenge easy we're going out to see how far so far the best defense is making for a good offense gentlemen I think I know how we can be level 100 just as timing timing special popper ations right is really all it comes down to my gosh blade-play what was wrong oh my gosh the pain I love it more we need more the game is totally gonna crash there's no way this game is not crash well there you have it how do you like me now you're alright yeah good dude glad that we really turned this recording around where you guys hated me in the beginning we never hate you there we go i unlinked my special operations guy in that way I could time it for all the DDT rounds so basically we've 90 he's got to be used then we let him have a little bit of a break until 93 then he breaks till 95 then he breaks all the way to 99 well Jerome have you spent your money I don't really have anywhere else I can put it I mean I'll get the support she looks actually in case there is a passive boost you never really know do you so so I'll just get him just in case yeah keep setting them Steve sometimes you just don't know but we are getting ready everyone's this is gonna be at Special Operations needs to be timed just right for wave 90 here we go alright alright alright alright nuts we beat the primary challenge can't we beat the bonus challenge here it comes is it is it isn't it yeah no he didn't he didn't do it he did it yes we beat 90 keep it up gentlemen keep it up now he seemed oh he did it I'm not gonna lie I actually am like very pleasantly surprised that we actually were able to do that somehow but I feel like the next DDT round is gonna be done toast toast Torino yeah yeah that was three DDT's and they almost made it through like yeah I'm with you there oh my my they're making it far but the defensive squad is wouldnĂ­t we're too good for two Ansem it's all the Truitt's honest now we got Jedi Knight marlis can I have money no no germ gets it I'm not even spending it nobody called in my special popper it note nevermind I was gonna say I caught him in too early but looks like I called him in just in time they lose we survived lives we had it applies let's go defense defense defense defense I cannot believe that that worked ok guys keep it up I'm gonna keep calling in extra lives for us support chinook support Chinook more support Chinooks more lives I can't believe none of us realize that with the sheer amount of lives we had there's a small chance we might actually beat it just because they get through but it can't kill us or out of support Chinooks gentlemen one today we're not out of ice yet six seven cold it I waited as long as I could that's that's that came that's good yeah well GG everyone we did all we could with the medic challenge and I think we surpassed anyone's wildest dreams of that
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 601,000
Rating: 4.9696279 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: kL4xsq2Ko0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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